HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-24, Page 8r- WANT COLUMN i?OR -SMJS yearn ald.j^ooj out calves. Phone D afresh cows, four tiers, with or with- pply to Robert Love yood 39rl4. DOG LOST—White am about 16. to 17/nch§X» to the name pj his return. Phone 123. hound, ligh, answers ^I'ed. Reward for Wl<A. Balkwill, Exeter^ ‘ 1-17-tfc FOR SALE-- years old, gocfi condition; ah freshen in J^rll. Wm. Frayne. 1—.35 Heifers rising 2 jotl quality and good i^^dome cow’s due to J^ril. Rhone 176r22» 1-17-tfc. TAXI—To and frpm station dur­ ing the wintei^ months; also- trips 10 the country.J/All closed cars. H, Bagshaw, phoire 180. l-17-3tc. HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE-—We 41 wt; ' her of hprses<^oT CHANGE—-We jpwu/B have a num­ ber of horses4®. >tand we will sell or exchange to %ne farmers,-—G-. J. Dow. ; 6,7,t£c POULTRY WANTED—‘ ‘ ' the market for all, kind^of poultry paying the highest , rabbits. Trucks call. 30, Dashwood, C. Anderson THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Exeter Markets Wheat $1.36 ■ » Oats 50 c, Harley 70 c. . : Manitoba Flour |3.GS Blend Flour ?3.0fT Pastry Flpur $3.65 Feed Flour $2,15 Bran $1.75 Shorts $1.75 Creamery Butter 47c, Dairy Butter 40-43 c. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs extras 32c. pullets 26 c. seconds 22c. $9.50 J^QGdls Try our Eat ; Grapefruit, HARVEY’S QMOC ithout I — i gar Texas seedless at The Women’s Institute will hold 1-We" are in • their monthly meeting in the usual yc'es; also live Phone ,W place, on Tuesday, November 29th, at 8 o’clock. An interestin^frfheet- ing being arranged consist' of pa> numbers,triotic songs and musi a. paper on “Canada’ Southcotti iven by Mrs. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th, 102» CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BEV7. JAS. FOOTE, Wnister j 10 a.mi.—Sunday School- Rev. Jas. Mciliroy, of Hens^lh wi.R conduct services both morning and evening. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W, R, Gouldlng, 1.T.O.M Organist and Choir-Lead er 11 a.m.-—“Why do thy disciples fast not?’’ 1st in series on “The Conflict be- betweeu the New and the Old.” p.m.—Bible School p.m,—The “Parable of the Tares” or “The Perplexing Problem of Evil.” 2nd in series on “The King Talks of His Kingdom.” NOTE—The annual congregation-, al meeting will be held Thursday,! January 24th at 8 o’clock. Election j of officers and general business. Let everyone as far as possible try and be present. Ladies will serve light lunch. 3 7 uni AFTER STOCK - TAKING We Finish Stock-Taking This Week and have placed on our counters many lines for quick clearing All Wool Dress Goods 6 only pieces of splendid materials for warm dresses for children and. women, this bargain values to $1.50 a yard For quick clearance per yard ........ Don’t miss 49c- Coloured Prints These are regular 25c. value. Special 1 *7c. for making quilts. For quick sale, yd... ;• All Wool & Union Dress Goods =g 6 pieces only of all-wpol Dress> Goods in serge S and other weaves, values to $2.00 a yd. 7QC« E£ Tor nirffllr clearance nor vard ................... * • assFor quick clearance per yard Men’s Flannel Work Shirts Regular $1.50 value, all Sixes in this (Pl QK lot. Special at each .......... ................ TENDERS will be -received for supplying the Thames Rop< church with 2 ft. wood, jeech qj/niaple; al­ so for the caretaling pf the church. Tenders to be id| thp hands of the secretary, H. H.|/lrown, not later than 6 p.m., Tuesday, February Sth. *** TENDERS will, he received for 6 cord/of 2 foot body wood, beech or *4 lyDeborne. Ten- lajjer than Febru- fest or any tender accepted. Luther . .... 1, ' made for S. S. No. derA to be in not I ary 2nd.’ The low not necessarily “ Reynolds, Sec’y-Treas., R, R. No. Bonsall. I ,STRAYED Hay Twp., a two-year-old heifer, f Owner have same by p paying expenses., advertised in the Concession 2, Ste Phone 17 r 34.Crediton. -Onto lot----- " Con. „ on or about/lctober. 