HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-12-21, Page 6�j� Weves-iteeiira-4hurs., Dec., 21 if3i
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Mr, and ?Oa, $. MAMA Cera
trait, were recent guests. with
Mr. and Mrs. J. 4,. MeEwen.
Janes A. Paterson. is a pat -
lent iu Victoria HoVital, I -Ol-
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Ross, To'
Mt°, wore weekend guests
with the f grater's aunt,- Mss:
Agnes MeEwen.
Jahn Wood, KiPPen, Was the
winner •of $25 worth of grocer-
ies at Al's .Supersave Market.
Saturday night.
Rev, D. Rass MacDonald was
guest minister at First Pres.-
byterian iCharcia. Seaforth,
Sunday morning.
Mr. and; Mrs. John Jarrotta
highly esteemed resident of the
village will observe. their 47th
Wedding anniversary on Dec
ber 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Deeves
attended the ManraAnderson
'Wedding at Si. Andrevv's Milted
Church, Kippen, December 1.6,
The groom is a nephew a M.
witmers ,of the $20 worth
of groceries at Brown's IGA
Market, Saturday night, was
Mrs. Dorothy Robinson, Varna;
and the doll: was won by Or
vine Smith, RR 1, Hensel'.
The Legion Auxiliary distri-
buted; five lovely Christmas
baskets to sick and shut-in
members over the weekend. In
charge of the project were
president Mrs. Gordon a11.11.11121,
and incoming president Mrs.
William Smale.
M. and Mrs. J. E. MeEwen,
and; Mr, and Mrs. Albert ICeYs,
Exeter, attended the funeral of
the late Walter lVfoffat, Bruce,
field', held Friday front, the Ball
and Mutch funeral home, Clip.
William. Caldwell, Rrucefield,
Was admitted to Clinton Public
Hospital last week suffering
a .fractured leg. Mr, Caldwell
Was loading lags in the bash
where one of the logs fell on
his leg.
Mr, and Mrs, Roger Venner,
and Ir, and Mrs. Robert T)rys-
dale, enjoyed a pleasant even-
ing attending the London Little
Theatre production of Guys and
Dolls on Monday evening, It
was a wonderful show, proclue-
tion, costumes, dance numbers,
music done to perfection and
thoroughly enjoyed by then,
The CGIT of Carmel Presby-
terian Church brought cheer to
the patients of the Queensway
nursing home Suniday after-
noon, December 17, when they
entertained with a medley of
carols with the Christmas mes-
sage, The ten girls accompan-
ied by their leader Mrs. Ross
D. MacDonald looked smart in
their new uniforms.
Miss Carol Brown was maid
of honour and Mrs. William
Brown soloist at the IVIantle-
Neeb wedding at the Evangel-
ical Lutheran Church, Tavi-
stock, ori Saturday, December
9. For her selection Mrs.
Brown chose "The Lord's Pray-
er' and "The Wedding Benedic..
tam!. Mrs. Brown is an aunt
and Carol a cousin of the bride.
Rev. Lorne Sparks, Bayfield,
was guest animater at Carmel
Presbyterian Church, Sunday
morning, delivering a very in-
teresting and informative mes-
sage. The choir under direc-
tion of Mrs. Malcolm Dougall
rendered two anthems. 'Soloists
were Mrs. William Brown and
Jim Dougall. Flowers in the
church; were in !memory of the
late Leonard Sararas of the
Zurich district, father of Mrs.
Jim Love.
Two Christmas. Sunday serv-
ices have been planned for
Sunday, December 24, at the
United! Church. The 11 o'clock
hour of worship, and a Christ-
mas Eye carol service at 7.30
p.m. The choirs have been en-
gaged in the preparation of
special music. As part of the
Christmas Eve carol service a
"Christmas Gift" offering will
be received. This offering will
be credited to the Missionary
and Maintenance Fund, anclwill
be used to help others, at home
and abroad.
