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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-10, Page 4
TOUKSIUT, JANUARY 10th, AfHX*■THE.WTSR.-nM^AWOCATE T tWWJ*1* >1BS. A, HODGERT DIES FOLLOWING BRIEF ILLNESS (Regina Leader) Mrs. Annie Hodgert, -aged 73 Years, wife of A« HodgeL 2358 Angus St., died at her home Friday anight, (December 28th) from com plications following influenza after: -an Illness lasting about three weeks. Mi’S. Hodgert is survived by her Iiusband, two daughters, Lillian, of Regina, and1 Beatrice, a nurse in the Vancouver general hospital; two pons, Garfield and Oliver, both of Winnipeg. Mi’, and Mrs. Hodgert came to Saskatchewan from Exeter* Ontario, tsettling in Regina in 1913. Mrs. Hodgert was a native of Cromarty, Ont., her maiden name'being Annie Lammond. She was a member of Westminster United church and took ap active part in the work of the Ladies Auxiliary during [her resi dence in the eity.” Mr. and Mrs. Hodgert motored down fonx the west last summer and made a pleasant visit among rela tives. The bereaved will have the sympathy of many friends in the East. , EDITORIAL Obituary LOCAL HOCKEY LEAGUE * POWER TO THEM!THE LATE HENRY ISAAC JNE.W TRAIN SCHEDULE Beginning last Monday a ’new train schedule was put into force on tlie L. H. & B. The morning train fo London leaves about fifteen min- txtes earlier and this train connects nt Lucan Crossing with the Toronto train and, at Hyde Paris with the ’Windsor train. There is^no change- In time of the morning 'train from London. The evening trains are ■ a few minutes earlier. - Following is the table: Going South, , To the newly-elected members of the Council and to the chos^ en representatives‘of the people on the Board of Education’ TJie Times-Advocate extends hearty congratulations. In both instances these mea are chosen for service, for achievement in behalf of the public whom they obligate themselves to serve. ■ ■ It is up to the people therefore to stand squarely behind the moa they have selected, Let them so stand when their representa tives do the right thing. Let them be unsparing but fair in their criticisn^ of them when they do the wrong thing. It is all a matter of public business and the serving of the public interest is the one thing required. No one is asking for perfection. What all are asking is a fine display of good sense, There are a score and more of things to be done in this good town that never will be done hy chaii* warmers and talk artists. Our school requires all the boost ing and attention that tlie board can give it. To rest content with present conditions is for Exeter to turn its face towards decline. A town and a school are like a man on a bicycle. They must move forward or moveoff. The time for talking is past. The time for vigorous, intelligent, action is overdue. As the old order changes and new men take their places on the boards, the people of Exetei* remember with gratitude tlie fine work done by the men who are retiring from office. The services these men have rendered, has been noted and appreciated by the citizens who know real worth and value time and stength expended unsel fishly and for the benefit of the town. WINTER.X. Tp.,(Mr. Henry Isaac, of Stephen passed away on Sunday at the home of his son Thomas, lot 16, conces- sion 22, about four miles south of Grand Bend, in his 35th year, TU® deceased ihad been ailing for about three months, Mr. Isaac was born in the United States and came to Canada as-a lad. For many years the family resided on the Lake Road and something over twenty years ago the deceased moved to a farm south of the Bend, Mrs. Isaac pre deceased him eight years in April, Tlie deceased was a fine oldi gentle man- and was highly respected by those who knew him, He is surviv ed by five daughters and four sons Mrs, John Ford, of the Lake Road; Wesley Isaac, of Stephen; Charles Isaac, Mrs. G. Milligan and Mrs, W. Sweet, pf London; Wm. of Arkona; Thomas, Mrs. Davidi Eagleson and Mrs, Wai. Eagleson, of iStephen. One daughter, Mrs. Geo. Bawden, of Lu can, died about six years ago. One Sister also survives, Mrs. Watson, of Davison, Mich. There are also about fifty grandchildren. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon con ducted by Rev. J. M. Colling, of Grand Bend-, interment in the Exe ter cemetery. All of the family were present for the funeral, The local liockey players have or ganized six-team local league and are looking forward to a lot of fun this wln|er*. The teams are, captain ed by various players and on paper seem to be fairly evenly matched so that soxne interesting games are ex pected. Some of the ■ local leagues ip past years have created great in terest. A schedule has been drawn up for the month of January and is as follows; 10 F» Creech vs. School - Hap. Wells vs. Pete Willard Laverne Harness vs, B. Medd 15 Pete Willard vs. School Hap. Wells v.S, B) Medd L. Harness vs. F. Creech 17 P&e Willard vs. L. Harness F. Creech vs, B. Medd, Hap. Wells vs School 22 L. Harness, vs. School B. Medd vs. Pete Willard F. Creech vs, Hap. Wells 24 B, Medd vs, School Pete Willard vs. F. Creech Hap. Wells vs. L. Harness Jun. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER PREDICTS YEAR WILL BE RULED BY PROSPERITY Brucefield .................. 7.58 4.28 Kippen ....................... 8.05 4.36 Hensail ................. 8.13 4,43 Exeter ....................... 8.27 4.58 Centralia .................... 8.39 5.08 Clandeboye ................. 8.30 5.18 Going North Clandeboye .................. 10»24 5.30 Centralia ................ 10.36 5.41 Exeter ....................... 10.49 5.44 Hensall ....................... 11.03 6.08 Kippen ....................... 11.08 6.13 Brucefield .................... 11.17 6.22 Sir John Aird Believes .1920 May Be EVen More Properous Than 1928. Toronto; Jan. 8.- annual meeting of the Bank of Commerce today, Aird, in his presidential predicted, unless Canada profit by the warnings of experience lie saw no reason, why tlie prosperity •of 1929 should not equal or surpass that of 192.8. He.. coupled’ this, however, with the observation that pulp and paper overproduction was the “dark spot on the horizon of the business situation” and. a warning that banks and financial houses should do all. in their power to “re- . strain the speculative tendency within reasonable bounds.” As evidence of the prosperity of the Dominion, Sir John referred to Canada’s large development of for est, mineral and waterpower re sources during the past year, and her favorable balance of trade, which amounted to an excess of ex ports over imports of more than §141,000,000 at the end of the fis- •c^[ year, March 31st. Sir John regarded it as satisfac tory to see that Premier Ferguson cf Ontario and Premier Taschereau. of Quebec had moved promptly to seek a remedy and express hope for satisfactory results in the pulp and paper situation. In warning against over-specula tion,. Sir John said it was well to re member that a rise in stock prices did not in itself increase the wealth of a .country. Among other tilings Sir John ob served that Loudon was in a fair way to re-gaining pre-eminence as an international financial centre; ’that the proposed St. Lawrence wa terways project would add immense ly to the population and prosperity; expressed hope that an early and satisfactory solution of the difficul ty of determining the medical fit- mess of British emigrants before em barkation would be-found; saw great possibilities in tlie Canada-West In dies trade relations following the in auguration of the Canadian National Railways new steamship service; and saw a great help in securing the peace of the world, if friendly rela tions between Great Britain and So- ■Addressing the Canadian Sir John address, failed to Yes, winter lias come. There’s no mistake about it. Last Saturday afternoon and night we were congratulating ourselves that winter was going to pass us by. We were, in fact, pitying the-poor " unfortunates who had departed for California or Florida while we were enjoying tie balmy days of South Huron. We saw our way clear to getting through the winter by the aid of last year’s over coat and were mildly suggesting to ouselves that madam might patch up our undies so that we could pass by th© displays so at tractively exhibited by our merchants with a complacent sense