HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-21, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY SSL hlllllllllllllllllllllUMilllMlllllllllllim Used Cars .............' ' ................. ; Whipped Coach, 19|/\....... $450.00 Ford, T&'or 192g/.,............. $300,00 Ford ............ $50,00 SA^DY ELLIOT FOrWpEALER, EXETER, ONT. phone House 42 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii COATES VS. HAWKINS His Honor Judge Lewis recently gave judgment in this action for Paul Contes against the defendants for the amount of his promisor/ note and costs. J, W. Morley act­ ed fpr Paul Coates and J. C. Makins ’ K. C., Of Stratford and John J. Hag­gard, of Seaforth, acted,/or the Exe­ cutors of the late Joseph Hawkins. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.3Q Oats 5 pc. Barley 70c, Manitoba Flour $3.65 Blend Flour $3.65 pastry Flour $3.65 Feed Flour $2,15 Brai>.$1.75 Shorts. $1.75 Creamery Butter 47c. Dairy Butter 40-43c, Eggs, Sggs, Eggs, Hogs,-*———**- r~<! CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 a.mi.—-Sunday School. A Services as usual at 11 a,m» and 7 p.m. conducted by „ REV. \V. T, CRANSTON, B.A., of Tottenham Sunday and the Sunday fob the occupants of the pulpit candidates ’ for a call and extras 38c, pullets 32 c. seconds 24c, $10.25. **•*.<*■• -O locals t--- ----s " Grocery specials during the month Of Februa^jjm Ford’s Grocery, SKATING SATURDAY H’N i TENDANCE Next lowing will be every member and adherent should hear them morning and evening. On Monday evening, March 4th, the congregation will meet to con­sider a call. * NOTICE TO HYDRO AND WATERWORKS CUSTODIERS In future all .accounts will be pay­ able the ,$ydro Office. Office hours| during^ payment period from 10 a.bl. p.m. Last discount date, w^ii§»n is the 12th of the month, will be strictly enforced. Public Utilities Commission ‘ ■-.....-1*1'” .......'”7- The Town .^o'cltey team will play againsW^^S'cliooI girls on Mom day night^s^ WANTEDy-H^a^from owner with good (arm for^ie, Cash price, par­ ticulars. D, F. I Bush, aiinneopolm, Minn. , 2-21-2tp. ---------------- LOST—Betyeen ^tkfeter and Cred- iton, a complfetejXpare tire size 32. 405 and cover,/'Apply to Times-Ad- v 2-21-tfcvo cate. WANTED.—Young n^an for book­ keeper, and stockkep^'er. Must, be capable of handljnj/a set of books. Apply Sandy Elliott, Ford Dealer, Exeter. ,.—_—_., —..— FOR SALE-—At Centralia, 6_room brick cottage^ with $Vbry convenience one acre of land Mlth good orchard; garage, stable./chicken house. Pos­ session in -0^1. Apply Mrs. ■'*' ~ Harmon, Hensall. 2- A- FAVORABLE COMMENT FROM • CLINTON UNITED CHURCH Ralph Gordon’^ program on ivion- ,y night last, Was an inspiration, j gave, a refined and very enter- JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavisIi, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. .Organist and Choir-Leader .^ll'n.m.—‘The Compassion of Jesus’ 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—-“The Hidden Treasure or Pearl of Great price.” Meeting of the Session following the morning service, o Tuesday evening the Y-P-&. of El- imville will be our guests and will furnish the program, Our people will provide games and lunch. Let' have a good time together. da Hl „ ,s tainingi program and is a concert company in himself. Hear him at Main Street church this Thursday ev­ ening at 8 o’clock. X MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA A Story-Telling Copfest for-hoys and girls nf the public school will be held in Senior’s JTall on Tuesday, February «26th Ft. 8 p.m. under the auspices /of Hie Womeni’s Institute. A musiqal Mr°Branl is also being given. Admission 10c. Come and encourage the boys and girls. Smith was called to Sar­ to the illness of her bro- 0. Dayman, of Seaforth/ Exeter on Thursday and H. D. ■14-tfc Ex-WANTED-—Ford Salesman, perience helpfuH but Mot necessary. Must be honest fand/ambitious. This is a good pro pi who can devot* is not afraid of^vork. Sandy Elliott, Ford Dealer, Exeter. .. land/? position for someone V Ins, whole time and FOR SALE—Bedroom set in good condition. AppI/' at Times-Advocate. 