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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-14, Page 2
k*M j*‘ ■W w 4 t » Would You Build A House Without A You won’t start to build a house unless you know you can finish it. The Bell Telephone Company tries to be equals sensible. .7, . 6 *’ */ v By 1931 Ontario and Quebec will need a million telephones. These telephones cannot be ready unless central exchanges and other equipment arc started noiv. $ COMPANY OF CANADA The company, do.es not need all its $75/OOO;OOO of now capital now but will spread its issue over years to come. But it does need, the assurance that, when eqidpmoht is started now for fu ture telephones, money can be obtained to finish the job. ■ THE BELL TELEPf-IOK TS HERE at Our Showroom- BIG Car Luxury, BIG Car Style, BIG CarPerforniaiic/ at Low Price Stephen Council . The po.un.cil of the Township of Stephen convened at the town hull, Crediton, on Monday, February 4th, 1929, at 1 o’clock p. m. All members were present and previous opted. Moved seconded Davey bo appointed Road Foreman in Division No. 10, and Otto Willert in Division No. 12, in place of Jas. Zilei* and Jonah Kestle who have re signed, and George Clark on N. B. Con. be appointed Pound Keeper in place of John Carrick who has re signed. Carried. Moved by Mr. I. Tetreau and sec onded. by Mr, W. Sweitzer; That the Auditors’ Report be received and adopted. Carried, Moved by Mr. W. Dearing and seconded by <M'r. I. Tetreau: That the Clerk prepare a bill of the spiles planking construct road and side road Carried. Moved, seconded By-Law No. 393 for prohibiting the throwing or depositing of rubbish, etc., on any highway or bridge in the Municipality; By-Law No. 394, to provide for the preservation of public morals in the Municipality; By-Law No. 395, for requiring door steps, porches or other erections, or things projecting into or over any highway to be removed by the own er oi* 'occupant of the land in con nection with which they exist; By- Law No. 396, for prohibiting the building or maintaining of fences on any highway or the placing of fire wood or any other thing calculated to obstruct it, or to obstruct or in terfere with public tjravel on it, each, having been read three times be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the Corporation be at tached thereto. Carried. Moved by Mr. E. Gill and second ed by Mr. I. Tetreau: That George Eilber he appointed Inspector of Municipal Drains as required by By- Law No. 379, of’1928—"To prevent obstructions to drains or water courses. Carried. Moved by Mr. I. Tetreau and sec onded by Mr. W. Dearing: That By- Law No. 3 99 being a By-Law to pro vide for expenditure on roads in the Township of Stephen during the year 1929 having been1 read three times be signed by the Reeve and" Clerk and the .seal of the Corporation’be attached thereto. Carried. Moved by Mr. W. Sweitzer and sec onded by 'Mr. W- Dearing:. That the following Road Foreman’s pay sheets be paid: Thomas Mawhinney, foreman, rd. No. 10, $4.40; George Eilber, super intendent, rd. No. 10, $38.10; Pla- cide Desjardine, foreman, rd. 16, $4.00; Total, $46.50. The following orders be paid. Winter Bro. Pt. Turner contract $150.00; Sundry persons, rebate on Dietrich Drain $225.90; National Express, charges 80c.; Wa terloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co., In surance on hall $18.75; Superior Mfg. Co., Rubber Stamp 65c.; Brod erick Bros., part Mud Creek Con tract $10 00.00; J. R. Wilson, gravel 1927, $2.10; Municipal World, sup plies* $23.33; J. W. Graybeil, auditor, $10.00; J. II. Holtzman, auditor, $10.00; F. W. Morlock, exchange and postage $7.80; Canadian Bank of Commerce, commission $1.05; C. Beaver, estate, chair $2.50. Carried The council adjourned to ' meet again at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, March 4th, A.D., 1929 at 1. o’clock pan. , Henry Eilber, clerk meeting by Mr. by Mr, W. Dearing and E- Gill: That Wm. the minutes of the were read and ad- Stye Sxeter Ailtmratr t Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday mornlaf at Exeter, Ontario and lumber necessary to a 12-41. bridge on 3rd side a 10-ft. bridge