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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-17, Page 6
THI RSDAY, JANUARY 17th,HUB BXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE tfX2Z3 Wise Cracks COMMUNICATION 4 35t & 75< F" for chi I utlmeii 1 Veno’sl 7 k and chest H 1O tn her relief th>ii I g Cough Syrupy ten love it. v nB 4 ftesbyterian W. M. S. Convene at Clinton Au interested representation of ■the various branches of Huron Pesbytorial W. M. S. assembled in ihe Presbyterian church, Clinton, jfor the annual business meeting on January the 8th, The president jlirs. John Greig, Seaforth, was in idle chair, and with Mrs. R, C. Mc- lOermid, of Goderich, conducted the ^devotional exercises. The minutes ' the last meeting were read by Mrs McDonald, corresponding secretary, 5n the absence through illness of the recording secretary, Miss H. I. Gra- tiam. Mrs. Greig in a pleasing little ad*- dress wished the members a Happy New Year and graciously thanked the members o£ the executive for their assistanse during the year, and in the couse of her remarks said that the annual meeting was the measur ing line of all work accomplished The stout heart eventually reaches the goal of success. It was the in dividual effort which counted and the members of Huron Presbyterial had no reason to feel discouraged. Mrs. George McDonald, the cor responding secretary, gave a very full review of the year’s work in all departments. Auburn auxiliary was highly recommended for its individ ual responsibility, having twenty eight members and five home help ers. Special tribute was paid to Mrs. John Faser and the Bayfield auxil iary of twenty members. Blyth aux iliary, worshipping in a, hall, sent in cm encouraging report. There are thirty-one members. Clinton auxil iary has thirty members on the roll, jtnd their interest in the work of th© Society is keenly felt, as shown by the optimistic assurances of Mrs. McMurchy. Exeter reported the use of the Presbyterian lantern slides, had held four quarterly teas, and had two thankoffering meetings. They have a- membership of twenty-nine and thirty-nine home helpers. Goderich -auxiliary has a member ship of . fifty and has the largest number of home helpers, totalling ^i'xty, who contributed $50.00-, which with the annual thank-offering and, hl birthday fund materially augment ed the The ■dared .served for the completion of their beautiful new church. They have a member ship in the auxiliary of thirty-five. Seaforth auxiliary has fifty members and twenty-two home helpers and attained the highest financial stand ing. Books and magazines had been sent to Iron Bridge and an honorary $ife-membership had been presented to Mrs. Larkin, prior to her leaving Seaforth. Out of a membership of •seventy-six, forty-one are life mem bers. /The Young Women’s secretary, Mrs. McMurchy, reported that Gode rich Arthur Circle had made a won derful advance 26, and having The Babara Seaforth, paid 'byterial treasurer bership of twenty- There are two Huron Presbyter! Larkin, Seaforth, fliers and contributed $11.4(1; while 'Maitland, Auburn, of twenty mem bers, raised $25.00 and sent supplies Of $2.00. Mrs. Gibson, Seaforth, Mission Band secretary, reported an increase -<;f ten members. Clinton has thirty- finances of the auxiliary, ■corresponding secretary de- that the 'Hensall people de ft great deal of admiration , contributing $703.- a membership of 41 Kirkman Y $276.00 and ■nine. C.G.I. al. M. S. to the Pres- lias a mem- groups in The Margaret has thirty mem- Had Trouble Mrs. U. ’Benjaminson, Otto, Man., writes:—“Shortly after tho birth of jrny little girl I took very sick and was in bed most of the time, I had back aches, headaches, and was all run down, and I had trouble" With my Jnchieys. I tried all kinds of medicine, hut nothing’ Was able to relieve me. AA I IrnVe eight children, and my has* band, was away at the time I sent for ium to come home, and when he did ho brought mo five boxes of Doan’s JKlidney Pills, . After I had finished them I felt so much bri-tec four members; Exeter, twenty-one; Goderich, forty-six; Hensall, twenty- five and two junior lijfe-members; .Seaforth, [GiUivrary Mission Band sent twenty babies’ quilts and feeders to Miss McArthur in charge of welcome and welfare work -at Montreal and a Christmas cake to the Presbyterian Home, Yorkville avenue, Toronto. Miss MacFarlane, of Clinton, life membership secretary, had one hon orary life-membership certificate, four life-membership and two junior life-memberships, a. total