HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-24, Page 5gfclioal of ©ommerre QRINTON. ONTARIO OFFRS YOU A PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING that has made it possible for our scorces of students to obtain and hold positions demanding a high standard of efficiency. THERE IS A POSITION WAITING FOR YOU Courses; ^Secretarial, Commercial, Stenographic, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teachers, Courses and Special Courses arranged, t You cannot attend a better school, Why not attend this? STUDENTS MAT ENTER AT ANY TIME \ Write to-day for Information, Phone 198 ML A. STONE, B. F. WARD, B.A. Com. Specialist, Vice-Principal Principal DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, University of Western Ontario, Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Office . two doors east of Post Office. HENSALL ONT, Phone 56" Residence 114 Murdock in charge. The meeting was opened by the singing of a hymn after which the bible lesson was read followed by the minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s re­ port. The collection was then taken up. Mr. and Mrs, Phile rendered a very pleasing duet and Miss Greta Lammie gave a instrumental which was enjoyed by all. Hymn 87 was then sung after wliich Miss Margar- the the et Hobkirk gave £he meeting closed by all benediction. topic and repeating THE EXETER T1MES-ADV0CATE Agricultural Meeting The annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society was held in the Commercial Hotel, Hensall on Friday afternoon last. A good at­ tendance of members were present. Mr. W, D. Saunders, of Exeter, oc- cupied the chair. The following officers and directors were appoint­ ed for 1929. President, Dr. Camp­ bell; .1st Vice-President, Owen Geig* er; 2nd Vice-President, Geo. Arm­ strong; Secretary-Treasurer, Keith McLean;, Directors, Wm. Consitt, H, Soldan, Robt. McLaren, Alex Buch­ anan, W. R. DougaJI, Thos. fiherritt, Milton Love, R. W. Peck, W. D. San­ ders and Mr. Munroe. The regular annual seed show will be held on February 22 nd in the Town Hall and the. Spring Show will be held on the 5th of April or the 12th of April. A number of committees were appoint­ ed to carry on the work of the So­ ciety and the directors are pleased to announce that Professor Squirrel, of the Guelph Agricultural College will again be here as judge for the Seed visit ward est. Show. Professor Squirrel’s here again will be looked for- to with a great deal of inter­ THURSDAY. JANUARY Sltii, 1030 And in her spiritual motherly way, Will whisper comforting words of cheer, • Which only her own, can hear. h is visiting in London Goderich, Mr. Maurice Farquhar relatives in Hamilton. Mrs. Milton Love .is visiting with relatives. * Mr. A. Whitesides, of was in town on Tuesday. Mr. James Paterson was in Lon­ don on Monday on business. Mr. .and Mrs. Henry Horton visit­ ed friends in Brussels last week. Reeve Higgins is in Goderich this week attending the County Council. Mr. Wm. R. Henry, of Brucefield, visited friends in town on Saturday. The Mollard Mission Circle will meet on Friday evening and election of officers will take -place. Mr. John Zuefle attended the fun­ eral of his mother |Mrs. Chas. Brown of Crediton on Thursday last. Mrs. M. Quance, of Exeter, spent the week-end visiting with her bro­ thers, Oscar and Wilbur Dilling. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cox, of Dau­ phin, Manitoba, are spending the winter with Mrs. Wm. Buchanap. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and fam­ ily, of Windsor, are this week visit­ ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Consitt. Mr. and Mrs. Sullens and Mrs. Miller, of Detroit, are spending a few days this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. iMr.' and Mrs. J. D. Reid, of Lon­ don, were here attending the funer­ al'of the late.Mrs, McArthur, Mrs. Reid’s mother. Mrs. Alex Wren and son Bert left for Detroit on Tuesday morning where they will visit with friends for two weeks. Mr. Wm. McLaren, Roy and Ruby spent Sunday’last week with Mr. Mc­ Laren’s daughter Mrs. Alf. Hunkin, •of the Thames Road. Mr. Sam. Walker, of the Parr Line, who has been in poor health for some time, is at Mrs. Patterson’s hospital for treatment. Fred Berry, who recently return­ ed from Toronto is here visiting at the home of his sister, and brother- in-law, Mr. and Ml’s. William Con­ sitt. - .