HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-24, Page 2w. Bt Oliver, Sanitary Inspectors; THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE $3.25; George Mason, Road No. IS $31.70; ‘Adelbert Webb, Road'No, 20, $2.00; total $43.35, The following orders were passed: h ' cA.Wren’. fcroncJ.ial and foU relief then ’ Lightning Cough Syrup— Children love it Stephen Council The council of the Township of Stephen convened at the Clerk’s Qf- jgiee, Crediton, January 14tb, 1929, s jat 11 a.m. All the newly elected members were present and each sub­ scribed and' took his Declaration of Office. The minutes of the previous meet- tiag were read and adopted. Moved by Mr. i. Tetreau and se­ conded by Mi’. W. Dearing: That the &wave and Clerk petition the De­ partment of Public" Highways for the -statutory grant for moneys expended during the year 1928 on the High­ ways of the Township of Stephen. Carried. X ' Koved by Mr. I.‘^Tetreau, second­ ed, by Mr. E. Gill: That whereas- the Ryeve of the Township was served with plans, profiles and report of the Pfaebe and Saubles Drains on No­ vember 20th, 1928, as prepared by ,«■?£>. A. McCubbin, O.L.S., M.E.I.C., tint the same be received and that a by-law foe printed and served or mailed on the respective Assessed poi’sons as provided by the Muni­ cipal Drainage Act, Section 24, and that the by-law being-No. 398, hav­ ing been read the first time be'-pro- vfcdop'ally adopted and a Court of Hevisioh held in the Town Hall on fVenday, March 4th, 1929, at 1 p.m, fbr the purpose of hearing appeals. • -'Carried, Moved by Mr. I, Tetreau, seconded by Mr. W. Dearing: That a by-law be passed appointing the following Tcwnslpp Officials! Joseph-^ Guinan, Assessor and School Census Enumerator.' John W. Graylieil and J. H. Holtz- »;an, Auditors. ' X Finest Guettiner, caretaker .Alex Neeb and. William Sweitzer, anembers of the Board of Health. Eli Lawson, George Merner and School Attendance Officers Eli Lawson, for Schools 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 14, Unions 9 and 13; George Merner, for Schools, 6, 7, 11, and 15, Unions 16 and' S- S. 6. ‘ W. B. Oliver, for schools 10, 12, Unions 8, 17>and 18, Weed Inspector, Eli Lawson. Pound Keepers; George Essery, Hir, Shapton, W. B. Raiser, Mich­ ael Ryan, David Eagleson, George. Walper, Alvin Baker, Arthur J. Amy Christian Finkbeiner, Arthur Baker, Solmon Pollock, Wilfred Desjardine, John Carrick, William Stade, Gar­ field Steeper, Harold Brophey. Fence Viewers, Henry Mills, John Morlock, Chas. ’ Christie, Thomas Keys, Henry L. Kraft, Eli King, W. J. Brown, John Gill, James Hodgins. Cow Tag Inspectors, Eli Lawson, Con. io 13; Placide vDesjarine, Com 13 to Western .boundary. Athletic Field , Committee, Neeb, William Sweitzer. tRoad Foremen No. 1 Nelson Baker, No. 2 William Sanders, No. <3 Lewis Davey, No. 4 George Hirtzel, No., 5 Alvin Baker, No. S Henry Schenk, No. 7 Robert Gower, No.' 8 Joseph Finkbeiner, No. 9 Thomas' Yearley, No. 10 Jonah Kessell, No. 11 Michael Madden, No. 12 James Ziler, No. 13 Roy Ratz, No. 14 W6sley England, No. 15 John Houlahan, No. 16 Placide Desjardine No. 17 Wesley Isaa.c, No. 18 August­ us Latta, No. 19 Thomas Isaac, No. 20 Adalbert Webb; No. 21 William Baker, No. 22 Roy Hodgins, No. 23 Nelson Baker, No. 24 William Bow­ man, No. 25 Earl Gaiser, No. 26 Peter Eisenbach, No. 27 F. Trieb- ner. Carried. The following Road Foreman Pay Sheets were ordered to foe paid: Nelson Baker, Road No. 23, $6.- 40; John Houlahan, Road No. 1'5, Bank of Commerce, December col­ lections $4.65; Broderick Bros, part contract Mud Creek Drain $3,000; Broderick Bros., balance of peitriclj Drain $50,; Theobold Deitrich al­ lowance re Deitrich Drain by con­ tractors $5,00; Madden Bros, allow­ ance re Deitrich Drain $10.00; Her­ bert Hartman, allowance re Deitrich Drain by contractors $35.00; Bank of Commerce," Commission re tax collections 53.33; sundry persons Township election expenses $153.80; Municipal World, supplies $9.27; The Stewart of Woodstock Hospital re .Alma Williams) $19.50; Wickwire Print Shop, printing account $54.50. The council adjourned to .meet again at the Town Hall, Crediton on Monday, February 4th, A.D., 1929, at 1 p.m. Bad luck is reasonably sure to come to those who trust in luck only..