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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-31, Page 7
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JANUARY 81st, 1»S9 Huron County Council •w Increase in Salaries Granted Resolution Adopted to ask Hydro Commission to Develop Maitland Power—Ask that Blue Water Highway be Made Provincial Road. The January meeting of the Hur on County Council opened ’on Tues-, day afternoon with all the members in httendanqe. Mr. Thos. Inglis, the reeve of Howick, was the lucky can- dfdate for the position of Warden, securing the majority of the Liber al members of the council and, ac cording to time-honored custom, the nomination decided on in caucus goes through the council without any op position. In council the motion for his appointment was made by the unsuccessful candidates, the motion being moved by J. W. Beattie, reeve of Seaforth, and seconded by Robert Turner, reeve of Goderich. Reeve Beattie conducted the wardOn-elect to the chair and ex-Warden Hays ad ministered the oath of office and of fered his congratulations. * The newly installed Warden then thanked the members of the council for the honor they had done him, and assured them that he felt it to be a great honor, especially to be considered worthy to follow Warden Hays, who had the time to go into the affairs of the county so thor oughly. He promised to do his best in the office and then- went on to re fer briefly to some features of coun ty affairs. The school expenditures .had risen very high and he some times wondered if there" were not something wrong in the system. Af ter a lot of money was spent on the education of the boys they left the farm. The demands for road, ex penditures were getting heavier and it looked as if the two-mill highway rate was not going to be sufficient though he would favor retaining it if at all possible. He had hoped to.o that on the retirement of the pa triotic debentures the county could reduce the rate but with tlie Provin cial Highway levy this did not seem possible. A resolution of the county coun cil of Simcoe that the Provincial to amend the Highways Act to provide that the by-law appointing a town- ship road superintendent may be re pealed or amended by a unanimous vote of the township council without the necessity of the consent in writ ing of the Minister of Highways'was referred to the Legislation commit tee. A communication from the' city of OshaWa enclosing a resolution of the city council asking the co-operation of the county council in seeking a larger proportion of maintenance grants towards the upkeep of jails was referred mittee also, out that the convicted of large and that the expense of jails was paid largely by the municipality, whereas the Province should shoul der a larger proportion. ■ A communication from the Na tional Institute for the Blind at To ronto asking an increased grant this year owing to the work of the Insti tute being much larger was sent to executive committee. The' county last year gave a grant of $50 and this year was asked for $370.00. Twenty-one blind persons from Hur on County were treated last year. A petition signed by Geo. Pauline, T. J. Wright, Charles Mine, Archie McMichael and’John Gibson and sent in by David Robinson asked the county council to appoint arbitrators ■to settle the boundaries of rural un ion school section No. 14 of Turn berry and Howick. This was refer red to the education committee. A communication from the Ontar io Goods Roads Association announc ed the convention for February 27 and 28 and March 1 and asked the payment of fee and the sending of delegates. This was referred to the finance committee. The secretary of th Ontario Trus- Government be memoralized to the Legislation com- The resolution points proportion of prisoners indictable offences was 1 Ambition makes successful men out df barefoot . boys. Turn your visions into realities by means of/a Bank of Montreal savings account^ as thousands of cither Ca nadians are doing. Established 1817 Total Assets in excess of $870,000,000 X S. \WOODS, Manager Exeter Branch tees’ and Ratepayers’ Association wrote asking the opinion of the coun cil on a proposal that at, least one trustee of a high school should be appointed outside of the High School area, This was in view of the fact that ft large number of pupils come from outside the centre in which a school is located. This was sent to the education