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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-31, Page 5
THE EXETERTIMES-ADVOCATE ..If THURSDAY, JANUARY Bl st, 1929 of ©ommevce CLINTON, ONTARIO « OFFRS YOU A PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING ' that hats made it possible for pur scorces pf students to obtain and hold positions demanding a high standard of efficiency, THERE IS A POSITION WAITING FOR YOU Courses: Secretarial, Commercial,, Stenographic, General Office, Civil ’Service, Commercial Teachers. Courses and Special Courses arranged. You cannot attend a better school, Why not attend this? STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME Write to-day for information, Phone 198 M. A. STONE, B. F. WARD, B.A. Com. Specialist, Vice-Principal , Principal DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians •nd Surgeons of Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. HENSALL ONT. Phone 56 Residence 114 Peter Fisher is visiting with in Brucefdeld. Thosx Simpson visited with Western Uni- the week-end Western Uni- the week-end Mrs. friends Mrs. friends an Kippen last week. Mr. William Simpson, of Detroit, spent Sunday hei’e with his mother. Mr. Fred Beer went to the Sea forth Hospital on Saturday to under go an operation. Mr. Laird Joynt, of versify, London, spent at his home here. Mr. James Tapp, of versify, London, spent at his home here. The many friends of Mrs. John ’ Murdock are pleased to see her out again after her recent illness. Mr. W. A. McLaren, who has been confined to his home for a couple of weeks, is able to be out again. The Horticultural Society of the village held a meeting on Tuesday night with' a fail* attendance of mem bers present. Mrs. Leslie Sullens, accompanied by -her friend’ Mrs. L. D. Miller,’ of Detroit, are spending a number of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' George Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chisholm, who have spent some few months visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welsh, M'rs.’ Chisholm’s sis ter, and also spending the time with other relatives and friends, left for their home“ih Calgary last week. The Rev. Mr. jMblllroy, of the Car mel Presbyterian church here, took the services in -the Caven Presbyter ian church at Exeter on Sunday. The services here were taken by Rev. P. Nicol, of London, who preached both morning and evening to large con gregations. The Young People of the Hensail United church held their meeting on Monday evening last with Miss M. A. Ellis presiding. ' After the devo tional exercises an instrumental was given by Miss G. Luker Miss Greta' Lanimie gave a violin solo and Mr. H. Phile gave the\topic. The Ladies’ Aid of the United church met on Thursday afternoon for their meeting. Following the de votional exercises, the election of officers took place, resultng as fol lows: President, Mrs. S. Merner; 1st vice-president, Mrs. J. Elder, secre tary, Mrs. C. Cook; treasurer, Mrs. C. Ballantyne. The many friends of Miss Gladys Garton will regret to learn she was taken ill with a severe attack of appendicitis on Wednesday afternoon and was taken to Seaforth Memorial Hospital and operated upon Wednes day evening. Her tonsils were also removed at the same- time. At pres ent she is progressing as well as can be expected. The Mission Band of the Hensall United church held their meeting on Sunday afternoon. The meeting .was opened by singing hymn 194, after which all repeated the Lord’s prayer. The minutes of the last meeting and the roll call were read | followed by a reading by Miss Mary Hemphill; the collection was then taken up, followed by hymn 15 af ter which Miss Morrisongave . the study, Hymn 302 was’ then sung and the meeting, closed with prayer. MISSION CIRCLE ELECT OFFICERS *4 The Mollard Mission-Circle met on Friday evening and held, a very de lightful meeting with a good attend ance of members present. Miss G. Luker gave a delightful reading fol lowed by a very interesting story en titled, “The King’s Daughter.’’ The most important features of the ev* ening was the election of officers, resulting as follows: Honorary tires., Miss Annie Consitt (ace.) ; president Miss Miss Mrs. Miss Miss ____Luker; systematic giving, Miss Mil dred Scruton; pianist, Miss Marion Sinclair; assistant pianist, Monroe. Followiig this the rest of jelling was devoted to a social time. Elva Shaddock; 1st vico-pres., Alma Scruton; 2nd vico-pres,, L. Hedden; recording secretary Mary McKaig; corr. secretary, Grace Stone; treasurer, Miss G. Mss L. the ev- Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S. D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over tlie Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. D, Lippert, of Mel bourne, spent Monday with the formers mother. Mr. and Mrs, Stade, of Zurich, visited in town on Sunday. Mrs. Kraft and Ward and Mrs. P. Kraft are spending this week don. Mr. Archie Bender spent in London. Mr. Harry Zimmer spent days in Detroit last week, Mr. IM'ervyn Tieman spent week-end in London. Mr, Ivan Lippert left on Wednes- for Burnips, Mich. in Lon- Sunday a few the day (Thames Road Miss Louise Anderson has operated on "for antrum and is get ting along as nicely as can be ex pected. Mrs. .Kenneth McNicol is in Dr. Fletchers hospital where .she has undergone an operation for append icitis. (M'rs. McTaggart passed away at the manse, Friday where she has been residing with her daughter (Rev.) Mrs. Anthony. Th© remains were taken to Thornbury for inter ment. The community extends their sympathy. & Mr. and Mrs. Kestle, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pollen. Miss Elsie Sears spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bears. The annual meeting of the Thames Road church was held ’oil Tuesday afternoon with a .splendid ‘attend ance. been Shipka Mr. Joseph Carruthers and^riend from Ailsa Craig, visited friends here on Saturday Iasi. Mr. Wm. Sweitzer attended Coun ty Council at Goderich last week. Mr. Thomas Keyes is confined to his home through illness. The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid will - ----- - * - ary 6th, Scott. Quite tended the rich on Monday last. Mrs. M. Finkbeiner, who has been visiting for some time at the home of Mr. A. Finkbeiner, left last Mon day to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Carruthers, of Greenway. Mrs. I. Tetreau, who has been waiting on her daughter Mrs. P. Eis- enbach, of Grand Bend, has returned home. Mr. E. Gaiser left on Monday London where he will undergo operation. be held Wedm the home oiat a number Insurance from here at- meeting in Zu- foi’ an Lumley The many friends of Mr. ___ Selves Jr., wllo has been quite sick for some time with the flu are pleas ed to know that -he is improving fast and will soon be around again. So many in this neighborhood have been laid up with it, hardly a house es caped. Quith a number from this neigh borhood attended the auction sale of Mr. David Bruce, near Cromarty, on Thursday last and claim it was a great success with a large crowd and good prices realized. Mrs. Clifford Brintnell and little son Donald, after spending a few days visiting friends on the Bound ary, returned to their home in Ex eter on Sunday last. Mr. Roy Lamont, of Blake, called oh friends on the line last week and while here he and his brother-in- law, the John Mr. Stewart McQueen, attended Bruce sale. Mount Carmel number from here attendel the ’ to his A dance at AilSa Craig last week. Mr. William Barry returned London, after a weeks’ visit with friends here. Mrs. Martha McPhee is improving after her recent illness. Mr. Martin O’Hourke returned on Friday from St. Joseph’s Hospital. London, much improved in health, (Mr. Joseph Guinan, assessor, is on the annual route* A banquet under the auspices of the Sunday School is being held on this Thursday evening. A large crowd is expected. Miss Evelyn Fnlder, who has been assisting in the store of Mr. M. C. Sleamon, during the' absence of Mrs. Sleamon, who has been in Cleveland Ohio, has returned to her home in Brinsley. The recent heavy snow storms have made good sleighing and the boys and girls are enjoying every opportunity to get a sleigh ride. Mr. William Gibson has moved re cently from the farm of Mr. A. Nev in on the side-road east of the viD lage. Mr. Lloyd Hodgson received word of the death of his uncle Anthony Steels, of London, last week, We are glad to see Mr. J. Brown around the village again after his recent illness, ■> Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hodgins were In London on Saturday to see their daughter, Pauline, who is convales cing in Victoria hospital, having had an operation for antrum trouble re cently.