HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-10, Page 1I 31 I a and friends ae^ahd sympathy ex­ Mr. Murray's illness The family of the J>4.e WalkerSvisli to than cocks for fioftdttcth vice at the ;home/< Fred Kerr befor EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY JOth, 19J20 FIFTY-FIFTH .YE^.’NQ, Wf SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR JANUARY REMNANTS--Hundreds to Clear at Bargain Prices New Comforter Chintz WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF NEW PATTERNS IN CHINTZ FOR COMFORTERS, 3 6s INCHES WIDE TO SELL AT 25 c,’A YARD. SPECIAL VALUES -BOTH WOOL AND COTTON BATTING IN FULL COMFORTER Figured Prints MANY NEW’PATTERNS HAVE JUST ARRIVED IN THE NEW PRINTED MATERIALS FOR DRESSES, APRONS, ETC. COLORS GUARANTEED ABSOL­ UTELY 'FAST-■ ' ' ' ■ ' ' Bargains in Ladies’, Misses’ & Children’s Winter Coats EVERY COAT MUST '-GO ’ REGARDLESS OF CGST.1 THESE^'ARE REAL BARGAIN PRICES. 20% - Discoxuit off all Ladies’ anA'Misses’ fine dresses* Extra Special Values LADIES’ SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY REGULARLY ?lO’o’ FOR LADIES’ SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY'REGULARLY 75c. FOR .... BOYS’ HEAVY ALL WOOL double knee hosiery, black only REGULAR.PRICE $1.25 TO CLEAR AW....................................................... 89c. a pair MEN’S-HEAVY-FLEECED UNDERWEAft’' AT . 89c. A’GARKIENT MEN'S HEAVY ■RIBBED UNDERWEAR- AT ........................ 98q. A GARMENT- LADIES’ FU1UCOATSL-.1 ONLY/FRENCH SEAL COAT REG. $140.00 FOR $100.09 1 ONLY PERSIAN LAMB COAT, SABLE COLLAR AND CUFFS TO CLEAR AT §225.00. Men’s & Boys’ Overcoats at Bargain Prices ' , OUR STOCK OF MEN’S ROYS, AND JYOUTHS? OVERCOATS, THROWN ON THE BARGAIN TABLE AT CUT-RATE PRICES BEFORE-THE WINTER'IS HALF OVER. ‘ A List of Seasonable Bargains MEN’S 15 INCH-LEATHER-TOP RUBBERS ON SALE @ .............. $4.50 a pdir ; peabody combination overalls on sale ...s.... $2,75 a suit BOYS’’ WOOL .WINDBREAKERS, • PLAI.D’ AND CHECKS PATTERNS.' HERE’S ‘ ^O.UR'VCHANCE-'?BOXS -$'2.'75 "eahm ■ . MEN’S'SiTRfPE OVERALLS .REGULAR‘.^3.25 .TO.. $2.50 ON SALE'$1-75 a pair* '''WOMEN’S HIGH ZIERER OVERSHOE^' 'JE£SHYS $1,98 a pair Menf> Winter Caps on Sale at 90c each. MEN'S AND WOMEN’S'$4.50 SKATING BOOTS; ON SALE @ $3; 75 A PAIR MADE OF FINEST CALF LEATHER AND MADE WITH ANKLE SUPPORTS* • buy your hockey boots now, while we haveall sizes K A A, A. ... .. ....... ........ ............—T.- r--r~-.................-....... :...- ....- . - , Heaman’s Hardware | For Your Stock' i, '• ’ ‘ 15SE ROYAL PURPLE J : . ; StOCk Specific ; ’ •/ ' j 7(ioC.'ah<l $i.7o iYpkgb, J ROYAL FUliPDE , ’ L Calf Meal. . a bag 1 jv ■. ROYAL. PURPLE . a \ ' b ■ cough 0uYe. j ' . \ EALTS.' AND. SULPHUR * For, Your Poultry j ' USE . ROYAL PURPLE poultry Specif io . \ ; U5c. and $1.75 Roup Cure■ 30c. andi 60c. ’ Oyster Shell i ^1.50 a bag ’ * Grit $1.50 a, hag . BEEFSCRAP ZEN.OLEUM • INAL DISINFECTANT Sprayers 75c. ; CROSS CUT SAWS . . VOLUNTEER S«-0<) v ‘ fg^ihwiiteed) V . RAtiER AND l>REMnsiR ’ ' ’ ' | *'' $8-Q0 „ Gifarantoed A.XES1' $i,3D up Handled .AXES $2.25 . SAW WB®GES AND CHOPP- ' ING WEDGES ' Indian, ilandjes 75c, < TINSMITHING and PLUMBING h Heaman’s Hardware & Stove Store ‘ij b, > . -“Wd allow coupons, for cash- » Public Motice All public meetings, s al, Sunday Sichoo Schools, ,Theatre