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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-10, Page 6
THURSDAY* JANUARY loth, 1029 —... i ■mi.....hi........ THE! EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE MITCHELL RESIDENT DIES , James Pullman;, of MitcheU, who had been ill for less than a week with flu, died Friday afternoon at th© age of 85 years. The late Mr. Pullman had lived in the Township of Hibbert and in the town of ehell, for upwards of sides his widow, he and three daughters, nia; Mrs, Webb, of Clark (Olive Pullman) Travers, of Calgary. 75 years, leaves one Arthur, of Toronto; and Nit’ Be gem Sar- Mrs. Mrs. WAS REAU PIONEER OF TUCRERMITH Robert Devereaux, honored resident of district dies at age of !)1 years. Tuckersmith lost a grand old man on Thursday, January 3 in the per son of Robert Devereaux, one of the worthiest and best known of the ori ginal pioneers. His death occured from pneumonia, following a week’s illness, on the old homestead on the Huron Road a short distance East of the town of Seaforth.. There he. had lived for sixty years and his son John L. Devereaux still resides on that farm. The deceased man who was 91 years of age, was a native of .Nova Scotia* Tim name of his wife who predeceased him liy twenty-five years, was Catherine Shannon. The thr$e brothes James, Robert and Al an married three sisters all’of them settling in the vicinity of what is- now town of Seaforth, clearing part of the site on which* the town now stands and helping to build the Hu ron Road in the days of the Cana da -Company. He was the last surviving member of an old and large family, One son and four L., on Draw, Byrne Dublin Blyth, NATURE’S HEROINES Wonderful Courage Shown Xn Brot**- tion of tpholr Young. One of the pluckiest acts I ever ?aw in the wilds was the action of a com mon sparrow. Its nest had been pull ed out of the branches at the top of a big thorn bush and thrown o.n tips ground with the eggs. Only five min utes later the hen bird was down among the wreckage, picking up the grass and feathers, and soon she gan to rebuild her broken home, assiduously did she work that she lay another dutch be- 1 So lKH’BLH FUNERAL OF I4INDON u COUPLE TO BRONSON LINE CEMETERY Thursday and Wednes- was held on Satur- the family resi- dreet, Hay to Bron- Township attend of the deceased only by urvive. John Mrs. T. Me- Mrs, W- J. daughters < the homestead St. Columban; and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, and Mrs. Thomas Kelly, ot also one sister, Mrs. Brown, Kinkora and one sister-in-law, Alan Devereaux, of The Cedars, forth. Mrs. Sea- Par is surviv- ■ We see by the papers that a her who slapped his wife ed by his wife and two children. Company' and its Bill in Parliament THE Bell Telephone Company is bringing before parliament this session a Bill regarding its authority to seek new capital. No grant or subsidy from parliament is involved. It is entirely a matter of authority .to offer new shares for purchase by investors, from time, to time in the future as new capital is required for the growth of the system. There are three reasons why the telephone’company is asking parliament for this authority. Each of these reasons is important. t And its flavour 1« the finest in the world. instances of birds nests were disturb- G. Pike, F.Z.S., in Whether they 'to say, dead on the first reason The telephone system cannot extend td meet the growth of the country unless there is a steady supply of new capital year after year. TN a progressive country like Canada the telephone ■*- system, never stands still. Each year there are , thousands of new telephones in new .homes and offices. £ AFor the next five years the definite needs which the system is under public obligationto meet mean spending over $120,000,000 in new p t .Year after year, in good times and fid, new money ■ is needed for more telephones if tf|e system is to keep pace with the country'. And ,It this money * great part can be supplied only through the pur chase of new shares by investors. is not able ce vanishe impossible. the second r sential that plans ority to seek the i ven to approach in- and to prepare for unless there obtained in id many years. But that it will be able ket for new money began in 1880 it to investors up to need, and will not of new capital pro- * nor next "year, nor Necessary plans cannot be ma is assurance that money maj the future to complete thenr^ TN the telephone business it i be made for years ahead. There must be changes before until people ar Such projects cause the comp, money from inv full service. But if the comp vestors, its