committee. A letter from the County Clerk of Bruce enclosing a resolution of that council relative to the question Of the admission of indigents to hos pitals was sent tp legislation commit* tee. 4 The resolution is as follows: That in no case shall the municip ality be liable for the cost of any indigent patient unless such patient is first admitted to the hospital with the knowledge and approval of the Reeve or other officer of the local municipality of which he is a resi dent and that in any case the hospit al shall forthwith notify the Reeve of such admission. That all indigents shall be sent to, a hospital within the county where such hospital is able to furnish rea sonable facilities and that the coun ty and local municipality shall in no case be responsible for the accounts of 'patients improperly admitted when the local county hospitals could take care of the patient. That accounts for maintenance of indigents be payable in the first in stance by the local municipality in stead Of by the county and that the local municipality be re-imbursed by the county instead of the present system, -which is the reverse of this. A notice of the transfer of three patients from Ontario Hospital at London to the Huron County Home was received, the patients being re turned the beginning of the week. The patients, whether formerly in mates of the House of Refuge or not, are transferred as above, when their nearest kin immediately not ified of such transfer, when they will have the opportunity of going to the House of Refuge and take the pa tients home.—Filed. A letter from the city of Chatham enclosed a resolution passed by the council’ of that city in favor of re questing the Government of Ontar io to investigate, the problem of car ing of families of prisoners with the view of making adequate provision from the care of such families until such time as the prisoners are liber ated.—Referred to the Legislative committee. A notice from the public trustee at Osgoode Hall was that a bequest of $200 had been made to the Hur on branch of the Children’s Aid So ciety for the use of tlie shelter at Goderich.—Referred to the Shelter committee. A request from the Salvation Army Cor a grant to the Rescue Home at* London was referred to the execu tive commitee and-a request from the Hospital for Sick Children was filed. W. H. Nugent, clerk of Hastings county, wrote enclosing resolution •of the county council of that coun ty as follows: That the Hospital land Charitable Institutions Act contains no interpre tation of the word '’indigent” and those in charge of some hospitals ap parently believe that the word in cludes all who are not disposed to .pay their hospital accounts. That the Government be request ed to designate what the word “in digents” is intended to convey and to amend the act in such a.way that hospitals shall be required to make consistent efforts to collect their ac counts from relatives who under other circumstances would be liable before the municipality is approach ed for payment. The procedure, which makes a county a collecting agency for any institution is very objectionable. This was referred to the Legislation committee. The following motions were sub mitted: By Messrs. Beattie and Hill that, as the auditors appointed last Janu ary did not haye, any to do, they be re-appointed for tii$ year.— Carried. The auditors appointed under, the above motion are Messrs. Alex Porterfield, 'of . East Wawanosh and A. E. Erwin, ef Bayfield. By Messrs, Wright- and Beattie that, Messrs. Hill, "Ballantyne and Keys (of tlie township of Grey) be the Good Roads- Commission for 1929. Carried.'/’,,... By Messrs. Turner and-Ballantyne that Messrs'. J. WI Beattie and G. W. Holman be appointed ’ on the Board of Criminal^ Audit.’' Carried. By Messrs. McGibbon and* Stalker that Mr. A. J. Irwih be reappointed as trustee of Winghhm High School. —Referred to the Education com mittee. By Messrs. McGibbon hiid. Trewar tha that we grant $1,000 to each of the several hospitals in the county recoghized by the Government.—--Re ferred to the Executive committee. By Messrs. Henderson and Ballan- tyne) that Messrs. Adams, Stalker, Turner, Anderson and Higgins be the striking committee to name the standing committees of the council? for 1929 and report at the morning session.—Carried. Moved by Messrs. Beattie and Kennedy that Major R. S. Hays be appointed trustee, for the Seaforth Collegiate ';InstRiito,—•Referred th©'Education, cotnmitte&i By Messrs, jRgrfns apd Rader that a grant of$25 be made'* to Hensall Seed Show.