HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-12-14, Page 7CARDS OF THANKS The family Of the late Mrs. Isabella. Lawrason wish to thank all who remembered tel mother in hospital and those who helped M any way during their recent bereavement, sob CARDS OF THANKS would like to thank may friends for their visits, gifts, and cards while a patient in Clinton hospital, $peeial thanks to Dr. F. Newland and Hors- Ing *aft IRBNNH GA.R•ki.0W50h. Attend Your Church This Sunday Services Standard Time as. >r i¢ - 'c1l �� AJntPsiYtllw git'tte?t• f trurcilgo REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister Sunday, December '17 Subject: "THE INCREDIBLE GOOD NEWS. ' TOO GOOD NOT TO BE TRUE!" WESLEY-WiLLIS 11.00 a.m.--Public Worship 1.2.00 noon --Sunday School HOLMESViLLE 1.30 p.m,—,Public Worship 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School Friday, Dec. 15--7.30—Wesley-Willis Sunday School Concert Thurs., Dec. 21-7.30—Holmesvilie Sunday •School Christmas Concert Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's --- Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, L -Th. Rector Charles Herrin, Ouganist and Choir Leader Sunday, December 17 ADVENT III 8.30 a.m.-11o13' Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon 7.30 p.m. --Evening Prayer Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, December 17 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Annual Christmas Party Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer & Bible study. All Welcome Sf. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. LANE, B.A., D.D., Minister Mrs, M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, December 17 9.45 a.m.--Church School 10.45 a.m.-Divine Worship "Preparation for Christmas" Mon., Dec. 18 — 7.30 p.m.. — Christmas Entertainment in the school room. ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above ball invite you to conte and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11.00 am.-- Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sundaychool 7.00 pm. Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Thursday — Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, December 17 10.00 a.m.—Service in English 2.30 p.m.—Service in Dutch EVERYONE WELCOME BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV. I. BODENHAM. Sunday, December 17 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Meriting Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. You are cordially invited to these services. "CLINTON BAPTIST' CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Craig Peters, Pastor Thursday 8.00 pan.—Women's Association Sunday, 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.15 a.m.—Fainly Worship "The Road to Bethlehem" A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A.. 9.45 a.m.-•-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship and Christmas Music 7.00 p.m.---CGIT Candlelight Service Dec. 18 -Sunday School Concert at 7.30 p.m, Turner's Church 2.00 p.m.—Church Service, 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School Tues., Dec. 19—Sunday School Concert, 8.30 p.m, TRIM THE TREE WITH Gifts for 'comfort, easy on the feet, for Men and Boys. From $1.98 to $6.95 Warm, long wearing Dress Socks from 79c Work Socks too, Warn, pure wool Hanson brand from $1.00 Quality Nome Brands of Billfolds and Key Cases for Ladies & Men Utility Cases Brief Cases Some Gift Leather Goods Gold initialled Pree, Complete Selection McBRINE SAMSONITE Choose from sets or single pieces. 0 Sweaters 0 Sport Shirts 0 Footwear AIKEN'S HU 24352 BIRTHS ram—xia St, Maras Hospital, Kitchener, on Thursday, De-,• ember 7, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald Fedy (nee Caro- 4% Spellman), Waterloo, a san(brother for Robert and O'CONNQR—In Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, Decem« he 12, 1961, to Corporal and Mrs. Lennard O'Connor, Clan- ton, a son, RILEY-1n Clinton Public Hos- pital on Sunday, December 10, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, Ross Riley, Cromarty, a son. TOWN$ ND — In Stratford General Hospital, on Thurs- day, December 7,196x, to Mr, and Mrs. Allan Townsend, Mitchell (nee Mildred Brod) a daughter (sister for Ruth and Barbara). v0LLET'r In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, De - comber 13, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs. Harry Vollett, Bayfield, daughter, RR 3, WALTERS—In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, Decent - her 10, 1961, to LAC and Mrs, Kenneth Walters, Clin- ton, a son. DEATHS GERRIE—In