HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-12-21, Page 7Final Meeting for VMS and WA At ftolrnesville United Church The final meeting of the 'Wo- ,man's Missioeary Society and the Woman's Association of o meteei1le United Church was. field in the .Sunday School :corm o7 Tuesday, December 12. 'Mrs. Reg Miller was in charge 4gf the erewere for the WMS nand opened it with a Christmas Poem. Ms. W. Yeo read the Christmas story in scripture and oe. the same theme, Mrs. Reg. Miller read a poem. The hyrnn "Away in a Ma -re ger" was sung and Mrs. Wil. fred Riggin led in 'prayer, Mrs. Fred Mulholland read the Chris*rnas srto;y "The Carpen-, ter's Shop", The bu'ainees was conducted by the president, Mrs. Les Jer- vis. The minutes of the Noe vembe:- meeting and the roll call we"e give'i by the secre- tary, M -s. ITw ry Cut'anore. Mrs, E'mer Potter gave the treasurer's report, Mrs. E, Yeo gave a reading "Tithes Of All - I • Possess." 1\1 s. Lloyd ;Bond had an article on Chris- tian stewardship and Mrs..Ren- neth T:ewartha read A. story "The Ca~olle:a and the :Refue gees". The meet` n; closed with the hymn "Silent Night" and prave- by Mrs. Reg Miller, The WA meeting followed, with the president, Mrs. Nin - tan Heart in the chair. The call to wo'shin was given by Mrs, liea- 1, followed by the theme snug .end creed in uni- ,1 a Scripture lesson was read h•r I\'Irrs, N. Heard and Mrs. Jack Yeo gave the thoughts on the lessee, The minutes of the November meeting and the roll call we -e given by the semre•r tary, Mrs. William Norman. The treasurer's report was giv- en by Mrs, Frank McCullough,. Mrs. Carman Tebbutt relent- ed for the buying committee. It was passed to buy charter member cards, and Ieaflets for the inaugural. meeting of the United Church Women of Holmesville. Proceeds from the sale of calendars is to be turn - ea over to the WMS.. Mrs, Lloyd Bond read the slate of officers for the new visiting Toronto? be our honoured guest 'Win every room ■ overlooking Lake Ontario shote! facilities ',entertainment nightly only 7 minutes from downtown via the Lakeshore Road at the fabulous SVA *is parkin csu RO 644392 at t • door tor reservation" „.BEST WISHES 'Tills is the time when joy fills Ike ailE and men conte together in a spirit of good fellowship...when we wish all of our friends a very :MERRY CHRISTMAS Herman's Men's `' ear JEAN _-- 50RD AND TOM HERMAN HU 2-9351 CLI NTON HOLME$VILL[ NMR. F, McCWW1~.1,4t1GH 'Phone HU 44444 WO Sandra Williams, Bur- lington, spent the weekenclwith her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Har- ry Williams,. Miss Frances McCullough has returned to her dirties as nurse interne at Toaronnto Western Hospital, :after Spend- ing her third year vacation with her'parents, Mr, and. Ncs, Frank McOullough, The Christmas concert put on by the Sunday School of the Holmesville United Chureh will be held on Thursday, Decem- ber 21, starting at 8 p.m, An added; feature will he the snow - Ing of pictures of their trips• toTrinidad, shower by Rev. C G. Park and Mrs. Park organization and Mrs. 0, G. Park 'installed them to their offices, 1vlrs, Reg Miller read the list of hostesses for 1962. Mrs. Lloyd Bond moved a vette of ,thanks to the two retiring Presidents, Mrs. Les Jervis and Mrs. Ninian Heard. The meeting closed with the hymn, "..Foy To The World", and a .hymn prayer recited in uni- son, Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Kenneth Harris, Mrs. William Norman and Mrs, Jack Yea. Hostesses for 1962 are: J.an nary, Mrs, Barrie Walter, Mrs. Kenneth Trewartha, Mrs, G, Giron .and Mrs, B. Wh^ te1y; February, Mrs. Harry Cisaxnore, Mrs, W. Johnson acid Mrs. Frank McCullough; March, Mrs, Lloyd Bond, Mrs. D. H. Gluddon, Mrs, Orville Blake, and Mrs. Ray Potter; April, Mrs, Jack Yeo, Mrs. Edward Grigg, Mrs. William Norman and Mrs. Jack Dempsey; May, Mrs, Irvine Tebbutt, Mrs. Stewart Farquhar and Mrs. William Batkin; June; Mrs. John Grigg, Mrs. Harold Yea and Mrs, Beim Finlay; July, Mrs. William Yeo, Mrs. Fred Mulholland, Mrs. Eldon Yea and Mrs. William Bender; August, holiday; September, Mrs. Nin - tan Heard, Mrs, J. B, Mac - Math, Mrs, J. Huller and Mrs. J. Cruickshank; October, Mrs. Elmer Potter, Mrs, Les Jervis, Mrs. Mongan Jones and Mrs. Archie Jones; November, Mrs. Reg, Miller, Mrs. Ken Harris, Mrs, F. Oantelan and Mrs. Howard McCullough; •Decexnlb- er, Mrs. Cannan Tebbutt, Mrs. Wilfred Biggin, Mrs, Harry Williams and Mrs. Jim Lobb. Londesboro