HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-24, Page 1* * ?. ,.z I •? ‘r I r If 1 h k k • < z 4 > •# V if * A d 11 ’J 1 ! Established i873 ♦ 7-A J EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24th, 1929 New Wallpapers m Plain Roughcast and Plaster Effects dnd A Fine Range of Panelled Papers New Comforter Chintz WE HAVE JU&T RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF NEW PATTERNS IN CHINTZ FOR COMFORTERS, 36 INCHES WIDE TO SELL AT 25c. A YARD. SPECIAL VALUES -BOTH WOOL AND COTTON BATTING IN FULL COMFORTER SIZE. ■ o Figured Prints MANY NEW PATTERNS. HAV-E JUST . ARRIVED IN THE NEW PRINTED MATERIALS FOR. DRESSES, APRONS, ETC. COLORS GUARANTEED ABSOL­ UTELY FAST . ' a—nr ~i—fmw gwrwiirii—iii ■ —i ——i m mi--------------nrmM^miMiiiim Bargains in Ladies’,Misses’ & Children’s Winter Coats EVERY COAT MUST GO REGARDLESS OF COST. THESE ARE READ BARGAIN PRICES. 20% Discount off all Ladies’ and Misses’ fine dresses. Wool Dresses at $11.95 15 only ladies’ and Misses’ all wool dresses in this season’s styles, regularly $17,50 to clear at once at $11.95. , .l>r^Tnf-‘"’*rr'rr«uigr jwk i Cotton Broadcloth at 29c a yard 36 inch co‘tton broadcloth, all good colors to clear at 29c. a yard. . Men’s & Boys’ Overcoats at Bargain Prices OUR STOCK .OF MEN’S BOYS, AND YOUTHS’ OVERCOATS, THROWN ON THE BARGAIN TABLE AT CUT-RATE PRICES BEFORE THE WINTER IS HALF OVER, ... . e Blue or Stripe Overalls on sale at $1.75 x / Heaman’s Hardware McARTHUR—In Hensall, on Thurs­ day, January 17, 192,9, Margaret Louttit, beloved "wife of Robert McArthur, in her 70th year. For Your Stock USE ROYAL PURPLE For Your Poultry B ' USE ROYAL PURPLE day—In London, on Friday, Janu­ ary IS, 19 29, Emma Hiron, belov­ ed wife of Louis Day, aged 68 years. Stock specific (J5c. and $1.75 a pkg. PURPLE Meal . a bag PURPLE R0Y5L Calf $1.35 ROYAL Cough Cure OOc. SA Lis AND srhpni'14 CROSS CUT SAWS VOLUNTEER $0.00 s (guaranteed) RACER AND PREMIER $$.00 Poultry Specific 05c. and $1.75 Roup Cure 30c. and 00c. Oyster Shell $1.50 a. bag Grit $1.50 a 'bag' BEEFSCRAP . . EENOLEUM 0 < For your poultry use Hygfenic God Liver Oil, $1.50 a gallon Guamhteod AXES $1.50 up HtyicUed AXES $2.25 SAW WEDGES AND CHOPP­ ING WEDGES Indian Handles 75c.Av TINSMITHING and PLUMBING Heaman’s Hardware & Stove Store Wo allow 4% In coupons for cash BIRTHS TIRE- day, Airs. —In Exeter North, January 20 th, to John Stire, a daughter, mtOOKS—In Exeter hospital Monday, January 21st to Mr. (laughter, on January John A. Mc- JohnJ hospital, on Mrs.Ito Jit. Brooks, a IN- to , a, -Tn Stanley Mr. son -Tn Jan oh Mr S inl­ and on and Saturday, , Airs. Chris, a'son. Jan. 12th, Cheoros." to Mr, and of Seaforth* HEDDEN—In 16tli, to Mr den, formerly of son. Hensall, ■sand on January Lloyd Ticd- !t Mrs. St. Catherines, CLACK—At his late residence, Lam­ beth, Ont., on Wednesday, Jan­ uary ;i6, 19 29, .Tepetlia Clack, ag­ ed 67 years. WEBSTER—In Exeter, on Monday, January 21, George Albert Web­ ster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Webster, aged 2 T years’, 2 months, and 21 days. - MARRIAGES BRODERICK—FORD—At the James • ’•St. parsonage, oh Saturday, Janu-* aty 19th, Miss Lyla Audrey Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford, of the Lake Road, Stephen. Mr, Russell Edgar Broderick son Mr. and Mrs7 Edgar Broder Hay, ,li>x Rev. D. McTavish. to of of ck CARD OF THANKS Mr. Charles Ker^lake wishes thank the friends/who Sqykindly membered himj^ and letter during his re^en less, also for the beautiful^ briquets of flowers, and also R$v Mr, McTavish for his kindness. ' * to to­ McEAVE 13th, Ewon 4ACKSON- Monday, ’-Geo, Jackson, UOLEMAN— In I^rlday, Jan. 11th, to Mr, and Mrs. 