of seven, The library and literaturo secre tary, Miss Belle MacEwan, Goderich, said that her department had sent out numerous boxes of literature and had sent $26.26 to the Publica tions Department. The welcome and welfare secre tary, Mrs. Arnold, of Hensall, stress ed the importance of this work. 78 visits had been made to newcomers, Lonely and sick ones had been call ed o.u, and letters written regarding changes of residence. The value of the supplies received from the various auxiliaries was given as follows by Mrs. W. D. Fair, Clinton: Goderich auxiliary $7.30; Gode rich Arthur Circle, $2.70; Hensall,- $12.95; Seaforth, $11.95; Bayfield, $9.00; Blyth, $15.50; Auburn, $15.; Exeter, $5.68; Clinton, $11.50. Miss Jeckell, of Exeter, announced the number of subscriptions for “Glad Tidings” as 28.0, an increase of 50, Seaforth having the .highest number, 91. Auburn, which was not represented last year, sent 20 subscriptions. The financial secretary, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, of Goderich, sent out let ters to each auxiliary. Mrs. McDermid, of Goderich, was appointed the Presbyterial’s delegate to the ton. Mrs. during called on Mrs. Graham, for the report of the nominating committee, which resulted „ in the election of the following officers: Honorary president, Mrs. W. D. Fair, Clinton; president, Mrs. John Greig, Seaforth; 1st vice-president, Mrs. R.’ C. McDermid, Goderich; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. W. T. Riddell, Auburn; 3rd vice-president, McTaggart, of Clinton; president, Miss Taylor, Blyth; responding secretary, Mrs. Geo. Mc Donald, Goderich; recording secre tary, Miss H. Isabel Graham, Sea forth; treasurer, Mrs. T. Swaif Smith, Seaforth; home helper’s se cretary, Mrs. John Fraser, Bayfield; Y. W. and C.G.I.T., secretary, Mrs. McMurchy, Clinton; ^Mission Band secretary, Mi’s. H. .L Gibson, Sea forth; library and literature secre tary, Miss B. MacEwan, Goderich; welcome and welfare secretary, Mrs. Arnold, Hensall; supply secretary, Miss Gordon, Goderich; “Glad Tid ings” secetary, Miss Jeckell, Exeter; press secretary, Mrs. F. R. Redditt, Goderich; life-memberhip secretary, Miss MacFarlane, Clinton; financial secretary, Ms. H. C. Dunlop, Gode rich. The nominating .committee for the next business meeting is composed of Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. Stan- bury .and Mrs. McMurchy. , Before closing the meeting, for the year the treasurer was asked to give her report. The expense' ac count showed a balance $38.31 and the amounts the general fund are as Auburn ..................... Bayfield ........................ Blyth .............................. Clinton .......................... Exeter ...................... . Goderich ....................... Hensall ......................... Seaforth .......................... Goderich Arthur Circle . Barbara Kirkman, Seaforth, Margaret Larkin C. G. I. T. Seaforth ...............?;.... Maitland C.G.I.T., Auburn «. Exeter Mission Band ......... M'cGillivrary Mission Band’ Goderich .................. ..... Seaforth Mission Band ...... Hensall Mission Band ........ Margaret Larkin C. G. I. T. Seaforth ......................... Knox C. G. I. T» Auburn .... Refund from supply see’y. Love at first sight never happens before breakfast.• *** «** tt Secret: Something not more than a dozen people know'.ft** *** *** Correct this sentence: “Oh cried the happy husband, pudding again!” A resort is a to worry about ed the windows• •• nineteen. Goderich, Mc- Provincial meeting in Hamil- Kaine, of Seaforth, presided the election of officers and of Exeter, Mrs. 4th vice- cor- on hand of received for follows: 117.00 133.00 150.00 96.81 216.00 330.31 210.00 528.84 70'3.2 6 276.00 11.40 25.00 35.00 177.10 14.42 74.42 boy!’'’ ’bread you go fasten- quality * * * * * * place where whether you at home.*** *** Love is that wonderful that induces a -womaan to say she likes a pipe.♦ ♦ * * * * * * * It isn’t So much what others say about you as the way they say it that hurts.*** ♦*• *•* Bless the old dime novel, The boy caught reading one looked scar ed, but he didn’t blush.«•* *«• It may be chivalry to give the woman right of way now, but it’s common sens© also.♦♦* «*« «** men forgive their enemies it into their friends.• *# *** **« Tailors can do almost anything ex cept make an important man look that way in pyjamas.*«* • ** *«* It’s all right to call a plane she, but not .to call a she plain.****** * * * A vacuum cleaner can do almost anything except take risque stories out of that kind of head.