WI Enjoy Program (Londesboro Correspondent) A very enjoyable afternoon was spent Thursday, December 7, in the Community Hall, Lan- desbom, when the Londesboro Women's Institute held their Christmas meeting. Mrs. T, Al- Ien read a Christmas poem and Rev. Meally, Blyth, gave a very fine ,Christmas message. He was introduced by Mrs. Thoma- son. .Roll call was answered by, do- nations for tthe shut-ins and the ladies enjoyed the following program: duets by Mrs. C. Vincent and Mrs. H. Lear; in- strumental by Mrs. Josling; duet by Barbara Lee and Betty Josling; piano duet by Mrs. T. Allen and Mrs, H. Lear; recita- tion by Judy Little; solos by Debbie Wallace. Mrs. D. Anderson demonst- rated two recipes: one for a fruit loaf and a filling •for an angel food cake. She made three fruit loafs and they were won by three ladies who had a sprig of holly at their plates. A lovely lunch was served by the hostesses, which included the angel food eake, etc. If You're TIRED Now and then everybody gets a "tired -out" feeling and may bo bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, lust a tempor- ary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause backache and tired feeling. Then you foal better, rest bettor, work better, 81 Far the best gift! Buya 1962 LARK at W. H. Dalrymple & San Good Used Cars STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE BRUCEFIELD PHONE HU 2-9211 wtrs 41.0 Awe Mernh YOU Bob .SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES 1960 4 -Door Lark, with over- drive and radio. 1959 Lark 2 -Door, automatic transmission. 1958 Studebaker 8 'Cy1., four. door, with overdrive. 1958 Studebaker, 6 CyL, two -door, 1957 Plymouth Vii, 4.door. 1956 Chevrolet 6 Co, Sedan Delivery. 1954 V8 Studebaker Hawk hardtop,, overdrive '--. real hot cart c `oral Paticwa a 1954 Studebaker Zboory Cyl.x overdrive, 5 u Adrian King of Sport King Whyte, the veteran sportsman who offers tips on hunting and fishing each Saturday night on CBC -TV's King Whyte Show, knows his guns lock, stock and barrel. In his game room, King has a total of 15 shotguns and rifles and three pistols, each as good as the man who fires them, lie's been elected honorary member of rod and gun clubs the length and breadth of Canada. (CBC Photo) Huron County Federation of Agriculture held •their regular monthly meeting December 12, with the new president, Elmer Ireland, of East W awanosh, ',presiding. Since there were several new township presi- dents, each was asked to identi- fy himself and tell the type of his farxn operation. Albert Bacon, president of the County Hog Producers As- sociation, reported that the re- sults of the hog feeding project would be completed before too long and it Is hoped that some valualble information will be forthcoming, Charles Moms, Qrey WW1- ship, ownship, reported on the poultry producers meeting on an egg marketing plan that was held in Tot"ort#0 'Veen*, At this meeting a nidt(dit Was passed instructing the Onteri0 Poultry Producers directors to take the necessary steps to draft an egg marketing plan, This means that a petition signed, by at least 15 tpercent. of the egg pro- ducers will have to be present- ed to the Farm Products Mar- keting Board requesting a Mar- keting Plan for eggs.,produgtd, in Ontario. It is hoped that this can be done by the end of February. After this time a plan will be drafted and presented tothe producers. A vote will then be taken which will require that a reasonable number of produc- ers vote and that two-thirds of those voting vote in favour. The winter short courses at the OAC were discussed and it was agreed that the County Federation would sponsor two delegates to the Marketing and ■1•1111r Holiday Dance WED., DEC. 27 Legion Hall, Seaforth --- FEATURING — Al Cherney and his Golden Prairie Cowboys Dancing 10 to 1 p.m. Admission: Only 75c Sponsors: SEAFORTH JUNIOR FARMERS 1',n1111111111',nr11► Co-operation Conference held January 2, 3, 4 and 5. The education committee re- ported that steps were being taken tohold a second Huron County leadership training for- um early in the new year. De- tails will be available shortly. In closing just a couple of items from recent Ottawa re ports: "Ministter o f Agriculture Hamilton is seriously consider- ing the advisability of Govern- ment snaking provision for the - accumulation of feed grain re- serves.” I suppose there are people W119 axe initerestte kfl guaran- teed feed supplies but our re- serves