authorized to ’be day, January I of -the Board of Exeter, January * •ST^^VAKT^nBEST • A wet but pretty ^wedding was Sblemnfzed oh Wednesday evening, wh^n Mrs, Mary Best, .widow' of' the late Dr. R. C, Rest, of London, 'was ttftlted. in marriage to Robert Alex­ ander Stewart, how of London, forip- 'iSrty df ExeteX. The^RevZDr. W. R. McIntosh performed the ceremony. Miss . Irene Stewart, of Exeter, dau- jj^ter of the. groom, and Harold Best the* bride's, son. signed the register. The bride was dressed: becomingly in sand crepe de chine -and carried a Ijplmuet of pink and White tions, ‘^The table was set for 12 add all partook of a splendid at the supper hour, > Those present including the Couple were; Rev.' McIntosh, Mr, and lifts. .0. Sinfield, Mts, V. Freeland and son, Gordon, Miss. Irene Ste- vvart, of--Exeter, Miss Beatrice Tjl- bury, Miss Velma Johnson, Harold Best, James Taylor,2 of Exeter-and jt A, McLaughlin, ■ ' Mr. an,d Mrs. Stewart will reside in London, guests repast bridal THE LATE ANGUS MURRAY f Angus Murray died at his. home op. Main St. oh Wednesday night. The deceased.,was in lijs 76th year an.d h.ad' retired to 'town last spring. He was born tin Stahley where he farmed for a number of years and inter selling the homestead he mov-‘ ed to the Sauble- Line, now the Blue. Water Highway, and from there to a‘;fUrm ill. Tuckersmith, east of Hen- s>U. He ■ is survived by his widow and a family of four, two sons Gar­ net, of Usboime. and; Cecil, of Tuck- ejSmith, and two daughters, Mrs. Robert’ Talbot, of Edmonton and Mrs. Wm. R. McKewen, of London., Besides, three sisters survive, " Mrs. George Saunders, of Toronto, Mrs. Wni, Palmer, of .Hamilton and Sifts. •(Rev.) R. Murray, of Chicago. The funeral was held on, Friday t'Q. Bayfield ’cemetery. .The service Was.'in charge of Rev. C. J. Moor- hhusK Of Main St, United -church, mem- of the q'f:'Which the. deceased was a per, assisted by Rev. J. Foote Pjresbyterian church. J^lTlI OF PARKHILL’S *‘ OLDEST RESIDENT s- xwsi;- ■t vf i *■ (hURD OF-i^HANKS.^ Mrs;- Angus. Mti/Fay anyesmily de- ,-sire -to exptes^fheir j^ete thanks the manyjflAIgh the kin ■tended dinh ,nnd death* CARD OF THANKS' & Mary : Kir. His- ptlvate w* Mr. and e remains •M word gregation- [lic and *High ;v' are. hereby osed until, Mon- 1929,. by order Health. ■ . . c. h; S21NDEM Chairman 9, 1929. BIRTHS -1 General January HEYWOOD—- lit. the Exeter , .Hospital on Saturday, 5 th, to Mm and Mrs, Gordon “Hey­ wood, of Usborm?, a. son. ■ .1 WEBBt—At Grand Bend,, January 5th, to Mr« and Mrs* Elgin ’dTebb a daughter. „ . ”" iCENNEDYr-In Usborne-„on Wednes­ day, January’ 2nd .to Mr.; and iMfs, Edgar Kennedy, (hee Marjorie Gollings) a 'daughter^ Donna Ber­ nice. removed to her own home; also to the many friends and neighbor^ of that community for the kindness and sympathy aii/1 ais^./Rev, Mr. Ir­ win and Choir df Centralia church; to the siinday WWoi and the nhtttMi for the fiowerMand to others who’ sent flowers and loaned their cats^ ! Word has been received of the death of Mr. Wm. W’slake, of W- burn, Sask., a former resident this community, Mr. KetWks was at one tihm a blacksmith at Exeter' and also- at i»mw» Korslake- of tow and Shell , are brother and Mr, Robert Mrs. William, sister of of on H MARRIAGES WALKER-—DAVIS—At the TriVitt rMemorlai chircli on Wednesday, January 