The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-21, Page 6J ferruabx M, p.iHi'iiiijimi.'R.i. . iwiwiysjiK. r— •< <cinrirx?T it DDirrC’ I SEEDS 11 rtv j V • fv?“ TT T!lr'I.:1 '•}'.;‘ •,'’<*'Tnr^m4'>rwTUp: t. <• ITHE EXETEkflMES-AQVQCATE "T YeurCardan Need* Z Steele, Briggs’ S«ed»/ " Said everywhere in Canada/ SEND FOR NEW- ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE / br« A.I i ft % r 1*/ I STEELE BRIGGS SEED C£J ^AWT MW HOUSt M TORONTO-HAMILTON-WINMIPW-RMIHA- IDMQNTON J ' • Ft ' . J>? *xAny sufferers from piles believe their particular cases areeither h^peles4;6r can only be relieved by U^is old herbal preparation not only -Kjiieve&jthe sufferer,butit acts upon, the caiise of the disease and effects a jEiuelimore lasting riddance than ojty other form of treatment. In the . past 20 years hundreds and hun­ dreds of men , women and children '^ve succeeded in clearing them- ueivesi%f piles with NATURES j ' 1 ferer,butit acts upon, PILE’REMEDY after giving up;- hope with other treatments. If you have piles, no "matter how stubborn, or hopeless they. T&W seem, give this remedy a trial’ It has proved successful in 97% of cases, to the great gratitude of thousands of users. Get a box from your druggist at once. Take accord­ ing to directions—if you are not satisfied with the results after, a fair trial, return the empty box and we will refund your money. Forest-Field Remedies, limited, Toronto a Hay Council ‘ The regular monthly • meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay Was held in the Town Hall, Zurich,? on Monday, February 4, 1929, with all members present except Mr. W, R. Dougall, who was absent on, ac- count of illness in the family. The minutes of the meeting held on Jan- nary 14th were adopted as read. The following resolutions were passed. That the report of the auditors for the yesar 1929 be adopted as pre- seated and that 7.5 copies be.printed for distribution among the public. That the report, plans, etc,, of G. A. McCubbin, civil engineer, relat­ ing to -the Ptsebe and Aux Sable Rivers Improvement -be received and that the said report, plans, etc,, will be read and considered at the meet­ ing of the-Council on (Monday, Mar, 4th, at two o’clock p.m. That McPherson & Makins, barris­ ters, etc., Stratford, be appointed so­ licitors for the Township of Hay.- That the resignation of T. R. Pat­ erson, as Township/Engineer, be ac­ cepted and that G. A. McCubbin, of Chatham, be appointed as engineer under the Ditches and Watercourses Act for the Township of Hay and that a By-law be prepared for pres­ entation at the March meeting con­ firming said appointment. That By-law No. 1, 1929 confirm­ ing apopintment of officials of the Township for the year 1929 be read three times and finally passed. That the account of T. R. Pater­ son, covering fee re urich Drain South and amounting to $325.00 he be referred to the Township solicitor for advice. Horticultural Society Premium List for 1929 Closes March 16t * CHOICE 1—SIX NAMED GLADIOLI/ PURPLE GLORY (Maroon) CRIMSON GLOW or MRS; DR. NORTON or ANNA EBERIUS (purple) /or GOLDEN GLORY MEMBERS ARE ENTITLED TO TWO C ICES 0 t Il . i ' ' ■ None genuine without the name A. W. Merrill COLE’S DRUG STORE ownershi That the following be appointed as Road Commissioners for the various Township Roads Divisions for the year 1929: Road No. 1—(a) M. M. Russell; (b) John Park; (c)» Sidney McAr­ thur. No. 2—(a) C. Aldsworth; (b) F. Corbett; (c) W. G. Bell. No. 3 —-(a) C. Aldsworth; (b) A. Mous- seau; (c) O. Koehler; No. 4—(c) E. Jarrott. No. 5—(a) W. Dearing; (b) T. Kyle;,(c) -S. Walker. .No. 6 — (a) S. Martin; (b) Jas. Rannie. No. 7-—(c) Fred Haberer. No. 8— (a) S. Hoffman; (b) W. Grenier; (c) John Oescli. No. 9—(a) R. Miller, (b) E. Gabel; (c) R. Geiger. No. 10—(a)' E. P. Datars; (b) E. J. Stire; (c) T. Ayotte. No. 11— (a) Wm. Fisher. No. 12—M. Turn­ bull. No. 13—P. Sch'ade. No. 14— J. Campbell, L. Kalbfleisch, E. Hen­ drick. No. 17-^-M. Corriveau. No. 18-—T. Dinsmore, A. L. Sreenan. Zu­ rich Police Village—C. Eilber. Dash­ wood Police Village—E. Gaiser. TI19 following -accounts were linss- T. Aytte, pay list $31.52; A. L.’ Sreenan, 'pay lijst $25.25; H. Krueg­ er, pay list $2.25; Telephone Accts.— A. Smith, auditor $2.00; Fred Hab­ erer, auditor $2.00; Zurich Central Switchboard $48.00; M. G. Deitz, salary and car $90.00; A. F. Hess, interest on'not^* $27.50; Northern Electric Co., material $51.25; Strom­ berg-Carlson Mfg> Co., supplies $10.- 45; Con. Telephone and supplies!ma­ terials $12.88; C. L. Smith,’ printing account $30.60; General accounts— J. A. Smith, auditor $10.00; Fred Haberer auditor $10.00; -Municipal World supplies $36.10; Bank’^ of Montreal, Zurich, tax ' collectibns $25.00; Tuckersmith Tele. Sys. l|al- ance 1928. rates $24.32; Dr. Dougall, account re Henry $'32.75; T. R. Pat­ erson, re-staking Black Creek $12^. The Council adjourned to meat again on M'onday, March 4th, at 1:3^ o’clock p.m. i A. F. Hess, clerk J EXPENSE is no longer an obstacle,; for Pontiac has introduced Big'jSix ajuality and performance into the low- fi rice cl six-cylinder field. Now almost everyone can enjoy, al low cost, the pleasures of Big Six ownership . . the surge of power from a Big^Six engine with G-M-R high-compression cylinder heady balanced crankshaft?and Harmonic Balancer . . the speed rimd smoothness of Big Six performance^ . « lhe luxury of big, roomy Fisher Bodies, with their modish anti massive beauty, Bieir rich upholsteries and appoint­ ments . . the Bafety of internal-exp|nd- mg four-wheel brakes . . and |the comfort of Lovejpy Hydraulic Shock Absorbers. y / 1 ■A4 Bl's a Big Six . . and a Bigger Vai Fee it at our showroom 1 p-ifij lue. ksc I Ulric Snell! . Exeter, %• (Uii i- *f i IWCMT tfT ■ GENERAL MOTORS OF C.4NAOA, UUttlED ■ 4 ! n-fr n r n'f I li -iir-xVII ifl r 1 i iiii.iiw.iiii ir' i' a r' i» iihiiirimiii i. 'mi ti -it in 4ta*. n iin' oiirtii 'irffafc ir nW/ 1 ♦a»\ -*i*iiiiitrrimifsirr 1 ‘ Essex Honors E. A. Hodgson Rural Hydro Manager Is Leaving For Post ht Chatham ESSEX, Feb. 9.—JMr. and Mrs. .E. A. Hodgson who are leaving shortly to take up their residence in Chat­ ham, have been the honor guests at several -delightful affairs during the past week. On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Laing entertained a num­ ber of -the young married set in honor of Mr. and Mr.s. Hodgson.-Six tables of bridge- Were in play, the favors being won by Mrs. J. Ste­ wart. Laird, Mrs. E. D. Whitney, J. A. Nightingale and Dr. J. D. Mac­ Donald. "On Thursday evening a number of ladies honored Mrs. Hodgson With a bridge party and during the even­ ing she was presented with a beau­ tiful, parting gift. On the same ev­ ening Dr. W. O. Laing wa® host to a number of gentleihen who enjoyed an evening of bridge followed by an oyster supper. Mr. Hodgson, was presented with . a handsome -desk fountain pen. Mr. Hodgson has been district superintendent of rural hydro, with headquarters at Hssex for the past three years, He was recently been promoted to a similiar position in Chatham, - where he, with his wife and small son and daughter, will move during the next week. : Air, Hodgson will b'e succeeded In Essex by F. B, Martin wlio has re­ cently been in charge of .the Sand­ wich rural power district, Mr. Hodgson is a son of Mr, and. Mrs, I>, Hodgson, of Centralia. CHOICE 2—ROSE, HYBRID TE MISS C. E. VAN ROSSEN (red) GRUSS AN TEPLITZ (rgd') MADAME JULES BOUQHE • \1NDEPENDANCE' DAY Korange apricot) MRS. HENRY MORSE (bright rose) ADAM BUTTERFLY (pink, apricot and gold) EV, F, PAGE ROBERTS (golden yellow) Qtye Exeter airneu-Ahtuiratr* Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday at Exeter-, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year I® advance. Baited States »uiK scription $2.50, RATES—-Farm or Real Estate fo® eale 5Qc/ each insertion for tin® four insertions. 