HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-10, Page 54 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ■S? THURSDAY* JANUARY -UHh, ■*'gtrijeol of Commerce CLINTON* ONTARIO OFFRS YOU A PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING that has made it possible for our scorces of students to obtain and hold positions demanding a high, standard of efficiency. there is a POSITION WAITING for YOU Courses: Secretarial, Commercial, Stenographic, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teachers. Courses and Special Courses arranged, You cannot attend a better school. Dr, H. H, Cowen, D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week- and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week, The Slave of Love I By CLAIRE SMITH Why not attend this? STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME Write to-day for information, Rhone 19§ M. A. STONE, B. F, WARD, B.A. C.om. Specialist, Vice-Principal Principal Of Burnips, few weeks nt is oil the sick spending a in Detroit. DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty Of Medicine, and Master of Science, University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians And Surgeons of Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. HENSALL ONT. Phono 66 Residence 114 Miss Jean Russell is attending Business College at Clinton. Mrs. Chas. Cooper, of Kippen, vis­ ited friends in town on Friday. Mrs. David McHarg, of London, is here waiting on her mother 3TTs, T. Peart. The Public Library has been or­ dered closed for a week owing to the flu epidemic. The opening of the public and con­ tinuation schools has been postponed until Januay the 14th. Mr. Thos. Simpson, who has been confined to his home through1 illness’ is able to pe out again. The new council will hold their first Jugular meeting on Monday ev­ ening, January th© 14th. At the time of writing Mr. Nathan Saundercock is lying at his home dangerously il) with pneumonia. The merchants of the village have agreed to close their stores every evening during the winter months except Saturday evenings. Harvey Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson, who has been dangerously ill with pneumonia is showing signs of improvement. The many friends of Mrs. Verne JEJedden will be pleased to learn that she is now improving nicely Jier recent illness of flu and monia. The Hensall hockey boys President Mrs. McDonald; occupied the chair. A letter was read from Mrs, Alex Swan, thanking .the W.M. Si.» for their kind remembranaces in sending her gifts of fruits and flow­ ers, etc. at Christmas time, Mrs. Ag- ness McDonald gave a very interest­ ing leaflet entitled, “Stewardship is the Soul of Religion” by IM'rs. W. H. Graham. Mrs. Lammie followed this number with prayer. The president favored those present with two'very interesting accounts of the W, M. S. work among the - Indians in the northwest, and: the Department of the Stranger, which were much en­ joyed. A communication was read from Miss Cdnsitt asking that the corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. Mc­ Queen, send letter of sympathy to the following members, who have suffered bereavement of relatives and friends, Mrs. Edgar Broderick, Mrs. R. Blatchford, Mrs. T. Murdock, Miss Alexia Murdock and. Mrs. G. Brown. This was followed by the treasurer’s report for the past year, Which was very gratifying, meeting closed with prayer. The Miss Grace Kellerman returned to Toronto, after spending her vaca­ tion with her parents. Mr. Ivan Lippert, Mich., is spending a his home here* Mr. Jonas Hartleib list, Mrs, F. Guenther is few weeks with friends Mrs. J. Schroeder is visiting in New Hamburg. School re-opened on Monday with a fairly good attendance. Little Claire Wilfong, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Wilfopg is suffering from an attack of pneu­ monia, We hope for a speedy re­ covery. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fahner and fam­ ily, of Crediton, called on Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor; Mrs. R. Fritzley, -of Goderich, is visiting at the home of (her parents Mr. and Mrs, F. Guenttner. Mr. and Mrs. p, B. Moffatt have returned after spending their vaca­ tion with their parents near Credi­ tor The election of officers for the Evangelical Sunday . School took place last Monday evening when Mr. A. Birk was appointed superinten­ dent and Mr. Ezra Bender assistant; Secretary, Vernon Schatz; Treasurer, Mr. Dan Weber; Pianist, Miss Verna Birk; assistant Gertrude Hoffman; Chorister, Mrs. A. Oestricher. The Police Trustees for the com­ ing year are as follows: -MT. Thomas Klumpp; Mr. Ed. Nadiger and Mr. Addison Tieman. were elected by ac­ clamation. I after pneu- have^"oiiEfirdd^a team in the Northern Lea­ gue and are grouped with Mitchell and Forest. They will play their league games on the Exeter rink. Mr. John Zuefle while friends in Exeter and vicinity was stricken with a severe attack of kid­ ney trouble and was brought home on Saturday evening. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. WALKER-*- CUDMORE visiting Mr. Arnold Wiseman had the mis­ fortune to slip on the sidewalk on Saturday and fracture his wrist. Mr. Frank Mills, of Edmonton, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geq. Mills. Mr. Harvey Vickers, of London, spent a few days this week*with Mr. John’ Hannah. > Mr. Andrew Sutherland, of Ham­ iota, Man., is. visiting his mother, Mrs. John Southerland and his sis­ ter, Mrs. Clark Sweitzer. Mrs. Hugh Hazelwood of Toronto, iv visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yule. * ’ Mr. W. E. Doupe, of Windsor and Alvin- and Bert, of Toronto, attend­ ed their father’s funeral on Thurs­ day of last week. Mr. Wm. Dally, of /Toronto, atten­ ded the fu-neral of the late Mrs. Jno-. Urquarf on Saturday. Dr, and Mrs. J. Ragier, of Charl­ ton, New Ontario, attended.the fun­ eral of the former’s sister, Mrs. Jno. Urquhart, on Saturday. 4* A quiet wedding was solemnized at St. James Cathedral, Toronto, re­ cently when Rev. A. Griarly Browne, united in marriage, Winifred Rose, •daughter of Mrs.. R. Cudmore, and the late Roland Cudmore, of Hen- sall, to William Imrie Walker, son of Mrs. E. F. Irwin,of Weston. MANITOBADIED IN BRANDON, Mrs. Charles Jinks ■on Wednesday last of the death of her younger brother, David Blatch­ ford, who passed away, recently at his home at Brandon, Man. Mr. Blatchford had been in poor -health for some time having contracted pneumonia in the fall of last year. He was in his fortieth year. Much sympathy js feft for Mrs. Jinks, al­ so for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Blatchford, and his brother Nelson. THE ELECTION The election of Reeve and four Councillors took place on Monday and considering the day a good vote was polled. Both candidates for the ajeeyeship made a great canvas dur­ ing the last week and spared no pains on election day to win. The result of polling was as follows: For the reeveship, Robert Higgins 184, .Owen Geiger 149, a majority' of 35 foi’ Mr. Higgins. For the council, James Sangster headed the poll with a total of 213, G. C. Petty 194, Robt. Cameron 173, J. W. Ortwein 158; James Priest and Wm. gangster, who were defeated each received 116 votes. Reeve Higgins received . a majority in both polls number one giving him a majority of 13 and number two 23. Quite a number in H the village were unable to come out ipn account of illness and owing to. the storm very few outside voters ■ came in to vote. Reeve Higgins is being congratulated from all sid’es for the splendid straight-forward jjight he put up and although suffer­ ing from a severe cold stayed du the job until the last vote was polled, UNITED CHURCH W received word The Late Mrs. Jolui Urquhart Mrs. John Urquhart died In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London on Thurs­ day morning where she was, opera­ ted on a few days before. She stood the operation all right and every­ thing looked hopeful, but her heart was weak and on Wednesday she began to sink and. passed away on Thursday morning at 7 o’clock. The deceased before her marriage .was Miss Elizabeth Roger, ©nly daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roger and was born on the third line of Blanshard 68 years ago and lived around here all her life. Her hus­ band preceeded her a little over two years. She was brought up a Pres­ byterian ’and attended the Stone Chuijch and when the Union came was among the first to express her views in regards closing the Stone Church and all go to one church. She took a great interest in the work of the church and Sunday School and also the Women’s Missionary So­ ciety and could be seen in her place almost every Sunday. Her ’example and influemce hhd a telling effect on those with whom she came in contact. She leaves to mourn her loss, two duagliters and one son. Mrs John Berry, of the fourth line Blan­ shard and Miss Annie and William at home and one brother Dr., John Roger Of