on the 4th over the Mud Creek drain. by Mr. W. Sweitzer and by Mr. W. Dearing; That SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year t» advance. United States su¥- scription $2.50, RATES- gale 5Op. each-: four insertions, quent insertion, tides, To Rent, Found 10c. pei’ Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25 c, Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. •Farm or Real Estate 1»1 insortion for find 25c. each sub*** Miscellaneous *£« Wanted, Lost, •! line of six word*, 10 c. per liua< 5 Oc. Legal at- 8c. per line. IM one verse each. Canadian School Reports UfS The London Life POLICIE Exet r GOOD AS GOLD PEARCE Phone 130W. Residence, Xnn St., two blocks of Ford Garage REPORT S. S. NO. 11, STEPHEN The following is the report of S. S, No. 11, Stephen, .for the month of January. Those marked with an as terisk were absent for one or more examinations. Honors 75 per cent, and over. ‘Sr. iv—-Anna Didtrich 83, Bene dict Dietrich 79, Blanche Morenz 71, Minerva Vincent 44, Leonard Des- jardine 44. ' •* Jr. IV—Jerome Dietrich 84, Hazel Des jardin e 70, Gerald Mason 38. Sr. HI—Clara Dietrich 89, Doro thy .Vincent 79, Thelma Vincent 6 6, Elda Devine 64, Hugh Morenz 58. Jr. Ill—Pearl Wanner 73*, Ila Mason 65, Eugene Dietrich 64, Ern est French 44, Verna Desjardine 41, Trellis Desjardine 37, Ervin Devine 81*, Veva Adams 24, Ira Vincent (absent), Lester Desjardine (ab sent.) 1—Merle Dietrich 98, Loujjs Diet- rich 85, Roy Morenz 68, Lome Wan ner 68*, Primer*—Rita Dietrich 94, Eileen Desjardine 87, Lois Wanner 85*. El- va Adams 80, Lome Devine 52*, II. Ziler 27**. M. G. Nixon,, teacher GLADMA & STANBURY, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, foan, Investments MatRifc Money! to Insurance Safe-defoc/it Vault for use of crO (tlffents without charge EXETER LONDON HE NSAL.W CARLIM& & MORLEY BARRISTER^, SOLICITORS, l(mns/investments, in- l Z ENTRANCE Office; ^Carling Block, Main Stsw& EXETER, ONT.I nDR. M. C. G. FLETCHER PHYSICKIN & SURGEON Graduate Universkty off Western Ontario, M&m- her of -3urgeons\of Ontario; Member of t&sf British k Phone 6- f Faculty of Medlcix^ liege of Physicians &»•$ ical Council. (The office of the law Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D,^ REPORT OF S. S. NO. 4, USBORNE Reoort of S. S< No.-4,-Usborne for, the month of January, pupils exam ined in all subjects: Sr. IV—Betty Coates 83, Florence Mitchell 71, Roy Hunter 69. Jr. IV-—Beatrice Essery 75, Allan Westcott 72, Elgin Luxton 69,-Hu bert Quinton 64, Bill Quinton 63, A. Ford 56. Ill—Iren© Sweet 70, Audrey Row- cliffe -66, Beulah Skinner 66, (ab sent for part of examinations) Dor othy Kerslake 5S. II—Billy Rowcliffe 83, Carroll Quinton 65, Allen Buswell 64. Sr. I—-Harold Keslake 77, Billy Johns 68, Blanche Whiting 66; Mel ville Buswell 59. Jr. I—Harold'Davis. Sr. Pr.—Reggie Ford, Stanley Whiting. Jr. Pr.—Donald Essery. No. enrolled 24; average attend ance 21.38. L. Davis, teacher Had Trouble .XDENTAL SURGEON it Dental Officer of Milltatr® umber One, London, Ont. Telephones Off|ce/34W Residence OHfce open Wednesday afternoon*^ until May 1st, 19 29 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. 4 1 Latte Dial District . G. F. RouUtw, L.D.S.,D.D.SL J' DENTIST lOffMe over Carling & Morley J?' Law Office ' ^tractions Under Oxygen Gm EXETER, ONT. DR. WM. L. LAWSON D. D. .8.L^jf. S. X DENTIST cjrin the* Old Commercial bufldn Phone 77w< Offh ing, Main St., Exeter, JOHN WARD HSP 3, OSTEOPATHY, -THERAPY & ULTRA LET TREATMENTS PHONE NO. 70 MAIN ST. EXETKB CH1RDPR ELECT! car luxury, big-ca . . at low price. Bodies by Fishei’ 11 of could build need and- ality r such value P-I29B 1121.00 1000.00 1111.00 1328.00 1237.00 1218.00 129.5.00 880.00 ftMOBUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Ulric Snell, Exeter, Ont. its scores come within btyle and big-car performance its galaxy of appointments . . its big, invitingWnterior. Inspect its n ful big-six power-plant its accurately-ba rotating parts . . its\new, silent, internal-e: ing four-wbeel br« features. — And prices whic almost everyone. Retail Delivered Prices AT EXETER, ONT. Roadster .............. $ Coupe .................................. 