\ Mr. Geo. Pepper, of London, spent the week-end visiting his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Tifos. Pepper, and his sister, Mrs. Wm. Pepper, of Tuckersmith. The local Hydro Commission held its first meeting of the year on Mon- . day evening, Reeve Higgins was again appointed chairman for the year, E. Rannie^ secretary and John Passmore manager. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per was observed in Carmel Presby­ terian church on Sunday last with a large attendance present. . The Pas­ tor, Rev. Mr; Mclllroy, delivered an excellent sermon for the occasion. Mr. Fred Bowen, who • has ducted a> barber, shop here for time, moved to Goderich this where he is opening a barber Mr. and Mrs; Bowen have many friends h'ete who Wish The Welfare Youth Carmel Presbyterian their meeting on Monday evening last with the vice-president Miss R. McLaren presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn 649 and all repeating the Lord’s prayer in uni­ son. The scripture lesson was then read by Irene Daters followed by the minutes of the last meeting and the roll call. The roll call being ans­ wered by the third question of the catechism. The offering was then taken and' following hymn 719 was sung. The vice-pres., then read an address on the third question “What do the Scriptures principally teach.” Hymn 761 was then sung followed by the benediction. A social hour was then spent consisting of con­ tests games and a geography match. A dainty lunch was then served. Club of church the held Mission Band Elect ‘ Officei’s The Mission Band of the United church held their regular meeting on Sunday last. After the opening hymn Mrs. McDonald led in prayer; Mildred Follick favored them with a reading. A chorus by Katheryn Drysdale, Mary Hemphill and-Ruth Coles; The study was taken by Miss Morrison followed by the closing ex­ ercises. The following officers will be at the' head of the Mission Band this year: President, Gladys Pass- more; Vice Pres., Howard Hemphill; roll call secy., Edera Munroe; Secy. Mavis -Spencer;. Treas., Alice Hig­ gins; Pianist, Pearl Elder; Assis’t. Pianist, Eldera Munroe; Collection, Norman. Sinclair and Ruth Coles. Hensall-Exeter Team- Defeat Forest The Hensall-Exeter team of the Senior Northern League defeated th'e Forest team by a score of 1-0 on the Exeter rink on Thursday even­ ing last. Ohly' one penalty was given, McDonell being put off for one minute during the end of the se­ cond period. Willard scored the winning'goal with about 10 minutes to go in. the last period; G. Coch­ rane, of Exeter, referred the game. The Hensall-Exeter line up was: goal, Geo. Moir; left defense, Gas­ cho; right defense-Shaddock; centre Medd; left wing, Cantelon; right wing, Youngblut; subs., Willard and McDonell. Rendered Unconscious From Fall Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S. D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, Jast three days of week. Mr. Herb Gaiser, of Detroit, spent a few days with hi-s parents. •Mr. Ezra Bender is on the sick list at present. Messrs. E. G. Kraft and J. C. Reid made’a business trip to Toronto last week. / Miss Margaret Merner returned to Detroit after spending the past week with her parent?, Miss Verda Baker, of London, ■spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. IS. Colosky is attending the funeral of d relative in Detroit this week. Mrs. Pope returned to her home in Hensall after spending • a few weeks with her sister. Mrs. Hills and family and Miss R. Rader, of Detroit, are .visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Rader. Injured in Accident On Saturday evening as Mrs. Otto Restemeyer was crossing the street in front of Schenk’s bakery, she was accidently struck by a car driven by Edwin Miller and was carried, some distance, before she fell off the fen­ der. She was taken to Dr. Taylor’s office where it was found her face was badly scratched and her leg badly injured. Mrs. Restemeyer will be confined to her bed for six or eight weeks. The annual meeting of the Kirk­ ton Agricultural Society was held on Saturday afternoon when the secre­ tary-treasurer’s report was present­ ed by. Mr. Amos Doupe. The report shows a balance of $300.00. Wm. A. Urquhart, of Blanshard was add­ ed to the Board of Directors. Mr. Thomas Harrah, of Usborne, is very poorly at present. The annual meeting of the U.F.O. was held on Thursday, is in a flourishing condition, members are going to have an ter supper in the near future. con- some Week shop, made them every success in their new venture. Mrs. Tern Heddeh, who has been seriously ill at her home here for the past number of weeks with puen- monia, was taken to the Clinton Hos­ pital on Saturday evening, and she underwent an operation.’