15, may property and /Shis heifer was 11. Apply lot 20, en. A. J. Penhale 1-2 4-3 tc. FOUND—-A white doWKth brown markings, part collie.. ^Bvner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply ’ to Erviue .Eckstein, Hay P. O., phone Dash­ wood. . l-24-3tc FARM FOR SALE~~Fifty acres lot 10, con. 5, U|born^/frame.house, . bank barn and plenty water. Apply to Goo.» HLy Ferguson, R. R. 3, Exeter. Telephone 39 r 11 Kirk­ ton. l-24-2tc. FARM FOR SALE—Lot 27, con­ cession 7, Usborne Township, 70 ac­ res; 7-room brick house, water in­ side; basement barn 70 feet by 3 6 feet; implementtehedte20 x 40. feet; hog pen 20x18 -fKet/silo 36x10 feet; cement threshing good well insidfift works; wheat; rest hay’ and grass. Quarter mile from school;. 1$ miles from church; about 6 miles from Exeter. Apply to Albert E. Neil, R. R. No. 1, Hen­ sail, Ont. . l,24-2.tp Zank 8x7 B feet; 'barn, with water litter carrier; 7 acres of 13 acres ploughed land, the ' NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Annual (Meeting of the members of the Usborne & Hibbert ’Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be”! the Town Hall, Farquhar, day, Feb. 4th, 192 eld-’in Mon- ... ,__ ft.m., for the purpose of receiving tjfe reports of the directors and uudtjors for the past . year, and for two directors for a. t hq/election of „ _w e year term, and two Auditors, and for any other business in the interests of the com­ pany. , The office expi eligible fot Kengje an W. Exeter, j.an irectors whose term of but who are again ction are: Jas. Mc- Dow. " ; NBULL, Secretary, y 4th, 1929. HOGARTH HATCHERY It is how time to be thinking about your brooders, chicks etc. for this season. We are how running our machines and can supply your needs. Our carload "of brooders, feeders and all poultry supplies will .1. Come in and needs and ask for ill find them we give you so carry a stock r Mhsh, Royal be here in a few days, talk over you out prices, very, reasonab SERVICE; V of Hogarth’s purple and Monarch Lay Mash, Bone Meal, .............. ' ..... Liver Meal, count maty usual Meat Meai( Fish Meal, cod Oil, Charcoal, Alfalfa Lpaf We are giving a iq% dis- for orders placed, before Feb- 15tH? accompanied with the deposit' •... legates report by Mrs. Yeo- ffress on League of A de- J. M. of W- I. Conv Down and ah Nations by MjO’Oas. Morley. monstration hooking or braiding /mats will als^be.an, interesting fea- i ture. Let efery member be present J and new members and visitors always welcome. ............. are JANUARY y'lLE Dress velvets! air < ’ corsettes and brWieri . ’ Mva ■ ■ colors; corsets, seres, Shop early. Mrs. A. Yeo-Down a’ MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston, . a.m.—“The Source of our Modern Confusion” .p.m.—-Bible tants of the charge. p.m,—“The 11 3 School. ’ The assis- school will have full ■ New MAGOG 1 In neat patterns and good washing materials at per yard ..........................25" Pare Linen Toweling A regular 25 c, value, Special at, <?-| Aft 20c. a yard or 5 yards foi*........................*P-“*®Vv a * Mr. J. F. Krueger, of London, vis­ ited during the past week with liis sister, Mi', and Mrs. A. E. Fuke. Mrs. Wm. Rousom returned to To­ ronto Monday after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Bissett.; Miss Pearl Wood has aecepted"°a position in the office of Dr. G. F. Roulston, her duties to commence next week. Mr. Arto Delve returned home from a. London Hospital last Week after having undergone an operation for appendicitis. Mr. A. O, Elliott, the new Ford dealer, 4s out again after being con- fned to his home and under the doc­ tor’s care^suffering from quinsy. If you subscribe for a daily or weekly paper we can save you money by renewing' your subscrip­ tion through the Times-Advocate-. Rev. .C. J. Moorhouse and a depu­ tation of four men attended the Ev­ angelistic Convention of Middlesex Presbytery in London on Tuesday. Mr. John Jones, of the London Road south, was in town Saturday this being the first time since be­ fore Christinas as he has with influenza. method to use when i” . 7 . one is determined on Success' Congregational meeting Thursday evening. Supper served at 6:3Q. Program and reports received. 