- The church services at Whalen last Sunday were necessarily with drawn on account of the pastor the Rev. Mr. Irwin being unable to reach his destination through car trouble. Jack rabbits are numerous in this district of late, one having .been kill ed by a car on Main. ,St. on Thursday of last week, Why not organize and run them down, boys? Mr. Thos. Stanlake, who formerly resided in this community was in the village on Monday last renewing acquaintances. The recent heavy snow fall made it necessary to run the snow plo)v up the Bruce Line on Tuesday ev ening of this week. This is the first time this winter. Mr. George E. Hicks was in Lon don one day last week on business. Several from the village took in the hockey match at the’ London arena last week and report a fast game. Mrs. W.esley Webber, who has been under the doctor’s care for a time, was taken to London on Fri day last for an x-ray examination by a specialist. She was accompan ied by Mr. Webber and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fletcher and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Moodie, Thames Road. Mrs. M. C. Sleamon and Mrs. Ed. Calfas have returned from Cleveland where Mrs. Calfas underwent an op eration some few weeks ago. We are glad to report that she is much improved in health. It seems to be quite a task for soyie of our citizens'to get- to work atthe usual hour these days. Some one said they are trying to find the “lost heir.” Mr. and IMrs. Wm. Skelton were in London on Sunday. ■'Mr. John Pollard was in London on business on Tuesday of this week Mr. Joseph Guinan, assessor for the township of Stephen, was on official duty in the village on Tues day of this week. Several carloads of choice West ern oats have been ’unloaded here by tha farmers are availte the opportunity to* We are Cecil Skinner and f^,.. what improved siiXceV their recent attack of influenza. Co-Operative Cm, and many f^inselves of :et-a supply. glad to" r&aort that Mr. Jy are some- A Supt., J. H. secre- Olive as- Greenway very successful congregational meeting was held in the United church last Monday evening when reports from the various departments were read, officers appointed* for the coming year and a social houi’ enjoyed. * Next Sunday afternoon the pastor, Rev. J. M. Colling will induct the elders. Last Sunday the installation of the officers for the church school was an impressive part of the ser vice. Theso are as follows: W. Young; associate supts,, McGregor and Frank Turner; tary, Lois Brown; treasurer, Brown; organist, Ruby Young; sistant organist, Olla Jones;; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs, F. Sharpe; Home Dept. Supt., Mrs. S. Webb; Temper ance, Elton Curts, Harold Turner; Missionary, Mrs. Sherritt, IMrs. Good hand; teachers: Miss Young, Mrs. Jones, Ralph Turner, Mary Webb, I. Sharpe, Mrs. F. Turner, Mrs. Frank Steeper, Mrs. English^ Mae. Wilson, Mrs. E. Curts, Mrs. Sherritt, A. M. Wilson. Assistant teachers, Mrs. S. Webb, Mrs. D. Brown' Mrs. J. H. McGregor, Mrs. W. Young, Mrs. V. Curts, Mrs. F. Sharpe, Mr. Goodhand W. T. Ulens. The young folk of the United clxruch gathered at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Belling last Wednes day evening and presented them with a salad bowl and silver tray and enjoyed a social time together. Mr. and MrsT. Ralph Tumor Visit ed his sistex- Mrs. Hodgson, of Brins ley who has been ill for sime time. Mrs. J. Brown was called to To ronto last Friday owing to the death of her sister. Mrs. (Rev.) R. L. Wil son. Mrs. Wilson spent liei* girl hood and early married life ill this community and was well and favor ably known'. The sympathy of all is extended to the invalid husband and the family df two sons and three daughters. “JW DUST OF THE EARTH” 'Will be givex/Frhpiy evening in the Town Hall/Cj^uTton, admission 50c, cildren 3j^r Mrs. Henry Motz is visiting her daughter Mrs, Wm, Heatherley and Mrs, Frank Scheiding in London, Mr. and Mrs, George Hay and two daughters of the London Road spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Anderson. Mr. Qarfield Lawson, who been visiting relatives here for .past two weeks left Tuesday his home in Artland, Sask. ’ Mr, and Mrs. Charles Anderson and son, Jack, of Exeter, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Miss Thelma Lamport, R.N., re turned to Detroit on Monday last af ter spending the past month with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Lam port. Has everyone in th© community a 1929 car license, the days of grace have expired, be on the watch for the spotter, better than that, get your new plates. Miss Muriel Beclital, of New Ham burg, who spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. R. E, Bechtel, of the local bank staff, rendered a very pleasing solo in the United church on Sunday evening last. Still a number of people missing at the Evangelical services on ac count of the flu. The pastor here by manifests his sympathy and con cern. We trust the rest of the win ter may pass without any mishaps to the health of the community. Next Sunday is the “Day of Pray er” for the W. M. S. of the Evangel ical church and will also be observ ed at Crediton. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 there will be a prayer meet ing in the Sunday School room of the church and the evening is in charge of the W. M. S.. One of the interesting features will be the lan tern slides of interesting and in structive subjects. Tlie ladies’■ quar tette will also offer a selection. This is their self-d'enial week and the of fering will be brought in next Sun day eveiling. Everybody cordially invited/ » Father and Son Banquet, Monday evening? February 11th in the S. S. rooms of the Evangelical church. June 1927 was the first Mother and Daughter Banquet and was given by the Dorcas class. February 11th 1929, will be the first Father and Son Banquet and will be .given un der the auspices of the C. I. C. class. We expect this to be the height of success in attendance, interest and inspiration. Dr. C. Newton-Dubs, .jth^iAuni.versary speaker -will give an.. appropriate address at this gather ing after which the church welcomes a large audience to listen to the lecture. The banquet can only ac commodate one hundred and fifty. The Ladies’ Aid' and Mission So ciety met in the Evangelical S<un- day School room last Thursday af ternoon and after transacting the usual routine of monthly business the pastor took the chair, called for the annual reports and conducted the annual election of officers, which resulted as follows: Pres. Mrs. Art Amy; 1st Vice-pres., Mrs. W. Sippell; 2nd Vice-pres., Mrs. Haist; recording secretary, Mrs. E. Wenzel; treasurer, Mrs. M. Faist; corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. K. Eilber; chorister, Mrs. H. Eilber; assistant chorister, Mrs. Morlock; pianist, Mrs. Emmery Fahner; as sistant pianist, Mrs. Herb Morlock; The executive met in accordance with the constitution and appointed the personal of-the various commit tees. The ors: Socifl Finkbeiner^^^ving committee, Mrs. Joe Haist^./Bazaar committee, (Mrs. Clayton Sims.; Flower committee, Mrs. Conrad Kuhn. Every member of the aid is appointed to act on some committee. has the for M. C. owing are the conven- ffimmittee, Mrs. Joe Bell occupied the ehair and a short! program was given as follows; duet) by Mr, and Mrs. Silas Shier; read ing by Mrs, H. V. Crago; dpet by W, Kixrkby and Alex Crago; music by the members pf the choir. Mrs. i Bel; gave a very interesting talk on ‘ Mission work. The President Mrs. Jas, M’ore welcomed those present ’ after which refreshments were serv ed. Miss Venneta Routly .spent a few days with Thelma Marshall this . week. Tlie boys are enjoying the skat* ,j ing-on the new rink. The first game of hockey played here took place on Thursday night between Kirkton and Motherwell resulting in favor of the Kirkton. team by a score of 7-2. T. A. Wiseman refereed the game and some good playing was done. The | line up was as follows; Motherwell, W. Murray, goal; Barr and Roger, defence; Bolton, Mariott and McIn tosh, forwards; subs, Brown and Watson. Kirkton, goal, Pridham;" defence Marshall and McNaughton; forwards, Dillon, McCurdy and Wil liams; subs. Jose, Gregory and Al len, There were a number of pen alties. The Kirkton Bublic Library As sociation held their annual meeting in Aberdeen Hall on Friday evening January 25th. Rev. M. Bulteel call ed the meeting to order and Mr. J. O’Brien was elected chairman. A short program was presented which included vocal and instrumental numbers by Miss Mills, Mrs. Bulteel, Messrs. Ray and Wm. Mills- and com-’ munity singing conducted by Mrs. C. D. Paul. The financial report for the year was presented by the secre tary Rev. M. Bulteel and showed a satisfactory year’s work with a neat balance in the bank. After all ob ligations had been met. Thirteen names were nominated for Trustees of whom the following nine were elected: Mrs. D. Hazlewood, Miss E. Tinning, Whitfield Switzer, Mrs. J. C. Veitch, Rev. Wilkinson, Rev. Bell,’ Mr. R. Humpries, Alvin Crago and Rev. Bulteel. A guessing contest n book titles caused keen rivalry. Re freshments were served and the pro ceedings