Santa's arrival Saturday aft-
ernoon at the town hall in the
fire truck was joyfully welcom-
ed by the children of the vil-
lage and community at the an-
nual Christmas party sponsored.
by the businessmen. 440 bags
To all our loyal customers and friends
we extend our sincerest wishes
for a Christmas season
filled with cheer.
A cheery hello to all our many
friends, with wattriest wishes for
ct very happy Christmas season!
Dory's Supertest
Corner of Princess and Aibett Streets,-4HU14055
Christmas in St. Joseph's School
Posing with some of the Christmas decorations in the junior room at $t.
Joseph's Separate School here are, at the left, Paul Anstett, Brian Powers,
Bobbie Finnie and at the right, Constance Hathaway, Cynthia Morel, and
Wendy Lou Shaer. The pupils are holding a Christmas program in the parish
hall of the church this evening. (News -Record Photo)
Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG
Phone Hensall 278 W 1
Several cases of 'flu, measles,
mumps and chicken Pox are re-
ported in the surrounding area.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stan -
lake, Exeter, visited Sunday
with Robert Thomson,.
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dick-
ert visited Sunday with rela-
tives in Harriston.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis art -
tended the annual supper and
Christmas concert Monday eve-
ning at Huronview, Clinton.
Mrs. Leonard Lovell is a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal, London. Her friend's and
neighbours wish her a speedy
of treats and 300 bottles of
chocolate milk (milk donated
by Ron Mock of Huronclale
Dairy) were distributed
by Chief Constable E. R. Davis,
clerk Earl Catnpbell, assisted
by Hugh Love, Einar -xenon
Smith, Tam Kyle, Bert Peck
and Mr. Geddes. Several car-
toon films were shown in the
town hall to some 300 viewers,
with Bill Fuss in charge of the
CGIT Candlelight
Plans are finalized for the
CGIT -candlelight vesper sea -vice
Sunday evening, December 24
at 8 p.m. at Caramel Presbyter-
ian Church, with the CGIT girls
taking the whole service. The
mass chair consisting of the
senior choir,Explorers, and
CGIT will sing two anthems.
A Christmas story will be
given and old familiar carols
sung, and the girls will present
a small play. The church will
be decorated with the Christ-
mas theme.
The girls are looking forward
to a large attendance. Start
your Christmas celebration by
coming to church Christmas
Eve, therefore putting ,Christ
into Christmas.
Kinotte Party
Mrs. Jim Hyde was hostess
for the Kinette Christmas
meeting on December 12, with
resident Mrs. William Clem-
ent presiding and prospective
member MTS. John Baker pre-
sent. A successful report was
given on sale of Christmas cake
The group will buy toys and
clothes for Christmas for chil-
dren of a needy family in the
area. The president read a let-
ter from their Italian adopted
child which was very interest-
ing. 1VIrs. Ross Jinks, a past
president, won the raffle,
United Church
At the United Church Sun-
day evening Christmas pageant
and White Gift service was
held. The church was lovely
with two poinsettlaft gift of
the Girl -uides, adding to Ilia
effectiveness of tho docora,tions.
Thirty meinhers o tile junior
hi their hew gowns a
whito, With blue bow ties on-
eLtpled the choir loft and sang
several carols, Miss Greta
Lammie accompanied at the
church •organ, An impressive
pageant in three parts was pre-
sented, The church was filled
for the occasion.
The annual Christmas Sun-
day School program was held
in the schooi room of Carmel
Presbyterian Church Sunday
evening with the school •room
packed to cvacity. Rev. Ross
D. MacDonald vvas chairman
or the evening and presented
a film, "God's Great Gift To
M&'. Each class centribtited to
the program and the Corr and
Explorers presented skita. The
children were given treats and
gilts, and lunch was served.
