HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-07, Page 6*’ STHE EXETER TiMES-ADVOCATE SO YEARS AGO v »Ptice in the list of the names those who were elected /Directors iaf the Huron & Middlesex Insurance <k>„ at a meeting which was held in Xondon, the names of two of our citizens, Messrs. James Pickard and George Sa^nel, appear. Mr. R. Welsh, who has rung the ftowja bell ever since it was purchas­ ed, has retired from the position and jhr. S. Ford now pulls the string flvhich gauges the working hours of the mechanfCs and labourers jfcown. Mr. Thomas White, of this passed the first Intermediate exam­ ination of the Ontario Law Society as Osgoode day, last Mr. John posted the tcwm,. on Tuos* been for ap- the of age, injured in the of the office. Hall, Toronto, week. McDonald has new assessor A lad .about ten years named Teder, was severely on Monday while playing school yard. It appears the boys were kicking foot-ball 'and the little fellow got knocked down and tramp­ ed on. His'collar bone was broken and -his shoulder dislocated. The new (Masonic lodge room in Mr, SamweU's new block is one of the handsomest and most complete to be found in any Tart of the Pro­ vince, and reflects credit upon Le­ banon Forest Lodge, Mr, Wm, Hooper, of Stephen and James Snell, of piddulph, have trad­ ed farms. Mr. Hooper receiving $500 by the exchange. Mr, Hoop­ er’s farm was Lot 12 iu the first concession of Stephen and Mr. Snell’s Lot 6 in the first concession of Bid-, dulpin On Thursday last as Miss Case was driving home from a funeral the horse which she was driving became restive and ran away upsetting the No injury was sustained by leg wms Prout, & Pick- cutter, the driver, but the horse’s- cpt, A team belonging to Mr, which were tied at Samwell ard’g store became frightened at a passing runaway horse, broke loose; and started down town at a,break­ neck speed. They crashed against a her cutter driven by Mr. Hannah, of Ste­ phen, upsetting it and injuring Mr. Hannah considerably and causing his horse to run away. 25 YEARS AGO To By 1934 Ontario and Quebec will need a million telephones and the Bell Tele­ phone Company wants new money to provide them. The company does not want any money from Parliament. It only wants permission to try to sell new shares to investors. © The investors will supply the money if they are allowed to. If they are not allowed to, the telephone system must mark time. ’ In 48 years the telephone company has never suggested nor received a government grant; it only asks freedom to take further part in Canada’s progress* COMPANY OF CANADA PALLISER AND EMPRESS EXTENSIONS O Ver the signature of E. W. Beatty, chair- man and president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, has come the announcement , 'that large extensions are to be made to the palliser Hotel at Calgary and the Empress : Hotel at Vancouver and that the additional ’ accommodation will be ready foi‘ occupancy ’ "before the peak of the present years tourist traffic. This is good news, not only to the two cities more directly, concerned where a total of more than four 'million dollars will •he spent in the work, but to a vast legion in .<111 corners of the earth, to whom the Canadian JWest is a, lodestone. When Calgary read of the four additional floors which will add 200 rooms with bath to the city’s accommodation it thought of Stampede week, and the thousands who pour In from all points of the compass, clamouring 'for accommodation and . joining the mill of Clowboys, Indians and old-timers who for one week drop back to the color, romance, gaiety ■and sport of the early Ms. Calgary is a steadily progressive city. » Its trade ah'd commerce continue to expand. It is A great pity of the plains and the Palliser will be as spacious find beautiful as is fitting ’ io city and tpe fifties, 8 ’ The “Empress” addition of 270 rooms with bath .,hown above. will also be appreciated by an ever in- a’reasing number to whom the. quiet English city of .