ass the future becom The telephone system does n seek, all the sevent^five millio vided for in its ame^Sment noi the year after. It may not need it al^for a g it does need how the ^suranc in the future to go in when it is required. was soon able to of eggs. I have known dying when their ed, writes Oliver ap Old Country paper died of grief it is impossibl but I have seen the owners their nests after their eggs had been taken. It is when birds have young that they show such pluck, but even when their nests contain eggs they will fight for them. I know a man who robbed the nest of a lesser redpoll. While lie was taking the eggs from tlie nest, the small owner actually sat on one of his fingers and pleaded in lier bird language for them to be left. I am sorry to say liis eagerness to* possess the eggs overcame his feel ing, and the plucky little owner lost her treasures, {The common rat is a loving moth er, and will fight to protect her young. My dog dug out a nest that contained Seven young. But when he reached it there were only two babies in it. As he approached, the mother was digging frantically the other style, and as she went in, carried her youngsters. At last they were found a yard from tlie nest, lying on tlie ground ’ where she had placed them as she retreated. In my garden there was a nest of that diminutive warbler, the cliiff- chafih I wanted to obtain some cine ma films of the bird feeding her young, but had difficulty in doing thia because the bird attacked me violent ly each time I Went near her home. The common partridge is one of the pluckiest birds we have. Near my home is a stretch of railway line that runs through good partridge country. Some of the birds nest close to the passing trains. One morning last Bpring the young wandered from one of these nests, and were running about among the sleepers when an express train was heard approaching. The mother was quite used to these dashing past her, but this was too much, for one of the great monsters she always looked upon as harmless was actually tearing full speed upon her family. Without a moment’s hesitation she flow up, and with an angry cry charg ed the approaching engine. It Avas a stupid thing to do, for tlie next mo ment she was dead, and instead of Saving her young as she expected to do, they soon died from exposure without the shelter of lier warm Whigs. ' This is not the first time such an; incident has happened on this piece of line, and many good coveys have been lost through tlie bravery of their parents. I have had tlie same thing happen while motoring. Last June a mother partridge by the roadside With her young charged the car I was driving and was killed instantly. ‘‘ The double- funeral of Mr. and Mrs. David Betchen, whose deaths occurred, or day, respectively day afternoon from deuce, 41 Torrence t son Line, Cemetery, north of Exeter. ’ Private services, relatives and friends were conducted at the residence on Saturday afternoon by Rev. G, K. Bradshaw. Mr. Betchen, who died on Thursday, following an attack of pleuro-pneumonia, had been ill for but a short time. Mrs. Betchen had been ill for a longer period, but her death was caused by an attack pneumonia. • Of 50 YEARS AGO The election for Exeter Council was held on Monday last with the following result: Reeve, L. Hardy; Councillors, J. Pickard, E. Drew,'R. Bissett and J. Sanders, J as. Hor- tlie Usborne election resulted in the election of Mr. Leonard Hunter, the Reeve of the past year being re-elect ed. The councillors are: Mr. Halls by acclamation, Messrs, uey and Shier. The municipal election in Township of Stephen are as follows: Reeve, S'. Hogarth, Deputy-Reeve, Mr. Eilber; Councillors, John Ryan, Valentine Ratz and Wm. Baker. On .Tuesday of last week while Mr. John Pybus> of Farquhar, was chopping in the woods, a large tree which lie had cut, was falling, as he supposed, in the direction of his child. He shouted to the boy to get out of the way and while looking af ter him, forgot himself and part of the tree falling on him striking him on the head, making a deep incision across the crown. Dr. Browning wks called and-dressed the wound. On Saturday last Mr. Darling fell from a scaffold while at work in Mr. Samwell’s new building, injuring his foot. On Thursday'night last some per sons visited Exeter, going I. Handford’s blacksmith where they procured some ments and then visited Mr. Pickard’s store. The third being Messrs. Spicers’ grocery. to Mi’, shop, in Str u- James place TEA ‘Fresh from the gardens’ J. W. BEATTIE, OF SEAFORTH, GIVEN FIFTH ACCLAMATION TO POST When J. W. Beattie was returned Reeve of Seaforth,by acclamation at the recent nomination meeting, it made, the fifth successive time that the ratepayers have awarded him the office without a vote, or even opposi tion of any kind. When" lie was first- elected Reeve in 1924 it was the only time in Jiis long municipal career that his candidature for the post was ever contested. Mr, Beattie has been a member of Council since 1919, has been Chair man o.f the Street Committee prac tically every year, and now, by vir tue of his long, unbroken reign aa. 