that such wiles had no claims on our attention. We even went so far as to look over our straw hat, laid aside because there was an R in the spelling of the month’s name rather than on account of any chilliness in the atmosphere. ,We went to our beds on Saturday night listening to the swish of the rain; to the gentle blowing of the wind-. But Sunday morning! Scat my! Winter had come with a vigor showing that his long, rest had put life and mettle in his heels without in any way softening ’his temper. Up and across the concession lines he rushed and howled in a very frenzy of triumph. He found his way into the byres and caused the cows to. fall off in their yield of milk. He invaded, the coal cellars and kept -us work ing all day to feed th§‘ hungry stomach of the furnace without add ing one whit to the monster’s vitality. Into the homes of grave and matronly church members came this lusty wintry weather caus ing the most reliable pew,warmers to huddle over the registers and to meditate in private. Only the" doctors and nurses were abroad, the influenza saw to that. Here and there the ’making their calls’ reminding us that the grim distinction of time or of weather for making his Yes, winter has come, and while its snow is welcomed by the children for their winter sports, it is not so welcome in the houses ’ of the poor. Britain’s 2,000,000. workless ones shiver at his cruel breath, and tens of thousands of. fojk. whose coal bins ^r.e.jtione.. too,.', full are wondering, what is to be done between now and the first). - of May. Let us hope that the fierce coldness of the early days of this week may be all that we’ll suffex' from the icy touch of father Winter. i THE LATE MRS. JAMES WALKER I wish to thank the many rate payers for the placed in me as Reeve Of also by retu/hing the another yeaf. the splend law. Agai pliments of Tihe epidemic of undertakers were Teaper knows nc devastating visits. Mrs. James Walker, of the Lon don Road South, passed away on Fri day of last week from pneumonia following influenza. The deceased was aged 77 years, 2 months and 8 days. Mrs. Walker’s maiden name was Mary Clark. She was born in Stanley Township on the Goshen Line and 57 years ago she was unit ed in marriage to James Walker, who predeceased her in February 1924. With the exception of a few years during their early married life which were spent in Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Walker resided on the Lon don Road hear what was then called Devon Corner. Two sons and two daughters' survive, Edward on the homestead.; George, of Stephen; Miss Myrtle at home and Mrs. Fred'Kerr, ofz Crediton. The eldest daughter, Mrs. Down, of Grand Bend-, passed away in August, while one son, Wil liam, made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War. One brother and three sistprs „also survive, Lanty Clark and' Mrs. Hy. Peck, of Bay5 field; Mrs. Armstrong, Clinton; Mrs Forgey, Wingham. Mrs. Walker was a member of the Centralia United church and was beloved by all who knew her. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. . F. Irwin, interment in tlie Exeter cemetery. • b. GODERICH ■ There was a keen contest fox’ mayor between H. J. A. MacEwan, who has been mayor of the munici pality for the past four years, and C. C. Lee. Mr. MacEwan was elect ed with a majority of 59. It * 4 TO I nfidence they have n again electjdg me fir splendid village and council for "pleased with given the By- you the com- season. CHAS. B. SNELL We a supp HURON COUNTY COUNOTv ASHFIELD—John A. McKenxl* Thomas Anderson, BLYTH—Dr. W. J. Milne ; BRUSSELS—A, C. Bapkei’ ' COLBORNE—Hugh HUI GODERICH TWP.—John ton. GREY—-Henry A- Keyes; ihg. HAY—L, H. Rader HOWICK—Thomas Ingles; 'PUty-reeve, George Hubbard HULLETT—E. Adams MORRIS—W. J. Henderson McKILLQP—John Dodds STANLEY-rr-A, R. Keyes STEPHEN—A, ,H. Neeb; W Sweitzer, TUCKERSTdttTH— Roland Ken nedy. TURNBERRY-—-Isaac Wright USBORNE—James Ballantyne W. WAWANOSH—Wm. Mole E. WAWANOSH—F. D. Stalker GDINTON—N. W. Trewartha GODERICH—Robert E, Turnery W. Craigie. EXETER—C. B. Snell HENS ALL—Robert Higgins SEAFORTH—J, W. Beattie WINGHAM—J. W. McKibboxa I J. i I J 1929 PERTH COUNCIL THE ELECTORS OF EXETER wish to express thanks for th support ^sincere ven. me at the polls on Monday in/Fe-ele.cting me to the CoiMpil. services Mr whi interests/bf tl romise my best • may be in the town. ■s truly H. BIEBLING Blanshard1—George Keith. | Downie—John Armstrong North Easthope—Conradi Schmidt. South Easthope—Hy. Leinweber ' Ellice—George Koch ; Ellice (deputy)—d. |M’. Arbogast j Elma—W. A. Dickson j Elma (deputy)—L. Willoughby # Fullarton—A. Roach ft Hibbert—Jos. Nagle j Logan—Jas. Douglas .. 