«the Pacific coast holds! annual appeal The new wing ' will be 4. b^hdtiful structure carrying out the chateau MVpe-of architecture exemplified by the old buildink. ' Wheft/ hWbi’or, its. walls become ivy clad and its istohe lines and traeeries are covered by the foliage it will lose nothing and fit still more With the back­ ground of holly hedges and box-wood trimmings. When these two extensions ate completed, Canadians may take still more pride in a chain of Canadian owned and operated hotels which extends from coast to coast and in point of view of service, comfort and appointments, is second, to none in. the world, 4 The illness of Miss Pringle during the former part of last week caused a few holidays foi’ the pupils of room. County Councillor Spackman tended the January meeting of County Council at ■ Goderich week. Owing to no train service Mr. Spackman had to drive to Clin­ ton where he managed to get a train. Mr. Alfred Walters, having pur­ chased the1 stock of Mr. W. H, Trott and rented th© premises to the south of Farmers’ grocery, has now be­ come comfortably installed and is ready to do business in the boot and shoe line. Owing to the scarcity of fuel the services of the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday last were held in the School hall. Because of the heavy snow storms resulting in the blockade of the L. II. & B. our supplies did pot reach us last week. We therefore, had no chbice in the matter but were forced to omit the publishing of the paper. Mr. Butter, who has been here for the past few weeks in the inter­ ests of the Independent Order of Foresters has succeeded in organiz­ ing a Ladies’ Companion Court in town with a charter membership of 28. The following elected: Miss :M. A. Tom, er, Mrs. A. Rollins, Mrs. erson, Tillie Balkwill, N. Levett, Miss Treble, G. Mrs. J. White, Della Treble, Mrs. W* A. Balkwill, Dr. Rollins, Miss White. The twenty-five anniversary of the marriage of Rev. Godwin and Mrs. Godwin will be celebrated on Fri­ day evening, February 5 th in the lecture room of the Main Street church. A Board of Trade was organized in town on Tuesday evening. ■ The Reeve, Mr, W. J. Bissett, was elect­ ed chairman of the meeting and Mr. John Grigg was elected secretary. The following officers were elected: dent, A. Q. Bobier; 2nd vice-presi­ dent, A. Q. Bobier; 2nd vice-pesi- dent, Dr. Browning; secretary, John Grigg; treasurer, T. H. McCallum and W. H. Levett, R. Pickard, N. p. Hurdon, T. Harvey and F. E. Korn. I at- the last were Mill- An d- Mrs. officers Mrs. Geo. Tom, Anderson, 15 YEARS AGO January 29 th was a, great day for the temperance forces in Huron Co., the majority for the Canada Temper­ ance or Scott Act -being over 26.00. Although it was anticipated that the county would go dry it was not ex­ pected that it would, by so large a majority. ' There passed away at his home, Huron Street, on Wednesday after­ noon of last week, January 2 8, Mr. ’Mark Makins, Exeter’s oldest resi­ dent, he having attained the great age of 102""years. Mr. .Chas. E. Tuckey and family moved on Tuesday from London Tp. to the farm they recently purchas­ ed from JMr. John Welsh. Mr. A. Marchand, who has been conducting a jewellery business in connection with the Bell Telephone office here, for the past nine years has disposed of the same to Messrs. Lawson and Trick, of Crediton, who took possession Treble will be retained charge of the telephone