HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-21, Page 5THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FEBIORY 21, 192» DR R. P. 1. Honor gradua ‘' Medicine, aqd ligg /Vnlvefralty Member of _ ...... end Surgeons of Ontario, i <ero doom east of Post Office. HENSALL ONT. Phone 6* Residence 114 MT of Faculty of later of Science, if -jTWestem Ontario. Oollege of Physician* Office all repeated the Lordb prayer in unison. The Scripture Desspn wad read by Irene Iloggarth followed ;by the minutes of the last meeting end the roll calL Mr, Ray pfaff gave address on J’The *The rest of the contests and a WANTED—a reliable girl or a middle aged lady in the village of Hensail, capable of keeping hails© And looking after aged coupIe.zGood Home, board and small salary/duties very light. Apply to Hensall Ob­ server, 2-21-ltc. the roll calL an interesting Fifth Catechism.” program consisted of musical program. XENSALD COUNCIL A special meeting S5 , « Crediton ? /Meeting of thg'Rpard of Religious Education 'nfot Sunday after theJS. Session. ' Miss Beryl Hill, teacher ot Fair­ field, school spent the week-end at tyer home here. , Mrs. Henry Motz has returned, home after visiting for the past tjvo weeks in London, Mr, and Mrs. Sam, Baynham and daughter Jean spent Sunday with friends in Shjpka. The “Always Faithful” class held h baking sale on Saturday last and realized a nice sum. Mr, and Mrs. Lome Baker, of Ex­ eter, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Hill, Mr. Mark Mitchell, of Centralia, spent Sunday 1 with his sisters Mrs. Rau apd Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hayes and fam­ ily, of the Bondon Road, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson; The “Always Faithful” girls’ class of the United church Sunday School sent a donation to the Miners’ Re­ lief Fund. Mrs. H, Mitchell, who has been ill with the flu for some time, is now progressing favorably, ' under the care of Dr. Orme. No meeting of the Sr. E.L.C.E. on Friday, evening, next,. DASHWOODsary reached its deslrejl clima<. The ttyree long tables which stretched across the Sunday School room; were filled with .ttyq exception of a few; ’places, which the .committee had ire*' served for would-be and unexpected guests, All the tickets might have been sold and more, Promptly’ at 6:30 while Mr. Robert Bechtel play­ ed a march*, a procession ‘ of men came down from the auditorium of the church and took ttheir places; af< ter. preliminary ceremonies a . com* mittee of the Dorcas S. 3. Class had alt ip readiness and twelve .young men served as waiters. The* pro­ gram of the banquet'was as follows: Violin solo by W, |M. Sippell; cere­ monial tpasts to the King and Can­ ada- toast, “Our Church’’ by Mr. e. Fahner; toast, “Our Guest” tyy Mr/ J, H. Holtzmann; solo, by Mr. Chas. Hoffman; address by Dr. Duhsp solo by Mr, Clayton Sims. A few minutes of silepce in memory of fathers or sons of the community who depart­ ed and their life, is yet fresh in our minds, Piano music and the ban­ quet adjourned to the 'auditorium to hear tttye last address of oitf anni­ versary speaker. Dr. Newtph-Dubs left the follow­ ing Tuesday morning for Listowel, Stratford, Tavistock and Sebring- vllle. He returned ,to his temporary home at Johnstown, Pa., on "Satur­ day. •sionary Board Of Cleveland, to disseminate* first-hand tion re world. all obligations Jp the interests- of the good cause. Moreover, the. Pas­ tor. Rev, S» McIlroy, and his co­ workers, have great reason to take fresh zeal and courage and optim­ istically face the future,, knowing that by the blessing of (Jed. greater things will tye accomplished in the days to come. Thlsds evident froms the wonderful record of the past two years. The task, however, which lies before us in God’s plan will still call for the sincere and earnest ef­ fort of all, Therefore, we must take our work sincerely and be convinced, that to seek1 the establishment of the Kingdom of God is life’s chief con; cern. May God abundantly bless his people universally in this