—Referred the Executivecommittee,'? to the to By Messrs, spoil and Baeker that * three years.—Carried. standpoint with all other sections ‘ By Messrs. McKenzie and Mole of Ontario.—Carried. that the county grant to the.} Ry Messrs. Craigie and Beattie Trustees’ and Ratepayers’ Associa-, that, in view of th# fact that it Is tjon.—Sent to executive committee. I tpe intention of the Town of Gode- Mr. Messrs. Mole and Anderson as soon as he weather will that $25 be granted to each public permit in the spring, to construct a library in the county.—Sent to Exe- number pUwalks through the Court cutive committee. House Square and curbing around Mr. Win. May be reappointed on the Exeter Educational Board.—Referr ed to the Educational committee. By Messrs. Craigie and Hill tjmt Mr. J. J. Robertson be appointed on the Goderich Collegiate Institute.-r- Referred to the educational commit tee, - By Messrs. Hill and Turner that Mr. J. W. Craigie be appointed on the Goderich Hospital Board.-—•'Car ried. By Messrs. Trewartha and Middle ton that Mr. A. B. Chant be appoint ed trustee of Clinton Collegiate - stitute.—Referred to the Education al committee. The striking committee’s fixed the membership of the ing committees as follows.ing was adopted report stand- This Executive Committee N. W. Trewartha, Clinton;C. B. Snell, Exeter; John Dodds, Walton; F. D. Stalker, Blyth; I. J. Wright, Wingham. Legislative Committee W. J, Henderson, Wingham; Louis H. Rader, Dashwood; Thos. J. An derson, Lucknow; ,T. W- Craigie, Goderich; Wm. Mole, R. R. No. 2, Auburn. Finance Committee Robt, Higgins, Hensail; J. W. Mc Kibben, AVinghain;, J. Seaforth; wood; non. W. Beattie, Wm. H. Sweitzer, Dash- John A- McKenzie, Dungan- Education. Committee W. J. Milne, Blyth; A. C.Dr. Baeker, Brussels; A. H. Neeb, Dash wood; A. P. Keles, Varna; Jas. F. Collins, Ethel. County Property Committee J. W. Craigie, Goderich; Roland Kennedy, Seaforth; Geo. Hubbard, Clifford; J. W. McKibbon, Wingham; Dr. W. J. Milne, Blyth. House of Refuge Committee E. A. Adams, Londonesboro; F. D. Stalker, Blyth; Robert E. Turner, Goderich; Robert Higgins, Hensall; Thos. J. Anderson, Lucknow. Children’s Shelter Committee Robert E. Turner, Goderich; A. C. Baeker, Brussels; Thos. Inglis, Clif ford. Agricultural. Advisory Committee I. J. Wright Wingham; W. J. Hen- ‘derson, Wingham; A. H. Neeb, Dash wood; E. A. Adams, Londesboro’; N. W. Trewartha, Clinton. Warden's Committee J, R. Middleton, Clinton;, John Dodds, Walton; Geo. Hubbard, Clif ford; C. B. Snell, Exeter; J. W. Beat- tie, Seaforth. Good' Roads Commission Hugh Hill, 4, Goderich; Jas. Ball-i antyne, 1, Hensall; H. A. Keyes,’ 3 Brussels. of of On in pre- that At the same session Chairman Dr. Milne of the House of Refuge com mittee, ex-Warden vlays and the Clerk reported with reference to the installation of the Frigidaire at the House of Refuge. This had been carried,out and the outfit was a very creditable addition to the House Refuge equipment. Dr. Milne spoke of the matter rebates to urban municipalities tlie levy raised for highway work such municipalities. His municip ality was looking for a return of a certain proportion of the levy for work on streets leading to the con necting link but had been informed that these moneys were to be re tained to form a fund for future pavement. The doctor was instruct ed to take the matter up with the Good Roads Commission and the en gineer for an explanation. The following motions were sen ted: By Messrs. Hill and Dodds the report of the striking committee be adopted and that the cards be printed will the telephone number and address of each member.—Car ried. By Messrs. Beattie and Kennedy that a grant of $100 be made each agricultural society holding a fall fair.-—Referred to* the Executive committee/ By Messrs. Turner and Hender son that the members of the Good Roads Commission attend the Coun ty convention to be held in Toronto. —Carried. By Messrs. Wright and Beattie, that, a grant of $100 be given to each Agricultural Society holding a spring fair. Sent to Executive committee. By Messrs. Ballantyne and Sweit zer that a grant of $100 be paid the South Huron Plowmen’s Association —.Sent to Executive committee. By Messrs. Henderson and Stalk er that a grant of $100 be made to the North Huron Plowmen’s Associa tion.