HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-01-03, Page 1T ’ EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3rd, 1929 We are just cotnpleting our Annual Stock-Taking this week, and are placing on sale many odd lines, broken ranges of goods and remnants. Come and look over these Bargains ;,‘TANI^Qll^BQN NUPTIALS • i ■( A. quiet but pretty wedding, took /Place at the James St. parsonage on. ’^Thursday, December 27th at 4. p,m. jwhen Rev* D» McTavish united te jmarriage Miss Verda Vinetta Box, Second daughter of Mrs. C. Box, of fStephen, to Mr, Frank Taylor, of Exeter, The bride jpUs becomingly 'attired in a sand georgette dress /with hose arid shoes to match. Mr. .and Mrs, Norman Ford, of Detroit, "sister of the bride were witnesses.. .'After the ceremony they returned to the bride’s home were a dainty sup- pei’ was served. Mr, and Mrs.- Tay­ lor* were pleasantly surprised the Sam© evening when about forty of the neighbors and friends surprised them and presented them with a miscellaneous shower. IMr, and Mrs, Taylor will reside in Exeter. They have the best wishes of many friends i I A Bargain in Woollen Blankets Extra' quality all wool plaid Blankets, colors rose, blue and gold the* celebrated O, V. brand, only a few pair left to clear at $9*85 a pair# Same quality1 as above’in. stripes tn clear at $8i95 a pair. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS—Large size, Gigantic Brand, white with pink and blue borders on sale at $2.19 a pair. /, ?,/’ <’/ •' / ."J.. / */ ■ ; ■ r ■ .--‘k • ’■ " ’■ - . *- Men’s Fleeced Lined Underwear, shirts arid drawers all sizes 89c. Men’s Heavy Ribjbed Underwear, nearly all wool, clearing at * 98c. garment Men’s Heavy Sweaters, all wool, fancy checks, .. reg. $5.00 for $3.95 each. Big Reductions in Men’s and Boy’s Overcoats Men’s good winter Overcoats on sale Men’s, regular $25.00 winter Overcoats on sale *..,, Men’s High Grade Navy Overcoats on sale ....... Boy’s Winter Overcoats, for ages 10 to 15 on sale . Juyenil® Overcoats, for ages 2 to 4 Child’s Overcoats for ages 5 to 8 .... . . . at $12*00 at $15*00 at $20.00 . at $8.00, , at $3.50 , at $6.50 Wemen’s High- Overshoes at $1.98 a pair Made iri^either. low or C^ban heels, made bf the very best cloth> whild they last at $1.98 a pair. | LOW »pVERSlIOES-/-^ne ‘black Jersey Cloth, made with velvet top and fastened )^h’ domes regular $3.75 at $2.95< CUTLERY Stainless -Steel Knives &. Forks $5.75" per set ’ ’ stainless Carving „ Sets $5.00 ' Stainless Child Sets ‘ ‘ r$1.00 per set . Stateless ■ Knives /». $3.70 for 6 Stainless 'Paring? Knivei.- 25c, and 35c. , HRdLS^ARE ' * :' Some nice pieces frorn.Sl. Up Automobile Skated from §1.00 up Tube skates from $2.00 up’ Hockey Fucks. XOc. pp Hockey Sticks 20c. up SILVERWARE Silverware is always desired ADAMS, ROGERS, OLD . COLONN, TUDOR ...Pickle Forks, dam Spoons, etc. Ptnii'l Handled Butter- Knives, Toys Toys Balance of stock at half-price. PYREXWARE is always appreciated* English Granite Tea Pots. $L25 Roasters $1.00* up Meat & Food Choppers $1.50 •_ ■ and up Pocket Knives - wonderful val­ ves from 25m up to $2.Qo . Heaman’s Hardware & Stove Store , . We allow 4% in coupons for cash BIRTHSA TFTREAV-^-Ifi Shipka, on Thursday December 27th, to Mr* and Mrs# Ira Tetreau, a son, ■ ■ ■ FAHKFR—In Creditou, on Satur­ day, December the 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Emory Fahper, a daugh* ter, (Norma Magdeiina.) DEATHS 1EDU0TT—In -Tuesday,' -1$ Leo *as BteM DOUPE— December ♦ days ^tint, Michigan, on “ jy. 1st, 1929, MaUd bd wife of Thom* r 33rd year, „ # on Monday/ iffi’28, Robert Doupo 4 months ana 9 Phone 32 PARLMER-—FISHER—In .London, On Monday, Dee. 31st, 1928, Mar­ guerite, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘Fisher,' to Mr..„ T. De Roy parlmsr, -son of Mr. and Mrs. » Thos. parlmer, all of Hensail, by Rev. J. E. J» Millyard.. taFERT-tefe Dashwood, on Mon­ day, Decomtete 3i, 1928, John Lippert,'aged 79 years. • GOULD—-in Hay Tp\, on. Sunday December 30, 1&28» Dorothy Mil- : * dredjf daughter of Mrs. Florence and the late Melvin Gould, aged t* 17 Vears> 9 months and 7 days*; ‘XS ■■ ' 'v. ■ ' MARRIAGES ■TAYLOR—DDK—At -iM James St. United Church parsonage, Thursday,’ Daantnbor the 27th, Mite Verda Viimtte 8oxr second daughter of Mrs, Chas# Box# .Mr, Frank Taylor, of Exeter# Rev. M McTavish, Nominations Cameron, Handers and Snell will Contest Roevcship • pierhng, Christie, Day, Fruncis, Rte” ers, Taylor and WiHinins in i^jd Fpr Council * .New Slate ter Board of Education Mrs. .Beavers, Coultis, Jones, . / itenbale and Sanders VOVXG LADY DIES v a sad death tok place in Hgy».twp. W Sunday, December 30th, when Dorothy Mildred, daughter of Mrs. Florence and the late Melvin Gould passed away aC the age of 17 years, 8 months and 17 days. The deceased Ayas born on -the 2nd Con.’ of Hay and had been delicate for a number of years. She was taken down with the flu and Avas ill about a week. The deceased* attended the Exeter High School for two years and was a'talented musician. She was of a ijufet disposition and was beloved by all' her classmates and. ’ those who knew her. Her father predeceased J|er about six years. The deceased. Ayas the oldest of the family, and besides her mother,, whose maiden name was Florence Dunsford, two brothers and one* sister survive, Stewart, Douglas and Marjorie. The funeral took place .from the home of her uncle, Mr. Isaac Dtinsford, on \Vednesday, the service being in charge of Rev. Walter Jones, inter­ ment. in the Exeter cemetery. OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS Mr. Harper, C. Rivers was taken ill with/an. acute attack of appendicitis and "Sunday evening^. under went ah operation, at Dr* Fletcher’s hospital. His friends will he pleased to know that he is Making splendid recovery. Mr. Rivers last year served , as a councillor for Exeter and he is again a candidate this-year; and it is. Un­ fortunate at this 'tim'e that’ he should be laid up., * T. S. WOODS HURT IN v AUTOSlOBlLK ACCIDENT < Mr/'T. S. "Woods, manager of the Bank of Montreal in town was* in­ jured in an auto accident on the St.’ Johns hill on the way to London on "New .Y’ears Day. Mr., Wood, was motoring to London, with Messrs, R. G*. Seldon, and J, A*, Stewart and when going down the hill at St* Johns the car skidded on some Ice, the rear of. the .auto swerving into; the ditch and striking on the frozen ‘ground threw- ‘Mr. Woods through the door, the. other two men never leaving their* seat;, Mr, Woods was able to get up and walk and wl»« taken to London.'for an K-ray where it was found a bone had been frac­ tured. Me was taken to Victoria Hospital and is- expected home to­morrow (Friday), fete .will be con­ fined to the house for some time* a ■ ............. . i • Called TO CARLETON PLACE ■:|A call lias been presented to the Presbytery of Huron, addressed to, R’ev, James Foote, of Caven Church; Mwter, from St. Andrew’s. Church, ^teefoh’ Ftecte','Unt'ai'tb, "'Tlie Fres- bytery of Huron will deal with the call, on Wednesday th® 9th inst. at Clinton. Rev. A. H.. Scott, M.A./ D.D., accompanied .by -commission­ ers ?i;’rote; the congregation calling has peen "Appointed, by, the Presby­ tery -of Lanark and Renfrew to ,pro- senter-tee reasons for "Mr. Foote’S translation and prosecute; the call befolie’' Huron ..Presbytery. .The (inTt. I gregation of Cgven Church will meet at - they close of the morning service on. Sunday next for the. consideration and appointment- of commissioners to Presbytery^: that the mind of the congj^gatiam may„pe expressed with respect to the severance- of the pas­ toral ;fie.