* * * * * * *«* How few men would marry if they could see a 115 pound girl surround rations in the privacy of her home.*«* *** *** A thing of beauty is a joy forever if she's dumb.■ • «*«**• . When the devil ruiis the elevator he always makes it pleasant going down. Some and rub ********* “I kissed her against her will.” “Don’t be silly—you only thought you did.” ********* A great many people are keeping up by paying a dollar down. «** .*.«>■> vvv c Good old tunes are the tunes you liked when your heart was young.«** *** *** Thinking ,jn terms of millions is n’t new; there's the fly family. «** ft** »»» If a man fondles rabbits he is call ed crazy; if he shoots them he is a sportsman.ft-.* * * * * '* * ft - Men strive for revenge then when they get it find there is nothing they can do with it.* * * * * * * * * Modernism—Grumbling about the work the children make; feeling sorry for the neighbor who has none.?**« **« *** The electric button is the best thing yet invented. The alarm clock the worst.********* Woman now have equal rights plus the deference bestowed upon them by the men. tw** *** *** All men may be created equal but they aren’t handled with equal skill by their wives.*** *** *** Plenty of people have a good aim in life, but a lot of them don’t pull the trigger. .* * ft *** *** “The lace on her wedding gown was fifty year old.” “Wonderful! Did she make it herself?”* * *, * * * * * * Scotchman, on going into his room at the hotel, noticed a big clock in a building across the Street; so he stopped his watoh!*** *»* *** Even in the^ old days the hostess stayed in bed’after the party, b.ut she didn’t have that kind of taste in her mouth. ** * ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Silk manufacturers offer under wear that can be packed in a thimble Now the girls will want to find out what a thimble is. »|e # sji Willie—Maw, do I have to my face again before supper? Certainly, William. Willie—Aw, gee, why can’t I just powder it again like you do yours! ♦ * * ft** wash „' X was again able to look after my family ■' jftwdL housework.’* Price 50c. at. ail druggists' or dealer^ or mailed ■ cLireci On receipt of price by the T. Mil* bum Go.', Xdnidted, Toronto, Out, _ ft hot $3121.61 An increase over Ute allocation of $252,80. A standing vote of thaiilto and ap preciation was .teudored tlte retiring supply sercetary, Mrs. W. D, Fair, for her many years of patient, untiring and efficient services, Mrs. Greig in a few appropriate words beautifully expressed her sat isfaction in the encouraging reports,, and the fiispirhig meeting was brought to a. close In prayer offered by Mrs. John Btoser of Bayfield. TO THE LADIES ' Here's to the ladies, lord bless ’em! You recall how we used to help dress ’em ? It was: “Honey hook, this/’ Or: “Dearie, pin that,” “Pleaso lace my shoes/’ Or “Straighten my hat.” A the Tn man had to be, little John on spot the old fashioned days, whether willing or not. But now—what ft joy and a blessing! We live in the days of sane dressing, There ‘is nothing to fasten On silken clothes trim, Nothing to lace up, ’ . < And nothing to pin. And so here’s Ry the ladies, lord bless ’em! They’re as fair as they were when < we dressed, ’em?* Warner, Jan Alberta, 7, 1929 Huron .County Council of 50 Year* Ago Mr. southcott, Editor, Times-Advocate Dear Mr, Southcott Enclosed you will der for renewaal of for 1929, Ypu will find orplease Times-Advocate please note the change of address from Winnipeg, Man, to Werner, Alta. I had almost decided to part com-? pany with the Times-Advocate that had kept up its regular visits to our home since we left Crediton six years ago. However, since, coming to Warner, a few weeks ago to sup ply the Evangelical church here, our interest in Exeter and vicinity has been renewed through the meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKenzie both former residents of Stephen Town- Ship. They came west to Manitoba quite a number of years ago but have for some years established their home in Warner, where their only son Lome is manager of the Ogilvie Elevators. Boflr are quite advanced in years but are still quite hearty. Since our rather Unexpected meeting here, many have been, the inquiries concerning the folks of Crediton and vicinity and if the ears of the Hills, Clarks, Gaisers, FimkbeineTs, have been buzzing rather often, of late, they will soon know the reason why. Since coming here, I have frequent ly enjoyed the kind hospitality of both the McKenzie* homes. Warner is quite a pretty town in