'Reeve, is .expected to lw a strong contender this year for the Warden ship of Huron County. The people of Goderich and dis trict were shocked to learn of the death of Mr, Joseph E. Whitely,’Mr. Whitely had not been in the best of health for some- time, but he was ^confined to bed less than a week, an attack of influenza developing into pneumonia. He was a lifelong resident of Goderich township where- he was born sixty-five years ago. Ho leaves his wife, two daughters, also two brothers and two sisters. r Now is the time ,to renew your subscription to the Times-Advocate. Now You Can Get Delivery On. The Famous “Four-Twenty” Batteiryless St ADIO c/«f Pfo&frr •tfan TUn* to 4 and ew telephones clamoring for the past have y has been rs to put th and central ex- an go in. To wait irvice is too late. een undertaken be- nfident of securing new equipment into The company’s preseri new capital is almost "Or HEN the telephone com ’’’ had authority to sell sha half a million dollars, but withT the growth of the system this authority has been extended by parlia ment, This has happened, on an average, every eight years since 1880. The last amendment by parliament was in 1920. Another amendment is necessary now be cause, of the seventy-five million of shares set in 1920, less than ten million now remain for the com pany to offer to investors. With over $120J)00,000 to be spent during the next five years—a substantial part Of which must be pro vided by sale of new shares—this margin of less than ten million represents neither 1110 steady supply of new capital nor the assurance of tho future Which the company must have, to serve the public with efficiency. eight years from now T F .there had nab been an amendment in 1920 with ■V the right to raise new capital, Ontario and Quebec today Would be struggling with a telephone system so hopelessly beliind public requirements that all branches of business would suffer. The telephone company does not want that stale of a&drs to prevail , eight years from now. The Bill is to prevent it SOS A THOUSAND-POUND NOTE. Enabled Man to Make Purchases and Get Credit Without a Deposit. “Mr. Edward Tyrrel Smith, with Whom I had business relations for some three or. four years, was,” writes Mr, Mapleson in his “Memoirs,” “an extraordinary personage whose like could be met with only in our own time and in such capitals as London or Paris, where the population in general has certainly not the faintest Idea how some small part of that population lives. “Mr. Smith had made up his mind early in life to be the possessor, or at least the handler, of considerable sums of money; and he at one time found it worth his while, so as never to be without funds, to hire daily, at the rate of one pound per day, a thousand-pound note, which Was obligingly entrusted to him bJ’ a moneylender of the. period, one Sam Genese. “There are not many persons to whom such a loan would be worth the thirty-six-and-a-half per cent, interest which Mr. Smith paid for if. He was an adept, however* at all kinds Qf business, and his thousand-pound note enabled him to make purchases" on credit which without deposit money he would have been unable to effect. Attending sales, he would buy whatever happened to suit him, with a view to immediate re-sale, of fering his thousand-pound note as a deposit, to discover as a matter of course that it could not be changed* and have the article for which he had bid marked down to him all the same. Then he would re-sell, and pocket tho difference.” TO COMBAT ERYSIPELAS. Physician Claims to Have Reduced Mortality With Antitoxin. Erysipelas may now be added to tho list of diseases vanished by man, Dr. Konrad E. Birkhaug of the Uni versity of Rochester School of Medi cine, told the American College of Physicians. • ■ < As a result of four yedtfc ot work, Dr. Birkhaug lias developed an anti toxin treatment for use ift;).he early stages of erysipelas that gives results commensurate with those obtained through the use of diphtheria anti toxin in tho early hours of that dis ease. Tim erysipelas treatment reduces to half the time that the patient must spend ill tho hospital, Dr, Birkhaug told tho doctors. Tho mortality in adtiTts has boon reduced from 12 to only-four per Cent#, While roonrrent attacks of erysipelas have boon pre vented through4 a course of immunis ation through tho use of toxin. 