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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-21, Page 3
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THV11SDAY, FKBRVABY 91, WSO EDITORIAL CREDITABLE brought about by of coal must be Substitute after The manner in which the citizens of the Empire have come to the re** lief om the disti-essed Welsh coil miners is in every/way creditable. Men with red blood in their velnb cannot rest content when they real-' ize that jfeilow citizens' are in need Of food and clothing, It must be recognized, howevor, that the feeding and clothing and housing of these distressed miners is but the .beginning of the solution of the problem. The situation over-production -squarely faced substitute is being found for this at- one-time-regarded essential for transportation and manufacture. Ships and trains are being moved with oil as the power generator. En- gines are being turned with gasoline stream are harnessed to dynamos. Sun and tide are yielding their share to turning the wheels of commerce. Oil-heated furnaces are making homes comfortable. Scientists are no longer anxious about the extent ' of the coal supply. Discoveries, a new- one every morning, are showing how the coal already in sight may have its value-indefinitely extended. All of -which means that tens of thousands of coal workers have left their underground activities behind forever. • What does the situation teach? First, that the school master should be on his job in all those localities where highly specialized labor is required. No man must be come a mere mover of levers. His tvhole mind must-be cultivated and his powers so guarded that he will be able to turn his'hand to almost anything requiring a skilled and trained intelligence. It is feared that the majority of the unemployed'* - miners are not in this fortunate pos ition. ’ In the next place, the church must be out on her right of way in those centres seeing to it that every toiler an-d his family stqnd before the ever opening doors that lead to hope and high ideals. Too often the church sends into these places men who are neither inspired nor inspiring in their leadership. In the third place, the miners must be brought to see that, they simply must help themselves. Failure on A their part so to do will dry tip that stream of public generosity. It is only natural and right that, this re sult should follow. These miners are not the Bi'st to find themselves jobless. Others equally ill-situated have helped themselves. Canada has roo.m for these miners _ but only when the miners'have been in a manner and to a degree fitted for Canadian conditions. ’ To mere ly dump these people'into Canada is to make the condition of all concern ed much more serious than it is at the present time. The crisis of the present hour came bn gradually. It must be got through gradually. Sending the sufferers a few dollars is but the,fist step out Of the difficulty. FINELY DONE.. In every sense ;of the word the publift' speaking contest that took place tn,’tire lecture -reoip', of „ Main Street Chrirch under the .W>O;S,’S,A< last „Frid$y .eyeplng ■ was ae bredifa able performance. Each’ speech wasan'. effort? of vexceptionally high order, Th® - subjects de.ftlt with were well prepared. showing .research' -on the part of the students and of those who had anything to do with getting, the speakers ready really difficult undertaking, was UQt .a weak .effort, in the performance, Other ..things equal we’ll not be surprised .if these young orators are heard from in the future. While not so spectacular as ath letics, public speaking calls for the same self control, the same prepara tion and the same Vim and courage as mark the sportsman in his best performance. No one can be a good public speaker who for any consid erable time holds the ear of the public and be in any sense a slacker. While our ungrudging and most hearty congratulations go to the winners of Friday night, we are glad to say that our local competitors were losers by the merest margin, As the judges remarked, “They, too, will have their day—” The work done by tliem was worthy of high, praise, reflecting credit as it did up- on their own efforts and the work done by the school of which we are so justly proud. for & ThOrqj whole being DID YOU EVER" STOP TO THINK by Edson R. Waite, Shawnee, Okla. Edwin S. Friendly, Business Man ager of the New York Sun, says:—- “What one tiling in our national everyday life is considerably more appreciated today than it was, say ten years 'ago? Superficially, this question may sound like a pointless enigma. Yet the question can be easily answered, and substantially backed up with an array of facts and figures, by saying that newspa per advertising is far more appre ciated today than a decade ago. Con sider New York. The volume of ad vertising in New York CityJ’s stan dard size