The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-14, Page 8w al r your ldonR. G Phone 90 pular Miss Agnes Hamilton visited her sister Mrs. S. R. Prebble, of Ilderton, for a few days last week. Mr. Chas. Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coates were in Strathroy on Friday attending the graduation exercises of Mr. Harvey’s daughter, Miss Florence Harvey, of the Strath­ roy General Hospital. Mr. G. Lawson, manager of the Bell Telephone Central, has secured the services of Miss Mary McKaig, of Ilensall, who will begin her duties next week. Mr. Hy. Trick, of Credi­ tor, has been relieving this week. Mi§s McKaig has had four years ex­ perience at Hensail and comes high­ ly recommended. Subscribers are being asked to look up the numbers before calling .central. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE Exeter Markets Wheat $1,30 Oats 50c.' Barley 70c. Manitoba Flour $3.65 Blend Flour $3.65 Pastry Flour $3.65 Feed Flour $2.15 Bran $1.75 Shorts $1.75 Creamery Butter 47c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1W2Q Butter 40-43c. extras, 36 c. • pullets, 30c, seconds, 22c > $10,25. 10 a.mx.—Sunday School, - Services as usual at 11 a.m. and 7 p.in,“conducted by Dr. G. W. Conners, Of Ripley Next Sunday and for a number'Of Sundays the occupants of the pulpit will be candidates for a pall apd every member and adherent should hear them morning and evening. 3 V tO GER Y Try our Etft V Grapefruit, HARVEY’S xout Sugar Texas •tically seedless at Grocery specialj during the month of February a ird’s. Grocery. h | f 4#*;(•M-. >• '.r I NOW is the Time to Re-deco rate Your Walls VALENTINE TEA<-Will be held in James St. Cliup^n, Saturday af­ ternoon, Februai 6 p.m.* under Junior Misisio A cake and tje sion 25c. '16th, from 3 to § auspices of the Band. Sandwiches, will be served, admis- LOST—Surida Efceter and G&u ga-untlet glov&Vc leave at Tiines^Advocate. ■Su,n<fa^ on road between ■^Westcott’s corner, a or right hand. Please 2-14-1tp FOR SALE—A child^S. cutter, al­ so piano-box cutter in^irst class con­ dition. ton. Apply t® Dr. Orme, Credi- br 2-14-itc. FOR brick cottage with ev one acre of la garhge, stabl session in Ap Harmon, Hen SALE—At Ccnfe’alia, 6.room . convenience good orchard; ken house, Pos- Apply Mrs. H. D. ... 2-14-tfc prchase, a child’sWANTED—To crib complete.'?5^ApKly to Times.Ad­ vocate. 2-14-tfc FOR SALE—Bedroom set in good condition. Apply at%^imes-Advoeate. H ,x2-14-tfc FOR SALE—A quantity of green body beech'Xvoo^X Apply William Sweitzer, Sh/pkdt - . ........... m arnKtg to farmers If you ha harness that needs repairing, havc%it doixe now, do not and then expect to e^arne day you bring Look aff&cXhis NOiV/ind you dis^cointed'' in the z wait until sprin have it donb It in. will not spring. If you wish to bu^T sell or rent a farm see R. E. Bjdkard, Exeter. .... -GOATS FQR^SA^E—Male or fe­ male—Apply Ros^Hern, Granton, R. R. No. 1, Pho&e Kirkton 4 r*13. V 2-14-2tp. To-day (Thursday) is Valentine Day. Miss Annie Sunders is visiting in Lambeth. Mr, S. M. Sanders is in Toronto for a few days on business. Mr. Rod, Ellis has moved, into the apartment in the Fitton building. Mr. Bert Doyle is in Toronto to bring home a new Whippet coach. Miss Madeline Dearing, of Lan­ don, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Annie McDonald, of Clinton, spent the week-end with Miss Agnes Hamilton. Mr. Norman Riddell, of Granton, had his nose broken recently while playing hockey. Miss Madeline Dearing, of Lon­ don, visited under the parental roof ovex- the week-end. Miss Margaret Hicks, of Centralia was the guest of Miss Muriel Ho- wald over tlie week-end. Mrs. W. Thornton, of Windsor, spent a few clays recently visiting hex’ mother, Mrs. S>. Handford. Mr. Elmore Harness is again able to 'be around following his recent operation at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. Mrs. John Snell left Wednesday for Windsor to visit with her daugh­ ter, Mrft. C. H. Smith, for some weefcs. (Mrs. H. C. Wilkin returned to her home in Tavistock on Saturday after visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mar­ shall. Miss Stella Southcott leaves today (Thursday) to visit for a couple of weeks with her coursin, Mrs. B. Pin-/ der, of Montreal; also in Toronto. The Centralia United church are to be congratulated on having rais­ ed tlxeix* full allotment fox' the M. & M. Fund. Miss Florence Dunslord, of Hay, has passed her music examinations with high marks, she being prepared by Miss Ruth Wildfong. (Mr, Thos. Appleton, has returned to Exetei’ after visiting f<>i’ a couple of days with his daughter-in-law,, Mrs. Thos. Appleton, of Hensall. Mrs. K. McNicol, of Ushorne, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at Dr. Fletcher’s Hos_ j pital, has returned to her home. Mr. Ed. Kestle, who recently un­ derwent an operation at Victoria Hospital, London, has made Splen­ did, progress and is expected home did progress and returned home oxi Wednesday. Mr. Wnx. Lawson, of Purvis, Man. is visiting with hjs brother, George of the Bell Telephone Central, and with other relatives around Exeter and Crediton. Quakex' Kisses, the faixiily candy, sugar, molasse] , FOR SALE—Two tors in good Cecil Walker, ph-ope 18 r 16 egg incuba- Apply to 1, Exeter, 2-14-ltc -40 cAjidJ^on. R.^^’ No, CrdOon. - Registered Hereford 10 x^oiithsi exAra fine .John Hirtzel, R. FOR SALE- bull calf, aged animal. Apply'-j R. 1, Creditor. pl^Be 36 r 5* FARM FOR SAL Seventy aci’e farm, fdr sale or „ One mile east of Mt. Camel, ba^k barn, large white brick hduH.tr k, well and windmill. Close to*feh * and high school. Apply to Denn Mahoney, R, R. No. 3, Ailsa Craig. 1 2-14-2'tc FOR SALE OR’lRENT—65 acres good grass land,ay loam, never failing well with v^ndmill in Usborne To Boundary and si ply J. A. Toohey, 4 London, Ontario. located Corner south ncession. Ap- heapside St., 2-14-tfc HOGARTH HATCHERY It is how time to be thinking about your brooders, chicks etc, for this season, We are novr funning our machla and can supply your heeds. Our Varload of brooders, feedei’Hand. aJJ, poultry supplies will be here talk Over out ibices, very reasonab SERVICE, of Hogarth’s * D Purple dnd-'Monm?Off Ldy -Mash, Boixe tel; >leat Meal, Fish Meal, Cod Liter Oil,. Oftawbal, Meal? Wd afe-".glvIS' count for orders plac mty 15th ustiftT deposit. days. Come in and needs and ask for Will find them nd' wo give you so parry a stock Mash, Royal >, butter and milk smooth as silk,I Special this week at CERY.HARVEY’-S G: Mr.t J. M. Southcott.. of the Times- Advocate was in ..Toronto last week attending a meeting of the Ontario- Quebec division of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Associaton. Mr. Gordon Marshall, of Ca]gary,* who visited with his mothei* in town for a few days, was called home the lattei’ part of the week owing to the illness of his wife. Mr, Marshall is .sales representative for cars and is meeting with success. MiSs Margaret Johns, training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, has been visiting for the past week with Mr. and Mrs, 'W. W. Ta­ man. On Sunday evening Miss Johns and Miss Pearl Wood sang a duett thafc was much appreciated at the James St, Church. Mr. Edgar Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. smith, formerly of Exeter, is an Exeter Old Boy who is being heard over the radio, singing with the Toronto Jubilee- Quartette over C. F. I. B. This is the Roger’s Bat­ teryless Station and'^Ir. Smith is oil the air Saturday evenings between 8 and 9 o’clock. The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s Association of Main Street United Church was held in the dhurch parlor Thursday afternoon. About 25 ladies were present, the president presiding.. After the reg­ ular routine of business plans were completed for a pancake be held Thursday, March A surprise party was n hoiho of Mr. and Mrs. W. hrg oh Saturday evening, ‘Sion being the birthday of Mr, Dear- iijg, A jolly evening was spent, 'the ladles wok along their baskets and served refreshments, ., ■ ...., Chrysler splendid nurse-in- tosocial 7-th. 4d at TI, D< the pcca- the jar* JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goujdlng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—-“Treasures New and Old.” Last in series on the “Conflict be­ tween the new and old.” p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—-“The Parable of Spontan­ eous Growth.” 5tli in series of “The King Talks of His King­ dom.” Combined Y. P. S/and prayer ser­ vices at 8:00 o’clock Tuesday even­ ing. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston . a.m.—A timely message, with formation. p.m.—Oux\ Church School v p.m.—“One, way by which God Answers.” 7:30 Thursday evening United prayer service. All are welcome at this service. . . 11 In­ ’S, 3 7 S TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones. Rector First Sunday in Lout a.m.—Holy Communion 11 a.m.—Matins and Sermon. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m,—Evensong SINGER SEWING MACHINES - - . . -- EMc6r1c) PORTABLE AND /'TREADUE MACHINES v /Youn’Dlu Machine Taken in Y Exchange REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY A . ANY MAKE ’ ’ . D. J. McKINNON PHONE 85, — EXETER, ONT. Hl We understand that Mr. W. J. Heaman has disposed of his hard­ ware business to Messrs. J. A. Tra- quaii* and Ed. Lindenfield, of Heix’-. sail-. 'i . % Mr. R. E. Pickard last week sold both of Mrs. Louise Horton’s farms on the .fourth concession of Usborne TownShip., The eighty acres on- the north side of the road' was purchas­ ed by Edgar Cudmore, the purchase price being $6,000.00 and the 100 acres on the south side of the road was sold to Hector Rowcliffe, the sale price being $6,500.00. Both parties take possession first of. March next. Mr. Simpson, of Agin­ court, Out., to whom Mr. Pickard, recently sold ,the farms at Farquhar belonging to the Fred Stewart estate will also take possession on March 1st next. z The Junior W.O.S.S.A. oratorical contest will 'be held ih Main Street CliUrch, Exeter, Friday evening of this week when scholars from Sarnia Collegiate Institute will compete 'with scholars from the Exeter High School. Dorothy subject, , Land of with the subject Present.” ed by Miss Ruby Stone speaking on' “Our Debt to Ontario Pioneers” and Mr. Melvin Snider taking for his subject “Ontario and its Resources.” For the past two„weeks the Exe­ ter Trail Rangers have been enthus­ iastically selling bonds giving Exe­ ter citizens a chance to Invest in better boy life for Ontario, This money is used iii financing the On­ tario- Boys* Work Board which gives I leadership to co-operative work throughout Ontario, made up of representatives. Protestant denominations gud M. C. A two secretaries and an office 25 summer camps; a Tuxfs Parliament; Conferences for boys; assists local Boys’ Boards and other details too wous to mention. To carry on this program $12,000 is needed. This Is raised by a sale of bonds. , The allocation for South Huron was $90,00, Although the report of the sale is not yet com­ plete the Exotex* group have sold to date over $40.00 worth, The dis- trict keebs 50% of all funds over its allocation to be used to promote the South Huron Boys aamp held in Xuly These bonds do not guarantee divi­ dends In money but they do promise rich returns In Christian character and personality, Sarnia, contestants will be Haney, speaking on the ‘Northern Ontario, the New Promise’’ and David Kerr, “Russia, Past and Exeter will bo represent- boys It is of the the Y. It provides the services of staff; Boys* older Work num- Before the Paper Hangers g6t too Busy. « We have Beautiful Papers to show you suitable for any room in your home.Ask to see them. = Room Lots of Wallpaper With enough in each bundle to do an av­ erage size bedroom. Four\good patterns to choose from. SPECIAL ROOM LOT $1.19 Dining room lots of Wallpaper These are our better Wall-Papers tyut have been grouped in room lots for quick saje. . 1- RO^M LOT $1.69 / These beautiful an-wool blankets come in pl^i shades as well as four different combination \olors in plaid. They tak/the place of comforters and are easily washed Plain $7.00 0 Stamped Mats In medium and large jsizfe. These Tea Pots sold regular at 85c.'and $1.80. We place them on sale this week at \ 59c. V 50 pairs of Ladies’ Shoes. 50 pairs of Ladies’ High Laced Shoes. Nearly all sizes in this lot. A good sh&e for winter wear. t TAKE YOUR PICK FOR $1.48 V ✓ ■ In oblj showing | qre provl PR® Ing and oval shapes. We p number of new patterns which tig1 very popular. !ED AT 65c., 75c. and 85c. are f 50 PAIRS OF Strip Slippers and Oxfords A up of some of our regular $5.00 and $5.50 lines. These are extra values J AT PER PAIR $2.98 I SPECIALS IM GROCERIES 5 pkgs. McLaren’s Jelly Powders for 25c, 2 pounds of Good Prunes for . . . 2 ti 19d ts canned Pineapple for . . . . Buy them by the box $2.25 .. 34c; HYDRO ELECTRIC ’ Wiring and.Vstallinjg guaranteed workmanship aV reasonable prices. Repairing stoves^nd/motors a spec­ ialty. Estimates^ Gladly furnished tree. y ERN. DAVIS Mrs. David Parkinson, of Exeter, who has been visiting relatives in 'Whalen for some weeks, is visiting her son in St. Marys —„ St. Marys ..Jo'urnal-Argus. The Rumley tractor demonstration held1-at the Cochrane Machine Shop •on Wednesday of last week conduct­ ed by Mr. Thos. Scott, of Cromarty, was a splendid- success. 'About 150 were present in the ''afternoon. 17 reels of moving pictures were shown which proved most interesting and jns'tuctive. T!hi:ee representatives were present and gave demonstra­ tions with the tractors.’ A number of prizes 4ere awarded. Think of I / ■Cold Remedy, for Flu It clears and makes NAMELESS- . and common . colds, the head and throat one feel good. CHOCOLA TES—You t good kinds here, new shipment this week. 'COUGH CANDY—Sexfral kinds in now. \ ORANGES—L OUR WEEKLY S ..ED AGAIN. WA ON RHE ICE CREAM— 'ersldjss, in sealers, con od kind, Walk­ pieces, bricks, nd Frost-bites 5 LIST START* JH THE LIST.. TNDOW icy Sunkist. Ited and roast- Powell’s Variety Store /‘WHERE YOU SAVE” Phone 55 ' ELLIOTT’S OCERYCORNER v Just^North off Metropolitan! PhoAe 25 If bi* S er vice - You neol •>, Wo he; We have the lino of fel candfes, opal th [t j t« things we ■sell, rbur patronage, ythifig you waht in series, fancy cakes, >11 and vinegar. » •*> NOW IS THE.TIMPANO THIS IS T Suits small and medi Overcoats, Iook\hese over at Odd Pants from $2.00 up PLACE sizes for men ji't $12.00 2.00 x - Overalls at $1.50 Heavy Wool Ribbed^hderwearjat 95c. ‘ Windbreakers at $2.75 Sweafl frs as low as $2.00 Special Line of Dress ^jhirts j^t • $1.50 BIG REDUCTION ON TIES, SO^KS, We have marked these' goods aO,pr them. Cost prices have not been c make room for the new spring goods W. PHONE 81w ATS AND CAPS., es that should move dered. We want to W. TAMAN' EXETER, ONT. ALL THE LATESTJEQUIPMENT R.\N. ROWE AND T\ M. PINNEY MERSEMB PHONE,JSINESS 20w. USE 20j. EXETER. ONT, IC SAFETY RAX SHARXENEbj&ny make) SINGLE e DOUBLE EftG .............. UcrteOtlliRgO Guaranteed W* & COLE, DRUGGIST BLADES 'MMOWI So 4C Ernest GENERAL arvey, UBANCB BllOKEa presenting Mutual life of Canada Life, Fire, Automobile, Etc/ ™- W R, GOULD G ■ A. T. Q. M. •Organists and Ch/lrhmster Jinnes; S\. Unlt^j Church in ; Plano Vocal rgaw Theory j Supervisor of rn Schools .. ~ Box 57, Phone 19> R. ONT. Studio, Main S EX Bay, NOT JUST KIDS but grown-ups too. Mrs, Sybil!a Spahr’s ’I*onsiUtis treats <>vory form of Uoughy Bronchitis, Sore"’throats and Tonsil Troubles quickly. Good results or money bao.lL Howey. Drugstore, # I R. HONOR G1L ENAMI Nigh Phm akirig F ONTARIO •BOARD Sunday Calls No, 33 MODER1N equipment KINDLY & AtTHNTlVH SBttVIdM