HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-03, Page 4J.1 Mt IDAY, JANLABY 8ta, l»a#THE EXETER TIMES^ADVOCATE DOMINATIONS (Continued from Rage 1.) „ .‘.'l J tribute to Warden J, Hayes whom he stated made a very..’ splendid and efficient warden. Ar 1 the county council committee were < appointed to deal with almost every < question that came up and the mem- : hers of the committees were fair- minded men. Mr. Snell did not ex­ actly fall in line with the way the ■' •-appointment of IMr. Tern’s successor ■was made. He thought that it had ; not been fully advertised, He agreed however that the inspector appoint­ ed was. well qualified for the posi­ tion. Iii speaking of the extra mill in tax rate this year Mr. Snell saidj that the town had not received the usual returns from the Public Utili­ ties Commission owing to the heavy •expense in repairs to the power* house, at the dam caused when the north wall fell out last spring, amount was $1150 less than year which amounted to over mill on the dollar. He felt -there had not been a dollar spent ■foolishly during the year, B. M. Francis Mr. Francis expressed his regret at so much illness. He said he had qualified for re-election. In speak­ ing of the By-law he thought it was one of the best opportunities that 1 had come to Exeter to secure some­ thing worth while. The council felt that with thp security they were getting the town was amply protect­ ed, The building must be up and the machinery in operation before the town advances any money, felt there was nothing to lose much to gain. Mr, Francis said that there been a heavy expenditure for gravel this year, some of the back streets have been gravelled. paid J, The last’ one that $373.95 and outstanding mmeuuts o£ $234.92, muking a total o£ $50S.-1 88, East year there was a cash bal­ ance oa han4 of about $1000. To repair the damage caused when the end of the power house went out iu the spring it cost about $1290 with an additional cost o£ $325.00 to in­ sure pairs been have cent. .......... ... the commission had been able to make a substantia 1 return to the town but this year the town council were allowed to take care of waterworks debentures but charge was made for hydrants, In speaking of the By-law Mr. Hind said that some of the men of the Columbia Handle Works were personally known to him and they were good business men. Their market was not a local market and they had ■nothing to lose by leaving London. What they get from Exe­ ter doesn’t matter the snap of your finger, If they only employ a do­ zen men they will be a benefit to the town. He thinks it the prosposition that ter. fire protection while the ie- were being made. Had it not for the damages there would been a reduction of 25 per in the rates. In other years school up to its present high stand-* Ing, and this at payers, less tan tore the H. 8. has one pf the possibly have. He stated that he and Mr, Creech would be glad to accept the nomination and serve again bat that neither of them were in a posi­ tion to run an election. Mrs. B. W. F, Heavers a cost to the rate-N it was in 1920 be- Exeter in its school best assets it could of at on Jesse ever came to Elston nominee for He and had M E. J. Christie Mr. Christie was sorry that W. D. ^B Sanders was unable to be present BB^,as he understood Mr. Sanders had ” ,some criticism to offer on the work of the old council but he thought it .could be answered satisfactorily. ■The council had spent a little money on fixing up the council chamber in the Town Hall. He was in the field for another year. Councillors Rivers and Bierling wer'e both indisposed and Were un- • able to be present but Mr. Senior .stated that both were qualifying. Thos. Cameitm Mr. Thus. Cameron, an aspirant lor the reeveship, was next called upon. He had nevei* attended a municipal meeting before. He al­ ways thought that Exeter had good men on ■the^ed'uncfir.-gilid he thought »*v. O , in A 3 XFonly to go before the peopl^| Aar&cause he believed he cohld do sopaething for the town. The council//he said, was the custodians of the people’s money ^and should use it as they* own, with ■due consideration for tile poor. He ^didn’t see how some menx with large _ keen them up. He did not believe in charity but he ; .1 did believe in giving men work and a decent wages to keep his family, in A speaking of the School Board he \ -thought these men had done what ■■ w.) jaras jn the best interests of the town \ He stated that the School Board was 'the < \ didn't see how some m \families were able to h the no best Exe- theMr. Elston, a Public Utilities, was not certain that