Durham, Ontario, on Friday, December 8, 1961, Margaret Helen Gerrie, dear sister of Howard, Saskatoon, Sask,; George, North Oxford, and David, Toronto. Service from the Walker and Clifton funeral home, Ingersoll on Tuesday afternoon, December 12, with temporary entomb- ment in Ingersoll Mausoleum and interment later in Inger- soll rural cemetery, HUGILL --- At her home in Tuckersmith Township, on Monday, December 11, 1961, Martha Gertrude Crich, be- loved wife of Jonathan E. Hugel, in her 70th year. Ser- vice from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153 High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery on Wednesday aft- ernoon, December 13, by the Rev. Clifford Britton, Sea - forth, Ontario, MOFFAT—Suddenly in Stanley Township on Tuesday, Decem- ber 12, 1961, Walter" Campbell Moffat, beloved husband of Anna Love Fisher, RR 1, Brucefield, in his 67th year. Service from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153 High Street, Clinton, to . Baird's Cemetery, on Friday after- noon, December 15, at two o'olock, by the Rev. A. H. Johnston. iN MEMORIAM HALE—In loving memory of our dear •mother, Vivien M. Hale, who passed away' April 1952 and our dear brothers, Robert and Cyril Hale, who died December 1957 and Decem- ber 1958, respectively: "God knows how much we miss them Never shall their memory fade, 'Laving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where they are laid." —Ever missed by sisters, Ruth Cochrane, Marjorie Hale and Erma Hartley. 50p SHOBBROOK — In loving memory of John Wesley Shob- brook who passed away three yeans ago, December 14, 1958: "Three years have passed since the sad day The one I loved was called away; God took him home, it was His will, But in my heart he liveth still." —Ever remembered by his wife and children, Annie, Stan, Ruth. 50p NOMINATIONS for candidates to fill four seats on the board of St. Joseph's Separate School will be accepted *on December 27, 1961 between the hours of 12 noon , and 1 p.m. at St. Joseph's Rectory, 123 James Street, Clinton If necessary, an election will be held at the rectory, date and time to be announced. Returning Officers: Antoine Garen, and the Rev. L. E. Reed -Lewis. 50b Perionais Mr. and Mrs. A. J. M Mur, ray returned Saturday from a three wee)is holiday to Miami, St. Petersbgrg, Florida, and other points in the south. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. M, Paisley and Ian, Kitchener, sp- ent Sunday with Mrs. 0. L, Paisley. Mr. ,and Mrs, E, C. Lowrie and family, Lambeth visited with Mr. and Mrs, Alex me - Michael, 207 Townsend Street on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, W, H; Johne - ton, and Kerry, Toronto, spent the weekend with Me lady's Parents, Mr. and M. H, Mc Cartney, RR 2, Clixlton. Ed Wendorf and his dog "Tiny" are flying west on Mon- day evening via jet from Crum- lin to spend Christmas with his daughter, Cororina, her 'husband M. G, Darville, and grandchild- ren at 18 Browning Boulevard, Winnipeg 22, Manitoba. Wesley -Willis WA Makes Donations Mrs. Douglas Andrews, presi- dent of the Woman's Associa- tion of Wesley -Wallis United Church, opened the December meeting with a poem entitled "Not the Gift." Scripture was read by Mrs. F. Reid. Thoughts on the lesson was, given by ears. W. Murch and prayer was by Mrs. C. Stewart. • Several cards of thanks were read, and members were re- minded that a member, Mrs. Wes. Holland is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, A gift of $10 will be sent to the Westminster House for fur- nishings. Mrs. H. Adams re- ported 17 home and 11 hospital calls. Mrs. F, Andrews report- ed on flowers sent to the sick. The flower and visiting com- mittee will send suitable gifts to the shut-ins at Christmas, and a gift will be made to the obliging caretaker of the ch- urch, Jim Cbx• An amount of money was voted to the board of stewards for some necessary improve- ments, The various secretaries gave their annual reports. ii.. • Mrs. William Hearn sang two lovely solos. Mrs. T. Oliver,read a piece entitled "The Keeper of the Inn". Mrs, Andrews thank- ed the ladies for their help and co-operation while shee '"was president. Mrs. Hearn led in carol sing- ing, and a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Beattie's group. Mrs, Wilfred Jervis was in charge of this. Christmas -dec- orations in the church parlour were used to set the yule -tide scene. RCAF Guides Host To Commissioner December 11 was a memor- able day for the Guides of the Second Clinton RCAF Comp- any. Miss Una MacDonald, Hu- ron Division