'Wm, Coleman, ExOter, a, son. €HEOHOS*^In Seaforth' hosi>It$* on and Mrs. (Walter Seaforth 7 th, to Mr. and MM Hensall a daughfe" Seaforth ho-pital. on BEDARD—-In Hay nary Sth, to Mr Bedard, n daughter township; Jail- mid Mrs.. Paul DEATHS -At Khiva, on Thursday, 17tli, infant son of Mr, . J. Vincent, aged four, I CARD OF THANKS Mr. Lottis Day and family wish to express their sinc^o thanks- to the neighbors and fylends Jdf^the? kind­ ness and sympjCThyLp$tefided during their recent ^erarfvement,. also for the floral trjw$B and loan of cars. CARD of thanks • ■ Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Lamport desire to express their t jsincero thanks to the nd^iboromtl friends for the many a^ts oljmftdttOfis and sympathy oxtetmodjiii and death of.MtsrLamport’srfpOlbW, Mrs, (Pmrl^f^Brown,also for’ tlio floral tribes and the loan of cars, icing the illness ✓ Sb. HENSALL-EXETER SIX WIN FROM FOREST In the first league, game to he . played in Exeter this winter the Hensall-Exeter team defeated the Forest team in a senior Northern League fixture on Thursday evening of last week. The score was 1-0, The game was clean through'out and fast in spots, but the heavy going owing to soft ice made stick-handl­ ing difficult and tended to slow up the players. Only one penalty was imposed and this was drawn by AIc- Donnel, of Hensail, at the clpsa of the second period. The home team were the more aggressive of the two and their shots on goal were about two to one. The first and second periods went scoreless and in the last period- both teams started out. to* win and the boys exerted them­ selves to the limit. The period was fast and exciting’ .Subs, were used every time the bell rang. About the middle of the period Willard brought the puck from the face-off and shot it from outside the defense finding the net for a lucky goal. The HensallrExeter team presented a fine appearance in. their new uniforms of green and white while the Forest colors are red and .black. /J. G, Cochrane was referee and handled a good game. The line-up: Forest—Goal, Burke; left defense, MacPherson; right defense, Todd; L. wing, Alpaugh; centre, Lawrence; Ii wing, Kimbal; subs. Richardson and Hall,' .Exeter—Goal, Moir; left defense Gascho; right defense, Shaddock; L. wing, F. Cantelon; centre, Medd; R. wing, Youngblut; subs, McDonell and Willard. The Hensall-Exeter team are play­ ing a return game in Forest (Wednesday) evening. this EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall on Friday afternoon last. Mr. Wm. Ward, occupied the chair The Secretary’s report showed that the. finances were a little behind of last year owing to wet weather. It was decided to hold the annual fair ^117 YW on..TueSfW.amL Wednes- d#0 September 17th and 18th. The Board 'of Directors were elected as follows: W. R. Elliott, F. Ellering- toh; Col. W- J. Heaman, B. Williams W. Coates, Dan Dew, Thos. Hunkin, F. Taylor, Wm. Smith, Wm. E. Oes- treicker, E. J. Christie, Ja?. Greive, Mrs. Christie, Mrs. R. D. Hunter and Mrs. AV. R. Elliott; Auditors, Paul CoateS and R. N. Creech. At the meeting of the. directors W. R. El­ liott , was re-elected president; F. Elleriilgton, vice-president; ■ Col. W. J. Heaman, 2nd vice-president; R. G. Seldon, secretary and T. S. Woods, treasurer. Mr. Elliott was appoint­ ed to attend the annual convention of fall fairs to be held in Toronto on February the 6th. Mr. Wm. An­ drew was appointed hon.-director. SECONDARY SCHOOL TROPHIES Air. S. Q. Bawden lias secured with the co-operation of L. J. Penliale, of the Dominion Canners; G. L. Par­ sons, of the Goderich Elevator; Wil­ lis Fraser, of the Western Canada Flour Mills, Goderich and J. W. Mc­ Laughlin, of Solloway Mills, London; four handsome shields as trophies for the secondary school sports in Huron County. The shields are giv­ en for the following events: Sr. boys championship, Solloway Mills Co J Intermediate boys championship Canadian Canners; Jr. Boys cham­ pionship, Goderich Elevator; Junior girls championship, Western Canada Flour Mills Ltd. A cup has been donated by the Mitchell school for the Sr. girls event. These with the McMillan cup for the school winning [lie most points gives Huron County a list of secondary school trophies that lid other county in the Domin­ ion can show. Three of these, shields are now on ’exhibition in the office window of Air. S. G. Bawden and will be. on display in the various towns id the county during the year. POST-NUPTIAL SHOWERS Misses Florence and Edith Walters very pleasantly entertained a num­ ber of girls op Tuesday evening in honor of Airs. Russell Broderick (nee Miss Lyla Ford.) During the