he could qualify. He thought the commission had made a success of their work. He felt that the By­ law was a chance to secure some­ thing of real value for Exeter. J. G. Stanbury Mr. Stanbury said that the Board of Education were the service de­ partment who gave their services free. He regretted the illness of Mr. Creech, chairman of the Board, who had been making notable pro­ gress. There had been nothing par­ ticular during the year with one not­ able exception, the addition to the school. There had been* a’ difference of opinion among the ratepayers as to the best way to, meet^the demand for more room at the school but the matter had been decided in a man­ ner that had been unanimously ac­ cepted by the Board and he hoped by the ratepayers. When calling for tenders for the new addition, Mr. Depottie, a heating engineer, recommended certain changes to the old sytem which he stated would heat the school on one-third less fuel. The old sytem had not given satisfactory results and after getting the necessary information the Board decided to make the change. During the coldest/days last winter it was necessary /to get a head of steam from 12zro 15 points but since re­ modelling it was only necessary to get ajBout 4 points and letting • it 'to one. They thought the sav- was the was Mrs. Beavers stated that she not wanting a man’s place on Board but she did think.there a place for a woman. Because Mrs. Mollard had dropped out Mrs. Beav­ ers was allowing her name to stand. The school and the children had a warm place in her heart, were certain conditions at the school that should be looked after by a wo­ man, The women were and wanted the best they for the school. Chas. B. Snell Mr, Snell was the last and wound up with a few compli­ mentary remarks. Mr, F. J. Del- bridge suggested that two council­ lors be elected each year for a term of two years,- but he was informed a There interested could get to speak that vote this could only be done by of the people. HURONDALE HURCNDAIE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The regular monthly meeting the Hurondale W. I. was held the home of Mrs. William Wood Thursday, December 27th with a fail* attendance. The Roll Call, a fish recipe, was well answered. Some relief work was discussed ami a committee named to look into the matter. Plans were discussed for the making of quilts in the Insti­ tute during the winter, The pro­ gram consisted of two well rendered solos by Miss PeaTl Wood, an inter­ esting paper on “The Salmon Indust­ ry in British Columbia” by Mr. H. Strang and an instrumental by Miss Kathleen Strang. A demonstration on the making, of blocks for a patch­ work quilt was given by several of the ladies at the end of the meeting. Lunch was served by the ladies in charge and a social half hour was spent before dispersing. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. B, Williams. The topic will be taken by Mrs. A. Rundle on "The Importance of Rest and Recreation in the Life of the Homemaker’’ and a demonstration will be given -by the Misses Pym on making paper ers, TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: I am again a candidate for the of­ fice of Reeve of the Village of Exe­ ter. I have endeavored' to serve you faithfully for the past year and having had a year’s experience I be­ lieve I am in a better position to serve you in 1929. Being the larg­ est tax-payer in the village you will realize that it will be to my ad­ vantage as well as your own to avoid all unnecessary expenditure and to promote only such schemes as will be in the interests of our municipality, of the by-law. compliments citing your my behalf. AUCTION SALE The —- of r-w HORSES undersigned will offer for saM* by public auction Oh WEDNESDAY,[ JAN. 9 flow- USBORNE TOWNSHIP Reeve—James Ballantyne. Councillors—William. Skinner, Dew, Ben Williams and Hugh Berry (acc.) John Hanna was nominated Reeve but withdrew. D. as TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Reeve—Alex H. Neeb, Reuben Goetz. Deputy-Reeve— Chester Mawhin- ney, William H. Sweitzer. Councillors—Wesley Dearing, S. J. Finkbeiner, Edward Gill, Elmer Lawson, Peter Martene, Isaiah Te­ treau. HAY TOWNSHIP A. Reeve—E. F. Klopp, W. E. Turn­ bull, W. R. Dougall, L. H. Rader, Owep Geiger. Councillors—Ed. Walper, W. J. Jarrott, J. P. Rau, Fred Corbett, G. Armstrong, Alfred Reichart, David Ducharme, W. Alexander, W< R. Dougall, Peter Nauchwanger, .Simon Greb and Alfred Mellick. STANLEY TOWNSHIP I favor the passing Wishing you all, the of the season and soli- vote and influence on I am, your sincerely CHARLES B. SNELL some Ontario three and four, yeaft old geldings and fillies, also some five and six year old Ontario horsea and possibly some broken northwest horses, TERM3-r~ 8 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes with 6 per cent, added, FRANK TAYLOR & W. E. NAIRN? Auctioneers. G. J. 