9th, Miss .Josephine Davis daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Davis, to Mr. otto Walker, son Mr, and Mrs. Oswald YVaiker, Cromarty, by Rev* W. Jones. y DEATHS KERSLAKE—In Weybitrn, Sask., Friday,-January 4th-; William Kersiake, age 74 years, 11 mos, ISAAC—in Stephen Tp., Lot 16,> Gon 22,-on Bunday, Jatitfety 6, 1929, Henry Isaac, in his sstlt year. WALKER—In Usborno Tp„ on Fri­ day, January the 4th, 19<29, $fary' Clark, widow of the into James . Wdikeryaged 77 ^years,' $ months, , a'nu days. AFFL^ON—In Hensen on Tues­ day, January sth, 1929, Thomas Winfred Appleton, In his - 42nd yebr* WARD—in Detroit, on Friday, Jan­ uary 4th, Cora Hod-gins,* beloved Wife of CL Ward and daughter of the lata hir, and Mr& Jamesdt the late- Mr* and Mr& lodging, of Credlton. Wj Can Help r<u Our' method < -xs complete and qur &rwa m.o,dg.r<to<r Office hours 9.30 to 1'2 a,.m. l,?0 to;5 p,m. ” ■ ?•; Evening by appointment S. FITTON ; Phonp ?5w . OPTOMETRIBW DA Opera Hiouse, EXETER Snell Re-Elected Reeve Old Council Re-Elected *■ T". K M# Sanders, W. IL Peiilmle., EIJ, , .< -i ’nultis 'and Thus* Jones Elected, tor School Board, By-Law to Loan $10,000 to Colum­ bia Handle .‘Works Carries, with . big'MajOrltyrt /Reeve C. B. ^nell-and all the old, ^embers of the Municipal Council1 were sustained at. the polls on Mon­ day. Thus the ratepayers, have ex? pressed their satisfaction, with -the administration of the town’s affairs during the past year* add have giyen tl|e old council a mandate tq carry op for another 12 months. In a three cornered fight for the Reeveship c, nV* Snell was, elected over Wr. D, Sanders by a majority of 132 and a majority over both candidates ’ of' 93j On Monday 583 votes were poll­ ed , for Reeve as compared^ with 66.5- last year when Mi*. Snell’s .maj­ ority was’ 263 over Mr, ‘Sanders/] This year, ovring to% a recent auto 11 accident, Mr* Sanders was confined. to his home and was unable to meet the yoters. As will be seen by the above fi­ gures the vote- this year was not nearly as'heavy as last year. Sick-’ ness, no doubt, had1 much to do with the decreased vote. The weather oil Monday was .cold and stormy very similiar to what it was a year.ago when pleasure sleighs were used to- get out the vote. E,-: J. Christie headed the polls both last year and .this, the vote last year being Chris­ tie’’42 5; Francis 40*3; Rivers 391 and Bierling 2911 For the Board of Education four members have been elected, the members having dropped out new old ■'■A The. death took-place in Barkb.ill on Suhddy of Mr* Moses Mawson the oldest'resident Of the town at the ripe ol’d age of 96 -years. Mr. Maw­ son wds the father-in-law of Mr. Thomas Appleton, of towm and grandfather of Mrs,. Jv IL Sims, Ern­ est and Gordon Appletpn. During, the. Oldi .Boys’ celebration in Park­ hill last summer Mr. Mawson had the experience • Of ‘an aeroplane flight. ■ The funeral was held Tues­ day but owing to the. death of Mr. Thomas, Appleton, .of - Hensail rela­ tives’in-Exeter were unable to attend the funeral in Parkhill.' Kiu- Jan- I Cameron, Thos. Sanders, W, IX Sn&ll, 0.B. Bierling, Christie, DIED IN KINCARDINE Thpre passed, away ,in4 the cardine hospital, on. Thursday, uary 3rd,. Mr.,Nicholas McAvoy, hq having, passed away after a few* weeks’ illness from an, acute attadk of kidney trouble. The lived nearly all his life Line, just ,a few miles dine, and is survived Mrs. McAvoy, of town Clifford , A. McAvoy, Wingham; also hne sister, Mrs, Mar­ garet josser and two. brothers, Pat­ rick and John McAvdy, both of the South-Line.