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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-17, Page 8
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1930 WANT COLUMN FOR -SAIB—A qphntity p£ dry hardvrood, mostlwgrimple,, 4 ft.; also sonw dry sift- Mra-ple, Rhone or write Wehlngto/ /HWust, 26r22, Credited, Ont. l-10-2tp, BUILDINGS FOR SALE—rRam 26x54; granary Y8x24; hjiplement shed 20x50; hojfse l&»2tf; kitchen 14x18 feet.to re L Sell sep arately, Leri bn. 19, Township ply to H. Brown, 1-1Q-21P. of Stephen. Parkhill, Qnf* FOR SALE-^-2 fresh^jfiowsf four years old, g^bd ud^iarS; with or with out calves?^ Apply to Robert Love Phone Bafehwdod 39rl4, DQG LOST—White anrftan hound, about 16 to 17 >i|(cheX^^^’ answers to the name of his return, W. j Phone 123. Exeter Markets Wheat $1:30 Oats 50 c, Barley Wci» Manitoba Flour $3,65 Blend Flour $3.65 Pastry Flour $3.65 Food Flour $2,25 Bran $1.85 Shorts $1.90 Creamery Butter 47c. Dairy Butter 40-4 3 c, Eggs, extras 32c. Eggs, pullets 26c. Eggs, seconds 22c. Hogs $9.00 0 FOR SALE—35 years old, good condition; also s freshen in Apri/. Wm. Frayne. An . JFrcd. Reward forIa/ Balkwill, Exeter, 1-17-tfc Heifers rising 2 alitv* and good e/^ows due to <Phone 176r22. 1-17-tfc. FOR SALE—Om (1847 Rogers ros. been used. Apply! cate, I dozejrteaspoons hXve scarcely av Times-Advo- < 1-17-tfc TAXI—To and from station dur ing the winter ftonths1; also trips to'the country. ^lXlosed cars. H. Bagshaw, phone lyb. 1-17-3tc. FOR SALE- slei'ghs, work sin; to Fred Bawden, iTwO/pairs of bob- !e c*r double. Apply S^eter 1-17-ltp FOR SALE—One grocery ^cCnter 17 ft. 7 inches long, 32 inghbs wide, 34 inches high; a new ,^a?e; scales; cash register; doffee?Jgrinder; awn ing; 100 gallon, qi^tank; 5 gallon oil can* 3 gjfllmr oil can. All accounts mustjbe^-id by February the 1st, or will/W’/placed for collection; also store ^r rent.—W. H. Harness FOR SALE—One International Sugai’ Beet LifteA (nearly new) Ap ply to Hugh Danwmjne, R. R. No. 1, Cromarty. Phcly 8r3 Kirkton. V 12-20-4tp HORSES I CHANGE—W< her of horseslo: or exchange tj^the farmers, Dow. >R SALE OR EX- aiwlfys have a num- yici/nd w6 will i.—G. J. ^6,7.tfc POULTRY WANTED^X^ e are in the market for ^11 Ma/fes of poultry paying the hig^e^^prices; also live rabbits. Truc^P-will call. Phone 30, Dashwood, C. Anderson TFC If you wish 'sell or rent afarm see R. EjLplckard, Exeter. . HOGARTH HATCHERY It is now time to be thinking about your brooders, chicks efcc. for this season. We are now running our machines and' can supply your needs. Our carload of brooders, feeders and all poultry supplies will be here in a few days talk over your! our prices, very reasonable SERVICE. W| Come in and nedds and* ask for >u/ will find them /and' we, give you Lalso carry a stock of Hogarth’s Lay Mash, Royal Pprple and Monarch Lay Mash, Bone Meal, - Meat Meal, Fish Meal. Liver, Oil, Charcoal, Meal. count ruary usual . Cod Alfalfa Leaf We are giving a 10,% dis- for orders placed before Feb- 15th accompanied with the deposit. SiALE—Valuable village pro- One and a half storey frame kitchen and woodshed, frame good hard and soft water, FOR perfy. house, stable, electric lights, house wired for the phone, few fruh 4% acres of cl sures 5 acres, with sweet clo A part of purclVftse money may re main on first mortgage at G% per annum. For terms and particulars apply to Tho.mas Cameron, corner of Andrew and Wellington streets.. Phone 114j. Box 154 Exeter. t trees? deed calls for ioicZ land, but mea- IT/ree acres sowed v/, balance plowed. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The Annual (Meeting of the Exe ter1 Agricultural/^ociety will J)e held in the Town Hall on Fri^y, Janu ary J Sth at - purpose of^ and auditj year?, i for the other k fore th|„ A meeting of the directors Will br. held at one p.m. All interested are urged to be present. R.