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter .Tones. Rector Septnagesima Sunday a.m.—Matins & Litany 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.-—Evensong • LOST—Between Jah. Ballantyne’s on the Boundary and Geo. Arm­ strong’s on the Thames Road. ■ A sack containing two’ large pieces of pdrk. Information gladly receiyed. Box 134, Exetei' NOTICE—-Tl$j adjourned ’meeting of the Exete;f Horticultural Society­ will be held^n t^.Town Hall, this' Friday eveningair’s p.m., J. G. Stan- buiy, secretary?’'’’ ______ ____ _ ' been ill iMr. Harold Jeffrey, who recently append- UTA A • MALI it VJ.XA ; ,,, — underwent an operation for icitis in London hospital, was suf­ ficiently recovered as to be able' to return home MondaX Mrs. Henry Passmore received word on Saturday of the death of her oldest sister, Mrs. Alex. Stewart of’ Mitchell. The funeral ttok place in Mitchell on Sunday .. On account of the stormy weather the annual meeting of the Exeter horticultural Society was postponed last Friday evening until Friday ev­ ening of this week in the Town’Flail at 8 p.m. Rev. D. McTavish was called to the Kincardine Hospital Monday to visit his sister Mrs. JF. Barkwell, who underwent a serious operation on Saturday. ■ Latest reports that she is doing.nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lloyd, of To­ ronto,. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Miller, of London, attended the fun­ eral of the late M'rs. Louis Day,' mother of the- two ladies, on Mon­ day. time. Mr. lett§, the former’s brother, Mr. W. Winer, the latter part of last week. Mr Mrs.' Winei' attended the the late John Lightfoot, before cbming to Exeter. Exeter and'Hensail played a game of hockey on the local rink last Fri­ day evening, the home team winning by a sedre of 2-1. ’ Mr. Allen relieved Mi’s, Gopdspeed, of the public School staff for a few days last week, owing to the illness of her mother Mrs. Love. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Winer, of Marlette, Mich., and Mr. Seth Winer, left for Strathroy on Monday and visited with Dr. and Mrs. Truemner. Mr. Gordon Marshall, of Calgary, Alta., arrived in. town Saturday to visit his mother Mrs.. Marshall. He left Sunday to spend a few d'ays in Detroit. Reeve C. B. Snell, of Exeter; Reeve Jas. Ballantyne,. of Usborne; Reeve Alex Neeb and Deputy-Reeve William Sweitzer, of Stephen ( are in Gode­ rich this week attending the County Council. • are-M i Mrs. Miller, is remaining for a and Mrs. W. F. Winer, of Ma\- Micli., visited at the home of MP..L V. Hogarth has and funeral of at Nairn, MAIN STREET VV. M. S. The Women’s Missionary Society of Main St. United church held their regular monthly meeting fit the ehurcl^ on Wednesday, January the ■16th. Mrs. Pearce, the president, presiding. Mrs. Wickwire gave a splendid report of the annual meet­ ing with-tlie gratifying inforniation tha£ the Society had raised oyfer its allocation. A questionaire was then taken up which was both* interesting and instructive. In the evening the executive .met at the home of Mrs. Mollhrd and arranged the program for the coming year. REMNANTS! REMNANTS,! We are finishing taking stock this week. Look over our table of remnants aind Save Money oys Winter Overcoats at Great Savings It will pay you to buy a warm winter overcoat now as the prices we are quoting are all reduced This is your opportunity. See, our Values at Boys’ at $5.95, $8.95. Men’s at $14.95, $18.95 ’' ■ ill II Mrs. John Elliott has been ill and 'under the doctor’s care. Miss Lulu Fulton, of . -Stratford, visited with her aunt, Mrs. McNiCol over the week-end. ' • ; - ■ A surprise party was held at the home of Mrs. A. Sheere on Monday evening the occasion being a birth­ day celebration for Mrs. F. M. Boyle and Miss Stella Souihcott, ’whose birthdays come on the ’same day, and also for Miss Alice Handford, who had celebrated her:.birthday6 a couple of days previous. A very enjoyable evening was spent in games followed by refreshments. • » Before Taking Stock we offer many W R. GPULDIN^; : : 4-F0--M- JT ■ ■ Organist and CiioiEinaster James Stf United^Church / infflructl^Fin , ' , Plano Voc^l jGrgan Theury Supervisor oftMus^ tn School! Studio, MalntSt^Box 57,,Phone 192 El&aTER. ONT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. R. N. RO PHONE 20w; RESIDENCE 20 j . X • ‘ X H*■ «T tP■1-■ PHONOGRAPH? High Class Gents’ Furnishings FIX. up your old phonograph; we repair them; get a few npw records,- we have them, and enjoy yourself. There’S no STATIC, "oij EXCUSES, With ®hp phonograph, /lust seA the Ediso’h Portable, t folds/ up. like* a ■plays needle Records, the ‘ -'"f ever ", liehrd, sells at■ —I Treat Wour sick friend with a plant or \sonie flowers from our Store.