25 YEARS AGO iMr? Wm. .Trott has recently sold his property’ on Main Street and is giving up business ’in town for the present, at least. The building in which Mr. Trott has for years canned on a boot and shoe business has been purchased by Mr. Jonas Hart- lieb, of Dashwood. Tlie building south of the post of fice which has been occupied by Mr. D. Hartlieb as a .repair shop has been bought by Mr. Wm. Howey, whose sons will establish a 'drug store on the premises., • Mrs. Piper left ' here Monday for London to visit' her daughter Lou, who underwent a surgical- operation on Saturday last. Mr. George Merner, of Dashwood, had the misfortune to meet witty a severe accident on ‘ Wednesday. It appears Mr. Merner was- engaged in cutting .straw at Mr. Hehry Truem- ner’s on the Goshen Line, when in pome way lie fell,and-broke his leg and split his knee cap as well. Mrs. Geo. H. 'Bissett has returned from a pleasant visit with her sister Mrs. W. Down, of London. Mrs. D. 'A. Ross spent a few days in 'Clinton during the week, being called there owing to the illness of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Ross. Mrs. Richard Penhale and family and Miss Annie Hicks left Saturday for Toronto, where they joined Mr. Penliale. I.-A road hog, of course,//Is some other motorist. Headaches So Bad Could Not Sleep ’Day or Night Mrs. D. Smith, B.B. No. 2, Freeman, Ont., writes:—I had severe headaches which, were so bad' I could not sleep day or night. After reading of your wonderful i 4 i Only $165 Complete (except Speaker) The Biggest Value in ^ie Whole Fieid of Electrij^Badio TT would have£een nice, of course, to have had a Rogers in ■*- time for the Holidays—but/^ven some of the folks who ordered Sets early were disappointed'this year.- The flood pf’" orders from uio&e who wapted Battcryless Radio was more than thq Rogers factory-^even.^with its, enlarged facilities^— could cc y. Now, however, you can get delivery on practically hny of the, new,, 1929 Models—including the famous‘Four-Twenty” Model shown above. This Modjh uFouj-Twenty” Rogers is, just as our headline states: <c ~iOJP—.» ™ The mod|l thaf preceded it was first introduced to the public in 1926<,and^utsold all other electric sets in 1927 at $225 1 The presfen^price qf $165 is only possible'because of Rogers ' greatly increased production and. you can rest assured that if ahy other comparable electric radio could be sold at this price ‘ - ‘ you would soon hear about it. Ask Us To Show You •k- ^he bigpest value in the whole field of electric radio.” • 9 . 't'est this famous model as to distance, selectivity, volume, tone quality (any way you wish) in your own home at our expense. If it doesn’t perform to your entire satisfaction send it back. If it does-^and it will—we’ll make it easy for you to keep it. W. J. BEER, Main St., Exeter, Ont COOK BROS. - - Hensail, Ont “Rogers--The World's Best Radio”u Bitters RURDOCK X' at once bought a bottle, and found it was helping me. I am now feeling Aho and am able to do all my own houaeWork.” » w ■ Manufactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. The Times-Advocate > The. Times-Advocate $2.00 per year; to United States $2.50. yr. $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $3.25 $3.00 $3.00 $2.95 $5.50 $4.75 $3.90 $4.65 $3.75 - The Times-Advocate & Montreal Witness, renewal $3,85; new $3.50 The’ Timbs-Advocate and World Wide .... renewal $4.25; new $3,85 The Tlmes-Adyocate and Youth’s Companion ............... $3.75 The- Timos-Advocate and The Toronto Star .Weekly....... SG.75 The Thnes-Advoc.ate and The Toronto G,l0b0 ....... The Times-Advocate and The Toronto Mail and Empire The The The The The The The The ThnesaAdvocate and The Saturday Night ................ Times-AdVqcate and Tlie Saturday Evening Post Thnes-Advocate and The New Outlook Timcs-Advocnte and The Canadian Homes and Gardens „■ Times-Advocate and McLean’s Magazine ...................... . Times-Advocate and The Toronto Daily Star Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Ti mes-Acl vo cate. Times-AdVocate Tiines-AdVocatd Times-Advocate and The Rondon Free Press ,.......... . and The London Advertiser .......... and The Farmers' Sum ....,.......... and The Farmers' Advocate ,................ and The Family Herald & Weekly star and The Canadian Countryman........... CLUBBING RATES WITH OTHER PERIODICALS BE ON APPLICATION MAD