^ At date •of writing her condition Is very sat­ isfactory. ■On Saturday last Mr. D. McNau­ ghton, of town, received the sad mews of the death of his eldest sister Mrs. Alex Stewart, of Mitchell, Who died on Friday, January 18th after an illness of three weeks. The fun­ eral took place at her late home on Sunday* interment to the Presbyter­ ian cemetery. ■ The first meeting of the “Pfefr Trfi.il Rangers” in the new year was held on Wednesday evening with a fail’ attendance. After the opening exercises the ‘boys answered the roll ■call by naming a country. A brief badge period followed. They enjoy­ ed a few games after which they partook of a light lunch. *Th" y-iting people of the United church held their regular meeting «n Monday evening last with Miss E. George Ferguson met with a ser­ ious accident at Mr. Mickle’s mill, on Friday afternoon, when in some manner his horses moved causing him to loose his balance. In falling from the sleigh, he fell on his head on. the ice, rendering him uncon­ scious for some time. Mr. Ferguson was taken to the home of Thomas Hudson wh^re medical attention was given, and latter that evening he was removed along as to his home. He Is getting well as can be expected, 2ION Dcatli of Mrs. Robert McArthur The death occurred here- on Thursday afternoon last of Mrs. Robert McArthur, in her 70th year. She has been in poor' health for some time, but more so this last year and in spite of the best nursing and medical treatment she failed to improve. On Wednesday she- took a stroke and failing to rally- she passed away on Thursday. Her maiden name .was Miss Maggie Rout­ tit and she spent most of her life on the second concession of Hay. After her marriage to Mr. Robt McArthur they lived for years oil the, farm now owned by Mr» Greater. A few years ago they sold the farm and moved into the village where they have re­ sided since. Besides her bereaved husband Mr. Robt. McArthur, four daughters -and two sons survive: Mrs. Peter Manson and Mrs. Royal Lamont, of Blake, Mrs. Stewart Mc­ Queen, of Usborne and Mrs, John I). Reid, of London, and Sidney and Ray McArthur, of Honsall. The deceas­ ed was a staunch member of Qarmol Presbyterian church and beloved by all who knew her, funeral took place from her home on King Street, Hensall on Saturday afternoon interment in the Heimuli .Union cemetery. the was The late Mr. Chas. Anderson and James and Harold Taylor, of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wilson, Anderson. Mrs, Henry Haist, who has been, undei’ the doctor’s care for a couple of weeks is somewhat improved, Mr, Garfield Lawson from • Art"- land, Sask., arrived here on Friday with a car-load of choice horses, for his brother Mp. Eli Lawson. Miss Bernice Eilber has returned to Alma College, St. Thomas again to resume her duties at this reput­ able ladiesl’ college. Her holidays ,were somewhat extended on account Of ‘flu’ conditions. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per will be observed in ths Crediton United Church next Sunday evening, January 27th. Rev, E. S, Hiscocks, the pastor, in charge. All are in­ vited to this service. Mr, T. A. Girvin, of Saskatoon, Sask., visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. I<. Eil­ ber and his mother, Mrs. Girvin, who lives at this home during the Winter months, The annual community meeting'of the Women’s Institute which was postponed on account of the flu. will be held on Monday evening in the Institute Hall. Supper will be serv­ ed at 6:30. Kindly keep date in mind. The date for the Evangelical An­ niversary Services has definitely been set for Feb. 10th. Dr. C. New­ ton Dubs, of Johhstown, Pa., and who is the Supt. of the Evangelical Missionary Activities of China, is to be the Anniversary speaker. We ex­ pect large audiences to hear this outstanding man of the church. Mr. and Mrs. John Lamport °"'1 family, of (Melita, Manitoba are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Gian- ville and family, at “New Westmin­ ster, B. C. Having spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. H. C. Clark at Vancouver, B. C., who is a sister of Mrs. Emma K. Lamport. They also visited at Victoria B. C. with friends living there and will visit other western points before return­ ing home. The Mission Circle of the United church held their annual meeting in the Sunday School rooms when the following officers were elected: president, Marion Richards; secre­ tary, Helen Finkbeiner; treasurer, Dorothy Lawson; cor. sec’y, Jean Richards; Supt. Mite Boxes, Alma Lawson; iStipt. Christian Steward­ ship, Ila Lamport; Press Secretary, Hazel R. Woodall; Honorary pres., Mrs.Mrs. E. Hiscocks; assistants, Trevethick and Mrs. Hill. Thd Late Maria Zefle The Lord gave had he taketh away. It’s His privilege to <te He causes hearts to break, but He mends them too. His ways are very mysterious, and we often wonder why? He’ll take, away the ones we, love, leaving ‘tear dimmed eyes. *’ ' But some day, some time, not how or when, We'll meet again, beyond vale to M§et again, no more to more tears, no more sighs, But whiie'Jife lasts loving memories of her will remain. One bright spot in the memory of: memories Will never he taken away, while life shall last, Until wfe know the misty part, no the time you meet again. banquet is being arranged for The W. M. S, of tills church held their first meeting for this year in the churcji last Wednesday after­ noon, eleven members were present. Mrs, Chas. Johns the new president occupied the chair. A large amount of business was dealt with in record time. Seme donations of money had been received by the society and the recording secretary, Mrs. Everett Skipner was jpstriicted to send let-- ters of thanks to the donors. Mrs. Wm. Clark, Mrs. R. D, Hunter and Mrs. E, Johns were appointed assoc- iate helpers’ secretaries,, each having a number under her charge, Mrs, Sherwood Hunter was appointed Mite Box secretary; Systematic Giv­ ing envelopes were handed out to those who had .pledged themselves to give a certain, amount weekly these were in use last year and were found helpful. A questionafre on the 3rd annual report of the W.M.S. of the United church was given and Mrs. (Rev.) White gave a reading. Four members lead in short prayers. Miss Edith Sparling has been chos­ en as our Missionary for special prayer In pur Society this year. Mr. Samuel Brock was taken to a London Hospital last Friday for treatment for ear trouble. His many friends sincerely hope that the treatment will suffice to bring him permanent relief. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stephen enter­ tained a large number of their friends and neighbors on Thursday evening last. The young meu enjoyed a fine game of hockey on the ice in Mr. Will Johns’ field last Monday af­ ternoon. Mrs. Fred Wright sang a very pleasing, solo at the church service last Sunday afternoon. Misses Bessie Bell and Ruth Skin­ ner, of London, spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. Jesse Delbridge from the West is visiting his brothers Messrs Hy- and Fred Delbridge. Mr. Jonathan Cooper, who has been receiving treatment -in Doc­ tor Fletcher’s Hospital, is very much improved and is expected home this week. Mr. Harry Murch of the O.A.C., Guelph was, borne over the week-end. The deluges of rain which fell last week raised*the creek until the wa­ ter was level with the road for sev­ eral rods each way from the bridge, ' One thing about this w-inter is that if we are not pleased with one kind of weather we very soon get another, either better or worse. Sometimes it’s hard to decide which. There was a good number at the combined services last Sunday after­ noon. There were 91 at Sunday School and about 105 at church ser­ vice. It will be decided .at the con­ gregational meeting being held this Tuesday whether this form of service will be continued or not through the cold weather. Mr. Joe Bailey i.s confined to his bed. His friends hope for a speedy improvement. A in the United church on Thursday evening, the 31st inst. Prominent speakers from London and ^Chatham will be present. Secure your neces­ sary tickets early. Miss Pauline Hodgins, daughter of A. Hodgins, of the 2nd concession of Stephen, underwent a critical opera­ tion in Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday of last week. Latest re­ ports she was progressing favorably. Mr. Horace Flitton, who has been in the