2-door Sedan ......................... 4-door Sedan ........................ Thea ton .................................. Convertible Cabviolet ........ Convertible Landau ........... Chassis ................................. including standard catalogue equipment, freight,government taxes, front bumper, rear bum- perettes, spring covers, Lovejoy shock absorbers, spare tire, tube and cover and full tank o£ gasoline. <> Home and School Club The regular meeting of the Home and School Club was held on Friday evening at the home of the Pres ident, Mrs. J, H. Browning, with a large attendance. A varied and int eresting program was,, carried out consisting of musitjal numbers by Misses Dignan and Medd which Were much enjoyed, also a splendid paper on "The League of Nations,” by Miss McKenzie, giving very use ful information regarding the work being done by that organization in cluding Social Service work. The Home and School Club have taken a membership in the Canadian Lea gue and will be kept supplied with literature from headquarters. The matter of helping some of the needy families in' our community was dis cussed at length and it was finally decided to send representatives from the club to interview the Town Fathers, as it is felt that they ai’c the ones who should be responsible for aid given these needy oiies. The women’s organizations of town have taken the responsibility of provid ing food and clothing for some time and they have certainly dbne their share and ate always Willing to help, but now. we feel that it is up to the Municipality to do we hope that the will meet with a After the business time was spent and was tendered the hostess, also Miss MeKetmle and Misses Dlghan and Medd for their part in making a very profitable and pleasant evening their part and appeal to them ready response, session, a social a vote of thanks Back and Head Aches Mrs. IT. Benjaminson, Otto, Man., writes:—"Shortly after the birth of my little girl I took very sick and was in bed most of the time, I had back aches, headaches, and was all run down, and I had trouble with my kidneys. I tried all kinds of medicine, but nothing was able to relieve me. As I have eight children, and my hus band was away at the time I sent for him to come home, and when he did he brought me five boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills. After I had finished them I felt so much better I was again able to look after my family and housework’' Price 50c. a' box at all.druggists Or dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by the T. Mil bum Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUA1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Fhrquhar, Ont. President, JAS. McKENZI® Vice-President SIMON DOW IRECTORS NNEtL, is, wa AGENTS ehtra . STEINER , VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate^ of DR. E. le Ontario Veteriaazjj T College IGHT CALLS ■rt(/MPTLY ATTENDED T® DAY AN Pl Office infold Ford Garage Buildin> Corner of Main and Ann Street* EXETER, ONT. FAR SATI ARTHU LI ENSE1 WEBER AUCTIONEER and Middlesex ES A SPECIALTY S REASONABLE Faction guaranteed ‘ Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. 1. DASHWOOD, ONT. FRANK TAYLOR license/ AUCTIONEER , S foriHni/h and Middlesex farmLs^les a specialty Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 188 1 OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED A PIONEER Honor Graduate A*arey Jones’ Auc tion School, Registered Merchandise Sales, etc. prevailing p sured, write phone 18-93, Special course taken !'< tock (all Breed*.'- il Estate, Fam' es in keeping wftB & Satisfaction •** scar Klopp, Zurich, er Zurich. Ont. FRANK MC ROBT, NO ALLISON BROCK _______________ __ _ , Agent for Usborne aVd Bildulph OLIVER HARIlisWuftro, Agent tor Hibbeft, Fullarlpn/and Logan W. A. TU ULL Sedretary-Trffasufer 99, Exeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter JOHN ESSERY, Box Correct this sentence: "I don’t get your point of view,” said the flapper to her ma, 'but I know you’re right.*' >»* * >:< ® A five venient. to searph school books, room 'there In the house is are only morning more con- fivo, room st for Willle’a