\G. Seldon* secretary o’clock^fmo for the L ^fj^eceivinsrthe directors' .2-teirs’ reports for the past fojr they.’mection of officers sjcdmhfg year and for any ^lsWess thri-t may come be- Lffieeting, /meeting of the N COUNTY COUNCIL County Council eet in tho County Conn- in the^Court House, the 22nd liist, r<1 Try our Eat^WiU^t Sugar Texas Grapefruit, HARVEY tS G; CAVW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV- JAS. FOOTE, Minister. 10 a,m,—Bunday School. 11 a.m.—“In the Divine Confidence” Holy Communion 7 p.m,—“Best Wishes” Friday at 8 p.m. Preparatory ser vice, Monday, January 21st, gregational meeting, Next Sunday will be leave-taking in Caven Exeter. r annum con- Mr*. Foote's church and acjMuly seedless at AFTER STOCK-TAKING i We Finish Stock-Taking This Week and have placed on our counters many lipes for quick clearing JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTayish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlng, A.T.C.M. Organist add Choir-Leader . a.m.—“Christ’s Call to Restitu tion.” p.m.—Bible School 11 Skatin p.m.—“The Parable of the Sower” 1st in a series on “The King Talks of His Kingdom.” Regular W. M, S. meeting Thurs day afternoon January 17th. NOTE—-The Sacrament of® the Lord’s Supper will be administered morning and evening. Reception of new members at morning service. All arrears in finances are requested in by Sunday. Official Board will meet Monday, January^ 21s^, at 8 o!’clock. Meeting of Session at 7:30. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 11 Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston a.m.—“Teach us to Pray.” with his sisters in Collingwood returned after visiting for the 3 p.m.—Bible School. Special at tention is being given to th© Tem perance program now under way in the schools. All Wool Dress Goods 6 only pieces of splendid materials for «warm dresses for children and women. Don’t miss this bargain values to $1.50 a yard AQ0, For quick clearance per yard ......... , All Wool & Union Dress Goods 6 pieces only of all-wool Dress Goods in serge and other weaves, values to $2.00 a yd. 7QC’ For quick clearance per yard .............. ■ Coloured Prints -.Special 1 »7c. le. vd... A • These ar© regular 25c, value. -■ for making, quilts. For quick sale, yd... Men’s Flannel Work Shirts Regular $1,50 value, all sizes in this 0*1 OE lot. Special at each .............».............. New MAGOG Prints In neat patterns and good washing 9Cc- materials at per yard ............................... Pure Linen Toweling $1.00A regular 25c. -value. Special at 20c. a yard or 5 yards for ................... REMNANTS!.REMNANTS! We are f inishing ^taking stock this week. Look over otir table of remnants and Save Money Mens, Boys Winter Overcoats at Great Savings Mr. Jonathan Cooper, &f Elimville is ill at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital, Mrs. M. Hewlett returned recently after visiting for a couple of months at Melbourne. Mi’. Howard Hunter is attending a two weeks’ course at the O.A.C. at Guelph. Miss Elaine Stanbury had a birth day party for a number of her little friends on Wednesday .evening. Mr. J. A. Stewart, has been confined to his home for several days through illness. His grandson, Master Ste wart Fuke, has also been ill. Mr. Moses Beckler, of Usborne, has returned home after visiting for. several days Michigan. ' Miss Ruth home Monday past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Roy Alderson, near Arkoma. Mr. Chas. Salter’was in London a couple -of days- la£t week attending the Western Ontario Dairyman’s As sociation convention. Miss Alice Handford has returned to her duties at W. W. Taman after being indisposed for a couple of weeks with influenza. Mr. was in town on Tuesday for the first time since Christmas, he being laid up with influenza. . Dr. Hall, of Mitchell, brother-in- law, of Messrs. Wm. and Fred May, of town has been ill with pneumonia but is" improving. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moir, of De troit, attended the funeral of the former’s sister Mrs. Wm. Kernick on Wednesday. Mr. Harold Jeffrey, of Usborne, underwent an operation for chronic appendicitis at St. Joseph’s Hospital London, and is at present getting along as well as can be expected. Miss Ella Jones who for a number of years has been clerking with Mrs. Yeo-Down has accepted a position in Stratford and will commence her duties next week. Mr. Josh. Harding, courier on R. R. 3, Exeter, was off duty for a cou ple of days owing to illness and' the mail route was taken over by his son-in-law, Mr. A-rt. Ford. Mr/L. Day was in London over the week-end owing to ttye serious ill ness’of Mrs. Day in a London hospi tal. Miss Mary Day has also been in the city visiting her mother. Miss Margaret Wethey, R.N., Orange, New Jersey, was operated in Orange Memorial Hospital Wednesday morning last for appendi citis. She is improving nicely. Mr. Eber Hogarth, of Hamilton; Mrs- Allen, of Montreal; Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor; arid Mrs. Fred Mitchell, of Toronto, have' returned to their homes after attending the funeral of the late Miss Emma Ho garth. Tile churches in town were closed on Sunday by order of the local Board of Health owing to the epi demic of influenza. Quite a number have been sick throughout the com munity most of whom are on the mend. Nineteen box cars were- piled up in a freight train wreck near Sar nia early Tuesday morning, a broken wheel flange being responsible for the accident. Except fpr six cars the derailed cars were “empties.” No one was injured. Mr. W. W, Hunter, who came East to attend a Managers’ Confer ence of the Sun Life'Assurance Co., held in Toronto the past week spent a few days with his paredts Mr. and Mr$. John Hunter before returning to his home in North Battleford,■! Sask. 6 tv. JU'Campbell, Vice-president and treasurer of the Ford Motor Co., of Canada says that the company suf fered a deficit Of' approximately $4,000,009 oh its operations during .and ^Uys. tVaro. the Slightest posWlity Of Al dividend in 1F29. Mr, M. IL Complin, who has been ill with Ihfluem and other compli cations tor the past three weeks, is improving slowly. Mr,. Murray Sau- yag9,- formerly with the- Canadian Bank of Commerce here, but later Of Wellesjey, is relieving during Mr, iQoftipIitt’s illness^ Jos. Northcott, of Sexsmith, of on on 7 p.m.—“The Courage and Coward ice of Sin’’ 7:30 Thursday service. Th© Ladies’ Aid day at the regular ............... ....................."■ /• evening, prayer will meet Thurs- hour. 8 r'M^ TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones. Rector a.m.—Holy Communion 11 a.m.—Morning prayer and sermon 3 p.m.—-Sunday School 7 p.m.—-Evensong and sermon Please Note—The annual meeting of the Ladies’ Guild will be held on Thursday,-January 17th at 2:30 p.m. The annual Vestry meeting will be held in the Parish Hall on Monday, January 21st, 1929 at- 8 p.m. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the, Exeter Horticultural Society jyill Be held in the Town Hafll on riday, Janu- , when the lie officers Will ary the 18 th atf 8 annual reports/ of be presented; election of new officers will held and general business transacted. J. G. Stanbury, sec’y-treasurer HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship at reasonable^ prices. Repairing stovejp anti motors a spec ialty, tree. Estimate It will pay you to buy a warm winter overcoat now as the prices we are quoting are all reduced This is your opportunity. See our Values at Boys’ at $5.95, $8.95. Men!s at $14.95, $18.95 W R. GOULDINg/ A. M. ’ Organist add Choj^aster Jame& S^ Uniter Church inftructhm in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of\Mtfsic m Schools Studio, Main $t. Box 57, Phone 191 EXETER. ONT. id niotoTi __ .gladly/Yurnislied FRN.XDAVTS«id£ lii /Before Taking Stock we offer many Come in and see for yourself r PHONE 20w; RESIDENCE 20 jFUNERAL DIRECTOR. / J