closed with the National Anthem. Elimville . Miss Lena Bym visited i» Bt, Marys on Sunday last, Mrs. MeF^lls visited her sister, Mrs. Wes. Horne last weefe;. Miss Gladys Jobim, who has been confined tether bed for over a week with bronchitis is imprpving. A Youthful SiMJitamaii Master Earl Coultis, 9-year*oJd son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis, made a record which we believe will be hard to heat, when he went hltet* ing alone on liis father’s farm one day recently and. succeeded bring- home a jack rabbitt which weighed 10% pounds and was shut With a rifle at a distance of about fifteen rods. Earl chased the rabbit a dis tance and it went through, a fence then turned to look to see If the boy really meant business. He did. . CONGREGATIONAL hDEETING The congregational meeting of Elimville church wag held' iji the church oxi Tuesday afternoon of last week, about 100 were present. Rev. LeRoy White presided. The reports of the various organizations of the cliiuTh were given; Baby Band read by Mrs. George Hunter, amount raised $12,,60. Mission Band read by Mrs, F. Delbridge, amount raised $31.00. Mission Circle read by Mrs. O’Reilly amount raised' $150.00. •Y. P. Society read by Mr. Horace Delbridge, amount raised $58.00. ’ W. 1VI. S. read by Mrs. Hy, Ford, amount raised $200.00. Sunday .School, read; -by Mr. Hy. Delbridge, amount raised $128.27. Trustee Board, read' by* Mr. Josh ua Johns, amount raised $500.34. Maintenance and Missionary, amount raised $446.47. Stewards amount raised $913.70. The pastor Ihve his report and. stated that the membership was .143. He also explained his nla-n L, He also explained his plan for raising the finances of 1929. followed Mrs. Jospeh Brenner is very ill at present. Mrs. J. W. Holt, who has been confined to the house for about five weeks, is able to be out again. Mr. Andrew Desjardine is improv ing nicely. Mrs. Adolphus Desjardine, of Ed monton, is visiting with friends and neighbors for the winter. It is about jsevexi years sinpe she has been jn the neighborhood. Mr. John Gill’s family have all been laid up with the flu for the second time but they are improving now. Mrs. McPhee, of Alberta, is home visiting her father and mother; bro- thers and sisters, Her father has been ill but is some better we are glad to report. Nearly every one has theix* har vest of ice put in for the summer. Mr. Frank Statton, who sold his chicken farm to Mr, Newt Hayter, has moved into the property he has bought from Mr. Mark Wilds. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Green, who spent the fall and part of the win ter in Port Huron, has returned home. Mrs. Richard Broderich, who has been visiting her mother and friend; S. S. Class Hold Social Evening The Young Ladies and the Young Men’s classes of the United church! met last Thursday evening in. the Sunday School rooms to spend a social evening and also tox reorgan ize their classes Aftex* the business end of the evening games and con tests provided fun for all and to finish off the evening a dainty lunch was served by tlie ladies. ,Officers of the Young Ladies’ class, teacher Mr.s. J. Woodall; pres. Lulu Kerr; vice-pres., Laura Clark; Secretary, Elsie Blackhall; Corres. secretary, Beryl Hill; treasurer, I. Lawson. Devotional committee, convenor, Elsie Blackball; Lookout committee convenor, Laura Clark; Social coxn- King; j Gladys class. mittee, convenor, Mrs. Sam Flower committee, convenor, Lewis, Officers of Young Men’s teacher, Thos. Trevethick; president, Ed Chambers; vice-pres.> Thos. | Yearley; seex’etary-treasurer, Ivan.' Hirtzel. ! Devotional committee, convenor A. Baker; Lookout committee, coiiven- Alonzo Hedden; Social commit convenor, Thos. Yearley.°r> tee. KIRKTON Considerable discussion, the last four reports. A motion was made by S. J. Pym and seconded by Chas. Johns that wo continue the services in the af ternoon until March the 1st. Carried Motion by Wm. Johns, seconded by Enos Herdman that we proceed to organize under United church rules. Carried. Motion by S. J. Pym, seconded by Fred Delbridge that the number of stewards and members of the ses sions be 6 to be elected for 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively. Carried. Result as follows: Stewards, Fred' Delbridge, Chas. Johns, 3 years; Newton Clark, and Frank Brock, 2 years; ,S. J. Pym and C. W. Godbolt, 1 year. Members of Session, Wm. Johns, Geo. Hunter, 3 years;. Josh. Johns and Jas. Horne, 2' years; Henry , Delbridge