Scouts Car %IA
Rensall Scouts and Cubs had
busy day Saturday Washing
cam They r6alited $5,5. Pro,,
tee& will be used tor carain
eiltliptnent and the boy$ hpe
to try and build a intt of their
Assisting with the. 'project
Were Scoutmaster Pam Paton,
and Zahri Baker liggistanit; Ob -
tater Sack L.tiVeraler and Xen
Richardlson and 'tt alh .1-
iistsnts. A hurriber Of the faith.
er,s, lMettiberS 'Of .grottp tdth4
trattee.a tato Iteitsea. The 'cos
wore, waghad it .61* Goftertil
Coach Ustatgnif (aa plant,
Miss Jennie Taylor
(Hensel' Correspondent)
Public funeral services for
Miss Jennie Gordon Taylor,
Hensall, who died suddenly at
her home, Friday afternoon,
December 15, Were held from
the Bonthrori funeral chapel,
Hensall, on, Monday, by the
Rev. Ross D. MacDonald. Bur-
ial was in Hensel]. Union
Born in Hay Township she
had been, a resident of the vil-
lage for many years and was
a member of Carmel Presby-
terian Church.
Surviving are one brother,
Orville Taylor, RR 1, Exeter;
two sisters, Mrs. Rex Dick, RR
1, Hensall ,and Mrs. William
Harvey, Norwich.
Mensal! WI To
Adopt Child In
Overseas Country
(Hensel' Correspondent)
The Legion Hall, lovely in a
settin,g of Christmas emblems,
was %the site on December 1'3
for the Christmas meeting of
Hensall Women's Institute,
President Mrs, Fred Beer was
in charge. Final arrangements
for the "sponsor a child plan"
were made and it was decided
to adopt a child, of school age
Season's greetings were on
display from the other branches
of South Huron. Guest speak-
er Rev, Ross D. MacDonald ad-
dressed the group, choosing for
his theme—"The Coming of the
King." He spoke forcibly stat-
ing that "Love ,alone will con-
quer the world, and that it
will all begin with us!' The
speaker was introduced by Mrs,
William Brown 'and thanked by
Mrs. James McAllister,
Mrs. T. 3, Sherrit't directed
carol singing with Miss Greta
Lammie at the piano. MTS.
John Corbett gave a ,dernonstra-
tion "Icing a Cake to Represent
Santa's Face". Mrs. Malcolm
Dolmafl favoured with a lovely
solo "0 Holy Light," followed
with a second selection. Miss
Laramie was accompanist.
The president extended sea-
son's greetings. Mrs. R. D. El-
gie ,announced about the 65th
anniversary luncheon to be ;held
at Toronto. A recreation, period
of contests were enjoyed under
direction of Miss Lammie and
Mrs. Elgie,
Program conveners were Miss
Lammie and Mrs. W. H. Week-
es; helteSSesi MrS, AVMs Ben-
Kippen East WI
Entertains Pre -
School Children
(Henson Correspondent)
Mrs. William F. Bell was
hostess at her home for the
Kipper East Women's Ixistitute
Christmas meeting Wednesday
afternoon, December 13, with
pre-sohool age children the
special guests for the occasion.
Mrs, James Drummond presid-
ed for the meeting.
Roll call, "The First Christ-
mas Gift I Remember" was
answered by the members. A
group composed of Mrs. How-
ard Finkbeiner, Mrs. Verne Al-
de/dice, Mrs. Ross Sararas,
Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse, Mrs.
Ken lVfoKay, Mrs, Robert Bell,
and Mrs. Drummond presented
a Christmas skit.