25c. eg'ch anhutr quent insertion. Miscellaneous m® ticlos, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found 10c. per line ol Bix jvordlA- Reading notices 10e. per i'tafe Card of Thanks 50e. Legal »<k vertising 12 and 8c. per line. K Memorijim, withs one verse 59® extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weeklj; i Newspaper Association, CHOICE 3-4CLIMBJNG ROSEJFlowei' or Fairfield (red) 1874 1>H The London Life POLICIES A% GOODa AS GOLD . WM PEARCE » Exeter Phone 13»W. Residence, two blocks w<| dr Ford Garage GLADMAN & STANBURYi j BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Money to Loan^Investmenta Ma®| Injmrancpr Safe-deposit v/ult./for use' of aift Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSABI €: CHOICE 4-^S^NIA SEED, 1 jfrkt. GIANT & 1 pkt. QUILLED . CHOICE 5—HYBRID CACTUS DAHLIA FELLOWS (orange Scarlet) or GARIBALDI (brilliant scarlet) or WALTERS (salmon/pink1) / CHOIGE 6—9 TUBEROUS/BEGONIAS (frilled or double) CHOICE 7—ANEMONES-VHIRLWIND CHOICE 8—TWO CHRYSANTHEMUMS QUINOLA (golden yellow) WHITE MASSIE CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, I^VES^^NTS, IN- .. Office: Carl Block, Main Stroll EXETER, ONT. MEMBERSHIP FEE $1.00 MARK AN X IN FRONT OF ANY TWO OF THE ABOVE CHOICES. SIGN YOUR NAME AND MAIL OR HAND TO THE SECRETARY NOT LATER‘THAN MARCH 16th. THERE WILL BE NO FALL PREMIUM. SIGN HERE ......... ADDRESS WM. WARD, President J. G. STANBURY, Secretary-Treas qrei’ DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER . PHYSICIAN SURGEON Graduate/of Faulty of MedictaMb University qf Western Ontario, ber of the College of Physicians «a® Surgeons 01 Ontario; Member of t|® British Me|l4cal Council. Phone 6—(The office of the 1*H Dr. H. K. Hyndman) ANGIER’S The Perfect Emulsion for Coughs and Colds' For any weakness of throat, or chest, for a troublesome, cough, for bronchitis, g ' or other respiratory a tions-rthe best remedy is ANGIER’S EMULSION. It loosensVand helps bring tip the phlegmjsoothes the throat,chesty stomach and'intestines —aids’ digestion and assimilation, over­ comes Constipation, and exerts 'a strengthening, tonic influence upoji the whole system. ANGIER’S is an emulsion of specially purified petroleum oil with hypophosphites of lime and soda. Pleasant to take, ANGII^’S agrees perfectly with delicate! sensitive stomachs. il ABrttiahiboctQrvrritoa: “Ihave prescribed 'h Angier1 a tor 16 years as a valuable help in ’miny calks of debility after chest affec­ tions.” ^(Si^: "■ M.D. Twins Celebrate Happy Birthday Mr. Fred Hooper and1 Mrs. Eliza Bowslauglr Celebrate 79th. Anni­ versary. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.DJL DENTAWsURGEON Late District Dental Officer of MilltMTB District Number One, London, Ont* jN Telephones Office Wy Residence *4®Oiffce o^mi Wednesday afternoon* until May 1st, 1929 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. X an making her home until the -death of her hus- Three years ago she came to to live with hei' brother, Fred- EMULSION 65c and $1.20—at all druggist's (The Alma Journal) . Tuesday, January 29th, was unusual occasion in the annals of lo­ cal history’ for upon that day Mr.- F. W. Hooper and Mrs. Eliza Bow- slaugh, Alma’s oldest pair of twins, celebrated their 79th birthday. The brother land/sister were born in Eng­ land in 1850 and the quaint village of Sumersetshire was their home during babyhood and until they were ten year old. At that time the fam­ ily moved to Centralia, Ontario, and there the children grew to maturity. Mrs. Bowslaugh remained in Canada, marrying, and there hand. Alma erick. Mr. Hooper came to the States 49 years ago' and' has 'been a resident of Alma for much of ithat period, He is well known in the community hav­ ing been a successful farmer and business man in past, years. In re­ cent and more leisurely years- he has taken time to -cultivate many friends in the community and has scores of acquaintances among young and old. The twins celebrated their birth­ day, happily together and were din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Montigel who saw 'that the day was Concluded in a manner suitable to so important an occasion. Dr; G. F. RouEttan) L.D.S.,D.DJ1^ DEN^isT Office over Curling & Morley Fl^ Office ' 1 Extractidni^Under Oxygen GM J ^IeTER, ONT. hit .. . r——: -!