even­ ing the bride was presented with a beautiful array of gifts brought in, in. a decorated 'basket. Games and music occupied the remainder evening after which a dainty was served by the Hostesses. On Monday evening about young ladies were pleasantly tained at the home of Airs. Wellin„ ton J. Hern, the occasion being a post nuptial shower for Mrs. Otto Walker, of Stafl'a, (nee Miss Joseph­ ine Davis) whjo for a number of years was clerk with Sopthcott Bros, and formerly with Mr. J. A. Stewart. The evening was very pleasantly spent in games. In the course of the evening Misses Isabel Turnbull and Miss Meta Salter dressed as bride and groom brought into the room in a largo decorated wedding cake a handsome array of splendid gifts, which were presented Iq the guest of the evening. At the close of a very sociable evening lunch was served. FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, no. 286$ We Can Help You to See Better Our method of testing ig moaf complete and opr prices moderate* Qffice hours 9.30 to J2 a.m. awg 1.30 to 5 p,m. ' Evening by appointments S. FITTON Phone 75w OPTOMETRIST! of the lunch thirty enter- TJH5 LATE MRS. L. DAY The death took place in London hospital on Friday last of Mrs, Louis Day, aged 68 years. Mrs, Day had been ailing for a numbei’ of years and for several days, previous to her death her condition was critical. The deceased lady was born at ■Am- berely, Gloucester, England, on Jan. 1894 she came to here on July 1st she was united in now bereaved hus­ band who with a family of five chil­ dren mourn hei’ loss. They are: Mrs. George P. Holmberg, of Sault Ste Marie; Mrs? Alex. Lloyd, of Tor­ onto; Mrs. W. Miller, of London; Louis and Mary at home. The dec­ eased was a member Of the 'Irivitt Memorial church and when h’ealth permitted she was active in the wo­ men's organizations of the -church. She was a splendid neighbor and beloved by many friends. The fun­ eral, private, was held on Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. Walter Jones*, interment in the Exeter* cem*- etery.. . 31st, 1861. In Canada arriving and on July 7th marriage to her Us- for Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe, of borne, underwent an operation an acute attack of appendicitis, -at Dr, Fletcher’s hospital Saturday ev­ ening and we understand is making satisfactory progress. Mr. Wm. Warren, of Usborne, un­ derwent an operation for appendici­ tis at Victoria Hospital, London on Thursday of last week and is at pres­ ent getting along as well as can be expected. His sister, Miss Beatrice Warren was.in London Monday and Tuesday. REEVE THOMAS INGLIS ELECTED WARDEN OF HURON At the inagtiral meeting of the 1929 Huron County council, on Tues­ day, January 22nd, Thomas Inglis, reeve of Howick Township, was elect­ ed warden. Reeve, J. AV. Beattie, of Seaforth, made a strong bid for the position, but was defeated bn a close vote, Reeve Robt. Turner, of Gode­ rich also made a mid for the honors.; The newly appointed warden ad­ dressed the Council, outlining the work before the Council at this ses­ sion. Ex-War don J. J. Hayes also spolca briefly and congratulated War- ileh-eiect Inglis. The 1029 Council is composed of 29 members, all of whom were pres­ ent, E. A. Adams, He D. Stalker, Robert Turner, Thomas Anderson and Robert Higgins were named the striking committee to arrange the standing committees of the Council' tor 1929< ’ ... l Hockey DOME RINK, EXETER on — M Ailsa Craig hasn’t Jost a game thin year. Come out and see them’lose the first. McKinnon and Robinson, former well-known players here will be on the line-up. ADMISSION—; 25 and 15c. Game called at,$;QO p,m,. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiv Judging ^ ‘9 ^^1ock Band in Attendance .Sly AT.ING 11.,. Admission 40 and 25 cents iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TN CRITICAL CONDITION Messrs. Wm. and Fred A. May were called to Mitchell on Monday and again on Tuesday owing to the ser­ ious illness of their brother-in-law, Dr. W. Hall. He was slightly im- proved on Wednesday. Mr. Geo. Willis, of London, visit­ ed his mother in toi#n the latter; part of the week. , 4 -A # * 4 s ■ /