the southern part of Alberta about fifty \miles from Lethbridge. The Sweet Grass Hills of Montana can be seen from here to the south and to the west signs of the Rockies are within sight. Nowhere else have I seen a more beautiful sunrise and sunset. Warner is surrounded with splen did farming community. For some years crops were rather poor on ac count of dry seasons. However, bumper crops were harvested during 1928. The fine local elevators ex pect to handle a million bushels of wheat besides some coarse grain. Individual yields ranged from® 10,- 000 to 50,000 bushels. Three bro thers threshed 150,000 bushels. At present the farmers are very busy hauling grain to the elevators which is mostly done by truck. Ranching is also carried on near the hills about seven miles from here. Recently one firm of ranchers shipped 500 head of fine Herefords valued ait about $40,000 from the lo cal station. Warner has a splendid consolidat ed school, the first in the Province. The' faculty consists' of four publib school teachers and two High school Mr. Lome McKenzie is Chairman of the community school boarfcl. The settlers here hail frrnn Ontar io, the state of Iowa and ot^iei* wes tern states.- The Swiss, tl^e Ger mans and the Swedes are allo well represented. Besides the Evangelical church which ministers to the^Prot- a The County Council of Huron foi’ 1879 was composed of the follow ing Reeves and Deputy-Reeves: Seaforth-—D, D. Wilson Tuckerspiith—-David Walker Tuckersmith-—John Hannah .Stephen—S. Hogarth - Stephen—C, Briber Usborne—-Leonard Hunter Exeter-—L. Hardy Hay—Dr, Buchanan Hay,—J. B. Kalbfleisch 'Stanley*—Thomas Simpson Stanley—George Castle rt Bayfield—W. W. Connor « Goderich Town—J. T. Garrow Go.derich Town—F. W. Johnston Goderich Town—J, C. Dealtor Goderich Township—Gh Ellioit Goderich Township—J, Whiteley Colborne—R. Jewell Colborne—T. Gledhid Ashfield—Robert Webster Ashfield-—Robert Hamilton West Wawanosh—Chas, Girvin West Wawanosh—Edwin Gaunt East Wawanosh—James Potter East Wawanosh—Robert Curry Blyth—W-m, Clegg Wingham—Dr. McDonald Turnberry—S. Black Turnberry—Jas. Hennings Wroxeter—A. L. Gibson Howick—John Kaine Howick—B. S. Cook Howick—David Weir Grey—Thos. Strachan Grey—Alex Slemmon Morris—G. Forsythe Morris—F. Clegg Brussels—John Leckie McKillop—Thomas E. Hays Clinton—J. Chidley Clinton—D. Menzies The to'wnships of Usborne and Killop being divided into wards, Deputy-Reeves are elected by the re spective councils. Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday mprnUm at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.OS per year I# advance. United States auk* scription $2.50, | RATES—Farm or Real Estate tot sale 50c. each insertion for «r«t four insertions, 25c. each subft* quent insertion. Miscellaneous ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, ef Found 10c, per line of six wordt* Reading notices ‘ ' Card of Thanks 50c, Legal at* vertising 12 and 8c. per line. I# Mfemoriam, with one verse 5«A extra verses 25c. each, 10 c. per 2in<r Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. 1874 lt|| The London Life POLICIES AS QOOD AS GOLD* W, C. PEARCE Exeter. Phone 130W. Residence, Ann St,, two blocks of Ford Garage GLADMAN & STANBURY , BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Money to Loan, Investment* Mad Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use ©£ •■# Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HEN8A#i Mc- the CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, 1N^ SURANOE Office: Carling Block, Main EXETER, ONT. esant constituency there Roman Catholic church, these two there exists a lationship. A few years the basement of the Evangelical church was opened the local R. CJ- Priest’ of that time gave a very ac- ceptible address. Wishing you and your many read ers a main. is allo Between cordial Vre- ago when prosperous New Year, J re- Sincerely yours S. M. HAUCH Keep Free from Colds! To /resist ^andl repel coEds, gripp e and bron chitis, there is nothing be?jttdr than a course of ANGIER’S EMULSION. It:S strengthening and tonic influence upon all the bodily functions make j|ngier’s Emulsion a most . jjjseftd .medicine, for the pre vention of these dangerous /Winter ills. If a cough or cold |has already commenced, fstart taking Angier’s I Emulsion at once. |. Being an emulsion ofspecially purr | fled petroleum ANGIER’S exerts a I soothing,’ laxative, action that f keeps die bowels in the normal, | healthy condition so essential in | the prevention of colds, coughs I and other winter ailments. | ANGIER’S