We have installed the CARLTON POST CARD DISPLAY Cabinet, which is made of steel, and from which it is easy for our customer^ to make their selections of the Pret tiest cards in Birthday, ShoWer, Wedding Congratulation, Gradua tion, (Thanks for Flowers,’/ Gifts, Hospitality), Wedding Anniversary, Golden and Silver; Birth Announce ment and1 congratulation,$Birthday, Relation, Sympathy and/' Sympathy acknowledgment, as w<$I as local views and comics, Siek/'and Conval-S eScent., most of which, Jar0 enclosed in fancy envelopes. ■Mrs. Wm. Essery and daughter Miss Vera, and Mrs. Wm. H. Hooper visited for a few days last week with their brothers Messrs. Jas. and Wm. Oke of Centralia. , Dr. Graham was, called to Rodney on Monday owing .to the serious ill ness of his father Mr. Duncan Gra ham. We understand that the lat ter is improving and that Dr. Gra ham has returned home. Dr. Gra ham took along with him Miss Mary Grant R.N., who is nursing Mr. Gra ham. Mrs. C. Adams, of Calgary, spent several days during the past week with 1161* siiSter, Mrs. W. W. Taman. On Saturday afternoon Mrs, Taman received in honor of her visitor. Mrs, Adams left for Toronto to visit with her sister Mrs. W. T. Goodison who recently moved from Sarnia to the Queen city. Mr. and Mrs, John Baisden, of Cashmere, Wash,, are at present vis- itirig with Mrs, Baisden’s sisters, Mrs,. Zimmerman and Mrs. Ellis, of Zu rich ahd other relatives in the com munity. They have also, visited with Mr. Dan. Schroeder, of London, Mr.^aisden was at one time a resi dent of Exeter leaving here about 40 years ago. It is eighteen years since he visited lit this community. M The ftigli and public schools re-< opened Monday after being closed down since Christmas owing to the flu epidemic. Quite a number were absent the first day in the hi’kli school, two of the teachers also, bb- ihg off duty. Miss M. E. Ross wds confined to her home but was able to resume her duties Tuesday, Miss M. E> Bayne, who recently had the misfortune to fail on the slippery pavement in front of the Exeter li brary and fracturin g her ar m, is /at present at her home In Newbury. Mt. Wm. McKay^ of Hensail, Is .relieving In the meantime. Our Fresh/' flower business Is grow ing daily,' we appreciate every order no matter bow small or how large. We send ent. . flowers' all over the contin- i • // d you ever eat Icecream on of apple sauce? WALKER- ill, is the rich- 15c. Worth is Try it for din- brilk or packs, serve 8 to 10, And. di apple pie SIDE, the kind we s est, creamiest to. use. enough for 4 plates, ner. We have' it in We have cakes that in stock, all Ice cream MAKE POWELL'S YOUR SHOPPING PEACE AND SAVE. ■' High Class Gents’ Furnishings at Prior to Stock-Taking ' I . PHONE 81w .TAMAN EXETER, ONT. .................................................... 11 ■■■" ■ 1 ■ Erfiest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BR'UEEIR , Representing ' Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCKDENT, : SICKNESS. WINDSTORM. ETC. Powell’s Variety Store “WHERE YOU SAVE” Phdne 55 CORNER/GROCERY fore Hu? Wilt ybii Chamb Goderich, __ _ at 2: 30 (/clock iri^he aftetrioon. All accounts/ certl^uates '-/df elocfio$, And retifrhs r ea/ch Saturd ■da.y? ■<> Clerks cerllflcatos, arid returns arc sout In by mail SMlr A& 'tioiSbtbte* GEO< HOLMAN, County (Wkr Hocterlclii Janimfy, 5th, 1929. n Tues Rates 1 of elecfio.p) ufnfcer'df voters. for ity ihpiiid bo in* the B dleffc hot later than Monday proceeding the 06(101?. Municipal H please see tjmt all ih&te Y Orth Jbf Metropolitan for Service tfe things we soil. Wo held frour patronage. ything yon want in, Wo have , . „ . . __ the Uno ot gyocetTes, fahey cukes and /Catidios.; SAFETY RAZOR BLASTS SHARPENED (atty SINGLE EDGE DOUBLE EDGE perfect Edge m druggie ■Hl ♦ tc 4t Furniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night and Sunday Galls Phone Store No. $9 MODERN EQUIPMENT KINDLE; & attentive SERVICE^’ '