HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-17, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th,
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Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons pf Ontario. Office
two doors east of Post Office.
Phone 56 Residence 114
Mr. J. Curney, of Stratford, was in
town on Monday.
Miss Helen Swan has treated her
self to a fine new radio.
Mrs. Jos. Hudson, Sr„ has been
quite ill for several weeks.
The schools re-opened on’Monday
with fair attendance of scholars.
Mr. Jtjhn Passmore is in Toronto
this week attending th e„ Chrysler
Motor Show.' V
Miss Forester, ‘of Windsor, visited
for a few days with,, her aunts the
Misses Mary and Emma. Johnson.
; Mr. Harold Munn and Lloyd Pass-
more have secured positions on the
Seqforth O.H.A. -Junior hockey team.
Quite a lot of logs are being- de
livered daily at the saw mill*,’ al
though the sleighing' is rather poor.-
The many friends of -Mr. John
Zuefle will be pleased to learn that
■is improving nicely after his recent
illness. - «■; g
The Hensall Horticultural Society
are holding their annual meeting in
the Town Hall on Tuesday evening
of this week.
The attendance at our local church
es on Sunday whs very small, ow
ing to the stormy weather and so
much sickness.
There is still a great deal of ill
ness in the village and community,
sand is attributed in nearly every in
stance to the ‘flu.’
The annual Vestry meeting of St.
Paul’s Anglican church will be held
next Tuesday evening, January 22nd
in the basement of the church.
The many friends of Mrs. Robert
Green- are pleased to see her able to
he home again, following an opera
tion. at Victoria Hospital, London.
Miss Thelma Hudson left Monday
evening for Lon'don after spending
some time at her home here owing
to the illness of her brother Harvey.
Mr. Russell Saundercock, who has
been spending some time here dur
ing the illness and death of 'his
father returned to his home in Blyth
on Saturday. '
The reeve and council -deserve
much credit foi’ keeping the side
walks frb& from any depth of snow.
They send 'opt the snow-jilow-after
every heavy fall of snow.
The Hensall firemen held their
annual meeting the-'first of tire week
with a good attendance present the
same officers re-elected for this year
with Chas. Moore as fire-chief. /
Many in; the village and commun
ity who are well acquainted with
John Bengough who is living in the
vicinity of Kippen, were sorry ..to,
learn that he suffered a stroke ''re
Miss Helen Boyle, nurse-in-train-
ing at Victoria Hospital, London,
who has been spending the past
week or so at^ her home here, retur
ned to London Friday evening to re
sume ^er -duties.
Mr. Joe and Casey Hudson have
rented the rink from the Board of
Trader and have a Sheet of ice now
in good condition fdr skating. Good
crowds are taking advantage of the
skating each night. -
‘ The Sacrament of .the Lord’s Sup
per will he administered at the
morning service in Carmel Presby
terian church on Sunday next and
preparatory service will be held on
Friday evening of this week.
The following is the change in the
C. N. R.'’trains they arrive in Hen
sall from the north in the morning
at 8:13; from the south at 11:03;
the evening train from the north
4:43 and from the south 6:03.
Friends aild relatives of
Nathanial Sundercock will regret to
learn that s^e is confined to her
room with a severe attack of the
4fltt? Her young daughters, who
have been seriously ill at their home
for a number of weeks, are improv
ing slowly.
The Welfare of Youth Club of
Carmel church 'held their meeting
Monday evening with a good attend
ance present and the president Mr.
Ray pfafL presiding. The meeting
was opened by tlie singing of a hymn
after which Beryl Pfaff read the
scripture lesson, The minutes of the
previous mooting wore read and the
roll 'caall answered by the second
question of the catechism. Mr, Mc-
Illroy gave, an interesting address on
the question: '‘What rule hdth God
given to direct us how we may glor
ify and enjoy Him,” after which the
business was then discussed. The
meeting was then closed by all re
peating the benediction in unison.
The boys and girls from this vic
inity who have gone forth to othei’
places and other lands have dis
tinguished themselves in many walks
of life, both professionally and in
business, and among them is the
Rev. Andrew D. Boa, formerly of
this neighborhood. Mr. Boa was born
and raised and attended school here
and largely through the instrument
ality of Rev. Knight, a former pastor
of the Methodist church here, he de
cided to study for the ministry.