glorious achievement. Signed on behalf the board, D- Nicol, chairman; McLaren, Secretary-Treasurer. Dr. H. H Owen, L.D.S. ; . AtsBash- wood, first rqe at office Zurich, last three days of ot week and ’ ,e Post Office, in week. attended in Wind­MEETING __b____ __,T TT„ of the village council was held on Friday evening last to consider-the plans and '-spec­ ifications of the South West Drain, After a general discussion the plans were adopted and a Court of Re­ vision bn the By-law will be held on Monday evening, March 11th, /The village auditors, were present with over Two were distributed through the‘village. A number of other matters were discussed after which the council adjourned. London, her par- HENSAIX Mr. T. .C, Joynt is in,^ Toronto .week on business; Mr. Owen an attgek of ing. 'Mrs. Robt. Tew days at ‘tives. • Miss Dolly spent a few days with Mrs.’ (Dr.) Peck. Mr. A. J. Grigg, of , Clinton, sppnt- a, few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Bell. Mrs, John Chambers and Mrs. G. W. Wren, are visiting relatives in London this week. Mr., Manley Jinks, of. Detroit, spent the 'weei&end .visiting His wife and other relatives here. Mrs. Ladd' McEwen and daughter arrived home from Torth Hospital on Tuesday. Mrs.‘Verne Hedden, who has ‘in Clinton Hospital was brought to lier home here on Sunday^ last. The Hensall Seed Show will be Held on Friday of this week, Febru­ ary the 22nd in the Town Hall. Mrs. Chas. Sparrow, of Paisley, is visiting at the home of her daugh­ ter M'rs. Lad McEwen for a couple of weeks. Miss Mary McKaig left this week for Exeter where she has accepted a position in the office of the* Bell Telephone' Co. \,The many friends of Mrs. Robert ’'Bpnthton‘’will'be sbrryl to learn that bke has been 'stricken with an at­ tack of pneumonia. , Messrs. Walter Spencer and Sam. Rannie, who have been attending the' Military .School in London re­ turned home Saturday. Miss' (Marie Bell and Miss Doris' Bolton, who are attending business ■college in London spent the week­ end visiting at their homes, here. Miss Mary Buchanan, of Niagara Falls, was a visitor at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bu­ chanan for a few days this week, The 'many friends of Mrs. William . Henry will be pleased to hear she is able to be out'again after being con­ fined to her home for the past few weeks. Mr. David Robinson,, has purchas­ ed from Mr. David: 'Geronrette, his house on Brock St. occupied at pres- • ent by Mr. Wm. Topham. (Mr. Rob­ inson intends remodelling the house. Miss Mae Brintnell is this week the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson. Miss Brintnell in­ tends in a week or so, to enter train­ ing as a nurse at the general hospit­ al, Sarnia. The old-time curlers ‘ of the vil- ’ lage arp 'making use of the skating rink, curling. They are having lots ■ of fun and the different grocers of the village are doing a ,land office business selling brooms. Miss Marion Dougall, little dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Dou­ gall, returned to her home on Thurs­ day evening, from Victoria hospital, London, where she has been conval­ escing from a recent operation for mastoids. Mrs, J. Brown, who has been vis­ iting with her1 daughter and son-in law, Dr. and Mrs. Dougdll, left for her home at Edy’s Mills on Saturday accompanied by (Mrs. Dougall and little daughter Mona, who will re­ main for a time. Mr. John Dougall, station agent, at Wyoming, accompanied by his wife and baby were weOk-end vis­ itors at the mother, Mr. the London Mrs. E. spondiug the past month as a guest at the home of IMr.'and Mrs. Robert Bonthron, and daughter, Mrs. Simp­ son, left tor Toronto this week where she will visit her daughter, Miss Gibbs, before leaving for an extend­ ed trip to California to spend a few months with hei’ son. The Young Peoples’. League of the United church held a Valentine social on Monday evening with Miss Ethel Murdock presiding and Miss G. Lammie in charge of the program The program consisted of instru­ mentals, readings, solos