and G. W. ‘Miners 1 year. Adjournment was made for lunch which much was bountifully supplied and enjoyed. Whalen Mr.Oscar Morley, of New Ontario paid a short visit co his brother, Wilson this week. The January meeting of the W. M. S. was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. A. Johnson’s, with a large attendance. The meet ing was two weeks later on account of so much, sickness during the earl ier part of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Millson, of Lucan, spent Sunday at the home of Frank Squire. in Montreal, returned to .her cottage | where they have been living while working at dredging the river. Mrs. Wm. Elsie is slowly improv ing atfer her recent illness. Rev. J. M. Colling is answering questions every Sunday evening, so send in your questions and com© and hear them answered. Mr. Ross Desjardine and Mr, G. Station, of Detroit, visited at their home here qvei’ th© weel^-end. The election- of officers fox’ the church school wa^ held last Thurs day afternoon with the installation at the morning service last Sunday, i Officers are as follows: Supt. Wm. (Patterson; Sec’y., J. W. Holt; Treas. Eddie Gill; C .. W ___ hull; Teachers: Miss Switz’er, Mrs. Robt. Pollock, Mrs. John Eagleson, Mrs. Albert iMorenz, Miss Edy Tay- -Mrs. D. A. Johnson on Thursday af ter,’Mrs. R. Ravelle, Mrs. Tom Webb t ternoon, January 24th. The presi- Mrs. Shadey, Mrs. Riddley, Mr. Jim dent, Mrs. F. Gunning had charge Patterson, Mr. Tom Love, Mr. Ezra tof the meeting. The subject for Webb: Mrs. E. Desjardine, Mission- prayex* was “Gratitude for the past, ary Supt.,; Mr. Tom Webb, Librar- and vision high purpose and courage ian. Welcome to Sunday School 1 for the future” each and every Sunday at 10:15: The annual congrevationtl meet- ’ Gunning and Mrs. Will Morley. The ing of the Grand Bend United church Was held last week with a large at- ' tendance. Reports presented from all the organizations showed 1928 to be the hest the church. Ladies’ Aid, school, tha ment, choir, nance committee closed tlteir books with a balance on hand. The mis sionary and maintenance allocation I was paid in ftxlh with the treasurer reporting a balance of $300 on hand. A total of $1,900 was paid duting the year oh the mortgage oh the hew ciety dtti'ing the yeaL church building. A hearty vote of I The president led a questidhalre k *♦ who formerly lived in this commun ity is quite ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. George Arksey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Dob son, of near Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford spent Monday in London. Friends regret to hear of the serious illness of Mr. Jabez Millson, of Lambeth. Mr. Millson, has many warm friend's in this community having spent the earlier part of his life here. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Squire and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper, spent . Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Whetstone, of Anderson,-a. ,y•? u» vv• jnvibj xi Organist, Mabel Turn- WHALEN W. M. S. The W. M. S. held their first meet ing im the new year at the home of , — .— *------’ and was taken by I Mrs. Thos, Gunning, Mrs. Albert year in the history of All the societies, the W. M. S., the church Young People’s depart- Mission Rand and fi- Scripture Lesson, 2 ‘ Corinthians 8th chap. 1-9 verses was led by Mrs. Ed gar Squire. The devotional leaflet, “Stewardship, the Soul of Religion” was read by Mrs. Frank Squire. The different secretaries gave their re ports for the yehr just closed and these were very encouraging. There has been an increase in membership; 45 on the roll at present, 1 are life members. The allocation whs $160.- 00 and $186.71 was sent to the Pros- byterial Treasurer; also a splendid bale of quilts and clothing and a box Of fruit Were sent away by the So- herMrs. Ira Marshall is visiting parents in Granton. Weddthg belle ate ringing. The W. IM: S. held a social even ing on Wednesday niglit. Rev. M, church building. A hearty vote of I thanks was extended to Rev. and1 on the Annual Report Which was Mrs. J. M. Colling for their efficient, leadership during the year. At the close of this reports, the annual el ection of officers was held, utter which the ladies of the congregation served ttthch. quite interesting. After singing the closing hyhm, Mrs. D. A. Johnson proh on need the benediction Which closed the meeting. Tea was serv ed and all enjoyed the Vmtm! social hour.