2-14-tfc FOR SALE—A^uantity of green body beech r$vo0d Sweitzer, ShipWa. Apply William W ARNING TO FARMERS If you have harness that -needs repairing^ have i^/done now, do not wait untif spT'in^and then expect to have it done tlie same day you bring it in. .Lpol^after this NOW and you will notz.xbe disappointed in the' spring. If you wish toJfuy, sell or rent a farm see R. FXPickard, Exeter. GOATS Fprr;§ALE—Male or fe­ male—AppBr Rpsa/Hern, Granton, RjR. No. Kirkton 4 r 13.1 2-14-2tp. — ---------~.yx; FOR SALE—Registered Hereford bull calf, aged lO^ionths, extra fine animal. ApdlvXo John Hirtzel, R. 1, Creditdir; Phone 36 r 3. 2/14' R, tfc FARM FOR SALE—1 OF acres Lake Road, Lot 13 N. 1^; ofc Stephen Twp., orchard, bank l^rn about 34x 40 feet; lan^L suitable for mixed farming or pasture?/ immediate pos­ session. . Apply ts iM*. W. Pfaff in Exeter or Hqrac^ Pfaff, R. R, No, 1, Hay* f-/ ^-21-2tc FARM FOR SALE—-,Soventj" acre farm for sale of re>n. One mile east of Mt, (iirmel,jfank barn, large white brickJhoUs^r track, well and Windmill, ffilosafto church and high school, ‘ Apjilv/to Dennis Mahoney, R. R. No. S'^Yi'lSaM^yaig, FOR/SAL good ,4rass l^n failing weljs in Fsbojm^ BbUjlMry an ply J. A. Too London, Onta on suitable for mixed ■14-2tc 11 3 7 ’ Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston —“Everybody’s Sermon” -Our Church School > . •“The Peculiar ,Sin of Unbe- . a.m. p.m.~ p.m.— lief.” 7:30 This Wednesday evening our Praise Service. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Junes. Rector First Sunday in Lent a.m.—Matins and Litany. Sermon -Sunday School -Evensong 11 3 p.m.- •7 t p.m.- acres neverclay loam, itli windmill; located whship, Corner south, sixth concession. Ap-' ey/460 CheapsMe St, o.’ ' 2-14-ftc Hogarth hatchery It is now time to bo thinking about youi* brooders, chicks etc. for this season, wo ate now running1 our machines and can supply your neods. Our learlqad of! brooders, feeders and ajl poultry Supplies will b© hero iit a few ddys, ; Come in and talk dyer yottr nded^. and ask for our prices. find tiiom very reasonably ttw'we give yott We bTso carry Block «f fetogartlt’s Lay. Mash, • Royal Purple AH Monarch Lay Mash, Bone, Moat,- ' .......... ......... . “ ..... Livor Meal, Mml'M&J, Fish Meal, Cod 01i> Charcoal, lAJfalfa Leaf Good Friday comes on March the 29 th and Easter the last day of March. Mrs, G- J. Cochrane spent a couple of days with London friends last • week. Mrs." G. nia owing ther. Mr,. H. visited in Friday last. Mr. Wni. Gillespie has been ;con- . fined to his home for several days through illness. Miss Stella Souhcott left Friday last to visit for a couple of weeks in Toronto and Montreal. Mr. David Wilson,, of Dresden, visited his cousin, Mr. Stephen Po­ well, on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs.' Dan Austin returned home after spending a week in London, with her mother Mrs. Bloomfield. Mrs. W-ni. Vale visited her -dau­ ghter, Mrs. Wni. McDowell, of Den- field, for a couple of days last week. Mr. Wm. L. Butler, of London, ar­ rived in town Monday morning * on his way to visit his mother in Cro­ marty. Mr. and- Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers left Tuesday for Hamilton where Mr. Beavers will attend the Hardware dealer’^ convention. ' • ' Mrs. G. I-Iock'ey returned home pn Thursday last after visiting lor sev­ eral weeks with relatives in Lans­ ing, Mich. - f Mrs. J. S. Motz, of London, -who has been visiting with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Cecil Skinner, is confined to her bed with the flu. Mr. George Mantle has been con­ fined to his bed for several weeks from the effects'of the flu. It is hoped that he will soon be around again. Miss Gladys Smith underwent an operation for- appendicitis in Dr. Fletcher’s hospital on Monday. Her many friends covery. Miss Betty Mr. and Mrs. quite ill on Sunday, pleased to state she was considerab­ ly improved on Monday. Mrs. Aidworth, of Minneapolis, Minn., in renewing her subscription to the Times-Advocate says that she enjoys