±1- DR. WM. L. LAWSON , h. D. S. /d. B. S. ' ■'$ JbENTIST Office in the O,td Commercial buH** ing, Main fet^‘ Exeter, Phone 77Wi JOHN V^ARD CSHIROPRACTIO/oSTEOPATHir.f j ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA*, J VJOLETjTREATAIENTS PHONE NO. 70 MAIN ST. EXETMI DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON. 1 Graduate of the Ontario VeterhuO College DAY AND NIGE PROMPT! Office In otdj^Ford Garage Buildin* Corner of main and Ann Street* EXETER, ONT. „ „ CALLSPROMPTLY ATTENDED T® Office In o! Corner of Found Them Wonderful for Constipation Mrs. John D, Behrens, Onion Lake, Sask., writes :-—uI have been troubled with constipation ever since I can re­ member, and have tried different kinds of medicine, but with very littlo effect. /'Reading in your Almanac I saw where Prince Rupert Mayor Former Hensail Man ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and/Middlesex FARM SALES Ar SPECIALTY, PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! Phoiib 37-13 Dashwood R. R. f/DASHWOOD, ONT. Milburn's ft had relieved others from constipation so I decided io give them a trial {<T got a few vials and they did me a world of good,* I have not been con­ stipated ever since I began taking them, and t Can now say I feel fine again?’ Price 25c. a vial at ail druggists and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Oo., Ltd., Toronto, Ont a party of motorists wlio loft New York in 1016 have been travelling around the world for sixteen, years, Wo hope they will soon find sdhio place to park their car. the re-election to the Lieut-Col. S. P. Mc- formerly lived on the near here. It is always interesting to relatives and friends of men who have moved away from -the village and district to learn of their movements and achievements, wherever they are lo­ cated. The following article was taken from the Prince Rupert paper and tells Of mayoralty of Mor die, who London road “Result of yesterday’s civic elec­ tion insures strong city council to deal with affairs during present year ever given a mayoralty candidate in the history of tile city, Lieut-Col. S. P. iMcMordie, D.iS.0., retained the chief magistracy of Prince Rupert. After the result of the mayoralty contest became known the Boys* Band lined, up outside the city mall and struck up “For He's a Jolly Good Fellow.’* His worship was led' by. friends from the polling booth and given an ovation by the crowd assembled as he emerged into the street. ’The occasion was suitably celebrated at various informal func­ tions during the evening. With the largest majority * FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AU^TIONE.EB- for 1 Middlesex FARM feALES^A SPECIALTY ‘ e and Satisfaotl|3 aranteed * EXETER P. O. or RING HM| ■wiwiMMiwiMMilliLII M.IM*I IIII>I IIII IIII I I III—— jl lji II !«*■<**■*>* Prices Refesona OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUC55ONEEB Honor Gr; tlon School, Registered ! Merchandise Sales, etc. _ . prevailihg prices, sured, wrltqQficai phone 18-9 •nduate Carey Jones’ AiWh SpeciaycOurse taken! jive St/ck (all Breedi.lj , Re^l Estate, Farm' Ratys in keeping Witt j. Satisfaction **4 ,-Jcar Klopp, Zurich, 37 Zurich, Ont. •fust as we Were getting home and feeling real good about such a nice vacation we read where they ’arc go­ ing to put another month in the year, Another whole month in wliich to work! Twelve months is enough for anybody! I