HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-21, Page 4^ItciwOAV, 21,THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FLAN TO ATTEND THE SPECIAL THREE-DAY POULTRY COURSE To be held in the TOWN HALL, EXETER FEBRUARY, 26, 27, 28th, 1929 Discussions by special speakers on the various phases of Poultry Keeping. Course held wider the direction of ONTARIO DEPARTMENT X$F AGRICULTURE HURON COUNTY BRANCH Clinton, Ontario LOCAL NEWS One hundred and fifty loads of z. .-gravel have been drawn in prepara­ tion for the new building for the ■Columbia Handle Works. The new 'Jbuilding will be erected on the pro- »perty directly east of the station. Among those who attended the funeral of the late Silas Broken- shire, in Windsor, on Tuesday were Mrs. jJonah Sims, of town; Mrs. Eli King, Mrs. Albert King; Mrs. Rich. Hill, of Crediton; [Mr. Mark Broken- shire, of Dashwood; Mrs. Baskerville of Centralia and Mrs, H. Reynolds, of Serepta. On Wednesday evening of last ■ week a house-warming was held at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rod Ellis 3»y a number of friends, the occasion being a surprise. A very pleasant evening was spent in the course of which Mr. and .Mrs. Ellis were pre­ sented with a wicker chair and kit­ chen table. Mr. C. H. Sanders, who has been up and around and apparently so well following his recent illness, was .again taken ill on Thursday last With one of his old attacks and is again confined to his bed. He is considerably improved, however, and biis friends will hope -to see him out again soon. Miss Mildred Wood, R.N., is caring for him. CONTRIBUTE TO WELSH MINERS’ FUND . On Friday of last week the teach­ ers and pupils of the Exeter High School made a contribution to the Welsh Miners’ Relief Fund and over $18.00 was forwarded to the Toron­ to Globe. On Sunday a collection for the same fund was taken up in the Jaipes .StX United church" and the contribution amounted to $65.70. FLEASANT PARTY On Wednesday evening February the 13 th about fifty friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert where a very pleasant time was spent by all. The forepart of the evening was .spent in progressive euchre. The prizes were won by: gent’s first, R. Coward; ladies’ first, Mrs. Clayton Frayne; gent’s consolation, Andrew Hamilton; ladies’ consolation, Lulu Hunter, after which a supmtuous repast was served by the ladies. The latter part of the evening was spent in tripping the light fantastic till the wee sma’ hours of the morning, •the music being furnished by Messrs. Fred Cole and Tom Laing after which R. Murphy led in singing for “They nre Jolly Good fellows.” CHOIR ENTERTAINED AT VALENTINE PARTY One of the most elaborate and ■successful valentine parties of the season was held last Thursday ev­ ening when Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy Goulding entertained the members of the James ‘St. United church choir along with their wives or husbands, ip the* number of about forty. The rooms were ’gaily decorated with hearts and cupids and flowers in harmony with the occasion. The program commenced with each one having their fortune told from the wheel of fortune,much to the merri­ ment of all. Games and contests were then enjoyed and prizes were awarded to the respective winners. Cupid’s mail-box was theii opened, each person receiving a valentine with a verso and liy this means par­ tners were ‘selected for lunch, and a very dainty and sumptuous lunch it was. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the host and hostess, moved by Revx, D. McTavish and seconded by Mr. E. J. Shaptan. Before dispersing all joined in sing­ ing; ‘Tor They Are Jolly Good Fel­ lows. ’ ’ T&e monthly meeting of the W. of James St.-Church was held on Thursday of last week with a large .number of members and vis­ itors ©resent. Th^^ineeting opened in ttie usual way, tli’e president, Mrs. McTavislf - conducted the business part oWtie meeting. Tile program was pdF’nn by group No. 2, under the leatlorsliip of Mrs. CoW, Christie Mrs. E. Coultis very efficiently oc- oupied the elmir. A solo by Mrs. 4L Wiliams whs much appreciated. Tit®.study book was taken by Mrs, Christie, An exercise entitled, the was render^ •ed fejri'dl We rimmbers of .We groups Mfwfr erodit .!?■ dtta Mrs, Chr&tfe for the of fnt&g&tw# and Centralia Mrs, A. Anderson" who libs spent the past two months in Thedford .has returned to her home here. Messrs, Chas. MaSon, G. F. Pen­ warden and Grant Ford were in Lon­ don Thursday last on business. Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard were in London on Thursday last, Mr. Tho.s. Willis was in Windsor last week on business, A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith gathered at their home on Friday evening of last week where cards and contests were in­ dulged in till the wee sma’ hours. We are glad to report that Mrs. W. \J. Webber is very much improv­ ed mi health since her recent opera­ tion at Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. W- T. Colwill, who has been in Torpnto, for a few days on busi­ ness returned home on-Monday ev­ ening .of this week. Mr. McIntyre, of London was in the village on Saturday last on busi­ ness. Mr. Nelson Baker, the road super­ intendent, has found it necessary to use the scraper several times this past week in order to make the roads passable. Mr. G. Sawyer, of Guelph spent the week-epd at the home of Mr. G. G. Essei*y, the guest of Miss D. A. Davison. * .. The Spelling match under the aus­ pices of the Sunday School which was held on Friday evening of last week was largely ’attended, each contesting school being well repre­ sented. Miss Lena Davis, teacher at Eden school is to be* congratulat­ ed as her pupils carried off the honors, fithe has taught in this school for some years and the trus­ tees have surely exercised good judgment in retaining Miss DaVis, whose teaching is exceptionally mer­ itorious. Mr. Thos. Rowcli'ffe, London Road North, 'has furnished *the wood for the church this year- having finished hauling Some’ time last week. The Women’s Association at their regular meeting this month decided to contribute one hundred dollars to the Missionary & Maintenance Fund, thereby-bringing the allotment to the nirie hundred dollar mark which was the objective desired. Mr. W. J. Webber and. Mr. W. J. Smith drove to London Thursday of last week bringing Mrs. Webber home from Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Arthur Robinson, London Rd. North, was taken, to Victoria Hos­ pital on Friday of last week where she was operated on for appendici­ tis, the operation being a success. The last reports are that she pro­ gressing favorably and we hope that She may soon be restored to good health again. Miss Irene Davey, who has been employed in Exeter for some- time is under the doctor’s care at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dobbs and Joe were in London on Sunday last. Mr. Mark Mitchell was in Credit­ on on Monday of this week. The heavy snowfall last week has made it necessary to run the provin­ cial snow plow through number four highway twice in order to make it passable for Cars. This is a power­ ful outfit and does splendid Work in clearing the roads of snow.’ (Mr. and Mrs. otto Brown enter­ tained a number of their friends on Tuesday evening of this week when a very enjoyable time was spent by all present. The days seem to be lengthening at quite a rapid rate noticeably so toward evening there being good daylight until six o’clock. Mrs. Motz, of London, spent Mon­ day of the week at the home other daughter Mrs. Cecil Skinner, third concession of Usborne. Miss Ada Mitchell, nurse-in-train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, day of the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mit­ chell. Mr. Andrew Hicks made a ship­ ment of extra choice cattle to Toron­ to on Saturday last. Some of our pugilistic aspirants are nursing black eyes these days. Some one said there was a horse­ shoe in one of the gloves Mr, and Mrs, Dinsmore, of Lon­ don^ accompanied by Miss H. Hicks nutse-in-training at Victoria Hospit­ al, visited on Sunday last at the home of the latter’s parents Mr, and Mrs, A. Hicks, Doreen, little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Willis is very ill, Mrs. Huxtable is ill at the home of her daughter Mrs, Hector Mit­ chell, Chamber of Commerce Banquet The Exeter Chamber of Commerce held their second annual meeting oa Friday evening with a very sumptu­ ous chicken banquet served in the dining-room of the Central Hotel “by Aline Host Bowery, About forty sat down to the tables,and partook of a very elaborate* repast which includ­ ed everything front’ “soup to nuts” and served in, the daintiest style. It gave an opportunity ‘for many of our citizens to become better ac­ quainted with Mr, ‘and Mrs,. L'owery ■and their staff, who only recently took over the Central Hotel," During luncheon “Shorty and His Gang” entertained the4 members with splendid music and after the wapts of the inner man had beep well tak­ en care of the members ,wer© in fine spirits to enter into the business of the evening and discuss p number,of questions that 'are of interest to the town. Guest of Honor The guest of honor of the evening was Mr. Jas. Dignan, blacksmith, ag­ ed 83 years, who has been in busi­ ness in Exeter for 55 years, and who is still actively engaged and rarely ever misses a day at the shop. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, president of the Chamber of Commerce, occupied the chair and spoke of ’ the delight it was to have Mr. Dignan present pad called on Rev. C. J. Moorhouse to present Mr. Dignan with a carnation. Another member to be welcomed at the banquet was Mr. A. O. Elliott, the new Ford dealer. Mr. Beavers referred to the or­ ganization of the Chamber of Com­ merce and of some of the things that had been attempted. Mr. M. R. Complin, gave the secretary­ treasurer’s report which showed a membership of, forty-one and a bal­ ance of $160.60 in the treasury. He stated that if the Chamber of Com­ merce could make* a little progress each year it would justify its exist­ ence. The executive in their delib­ erations during the year bad only one motive and that the benefit of the* community. When the pave­ ment goes through^Exeter it is hop­ ed to establish a real tourist camp. The C. of C. had interviewed the Minister of Highways with a view to having the pavement put' down as speedily as possible. -; ’ . A petition had been forwarded to the Dominion Government through Mr. McMillan in reference to a new postoffice. Mr. McMillan had visit­ ed Exeter and interviewed some of the citizens and- had promised his support. A deputation from the Postal Dept, and , the Public Works Dept, had met the- executive add. se­ cured all available information.'They seemed quite favorably impressed. Another item sponsored by “the G. of C. was the Dominion Day cele­ bration which proved such a success. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr, Complin for the splendid services rendered the organization as secre­ tary. Before proceeding to re-organize Mr. and iMrs. Lowery and their ex­ cellent staff, were brought into the room and tendered' a hearty vote of thanks for the splendid banquet pro­ vided. The fee for 1929 was again set at $2.00 and any citizen who wishes to become a member should either see the secretary or president or any member of the executive. Election of Officers For the election of officers the secretary was asked Zo take the chair. ‘ Mr. Beavers stated that he had been president for two years and wished the honor to be passed around and he nominated the vice- president, Mr. T. O. Southcott. 'The latter declined and Mr. Beavers was again prevailed upon to accept the position. It was also strongly urg­ ed that a new executive should be appointed but the meeting decided to re-elect the old members, Messrs. J. W. Powell, Dr. H. J. Browning, F. A. May, T. O. Southcott, L. J, Penha.Ie, M. R. Complin, J. M. Southcott to which were added T. Pryde arid C, W. Ford. To Secure Fair Grounds as Ball Park Another item then came up for discussion was the taking over of the Exeter Agricultural grounds by the town for a ball-park and play­ grounds. Unless something of this nature is done the boys may find themselves without a ball park this summer. It was suggested that Exeter may possibly enter a team next summer in the O.B.A. Messrs. Beavers, Delbridge and Pryde were., appointed a Committee to go into the matter. The question of a tourist camp came in for some discussion and one of the members suggested that either the, present camp should be improv­ ed or the tourist camp sign be taken down. The rural mail route out of Exe­ ter was another subject that came up and it was felt that Exeter was not being fairly dealt with in the matter of routes. At present mail and par­ cels from Exeter intended to reach parties within five miles of town has to be seat to London, St. Marys, and thence to Woodham or Kirkton arid then brought to within a few miles of town. Another route from Cen­ tralia comes into Exeter and goes out on Huron St, Several farmers on this route prefer to come into town for their mail rather than change their pos toff fee. The post­ master, J, M, Southcott, R. CL Sield- ou and, w< A, Turnbull were appoint­ ed a committee to look into the mat­ ter, It was suggested that a banquet be held once a month to talk Oyer matters of interest and to get better acquainted, A motion