After a brilliant career at Albert
College, Belleville, and the Divinity
College at Montreal, he was ordain
ed and licensed to preach the ever
lasting gospel by the United Church
of Canada. In a very short time he
'had received several calls from dif
ferent congregations to become their
pastor, and finally accepted a call to
Bayham, near Aylmer, where he has
Since ministered to the congregation
with very miibh acceptance.
The meeting of the Young Peoples’
League of the United church was
held on Monday evening and was
opened by, the singing of a hymn, af
ter which Mr. .Sinclair led in prayer,
followed by the minutes of t'he last
meeting. The election of officers
were then held for the coming
year: pres., Ferris Cantelon; vice-
pres., Etliel Murdock; Christian
Stewardship Convener, Jessie Buch
anan; Convener for Missionary De
partment, Miss Katie 'Scott; Conven
er for Citienship Department, Wal
ter Spencer; Literary Social Depart
ment, Greta Lammie; secretary^ G.
Luker; 1 ~ ~", •
E. Munroe; assistant pianist,
Lindenfield. The meeting was
closed with prayer. ' ■'
treas.; "Billy Joynt/ * pianist,
horticultural society
The members of the Horticultural
Society held their annual meeting in
the Town Hall on Tuesday evening
with a fair attendance of members
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted. The of
ficers for 1929 were then appointed:
Hon. pres., Mr. -N. Peck; pres.,- Dr.
Moir; 1st vice-pres., Mr. Coles; 2nd
vice'-pres, Mr. Fred Hess; •sec.'y-
treas., Mrs. J. Elder; assistant Miss
M. B. Johnson. New directors Mrs.
C. McDonell, Mrs. R. Higgins, Mrs.
H. Arnold, Mr. F. Cantelon and Mr.
C. Blowes. Mrs. J. Elder was ap
pointed as a delegate to attend the
annual convention in Toronto on
February 14th The meeting then
adjourned to meet again on Tuesday
evening, January 2 9th when a full
attendance of the officers is request
oath of office it was moved by coun
cillor Petty, seconded by councillor
Ortweiu that the meeting adjourn
till 8 o’clock lhe same evening.
At eight o’clock the council again
met with Reeve Higgins in the chair’,
and councillors Petty, Qrtwein and
Sangster .present, councillor Cameron
not being present on account of ill
ness in his home. The minutes ot
the last meeting were read and
adopted on motion of Petty and Sang
ster. Several communications were
read, but on motion of Ortwein and
Sapgster it was decided to lay them
over till the next meeting. The Reeve
suggested that councillors Petty and
Qrtwein be the street, light, commun
ity shed and charity committee for
the year 1929 and that councillors
Sangster and Cameron be the fire,
town hpl! and police committee and
the council as a whole be the finance
committee. He also suggested that
all t'he buying be done by the com
mittee intrusted. This was agreed
to on motion of Petty and Sangster.
A number of accounts were present
ed and ordered to be paid on motion
of Petty and Ortwein.
By-law No. 1 was given its first
second' and third reading and finally
passed, appointing officials for the
year at the same salary as last year.
The following were appointed: Jas.
Patterson, Clerk; C. Cook, Treasur
er; A. W. E. Hemphill, Collector; C.
S. Hudson, Assessor; Geo, Hudson,
Constable; Chas. Moore, Fire Chief;
Fred Bengough, ;Sanitary Inspector;
Joe Hudson and Ray M'cArthur, Au
ditors; Colin Hudson, Pound1 Keeper; |
Mrs. Geo. Hudson, Caretaker of the
Town Hall and Geo. Hudson, mana
ger. The members of the Board of
Health: Reeve Higgins and Dr. Moir;
and that Reeve Higgins and council
lor Ortwein be members of the Lib
rary Board. The members of the
Hydro Commission will be paid the
same salary as the Councillors $25
each on motion of Ortwein and Petty.