and con­ tests and 'games. At the close of the evening lunch was served. A public meeting for farmers and farm women was hold at the Town Hall, Friday afternoon, February the 16th. Charles McCutdy, salesman tor the U.F.O. gave an interesting address on the “Shipping and Mar- ‘keting of Stock.” G. W. Foster, of London, also spoke taking as his subject, “Raising and grading of Hogs.” R. J, McMillan acted as the chairman for the occasion. The Young People of the Car­ mel Presbyterian church hold a very interesting meeting on Mohdtiy ev­ ening. The mooting was opened bjt ginging hymn 381> After which $478.6$ la the after mooting this hadGeiger, who has pneumonia is recover- McLaren is spending a( Clinton visiting rela- Hagan, of HIRsgreen, baby Stea- been home of his father and and Mrs. H. Dougall, on Road. Gibbs, who has been tlieir report which was read and accepted by the council, hundred copies of the report ordered to be printed and he MISSION CIRCLE PRESENT LIFE MEMBERSHIP The Mollard Mission circle met on Friday evening with a fair atten­ dance. The president presided, Mis’s Mildred Wallace acting as secretary The scripture lesson,on a chapter of. Ruth was read'by 'MisS'Consitt, Miss; G. Luker, Miss M. lightful O’Flyn” Kay, F. Miss E. pleasing “The Black Treasure,” ably taken 'by Miss Consitt, close of the evening Mrs. C. A. Mc- Donell was presented with membership by the Mollard Mission Girls with a beautifully worded ad­ dress, read by Miss Mildred Scrutqn, presented by Miss G. Luker. 1 McDonell arose to the occasion, pressing her appreciation for thoughtfulness and kindness of circle. Scruton; a de­ dialogue, “On Bridget was given by Misses M. Mc- McDonald ^,nd H. Hudson. Monroe rendered a very instrumental. The topic: was' very At the a life Mrs. , ex- the the DAY OF PRAYER OBSERVED The annual World’s Day of Prayer was observed in the United Church on Friday .afternoon with a fairly .good attendance from Carmel Pres­ byterian Church and the United Church. Mrs.. McDonell and Mrs. H. Arnold, as presidents .of the societ­ ies, both occupied the- chair. The meeting opened with hymn No. 227 followed by the scripture lesson by Mrs. B. Cameron,- general confes­ sion, followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. Arnold gave an ac- count of the history of the Day of Prayer on “The International mis­ sionary council which met in Jerus­ alem,” after which a pleasing trio entitled “My Task’-* was rendered by Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, Mrs. G. Hess, and Mrs. A. Sinclair; a prayer by Mrs. J. Dallas for the King, Empire, our country, our community, our churches, our homes; prayer by Mrs J. Elder, “Missions Abroad;” pray­ ers by Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Work­ man, Mrs. Lammie 'for “Missions at Home.’-’ For missionaries, deacone's- ses, social service, hospital and in­ stitutional workers. Prayer of thanksgiving and consecration, Mrs. C. A. McDonell. The meeting closed with hymn 451, followed by prayer. LIBRARY BOARD MEET The first- meeting of the Library Board for the year was held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday even­ ing, with all the members except Mr. Ray McArthur present. The, minutes of the last meeting were read and approved ou motion of Mr. Geo. Follick and seconded by Rev. Mr. Jones. Reeve Higgins was again appointed chairman ' ahd Mr. Wm. McKay secretary-treasurer of the Board for the year and Miss G. McNaughton was appointed Librar­ ian. Mr. McKay read a statement ©f the work of the Board for the last year which showed the Library in a very flourishing condition. There are some 485 taking books from the Library and over 6,000 books were loaned out during the year and about $200 worth of new books more pur­ chased. A vote of thanks was ten­ dered by the Board -to Mr. Wm. Mc­ Kay as an appreciation of his splen­ did service during tlie year.. Mr. M'cKay, Mr. Follick and Rev. Jones were appointed a committee to pur­ chase the books for the year and as the finances (of the board