HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-31, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 at 29c a yard & bag cross cur TINSMITHING and PLUMBING Guaranteed AXES $1.50 up Handled AXES $2.25 SAW WEDGES and chopp­ ing WEDGES Indian Handles 75c. VOLUNTEW'SGOO ('guava>||^ed!) RACER AND I’REMJER $8.00 THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31st, 1929 FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO, Plain Roughcast and Plaster Effects and s A Fine Range of Panelled Papera New Comforter Chintz WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF NEW PATTERNS IN- CHINTZ FOR COMFORTERS, 36 INCHES WIDE TO SELL AT 25c, A YARD. SPECIAL VALUES-BOTH WOOL AND COTTON BATTING JN FULL COMFORTER SIZE. Figured Prints AfANY NEW PATTERNS HAVE JUST ARRIVED IN THE NEW PRINTED AIATERIALS FOR DRESSES, APRONS, ETC. COLORS' GUARANTEED ABSOL­UTELY FAST || . / ’ Bargains in Ladies’,Misses’ & Children’s Winter Coats EVERY COXT AIUST GO REGARDLESS/OF COST. THESE ARE REAL BARGAIN PRICES. 20% Discount off all Lames’ and Misses’ fine dresses. Wool Dresses pt $11.95 *15 only ladies’ and Aliases’ all wool dr^ses in this ‘season’s styles, regularly $17.50 to clear atKonce at $11.95. 36 inch cOttoil broadcloth, all gooi Cotton Broadci colors to clear at 29c. a yard. Men’s &^Boys’ Ove^oats at Bargain Prices OUR STOCK O& MEN’S ____J_____ _ THE BARGAIN TABLE AT CUT-RATE PRICES BEFORE THE WINTER IS HALF ' OVER. - | / / AND YOUTHS’ OVERCOATS,. THROWN ON Men’sj SI&eplLined Coats J|dit when you need them On at $10.00 each, Cash Blue or' Stripe Overalls on sale, at $1.75 Heaman’s Hardware For Your Stock USE ROYAL PURPLE Stock specific 65c. and. $1.75 fl pkg' ROYAL PU1 Calf Me $1.35 a Ifig ROYAL PU • CoUgh C^re «Oc< SALTS AND bag ZENOLEUAI For your poultry use Hygenic Cod Liver Oil, $1.50 a gallon For YourzPoultry PURPLE Poultry Specific 05c. and $1.75 Roup Cure 30c. and OOc. Oyster Shell $1.50 a Grit $1.50 a BEEFSCRAP Heaman’s Hardware & Stove Store We allow 4% in coupons for cash DIED IN LUCAN Airs. Alary ,Hodgins, of Lucan, died Sunday at her home in her 86 ith year. She had been a resident of Lucan for 60 years and was the wife of Thomas Hodgins well known Lucan store-keeper. Besides her husband, she is survived by one son, Dr. E. L* Hodgins, of London; and a daughter Mrs. J. E. 'Hodgins, The deceased had been ill but. a short time. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon interment in Mount Plea* •sant cemetery, London. ‘All's, E, R. Hopper visited for a lew days at her homo .in Wlngliam! RUMLEY tractor DEMONSTRATION Air. Thos. L. Scott,’ of Cromarty, will bold -a demonstration of Rum- ley Tractors .ati the Co ine Shop on 6th, morning, ing, when mil ing pictures ne Alach- ednstfllay, February noon and even- 5f interesting- mov- 7 , _ ill be shown;z and prizes will ‘be given away free. See ■advt, on another page. BAGGED 92 RABBITS The largest Jack Rabbit hunt of tile season was staged on Thursday last when aboh£ forty hunters from this community motored to Lu­ can Crossing and covered the two blocks south, 92 jacks were bagged,, the honors of the day going to Air.1 Alvin Essery who bagged seven. BIRTHS NEIL—At the Exeter Hospital, Friday, January 25th, to on Mr, and Airs. John ft. Nell, of Clinton, a daughter (Aana Doreen) EXETER COUNCIL Monday, January 28, 1929 regular meeting of the muni­ council with all members pres- Councillor Rivers took and of office, meeting held read and ap- read as fol- cipal ent. subscribed to the oath The minutes of the January the 14th were proved. Correspondence was lows: The Gordon Crushed Stone Co., Ltd. re quotation on crushed stone ■per ton 90c. F.O.B., Hagersville freight rate $1.75 a ton. From the Agricultural Represen­ tative G-. R. Patterson, Clinton, ask­ ing the council's permission for the use of the Hall for a three day poul­ try Course, February 26 th, 27 th and 28tli. Granted. Letter from, Aljss M, G. Bayne notice of the accident 'caused by fall­ ing on the icy walk. Filed. The following appointments were considered and made to the tery Board; Hon. President, Weekes; members for 1929, Seldon and Thos. Pryde. Mr, Richard Huntei’ was appoint­ ed assessor by the casting vote'of the Reeve. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: Grigg Stationery Co., books $46.40; W. J. Heaman, supplies 50; Harvey & Harvey, pail 13 c,; Wm. Collingwood foreman at library $13.00; Chamber Bros. bal. account $25.00; Wm. ‘Johns, labor $6.75; Fred Bloomfield, labor, $5; Wm. Briinacom.be, labor $1.25; The Bell Telephone Co. phone rent $6.15 Copp Builders Supply, London, tile $5.2-8; H. Bagshaw draying $1.05. , Cemetery accounts, Wm. labor, $16:50; Geo. Smith, $3.60; .Bell Telephone Co. phone rent $4.95. Passed on motion of Bierling and Rivers., Adjourned by Francis. Jos . Senior, Clerk Ceme- James R. G-. Smith, labor SANDERS BUILDING SOLD FOR NEW • FORD GARAGE The large three-storey brick build­ ing formerly occupied by the S. AL Sanders Mfg. ■ Co., and owned by Mr. Sanders, formerly known as the Pickard Block, has been sold to Mr. - “^dY’f. Elliott, Hie mew Ford. agent in Exeter, and is to be con­ verted Into an up-to-date automobile showroom and garage for Ford- sales and service^ Two of the three storeys which are 50x70 ft., are steam heat­ ed and both floors will be used for storing cars. We understand Mr. Elliott intends remodelling the front to make a front entrance and show­ room with service at the rear. Mr. Sanders retains possession of the large storehouse at the rear, and will have it removed as soon as possible to his property abutting the present site. Most of the machinery used in the Sanders factory was sold to a Winnipeg concern but there is still a large electric motor and some equipment to move at once as Air. Elliott gets immediate possession. The transaction involves some $7,500 Air. ArtQ Delve, who. recently re­ turned from London Hospital/ fol­ lowing an operation for appendicitis,, has suffered a cold since hl’s return and has been confined to his bed. - ■ ... : r. DEATHS CLARK;—In Cfediton, on Sunday, January 27, 1929, Mary Clark, be­ loved wife of Janies Clark,‘aged 78 years, 4 months and 18 days. AfcDOUGALL—In Stanley TWp., Lot 5, South Boundary, on Thursday, January 24, 1929, John McDoug­ all, in. his 77th year. FOLLICK—In London, at the resi­ dence of her daughter, Mrs, (Rev.) C. W. Baker, on Thursday, Janu­ ary 24, 1929, Anne Fenwick,* wid­ ow of the late Enoch Follick, fn her 92nd year. ELLIOTT—In Toronto, oil Tuesday, January 29th, Matilda C. Elliott, in her 83rd year. Funeral from the home of her brother, Air.} W. ■ R. Elliott, Centralia, On Thursday at two o’clock p.m>, .Interment in the Fairfield cemetery. SCHROEb’ED—In Crediton, Tues­ day, January Y9, 1929/ Sophia Henrietta Schroeder, aged 87 years, 9 months and 24 days. The funeral from the home of John Wilhelms, on Friday, February 1st, nt 2 p.m., interment - in Crediton cemetery. the CARD OF TH&NkS Ml and Mj&Alfred Hodginb family desire/ to nk the many friends, and /iai>rthitarly the Centra­ lia Sunday/f&fiool, for their kind' ness, durii Pauline’s illness in a London Hospital., and DIED IN 92nd YEAR * . / Exeter iQSt one of its oldest resi­ dents on Thursday of last week in the death of Mrs. Enoch Follick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) C. W. Baker, of London. The deceased was in her 92nd year. Mrs. Follick spent a few weeks the early part of the. winter, visiting with her son Dr. L. L. Follick, of St. Marys, and for about three weejts previous to hen death had been visiting in London. She was taken ill with a cold which resulted in her death. Mrs. Follick had been a remarkably smart woman for one so advanced in years. She was possessed with all all her faculties and enjoyed her daily newspaper right up to the last. She was the oldest member of Alain. St. ’ United church and at . the last Mother’s Day in the Sunday School Was presented with a flower as being the oldest mother present. » The* ’de­ ceased was born in Lincolnshire, England, her maiden name being Anna Fenwick. At tlie age of 11 years she came to Canada with, her parents, settling in Hay Twp., near Zurich, where she was united in mar­ riage to Air. Enoch Follick, who predeceased her about 16 years. She had been a resident of Exeter for about 50 years. Of a family of eight children, six survive to mourn the loss of a loving mother, viz: E. A., of town; Dr, L. L. Follick, of St. Marys; Airs. (Rev.) C. W. Baker, -of London; Dr. E. R. Follicle, of Van­ couver, who Visited in Exeter dur­ ing