business which she has so efficiently per-, formed for some time. The regular Quarterly Official board meeting of the Ma.in. St. Meth­ odist church was held on Monday ev­ ening, the pastor Rev. E. G. Powell in the chair. The following -have been named as <a standing commit­ tee: B. W. F. Beavers, chairman; B. S. Phillips, H. Rundle, F. J. Wick­ wire, A. Bpencer, R. B. Quance, W. J. Powell, W. A. Balkwill, Fred Ste­ ward, Wes. Jones, Peter "Whitlock, Ben Williams. Roy Webber, son of the late John Webber, who was sick about a week with appendicitis was operated on at the home of Mr. John Northcott this week. Miss to have REPORT S. S. NO. 6, USBOBNE The report of the Junior room of S. S. No. 6, Vsborne, (Winchelsea) for the months of December 'and January. •* tSr. III-“-Ella Routly 77, Laura Ford 7.5, Gertrude Cann 71, Ruby Johns 63, Ronald Elford 56, Gordon Brooks 54. • Jr, III—Glhdys Johns- 89, Lillian Mutch “71, Kenneth''Hern, 67, Alma Gower B8?'JiJthel CoWard 56, Thelma O’Reilly 49, Irwin O’Reilly 44. • Second—Earl Cdultis 87, Marion Miners-84, Garnet Coward 8.2, Eula Herdman 79/ Clifton Brock 61, Gor­ don Prance 54; Harold Clark .49, B. Brock 37. r ■' First-—‘Dorothy Johns4 88, Hazel Johns 88, Marion Pooley 84, Elgin Skinner 77, Iila Eord 74, Wilmer El­ ford 69, Wilbert* Coward 66, Jack Coward '68, Audrey Fletdher 65, D; Murray 68. Primer—Gladys Skinner, Clarence Rqy Ford, Philip Johns, Lofs Prance, Ivan Brock, Alvin Murray, Clayton Herdinan. Doris McNaughton, teacher Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes DowncastEyes Eyes tell Your Character’ Brov n eye? for strength—Blue for generosity—Gray eyes for jealcusy—Sparkling eyes in­ dicate beauty, yes, and good heal h, too ! Dq your eyes spari de? Are the whites clear or a e they tinged with yellow —in heating aq condition tion' , out-of-sorts —- — due to consripa- If so, you need P Try a {regular dally course for a short s?raYxey<s’^l,1’,r * vegetabie tell History. >. Product #2j Read about Character from the Eyes in fujure Beecham Advertisements._____ Sales /facMft Harold p. Ritchie 8C Co., f. Litaiteu, Toronto| . - Chiliflren Like ANGIER’S It looks like cream and is prac­ tically tasteless, mixing readily with milk or water. Soothing and healing in its action, ANGIER’S EMULSION is an effective remedy for children’s' ailments—particularly colds, coughs, bronchitis and whoop­ ing cough. It is also a safeguard against the chest complications associated with measles, scarlet fever ,and grippe. ANGIER’S loosens,* the phlegm, relieves the sore­ ness ofthroat and chest, and its cleans­ ing action removes body impurities, thus hastening the patien t’s recovery. ANGIER’S is also an ideal corrective for constipation in children. The puri­ fied petroleum keeps the bowels in a h e a Itliy condition—insures. regular bowej movement—without the use of ill-tasting, cathartics or habit-form­ ing 4i"ugs- ANGIER’S is pleasant to take; builds • up strength and vitality; and can be .^givej) to even the youngest child with ’^bsdjute confidence. British Doctor rrriies: ”1 havts been pre- acrioini Angier's for the past 15 years with the.gre'atest ^access, especially for ill-nour­ ished children.” (Sgd.)