West for some time, has re­ turned to this neighborhood, and re-' sumed his former position on the farm of Mrs. Gus. Hennessey. Mr. Thos. Hennessey, of Saskat­ chewan, is visitihg relatives in this community. We are glad to know that Mrs. E. Wilson, who has been ill with the flu, at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Boyes,, has recovered sufficiently to return home. Mr. Wm. Luker, of Exeter, was in town on Saturday last on business. Mrs. M. C. Sleamon, who has been in Cleveland w-ith her sister Mrs. E. Calfas, is expected home this week, Mrs. Calfas will remain in Detroit for a time. . ’ •Mr. Brock, I.H.C., representative, of London, was in the village on Wednesday in the interests of Messrs Smith and Dobbs, local T.H.C. agents. We understand that the dredging of Mud Creek has been completed by Broderick Bros., and it is rumor­ ed that they intend resuming opera­ tions in the Pete Seebee River in the drowned lands district, where a large contract is beng let. We are glad'to report that prac­ tically all the sick ones in the village and surrounding community are re­ covering. Mr. B. E. Hicks shipped two car­ load of extra choice cattle to Toron­ to last week. The roads in this district are in fairly good condition at this time, the drifts having been removed by Mr. Nelson" Baker our road superinten­ dent. Mr. Geo. Down, of Grand Bend, was in town on Sunday visiting his. friends. A representative from the Domin­ ion Sugar Beet Co. was in this dis­ trict on Tuesday taking contracts for acreage for sugar beets next summer. He was accompanied by Mr. Andrew Hicks. We notice that several motorists of the village has procured their neyr licenses for 1929. We understand that after February 1st the govern­ ment intends taking drastic action for non-compliance. Mrs. Wes. Webber is confined to her bed suffering from bronchial trouble.- We hope that she may soon be restored to good health again. The last family of Indians to re­ side in the village left for Muncey Reserve on -Saturday last. Mrs. Wm. Moodie, of Thames Road spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs. Roy Fletcher. Several of our pugilistic aspirants have furnished the fans with a rare treat since a set of boxing gloves made their appearance in the village. W. ML S. Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the base­ ment of the church on Tuesday, Jan­ uary Sth with Mrs. G. Thompsonin the chair. The meeting was opened with the Doxoldgy followed by prayer by Mr.. Irwin,- The lesson was read responsively from page 172 in Can­ adian Hymnal with singing of hymn 89 and prayer by Mrs. T. Neil. Mi’s. Irwin, the president, then took change of the meeting by an­ swering questions being asked on part of the 1st chapter of Study Book “Drums in the Darkness.” The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A vote by ballott. was then taken for the remaining officers not fin­ ished at last meeting were as fol­ lows: press secretary,, Mrs. G. F. Ponwardeii; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Wm. Skelton^ Finance commit­ tee, Miss R. Wilson, Mrs. T. Neil, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs, Irwin, Mrs. Fen­ warden; pianist, Mrs. A. Mitchell; assistant pianist, Mrs, A. Smith. » It was moved and seconded that we hold cur meeting oh Friday, Feb- Maria Zefle was born on August 4th, 1837? near tlie Black Forests of Wurtemberg, Germany. She came to-America in 1873 bringing four children with her of a farmer mar­ riage, John, Charles, Christian and 'Maggie. She was again married to Mr. Mathias Finkbeiner, of Stephen Twp., and one json, Wilfred was born, to them. After twenty years she ag­ ain become a widow and in the cou­ rse of time she was married to Mr. Chas. Braun, of Crediton. After a period oif about twenty-three years she was again left a widow. The last six years of her life was spent home -of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Lamport, where she died Tuesday evening, January 15th at the advan­ ced age of 91 years, 5 months and 11 days. The following of h'er child­ ren were present at her funeral: John Zefle, oif Hensail; Christain ; Wilfred Fink- l, and Mrs. Sam­ uel Lamport. Frederick Zefle was a son who did not come to America and Clor Zefle was drowned years ago in the river near Crediton. The deceased was highly esteemed in the community and in former years was , very active in