By-law No. 2 was given its first,
second and third reading and finally
passed, authorizing the reeve and
Treasurer, to borrow such sums as
are needed, up to $3,000, to finance
the town until the new taxes come
in. Collector Hemphill was present
and reported: that he had collected all
the taxes except some $200 and he
was given till February 28th to fin
ish liis work. The new clerk <was
given ‘authority to order what sup
plies he needed and dog tags for the
yeai’ 1929 The Reeve .recommended
a storm window to be placed1 on the
Public Library window’, and a new
door placed at the entrance of the
Town Hall, as the door there is gett
ing in a disgraceful condition. He
also suggested that a light be placed
on King* Street in front of the resi
dence of Mrs. Kyle’s as this was«a
dark spot, these suggestion^ on mo- .
tion of Petty and Ortwein wepe,.
agreed to by tiie"council." "Tlie coun
cil then adjourned to meet again oh
Monday evening, February the 4th.
No school in room three this week.
The flu is no respecter of persons.
children moved the past week
the home they purchesed some
ago from Mr, John English,
welcome them to our midst.
Mr. Chas, Anderson, of Exeter,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Master
Jack, who has been visiting with his
grandparents returned home with
The Women’s Institute of Crediton
will hold their annual community
meeting in the Institute Hall next
Monday evening. Every member is
requested to bring their husband or
friend and' enjoy the evening, The
gentlemen will furnish a spicy pro
gram and the ladies a savory lunch.
There may .also be other interesting
social touches and the evening will
be well spent.
Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner was taken
to St. Joseph’s Hospital and after a
week’s treatment was operated on
last Saturday, At the time of writ
ing all is as well as can be expected
The community of ‘friends wish her
a speedy recovery and return to her
home. Dr. Weekes is in attendance.
In the Evangelical School rooms:
Thursday evening, prayer meeting at 17:30; orchestra rehearsal at 8:3o;
Friday evening, Jr. E.L.C.E, at 7:15;.
Sr. E.L.C.E. at 8:00. Services at
the Evangelical church were kept up
every Sunday both morning and ev
ening. There was always a company
of faithful and convalescent folks in
attendance. We trust as many of
tile absent as possible may again re
turn to the two services next Sun-
,day. The special subject of.the
evening will be: “The Faith of Our
King George V.
At the first meeting of the coun
cil Stephen Township on Monday last
a number of new faces were present.
Mr. Alex Neeb, who was absent for
a number of years again sits at the
head of the table. Mr. Wm. Sweit
zer, who also wa^, absent for a num
ber of years sits next to the Reeve.
Mr. Edward Gill is the newly elect
ed councillor. Mr. Wesley Dearing
and Isaiah Tetreau continue their
work as councillors again this year.
All were present and took their oath
of office as. the- clerk officiated it.%,
Daniel Trnemner and
Wein spent Thursday in
and Mrs. Elmer Weido
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S. D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich,«.last three days of week.
A new resident came to live at
our village at Mr, Philip Mureh/s on
Tuesday morning. Yes*, it’s a girl,
There were 37 present at Sunday
School last Sunday and 30 at service
in the evening.
Every kind of conveyance is to be
seen on the road, this week; hut it
is not very good travelling for any
Mrs, Rich. Johns has been sick this
week past. Mr, Harry Johns is up
around again aftei’ spending about
two weeks in bed.
Mrs, Wm. Elford received the sad
news last week of the death of a bro
ther Mr, Halls in Saskatchewan, af
ter a short illness. He left a wife
and six children, the youngest is a
The neighbors
Mrs. EI-
babe two weeks old.
extend' their sympathy to
ford and othei’ relatives.
There will be no service
ville United church next
morning. Service will be
in EBm-
ed with Sunday School in the after
noon. Sunday school at 2 o’clock.
Preaching service at 3 o'clock.
Nathaniel Saunclercock, one of the
oldest district residents, of Hensail,
died from pneumonia in his 72nd
year, after less than a week’s illness,
on Wednesday, January 9th. He
had been an active member of the
United church, and was a staunch
Liberal. -*
Mr. Saundercock was born’in Hul-
lett Township. In 1879 he married
Mary Ellen Heslt. They raised a
family of five sons and one daugh
ter. Mrs. Saundercock died in 1911
and one daughter died seven years
At that time he moved to Blyth,
and later took up, farming near
Brucefleld. He later married Annie
Rattersoil, and four, of their five
daughters ard sick with the flu. Mr.
Saundercock was also a member of
the Canadian Order* of Foresters.