newspapers has increased 84 per cent, in the last ten years; in 1917 New York’s newspapers pub lished 69, 790,000 lines of advertis ing. In 1927, ten years later, they printed 128,972,000 lines of adver tising. “It isn’t difficult to analyze the outstanding reason for this tremen dous growth of lineage and.appre ciation of newspaper advertising. It is not due to the city’s growth in total population during- this period. Nor has there been a corresponding increase in the total number of ad vertisers, or potential advertisers, in this time. The principal reason for this 84 per cent, increase is due to the greater selling power, the mul tiplied productiveness of newspaper advertising. It ds\ far more wisely read. It is better prepared 'and thus creates a greater appeal, more truthful, thereby reader confidence which And it is increasing in turn dominant role, plays an, important part in the economic existence of thP Nation, Advertising, through the many commodities it offers, creates new thoughts, new desires* it changes our ideals and alters our tastes. Even our 'habits and modes’ Of life are transformed by advertise ing. Basically, advertising fs an ed ucation. It informs, it instructs apd explains the nature and value of commodities. Advertising does this by the simple means of text and il lustration. ‘^Advertising has probably accom plished more to raise the standard, of living than any other thing. The average American has far more tor day than he ever had. Mass produc* duction, is directly traceable to wide and persistant use of advertising. By increasing output it has been the direct means of employing a larger number of men. And with mass production lias come a reduction of the cost of products, which means that both the manufacturer and con sumer have benefitted. “Intelligent ’advertising will con tinue to grow in volume and in influ ence because it is based on sound principles which are deeply rooted in the best things of our national existence.” ■ An old timer says: I kin remem ber when haircuts, cigarettes and trousers was' considered-- as strictly masculine property.«•* Sunday might be made to cseem as impressive as ever if people could be persuaded to wear their good clothes only on that day. • ••• »•« The two most popular sports in Chicago are shooting from the hip and drinking ' down the hip. are equally dangerous.♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ They aston- How There are two things that ish the student of mankind, much the ignorant know, and how little the learned know. Close-up of Rib Roll Showing Sidelap ‘ Limited^ PRESTON, ONT. Montreal Toi onto est, moat per- manentxnetalroof* ing sold. Comes in big sheets. - Forms tight-fitting, fixe- proof,low-costroof toy Baine, Sheds, Houses, Summer Cottages. Made to ‘Council Standard’- quality. Send ridge and rafter measurements.and find out about our SPECIALSPRING OFFER. Free cost estimate gladly given. Notices to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBYNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN "that all creditors and others having claims against the estatj! of JOSEPH S'. HARVEY, late of he Village of "Exeter,, who tiled on Abe |hlrty-flrst day <of October 1928/are required to forward, thejr clai duly proven to the undersigned on/or before the 4th day of March 192 AND \N0 TICEIS FURTHER GIV-. EN that\aftpr tl said date the Exe cutrix wVl proceed to 'distribute the estate having egard only to the claims of Ywhich she then shall have notice, DATED January ' GLA T 41* NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors having claims against the estate, of ALBERT J. FORD, late pf ttya Village 0f E/eter, in Jthe County of Hurobb Geptlema^ who died on the twenty-second day ofrOe? tpber 1928, are required to forward their clai * duly pfoven to the uni or before the tvrenty- raty, 1929, CE/IS HEREBY QIV' MAKE THIS YOUR UM DAY OF OWATION of t/Exeter tjiis Twelfth day 929. AN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for the Executrix dersigned cki or hi fifth day ofyFebrps AND NQ — " EN that afteft tl/e said date the Exe cutor will pr^cOed to distribute the estate having ^regard only to the claims of whi he then shall, have netted Dated at Exeter this first day of February, 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY ’ Exeter & Hensall Executor’s Solicitor NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all, creditors and / others having clainis against the /state of HENRY* ANDERSON, late/of the Village of Exeter,' Retired 'armer, who died on th.e first day/of February, 1929, are required to forward their claims duly proven to/ the undersigned on or befor\ the fourth day of March, 1929. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that afterlth© said date the Exe cutrix will estate havi claims of wl notice. DATED at of February, A.D., 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY Hensall and Exeter Solicitors- for Executrix rjbceed to distribute the regard only to the ch she then shall have day Exeter, Ont. this ninth NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV^N that all creditors and others/ having claims against the estate /of GEO. REICHERT, late of the Township of Hay, Gentleman, who di/sd on the sixteenth day of JanuaiA 1929 are fequired^ to forward $heir claims duly proyen to the undersigned on or before Uhe fourth day of March 1929. / AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that afteV the said date the Ad ministrator -vVUl proceed to distri bute the estate havifig regard only to the claims whiifh he then shall have notice. DATED at E ter| Qnt. this ninth day of February\AfD., 1929. GLADMAI STANBURYr Solicitors for. Administrator •’ 'Hensall lin'd Exeter 1 Restores the Liver to Healthy, Mr. Donald DupeFron of Maxville; Ont., is only onejsi thousands of men who fecljthat ‘‘Iruit-a-tivcs’’ is their sure projector Against Bilious Head aches, Sick Stomach, Indigestion,NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors having claims against' the estate of EMMA A. HOGARTH, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on the tenth day of January, 1929,- are required to fo/ward their claims >ven to ttne undersigned on the /wenty-fifth day of 1929/ )TIGE IS HEREBY GIV-.; iter/tlie said date the Exe-“ duly pw or befor February AND EN that cutrix will\p$bceed to distribute the regard only to the claims of wMieh she then shall have , Jck Stomach, Indigestion, Kidney groupie, which are usually caused l)y (constipation. As Mr. " Duperron^sdys: “After trying many remedies fm* Constipation, ‘Fruit-a- tives” wa$ (rccpmmend<?d~rand the results Were marvellous. All the ill effects of this disease left me, and ‘Fruit-a-tives’ really made a new man of me.” Try this great fruit medicine. 25c. and 50c, a box—at dealers every* where. caused a: estate haVim notice. * Dated at Exeter this first day February, 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter & Hensall Executrix’ Solicitor of NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY -GIVEN that all creditors an s having claims against the estate of MARIA STATTON, late of Gjdind Bend, in the County of Lambtbn, widow, who died ori\the fifth /lay of January, 1929,' areVrequired/tb forward their claims duly proven? to the undersign ed on or before tAe 25th day of Feb ruary, 19291 / AND NOTICE/IS FURTHER GIV EN that afte-p tn© said date the Ex ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having, /regard only to the claims of whlc^ they then shall have notice. j Dated at Exeter this sixth day of. February, 1929. .GLADMAN STANBURY.- - Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS^ NOTICE is hereby given that/all persons having -claims against/the estate of Levi- H^mather, late ' fit the village of DashWood, in the/county of Huron, carpenter, who died on the 7th day. of February 192/, are re quired to forward their claims, duly proven to Eilbar & Son, Zrediton, on or before the /st day o<Marbh 1929. And notice/is further given that after the said; late the executors will And notice; proceed to dic ing regard p: which they th Dated at Ci of February 1 Otto Wilier Exec fifoutA the estate, hav- ily /o the claims of 3n /hall have notice. OjBton this 15 th day 929. t, Clayton Wildfong, utors, Dashwood, Ont. TRAIN SCHEDULE Going South Brucefield .................. 7.58 4.28 Kippen ......................... 8.05 4.36 Hensall ................... 8.13 .4.43 Exeter ......................... 8.27 4.58 Centralia ................... 8.39 5.08 Clandeboye"................ 8.30 5.18 Going North Clandeboye .................. 10.24 5.30 Centralia ................ 10.36 5.41 Exeter ........................ 10.49 5.54 Hensall ..... ............... 11.03 6.08 Kippen ....................... 11-08 6.13 Brucefield ................... 11.17 6.22 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that all creditors having claims against the estate of MARGARET ANN’ MC ARTHUR, late of the Villag^of Hen sall, in the County of rf-tfron, Mar ried Woman, who died/ni the seven teenth dav of JanuarX 1929/ are re quired toIforwardyHieir claims duly proven toftlie undersigned on or be fore the Jtwenty^fiftli day of February, 1929. / AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that|a£rer the said date the Exe cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this first day February, 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter & Hensall Executors’ Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that? all creditors and othei-s . having claims against the estate of NATH ANAEL SAUNDERCOCK, late qf the Village of Hensall, Retired- Edrmer, ■who died on the ninth day/of Jan uary A. D.,_ 1929, are required to forward, their claims duly”proven to the undersigned on cmfbefore t'li'e