the paper very much and is always looking forward for the next- one. Friends here will be glad to hear of the reported recovery-of Mrs. P. Ogden, nee Dot Gillespie, of the West, who has undergone a series of operations for goitre. Miss Ida Gillespie, formerly of Exeter, is with her. Master Billy Kydd went to De­ troit Monday '£o visit his parents. His grandmother Mrs, Jolinatham Kydd accompanied him as far as Ldndon where she will visit her dau­ ghters Mrs. Hedden and MM Bloom­ field, Mr. c, AV. Christie, who' for sev­ eral Vocks has been, convalescing from the effects of the flu which he found difficult to shake off, has been advised.by his physician to keep his bed for a couple of weeks. ,His many friends will hope, for’ liis speedy recovery. Miss Annie L.. Sanders returned Tuesday from a teit-days’ visit with friends in Lambeth and London, She was aocompanled homo by her sis* tor Mrs, McAvoy, who spent the past month in Lainbeth, owlttg -to the iH- noss and oottsequent death of Mr« L V, MIHson, SAIA AT1ON ARMY Services all da^^Sunday, Febru­ ary 24th,hin theM’alvation Army Hall conducted byAJriga-dier and Mrs. T. Burton,/Divjmonal Commanders for ; this division. Morning, at 11 a.m. and evening at 7 p.m. All Welcome. .Seats free. SPECIAL ROOM LOT $L19 In medium and Pots sold regular place them on saW this week Hill IH WALL PAPERS▼ ▼ - x NOW is the Time to Re-decorate Your Walls Before the Paper Hangers get too Busy? We have Beautiful Papers to show you suitable for any room in your home. Ask to see them. Room. Lots of Wallpaper With enough in each bundle to Jo. an av­ erage size bedroom, Four good patterns to choose from, Dining room lots of Wallpaper These are our better Wall-Papers but have been grouped in room lots for quick sale. LOT $1.69 These beautiful all-wool blankets conieRh plain shades as well as four different combination colors in plaid. TJwy take the place of comforters and are easily washed. J ’ Fancy Plaid $7.50 I SINGER SEWJ&G MACHINES ELJ^TRTCd PORTABLE AND /TREADBE MACHINES 3:our Old ftlachhfe Taken in ' / Excbffnge REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY ( ' ANY MAKE ■ ■4 •/* d. J? McKinnon PHONE 85,^ EXETER,' ONT. GRAR^JoB^ALE—Mixed fe?jd and M^eyfTApply Mrs. E. French, DasMvood, pnt.. R. R. 2. .h^l-ltp.L....... xeter, oy Wednes- far large sized 'imes-Advocate. FOUND—In day an inner tire.Applj^ai CI BLEB AGENCY ---- thdXChrysler =5 wish her a speedy re- Hogarth. ’ Victor daughter of Hogarth was ■and we are NEW I h^aAm^faken over ... . Agency for, t/Hs district. Our show room is1 ■4wA/„dqoi,s weat^/of Dr, Steiner’s ve/eriiiary^ofclice on* Anne St. Wc will be glad to have you call and give us the -opportunity .of showing ypu the new Chrysler 1929 models.—Claris© Snell._# , A special meeting of jfie Home ■& School Association will#We held in the Town|Hall at 8 p day, February 27th t LittleproupSpector, discuss th#Subject of Penny Banks. | lj Mr. Liitleprot holies to meet a. fair repr|sentai/oh of the Associa­ tion and |if t i School Board, and of the parents^! the school children. He will afld/ess the schools in the afternoon. I % on Wednes- hear Mr. J. R. OntariojfPenhy Bank In- a of Hensall, s operator at of the Bank Mrs. J. H. Browning is visiting for couple of weeks in Wisconsin, Miss Caroline Wells, ofc Windsor, is visiting in town with relatives. I Miss Mary McKaig, has taken a position f the telephone central. Miss Greta Harness, of Monrteal staff, is confined to her home the result of the flu. Mr, T. S, Woods, manager of the Bank of Montreal, who has been confined to his home the result of an accident, is able to be up anji around. Rev. Ttfchard D. Hamilton, retir­ ed minister of the United church, died at his homo on the Pepper farm two miles north of Aylmer, op Sun­ day, February 17th in his 7th year? tie was at one time stationed in Fttl- kitten. v Rev. c, J. Moorhouse, sw in Clin* toil on Tuesday attending the fun* orhi of the lain Mrs, .Perry Plant* steel. Mrs, PhtrMfeM*® mdideii name was Miss Effie Rathwell, of Varna. 2 Doz. Betty Brown Tea Pots 50 pairs ^of Ladies’ Shoes 50 pairs of iLadijds’ High Laced Shoes.