—-Sent to Executive committee. By Dr. Milne and Mr. Hill that all taxes due the county by municipal ities 31st in each year, otherwise 5 per cent will be1 charged Oh the same, this ter.- ' Ry iMr, Hill and Df, Milne that the clerk prepare h by-law enabling the treasurer to collect back taxes due pervious to the next preceding must be paid on or before Doe, will be1 charged on the same, to apply to 19CS taxes and at- -Carried. cutive committee. H,By Messrs, Dodds und Beattie that ’ the outside of the ^ame, and on the Highway No. 12 three miles north inside of the roadway, be R resolved of Seaforth be straightened out by that the county construct around cutting off the two corners at each end.—Sent to Good Roads Commis sion. The Clerk was instructed to en force the order that all Agricultural Societies must make the returns or dered by the council before the coun ty council grant is paid. At the Wednesday afternoon ses sion two petitions were presented to th council in opposition to the one presented Tuesday re change in Wroxeter school section, These were Signed by 29 ratepayers. The peti tions were sent to the education committee to be considered with one presented Tuesday. The first report of the Executive committee was presented on Wed nesday afternoon^ Tlie following were recommended; $100 to each agricultural" society holding a fall fair, $100 to each spring fair in the county, $100 to the Routh Huron Plowmen’s Assocation,, $100 to the North Huron Plowmen’s Association, $25 to each public library in the county appointed by the Government $25 to the Hensall Seed Show, and $100 to the Salvation Army Rescue Home in London. In considering the report in committee the grants Were all Salvation increased ed fgr), Messrs, Henderson and Turner. A request from County Treasurer Gordon Young was for a substant ial increase in his salary. Mr. Young pointed .out that in Bruce County, with a low^r assessment than Huron County the treasurer’s salary is $2,- 700, against the $1,500 at present paid in I-Iuron. The lbtter was laid on the table. When motions wore; called for a •lot of motions were put in, some of which are far-reaching in their im portance. The following is the list: By Messrs. Hubbard and Wright, that the petitions of the parties in terested in the Wroxeter school Boundary be sent to the education committee to bring in a recommend ation.—Carried. By Messrs. Adams and Beattie that a grant of $200 be made to,the Agricultural Representative for- jun ior extension work to be held Mn trust by him for that purpose.— Sent to Executive committee. •« “By Messrs. Craigie and Turner- that a grant of $2:5.00 be made for the upkeep of the flower beds around the court-house.—Sent to Executive committee. By Messrs.’ Wright and McKib bon, that Wingham Seed Fair <fre- ceve a grant of- $25.—Sent to Exe cutive committee. By Messrs. Hill and that by-law No. 16, 1928, ed by inserting in the Shelter Committee, after “council,” the, words’ “of Warden shall be one.”- By Messrs. Wright and Collins that each school fail' receive a grant, of $25.—Sent to Executive commit tee, By Messrs. Hill and Collins that owing to increased motor transpor tation, causing greater destruction to all roads, the Provincial Govern ment requested through the Depart ment of Highways to raise the gas tax on all gas used by motor cars and trucks to 5 cents per gallon and that the grants on all roads be in creased to 5 0 per cent, when good road legislation is complied with, and that the Province assume 90 per cent of the cost of Provincial High ways, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the secretary of the Good Roads Association.—Carried. By Messrs. Turner and Henderson, that, whereas the rate charged by the Hydro Power Commission of Ontario fqr electric power and energy throughout the County of Huron is so excessive, compared with other, counties nearei’ the source of supply and whereas the fact precludes the-- possibility of the farmers of the' county being able to prevail them selves of this power in any larger measure by reason of the great dis tance from Niagara Falls and the consequent high cost of transmis sion, and whereas the towns and vil lages of the county cannot offer in ducements to manufacturing indus tries for location for the same rea son, and the whole county is, there fore, suffering industrially and is generally handicapped in providing work for our people, causing our young men and our yoxtng women to seek