He is survived by his Widow,
five sons, Russell, of Blyth; Harvey,
of London; Charles and William of
Windsor; and Herman, hear Londes-
boro. \Five daughters, Vera, Isabel
Gladys, Edna and June, also survive.
The funeral was held on Friday
at 1:30 from the Hensall United
church. Burial was made in Union
cemetery, Blyth,
The first regular meeting of the
village council for 1929 was hold on
Monday at 12 o’clock, all the mem
bers present except councillor Cam
eron. It was decided again to hoid
the regular meetings the first Mon
day evening of every month. As all
the members present had taken their
G. Fisher and her daughter
have returned home after
Spending several weeks in London.
’Miss Margaret Merner, of Detroit,
is visiting' her parents.
Rev. Ness is spending a few days
in Elmira this week.
Word was received ’here on Sun
day of the death of Miss Anne Burke
which took place in London. Inter
ment in St. Peter's cemetery. Miss
Burke was a former resident of this
Death of 01a ir^ Melvin Wildfong
Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and
Mrs. Garnet Wildfong in the loss of
their youngest son Claire Melvin,
who passed away on Saturday, Jan
uary 12t'h at the age of 4 years and
4 months. He had contracted
whooping cough and pneumonia and
from the first his condition was ser
ious. All that medical skill and
loving care could do was done for
him but without avail, his sweet little
life passed out to God. The funer
al service was held on Monday after-
nooh to Exeter cemetery for inter
ment Rev. F. B. Meyer spoke very
feelingly of the great sorrow to t'he
parents to give up their sweet little
child, but they are only parted' for a
while. We commehd' the mourning
ones to Him who said “Suffer
little children to come unto me
forbid them not .for of such is
Kingdom of Heaven” and hope
pray that finally there may be a
grand reunion in that'home
this life,*
Mr. M. C. Sleamon was in London
OtrThursday last on business. ’ ”
Bernice, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown, had the
misfortune to fall._ and break her
collar bone last week.
Mr. Herb. Mitchell, of London,
visited with his brothers, Messrs.
Albert and Norman Mitchell for a
few days last week. He also called
on friends in the village.
Word was received on Friday of
last, week that 'Mi’s. E. Calfas, who
underwent an operation in a Cleve
land hospital, was getting along as
well as can be expected.
Mr. A. Nevin, of London, was in
the village on Friday last on
■Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of
Craig visited with the Misses
son on Thursday last.
Mi’, and Mrs. Harmon, of Hensall
were in town on Friday last.
Those who have been on the sick
list in the past week are: Mr. and
Mrs. Danidl Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs.
L. B. Hodgson and Reg., Mrs. Bob
Smith, Mrs. Geo. Baynham Jr., Mr.
Joe White, Mr. John Brown and Mr.
John McFalls.
We are glad to know that Mar
jorie’, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
L. J. Richards is recovering nicely
from her recent illness.
It was decided by the session of
the church on -Sunday morning to
withdraw the service in the evening
owing to the extremely cold weather
The funeral of Miss Ahn
Mount Carmel,'*’Ont., who died, in
London on Sunday, was held Tues
day morning at 8:30 from the E. C,
Killingswopth funeral home to St.
Michael’s catholic Church, North
London, where requiem high mass
was sung at 9 o’clock by Rev. E. L»
Tierney, who also conducted the ser
vices at the grave In St. Peter's cem
etery. The pallbearers were Mal
colm McIntosh, James i-iavey, John
Gushing and Thomas O’Reniy,
We are pleased to know that Miss
Kate Doupe, who has been .very
poorly is getting better.
The services of the United church
Was withdrawn on Sunday owing to
the stormy weather.
Mrs. David Mahon passed away in
Styatford on Wednesday and was
laid to rest on Friday, She. had
reached the age of 85 years. ’ The
deceased lived in Kirkton for a num
ber ‘of years. Those who attended
the funeral from here are Mr, and
Mrs. John Hannah, Mi*, and Mi’s. It.
Hannah, Miss L. Collie and Mr, John
The annual meeting of the United
church was held on ‘Wednesday ev
ening. ReV. Mr. Bell presiding. A
goodly number being present. The
report shewed the church flimr^^
in good shape, Aftei’ paying all ex*
penses and meeting the allocation
there is a balance of $189.00 in the
treasury. $1,100 was raised for
Missionary work. The Sunday school
raised over $300.00 and after giv
ing $100.00 to Missions and paying
all expenses has a nice surplus. Mr.