Several members who had
taken the course "Focus on Fin-
ishes", modelled dresses they
had made. Mrs. Stewart Pep-
per, and Mrs. Alex McGregor,
leaders of the project, were pre-
sefaked gifts from the "sewing
Tickets were sold on, a
Christmas cake and the winner
was Mrs. Ross Sararas. Pro-
ceeds from the sale amounting
to $10 will be forwarded to
theHuron Children's Aid Soc-
iety at God'erich. Mrs. Cecil
Pullman gave a Christmas
Mrs, William Kyle was co -
hostess. Christmas refresh-
ments were served. In charge
of treats were Mrs. Russell
Break and Mrs. Percy Harris;
lunch, Mrs. Ken McKay, Mrs,
Arthur Finlayson, Mrs. Ernie
Whitehouse, Mrs. Eldon Jar-
rott; ice cream, Mrs. Alex Mc-
Gregor, Mrs. C. Eyre and Mrs.
Robert Kinsman.
Potato logs are delightful for
holiday gatherings, and the po-
tatoes may be cooked the day
before, suggests the Food De-
partment of Macdonald Insti-
tute, Guelph. For every three
cups of seasoned mashed ur ric-
ed potatoes whip in two beaten
eggs, 1/2 teaspoon minced onion,
and two tablespoons chopped
parsley. Form into logs. Roll
in finely crushed cracker
crumbs. Brown in a 400 degree
gaugh and Miss Phyllis Case.
A Christmas luncheon was ser-
WI -Macaulay Ltd.
Miss Kay Sharp Dick Freeman
Gary Freeman
keYYte' MddOUtay
Kippen East W.I.
Has :Euchre: and
Christmas Party
Winners fKipper East
meu's Thstitute Christmas cakes
drawn for at their .euchre and,
dance Friday evening were IVirs,
Bari Papple, Seaforth; Miss
Helen Glew, Seaforth; Mrs, Alf
Boss, Jr., .Staffa, Tickets were
drawn by president Mrs. James
Drummond and were made, by .
Mrs. Verne Alderdlce.
Twenty tables were in play,
for_euchre and wlAnora,
were; ladies, Mrs. Harvey Jac-
obi, Mrs. James Dratniroacia
Mrs, Hank Bennindyke; gentle-
men, Harvey Jacobi, Joe M-
Lellan, Firkbener,
Lucky lunch prize, Mrs. .Canm,-
bell Eyre.
Norris orchestra provided
music for the dance. The
Christmas, cake project was a
great success' with every :ticket
Mann -Anderson
(Kippen Correspondent)
Rev. A. Harold Johnston,
33,rucefield, officiated at the
wedding ceremony in St. An-
drews United ,Church, Kippen,
on Saturday, December 16,
when, Kathryn Elizabeth Ander-
son daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Anderson, RR, 2, Hensall,
became the bride of Lloyd
Douglas Mann, Clinton, Tile
groom is the son of Mr, and
Mrs. Roy Mann, Clinton.
The bride wore a white
bustle -back gown of peau -de -
sole embroidered with floral
motifs at the neckline. A head-
dress of seed pearls held her
tulle Mullet veil and she car-
riedi a cascade of red roses and
Miss Marie Sinclair, Strat-
ford, was maid of honour, wear-
ing a red 'peau-cle-sole gown.
Debra Anderson, sister of the
bride, was junior bridesmaid,
wearing a similar gown.
Keith Anderson, brother of
the bride, was groomsman and
guests were ushered by Donald
Denomme, Chatham, and How-
ard Rennie, Hensall.
A reception was held in the
church parlours. For travelling
in the Northern United States,
the bride chose a cocoa brawn
dress with matching accessor-
ies, gold coat and corsage of
bronze 'mums. The couple will
live in Kippen,
Last Thursday's meeting was
quite successful with approxi-
mately 25 present. The Huron
coin club is now in existence
and is officially known as "The
Huron Numismatic Club". Elec-
ted as officers were myself as
president, Alf Roy, Clinton,
vice-president and Ray Vachon,
Clinton, as secretary -treasurer.
All future meetings will be
held on, the second Thursday
of each month, making the next
meeting fall an January 11,
1962, 8 p.m. at the Clinton town
Anyone who missed last
week's meeting is certainly
welcome to come out to the
next meeting.
Merry v Christmas
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