tile past summer, and Aliss Ma­ bel Follick at home The remains were brought to Exeter and the fun­ eral, private, was held Sunday after­ noon conducted by Rev. C. J, Aloor- house, interment in. the Exeter ceme­ tery, Among those; who attended the funeral were Dr. and Mi's. L. L. Follick and family, of St. Marys; Airs. Baker and two daughters, of London, and Mrs. Edna Hearts, Toronto, of f^^otrie %Jheatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY February 1st anil 2iid. RICHARD TX We Can Help You tjjfee Better Our method retesting Is moef complete? and^tfr' prices moderate* Office hpurs>'9 " 1.30 to/G/p.m. , Waning by appointment S. FITTON ; Phone 75w # OPTOMETRIST; complete? and Wr " prices moderate* ‘ f,3Q tp 12 a.m. u« W “Easfy^Come-- Erasy Go” FOLLOW DIN—HE’S SCATTERING LAUGHS . TO THE FOUR WINDS IN THIS MADE-TO-ORDER RIOT OJ^ FUN. DOME RINK, EXETER I —■ on USUAL COMEDY THURS., J. Game EXETER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ORGANIZE FOR THE YEAR The annual meeting of the Eteeter Horticultural Society was held in the Town Hall on Friday evening last. There was a fair attendance, and all who _ were present were full of en­ thusiasm for. the furtherance of the good work already done by the so­ ciety. The president, Air. Ward, was in the chair. The report of last year’s activities were encouraging, and plans were to continue to beautify the unattrac­ tive spots about town. The total receipts for 1928 were $527.91 and the expenditures $-563.87. The election of officers resulted as follows: Hon. President, I. R. Carling, B.A.; in-esident, Wm. Ward; 1st. vice-president, Miss G. AL Har­ vey; 2nd vice-president, Miss V. Es- sery; secretary, J. G. Stanbury B.A.; assistant secretary, b. W. F. Beavers auditors, Alessrs. W. H. Johnston and D. Rowcliffe; directors, Messrs. D. Rowcliffe, George Williams, J. W. Powell, Al. R. Complin, J. An­ drew, _ J ohn , Hunter, Edward J. Christie, Dr. Roultson, Mrs. Dinney and Aliss -L. Jeckell; parks commit­ tee, Alessrs. W. G. Afedd, B. W. F. Beavers, B. AL Francis, M. G.’ Rans- ford, J. M. Southcott, J. Andrew, T. J?rycle,. W", TL Jo.hnston- and. M. Sanders. Arrangements were made for a membership drive campaign, to take­ place soon after the meeting of the executive, to be held on Friday night when the premium list will be sel­ ected. Last year’s membership to­ taled 150. This year it is the hope of the officers that that number will be doubled. The Anembership fee is $1.00, which in itself would not pay for the premiums, if purchased at retail prices. Garnet Heywood was appointed delegate to the provincial horticul­ tural convention, to 'be held in To­ ronto on February 14 and 15. STRATFOR EXE C This is the first W. O hockey to be seen in Exeter for soma time. Come out and cheer the boys. Admission 25 and 15c» McCORMICK-DEERING TRACTOR & POWER. FARMING TALK Illustrated by Lantern Slides To be held in THE NEW FORD? BUILDING* FORMERLY S. 0. SANDERS MFG./tO. One door south of the warehousq^f- A. DAYMAN/ EXETE at 1 o’clock p.m. A Competent Staff of International .Harvester Co. Representatives’ will be on liandi BEAR IN MIND TIME AND DATE All interested arc Cordially Invited to Attend ' COME IN AND LOOK THIS TRACTOR OXTER CHICKEN THIEVING Constable A. Whitesides, of Gode­ rich, was in town last week and placed under arrest two of our resi­ dents who are charged with chicken stealing. They were taken to Gode­ rich for- trial. MR. A. E. GREENLAW Detroit’s Greatest ritone Singer James St. CKurch, Exeter Will be given in eVemng, Feb, 4th a AND EVENING^SERVICESAIORNIN on Monds Wave you renewed your subscrip­ tion? We club with ail papers. James Street Church, Exeter Commencing at 8 o’clock, by Mr. Grecijlaw and Ills talented wife. Mrs. Greenlaw ranks among the best as an Elocutionist. This is youf opportunity of hearing her, ADMISSION:-, Adults 50c, Children. 35c. Families coming together may secure admission for $1.00 per family PROCEEDS GO TO THE BUILDING FUND. ora FISH! FI§H! FISW WE HAVX NOW I HALiBtlT, B. C. SALM< HERRINGS, LAKE ON FISH, SCOTCH KIDDEDS, STE,RS, CLAWS,' CGDlWSlii ' CK LAKE SUPERIOR DRESSED WHITE '* FILLETS^ OY* ■N, SEA HEBWfNGS, 1ARIO HJiifnuNGS, ymoN snacks,Fresh frozen FiLLEtsf'LUGLKss< ’HADDIE, SMELTS, ETC* • HARVEY’S GROCERY ii i