was carried to hold another banquet in a month’s' time, the arrangements to be left with the executive. DAY QF PRAYER The world’s day of prayer was fittingly observed in Janies Street United church on Friday afternoon when a large representation from the local churches gathered in honor of the day set aside for prayer in be­ half of mission^. Mtb. J. S. Grant presided over the meeting in a . very efficient manner. The Scripture lesson was taken by Mrs. Freckle­ ton, A prayer , of petition was offered by Mrs. (Rev.) W. Jones; for mis­ sions by Mrs. J. G. Stanbury, Mrs. Freckle ton and Mrs. E. A, Follick; prayer of thanksgiving by Mrs. <M. Skinner; prayer of consecration by Miss L. M. Jeckell, Other features of the program were a solo by Mrs, N. J. Dore, a vocal duet by Mrs. G. Williams and Miss Vera Essery and an instrumental by Miss Ruth Wild- fong, all of which were much appre­ ciated. jfockey BRUOEEIELD TRAIL RANGERS WIN FROM EXETER The Exeter T?ail Rangers went to Bruceffeld last Saturday to play" a game of hockey with the Trail, Rangers of that place. The home team proved too much for the visit-*, ors and defeated them 4-1. The Ex­ eter boys claim they were handicap­ ped by poor ice. The return game will be played in Exeter next Satur­ day afternoon. The line-up: Bruce- field, goal McCarthy; defense, Addi­ son and* Ketchen. centre, Snider; wings, Zaff and Granger; subs. Mus­ tard and Murdock. Exeter—-goal, Brin tn ell; defense, W. Chambers and J. McTavish; centre, Kenneth Hockey; wings, G. Cochrane and R. Pryde; subs, R. Creech and E. Ward referee, -Ted Taman. EXETER WINS FROM GRANTON SEXTET In one of the fastest gamps seen here this season the Exeter team defeated the Granton team by aj score of 2 to 1 on Friday evening of last week. Granton opened the scoring early ill the first period when Kennedy scored on a shot froth close in. The puck never left the ice but slid under Ford’s stick. The Gran-' ton boys' held ’the lead till niidway through the second period when Snell scored on a- lucky shot from outside the blue line. In the-third period “Happy” Wells broke the deadlock when he stickhandled his way through the entire Granton team ,to shoot from close in giving Meadows no chance to save. "This is the second time this season these teams have met, with each team Win­ ning on their home ice. Both teams displayed better hockey than in the previous game. Exeter has the dis­ tinction of being the first team to defeat the Granton team this yepr? Kennedy, for the losers, was the out­ standing player while the entire Exeter team played good hockey with Tuckey making a number of spectacular rushes. The game throughout was clean with only a few minor penalties being handed out by referee Goldie Cochrane. The line up—Granton; Goal Mea­ dows; defeilse, Hardy 'and Keene; centre, Kennedy;, wings, Blair and Worstein; subs, McRoberts and Go­ wan. Exeter—Goal, Ford, defense,, B. Tuckey and Wells; centre, Medd; wings, Willard and Creech; subs. Snell and Tieman. » EXETER LOSES IN OVERTIME In a fast and exciting game of hockey on Thursday night of last week the Zurich cyclone team de­ feated the Exeter team by a score of 2-0. The game throughout was fast and clean but lacked goals until the' last five minutes of the overtime, when the Zurich boys bulged the net twice. The teams were evenly matched with both'goalminders mak­ ing some nice saves. O’Brien scored the first goal when he stickhandled his way through the entire Exeter team and batted his own rebound into the corner of the net. Yung-, blut scored the other a few minutes later on a pass-out from behind the net giving Ford no chance to save. Both teams played little combination with mostly one-man rushes predom­ inating. For the winners Gascho and Yungblut were the Stui'S wjiilo for the losers Wells and Medd play­ ed good hockey. The game was ex­ ceptionally clean with not a single penalty being given. Pete Willard bandied the bell very capably. Exeter—-Goal, Ford j defense, E. Wells and Tuckey; centre, Medd; wings, Tieman and Creech; subs. Snell. Zurich'— Goal, Oescji; defense, Gascho and O’Brelri; centre, Prang; wings, Hau and Yungblut; subs. Keller and Pigeon. SARNIA LOSES TO LOCAL SEXTET IN FINE EXHIBITION On Monday evening a team of puck-chasers from Sarnia engaged llie Exeter boys in a lively game 6f hockey nt the local rink, the lat­ ter winning by the score of 3 to 1, I The game, which was a good sample o? the winter pastime, was for the most part fast and clean, al­ though