'ROW, Proprietor, TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: I am a candidate for the munici­ pal council or the year 1929 and your vote and influence will be ap»-’ predated. Wishing you all the com- pliaments of the season. GEO. N. WILLIAM# January 2nd, 1929 TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Ladies ami Gei||lemeii: I have decided to allow my name to appeal* on the ballot paper as Reeve for 1929. Having served you for four years, during which time, the tax rate of Exeter has been re­ duced from 45 mills to 40 mills, with a good substantial surplus in the treasury, namely $4,036.31 Up to December 15th, 1927 which shows on December 31st -after paying De­ bentures amounting to $2,436.66 and other incidentals, there was a net surplus in the teasury o^ $1,559.74, which when adding $1,300.00 for the Fire engine which was not an expenditure, but an investment and stands there today, would make the total of $2,859.74 to the credit of the town after the year’s business. The council of 1928 starting in $1559.74 in the treasury. The ar- ears of taxes in 1927 being $1,635.- 44 and the arrears in 1928 being $1,032j36 a difference of $600.00 to the credit of the 1928 council, also taxes on the increased assessment being approximately $500.00, also the decrease in expenditure on Roads and Bridges being approximately $590.86, and other amounts of a less­ er nature, we find they have a sur­ plus of $2,403.71 up to December 15th, 1928, but at the end of the year, this sum when the debentures which fall due aftei* December 15th is paid, it will wipe out the entire surplus, and leave a deficit, notwith­ standing, one mill, being added to the rates. Bpace will not permit of a more detailed account of the repot, I have dealt with the most outstand­ ing figures found in he recapitula­ tion of receipts and expenditures. With all respect to the council of 1928, I think it is your business as well as mine to take nqte of these .facts. • • . Now as I have given the business of this municipality, in the past fo.ur years, my sole and undivided al^; tention I feel that I have attain^ * success by my efforts and am pr( pared to do some in the future 6f elected I am strongly in favor of tlie By-law. Yours truly W. D. SANDERS MT. CARMEL Rev. Fr. Hall, of London; Fr. Sul­ livan, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. R. Etue and family, of Detroit,, spent Christmas at the latter’s parents here, Mr. and Mrs. James Carey. Messrs.' John Barry and Mack Mc­ Donald, of Detroit, spent a few days with friends in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo McCann were in London last week on business. Misses, Alice and Gertie Deitrich, of London, spent Christmas at their home here, @ "Mr. Gordon O’Rourke returned home oh Friday after spending sev­ eral days with friends in London. IMr. Joseph Quinan is visiting friends at Detroit and Windsor this week. A, number from here attended the dance held at Lucan last week. Mrs. Walker accompanied by Miss Katherine are spending the Christ­ mas holidays with the former’s sis­ ter Mrs. Cameron, in Petrolia. Misses Ellie and Elizabeth Houl- ahan and Nora McKeever left on Wednesday for Detroit. Miss Marie Regan, of St. Joseph’s nursing staff, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Regan. 1*0 THE ELECTORS OF EXETER- Ladies and Gentlemen: Having qualified to contest thsi election of School Board I respect- fully solicit your support, and if T- am elected will give the work my best attention. Thanking my mov­ er and seconder and wish you all a Happy New Year. Yours sincere* iy. S. M. SANDER#- TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER. Ladies and Gentlemen: My name will appear on the bal- lott for school trustee and as there should be at least one woman on the Board, I take this opportunity ofc soliciting your support. My school­ life and that of my children has- been spent here. My interests have always been for the children's wel­ fare. I will not make a personal ■canvas but solicit your vote. Wishing you a happy New Year. MRS. ROXIE BEAVERS’ TO THE ELECTORS OF THE. VILLAGE OF EXETER Jjadics and Gentlemen: As I am in the field for election to the School Board, I hereby solicit your vote and influence. Wishing, •you all a happy and prosperous New' Year. Reeve—John Manson, William Douglas, Arthur