the church. Rev. W. M. Sippell officiated at the funeral and paid high tribute to the staunch pilgrim of the church who was one , of the oldest members and also was a membei’ of the Ladies Aid and the Friendly Bible Class. Everything Zefle, of Flint, Mich. The beiner, of London oys- Fred theWellington Brock had to be kicked by a horse of the leg and has the house unable to is just recoverng Mrs. misfortune in the calf confined to Mr. Brock - . , blood poisoning in both hands., Mr. Harold Denham started Mon­ day to attend Clinton Business Col* lege. 4 The W. M. -S. closed a very suc­ cessful year having raised $191.00. Messrs. Maurice Hern and Earl Hern returned last week to London to attend the Technical school which was closed down owing to the flu. been walk from’, SHE FELL ASLEEP, ON HER SAVIOUR’S BREAST CROMARTY Khiva A number of people in this neigh­ borhood are ill with the ‘flu.’ The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. ,J» Vin­ cent in the loss of then* infant son On January 17th, at the age of four weeks. Miss Dorothy Dietrich, who ho been spending the past month with friendg in ICitchenCr, has« retuyhOd home. Alex. Ne&b Is attending County Council in* Goderich week. School has been closed hei’e the past week, the teacher, Miss M. Stewart, being ill with the 'flu? Mr. Cotdon Millet’ is engaged to work for Mr. Wm, Ra'tz for the com­ ing yoart Mrs. J. Hanovef* and Miss Flor­ ence, who have been visitihg in Buf­ falo for firn past month, have retuf* ed home. Mr. and MVs.' Otto Willett visited in ZttTich oil Thursday* No need to tread so lightly, No need to whisper, when you speak her name; She’s fell aSIeep on. the Saviour’s breast, Tired after her journey, to the unknown land. t She heard the Saviour, sweetly call her, saying, Come She saw the angels waiting, to carry her gently home, Home, sweet home, free from care and pain Within the gates, that stand ajar, there you’ll meet, again. Mr. Ernest Graham, who has been a resident of Cromarty for the past five years, moved to St. Paul last week. Mr. David Bruce, who resides a mile south of our village, disposed of his farm recently, and will hold a sal© on Thursday, January 24th. . Mr. Andrew Hamilton, of Detroit, spent a few days last week visiting friends. Miss Gladys Hamilton, of Toronto, is at present spending a few days with her parents) Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton. Owing to the severe attendance, at church was rather small. January 11th being Day of Prayer by the W. M. S. Aux- illiarys, the Cromarty met in the basement of^ and owing to the inclem weather, there was a£ dance. Our Presided^ presided at the meeting^ ugh the attendance was meeting was very helpful spiring, those present giving a very helpful response to the roll call, the topic being “Prayer.” weather, the last Sabbath observed for uxilliary hurch, f the Satten- iver, all, the and in- her' the this for Smooth is her brow, peaceful is slumber, As she swells the throng, one of number. Hands that worked and tolled, Lies folded un her breast, Huw oft, in childhood days, they rocked you te rest, Fondled you lovingly to the heart that no longer beats, Watched beside your cot, through the long hours that creep, To smooth you fevered brow, she prayed and did weep. the Although. she’s gone to the bright land fair, Her Spirit will ever hover near, Lumley The sympathy of the neighbor­ hood was aroused on hearing of the sad death of Mrs, Robt. McArthur, of Hensall, who was well and favor­ able known. Her daughter iMTs, & McQueen was called to her home on Thursday morning and death took place Thursday evening. Mrs. Mc­ Arthur had not had very good health for some time but as she was of such a bright cheerful disposition it was a shock to her friends in her pass* ing so suddenly. East week Mr. John M» Glenn re­ ceived the sad news of the death of his uncle Mr, Alex Stewart, of Seat­ tle, Wash., who o-Wned a large wholesale drugstore and had a very prosperous * business there. He Is the Surviving member of the late Stewart family and a brother of the late Mrs, Win. Glenn, Mr. Wm. E Ford of Loomis, Wash who has been away for k number of ruarjh 15th a“iid was asked to be set years s now here visiting frieiids. aside for prayer. J Mr. Archie Ryckman and family The meeting was closed with I are at present visiting frleiKi on the prayer by the president Mr& irWlm boundary.Mt- 1