the pace slowed down a little in the third Stage and the players were inclined ta rough it a little more. ' The visitors proved to be a husky ■. sextet, also some ot them, had speed to burn and at the start many of the ' fans though they would prove to much ,for the locals, but they were constantly back-checked by the op­ posing forwards and when they did get a shot at the net their marks­ manship was poor, In the first period Medd started the scoring for the home team on a nice shot from close in, and midway through the second stanza Creech shot from the boards and the goalie stopped the shot hut it lodged be­ hind his skate and he dragged 4t in with him when he backed into the net,. In the final frame the visitors tried hard to score and Moiiore con­ tributed. to the excitement with sev­ eral solo rushes and on two oc­ casions only hard luck kept him from bulging the twine. “Hap” Wells, for the winners, also had a tough time of it around the net on a couple of occasions when he had only the goalie to beat. Creech sepred the third counter for Exeter in the final go, when he got away a nice shot from the blue line which found the upper left hand corner of the net. Blanshard, the visiting centre pre­ vented a shut-out when he pushed one past Ford during a scramble ih front of the local net. Monore and Blanshard were the pick of the Sar- niq team while Medd, Creech and Ford in goal turned in a, fine per­ formance for the winners. There was a lack of combination play on both sides, but the frequent indiv­ idual rushes kept the crowd on their toes throughout. The Sarnia boys expect to return for another game in the near future with an improved line-up. The teams, Sarnia1—Goal, Kelso; Jenkins, Monore, defence; Blanshard* centre; Garvey, McRury, wings- Da- terson, sub. ’ Exeter—Goal, Ford; Wells, Law- son, defense; Medd, centre; Creech, Willard, wings; Snell, Tieman subs. Referee, W. Harness. “ANOTHER” HOCKEY MATCH The return match between the Slims and Fats was played on the Dome ice on Monday, when a won­ derful exhibition was given before a good crowd of spectators. . The official result, given by re­ feree Dick Harness, was a win for the Slims by 5 goals to 4, but the Fats claimed a tie and from the press box it appeared that they were justir tied, . - Each team made several .changes in their line-up for various reasons. Ed. Treble, absolutely refused and his valuable services were missed by the Slims. Fred Ellerington’s ex­ pert stick handling was a sore loss to the Fats. He was bringing a load of hay into town and it upset, so Fred was handling a hay fork in­ stead of a hockey stick. The Fats were reported to be in­ troducing some new men -from Lon­ don, or Moorseville or Clandeboye, but it is understood they got cold feet when they discovered that San­ dy Bawden and Ted Harness had signed up with the Slims. George Jaques and Andrew Ham­ ilton added strength to the line-up and they supported each side about equally. In the first period some clever stick handling was seen- when Her­ man Doerr got the puck. He’was truly the Fats electric flash- and one would think he had got a shock if he got in the 5vay of Herman. Jim Green and Heck Heywood were a wonderful defense. The lat­ ter played a strong game and was much improved. “Sliep” Stanlake and Teddy Baw­ den had lost a little wind since the last game. Ted was suffering from a cold and it was only his gameness that allowed him to turn out. Teddy is a genuine Fat. Shep appeared to ( have been too well entertained out i on the “2nd” where h^ has been visiting in the interval. The boys hope that Shep will be down from the West again when the next game comes off. The sensation of the game was Shooter Bill. Bill has a wonderful poke check and gave Sandy Bawden a tough time, but his best piece of work was the goal he scored, it was , a wonderful solo effort and gave Dad ho chance. 'Homer also scored a beautiful goal and showed some of the real tricks of the game, but jf only lie could find those long skates Of his nothing could catch him. But, say/ the real find of the ser- ■ ies was Walter Cunningham. High | shots or low shots, fast or slow ones - rollers or bouncers were all alike to him. He kicked them oiit, batted them or turned them into the corner like a John Ross Roach and it will be ho surprise if he is off with the hockey boys in the Cali. Pro league next winter. It would be unfair to single out any of the Slims for special men­ tion for they worked like a clock. Fra.uk Taylor was the “main spring” with two helping “hands’’ ill Ed. Christie and Wei. Horn. Sandy Baw­ den and George Jacques were like ’ the oil and made the works run smooth, The spectators took ’stock’ of Sandy when he scored that goal. Thompson, Pryde and Hamilton helped to put across the victory and with a Uttlq more experience wig make valuable players, pad, In was th© ‘Key* man and sawBtM day for th© Slims With his ful defence. * '■ A fair summing-up of the situa­ tion would be to give the FatCa lol of credit for their performance, bufi the secret of the Slims* success waa? their .superiority an the ’Forward Movement/ It is impossible tp give the line* up for some of the boys wer© noli, sure whether they were Fat or Slinj and at one time, viewed, from thfr press box, the ice looked like the fair grounds on fair day. Dick Harness handled the heli U>> the satisfaction of each side, espec~ ially when awarding a goal- --------------- ------—,— } Lumley Miss G. Stewart, of the Thames Road, visited her aunt Mrs- Welk. Kerslake for a few days last week. Mrs. Noah Horton visited her dau­ ghter Mrs. Archie RoWcliffe last week and also other friends m Hen­ sail for a few days. Miss Jean McQueen fs out of. school just now with a bad cold. Miss Doris Bolton, of London,, spent the Week-end at her home her^ Mr. Calvin Horton visited friend® in Detroit-last week. Miss Elva Bolton, of Kitchener^.. was home over the week-end. n AUCTION SALE ! — of — Z " ! HORSES Z at McDONELL BARN, JDCETER SATURDAY, pPtEBRUARY 23, 1W' Commending at twqf o’clock < Including three and-/four-year-olfi; fillies and geldings,' jDntario bre$ stock. Also spme North Wester# horses broken to harness.■ » TfejtMS (Six months’ credit on furnishing approved joint, rio/es. 6 per cent added. ■ 1/G. J. DOW, Proprietary dT. TAYLOR, Auctoneerf J AUCTION SALE — of--- FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENT^ The undersigned" has received in­ structions to sell by public auctiono-. at LOT 30, CON. 4, USBORN®, offi WEDNESDAY, FEBRLLHlY 27tb 1929, at 1:00 o’clock sharp, th© fol­ lowing: HORSES—-Driving mare, 8 yrs,, old; Gerieral Purpose, 8 yr|. old; a# aged pair of mares. I; , CATTLE—Cow due March 19th£ cow due March’27 th; cow due May- 19th; cow due May 26thf cow due May 30th;’ 2 cows with! calves at' foot; farrow cow; 6 calves coming. 1 year old. \PIGS—-Sow \lue time of sale, fiv£-' chunks. \ f POULTRY— 45 hens mostly Leg­ horns and Rocks; 4 roqsters; foul­ducks, 1 drake. A | IMPLEMENTSV-Mas. |H. binder;,. Mrissey Harris hay loader; ,Massey- H. mower, M. H. i side fake, dumj»; rake, steel roller, \ Deerihg manur-df spreader, Cockshutt seed drill, cuL, tivator, set 4-section harrows, one- furrow walking nlowf 2-furroir walking plow>' 1-furrbw fiding plowD- d'isc, 2 wagons, set of fleighs, two; root pulpers, good topXbdggy, cu.tterF coriv scuffler, scuffler, |two creanj^, separators, hay rack, w|gon box, i gravel box, set of scalesl2.000 pounds* s<ap pan and buckets, emery stone». grindstone, set single liafness, 2 set. double harness, collars, chains, shovels, forks, kitchen range, coal' or wood; Ford touring ca|’. Quant­ ity of roots, hay and gram. TERMS OF SALE, Hay and grain, cash. Ajl sums' of $10.00 and under, cash; over? that amount 8 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 5 pe?' cent, per annum off for cash. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer F. COATES, Clerk ' MRSi. LOUISE HORTON, Prop. MORTGAGE SALE of 1OO acre farm In the Township off” Usborne UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mort­ gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public Auction at th©' offices of GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter, Ontario MONDAY, MARCH 1.1, lp^S at 3 o’clock p.m. the foliating val­ uable property, namely:— Lot numberedj “A’* the Fourth Concession of tie Tdwnshii) of Us­ borne in the CoftnUy of Huron, con­ taining ninety-s/x/kcres more or less. On this fariA/are good barn and outbuildings |ind a comfortable house. The soil is fertile’and in a good state of cultivation and the farm is well drained. It is conven­ ient to both CENTRALIA, LUCAN and EXETER. TERMS——10 % on day of sale and balance within thirty days. The Purchaser can make reason- ‘ able arrangements for leaving part of the purchase money and mort­ gage upon application to the under­ signed. Further particulate will be made known on day m sale or may be had bn application to. CLADMAN & STANBURY Vendor’s Solicitars Exeter, QntaHoL