New Ontario. The funer­ al, Saturday was conducted by Rev. Mr. Bell assisted by Rev. Mr. Bulteel was largely attended, interment in the Union cemetery. The Christmas Concert of the Ev­ angelical Church took its usual form. The miscellaneous program by the primaries and juniors was attr­ active, and. the Cantata, “The Hope of the Christmas City” reached it’s desired climax but quite a number of the boys and girls and parents were absent on account of sickness. The committee who had the miscel­ laneous program well in hand were Lovina .and Alma Smith, Clara Mor- lock,, Clara Oestreiclier and Irvin Finkbei,ner. Those who superintend­ ed the Cantata, Lovina Smith and Mrs. H. K. Eilber. Leading, mein Win' of the decorating committee, Mrs. Herb. Fahner, Lily Fahner, Mary Yeung, Mrs. Simon Morloclc, Mrs. Clayton Sims and other members of the Dorcas Class together with ener­ getic and faithful men from the C. I. C. Class brought about a most ex­ quisite- Christmas* decoration. All the singing ©f the Evangelical services had the proper touch dur­ ing the advent season as given by the choir under the lead of Mr. F. W. Morloek, also excellent pipe org­ an voluntaries, offeratories and pre­ ludes as rendered: by Miss (Addileen Gaiser, organist, added spiritual en­ joyment to every service. ■ The “flu” visited very many of the homes in this community. -Some families had a rather gloomy Chri­ stmas but many report the kindest consideration of friends and neigh­ bors who were yet immune from the disease. The Evangelical jiarsonage was also badly afflicted during Chri­ stmas, but we were greatly cheered by some kind friends who brought in a .full course Christmas dinner and quite a number of others show­ ed every act of kindness, hearty appreciation. A “white gift’” was collected the various classes of the angelical Sunday School and a mittee has been appointed to ap­ portion ’$50 among a number; of the charitable institutions. The next interesting church'event will be the anniversary services of the Evangelical Church about the first or second, Sunday in February. The committee is making plans to engage’ ''Dr. 0. Newton Bubs, mis­ sionary on furlough from China, as the speaker for the occasion. The choir, male chorus and orchestra will assist the services. Brayer meeting, Jr. and: .Sr. E.L. C.E. will again resume their regulai* meetings during thd week. The play “Dust of tile Earth,” which was' billed fdr Thursday even­ ing has been cancelled indefinitely owing to the influenza epidemic. Died in. Detroit Most from Ev- co ni- CROMARTY . M. S. United church of the church The W.M.B., of the mot in the basement on Thursday afternoon of last Week, atwl held a very interesting meeting. Owing to so much sickness prevailing there wore not many members at­ tended as there usually are. 'the Quite a number iii the vicinity are ill with the flu. The school will re-open on Monday. Owing to so much sickness it was closed for. a week. There was a Small attendance at divine services on Bunday Owing to the epidemic* - „ Mr. Daniel MCKellftr, of Detroit, visited, at his lionie over the New Year’s Miss Lila McCulloch' spent a part of the holiday .season with her aunt in Logaii. Mrs, Rev. McKay who, spent the Christmas here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs* Jas. Scott returned th her home in Walkerton Thursday* We are sorry to hear that Mt. H* Currie, who the village, monia* epidemic* - at his lionle over the New holiday, Word has been .received in Credi- ton of the death of Mrs, P. G* Ward, which took place in Detroit on Fri­ day, Jan. 4tli. The funeral was held Jan. 7 th. Mrs. Ward's maiden name was Cora Hodgins, being a daughter of th© late Mr. and Mrs. James Hed­ ging of this place, and a sister Mr. Alonzo HodgihS, of London. CoiyrJKlit, J'Jewspa.per XJplon, ‘‘Where did you pick up that map, Glennon?” Many a time was the head book* keeper of Porter & Co. asked the question. Invariably a quizzical, and then a certain far away retrospective expression would come Info Ills face. Seriously almost tenderly he would reply in a certain subdued tone.: “Uh, J came acr.oss him incidental­ ly,” “He’s got his footing mighty solid— a cracker-jack in Ills line, sure thing’!” Then a glow of pride would illumi­ nate the habitually serious face of Harvey Glennon. He had reason to distrust liimgelf, The love of strong drink had been in­ herited, he was a natural born gambler and all through his life there had been periodical spells, where he had “brok­ en out.” indulge appetite haggard his pretty daughter, Irene, questioning his statement that he had been on a visit to his boyhood’s home. But Ernest Dawson knew—knew, apd with sealed lips anxiously, loyally watched the man he loved and re­ spected. It was in the midst of one of his reckless bouts of dissipation and at a notorious gambling resort. Glennon, flushed with wine, had played away his last dollar In cash and was just about to give his note to make a new bet, when Dawson, the handy man about the place, burst in upon them with the stirring words: “The police!” Glennon, felt his arms seized. He was hurried down a dark passageway, Into an alley and led to the nearest street to recognize his guide as Ernest Dawson. “What does this mean,” he had asked bewllderedly. “A false alarm! I have saved you at the risk of losing my position,” was the ready announcement. “You re­ member tossing me a liberal tip a week ago when you had won a big sum? It came to me when I needed it most; to send to my poor Old moth­ er. Tonight when I saw how those swindlers were leading you on into their clutches, I sprang the false sig­ nal of a raid. Do not be offended, but I feel I have saved you from ruin, for once they got you indebted to them they would pursue you to the limit. That is. their system.” ? The result was that Glennon realized that he had grazed a precipice. The further result was that he interested . himself in young Dawson; BeholU’j^ftt < the end. Of five years,.no furij^lapseg^ ^bohi’ strict attention to duty oh; the < part of Glennon, ’a,’id Dawson in a poair tion of trust and responsibility, with money saved up in bank and—in love . with the daughter of his benefactor. Dawson had never told his love for Irene who seemed to have only *a kindly interest in him, but hope ir^ radiated his life. Theft came a* cloud dark, foreboding. Glennon “broke put” once more. He was gone for a wfeek. Dawson hunted him up, got him back into normal trim and concealed from everybody the truth. Then one day Glennon was taken ill and removed to liis home. It was a week later when the head of the business house Came to Daw'son with a serious look upon his -face. “I want you to go over Mr. Glen­ non’s books,” announced Mr. Porter, to the utter stupefaction of Dawson. - “Oh,- sir! you do not mean to say that there is anything wrong?” littered Dawson In a gasp. “I fear there is a shortage of $3,000 in the cash.” • ' Daylight was streaming through the office windows when Dawson .com­ pleted his task of going over ‘the books. He sat back with gray blank despair on liis face. . . • *‘It is true—too true,” he mourned. He could readily surmise what ha'd happened. A swindling crew, had got Glennon into their clutches. They had obtained some hold on him. In -his desperation Glennon hafi t>sed the money of the firm. Dawson arose to his feet.’ He wan- ‘ dered about the streets till 10 o’clock. Then he entered a bank. When he returned to the office he liad most of his savings in bank bills— $3,000. “I find a deficit in the cash, as you have said,” he.reported to Mr. Por­ ter. “Mr. Glennon lifts been troubled, out of stortS for a long time and may not have been as systematic as usual. Have you looked through his desk, Mr. ( Porter?” And they looked, and the/ money was found, and, was concerned, cated. There came a Dawson He would go away secretly, the propensity that was an with him and return to work and hunted looking, not even so far as Mr, Porter Glennon was vlndi- of Will valescent thing. day when to Mie con- explained every- 'Oh, my friend!” ,i saved me. sobbed Glennon; ; But I—*’ resides is very x little east of III with pneu- there > ment Suspicious-looking characters be well advised to keep away ffom Detroit as the police force have been offertul $10.00 for down.With Is only every bandit shot man a corpse side to the. argu “you have “Will go back to work when you are well enough. “And II” speke Irene Glennon, step­ ping into view. “Oh, I would be a slave for life for what you have done for us!