«• * *** •*• The man who tries to dodge his duties usually finds the detour rougher than the road.• * * * ■ « * • « Qf course it will be a severe win­ ter. The hides of coal dealers seem to be unusually thick, •••••*•*• Maybe truth could be ^popularized by dressing it up to look like a falsehood.♦ *♦ «t« • •* She is old enough to be called Miss if she regrets that the frost will soon kill the vine that shades the front porch. “TOURIST SERVICE” A HOLD-UP (St,, Marys journal-Argus) Regarding so-called “Tourist Ser­ vice,” Editor G. H. O, Thnmas of The Bracebridge Gazette strongly advises Muskoka people against pav­ ing money for any so-called “Ser­ vice.” He states that his exper­ ience of them as a publisher does pot give him confidence. Judging by some things that have come t«' our observation in this district, we are all the more impressed by the Bracebridge editor’s advice, KEPT HIM FROM WORKFORA MONTH AT A TIME «UM i r w j ■t; Alex Henry Eilber, Clerk USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. REPORT The fifty-third annal report of the Usborne & Hibbert Mfutual Fire In­ surance Company which has been distributed to the policy-holders shows that this splendid company have gone over the ten million dol­ lar mark in the amount of risks, the total amount being $10,352,825.00. Th© assets of the company amount to the magnificent sum of $325,-. 256.88, which includes a cash bal­ ance of $19,858.53, together with $36,000.00 in.'bonds and debentures. The premium notes on hand amount to $268,125.45. Liabilities none. The losses during the year were $13,074.00, >being considerably less than in 1927. Included in the loss­ es were two bank barns of over, $4,- 000.00 each and one nearly $3,000, the cause of lbss being unknown in all cases. The above figures clearly demonstrate the enviable record that this company holds and. reflects much credit upon the management, the • directors are James McKenzie, president; Simon Dow, vice-presi­ dent; Frank McConnell, Wm. Brock, J. T. Allison and Robert Norris; se­ cretary-treasurer, W. A. Turnbull, Exeter. The annual meeting of fbn company will be held in the Farqu­ har Hall on Monday, February 4th. The directors, whose term of office expires, but who are eligible for —• election are James McKenzie and Simon Dow. •9* MODERN VERSION Mary had a little lamb, Given by a friend to keep. It followed 'her around until It died from loss of sleep. ••• •*« ••• “And what do you do when you hear the fire alarm, my good man?” “Oh, I jest get up an’ feel the .wall, an? if it ain’t hot I go back to bed.”**• **• Successful Business Man.: I am rich enough at from business.” His Friend: “What S. B, M.: “I shall •last “Well, to retire you do?,” the little farm I ran away from and go there to live,” *** Grocer’s delivery boy (accompan­ ied by his kid brother): “I want a toot'll out and I don’t want gas ‘cause I'm in a hurry.” Dentist: “That a brave boy! Which tooth is it?” Boy: “Show the man your tooth, Jimmy.” will buy «** *«* *** ‘And who are you, my good man?’ asked St. Peter at the pearly gates when a voice asked entrance. “Gosh, let me in quick,” mutter­ ed the wandering soul of convict '50,- 173, just released from the electric chair, “for I just had the shock of my life!”*** *** *** THREE-QUARTERS RIGHT “Well,” remarked a married man after examining his friends new flat “I wish I could afford a place like this.” “Yes,” said his friend, ried men may * have better halves, but we bachelors usually have ter quarters.”' **■* **♦ “you mar- i, bet- TOO PERSONAL theexclaimed hears you have in the whole t Qtye £xetrr Siuiri-Atiwiuatr Established 1873 andl887 Published every Thursday mornlaqg at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year Wi advance. United States^ enbw scription $2.50, RATES—Farm or Real Estate fog* sale 60 c, each insertion for flrefr four insertions. 