has been recommen- ’• ded and prescribed by the Medi cal Profession of Gt. Britain and Canada for over 35 years. A British Doctor writes:- "I frequently commence the winter bjr taking Aniior’a Emulsion, as I find it an excel lent tonic and preventative of bron chitis.” (Signed)——M.D. DR. M. C, G. FLETCHER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Faculty of Medic 1*^ University of Western Ontario, ber of the College of Phyaieiaae as# Burgeons of Ontario; Member && U0- British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the 1»W Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.DJ5.rD.DJL DENTAI> SURGEONI Late District Dental Officer of MUlta*# 1 District Number One, London. Ontj*’ Telephones Office 34W Residence M# Office closed Wednesday afteriaoo^ only. MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT.__________ Dr. G. F. Roulatom, L.D.Sw,D.D«SL DENTIST 4 Office over Carling & Morley jg Law Office s| Extractions Under Oxygen GN| J . EXETER, ONT, DR. WM. L. LAWSON L. D. S. D. D. S; DENTIST Office in the Old Commercial ing, Main St., Exeter, bull®?- Phone 77w$ JOHN WARD GRANTON and Mrs. S. Coxon returnedMr. horn© from Chicago where they spent the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coxon. Misses -Anna and Ruth McKenzie have returned from their visit to Colborne and Toronto, where they were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Smith and Dr. Margaret Patter son. Fire -broke out at the home of Mr. Patrick Dew’an, where a chimney fire had caused considerable damage to one end -of the house. Mrs. Henry Hodgins her home after visiting Mrs. Fewster and Mrs. Taylor ^ias Taylor lias at ANGIER’S EMULSION 6$c and $i.2O—at all druggist's t ! CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY* | ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA* ! VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE NO. 70 MAIN ST. ■ EXETU9........................ .....—-.................... returned to her sis,ters Rigney. Returned to returned to Alma College, Miss Lila Miss Lila her duties Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson, of 1 troit, spent the week-end with • former's sister, Mrs. Harry Guest. <. I APPRECIATION St. De- the Mr, J. P. Ross, of Calgary, in re newing his subscription to the Times-Advocate says: Enclosed here with find post&i note for $2,00 be* ing the valuable feel now the very give your week. Wishing you the compliments of the season .and a very happy and prosperous year.” subscription rate for your qnd interesting paper. We that we cannot do without interesting information you many subscribers each There is great charm about a clean town—-cle^i streets, clean sidewalks clean yards, bhck turd front. It is •one of the things visitors are first to notice and which »»nakos’ lasting impressions, USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, JAS. McKENZIE Vice-President SIMON DOW DIRECTORS frank McConnell, j. allison ROBT. NORRIS, WM. BROCK X. AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent tor Usborne add Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer 99, Exeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter Box COAL Winter is here and your coal should be filled. We have on hand Scraflton Anthracite Coal, And Domestic Coal bin Coke Lumber for all kinds of repair work. J. CLATWORTHY Phdne 12 GRANTON, ONTARIO DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON 1 Graduate of the Ontario VeterlnmjJ# College , DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED . Office in old Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Streets EXETER, ONT. I ==3" ■ $ 3 I £ R ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY. PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEE^ Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. . FRANK TAYLOR '-gf LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex “T FARM SALES A SPECIALTY ’ Prices Reasonable' and Satisfacilj® Guaranteed • EXETER P. O. or RING 13| 1 OSCAR KLOPP 1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER I Honor Graduate Carey Jones* Aug* tion School, Special course taken IM Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,)- Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction Mh sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, 4^ phone 18*93, Zurich, Ont Even if money doesn’t really talK it cheers a man up wonderfully. * 4: * ft * * ft ft * Maybe the devil would not be sb degenerate if ft were not for some df tho folks with whom lie has to asso”- elate. , Wl