C. Routly and Joseph Stone were el*
Octed t,o the 'session arid Trueman
Tuft and Wm/Harding elected Site-
f wards.
Tlie Late Mrs. Maria Stratton
There passed peacefully away at
the home of her daughter Mrs. J. '
W. Holt, in the person of Mrs, Maria
Statton, wife of the late John Stat
ton, following a few days illness with
pneumonia, (Mrs. Statton with her
late husband came to this country
from Proworthy, England, fifty-four
years ago, coming to Usborne Town
ship, afterwards moving to this nei
ghborhood some 30 years ago. She
leaves to mourn.her loss, besides a
host of friends, five daughters and
three sons: Mrs. Ware Oliver and
Mrs. Frank Allister, of St. Marys;
Mrs, Bert Batty, of Sarnia; Mrs. W.
P. Lovie and Mrs.
Grand Bend,
whole community
Grand Bend cemetery, services being
conducted by Rev. J. M. Colling.
The Late John Eagleson
Anothei’ one of those sad events
occurred this week, when Mr. John
Eagleson, who was in a hospital in
New York for a very serious opera
tion, which was successful and Mr.
Eagleson'was expected to come home
the day he was seized with an attack
with his heart and died in a few
minutes. It came as a shock to the
whole community. He will not only
be missed by the family but by the
community at large. He was a ste
ward of the new United church and
gave a good deal of his time to that
work. He leaves his wife; of Grand,
Bend, one son Robert„sof Sarnia and
one daughter Mrs. Sim. Ireland, of
Grand Bend. We extend to them
the hand of sympathy
Mr, Archie Morgan is in Victoria
Hospital, where he hqs undergone a
very critical operation. He is doing
as well as can be expected,
Mrs, McTaggart, of the Mans
very low at the time of
press, Mrs, McTaggart is Mr
Anthony’s mother.
Mr. Chas. Stewart is suf
a severely sprained
cranking his car.
Motor traffic has
impossibility over
this vicipity,
Mr, and Mrs. A
funeral of Mr.
Austin, whose
Courtright. Th
to Ailsa Craig f
Miss Rheba
Seaforth with
There was a go
ering the amount;'of sickness
Wednesday to he$r Professor King
ston, of Western University, Lon
don, lecture on the starry heavens,
All report a good time;
The directors of/the Farquhar Hall
held their ^annual ^meeting on Satur
day and report a .fflood financial year.
The many friends in this vicinity of Mr, Oliver Harris will to sorry to
learn he is lying afthis home ir Mit
chell suffering a slight str^< ’ .’bl-
.lowing an attack Of the tfu. ”Mr. Harris is one of th^ agents for the
Usborne & Hibbert‘^Insurance Mut
ual Company. ' ’U
st„ a»
end ‘in
s visiting at
ter, 'Mrs. C.
turnout, consid-
The Late
nded the
step, Miss
curred in
as brought
J, W. Holt, of
sympathy of the
is extended to
took place in
in their be-
Mrs. F.Gratton
of the old-Death took
time residents
in the person
of the Lake Road, who passed away
on Wednesday of last week. She
leaves to mourn her loss' her aged
partner Mr. F. Gratton, who is very
ill at present. She is survived by
one daughter at home, one daughter
in London, Mrs. Fred Mason and Mrs
John Hudson, of Greenway, also five
A very good congregation was pres
ent at church Sunday evening to see
the slides and hear the sermon which
delighted everyone.
Rev. J. M. Colling is kept busy
visiting the sick, but we are glad to
know that most of them are on the
Mr. Bert Holt was in
business last week.
The dredge men had
when they broke a cable
delayed t'he work for a few days.
MrS, Bud Broderick (nee Gladys
Elsie) is home looking after her
mother who has been on the sick list.
Miss Ella Gill, of Windsor, spent
a few days with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. H. Gill.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laughton were
at their cottage on Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Slade is visiting her sis
ter Mrs. E. Desjardine.
Mrs. Adolphus Desjardine, Jr., of
Peace River District, ds visiting in
the neighborhood. Wb welcome the
old-timers back.