Keyes. Council—John Etue, John ■per, Fenwick Stewart, Mervyn ley, Goldie Graham, William Kenzie. *5_____ .._••• Pep- Han- Mc- TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: I have been prevailed upon to al­ low my name to come before the electors for the position of Council­ lor and I respectfully solicit your vote and influence. Having served on the council in previous years I feel that I am more or less in touch with the town affairs. Season’s greeting to all. bac' i»® would b& easily one-third in fuel a saving each year in the future. Mr. Stanbury called attention to the fact that the contractor was an Exe­ ter man whose tender was $2000 lower than the next highest and that the contractor was doing work. IMr. to the school 1920 before there was a high school the school rate was 13 mills, last year the rate was only 12 mills. The school has been built up from an in­ efficient school to one of the best in the province. Mr. Stanbury outlin­ ed the steps taken to bring the excellent the .cost the high In. Stanbury reviewed municipality since was started in Exeter. TUCKERSMtlTH TOWNSHH* At the Township of Tuckersmith nominations held in Walker’s Hall in Brucefield, on December the 31, all the old members were re-elcted by acclamation, and are as follows: Reeve, Roland Kennedy; councillors Joseph Crich, William Thompson, Matthew Clark and John Elgie. LOUIS DAY ----:'expected to i dver flVe hundred, dele- TO coming from^points as far as^gj „ - ■■ ,... ... . , ... I am in the field for the Boardl of Education and respectively solicit your vote and influence for my elec­ tion and if elected I promise to serve to the best of my ability. Wishing.’ you the compliments of the season.. ELI COULTIS> Pueblo, NOTE—During tile' last year that ReeVe Beavers was in office, 1923, the tax rate for the village was 39 mills. In 1924 the first year that Mr. Sanders was reeve the rate was 41 mills; in 1925, 45 mills; in 1926 43 mills and in 1927 the last vear Mr. “ ’ was McKILLOP TOWNSHIP Reeve—John Dodds (acc.) Councillors—John Campbell, Jno. 1 Eckert, Daniel Regele, Thomas Me- _ Kay (acc.) 1 TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Ladies and Gentlemen: Your vote and influence is re­ spectively solicited for my election, as Reeve. I am the oldest-member of the council and feel it my duty to step up and make room for younger men. As I have been under the weather it will be impossible f.0- canvas the voters. Wishing you alb the season’s compliments. REUBEN GOET2& ------- --------- • 1 \the custodians of the children’s -jhealth.. The basement of the school was damp, which should not be and . the Board should take steps to have it thoroughly drained. He also said that the water in some of the wells Of this town was not fit fo human ■consumption. Speaking of the by-law lie thought.it looked like a good pro­ position but he thought the codw pany should borrow the money jirfn the town pay the interest.. None of the othex^Nff fcjhe council were '* ' DEFOREST TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: I have been asked to state my stand on the by-law that the elect­ ors are asked to vote on and in do­ ing so I am not asking for your vote or Support for election, I must say that I am not in favor of the by-law in its present form, but I am in favor of the company com­ ing to Exeter if they raise the $10,- 000 on their plant and the town pay­ ing the interest on the same for the ten years or even longer. Ten years is a long time and anything might .happen during that time. Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year. - Sanders was in office the rate 40 mills.—Ed. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: • Having served the village of Exe­ ter for one year on the council I am •again a candidate for the position and isolicit your vote and influence in. my election. Wishing you all •the compliments of the season. Ow­ ing to illness I will not be able 'to make a personal canvas. HENRY BIERLING EAST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP Reeve—F. J. Stalker (acc.1) Councillors—J. Campbell, W. Reid W. Kerr and S. Thompson, (acc.)