- The funeral took place Saturday -afteruRon from Mnrrison's J Funeral parlors, Kincardine. Mrs. j McAvoy and her sister, Miss Ample Sanders attended the" funeral re-1 turning Tuesday evening, Mr, Mc­ Avoy will.be reiiiembered here by1 a numbmwaf our” residents, he having lived hers fob seyeral years. deceased, had on the South from Kincar- by his wife, and one son druggist, ®f HERALD MAN VICTIM OF INFLUENZA Mr. Thomas'Appletoil, of Hensail, passed away Tuesday morning, a vic­ tim Of; the influenza epidemic which Is sweeping the country. The de­ ceased, who Was a veteran of the Great" War, WW in his 42 nd year. He was taken* ill about two and a half weeks'previous to hlb\death and for a number of days he Was in a criti­ cal condition.* He was horn on Jan­ uary 27y 1887, on a farm West of Mt. Carmel and in 1912 he was unit­ ed in marriage with Miss Florence Cook, .of Hiensali, who with two sons Harold and Aidon mourn the loss of a loving husband and father, He served overseas in the Great War, eniistitlg with the 16.1st battalion, and following the close of the war he was a resident of Exeter until in 1924 he mov&d to- Hensali whore ho has been employed' aa sectionman With the C.N.Rw;Besides his.’Wife ana family Ij^^^ufVived by his father, Mr». of Ex­ eter; one Mfes. j, K.SIpm wd : two br^theffei Wneit and Gordon, ail of tbwih .'^he funeral, private, win be held Thursday afterhoodj. inter* mani & tM Exeter cemotefy. SHIRTY AND pSGANG /.Pep / AD^rssio^LgentS $i.oe •iBdies^. f bringing Lunch will m^ijufed 25 c. to defray necessary lunch' expenses in case of Shortage.. EXETER DANCE COMMITTEE r Danc'e Band » from the runnij^. There were- five- in the field ana Mrs. Beavers, first woman ever to contest an elec­ tion. in Exeter, although being de­ feated, polled a very fine yote, / Tjie By-law-to loan the Columbia Handle and Lumber Co., of Londtta, $10,000 foi' a period of-ten years, for the purpose of loeating iri Exe­ ter received little opposition at the polls.- The.majority for the By-law was 263’. The vote • necessary, carry the-By-law was 233. The returns were as follows: Total REEVI ................. » 2 .,12!...20' •'5 39 ........ 83 r 21 206 .................. 90 139 so ' 29 338 tWNCILLORS .......... 52 105 si;.'5 6 29'8 , V ...... ................85 143-.. . 1071“si ' 372 . '. ,:.L5; ;. 1 ■ .346 . ,./ :. Yr - " 324 .L, ......-■ 88' '143 ". 97 ■>’39.367 ........................63 -44 75 , 25 - ' 43. 6 9. 'isk'-'b-' .A HjL E. J. .. B?SL;" 'Rivets,' Taylor,' John .... Williams, G. N. Councillors—Christie, Rivers, Ffancis and Bierling elected. ■ OF EDUCATIONBOARD Beavers, Mrs. Roxie E. .... 46 94 Coultis, Eli ....... 101 ’132 Jones, T. ............ 79 102 Pen hale, W. H... 117 T36 Sanders, S. M. .... 139 143 Sanders, Coultis,.Penhale and Jones elected. BY-LAW '269' 359 • :421 Majority 263. Vote necessary to carry, 233 For ...............................;...... 85 99 89 33 306 Against .*..e...........;............... 11 19 13 0 .■43 HALIBUT, B WERRINGS, dres* * mon ■ , SEA. MERIOG^, LAKb SUlWlWHL &■ WHITE Kn?PRttS> M1 bs, HMMS, CLIMK W&' < -■ ■ *.'' '.,. ."'•* ■ '■ •' .<*'