Mrs. Percy Mollard is attending
the funeral of (her father, who died
very suddenly last Friday evening at
his home near Kitchener.
of this neighborhood
of Mrs. F. Gratton,
Sarnia, on
a mishap
which has
Mrs. Clifford Sherritt was able to
return home on Thursday last after
spending the, past couple of weeks,
in a London hospital. We are pleased,
to report that her condition is much
Mrs. Fred McLinchey and babe
have been ill with the ‘flu.’ Mrs. El
ston, of Greenway, has been taking
care of them.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner,
of Shipka, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Love.
Mr. Jack Ridley has been very ill
with the ‘flu.’
Mrs. Edgar Stewardson visited
with her mother on Wednesday.
Miss Lily We'bb is confined
home with illness. We hope
speedy recovery.
Miss Bernice Sitatton, of
Bend, visited with Miss Olive Eag-
A large number of people from
this community attended the funeral
of the late John Eagleson, of Grand.
Mr. and Mrs. Paxman, of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eagleson'and fam
ily, of Sarnia, attended the /funeral
of Mr. John Eagleson and visited.'
relatives in this community..
to her
for a
\Correction: Owing to a mistake
the congregational meeting of the
United- church was announced in last
week’s paper for Monday, .January
14th when it should have been the
21st. Every one is urged to be pres
ent next Monday evening and enjoy
a social time together.
Mr. Edison Pollock had the mis
fortune of having his ankle broken
last week. He was in his grand
father’s shop in Corbett when a bob
sleigh that was being repaired and
was standing on end fell and strik- .
ing him on the ankle broke two
bones and tore the ligaments. He ia
doing as well as can be expected.
A large number from here attend
ed the funeral *of Mr. John Eagleson
at Grand Bend on Friday. Until his
removal to the Bend a few years ago
he had spent his life in this • com
munity, so his many friends extend
their sympathy to his wife and fam
ily and relatives in their hour -of
Mr. Thos. Bullock, Mr. and Mrs.
J. McPherson, Miss Mary Pollock,.
Mrs. McIntosh, Mr. J. Gardiner, Earl
and Bruce, Mr. Geo. Bullock’s family
Mr. Irvin Eggart,. Elmer Shepherd
and little Morley Pollock have all
been the victims of the flu the past
week; while Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bat
tram, Mr. and Mr. R. Smith, Mrs. A.
and Cecil Smithers and Lisle Wood
burn, Mrs. Lloyd Brophey, Mrs. R.
Turner, Mr. Arthur’s Brophey’s fam
ily, Mrs. Geo. Luther, Miss Phyllis
Geromette and Mr. G. Curts family
are recovering.
Miss Emma McPherson, R,N., who
has been nursing her sister, Mrs. El
gin Webb and little babe, of Grand.
Beiid has returned to London.
Miss Gertie Deterlck, of London,
spent a few days last week at her
home here.
Mr. William Barry, of London, is
spending a few weeks with frig bro-
Miss Tress Hall called on friends
in London last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rowland en
tertained ‘their friends and neigh
bors to a -dance on Thursday night
of last week*
Mrs. Ghas. Glavin is on(the sick
list at present.
Mrs- John Rowland returned home
after a pleasant visit with friends at
Mr. Peter Ragier has engaged
Gerald O’Rourke to work for* the
Word was received, of the death
at St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, On
Sunday of iMiss Atinie Burke, of near
Death of Mrs. Deuben Wilson
Mrs. Reuben Wilson whose maid
en name was Miss Catherine Under
wood passed away last Thursday at
the home of her daughter Mrs. M.
McAlpine, Of Alvinsion at the age of
79 years. She spent her girlhood
and married life in this neighborhood
having made her home with her dau
ghter since the death of her husband
almost three years ago. She was of
a quiet nature devoted to her home
and family. Mrs. Mickle, Mrs, Me-
Alpihe and Miss Janet and son James
Wilson who mourn her loss; also two
sisters, Mrs. McElroy# of Michigan
and Mrs. Shank, of Greenway. In
terment took plane in the ParkhiU
cemetery on Friday. ’The burial ser
vice being conducted by her former
pastor Rev. ’
Perhaps one reason Why • tih.e>ire is
; not much regard for ■!« M the ab*y
sence of great respebt'itie UW'