——M.D. ANGIER’S EMULSION 6^c and $1.20—at all druggist's is Teacher (stressing difference be­ tween the rose and the modest vio­ let): “Now a well dressed, ' lovely lady goes along the street, but is proiid and greets nobody—that is the rose—-behind her goes a small crea­ ture with bowed head—” Pupil: “That’s her husband.” , Bad Taste in Mouth In Morning When you wake up in the morning with a furred tongue and a bad, bitter taste in your mouth you may be sure that your liver* is not functioning properly and requires attention at once. Mrs. S. J. Canning, R-.R. No. 1, Severn Bridge, Ont., writes:—“On rising in the morning I found I had a bad taste in my nJbuth which I later found out was due to the bad state of my liver. The clerk in the drug store suggested that I try Milburn’s “Navi am never without them in the house and wish to thank you for what they did for me.” Price 25c. a vial at all druggists or dealers, or mailed direct on Teccipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Winter is here and your ca should be filled.® We have on hand Scraittcm Anthracite Coal, Od Domestic Cfal •al bin Coke Lumber fokall kinds iff repair Xvork. f A.J. CLATWORTHY Phohe 12 GRANTON, ONTARIO Established 1873 and 1887 Published evpry Thursday morning at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—~?2.00 per year Ul advance. United States sulh scription $2.50, RATES—Farm or Real/Estate tel sale 50 c. each insertion for fin* four insertions, quent insertion, tides, Th Rent, Found 10c. per Reading notices Card of Thanks 50c, vertising 12 and 8 c. per line. Memoriam, with one verse £•*■ extra verses 25c. each. 25c. each sub*t* Miscellaneous a>» Wanted, Lost, of line of six wor dl» 10 c. per llnfe Legal ad« HI Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. •t 1874 1>W The London! Life S GOOD AS GOW PEAROE I Pfcone 130W, two blocks arage Exeter Residence, Ann of' Ford POLICIES GLADM BARRISTE Money t & STANBURY f SOLICITORS, JMi Look, Investment* Mafll Insurance Safe-deposit Clients t for use of eM put charge EXETER LONDON HENSAJBI CARLING|& MORLEY LICITORS, STMENTS, IN­ CE ock, Maia 8tng®l , ONT. Office: Carlin BARRISTERS, LOANS, INV DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER ! PHYSICIAN f SURGEON ’ Graduate of Fafulty of Medlcladfa University of West ^rn Ontario, ber of the College of Physician* aafll Surgeons of , “ — British MedicaXC^ uncil. Phone 6—(TheV tflce of the laH Dr. H. K " * irn Ontario, o; Member ©2 tn Hyndman) Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.JXDJL DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of MlllUMI District Number. Orife, London, Ont, Tolephlnea 1 Residence eday afternoon* st, 1929 STER, ONT. Office 34W Oiffce open Weuni until Mayt MAIN ST., EX Dr. G. F. Roula!, L.D,S.^).D4b ST . j Office gver Cabling & Morley $i Uigder Oxygen Gad } 'JEB, ONT. DEN Extractio DR. WM, L. LAWSON SD..D. S. ST Office in the^ld Commercial bull<-r ing, Main St. L. D. S. MAIN ST. ’, Phone 77Wj JOH GHIROPRAGTI ELECTRC^THE VIOLET J WARD j OSTEOPATHY* | APY & VLTBA, J ■EATMENTS NO. 70 EXETBH -................... ........... DR. E. S. STAINER VETERINARY Graduate of the Ontrn College LLSDAY AND PRO i JRGEON ’ io VetexhugB 1 TLY ATTENDED T® Office in old TofdCorner of Md EXE arage Building , an<- Ann Street* R»NT.' ARTHUR^>EBER -LICENSED AU For Hur FARM SALES PRICES SATISFACTION Phone 57-S ______ _ R. R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. UARANTBEQ ashwood PIONEER ■ $ Middlesex 3 SPECIALTY, J ONABLE 1 I i FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Iln^on aiuf Middlesex 1 SPECIALTY ' ) Bud SatisfactlfS teed for RING 139 - 1 .. OSCAR KLOPP 1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER i Honor Gradate Cy|rey Joneb’ Ailth liuu Suuuui, ..jjttuituKUUur&e iak«u Registered Li^e Stodk (all Breed*,M Merchandise, 1 . Sales, etc. Rates prevailing pric phone 18^93, Zulci FARM SA1ES Prices Reasonable EXETF-R P. tion School,.pecialfcourbe taken IM .eal I Estate, Fani*' 1 keeping wit** „---------„ atisfaction aiH sured, write Osclr Jlopp, Zurich, " * Ont. =>■, Living Chicago Butler: “Shall I order the Rolls* Royce, madams?” Movie Star: “No, the armoured ear, please. I shah no wearing