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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-03, Page 12
h THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Bakl r/'' ' '• ■< 1 ' LOCALS Lu. John Henman, ot Harms worth js visiting hte sister, Mrs. Wm ToawlinsQp., -of Toronto, visit-M ..... , ........ ...... .. .. for' ayew days during tire week with Mr. and-Mrs. Wm.- Karulcl?/ . Tomlinson gave a w interesting address on Africa illusfratetd with curios .at the James BL Sunday. School Sunday afternoon. Andrew Gibson, pfc llsborne, last; week underwent a seco«d. ’ ation at the Exeter Hospital, TWO doeto'rs • werq. in attendance, from, London. The operation w.as a suc cess, ail'd iMps.. Gibson , is getting along as well; as can he expected. NINE WEATHER PLENTY OF; “FLU” Ideal,weath has prevailed for the Christmas and; New.,,Years holidays, and many viators have enjoyed a 1 reunion with relatives and friends, One thing thing that hag marred the ; Christmas vacation has been the prevalence of...the flu. Many homes; have been visited and several deaths; have taken place throughout the community. At pesept several'busi ness men qf ’town .are confined to ■ their homes,..among them being M». R. -Complin, AV. AV. Taman, T. O, Southcott, T. Elliott, and Hy. Bierl ing, The Lye-opening of the public and high school has been postponed until Monday next. Exeter Markets Wkeat-$1.2S " ' ‘ Oats 5 do, Barlev 70c. Manitoba Flour 43.65 Blend Flour $3.65 Pastry Fleur $345 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.85 ' Shorts. $1,90 Manitoba Flour $345 Creamery Butter 47c. Dairy Butter 40-43c, Eggs extras 40c, Eggs,(.puljet$: extras 34c- Eggs;' Seconds . 260. Hogs $940 Live Hens, 13 io 19c. Live Chicken 16 to 25c. DitCltS, colored, 16c Rucks, white, 18c Dressgd/poultry, 5c per lb. / live. ' - Dressed milk, fed chicken 28-31C ^s. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. JAS. FOOTE, Minister Special Christmas Services 10 a.m.-—tiunday School. 11 a.m.—“Th© Tares and the Wheat’ The Minister 7 p.pi.—“The Longing for a Load” The Minister over JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D, McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlng, A.T.C.M. “Organist and Choir-Leader Special New Year’s Message 11 a,mJ—“Christ’s Call ance,” -SpnJay School -J<The Parable of 3 7 p.m.- p.in.- to, Repen- <£oaals _J .• ■ ■' " ■ I __„____ _ the Sewer” 1st in ‘series on “The Kiri-g, talks .of His Kingdom,” WANT COLUMN Now is the time to >buy your .un derwear, sweater boats, toques, mitts,- and footwear while the prices are down.—H, Bierling, Hay. FOR SALE—-One International Sugar■ Beet. Lifter (nearly new) Ap ply to Hugh Dalrymple, R-. R. No. 1, Cromarty. Phone 8r3 Kirkton. 12-20-4tp NOTICE—Dressmaking done very reasonably; also fuj‘ work done: .Sa tisfaction guaranteed^ Apply to .Mrs. N. (Hockey. 11-29-tfc * HORSES FOR. SALE OR EX CHANGE—AVe always have a num- , her of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.—G. J.’ 4 Dow. . • 6,7,tfc- POULTRY; WANTED—We are in the market for all kinds of poultry paying the highest prices; also live- • rabbits. Trucks will call. Phone TFC Trucks will call. #1,30, Dashwood, C. Anderson £ .1; r L Now is the season xo have /grinder, engine, pump jack f erusheiAepaiyed. . Cochrane Machihe; you? and rL Vote'for the By-law. Miss Annie Simmons spent New Years in Windsor. Miss Hazel Collingwood, of Pon tiac, Mich., is visiting in Exeter. Mrs. Lila- Stone, of Hamilton, is ■ visiting in Exeter and Credjton. Mr, Thos, Boyle, of Toronto, visit ed with friends in towp on Friday last. ' Miss Anderson and Miss Russell, of Russeldale, are quite ill with in fluenza; Mr. J. W- Taylor hqs been, confined to his home since ’Friday last with the flu. Mrs, Rd. Davis’ returned home last week after spending Christmas in Detroit. Mrs. David Richards is seriously ill at her ho,me with a nurse in at tendance-. Miss Mona , Gould,, of Stratford, was the guest of Miss Amy Shapto.u for ’New Years. Mr. Johnston, of Toronto, visited his daughter, Mrs. H. K. Hyndman, over the' holidays. , s Miss (Myrtle Beavers, of Lev,?