25c. each subee* quent insertion. Miscellaneous a** ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, ew- Found 10c. per line of six word*. Reading notices 10c, per line*. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal M* vertising 12 and 8c, per line, 14" Memoriam, with one verse extra verses 25 c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. W Never had a Sick Day Since W. C. PEARCE c Exeter. Phone 130W. Residence, Ann St., two blocks wtflg of Ford Garage 1874 19S| The London Life POLICIES AS GOOD AS GOLD J ’>1 •a J M.THOMASCRAHAM Of the. thousands and thousands of men apd women who have been re­ stored |o perfect health by “Fruit-a- tives,” rnone are more grateful than Mr. Tubs. Graham, 538 Masson St., Oshawat “I am 60 years old and was treated for ycars for a trouble between the bowels and*’ the bladder, which kept me pome from work for a month at a timp; until I started to take “Fruit-a-tiyes^* Since then, I have worked steadily for four years and have never had. a sick day.” Try this wonderful medicine; made from fruit juices, combined with the finest medicinal ingredients. 25c. and 50c. a box—at dealers everywhere. 538 Masson St.; GLADMAN & STANBURY, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, *•. Money to Loan, Investments M*H Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of o«| Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSAXW CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETQi LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN­ SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Struth EXETER, ONT. Nb* a T«. * r4 POWER j FARMING J SCHOO lsJE 11 I £ > I I b* “Say, Rastus,” visitor in. town, “I the balkiest mule state.” Rastus scowled' at h\s interroga­ tor: \ “Pawdon me, sail, buK ah nevah discusses mah wife’s stubbornness wif strangers.” \*** ««« v { Coughs, Bronchitis A neglected cold, an attack of ‘ bronchitis not properly treat­ ed, may easily lead to serious chest troubles. As soon as you feel a cold coming on, Degin immediately to take ANGIER’S EMULSION. This well known remedy not only- soothes the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, relieves the tightness and soreness of the chest and eases breathing, but it also keeps the stomach and digestive organs in a healthy condition­ promoting appetite and building up strength. The very finely emulsi fied min­ eral oil contained in ANGIER’S EMULSION exerts a soothing laxa­ tive action that .keeps the bowels Colds, i DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ' Graduate of Faculty of Medlclalfc University of Western Ontario, M«* ber of the College of Physicians u4 Surgeons of Ontario; Member of British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the lafR Hr. H. K. Hyndman) I Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.DJU DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of MilltBtt* District Number One, London, Ont, Telephones Office 84W Residence 841 *Oiffce open Wednesday afternoons until May 1st, 1929 A MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. Rouktawi, L.D.S.,D.D4li DENTIST M. Office over Carling & Morley, 5 Law Office Extractions Under Oxygen Gm| 5 EXETER, ONT. ONE ON MOTHER V vA little boy had been to Sunday school for the first time and heard the story of Adam. Returning ’'.to1 his home he went to his mother and asked her what he was made of. \ She replied, “Dust.” The little fellow was absent for awhile, and came in with a handful of dust, which he had gathered from under the bed, and said, “I wonder who this guy is.”jut* r.t. SOALE SPEED Rastus was testifying in a murder trial. Lawyer: “You saw Mr. Anderson walked into the barber shop and, without a word, shot Mr. Ratliburg? Rastus: “Yas, suh. Bang, bang! Jest lak fiat.” Lawyer/“Rastus, where were you when th/first shot was fired?” RasttfS: “Shin/ Marse Rat'hburg’s shoes.-/1 La/y_i shot >as fired?” Rastus: “Ovali cross de railroad tracks, undah a pile of cross-ties.” shoes.'