are in a flourishing condition the commit­ tee were given authority to add a number of more books to the lib­ rary than was bought last year. Miss McNaughton was given an increase in salary as the Board wished to show their appreciation of her splendid work as Librarian, during th© past year. The meeting then jidjourned to meet again at the call of the secretary, CARMEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ANNUAL 3IEETING The annual meeting of the Carmel Presbyterian church, Hensail which .Was held recently in the church marked another milestone in tbo Christian worthy of note. Dur­ ing the year 1928 groat ’progress Jias been made in all organizations ”in connection with the Congrega­ tion’s Iif-« and activity. It is grat­ ifying tc> karn that every society has hern daily marching to the front which was indeed recognized by the fact tti.it in ewry report a good sub­ stantial balance camo right out on the right side, tn closing the year, the bm.'.d «>:’ malingers are greatly encouraged having a balance of ZION of R. Mr. Wilbur Battan spent the week­ end at Granton, with Mrs. C. Gorvet/ Messrs. Ross and Maurice Hern spent' Sunday with their aunt Mrs. M. Culbert, near Clandeboye. Mr. Fred Johns is carrying a sore finger having had the end of it tak­ en off. The ladies are holding tlieir quilt­ ing bees,this -week for the W.M.S. Mr. Harold Hern is all smiles over the arrival of a young son. , ZION W. M. S. The W. M. S. held tlieir February meeting at the home of Mrs. Her­ man Kyle on Thursday afternoon, February 7th. The president, Mrs. William Hern had charge of the meeting. IMiss Martin, of India, was chosen as our missionary for prayer. Mrs. William Hern was appointed representative for the 'Official Board Mrs. Herman Kyle was appointed as delegate to the Presbyterial, and it was decided to hold our annual so­ cial evening, on the* 7th of March at the home of our President. The Scripture lesson, Luke 4, 16-21, was read by the President. The devo­ tional leaflet “Stewardship, the soul of Religion’’ was read by Mrs. J. T. Hern. The president led a question- aire. on the annual report. A duett was sung by Mrs, Wilbur Batten and Mrs. Herman Kyle. A recitation entitled “Patchwork’’ was given by 'Mrs. Wm. Hern which was much en­ joyed by all. The meeting was clos­ ed by Mrs. (Rev.) White pronounc­ ing the benediction. 'GRAND BEND * and Mrs. Abner Mollard andMr. Miss. Mary Yeo, of Sarnia, visited with,Mr. J. W- Holt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Hannan, of Alberta, who was called home to the fuperal of Mrs. Harman’s- mother-' •Mrs.- Jos. • Brenner,"returned -home' last Thursday. 4 Mrs.- Fail lias been spending a few days with friends in Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Adolphus Allen, of PaTkhill, is home waiting on her father Mr. T. Turnbull, who is quite ill. Miss Edith Lovie is spending a few days at her home but will return to London where she is working for the winter. Miss Switzer was called to Wing­ ham on Friday last, her aunt having been taken suddenly ill.. (Mr. apd Mrs. John Mousseau are spending some time visiting friends and neighbors sail. The Ladies’ oyster supper look for larger Rev. J. M. Colling is closing Chis series of sermons on the Parables next Sunday. Large crowds have been out to hear those sermons so you are requested to come early next Sunday as a very large crowd is looked for. in and around Hen- Aid are holding an on February 27th, bills. CROMARTY A ralentine social was held the basement of the church on Friday- evening last under the auspices of the Young People’s Endeavor 'Society A very enjoyable and happy evening was spent, the church was very ar­ tistically decorated for the occasion. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar attended the funeral at Avonton on Friday last of Mr. Grieve of that place. A very enjoyable house party was given at the home of Mr. Oswald Walker near the village on Wednes­ day night last being a reception for his son Otto and his bride who were married recently. The Stork left a baby girl at the home of Mr. Will Colquhoun the village recently. near STAFFA* • (Intended for last week) The choir of the United church gave Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruce a pleasant surprise on Friday evening when they presented, them with a beautiful salad bowl, set in silver with silver servers. The presenta­ tion was made by Miss Ada Spence and the address was read by A, W. Bruce left their Norris. Mi*, and Mrs. the next morning for home in Detroit. Mr. and Orono, are G. Wilson. Mr. and Cromarty, gave a reception Wednes­ day evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mrs. W. J. Fell visited In Gode­ rich for it few days. Mrs. Win. visiting Mr now Walters, and Mrs. of (J. Mrs. Oswald Walker,of Friday, evening^ next,. The young people will spend .a few hours skat­ ing followed by a. social half hour and refreshments at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Fahner. Word has been • received by the friends of Mr. Silas Brokenshire (formerly of this community) that he had passed away, following an­ other stroke and was buried in Windsor. Friends extend their sym­ pathy to Mrs. Brokenshire and fam­ ily. * Mr. and Mrs, M. Finkbeiner enter­ tained the Mission Circle and Mr. M. Finkbeiner’s Sunday School class *a't their home on Friday evening last for a Valentine Party. The happy crowd was taken back in sleighs and after- spending the evening in games, contests and music, the host and hostess served an elaborate lunch. Beavers Bros, have completed tlieir contract for the carpenter work of the new United church at Ailsa Craig. The opening services will be on. March 3rd. The Rev.'S. Gunn, M.A., B.D., D.D., of Toronto. Moderator of the General Council of the United Church in Canada, will preach. A week of festivities and socials will follow. The Jr. E.L.C.E. held a little rally service last Friday evening. The program was as .follows: Song ser­ vice; scripture by Carl Kulin; vio­ lin solo by Lloyd Lamport; scrip­ tural- contest; piano duett by Mar- -guerite Guettinger and . Martin (Mor- - -lock;' -continuation • of scripture- con­ test; piano solo by Evelyn Sippell with violin obligatto by W. M. Sip­ pell; .business and dues; treats of home-made candy donated by Car­ rie Fahner, who w‘as given a vote of thanks by the League. Next Fri­ day Ihe meeting is in charge of Eu­ gene Beaver anc^ Lloyd Lamport. The anniversary services of Feb­ ruary 10th brought out large au­ diences on Sunday morning and ev­ ening? The greater part. of the speakers addresses was tinged with his personal experiences as a Mis­ sionary in China, where he had spent a period of 30 years and was pres­ ent there during the last dangerous crises ’when dead people were seen, strewn about on sidewalks and roads and he had to dodge about to keep from stepping on them. Missionary hospitals .and schools in many lo­ calities have been demolished by the enraged Chinese soldiers. Com­ munism has not only reached Can­ ada and United States but it is be­ yond description in its influence in heathen China. The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid of the United church met in the basement of the church on Wednes­ day afternoon, February the 13th with Mrs. Orme, our esteemed presi­ dent, in the chair. Meeting opened by singing hymn No. 1, followed by prayer by Mrs. George Hirtzel. A goodly number were present and an- ( swered the roll call by,.paying fees. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. W. Mack. Committees were appolnt- s ed to take up the work required by : each, A short time was spent in discussing ways and means of rais- ; ing money during the year. All ex- . pressed their willingness to do tlieir - part. Closing 'hymn was sung; af- ■ ter which the president closed with s prayer. Lunch was served. The hostesses being Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. > Teller and Mrs. Thos. Yearley. ' The annual congregational meet­ ing of the United church was held in tlie Sunday School rooms oil the evening of February 13th, with a large number present. Rev. Mr. Hiscocks very ably -acted as chair- l man. Reports were given from all , tlie different organizations and all ; showed the church to be in a very l flourishing' condition. Selections - were rendered by the Circle Giris - and members of the choir; also solos by Mrs. Hiscocks, Lois Orme and J. Woodall and a piano solo by Mr, Bechtel; addresses by Mrs. George Clark and T, Trevethick. Mr. M. S. Finkbeiner and Geo. Mawhinney were re-elected elders and T. Cham­ bers and Wes. Jones as stewards for tlie three year period and Richard Hill was added to the M. mittee to fill the place Hodgins. A social hour spent, the ladies serving The Eather and Son Banquet of Monday evening aftoi* the annlvei’* He was sent out by the Mis­ Ohio, instriic- cond/tions in the missionary EL1MV1LLE < ’ Mr. Mark Brokenshire the funeral of his brother sor on Tuesday. 5 Miss Verda Baker, of spent the week-end with opts. ; • • Mrs. Wm. Snell, who has been on the sick list for several weeks, we are pleased to state is improving;. Mr. and Mrs- S. Adams, of Lon* don, -spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, E. G. Kraft, Miss’ Myrta Hoffman, of Kitchen­ er, spent the week-end with her par­ ents'. • : - Mr. and Mrs, Meerhurg and Miss Alexandra, of Port Frank, spent ‘last Sunday with Mr. Jonas Hartleity and Lavada. <• Mr. and Mrs, Clayton WJldfong returned to Detroit on Sunday,. Mrs. L, Rader returned with them and will visit her -daughter for a <|&W weeks. Miss Laura Reid spent Friday in London^ .Mr. D. Tieman is attending the Hardware Convention in Hamilton this week. Mr. Ezra Bender and Vernon Schatz left oil Monday for Blyth where Mr. Bender has purchased1 the general store business from the es­ tate of the late Mr. E. Bender’ Miss visited week. Miss Verna Oke, of Hurondale, in this neighborhood last fairly good attend- Mission Circle held Social on Thursday week with a good Rev. L. A good HIBBERT has been the past attack of , McLaren, whp his home for with a serious is now nicely recover­ Pearl Bacon visited at her home last Sunday. Miss May Herdman is confined to her home with a severe sore throat. Colds are very prevalent in this neighborhood again. A few cases of whooping cough have also been re­ ported. The Interdenominational Day of Prayer was observed Friday after­ noon by the W.M.S. Society in this church, witty a ance. The Live 'Oak a S(t. Valentine evening of last attendance. The pastor, White occupied, the chair, sing-song was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Among those taking part in the program were Mrs. F. Wright, Kenneth Johns, Delmar Skinner and Mrs. Chas. Johns. Thirteen new members joined the society and 34 members paid their fees. ..Mr. Ken­ neth Johns was presented with, a Life Membership Certificate also. An effort is being made to have all the fees paid early in the year. Re­ freshments were served and a very pleasant and sociable time was spent in puzzles and contests. The decor­ ations (hearts,) aided very much in creating a St. Valentine’s spirit. Mrs. Hedley Unger and little dau­ ghter Helen from Manitoba been visiting relatives in this borhood recently. Mr. Alex confined to two months pneumonia, ing. Miss Elva Bolton, of the public school staff, Kitchener and Miss’D. Bolton of the “London Life”, Lon- • don spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Bolton.' Mr. William J. Ford, of Loomis, Wash., who has been spending the past week visiting his sisters■ and other relatives leaves on Friday for Absaraka, N. D., where he will visit his brother Mr. Edward Ford be­ fore . leaving for his home. Mr. Roy Webber, of Henaall, dealer in “Spartan Radios’’ this week installed a fine new radio set in the home of Mr. Gordon. Bolton. Quite a number from this locality attended the charity euchre and dance given in the town hall, Hen-0 sail on Wednesday evening. All reporting a most enjoyable time. WHALEN have neigh- & M. com- of Mr, A, was then lunch. at the “Strictly More par- SHIPKA There