of feed grains aver' the past several years hasn't made it easy for family farmers. Jut when de reserves become huge surpluses? Certainly "reserves" of pork products in government hands didn't do much for the hog producers, Again I quote, "The Prairies may be threatened by a much more serious drought in 19G2 than in. 1961." The building up of feed grain reserves by gov- ernment under these cirounrr- stances could only result in low- er prices for Ontario grain and therefore Iivestock would also be lower. When so marry people have been lamenting the plight of the' farmer in the cost -price squeeze for several years it hardly seems reasonable that steps should be taken to keep him there. SAVE MONEY WHEN BTJYING CANNED GOODS Study the label of canned food, advises the foods depart- ment of Macdonald Institute, Guelph. Food value does not decrease with the grades. Com- pare the prices: "Stand'ard' grade should be cheaper than either "Choice" or "Fancy" Choose "Fancy" quality for special purposes, such as sal- ads, where the Shape and uni- fonmity of the pieces count. Contents of cans labelled "Choice" are high in flavor and tenderness, but are not as uni- form. in size and color. Fruits labelled "Standard" save you money when used for puddings, frozen desserts, or gelatin dish- es, where the appearance of whole fruit is not important. Vegetables of this quality can be used in soups, in gelatin salads, and in scalloped dishes. Inventions in this old world are coming so fast that the ladder t6 success may soon be replaced by an escalator, Morreipondent, two Megiymovi t pique XIV ,g,s, i.4) The United Church Sunday School Christmas tree wilt be held in time basement of the Church ora Friday evening of this week at 8 p.an. A special Christmas service -wild be held newt Sunday, De, ember 24 in the Milted Church at 2 p.m with the pastor, the Rev. T. J, Pitt In ,charge. There will be special music by tthe chciir, `rg Go Oaroliing The 1 -N -C Group of the Unit- ed 'Cliurgla met an Monday evening with the president, Miss Joan MoOlyniont in charge, The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Margaret Allington. They decided to go carol -singing through the village on Thurs- day evening, Deeerrnber 21. Miss Carol Hill and Miss Joyce Hay- ter had charge of recreation, after which lunch was served. Varna Missionary Society tights Candle for Future (Varna Correspondent) The December meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church, Varna, was held on December 9 at the Parsonage, The worship period took the form of a candle lighting serv- ice which was conductedby the president, Mrs. Watson Webs- ter, with all the ladies partici- pating. The parts, "Voice of Revelation" and "Voice of Res- ponse" were taken by7 Mrs. Harvey Hayter and Mrs, Mer- vyn Hayter respectively with Mrs. W. Webster as narrator. The service was interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols and each lady present held a candle which was lit at the close. As this was the final meet- ing of the WMS soon to be in- corporated with the WA into the new society, "The United Church Women" Mrs, T. J. Pitt lit a candle for the future and gave an appropriate prayer, The date set for the inaugur- al meeting of the new society is January 4, 1962 when the officers; See the coming year will be elected. Boxes of Christmas cheer are to be packed for the sick and shut-ins. A reading entitled "Keeping Christmas" was given by Mrs. Pitt, A social hour was enjoyed during which lunch was served by the village group. Liver Can Be Tempting! High Food Value Not only is liver .a valuable source of iron, but it also sup- plies a large amount of Vita- mins A and B. The livers of beef, pork, and lamb 'are as dark reddish -:brown in colour. That of calf or veal, considered ithe choicest liver, is lighter in calculi. All, however, are very high in food value. Vary the kind you use, suggests the food and nutrition depart- ment of Macdonald Institute, Guelph. Serve liver with onions or bacon. Simmer it with vegetab- les and tomato juice, or bake it in a easserol'e in alternative layers with vegetables: In all cases, remember not to over- cook it, since this tends to make liver tough. Tasty Baked Liver for Four Place 4,44 to one ',pound of th- inly sliced liver in a large bak- ing dish. Part -fry a half a cup canned or fresh mushrooms, half a cup of sliced green pep- pers, and one-third chopped on- ion in three or four tablespoons