1 Mornington—J. Fleming -K f Wallace—J. T. McLaughlin . f Listowel—A. Ringler f MitchelL-*-D. C. ’Hanson > ? MRVertou—Dr. P. L. Tye f TO ‘I THE ELECTORS OF EXETER this opppn’tunity .of ■_ .ion for the n me at the nd: I can assure rs that the town’s five my very careful wish to tak expressing my splendid suppor polls on Mond my many supp interest shall attention.' recia CLEARING AUCTION SALE — of — FARM STOCK, IMPLE3IENTS FEED ANUS’ Sincerely yours H.. C. RIVERS THE ELECTORS OF EXETER wish to Yhank those wha> had courage to] vote for Upa«*first wo- t any e’tec'tion in Exe- ,lt is nfore than. grat- ^bp/lain ‘Tours^truly Mrs. Roxie Beavers I tlie man to conted ter. The resxl ifying to me. I Thanking yr TO [onday last THE ELECTORS OF EXEJBE wish to than : you handsome vole on/ I the _ ______ _ _____„ ___ and will do my >est/ to merit this confidence. Y< have- by REEVE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Polls ................1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Reuben Goetz ........-43 139 54 44 15 120 14 14 62 405 Alex H. Neei> ........32 ‘51 21 66 ■74 46 ;55 36 42 . 423- DEPUTY-REEVE i Ches. Mawliinney 32 49 48 ' 72 38 50 13 15 ‘ 45 362 Wm. H. Sweitzer 3 6 16 28 ■37 47 85 57 28'56 390 COUNCILLOBS Wes. Dearing .......67 72 56 62 29 53 '20 12 41 412 S? J. Finkbeinex' ..11 32 37 38 24 45 18 ■5 15 225 Edward Gill ...... . 54 57 27 64 44 88 .52 49 107 542 Elmex’ Lawson .....27 17 19 32 61 26 21 12 28 243 Petex’ Martene .....23 21 29 53 27 76 28 4 7 268 Isaiah Tetreau ....16 16 34.41 31 96 33 17 50t 334 Total xiumbei’Of votes . 865 irs Sincerely S. M. SANDERS years old; general 10 years old; aged^^k horse; Agri. geld-wK# Agri, filly yearling; 10 years old, quiet: 1 THE ELEC wish to tak HAY TOWNSHIP Iff TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP STANLEY TOWNSHIP HULLETT TOWNSHIP McGtLLlVRARY TOWNSHIP MITCHELL COLBORNE TOWNSHIP Ar-Gol cl- ti me. HIIiBERT TOWNSHIP MORRIS TOWNSHIP A.J. Bemiott and! Brown, W. 3> Brydges, Wm. Sliorf- Edward Gill, Wesley Dearing and Isaiah Tetreau elected. me the you tions between Great Britain and viet Russia were restored. * RS OF STEPHEN ip- faVm Councillors—Peter McEwen 113; James McTavish 113; Edward Baird 95; Richard Wilton 87. 227; Thom Mug- Tlie Fisher, A. N. McLarty ill. named, Young, Wilson are the council- Now is the time to renew youxj subscription to the Times-AdtdCate^ ’ Reeve—Art. P. Keyes Council—John Etue, Goldie Gra ham, Mervvn Hanley, Fenwick Ste wart. this opportunity of appreciation of the le at^'the' polls on my the Reeve—Loiiis Rader Council—E. Walper, A. IMellick, D. Ducharme and William Alexand er. ificere thanks given As in eve Reeve—E. Adams was elected over Matthew Armstrong by a ma jority of 52. Council—James Leiper, H. Mog ridge, Jaines Forbes, Robert Lawson Reeve—W. J. Henderson Councillors— J, McGill, romflse, to, -give ' /fxii'terests of incerely yours ED. GILL cultivator, set of iron liar- roller, 2-furrow riding riding plow; 1..^/ walking ploy3p. .ivatob, 2 nbot. . . ,./l York-7r>shoats, 12!5 zlibs. each; i TO Beyond I ure wl on to-/ the fou/dation now, by business v... . .r.f >■ EAST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP Reeve—F. D. Stalkex* Councillors—J. Campbell, R. Reid W. Kerr, J. Thompson. I expressing my support given Monday arid best services municipality. BLYTH Reeut?—Dr. W. J, Milne Councillors—C. Bell, W. Johnston W. Mills and J. c, Heffron. Mayor---W. A. Abray, 327; tlitir Mutton 270. < Reeve—William Balfour 251; D. C. Hanson 325. Utilities Commission—F. Levy 435: M. Durkin 165. A vote on the by-law to change the tfiaxu * from Market Square to MettLorltil Square was defeated by 04. ' . -Councillors —. John Thorn Levy 373 bedded the Drill; Geo.. Ronnen berg 36u; S. A. Hewitt. 