^T Lawyer: “And when the second shot A i in a normal healthy condition so i necessary for a prompt recovery. | ANGIER’S EMULSION has been V recommended and prescribed by v- physicians in Gt. Britain and i Canada for over thirty-flvn I years. Pleasant to take. 4 British Doctor writes: **I have be en prescribing An^ier’e Emulsion fdr many years with most satisfactory results.” (Siined.)-----M.D, ANGIER'S EMULSION 1 Mil $1.90—at all <jrug[Ut*i * DR. WM. L. LAWSON j Las D. S. ». D. 8. DENTIST Office in the Old Commercial built* ing, Main St*, Exeter, Phone 77Wj JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY* | ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA- !• VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE NO. 70 MAIN ST. E!XE!XU| ......... ■. • ... - Cochrane Machine Shorn EXETER, Wednesday, Feb. 6th You are living in an age of pooler farming, power farming machinery!” Command get a vvonde.rfi|l short course in the oper ating, adjusting, repairing, desigAand construction ery. Miles of Witling, interesting movie film, sy clearly explain to you every inside working part;,] trouble4 a nd correct it; how to eliminate delays, J produce bigger and better crops at less cost. Interd own locality, will tell their own storyi Come and sei with power. Sponsored by Rumely^at huge cost, J •of this comittuhity, these schools wiljLprove a men! scope. -Eleventh successful year. WeLare indeed | treat. Brings the boys and hired helpApo. Cornel Three sessions: MorningXafiernoofi It’s ip to you to “Know your if power farming machin- yfichronized with lectures, Jell you how* to diagnose {void costly mistakes and £ ting movies, taken in your | how your neighbors farm fet coming free to farmers forable event. National in fortunate in securing this parly; stay late! i and evening. Constipation Mrs. John D. Behrens, Onion Lake, Saak., writes:-—have been troubled with constipation ever since I can re- member, and have tried different kinds i of medicine, but with very little effect. ‘/Reading in your Almanac I saw Where USBORNE & HIBBERT MQTUA1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, JAS. McKENZIB Vice-President SIMON DOW DIRECTORS frank McConnell, j. Allison ROBT. NORRIS, WM. BROCK AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent tor Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer Box 99, Exeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter DR. E. S. STEINER j VETERINARY SURGEON 1 Graduate of the Ontario VeterfaMfll College „ DAY AND NIGHT CALLS . PROMPTLY ATTENDED T® Office In old Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Streets EXETER, ONT. ’ ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex $ FARM SALES A SPECIALTY, j , PRICES REASONABLE $ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 3 , Phone 57-13 Dashwood J R. R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. ! COAL. FRANK TAYLOR . LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES a SPECIALTY ' Prices Reasonable epd ..SatisfactW® GUarantet'iT EXETER P. O. or RING 188 1 No Admission Charge* Thos. L. Scott, Dealer, Cromarty PRIZES GIVEN AWAY FRW had relieved others from constipation so I decided to give them a trial. “I got a few vlthi and they did me a world of good; I have not been cott-* stfpated ever since I began taking them, khd I can now say I feel fine again.” Trice 25c. a vial at ail druggist* and dealers, or mailed dtartt ea reeelpt ef price by The V. Mttaurn O., K4., OaA Wintex* is here and your Coal bin should be filled. We have on hand Scranton Anthracite Coal, And Domestic Coal Coke Lumber for all kinds of repair work. A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 GRANTON, ONTARIO OSCAR KLOPP sjJ LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1 Honor Graduate Carey Jones* tlon School, Special course taken IM Registered Live Stock (alt Breeds,» Merchandise, Real Estate, Fariu Sales, etc. Rates in keeping vrltW prevailing prices. Satisfaction Mh aured, write Osear Klopp, Zurich, j|| phone '18-93. Zurich# Ont. “Why didn’t you send your man; to mend my electric, bell?” *T did niadame, but as he rang tlm bell three times and got no answer my man decided there was nobodjJ home, • ’a