*’ “Yes, the stave of love—hiy, cher­ ished wife, if you will,” spoke Dawson fervently, “together to shield this dear old man from all of evil.” And so, love guarded the secret, and SO, Harvey Glennon took to his soul a lesson that purified It* We only know—’’ Miss Doris Essery visited with Iter aunt, Mrs. Archie Robinson, in Lon­ don last week* : Mr., at his Mr, home J, Dobbs. Mrs, Ed* Calfas accompanied' Mrs, M* C. Slegmon left on. Saturday for Cleveland ,where Mrs. ’Calfas in­ tends undergoing an operation, The school, which has been closed for the Christmas vacation, re-qpen- ed on Monday. iMr. yvf T. Colwjll shipped two car­ loads of extra choic.e cgttle to Tor­ onto on Saturday last, Several young men^from this vic­ inity left for London on Saturday where they will training camp* Much sickness village. Those homes are Mrs. J. Brock* Miss Mary O’Brien, Mrs. G* G. Essery, Mrs, J. Kent, Mr. and Mrs, C. Fairhall, George Baynham,. Jr. and Mrs. K'erslake and Genevive. Mr. and Mrs. J. McFalJs of village attended the funeral of former’s sister, Mrs. Atkinson, at London on Friday last, The funeral of Mrs. James Wal­ ker on Sunday last was largely at­ tended. The service was conducted by Rev. R. F. Irwin, who gave a brief outline of Mrs. Walker’s life since his pastorate in Centralia. Mrs. Walker was of a kindly dispo­ sition and much beloved by all who knew her, and the deepest sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved. The pall-bearers were the Messrs. Geo. and Ed. Walker, Geo. Down and Fred Kerr, and two grand sons of the deceased, Down brothers (From another source) The annual congregational meet­ ing of the United Church was held on last Thursday afternoon in con­ junction with the meeting of the Women’s Association. A pleasant and interesting time was spent. Mrs. George Thompson was unanimously elected Treasurer of the Women’s Association in place of Mrs. Byron Hicks, wlio resigned. Reports were presented from the various departments of tbie church which was very cheering. The fol­ lowing is the result of the elections for the Session (for which only two were to be elected.) and stewards board. The two elders elected to the Session were Daniel Hodgson and Wm. Isaac. For the Steward’s Board Thos. Neil, Wm. Oke, Wm. Skelton, Wm. Bowden, M. Elliott, A. McFalls and W- J. Parsons. The ladies pro- yi^led. a sumptuous lunch, ' 'i Tile choir assisted -very helpfully ■•at^the funeral ■s'ervdcA-.-jjf-^th-e-- late Mrs. Walker on Suiiday afternoon, and sang a number entitled “One by One.” The pastor, Rev. R. Fulton Irwin conducted the service, there being no service at Whalen on ac­ count of the "flu.”. By request, the chpir repeated jthe Christmas music morning and even­ ing last Sunday. The. regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Association was held Thursday afternoon, January the 3, in the school room of the church, with the president, Mrs. Norman Mit­ chell in the chair. Mrs. (Rev.) Ir­ win led in prayer and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson read the Scripture Lesson. The minutes of the last meeting was read and adopted. Mrs. Bryon Hicks who was elected treasurer at the annual meeting resigned and Mrs. Geo. Thompson was re-elected. Af­ ter a short business session twenty- njne members anwered- the roll call. Rev. R. F. Irwin closed the meeting' with prayer. A dainty lunch was served by several of the ladies of the T* Mills spent the week-end home here, j. jngs spent Bunda/ at of his brother-in-law, Mr. Association. the W. by attend the military is prevalent in the confined to their THAMES ROAD Mr, W the the an d Mr. , Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Kennedy Ed. were visitors Tuesday with and Mrs. Gollings'. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollen, of Exe­ ter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pollen, Mr. Trueman Fletcher attended the funeral of the late Mr. Murray, of Bayfield, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Seers entertain­ ed a jolly party on Friday evening at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan en­ tertained New Year’s Day. The school board met on Wednes­ day and ’Mr. Hy. Rhode was the new trustee elected, Mr. Wes. Johns re­ tiring. Mr. C. Borland is continu­ ing the caretaking. Sliooting Match A Shooting match was held at Farquhar on Thursday, January the 3rd at "Blue Rocks.*' Tom Austin and Frank Gollings captained sides of ten each. Tom Austin Won out with 76 broken out of 160; loosers breaking 69. A. Copeland was high­ est with 13 out of 15. Percy Pass- more and C. Brown broke IS out of 15. DUCHARME—At take Road, Township, on Dec. 31st, to and Mrs. Peter Ducharme, a. > ghtef. KRUEGER—At 14th coil., Hay on Dec. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. mor Krueger, a daughter. REGIER—At Goshen Line, Hay Tp„ to Mr. ahd Mrs* Fred Regler, ft daughter I-Iay Mr. dau- Tp. HI- Church service was held last Sun* morning and Sunday iSchonl in afternoon but, only half the ns* number were present* Most of flu patients are recovering; and number seems to he lessening day the ual the Wie ...............................E with the coming of colder Tyeather, School re-opened this week but the attendance was small. By next week we expect the majority of scfco- ars will he able to <be back again. The old council seems to he giving very good satisfaction as there were no elections this ‘year, Messrs- Skinner add Berry have been serving for serveral years, while Ben Wil­ liams and Reeve Ballaptyne are be­ ginning their third year in their present offices. Mr, Bailantyne, of course, having served pn the council before being appointed to the Reeve­ ship, Their experience ought to be worth something ter the Township tn dealing with the business as it is be­ coming more complicated with the coming of heavier traffic’ each year, Messrs. Walter Johns and W- Hey­ wood have returned to London to re­ sume their studies at Western Uni­ versity, Mrs. H. Brown, of Wlnchelsea has gone to spend the winter with her son and Hoad. daughter on the Thames GREENWAY *A very pleasing part o'f the Christ­ mas qpjffiert in the United church was thepresentation of a manicure set and an appreciative address to Miss Luejla Curts for her faithful work as organist of the church Mr. B. Goodhand read the address and Mr. L. Woodburn made the presen­ tation. Mrs. Dean Brown is recovering from an attack of the flu and pleur­ isy. A congregational meeting is to be htgjld in the United Church on Mon­ day evening January the 14th when the yearly reports will b© received. All members and, adher'ents are urg­ ed to be present. Lunch will be served. Mr. Isaac .Sr., passed away on Sunday at the home of his son Thos. after a short illnesq. Though he has been failing in health for some time he continued his activity until quite recently. Mrs. Eva Morrison, of Detroit is here caring for her mother Mi’s. H. Eggart, who has been quite ill. Mrs. Henry Belling is on the sick list.. Nearly every home in the com­ munity has had som© one ill with the flu ot suffering ffom bad colds. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bullock en­ tertained their children and grand­ children on New Year’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hotson have been visiting her parents Mr. aiid Mrs. F. Gratton, who hav© hoth been very ill. Mrs. Frank Turner and little son Ray have been ill with the flu. Next Sunday Rev. J. M* Colling will preach on the Parable of the Good Samaritan. SHIPKA church service was with- on Sunday last owing to the of tile pastor, Rev. HiS-cocks. The drawn illness Miss Martha Lamport, of London, is home at present with an attack of the “flu.” Sorry to report that Mr. Ernest Gaiser is still confined to his home through illness, Mrs. I. Tetreau has been at Grand Bend for daughter, has been quite ill but is now" impr­ oving. The annual meeting of the Ladies Aid: was held last Wednesday in the Sunday School room when the offi­ cers for tlie year were elected aS follows: President, Miss P. Keyes; Assist. President, Mrs. W. Sweitzer; Secretary, Mrs. E. Keyes; Cor. Sec­ retary, Mrs. G. Scott; Treasurer, Mrs. G. Scott; Assist. Treas., Mrs. M. Baker; Pianist, Mrs. R. Schrader Assist, Pianist, Mrs. M. Ratz; Flow­ er Comm. IMr. L. Schrader, Mrs. E. Lamport, Mrs. A. Keyes, Mrs. M. Ratz; Parsonage Com., Mrs. Baker, Mrs. L. Finkbeiner, Mrs. A. Keyes. The election of officers for the Sunday School took place last Wed­ nesday afternoon when Mr. W. Sw­ eitzer was elected Superintendent, Mr. Thos. Keyes, Assist. Supt; Mr. V. Sharp, Secretary; Mrs. G. Scott, Treasurer; Mr. T. Lamport a*nd, E. Baker, Librarian; Miss I. Sweitzer* Pianist; Mr. Thos. Keyes, Mr. G. J* Scott, Mrs* W. Sweitzer, Mr. Matt. Sweitzer, Miss P. Keyes and Mrs. George Scott, Teachers. the past week with her Mrs. P. Eisenbach, who HARPLEYf Misses NOla Hodgins and Lillian Hayter, have gone to Detroit. Mrs. W. H. Hayter has returned from a visit in Detroit with her dau­ ghters.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love, of Lu­ can, spent the Week-end with, lives. Miss Olive Eagleson spent day with .Miss Nola Hodgins. Several of the people around have been' Ill with the flu< Miss Maud Hodgins spent Sunday with Miss Lillian Hayter. ' Mr. Peter Murthy. continue* to be in very poor health. Election Day was a hot day out town, even if th* Wertbet W field* rela- Sun- her« 1 f.■i. j.,-4-i ■ife —au H a*1 uK