-Should Mr. Foote accept the chlteit is likely that his ministry at Caven-will come to a close’about the end of January;depending npoii the date .of the teduotioii at Carleton Place, for which he would await the Orders■ of the Presbytery of. Lanark and Renfrew. ‘ ' k ■ AGED RESIDENT INJURED Mri.,James Sweet, who resides just south ‘of town \vas struck by' an auto New Years’tetight and’, thrown to the hard road with the result that’ several: ribs were fractured and he was otherwise bruised.. Mr. /Sweet was .oh his way home * when he was struck by an auto driven by. Mr< WnL' Elliott, of Kirktob. Ml'. Elliott saw Mr. Sweet On 111$ road and foot­ ed his ■ horn when Mr. Sweet evi­ dently became confused arid the dri­ ver of/the car, "seeing thkt an acci­ dent was' emminent, took to the ditch with, th© result that the rear end of the car-skidded aifd struck Mr. ..Sweet, knocking him. to the ground. Mr. "Sweet, who is a man in his 88th ye^r, wns‘ taken to his home and latest .'reports; state thht he is getting along favorably. There, was no damage * to the car which turned over on its side in the ditch. 4 tel to by SANTA CLAUS FUND In reportteg the contributions the Santa Clans fund last week we omitted the naiu.es of five subscrib- rs each having contributed a dollar. These were: H. 8. Walter, Thomas Pryde, Wm. May, W* A. Elliott and R. E» Pickard, In our ‘statement last week we mentioned that $41.00 had been reported the week previous whereas $41.00 had been turned over to the committee but only $30, had been reported in the paper# * 16 Contests in Stephen and Huy ‘Acclainution in u shorn© broker, Morley nojnin* For Reeve Camerou^ Thomas, gentleman, nom­ inated by St J. V. Cann and W, Blayney. w - t • Haudersj' Xiliiam gentleman, by Eli Coultis and Jesse Elston, 1 Snell, Charles B‘„ -gentleman, -liom-1 teamed . by Diias, W, Fted. and Samuel Ross. Francis, Birtje M„ insurance nominated by frames and E. J, Christie. For Councillor Rivers, Harper C.r butcher, ated by J. R, Hind and J:. W, Hern.- , Christie, Edward L, coal merchant, nominated by W. H. Blayney. and. J-. R. Hind. -■ Grieve, James H., gentleman,, nom- . teated by J. ,w. Hern and ML <■. ’ H. Blayney, \ * '■ * Davis, Joseph, mill foreman, nomin­ ated by Eli ’Coultis and F. J.' Wickwire, * > , AVilhams, Goo. N., gentleman, nom­ inated by Eli Coultis and Fl. tWiekwjre. '" Day, Louis, gardener, nominated by Thos. Sanders tend Normap Hannigan. - , ■ Taylor, John, auto supplies, pomte- • . ated by* Harry Parsphs and J. PreszcatOr-, . ; Bierling, .Henry, merchant, nomin­ ated by B, M. Francis and . . .*;«Kutpm% :X-1 ■ ;W*A “’S' Francis, Birtle, M., irisprance ‘‘brok­ er, nominated by. E. J. Christie- and J. AV.-Morley. - : . .. ’ Z Boai'd of Education -Stapbuyy, J*. George?, barrister, norn-’ ;; inated by Jeste ^IstpPteiidMpO.' ’. _ * .R.^Hind. ' '/ ' * Sanders, Sainttei M*,- gentleman, •* . ’.* nominated by- F. J.' Wickwire and Eli, Coultis. * * Pcnhale, Win> H., goiitleman, nomi­ nated by Eli Coultis and F?. J. Wickwire. . " ’ , •, Day, Louis, gardener, nominated, by . . Tims, Sanders . an’d Jno. Presz- cdtoi'i , . Beavers, * Mrs. ’ Roxie, -'.housewife, nominated by Samuel, Ross and. Rev. AV. -jon’es* ... ■jpnes, Thomas, gentleman, nominate ' , ed by Henry Parsons a nd'Jesse ■ 1- ■ Elston. . ’ ' ' ”, 3W-* Williams, Geo*' ,N*, gepM’^hit|n, note* . s mated-.by Noymuif' Hanrirfean and DIED I.N FLINT, MICH. ‘ Mr. Thos. Elliott received word Tuesday of >the death, of his youngest daughter, Mrs.’ Thomas .Brevard, 6f Flint, iMich,/ who , passed away in itev 33rd year following “a* short illness. Word was received earlier in the week of her illness and Mrs. Elliott and dtiugfjJA Mrs; Gould/of Clinton left Monday for mint. The remains are being brought to Exeter and the funeral will be held Saturday after­ noon. The deceased was born in Exeter, her maided >, name being Mund Lee Eillott. Besides her ber­ eaved husband she is survived by a family of five children, the youngest of Whom is only six months old, and In addition to her parents, one sister and five brothers survive# Mrs. Gould, of Clinton} Eldred Elliott, of Marlette, Mich.j jack, of town; Sam of Milfort, Mich., Trueman tte of Exeter and lierman, of Earnia, Tha sympathy of many friends .will extended to the bereaved complete and our prictea Office hours: p.30 to , 1.30 to 5 p.m. . * ? ' Evening by appofntmg&fc S* FITTON: Phone 75w ’ th© Opera House, ! ON JANUARY '*9th /ffl BEEN POSTPONED UNTKt WED., JAN. Owing to the flu epidemia Dancing from. 9* to 2 a.m. . - SHORTY AND HIS GAN# A Peppy Six-Piece Dance Band ADMIS$ION:~?GENTS $1.00 Ladies hot bringihg'-Lunch ‘Will/b^. charged 25c, ,‘to: defray tiecessaryi Iu,neh 'expenses in case, of shortage/ EXETER DANCE COMMITTEE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . January 4th and otlp , ^Sorrel and Son* with H. B. 5V.URNER ami ANNA. Q. , - NILSON .. This is1 a Fine Picture atx4. packed with thrills USUAL COMEDY AND: ADMISSION■ . ; There wilI. be SK^,I\G, To-Night 'JK4nD V^dncsday night. k^'Rd.*TeteE'’ ■_ \ Digiian, Edward- M.,, blacKsmifh/ < nominated by -B. M. Frajxcis and Jas. W. Morley. - -;k 'Ci'eeehxB* N., gentlemen, nominated; by, Jesse ElstonAnnul B. M^ Francis.■■ ■ w ■■ ’ /. * ■ '■ penhaio,. Lutnoj? J., yinanager, hotel- natde by J. T./ Miners and' Gbo. : N* Wliliams. > Covltis, Eli,, .^ehtleman, nominated by, Sam’l Mnrtte and Jos. Davis.’ Cutbtish, Walfeis * mason,’ nomtehted by Geo. M.Williams and'Mir-' iite j ■ Public Utilities Cotemisslpri Hind, J. R,, ^oroteated by- j* ML k Hern. arid Fess© Elston, Elston, Jesse. nominated by Samuel R£>ss and Jbs. Davis. ;* ./•• •> Nominations1 were held tin thn Town Mall on Munday at no oh with Clerk dos. Senior in the chair,; The above list of candidates were placed in nomination and\the‘ ad­ journed until the evening when Mr. Senior yVas: again elected chairniate There was a good turnout of the electors, th# hall being, nearly filled Unfortunafily, through .illness," sev­ eral-of tlie&noniinees’ Were absent,, : Mr. Senilr read a ‘letter- from’-Mr W/'D. Sand'^rs,-who haf-heen confte- " ed to 'fus.home, stating that > ho wo,uld be- alcandtdat^' for the reeve-; ship. ; - " • ■ - ' Ciims.'WSneU'//S V ■ ' ' ‘ ‘ JuMr. Snell exinhssed tlie regi’Ct tlteu'- so;many of the’^tizonsF-werc ill, in­ cluding two members of the council; Mr. Shell spoke chiefly, of’ the work, of the county council, ;,EarIy in the/ year.; a report had Wen. .circulation that there was' something • wro’hg; with the .county books.. There liad. •been ;a mix-up. but. nothing ' seriously' wrong/ ;SinteiyvW double entry be- ■- ''bboks: and - ■’ ’the bank-book and th>'CKad*-.been' ■clear&& up., ' ■ . . \ He stated-.that tW.c___ ■'Ilhildren’i - tefOlterhi^- God erich. not all 'that migh)l be desired a)r,tk>" , ’first of'the year'but that the/mine . had b'eeir renovated and conditions- • W improved. Conditions.-had alsi'.beep, , improved at the countS^p^jA fry, thing*had bo^n factory" at the Huron fccVi'i:ty' , and he paid n tribute to tile keeper' and matron, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobs. Tnmate^' ih SOted' of * the: provincial institutions; had been returned to ,tlte Huron County Home.. • . Mr. Snell Stated that’ Targe Of mphey are .being; spent on the roads of the county. ‘ Gravelling of the highway had’ Cost’ considerable money. -Something, over $9000 /had peep spent on the road between. Exe­ ter., and Kippen and the road wan lo'w’ this ’fall than wW.in $1$ spring. - The county engineer t claims that it fs.’itepof&lble to keep: the- roads tip with gravel The. ' ppdViri*' dal authdrities hpVp*plated' tlirit they intend to push ;the '• laying.' of con­ crete just Us Mpidly aS' pdsstelte The bridges and’teuiVerfs are nearly all in between Clinton arid Lucan. i^Opttttettbd oil. page four,) > ft 400 tlx® THURSDAY’S SHIPMENT WlLt INCLUDE4-HAU BUT, SALMON, SEA HERRINGS, CAKE ONTARIO HER­ RINGS, WhiTefish, salmon snacks, fillets, ano CLAMS, ETC. ’■ '