* Nearly all sizds WthisTot. A ’good shoe for winter wear./' TAKE YOUR PICK FOR $1.48 Stamped Mats i In qblong and oval shapes. We are showing a number of new patterns which -are proving very popular. PRICED AT 65c., 75c. and 85c. 50 PAIRS OF Strap Slippers and Oxfords A: clean up of some of our regular $5.00 and $5.50 lines. These are extra values AT PER PAIR $2.98 .V SPECIALS IN GROCERIES 2 tins canned “*Pineapple for......... 19c. Buy them by the box $2.25 . 5 pkgs. McLaren’s Jelly Powders for 25c. 2 pounds of Good Prunes for . . . 34c.' V.■fit," ■* Phonographs - Records 100 BLUE AMBEROLS (for. cylin­ der machines) to Clear at 15c. ea. 100 BLACK LABEL EDISON (5000 . class) to clear at 50c. each JJOOO class 75 c. each double records %$49.00. 3 CABINET IBISONS, disc, 1 ■ L ■ J LARGE BRUNSWICK with tWe _________t _. . . . ea. LARGE EMSON pl'ays 40 xfninute records $1^0,00. f 1 PORTABL^ EDISON reduced ' J------------ / ICE CREAM, BRICK./ & CONES; CUT FLOWERS TO ORDER PLANTS IJFrOTS ■Watch our|Saie Street Weekly on the e iK'oi’thJWiiidow Powell Wvariety Store “WHERE YOU SAVE” ..Phone,55 F SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (am# make) SINGLE EDGE ........................ DOUBLE? EDpE ............................... reyfeire Edge Guaranteed W. S: COLE, DRUGGIST S« 4c Buchanan, of Heft- a. position as ser- Mr. Sandy Elliott, Mr. Willard I sail, has taken vice man with Ford dealer. Mr. and Mrs. and family have from Winnipeg, boll has been engaged by Mr. Clar- ise Snell to handle the new Chrys­ ler De Soto Six, which • will be on display in Mr, Snell’s new garage on Ann St. ! SUNDAY SCHOOL STAFF ENJOY SUPPER The Sunday School staff of James St. United church held a supper and business meeting in the church par­ lors on Monday evening, over forty sat down to the tables which were, beautifully decorated and a sumptuous repast was served by a number of young ladies from the Young Ladles class, sapper a number songs’ were enjoyed IL Goulding. The furnished several selections. Geo. Williams in a few remarks gave some echoes from tlm recent Lay* men’s convention in Toronto, Var­ ious Sunday School problems' were dealt with and future work, both enjoyable Andrew Campbell returned to Exeter Mdn., Mr, Cam’p- Following the of community led by Mr, W, orchestra also Mr. plans wore laid for The evening was and inspirational £ ■ EXTRA FANTS for you, Men- FREE ! ------------.l ON------------ /Z' TUESDAY, MARpfl 5th Come and see Mr. P. R. King, head^dffice representative of the Berger Tailoring Company, Limited. Re’s bringing to this store a wonderful selection/of the finest a$a newest imported fabrics for Spring—also a complete range of $Uits and Topcoats already made up in the new styles. Mr. King ha/been authoiji^ed to offer an extra pair of pants FREE with eve#-- garment^/rdered during hisjStay here which will be limited to THURSDAY^ALIRCH 5th .only. Come-in now -see the hundreds of fabrics is showing, at a range of prices to suit every man—ami jnako^Ure of your Free Trousers. $24 w. PHONE 81w ■ Mp, tailored to your measure W. TAMAN ' EXETER, ONT. .■ Y FURNITURE AND FUNERAL SERVICE ALL THE LATEST LQUIjMeNT r. n/row$4nd t Jm. dioey . EMBAtMERS PIlbNE, BUSINESS SOW. Vi ff t ...house aoj. EXETER. ONT. Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL"' INSURANCE BROKER . / Repre§entlng Mutjial Life of Canada L^A^PireK Automobile, Etc. w r* Moulding A. T. O. M.y■ ' OfgifnJst and Choirmftster Jaiica St. Unfted Church l instruction in Plano iVocaLr Organ Theory Supervisor ofc JSusic tn Schools Studio, Box 57, Pbmno 1»1 EXETER. ONT. ELLIOTT’S CORNER GROCERY Just No^th of Metropolitan ■ J ./. Phone 25 for Service Von Imilji the®-filings we sell. We ndbd $bur patronage. We have Wything you want in life lino ofc groceries! fancy cakes, candies, coal oil and vinegar, THE NEW STORE r' Fiirmture aiid UntfbHaking HONOR GdUDUATRjOF ONTAlU# • HXAMINAtrOM BOARD pay, Night and/Sunday Calls ■ FhJtto St A Nd. 39 b chopper MODERN EQUIPMENT . KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE!