HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-14, Page 4fEHURSDA?*, WKW’ 1<» KAZQR DEAL COD LIVER and difficult' for 49c. Regular 75c. foy^/Ulc. STATIONERY 2 for 60c. E VINOL TONIC & BUILDER a Good for after the Flu, Regular $1.25 for 89c. RUM, HONEY $ OIL ate cocoanlt OIL SHAMPOO Regular 85c, for 25c, AUTO-STROP 10 blades, 1 FOR For Bronchitis coughs, Regular 60c, for > razor, 1 strop $1.00 DRECO • A splendid He^b Tonic -and Laxative. Regular $1.25 for 89e. EBRUARY THE EXETER TIMES-AOVOCATE SIIAV1NG Cream, Talcum Lotion. Regular $1,25 SET Powder and PALMOLIVE SHAVING . - CREAM 33c. and 1 Gilette Razor Free ? for 85c. ACETYLSAL TABLETS 1 bottle of 50 for 40c. 1 bottle of 100 for 75c, Splendid' for .colds headaches* and neuralgia. CTROLA Beautiful tone 0,00 for $85.00 UNLISTED VICTOR RECORDS A splendid assortment. 4 for $1.00 ' $L<|) value- Assorted Soaps for 65c. Djer-Kise Face I’owdei' i bottle perfume 60c. STOCK MEN ds of genuine Saltpetre? ate of Potash 25c. ds Epsom Salts 25c. nds Sulphur 25c. Worm Capsules for •worms -in%hogs, full directions. EXETER Jrugstore ONTARIO VICTROLA TABLE Stye Mahogany finish FOR .$33.00 15c. pads ................. 2 for 15c. 25c, pads ............... *2 for 25c. 50c. PapeteTies ...... 2 for 50c. 60c. Papeteries ....,.,.2 for 60c. 60c. Correspondence cards MARRIAGES ,BAILEY—DELBRIDGE — At the Elimville parsonage on Saturday, February 9, Miss Ila [M. Delbridge, daughter of the late Mf. and Mrs. John Delbridge to Mr. George . Bailey, both of Usborne, by Rev. Leroy White. -DAYMAN—SMITH—At Wesley par­ sonage, Clinton, on February 5, by Rev. A. A. Holmes, Mrs. Cath­ erine Jane Smith, of Hensall, to" James Dayman, of Tuckersmith. DEATHS HUDSON—At Granton, on Monday, February 11, George Hudson, ag­ ed 83 years. HAMACHER—In Detroit, Mich.,, on Thursday, Feb. 7th, 1929, Levi Hamacher, formerly of Dashwood, aged 53 years 1 month, 12 days. C. F. HOOPER SELLS OUT 145 cases of eggs. At times he ran as high as 350 to 400 cases a week. Mr. Hooper, in selling out to Mr. Trewartha, says he has secured the best man in Western Ontario to suc­ ceed him- Mr. Trewartha is well known throughout this community. He is at present reeve of Clinton and at one time represented South Huron in the legislature. Mr. Tre­ wartha has taken over the store and the (equipment and in addition to eggs will handle poultry. He will handle the business in connection with his Clinton business. Mr. Hooper retains possession of his residence. He has not enjoyed the best of health of late' and tends to take things easier. I in- CARD OF THANKS derson and s their sincere d friends for- the ympathy extended during'^thejr^rfcent bereavement; al- ®o for fhe floral tributes and loan of •cars. Mrs. •wish t o Ao the nieighb jkindnejs family thanks U^BORNE COUNCIL CARD OF THANKS Tr and family is their sincere thanks to the many |fri,^fds and neighbors for the kindi|0gg and sympathy ex_; ,eir sad bereavement Mrs. wish to Levi Hamacj exprej tended durin, also for the iloral tributes and loan cars. ’ OAIlD OF THANKS ‘ * Mr. anrf Mrs! Art^/Delve desire to express Aheir grasteful appreciation to the friends, a&so the Ladies’ Aid and Comrade’s class of James Street Church, for flowers sent during Delve’s illness. Mr. IN MEMQRIAM FAHRNER—-In loving memory of dear mother Mrs. Chris,.fFahrner, who died four yefirs ag^ Febru­ ary 12, 1925. Deep in our hearts lies. ____, Of a loved one gon^b rest; In memory’s frame w#will keep it, Becaus^ she was gfe of the best. Cur .lips (Suinot spqfSk how we loved picture, Cur .lips her, “ Our hea|‘ts ca God only lr.c-.v>_llwt¥ As we mittlgp along life's rough way. | Ever remeifi Family. bt tell what to say Aows/Hiow we miss her, erod by Husband and PP WIT WE R- late rnar; We are Thiitkii: Picturi: Just as You let That k> That Forge? £adly n In loving memory of the Fred Witwer, >lio died Feb- •■ 13. 1924. rliinking of^’ou dear father, ’ the^pjpt, feu iivpiemorles Kawjyou last niiiflFan aching heart pTih most sincere; <id, nor never will v i a oi ig yi wei ’ hJ n, father dear, sed by wife and family DP HERDft our cl Febru This da Of -a l<y g-ijne Her pla be filled iSadiy .!■ .'■■I'!.......'"""Il,"—t'W tlm opo^lng nets also gave a ..(jrpdlV. able performance/ -but apparently had knowledge that “scouts” were looking on. The first period started with a* grand rush by the *fat fellows, led by Homer Bagshaw (The Battling Bamhino) a^d after some fine play Teddy Bawden^ beat Dad 'With a. dazzling shot. Strong protests that it was off-side were of no use and the “Fats” were one ahead. A little rough play crept into the game and the referee, was compelled to penalize some the player#for their tactics. “Shep” stanlake was warned repeatedly for off-side an$ fast skating. “Shep” tried to tell that “Out West” they did not object to fast play but* referee Norry was firm in his decisions. Before the end of the first period each side had scored three goals. The scorers for the ’!Fats” being: Ted Bawden, Fred Ellerington and Homer Bagshaw. For the “Slims” Well, Hern, Frank Taylor and Ed, Christie found the net. Frank got a nice goal, the result of team play with Pryde. The lat­ ter was resting against the boards when he got possession and after drawing the defence, parsed to Frank kWho had no difficulty in beating Cunningham. The second period found the boys1 fresh and eager to be at it again and they started off in a “cloud of dust” Two goals were scored in quick suc­ cession by Ed. Treble and W. Hern. Ed. played a wonderful game con­ sidering that he had not 'been on skates in — years. Well. Hern was the star on the slim side and his stick handling and skating treat to witness. Ed. Christie was strong forward did not 'Christie bench. A strong come-back was staged by the “Fats” and while the “Slims” were resting on their oars (on sticks) the score was tied b,y Her­ man Doerr and “Shep.” Herman did. some .heavy skating but was re­ ported to be pretty stiff the next day. Heck Heywood and Jim Green con­ stituted a powerful defence and to­ gether with Walter kept the limits. Teddy was sent eral ccasions for shouting at , the juniors on the other side. Teddy spoiled some good shots and the boys fell just as they were about to shoot. Referee Jack Norry was strict about these tactics and loafing and. falling on the ice was also severely dealt with. Fred Ellerington was a bad of­ fender and was sentenced for of­ fences of this kind.' Good; thing for Fred, there was a fence some where as he depended on that to stop him. The “Battling Bambino” has lost some of his speed but it was report­ ed that the loss of his long skates was the cause. Th© “Slims” appeared’ to be the better balanced te$m and if they had later line, one- The was a AUCTIONSALti AUCTION SALE movement, hut the seem to understand spent a lot of time on the referee and ZE. on the Cunningham score within reasonable Bawden is still a star but to the penalty box on sev- .Of -rew. FARM STOCK AND LMPLEMQENTS The undersigned has received in* structions to sell by public ^Uctiom at LOT 30, CON? 4, USBORNE, on AVEDNIilSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th 1929, at, 1:00 o’clock sharp, lowing; HORSES-—Driving mare, old; General Purpose, 8 yrs. aged pair of mares? CATTLE—Cow due Marc cow due Mqrch .27th; cow 19th; cow due May 26th; May 30th'; 2 cows with foot; farrow cow; 6 ca 1 year old. PIGS—Sow due time chunks. POULTRY—-45 hens horns and Rocks; 4 ro ducks, 1 drake. IMPLEMENTS—Mas. Massey Harris hay loa<; H. mower, M. H. side rake, steel roller, Dee spreader, Cockshutt ee tivator, set 4-sectlon furrow walking pj walking plow, 1-furro disc, 2 wagons, set the fol- sale, five ostly Leg- terb; four 8 yrs. old; can 19 th; ue May cow due calves at s coming H» binder, r; Massey- ake, dump ng manure 1 drill, cuL arrows, one , 2-furrow riding plow, sleighs, two root pulpers, good topfbuggy, cutter, corn scufUer scufflqr, two cream separators,^ hay rack,f wagon box, 1 gravel boxAset of scajs 2000 pounds sap pan anfcl' bucke grindstone, double ha. shovels, fori or wood; Fo ity of roots, ' TERitS Hay and g of $10.00 an that amount 8 be given on joint notes or cent, per annum FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer F. COATES, Clerk MRSi LOUISE HORTON, Prop. emery stone, harness, 2 set ollars, . chains, ten range, coal ng car.. Quant- d grain, 0 SALE . cash. , nder, cash; ontlis’ credit will •nishing approved discount of 5 per off for cash. All sums over ••—. Qf —. FABM STOCK, IHWDl^lENTS 4^9’ llOUSEHOI/D EFFECTS The undersigned has -received in­ structions to sell by public auction,. at LOT 11, CON. 20, STEPHEN 25 miles north of Greenway •• -t— on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 192$ at 1:30 o’clock sharp the following:] HORSES—General Purpose mare rising 7 years, sound, in f^al to Per- cherop Qehora; 3-yenr-oW filly bred by Sola’s Grotton, brpl/e; gelding Percheron, chestnut, risijig two. CATTLE—Roan cow/ past flue- time of sale; 2 spotted ws, red and: white due March 1°; 2 feed cows due March 20; black COW #ie March 12; two pure bred h^ifersfrising two; 1 pair of steer calves; in April., These are young cattle, PIGS—Sow with rqek hens. IMPLEMENTS—ft cut; 16 plat£ disc, o tooth cultivator, wa GRAIN— 1 HOUSEHO ing machine writing desk, new; 1 Quebec! he . , apples, sealers,\str|iiner and milk pails, lounge, reeling chair, ‘ three lamps,’ lanterns,Vo1 bed, congoleua rug 9x15, new;bidroom suite, six kitchen chairs, tallies, sap buckets, incubator, 150-eg skin coat, 3 sad good collie dog, 1 thing will be sold der as the proprietor has sold hie farm. iJIoIsteins due choice lot of tier of 7- '75- H. binder, 6ft t throw; spring; on., els of, oats. ■FECTS—Wash- inger, churn, 1 1 stove, top oveau ter range, new; capacity; sheep- ons and holders^ year old. Every- the highest bid- TERMS OF SALE All sums of $25.00 and under, al­ so grain and hens cash. Over that amount credit will be given until' th®- 10th of May, 1929. ROBERT LOVE, Proprietor ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY Gt'VEN that, all creditors having clatjis against the estate of ESTHER McLEOD, late- of the Township of Tucl^rsmith, in the County of Huron, (formerly of th© Village of Exeter) jfridow, who died on the fourteenth ary 19 others having estate of HENRY f the Village of rmer, who died i February, 1929, ward their claims undersigned on th day of March, S FURTHER GIV- said date the Exe- ed to distribute the egard only to the she then shall have xeter, Ont. this ninth y, A.D., .1929. ay of Janu- n to the un-their* claims duly pro or before the twenty- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all creditors and claims against the ANDERSON, late Exeter, Retired F on the first day are required to to duly proven to t or before 'the foi 1929. ANDXNOTICE EN th at\ after tl cutrix w.Ul proc estate lid claims of notice. DATED of Fe ,____ GLAD^fAN & STANBURY Hensall and Exeter Solicitors for Executrix are require^ to forward. EXETER SEXTET DEFEATS HENSALL CYCLONE TEAM On Thursday evening last the Hensall Cyclone League team staged a game here .with the local sextet .which resulted in a win for ‘the home team by a 5_1 verdict. The first period went scoreless and found both teams evenly matched and the play featured by effective back checking by the forwards and num­ erous solo attempts but a ^ack of combination. About midway . In the second spasm Creech drifted a Jong shot at Munn in the Hensall net which caught him off guard and put tlie homesters one up, but Hogarth got the equalizer a few minutes on a nice shot from the blue The score remained notted at all till the end of .the period, final canto, saw both teams working hard and the game began to get a bit rough with numerous stiff body checks being handed out. The vis­ itors seemed to weaken a little in this period and Medd broke the dead lock after a'bout five minutes / of play and his performance was du­ plicated by Creech, Wells and Wil­ lard, which salted -the game away for thp home team, as the visitors, playing mostly with .one man in the' . penalty box, never threatened to tie it up. ‘ . The game had not been long un­ der way when Tuckey had the mis- frtune to fall and his chin came in contact with another .players skate from which he received a nasty cut which required -five stitches to close dersigned' fifth day of\Fel)ruaqf, 1929. AND NOTICE IS EN that after cutors will’ proceed, estate having re claims of which the notice. Dated/at Exeter this first day of February, 1929. . GLADMAN & STANBURY . Exeter & Hensall Executors’ Solicitors The Municipal Council met suant to’ adjournment on Saturday, February 2nd at the Township Hall. Al} members of Council were pres­ ent. The minutes of the meeting of January 14th were read and approv­ ed with the following changes re snow patrolmen. Jas. Miller declin­ ing to accept his portion of Tp. road it was left in the hands of Council­ lor Dew to secure a man, and that John ftlcCullough’s portion of Tp. road should read to Hibbert Bdy. instead of to the Thames road, on motion of Berry-Williams. Correspondence— Circular jetter from Ontario Road Ass’n re tions to, be presented to the cial government. Dew—Skinner—That the strongly support th© resolutions of -the said association for the improve­ ment of the highway policy of the Ontario government; that the mem­ bership fee of $5.00 be paid and that th© Reeve be our representa­ tive at th© convention on Feb. 26.— Carried. Letter from the Hydro Dept, cal­ ling the attention of the Council to the Road Superintend'en’s .conven­ tion on Feb. 26 and requesting the road supt’s presence.—Filed. Resolutions to the Dominion par­ liament and Senate re the illegal traffic in liquor -on the Canadian— United States border ordered signed by the reeve and clerk and to be for­ warded on motion of Williams — Skinne?. Acknowledgement by the High­ way department of reception by them of the application forms for grant on road expenditure for 1928. Noted. Ontario Municipal Ass’n request for annual fee.—Filed. Notice of agreement by the Bank of Montreal and Bank of Commerce re tax collection increased rates. Dew—Skinner—That the tax col­ lector collect the taxes in full for 1929 instead of through the banks. Carried. By-Law No. l.,1929—'Appointing Township officials and fixing salar­ ies for 1929 was read and approved on motion of Skinner-Dew, By-Law No. 2, 1929—Allotting $18000 for Tp. Road expenditure for 1929 was read and passed and sign­ ed by the Reeve and Clerk on mo­ tion of Berry-William.s. The following bills were passed on motion of Williams-Berry viz; B. W. F. Beavers, affidavits $1; Municipal Word Pub. Co., subscrip­ tions $8,00; Muskoka Free Hospit­ al grant $10^ War Memorial Hospit- Moodfe, build1-. Jno. Simpson, J ones posts Harry Westlake gravelling Joe Kernick gravelling Joe Ferguson ditto $46.75; ............’ \ 3; H. ............. v-—.3. Car, Council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, March 2nd at one p.m, at Elimville, Henry Strang, clerk pur- day resolu- provin- Council and put Mm- out ot the game tor £ ?^rs ™“W the rest of the evening. The line-up for Hensall, Munn in goal; Bell, McDonejI, defense; Shad­ dick, centre; Blowes, .Cantelon in wings; subs. Hoggarth., . Foi* Exeter: Harness,'goal; Wells, and Tuckey defense; ,Medd centre; Creech and Willard, wings; subs. W. Lawson. Referee, Goldie Cochrane. EXETER WINS FROM LONDON TEAM ■have undoubtedly won out. Frank Taylor for a newly married man and “Doc.” Thompson for one not married at all; were a strong defence with good fatherly advice handed out to them by “Dad” in the goal. . It is expected that Pryde will stand up better in the next game and might improve with age. Referee Norry was an excellent of­ ficial and handed out his decisions without fear or favor. The return game will take place on Monday afternoon at 3:30 and should prove a good exhibition of the winter pastime. The teams, “Has Beens”—Cun- NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY BIVEN that all creditors and ‘ bts having claims against the estate of GEO. REICHERT, late of t Hay, ntleman, wh sixteent requiredA to forwty duly pro or before 1929. AND N EN that ministrat bute the to the cla have noti DATED day Township of died on the ary 1929 are their claims en to thf undersigned on the foufth day of March of Fe TICE ter t f S FURTHER GlV- ia said date the Ad- proceed to distri- liaving regard only which he then shall d EREBY GIV- date the Exe- distribute thdr only to th® then shall have- The Exeter Ciclone League team defeated the Bank of Montreal team of London at the Dame Ring on Fri- , __---- ------, t---- w— day evening of last week by the ningham, Heywood, Green, Bawden, score of 6 to 2 in an exhibition game 'Stanlake,, Ellerington, Doerr, Bag- The game was fast and clean And kept the spectators on their toes all the time. The locals were leading by the score of i3 to 2 at the end of the second period and went on a scoring rampage which netted three counters in the final period. Exeter—-Harness, goal; Wells and Lawson, defense;' Medd centre; Wil­ lard and Creech, wings; Tuckey and Snell, subs. Bank of Montreal, London—Le­ wis, goal; McAlpine and Atcheson, defense; Wilson centre; Kellar and Main, wings; Kordick and Main, subs. Referee- shaw, eight players, no subs. “Never Wuzzers” —< Chambers, Taylor, Thompson, Pryde, Christie, Hern and Treble. AUCTION SftLE ' — of hors: at McDONBLL B N EXETER ? 15U1, 1929 one o’clock 7 FRIDAY, FEBR] Commencin Including thjffo and four-year-old fillie ■Goldie Cochrane. NEVER-WUZERS VS. HAS-BEENS xeter, Ont. this ninth ary, A.D., 1929. MAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Administrator Hensall and Exeter Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY VEN thafc all creditors having cla s against the estate of ALBERT^ J. FORD,, late of the Village of ~„.eter, in the County of Huron, GeJtleman,. wh®- died on the twenty-second day of Oc­ tober 192 their clai dersigned o fifth day of AND NOTftjil EN that after \hejfaid date the Exe­ cutor will proc ; to distribute th© estate having (gard only to the claims of which’he then shall have- notice. Dated at Exeter this first dav o£‘ February, 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter & Hensall Executor’s .Solicitor/ are requiifed to forward duly prafen to the un- or befjfre the twenty- , 1929. F’ HEREBY GIV- Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors having claims against the estate of MARGARET ANN MC­ ARTHUR, late of the Village of Hen­ sall, in the County of Huron, Mar­ ried Woman, who died on the seven­ teenth daj\of January, quired to fXward thei proven to theXmndersig fore the twentk-fiftli ary, 1929. AND. NOTICE EN that after the s\d late the Exe­ cutors will proceed t\c|stribute the estate having regard claims of which they the'i shalf have notice. Dated at Exeter this first day of February, 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter <& Hensall Executors’ Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors having claims against . ©GARTH, er, in the REBY GIV-., 1929, are re­ claims duly ed on or be- ay of Febru- the estate of EMMA A. late of the Village of Es County of Huron, Spihsj®r, who died on the tenth day of January, 1929, their claim®are required duly provei or before . February, 3)29. AND NO’ ICE EN that aft r th __ _ _ _ _ _cutrix will7 rocjf5(l to distributeThe estate havlit? claims of w notice. Hated at February, 1929. GLADMAN <& STANBURY Exeter & Hensall Executrix’ Solicitor to forw to the Undersigned on ie twe HEREBY GIV- d date the Exo- y-fifth day of egard only to the she then, shall havelly to theings, Ontario bred ome North Western to harness. TERMSi credit on furnishing ap- notes. 6 per cent, add- .and g Proprietor 1 stock. 1 Also horses :eter this first day of or Slims against f ile. Fats A revival of rea*l interest hockey has been witnessed in Exeter this winter and on Friday of last week, a ftted of several years stand­ ing was renewed, on the ice in thje Dome rink. The “Fats” and “Slims” again met in combat with the usual .result, a tie, 5 all,. Practically the same teams that faced each other in 1924 came to grips, but the “Slims” were handicapped through the transfer of Campbell Wares, their star goal-ten­ der, to the Windsor Panthers and Ted Harness who was keeping the public warm. The >fFats” were re­ inforced by the inclusion of “Shop” Stanlake brought from the West for the game. The game was marked by some: stellar goaltending by waiter cun-; nfngham, who had provided himself | with a brand new pair of rubbers the occasion, “Had” Chambers m 8 proved ed. G. J. DO NAIRN, McNElL & TAYLOR, Auct, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate, of MARIA STATTON, late of Gr/hd Bend, in the County of Lambtcft, widow, who- died on the fifth 1929, are required claims d\ly proven ed on. or ruary, 192 AND NO1 EN that aft ecutoTs will ploc estate having claims of whici notice. Dated al Exeter this sixth day “of February, 1929, GLADMAN & STANBURY E.teterand Hensall Solicitors for the Executor® NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors having (claims against, the estate of JOHN late of the Townshi the County of Hur died on twentj uary 19 their clai dersigned fifth day AND N EN that nfi cutors will estate havin_ claims of whi notice. Dated at Exeter this first day of February, 1929. GLADMAN STANBUItY Exeter Hensall Executors* Solicitors NOJICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of JOSEPH S. HARVEY, late of the Village of Exeter, who died onfcthe thirty-first day of October 192 for rd their clai the undersigned o day oi March 192 ANU NOTICE .. vrx Y. EN tha\ after thf said date the Exe­ cutrix ttill proofed to distribute the estate having claims ol'whi notice. DATEDW 0/ January GLADMAN & STANBURY Estetdt and Hensall Solicitors for tilt Executrix are r s duh n oi cDQUGALL, f Stanley, in Farmer, who fth day of Jan tired to woven to efore’the tary, 1929. IS HEREBY GlV- e Said date the Exe- ed to distribute the Ogard only to the they thqti shall have / . fore th i FURTHER GIV- said date the Ex- ed to distribute the gard only to the hoy then shall have iy of January, o forward their o the undersign* 25 th. day of Feb- are required to duly proven to dr before the 4th forward the un- twenty-aj grant $10; Wm. snow fence $15.90; ditto $9.00; Arthur $59.84 $66,00 $20.90 .................. Albert Etlierington ditto $57/75 Ford, superin ten dmico $15.75, FURTHER GIV Of passed away AN—In lovingmemory ■ar mother wl try 14th, 19 brings freib remembrance, in gravelling ;<?e atie w/d from us has children and grand- DP VfijUint that never can xeter this Twelfth day b'O a**--' for in «fc!3Kid I 0 ■I Me „I....." Warjjry •; y-jjat