of butter for ten minutes, or until lightly browned, Remove front heat and slowly stir in two tablespoons flour, half tea- spoon Worcestershire sauce, and salt and pepper to taste. Gradually combine with one cup milk. Return to heat and cook until thick. Pour aver liver. Bake, uncovered, in a pre- heated oven of 325 degrees V. for 25 minutes, or until tender. Serve with baked' potatoes and squash. The federal government or any provincial government may moult a Royal Commission and since 1867 there have been 150 inquiries that have had that title. ✓ '�, Mme?. CHRISTMAS JOY TO ALL PROM THE STAFF., AT `I"HE HEATING CIILS,GASbLINE MiatbR dips a tREASES. MU 3873 295 .ill/77E5 5r 11 Iinorj,s pot. 21, I961 --Clinton NeWs4tecor4- -i age ern..... .... •.•.. .,. ._�, ,�n.. ,.,_. ,... NEWS OF LONDESBORO Oorrespawle at• .MICS, B} R'44111 pboao 'Myth 47 r4 TomAllen is atpresent sof, fering from a sprained` ankle, Fred Prot is a patient In Westminster Hospital, London. John Vodden is not progres- sing as well as his friend's would like, Wesley Vodden is spendn•.ng the winter with Mr, and Mrs, Bert Shobbrook. We welcome Mr. an Mrs, Gordon Shobbrook and fancily to the village, Mrs. Waiter McGill spent Friday with friends in Gode- rich. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong visited on Thursday •with their son Kenneth and farruily in Stratford, Joanne, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ken Wood, Wing - ham, bas been a visitor with her grandparents for the past week, Dave Anderson had the anis,- fortune of breaking an ankle last week. He has a walking east on, but no doubt is suf- fering a good deal of discom- f Mrs, Hobert Townsend re- turned on Thursday, having sp- ent 'two weeks with her sieter in Oshawa and daughter in To- ronto. At the regular meeting of Malloch Chapter No. 66 at Sea - forth on Monday evening, Very Ex. Comp. James Neilarrs was presented with a 25 year past principal's jewel by Rt. Ex. Comp. John McFadyen, Tiver- ton, Grand Supt. of Huron Dis- trict. T h Woman's Missionary' Society held the December Meeting at the home of Mrs. Joe Shaddie'k. The president opened +the meeting with a Poem. The treasurer gave a Satisfactory report, which stat- ed the allocation has been ex- ceeded. A wann quilt, socks, and mitts are requested for the spring allocation. There is a .quantity of yarn on hand for anyone caring to .knit, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook took charge of the program. Chhristxnas hymns were sung and several fine Christmas readings were given, Group three served a social cup .ef tea with Christmas eake, Next Sunday evening, Decein- ber 24 at 7,30 p,rn, the senior and juntar choir's will particip- ate in a choral service. The congregation appreciates the time and effort whiich is ex- pended in preparation of this service and a good attendance is hoped for. CORRECT l WTI1O1 OF FREEZING TURKEY Do not freeze a stuffed tur- key, either cooked or uncooked, cautions the Food Department of Macdonald! Institute, Guelph. For cooked turkey, remove the meat from the carcass and then freeze, For naw turkey freeze, thaw, and stuff just before go- ing into the oven, or cock the stuffing in, a separate greased pan or casserole or in alumi- num foil. TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Tender for a Heating System SEALED TENDERS for an COI Heating Furnace, installed in the Township Hail, Valine, complete with a new chimney if necessary, will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1962 Tenders are to be seated and clearly marked as to contents. LoWest• or ainy tender not necessarily Accepted, JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk, Varna, Ontario, 51-2b i s Quart Carton EGG NOG 69c With Regular Deliveries Also Available at Grocery Stores Fairholme Dairy Ltd. From the Management and Staff at the CLINTON THIS WEEKEND'S SPECIALS Stokelyrs. Fancy Tomato Juice -48 oz. 25c Fancy* Honey Pod Peas -15 oz. 3 for 53c Green Giant Niblets-14 oz. 3 for 53c Henley Fruit Cocktail -20 oz. 2 for 49c Rtck's Sweet Mixed Pickles -32 oz, 49c Cherwy Hill Old Cheese -12 oz. 65c FOWL and MEAT SPECIALS Grade A Oven Ready Turkey 20 (b. or over 39c lb, Boneless Cry-o;Vac Dresser Hams $9C lb. Tablerite Rindless Side Bacon 75c lb. California Fancy Oranges --•-138 49a doz. 4O. 1 Large Size Tangerines 2 doz. 69c No, 1 Celery Stalks 19c ea. Frozen Zero Pok....2 lib. Poly Peas Z for 89c Frozen Suns i ne orn -2 lb. 2 for 89c