337; W. H. HotP.L 373: William Bennett 278; F. MoCIriCklln 269 Xevy f.rt-’ new nieri. USBORNE TOWNSHIP Reeve—J. S. Ballantyne Council—Wm. Skinner, Dan Dew, B. -S. Williams and Hugh Berry (all by acclamation.) WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP Reeve—William Mole, elected, by a majority of 53 ovei’ James Forster Co/mcillors—Wm. Sitewart, 234; Frank Todd 218; William Carr 170; Thomas Webster 168. Keys was re-elected majority of 62 over ex McNabb, deputy-reevesliip J. F. elected in1 a threri-cor- over Oliver Hemingway GREY TOWNSHIP Henry A. Reeve by a Reeve John Frii’ the Collins was nered fight rind- Joseph McKay, Councillors-—> Thomas Dougherty, Silas Johnston and Robert McDonald TO THE RATEPAYERS THE TOWNSHIP OF ST N Kindly aVePt my for the splendid s at the polls onday! past I will endeavour to to the best of my ability. Yours sincerely WESLEY DEARING To.-Morrow t f future succi&s or fail- ill depend ery largely [day’s preparation. takini train ng her/. Reeve—-H. Hill 181; A. tliorpe 176. Councillors—W. L. Young Aarou Fisher 196; William 195; Frank Wilson 165; ford 120; first four Thom and lors-^lect, Sidney Emery was elected to the Reeveship by a majority of 34 river his opponent, Henry Belling, For the dopxfty reeveship, W. J. Allison defeated Cecil Elhvood by a major ity of 96. The -council was elected by acclamation, but, as only' two of the nominees Qualified, another nom ination meeting for councillors must be held, Reeve—Joseph Nagle, by 84, ma jority, ■ z Councillors—Robert Birphall, 'G'00 Vivian’ John Hockney and W, Toff* uatei McNeil & Nairn, auctioneers, ' received instructions to sell public auction, on Lot 18, North. Thames Road, USBORNE one-quarter mil© west of Forquhar," , • — on---- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1920^ Commencing at 12 o’clock sharp: HORSES—Agi-i, Mare Agri. Gelding. 7 years 'did; heavy draft mare 10 purpose gelding neral purpose ing 2 yea/s old; driving xixare, and reliable. dATTLE—Holstein cow due at. time of sale; Holstein cow due in. ’ Afln’il; 3 Durham cows, milking a months; 2 Durham cows due in Feb ruary; Durham cow due in March; 7 steers, two years old; 4 pure bred, lieifbrs two years old; 3 Durham.’ steers, rising two ‘years; 10 Durham heifers rising two years; 7 Durham calves, rising 1 yexir old;; pure bred. Shorthorn bull, 3 years old. HOGS—3 brood sows with litter- ' by their side; 2 brood sows;xdue in March; 3 young sojvs, bred shire hog; ’ „ '' __ _________r20 slioats, 8071bs. each; J2 pigs, 10- weeks old. FOWL—2p Barred Mock pullets;. 75 Barred Mock liens;, HAY & -gMaiN—14 tons of choice mixed hay$200 bushels of turnips; 800 bushel| of mjXed grain; 600 bu shels of choice sedd oats. IMPLEMENT^X-M.H. i............. 6-ft cut; 2fMax^fell mowers, 5-ft cut; steel hay ajake, 2 seed drills, disc harrow, < ’''' rows, lam plow, single-furrow riding plow ~ gang plow; '2 Fleury - 2 scufflers, .corn cultivatoi’, _ ___ pulpers, set of scales, 2 fanning pulls- manure spreader, 1 Bain wagon/with, box and springs, 2 sets of trucks, "S sets of sleighs, gravel box, hay x-ack, stock rack, rubber tired top buggy,, steel tired buggy, Portland cutter, 2: open cutters, cream separator, 'milk pails, 3 sets of double harness, 2r sets of single harness, horse blan- kets, Buffalo robe, -hay fork, car, 2’ ropes-; sling ropes, 2 set of whiffle-^ W trees, 4 ladders, 20. cedar posts, 3 dozen grain bags. 2 dozen sacks, 10O' tile, a quantity of cord wood and rails, a quantity of house-hold fur niture, a quantity of lumber, steel fence bjaces. FORD .SEDAN, 1926 model, first class shape. Positively no reserve as tlie is sold. ■ I This sale will start sharp on TERMS OF SALE All sums of $10.00 .and undex* cash. Ovei’ that amount 8 months'’ credit will bo given on furnishing approved joint notes with interest at 5 per cent. MRS.' REBECCA STEWART , Proprietress S. ADAMSON, Clerk McNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers tical C. B. C. grad- bjfsiness leaders.aro NJ JW . Wed test Writ EAR TERM opens y, JANUARY 2. 1929 .- o-day for particulars. STRATFORD,