/CROSLEY | Fidelity \ Series r arfd ^ent. " . Hind personally he see the qld council another yeai\ Three v®*is of the ^council had never / there before arid all were suc- ’Sful business men. They were tist getting warmed up and could erve better another year. In speaking of the hydro depart- ■•iLient Mr. Hind said that the gross ^siUplus was $590.00; the cash oh Jiand Was $4758,99, a considerable increase over last year. The ac­ counts receivable had been consider­ ably reduced. The hydro depart- Uttetit was in a better condition than •&. year ago. The revenue from sup­ plies had amounted to only $107.64. They were finding it harded each year to push . the supplies. Every dollar put into the hydro depart­ ment comes back to the citizens. In If) ST Exeter looked after part Of the citral System, This year Zurich and j&ashwood have been dropped off leaving Exeter without any outside /IJlie rural lines are now* all managed by the rural system, prices for hydro are all set in Tw‘.*nttn' Last April a credit note for $9,350 was received from the X92T account atid out of this amount ' paid back to the town as lobate on street lighting, A re- MiK-Hon was made to power custo- iner*. Hydro stoves have never paid way and the commission had A ‘om a double service charge to /’A iw the cost. $900 to $1000 hud s$ent on new lines and these , t beew charged to depreciation!. v . : V is ■■ .. I —-S A c. Water wo rtt Depar tm eh t surplus on hand of’ 7 he Etiida COLBORNE TOWNSHIP Reeve—Hugh Hill Goldthorpe. Councillors—William Thom, Wm. Frank Wilson, Nelson Mc- George , Fagan, Jun., Albert Mugford, Melvin and Albert $178.00 Seven TubesY Batteryless I Eight other models $78.00 to $12o0.00 Only D6 Forest Crosley could produce an instrument of this beauty, tonal quality and power, at the low price of the ETUDE. You have only to hear it in your homo to realize that it bings you everything that you have hoped to get in radio. Music -that is natural and true as though you heard the per­ iormers. W. J. BEER EXETER Young, Larty, Fisher, nail. Aaron Ly- HULLETT TOWNSHIP Reeve—E. Adams, M. Armstrong Councillors— James Leiper, H. Mogridge, James Forbes, Robt. Law- son and Thomas Sloan. MORRIS TOWNSHIP Reeve—W. J. Henderson (acc.) Councillors— J. McGill, J. A. Brown, H. Wheeler, W. J. Brydges, W. Shortreed. ,THOS. CAMERON BLYTH Reeve—Dr. Milne, James Dodds, S. A. Poplestone, . Councillors—Mills, w. John­ ston, G. White, S. Poplestone, J. JHeffron, C., Bell, James Cutt, B. i Tasker, B. Harrington, W. Kogan. School Trustees—A. Taylor, E Munro, J. H. R. Elliott (acc.) | Utilities Commission—R, M. Me-Utilities Conimission—^-R, Kay (acc.) J To use correct English, pose you would say she has Roberted, I*’- .Scientists say terpiliied. The least. We SUp- her hair tliat sex can be de­ female sex can, at * * ♦ Glasses improve the sight, but it depends on whether you- use them above of below the nose,. * # (I * s(r i(: Youi* future success or fail­ ure will depend very largely on to-day’s preparation. Lay the foundation now, by taking a practical business training here. C. B. C. grad­ uates are business leaders. NEW YEAR TERM opens Wednesday, JANUARY 2. 1929 Write fo-day for particulars. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD,ONT. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: Your vote and influence is re­ spectfully solicited in the re-election of Harper C. Rivers as Councillor. Owing to illness I am unable to make a personal^canvas and I t’^ke this opportunity of soliciting your support. With best wishes for all, I am TO THE ELECTORS OF THE I TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN ! Ladies and Gentlemen: Your vote and influence is re­ spectfully solicited for my elections as Deputy-Reeve. I have endeavor­ ed to serve the municipality faith­ fully as councillor and if elected as, Deputy-Reeve will promise good,., honest se^vtye in the interests of the ratepayers. Owing to illness I will not be able to make a canvas. Greet­ ings to all CHESTER MAWHINNEX" H. C. RIVERS ______________. / Re-Elect CHRISTIE For 1929 Council Re-Elect FRANCIS For 1929 Council * 1 EXETER ■« TO THE CITIZENS OF Ladles and Gentlemen; I am in the field for for the village of Exeter, I am out to save that little dollar that has been wasted for you. A happy New Year. JOHN TAYWB Councillor year 1929, TO THE ELECTORS, OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Ladies and Gentlemen;. My name will again appear before the ratepayers for the position of. Councillor and if elected I promise*, to serve you faithfully In the future as I have in the past. I’take this.’ opportunity of soliciting yo influence in my behalf wishes for the New Yet ISAIAH TE and best m* vote - With TRj&U- TO THE TOWN ELECTORS OF SHIP OF STEM: Gentlemen: tin a candidate councillor and municipality for THF iCN Ladies amt I* am agi position of served the years I solicit your vote and .infkt- • ence in my election. Not being welS I y/HI be unable to make a-1 p&i’soual call. Wishing you a happy and pwis- porous New Year, WESLE Y DEA illN« ■■ for the • having t ww -