will be a play given United church, entitled Business” -on March 7th. ticulars later, Mr. John Ratz is at present at­ tending the funeral. of his sister’ Mrs. Eidt at New Hamburg. IMrs. Richardson, of Toronto, and Mr. Harold Baynliam, of Windsor, were called home Saturday owing to the illness of their mother Mrs. J. Baynham, but has somewhat im­ proved. Misses L. Sweitzer and R. Ratz are taking a sewing course for two weeks at Parkhill. The Ladies’ Aid are presenting a play in the- church entitled “Strict­ ly Business” on March 7tli. More particulars next week. Mrs. John Baynham is very frail at present. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Richard, of Toronto, and Mr. Harold Baynham, of Windsor, were called home on Saturday owing to the illness of their mother, Mrs. Baynham. Miss Illa Sweitzer and Miss Dor­ othy Ratz are spending a couple of weeks in Parkhill with friends. Mr. John Rat-z is attending the funeral of his sister in New Ham­ burg this week. A beautiful white collie dog with brown markings, but unfortunate­ ly with its right front foot off, wan­ dered around the town for a couple of weeks. It has been claimed by its owner Mr. Ewart Pym, of Us- borne. Friends of Miss Ellen Morley will regret to learn that she is very 111 at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson spent Wednesday in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire, of Farquhar, visited on Wednesday at the home of Frank Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Millson and family, of Lucan, spent Sunday with, the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson. Mr. and (Mrs. Ewart Pym, of El- imville, were visitors on Monday at the latten's brother Wilson Morley. Miss Reta Squire returned home on Sunday having week with Mr. and ley, of Wood'ham. Mr. Morley, who improving and' able to sit up a little each day. Mr. Herman Moore, of Algoma is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire. Miss V. Oke, of Exeter, pent a, few days'with her aunt Mrs. Thos. Mor­ ley. Mrs. Delbert Morley and daugh­ ter Audrey, have returned home having spent the past week in Strat­ ford. spent the Mrs. John was very WHALEN W. M. S. GREENWAY Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mason, of Lon­ don, visited witty Mr, and Mrs. Hot- son, recently, Among those taking the agricul­ tural course in Parkhill ate Miss D. Belling, Miss Olive Wilson and Miss Viola Hutchinson. Every one is getting hungry for the oyster supper in the United church on Friday, February 22nd, Come and have a good time, Ad­ mission 50 and 25e. 'Several are getting wood from the swami). There is good sleighing and wheeling both. Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Webb, of Grand Bend, visited Mrs, J, H, Mc­ Gregor last week. past Mor- ill is A splendid meeting was held by the W.M.S. at the home of Mrs. John Hazelwood on Thursday afternoon of last week. There were twenty- four members, 3 visitors and sever­ al little folk present. Mrs. Albert Gunning, 2nd vice-president was iti the chair and conducted the meeting in the usual manner. Mrs. George Millson, Mrs. D, A. Johnson and Mrs. A. Gunning led in prayer. Hodgson read the Scripture Psalm 23. Ths Devotional “Partner” was read by Mrs. Squire which also included offered by Mrs. Thos. Gunning and Mrs. Sahl. Gunning. Interesting leaflets on Missionary Work In Af* rica, entitled, “The Blacksmith’s Hammer” were read by Mrs. George Arksey and M'iss Verna Hazelwood. Some responses to the Watchtower were given. Mrs, Thok. Gunning gave a reading “A Mother's plea for Her Boy” in her usual entertaining maimer. Requirements for two quilts were contributed by members and Vtll be made soon. Thanks wore received from different mem­ bers for remembrance from W.M.S, when 111. Mrs. Will Morley pro­ nounced the benediction Which clos­ ed the meeting. Then followed the' social hour which .is 'always ,^fea.tly enjoyed during which a dellefene tea was served by the hoolMi aiwi'-her assistants. Mrs. J. Lesson, Leaflet, Harvey prayers