* holidaying at the home of -J; mother Mrs. Ida' Beavers..'', Mr. Norman Heaman, of Star buck, Map., is visiting his father Mr. Jer. Heaman, of Stephen. 'MrL and^-Mrs; F. P. Swartz, of Tor onto/ visited over the week-end with Mr. aiid4trs. H. C. Clarke. •, - MfssrElIa Shapton has been spend ing-‘ Vie holidays visiting with rela- /tiv.e#’ in Dundas and Toronto. MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston . a,m.—“Christ’s Call to Repent ance.” This is the first, subject of the week of prayer". p.m.—Bible School p.m.—“The Courage and Coward ice of Sin.” 7:30 Thursday, our mid-week prayer service. Main St. will observe a week of prayer every evening’ next week be ginning at 7:’3O p.m. 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector Sunday After Christmas 11 a.m.—Matins, Litany and Sermon 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon .f la- ; • ■ ■ ■ ■• ANNUAL MEETING ^Ukshx Annual Meeting of the Exeter ” tM^.val Society will’ be held '• '' Hall on Friday, Janu ary i., t0 8 p.m., when the annual re,'^ual $the officers will be presented,^tion of new officers will be^^-g ^d general business tfansnetX J. G. Stanbury,7 **, V/t you wish to buy, sell or rent ,a —see- R. E. Pickard; Exeter.' Suf Dr. F. G. Ba.nting is now experi- x-«.|(ienting With “royal jelly” the food “■which the . bees feed to develo.p the ■’flieeii bee. Some aparists , think' •that this stuff, which is said’to pro pion® the life of the queen bee for ■j^j.severa.1 years, may have some merit yas a foodL for. human beings, It is ■, worth-trying to find out just what is F’_ is' composed of. ... ;Ws do'not know the analysis of '• < “Royal Jelly” but we do know the analysis of our feeds therefore we ■ liad better work on what we have un til ..Dr. Banting gets his “Royal. Jelly” .perfected. - We ave a Calf Meal that will help / out on your calves' and little pigs. ¥<S the cheapest on the market. ■ i.' ■ Harvey Bros. It ,r LOOK—Anyone wishing 0 THURSDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 192* / ’entai PfC’.'Araie'r ’ in- nr 7 Southcott Bros BARGAINS MEN’S If you are still needing a New Winter Overcoat now is your opportunity to buy at Barg: ’ Prices before the Winter is half over, All Coats Greatly Reduced Clearing of Odd Lines and Remnants WE ARE TAKING STOCK THIS WEEK AND WILL /PLACE ON OUR COUNTERS MANY ODD LINES AND REMNANTS THAT HAVE BEEN GREATLY REDUCED FOR QUICK. SELLIN^. WATCH THIS SPACE KOR SPECIAL STOCK-TAKING BARGAINS'N^T WEEK. WE STILL HAVE A FEW LADIES’ COATS WHICH WE WILL OF FER AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR WE MUST CLEAR THE BALANCE OF OUR COATS AND ARE OFFER ING SPECIAL PRICES FOR JANUARY. SEE THESE BEFORE YOU BUY. AL$O, REDUCTIONS ON SOME LINES IN DRESSES. SILK AND WOOL HOSE All light shades, in silk and wool mix ture, medium weights AT PER PAIR 79c. LADIES’ VESTS Special clearing sale of V-neck, short sleeve Vests, good weight AT PER^ GARMENT 69c. ?t^temenvejt. 30% bel: Mr. Nelson Hill, of Toronti;^' The number *‘*di JJ, the same, Mrs. Hill returned | lies Vera McDonald, of St. Thom- spent New Year’s with her par- Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDonald. ss Ruby Treble, of Toronto, t the holidays at the home qf rother, Mr. Ed. Treble. MiXS Jean McMillan, of Ridge town, *,yas the guest of Miss Stella Southcott^ over the week-'bnd.' Miss A.