* Cap us anytPne. Wp expect a. shipment, of thdi good Peanut Brittle this^ week, i^ibout Saturday. Be sure and get abound. I \ grip, plainest you" $40.ooy 'v. purchased the property of the late Thomas Ker- nick in Exetei' North, This proper­ ty was at one time owned by Mr. R. S. Lang, Mr. Hogarth has not yet decided what he will do .with the property but will use it in connec- ■ tion with his Baby Chick Hatchery. . Mt. Thos, L. Scott, of Cromarty, last week received a car-load of Humley tractors at the Exeter stu? tion and on Wednesday, February 6th, will hold a demonstration at the Cochrane Machine <Shop; morning, afternoon and evening- when miles Of interesting moving pictures .will .be shown, and prhe^ will he given away tfree. See Advt. on another page, , Miss Elia ■ Jones* left on Saturday /•morning Cor Stratford where she has secured a good ^position with J, A. Dtiggon, Ltd, Miss Jones has been in the' store of Mrs. Ada Yeo-Down over thirteen4 years and is a very, capable salesla’dy, and wo bespeak* for her . every success ‘im lmr 'new situation. Miss .Thaos win also be missed in the circle of young, people and church work* but Exeter’s loss 4 and last i Prior to Stock-Taking °FOR petty; house, kitehep and wd^dslfed,, frame stable, gobd, hdrdi.and soft^ electric lights ht^iso wirecjffor the ph ope# few frill? t “ ..........*'Wfi “ ’ 4% pefes of ’chofce fap#'but mea* spree 5 acres**:, ■ with .weeG c)oy A pnYt main on first 1 • annum. For I apply to Thomi of Andrew ftftd Wellington sti . . FhoM • 114j- X.H ke StfktfoM’e gain. SALE—Valuable village pre* One ahd a hklf storey frame es; de cans tree .Meros sowed # hn/xncetoplowed. mw inay re- ftsifigo at 5% per and phrtldttlats Cameron, corner ellliigton 8tree€fi„ TRIVITT MEMORIAL SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHEBS AND OFFICERS The Sunday School officers teachers met at the Rectory week and with a view to better ef­ ficiency re-arranged classes and teachers. When everything was settled, the complexion of. tlie whole school ed^ The Supt., Mr. H. Jennings St West; Jr.; Wardens, Mr. Fred Triebn’er and •Tom Ellerington; Cross and Crown Award" System, Mr. E. E, Moyle, The .following,•wore chosen as teachers; 1. Mrs. Jennings, 2. Miss S. Dear* Ing, 3. Mr. Harry west, 4. Miss ’Davis, 5, Miss Florence West,- Mrs, IL.-Sr Walter, 7. The Rector, Mr. H. Jennings Sr, •After the 'bnsinoss was over social hour was spent, and Mrs, Wal­ ter Jones very kindly served re* treshments tfor which she was tend6 erc’d tv hearty, .vote of tlidnka* and staff was greatly .chang- officers are the following: The Rector; assistant supt., ; trees., Mr. S. secretary, Mr, EL Jennings c. 6. 8, a I- ‘ 4‘Where you save” Phone 55 ELLIOTT’S CORNER GROCERY ■ Just Wo have Pho You net Wo orth of Metropolitan e 2SI for Service things we soil, d four pa trona go. tiling you want 4 __.. _ , in gycorics, fancy cakes,the line of candles, com 6il and vinegar. w. PHONE. 81w W. TAJ A. EXETER* QNT. ....................... Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing ' Mutual Life of Canada EIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ' ACCIDENT, BijdOESS, WINDSTORM, ETC., S/S^tFrAXOR StAbfes SHARPENED (afty single edge............................. St DOUBLE EDGE 4 c perfect Edge Guaranteed B s. cole, druggist J THE NEW STORE Furtfiture and Undertaking ’ HONOR GRADUATE. OF ONTARIO EXAMlNA'MOk board, Day,. Night and Sunday Callk Phone; Store Jno, 99 ROPPBK MODERN EQUIBMEW KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SEIlVIC^