eleventh daw^of Marcl/1929. AND NQTICE' IS FURTHER GIV EN (that after the. sdid date the Executrix" will/proceecy to distribute the estate having regard only, to the claims of/whiclyshe then shall have notice. ( . / - ' ’ DATED at/Exeter this eighteenth day of February 19^9." GdADMAN & STANBTJRY vi/’ Exeter arid Hensall ? Solicitors fpi* the Executrix, USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAU FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont, President SIMO1$ DOW Vice-Pres... FRANK McCQNneLL | DIRECTORS / ANGUS SINCLAIR, J. Tf ALLISON, ROBT.J NORRIS, Whi. BROCK f agents’ JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for l/sborne and Biddulph HARRIS Munro, Agent tor rt, Fi^lfarton and Logan /turNbull stimulates reader responsiveness. “Advertising, in its various fields with newspaper advertising in the of i t OLIVER 1-------- Hibbert, Full |W. ^TURNBULIi Secretary-Treasurer BoW98, Exetpr, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter « NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that alj^ dl Hu- tjfe 29 th day of January 1929, arg/required to forward their claims./duly prov en to H. Eilber & Soii/Crediton on or before;the 1st day df March 1929. And notice is further given that after the said date/tlie executors will proceed to distribute the estate, hav ing regard only to the claims of which |they tli/n shall have notice. Dat^d at r0i’editoil this 15 th day of Fel/uar/1929. Henry ^chroeder, Kitchener and David^.<mroeder, Hay, Twp., Execu tors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all. creditors having laims against persons having claims against. jthe the estate of JOH1/ McDOUGALL, I estate of Sophia Schroeder, la' late of the Townshift) of Stanley, in j the Twp. of Stephen, County of Hu- the County of Hur/n, Farmer, who ron, widow, who died on 1 died on • uary 192 their clai dersigned fifth day o^Febifuary, 1929. AND NOTICE/ IS HEREBY GIV EN that after tl said date the Exe cutors will p^oc^ed to distribute the estate liavingV/egard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this first day February, 19.29. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter <fc Hensall Executors’ Solicitors e twenty-fifth day of Jan- ... _ aired to forward S duly/proven to the un- n oi’ /before^ the twenty* , are r of NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors haying claims against the estate of ESTHER McLEOD, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of/Huron, (formerly of, the Village off Exeter) widow, Who died oikthe fourteenth day of Janu ary 192 arej required to forward their claims duly proven to the uh*- dersigned i{or before the twenty fifth day of ebruary, 1929. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN that after the said date the Exe cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of Which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exftter this first day February, 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter & Hetman Executors5 Solicitors of NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE is hereby given pudsuant to the. Statutes in that behalf, tjhat all creditors and others lining claims against the Estate of .Augus tus Hennessey, late of the Township of Biddulph in the Counter of Mid? diesex, farmer, who died Jn or about the 9th day of December, 1928, are required to forward the same, duly proven ;(tq the under gned, the Exe- on or before bruary, 1929 and given that after Executors will pro to the Estate, having those claims of which ien have notice, t Crodlton this 2nd day 19 29. Mrs. Gertrude R. No, 1, Oiandeboyo, R. R. No. 1, Crediton, proven (tq the t. cutors -ofpile Es the 25th May of notice is$ furtli the said Bate t ceed to /istri regard <My they 'shall DATE of February, Hennessey, R. James Glavin, EkecutPi’s. / Nervous Breakdown HEART PAINEDc HER COULD NOT SLEEP Many a woman who should be strong and healthy, full of life and energy is bound by the shackles of ill-health. Some disease -or constitutional dis£ turbanco has left its mark in the form of a weak heart, shattered nerves, im poverished blood and an exhausted con dition of the whole system. Those troubled in this way will £ml tn a remedy that will supply food for th® exhausted nerves, that will strengthen the weak heart and. invigorate th® whole system. Miw Florence Clark, 296 Smith St, Halifax, N.S., writes!-—“I am a tele phone operator, and some months ago had a very bad. nervous breakdown, My heart pained me a great deal, and m.y nerves were eo bad I feonld not bleep at night, I tried many medi cihca, but did not get much relief uhtil X started to tftko Milburn’s Heart and Nerre Pflln, I only need one bo*, and I .jwrt.'haw to write and toll you how thankful I am for yowt wonderful ibmDdyL X how able W sleep aetindiy, ana 'any horrible pehui,0 Pride 50e, a box Mnl dealer® Or mni price by ToitmMv (I