\Pilkie, of Sarnia, has re turned to lier home after visiting with Mr., arid Mrs. F. Bawden. Mr. E. J. Pym .entertained Sunday School class of boys one ternoon and evening lash week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lloyd and dau ghter Beverley June, of Toronto, spent the holidays With Mr. L. Day. Mr. and iMrs. Thomas Hern, of Norwich, spent New Years with the forriier’s parents, Mr. and Horn. Miss Carrie Anderson, ; sor, spent father, Mr. borne. M’arjory, fit Mr. arid Stephen, is monia., .s . Rev, R. E. Southcott has return ed to Morpeth after visiting week with his mother, Mrs. (Southcott. , Mr. Bruce Rivers returned position) at Southcott. being confined to his week with lumbago. Mr. Chas. Kersiake, underwent an operation in St. Jo seph’s hospital/ London, is making satisfactory recovery. Mrs. R. J. Brown, of Morrin, Al berta, is visiting with Mrs* C. Hey wood of town. Mrs. Brown recent ly visited in Montreal, New Years Day was celebrated at the home of Mrs. Wm. H, Hooper, of town, her brothers James and W. Oke being present frbm Centralia. Mr. John, Trevethick,- of. Brinsley, and daughter Verna, nurse in Biood- gett Hospital, Grand Rapids, visited Mr. and Mrs, M. Amy last Wednes day, Mrs, Thomas Rundle and son Ed gar .have been im Oshawa during the past week' Where, they were called UW/ng’to* the death of Mrs. Rundle’s his af- Mrs. Jas. of Wind- with herthe holidays James Anderson, of Us- ed with his mother, Mrs/ Jas. for New Years. with him a,nd will visit for spine time with her sons in? Toronto and/ Hamilton. ' ’ / Last week mention was. made* of the death of Mrs. AVm. Bagshaw*^ brother, at Nairn, and we neglected to mention his name, it being Mr. Wm. Singular. He had reached age of 8 (V years. Mr. Edward Greb, of Chicago, ter spending several days at home has returned to Kansas City where he has been appointed head of a branch of his business firm/in that citjr. Mrs. John Bell news last week of sister-in-law, Mrs, which took place home in -Regina, Sasic lars sa far have been received. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgert visited relatives in this community during the sum mer. th e 'af- "iiis received the sad. the death of her A. E. Hodgert, recently at her No partiCu- ■Stability of the business in 1;>e a lesson to rmlllllllthno porting a falling ■«ii»'i.iii her hogf HYDRO ELECi’iUTr.S* Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices. Repairing stoves and motors a spec ialty. Estimates gladly furnished tree. moose coming rapidly towards him. He took to th*» and afterwards"^akes"* are good Mr. Moose hr better they are in /^.holesome, economical and palat- ERN. DAVIS and Mrs. R.’ McInnis spentMr. New Ye'an’s day in Brussels and were accompanied home by their daugh ter Nora, who has, been spending her holidays there with relatives and Other friends. stiff dough. Roll out very thin. Cut in sniall shapes and put on a baking- pan. Bake for about ten minutes in quick oven. Hermit Cookies (4G26 .calories)—3 pl'OCK ' we offer many war- fruit frees,' hedges, flowers, befry bushes,.- and -etc. from Toronto, Pelha.nl NurseiW; Ag'edt for. jiufop^’Cdunty, . D. G. Appletdh, phone Exeter in stock for-sale the fol- Wwiiig poultry supplies: Bran ®ho.rts, Ayhchtj Hominy, Cracked A^orn, 'partially* popped Pop Corn, Growing Masih, Laying Mash, B.eef Mea1, *Fhh Meal, Oyster Shell and Grit, semi-solid’ Buttermilk and Cod Liver* OIL. Let us supply your ’heeds. Our prices will please youi THE . HoGARTHV BABY CHICK jiATCHEkY. V 7-26-tfc , * ' , ■; "V • * . < - SALE-—Valuable village pfo- Oiie and' h half storey frame kitchen n'nd woodshed, frame good hard nmdVsoft water, the youngest daughter’ Mrs. Leslie Richards, of seriously ill with pneu- Bro|s., home for a C. A. to his ■after for a who recently FRACTURED RIBS Councillor E. J. Christie had the misfortune tlie*day before Christ mas to slip while ascending the cel lar steps with his arms full and Un falling struck the corner of a step fracturing a couple of ribs. He is able to be around-but has to be care ful. . W R. GOULDING A. 'T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster ' Jameg'St. United Church , instruction in Piano ., Vocal Organ. Theory Supervisor of Music m Schools Studio. Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER. ONT. R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR.. PHONE 20w. RESIDENCE 20 j a< X. High Cla^s 1929' FOR petty* house, stable, electric lights, house. wired for the p&one, few fruit trees,’deed' calls for 4% acres of choice 'land, , but mea sures 5 acres. Three acres sowed with sweet clever, balance, plowed. A part of' purchase money may re main on first mortgage at 6*% per annum. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron, Corner fit Mndrcw and Wellington streets. /PhoV^ 114j. Box 154"Exeter. annual meeting of THE ■ EXETER AGRICULTURAL ■ -SOCWW. ■ ; 4 •' V X r- ’ ' ' The Annual iMeeting of the Exe ter Agricultural Society Will be held in: the Town- Kali Oil Friday, Janu ary isth hi 2 o’clock p.m.rfbr the purpose of receiving the directors' anti auditors’ reports for the . past year?' for. the election of officers for the coming, year and for any. other ’business that may dome, be fore the meeting*. , ■ A A meeHhg 'Of th 0'•directors will be \ dd nt onb p'rfn. t / ' ,/ \'U ■fn'mttM 'Ata urged to he '1 \ TWENTY-ONE YEARS CONTINUOUS ATTENDANCE AT SUNDAY SCHOOL Diplomas and seals were given out Sunday afternoon at the (Main Street Sunday School to those who had been present each Sunday during past year. Mr. H. E. Huston receiv ed congratulations from the school on having completed his 21st of continuous attendance. year % Irs. Lowilds returned to Detrblt rlday lust after visiting with ather, Ml% AVm. Leavitt, bf town. Mrs. G, Cochrane accompan ied keV to Detroit. kating opened New Years night fOAthe first time this season. The Re *\as fair and there was a good turm^ut. AVe itndorstaiid there will he skating each evening, Mr, Arto Waive left Thursday af ternoon fov a'London hospital ter un dergo an operation for a chronic case of appoMloitls, His friends Will hope for isi|ccess and hR speedy foodvefy*. % » OFFICERS INSTALLED The newly elected officers of La- banon Forest Lodge A.F, & A.M. were installed on Thursday evening of last week the installing master being Wor, Bro. Robt. Dalrymple, of Hensail, who put on the work 'ill a very creditable manner. The of ficers 'installed were; Wor. Md&, Brb. H, S. Walter; I.P.M., Wor. Bro; Geo, Thompson; Sr, War., Bro. E. HowaM; Jr, War., Bro. H. O. Soutft- cott; Sr. D., Dr. G. F, Roillston; Ji4. D, » Dr. G. S. Atkinson; Sec'y., Wor, Bro, R. N, Creech; Treasurer, V. Wor, Bro, C, H. Sanders; Chaplain; Wer. Bro, J, A, Stewart; Tyler, Bifb. S. Sweet; L G., Bro, Geo. Lawsoit; ;Sr. s., Bro. T. O. Stmthcott; Jr, Bro, Chas. Salter; Dir. of Cer.f Wor, Br’o; W. W, Taman; Board of Gen. Fur;, W, J. Heattian, Thos. Fryde, E. M/ Dignan, Wnu Fayne, R. N* Rowe and W. W. Taman. Follow ing the work of the evening a four$t degree wae served and a very sob table time with abort addresses were fijijoyad around the festive hoard; ’ Flu Very Bad- Nameless Very Good— Everybody should carry a bottle of NAMELESS and use it freely, as a preventative against -the FLU, these days. Use Nameless freely; drink lots of cold water daily and trust in God, and you’re safe” is one speech we got lately and it is a good one. NAMELESS costs 25 c; by mail 30c. Don't delays Get it to-day Sold in Exeter only at this store. Agents Wanted Powell’s Variety Store 'WHERE YOU SAVEF Rhone 55 ELLIOTT’S [CORNER GROCERY Just North of Metropolitan Phone 25 for Service Yoii heed the tWhgh we sell. We need your patronage. Wo have anything* you want the line of groceries, fancy cakes and candies. in ■ Gents’ burnishings w*-t at Big Reductions Prior to Stock-Taking PHOfriE 81W , W, W. TAMAN ’ EXETER, ONT. Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing z Mutual Life of Canada fire, automobile, accident, sickness, Windstorm, etc, SAFETY ^AZpR jBLAbES THE NEW STORE SHARPENED (any inake) SINGLE EDGE , DOUBLE EDGE perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST Furniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD ■Day,-Night and Sunday Cails phftne Store No. 09 3c 4c AL 15. R. HOPPBR MODERN EQUIPMENT Kindly & attentive service? ■’ *