employment elsewhere, and Whereas the commission has stead fastly set its face against a flat rate for the fore, it, Council session the Coihmssion to proceed With the development of power on the Mait land river was promised and guar anteed by the la.te Sir Adam Beck as head of the Hydro Power. Com mission and thus place the county of Huron in a fair and equitable way to hold its own from an agri cultural, commercial and industrial approved and that to the Army Rescue I-Iome was to $150 (the amount ask- this being on motion of McKibbon be amend- Children’s the word which the -Carried. whole Province, now, there* is resolved, that the County of Huron, assembled at this strongly petition and' urge the Court House, and its own pro- peirty, a sidewalk or pavement to link up with^he gown’s work and also that it construct a concrete driveway from the;south and north to connect wRU the county' property, --$ent to Good Roads Commission. By Messrs. Hencjferson and Stalk er that some^pippovement be ma4e to the narrow bridge on the county road north of Belgrave -so that the children attending school will not 1 be forced to cross the bridge as it •is dangerous.—-Sent to Good Roads Commission,^ By Messrs, Moland MacKenzie that the road between Ashfield and Wawawnosh from the 9th to the 4 th concessions be rebuilt during the coming year.—'Sent to -the Good Roads Commission.’ From Messrs. Craigie and Sweit zer that the work of cutting down and protecting the bend or turn in the road on Saltford Hill aB recom mended by the commission three years ago be proceeded wjth.—Sent to Good Roads Commission. By Messrs. Adams and Beattie that a grant be made to assist in the upkeep of street lights in the hamlet of Londesboro on account of the great benefit eft 'such lights to traffic on- the county road.—Sent to Good Roads Commission. By Messrs. A, P. Keys and Middle ton that the cost of installation and maintenance of two lights at Bay- field bridge and Of one light at each of the two intersections in the hill leading to theSbridge from the south be paid for from ’the county road funds.—Sent to Good Roads Com mission. By Messrs. McKibbon and Hend erson that the work of improving the County Road from Wingham to Bluevale be completed as for as Bluevale, and that the work be done as early in THie year as possible.— Sent to Good 'Roads Commission. By Collins and Keys that Road No 18, which was taken off the county road system leading from the boun dary between .'Morris and Grey east 55 miles to Ethel police village, joining road No. 19 and also boun dary between Morris and Grey east on the 11th and 12th concessions of Grey 3 and three quarter miles, miles, be put back on the said sys tem.—Sent to Good Roads Commis sion. By Messi's. Tutnerjand McKenzie that whereas the Blue Water High way through the Cojinty of Huron and other counties, such as Lamb ton, Bruce, Grey and SimcOe, is now a county gravel road;. and whereas it is rapidly becoming an interna tionally travelled highway between the United States and,' Northern On tario along Lake Huron and Georg ian Bay- and the upkeep as a county gravel foad is therefore exceedingly high and out of all proportion to other county roads be it resolved tljat we petition the Highways De partment of the Ontario Govern ment to take it over as a Provincial Highway and have it paved as soon as the finances of the Department Will permit.'and, in the meantime, that we ask it to have Provincial r&ad signs placed along the High way and that the other counties and also to tlie Blue Water Highway As sociation : at the City of Sarnia.— Sent to Good Roads Commission. All Wrong j Made Her Feel Very Miserable , One of the iirst danger signals an- '• notincingr something wrong With tho heart* is the irregular beat or violent ■'throb, and this should be attended to- . immediately before the trouble get# worse. Mrs. W. G. Barton, Domville, Ont., writes:—“One spring I-was very much run down and my nerves got very bad. My heart seemed all wrong in its beat ing, and I was feeling very miserable, “One day I happened on a box of and this one box did such wonders for me I took another. That was about sevan ago-. “If Over X 'mat fMUng that again I will give these Pilh» another ehtrnoo m I«*n regt confident they will build * “I 'also Ma fc Am-'believer aU wtr medwiinea what Heart md Nerve Pills did for '■ 'jhta a box at an Wwt aMDod areet on rmript of tries ly As T, MUbrim TsmriO),