Commissioner, with her assistant, Miss Mary Mac- Millan, both of Goderich, made an official visit to the company, There was an enrolment cere- mony during which ten girls repeated the Guide Promise and accepted their tenderfoot pin from the Comrnisaioner, They were Louise Betts, Wendy Car- ew, -Joan Davies, Karen Daum, Sandra Hamilton, Laurette Huard, Judy Leader, Nancy Nelson, Shari Sabourin and Vicki Stumpf, Mrs. Ruth Senger was also enrolled by the Commissioner. Mrs. Senger, . Mrs. Suzanne Tremblay and Miss Pamela Mulse are all working hard to earn their own warrants. First and second year service badges were presented to some of the Guides by Miss MacMillan. After the ceremony a delight- ful lunch was served to the audience by four of the •Guides who are working on their host- ess badges. They were directed by Mre. Ethel Forrest, local as- sociation refreshment convener. On December 5, the Second Clinton ItJCAF Brownie Pack had a flying up ceremony. This is an eventful day in the life of any Brownie, as she has now reached the age for Guiding. Leaving the pack were Linda Forrest, .Susanne Boys, Chris- tine Brow. After the ceremony, Brown Owl Mrs. Emma Lud- wig and her Brownies served a lovely lunch to the guests. Yes, It IS New! CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS FOR THE SMOKER CIGARETTES—alt popular brands (Christmas wrap) CIGARS --ranging from 25c per pkg. up PIPES- -from $1.00 up TOBACCO POUCHES, WALLETS, KEY CASES, DARTS, DART CASES ROLL -FIVE and SINGLE ROLLERS BOXED CHOCOLATES—BORDEN'S ICE CREAM A Good Assortment of IMPORTED TOBACCOS: Amphora Brahadis Prestage *- Hollandiai Sail -- Sail Armatic -- Barney's Capstan Baby's -Bottom -- Erinmore Mixture Erinmore Flake. At Our Newsstand: Daily: London Free Press; Globe $r Mriil, Telegram, Toronto Star; Weekly: Toronto Stor, News -Record, GORD's Billiard Parlor (Formerly AOliow'$ Main Corner) Gordon Lawson, proprietor Phone HU 2-709i MQ11111 S STUDY c>f V>t• TO MAT D (1EMW! R iS The December meeting of the Mothers' Study Group of Wes ley -Willis United Church will be held on Tuesday, December 19. :at 3 p,xrl, in the church, and will take the forlrt of a Christ- • Inas party to which all:mothers and children are invited. Please :bring sandwiches and cookies, Mrs. Harold Wise and NITS, Wil- fred Jervis will be in charge, 411 Homemakers Receive Awards Achievement pay Junior Club girls represents Ing eleven Women's Institute branches' were in Clinton last Saturday for the 4-H Horne - making Club Achievement Day. in connection with the project, "Featuring Fruit," Provincial honor pins and certificates were awarded to Miss Marjorie Kieffer, RR 1, Winghesn Miss Mary Elliott, RR 2, Wingh'am; and Mrs. Ger- trude Diehl, Goderich. These three members also received a copy of an ency'clopedia's book of the year. Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, home economist for Huron County, presented .a 4-H Club Leader's certificate to Mrs. Alvin Moir, RR 3, Exeter, in recognition of five years of leadership in club work. Assisting Miss Gilchrist with the day's program were Mrs. Ian McAllister, Zurich, a former bonne economist for Hu- ron County, and Miss Selma Williams, home economist for Bruce County. County honor pins and cer- tificates were awarded to Shir- ley Baird, RR 2, Wingham; Sharon Stewart, Goderich; Pat Mellwain, RR 2, Goderich; Lyn- da MacDonald, Clinton; Shirley Machan, RR 1, Auburn; Marion Hickey, RR 3, Auburn; Marg- aret Haines, RR. 5, Goderioh; Marie Leatherland, RR 1, Au- burn; Margaret Hyde, RR 1, Hensall; Kathryn Oke, RR 3, Exeter; Gale Wilson, RR 3, Brussels; and Alice Devries, RR 3, Brussels. Club exhibits were by: the Auburn Aces, with Marion Hickey as commentator, "A Day's Meal Featuring Fruit;" Belmore No. 1 Club; the Blyth Berry Belles; the Clinton Fruit Sallies, demonstrating fruit sa- lads; the Goderich Clever Con- trivers; the Thrifty Kippenettes, Sharon McBride commentator, showing the uses of dried fruits; and the Tiger Dunlop Lassies. Demonstrations and skits were provided by the Belmore Berries, the Crediton Fruitettes, the " Dungannon Fruit Lassies, and the Hurondale Jolly Jills, The clubs, the leaders, and the assistants for the project were: Auburn, Mrs. A. Machan, Mrs. A. Davies; Belmore No. 1, Mrs. •Oscar Kieffer, Mrs. Jo- seph Simmons; Belmore No. 2, Mrs. J. Eadie, Mrs. L. Harper; Blyth, Mrs. W. Gqod, Mrs. Gordon • Mason; Clinton;; Mrs. Ronald MacDonald, Mrs. Hart- ley Managhan; Crediton, Mrs. L. Hodge, Mrs. R. Krieger; Dungannon, Mrs. W. McWhin- ney, Mrs. C. Blake; Goderich, Mrs. A. Straughan, Mrs. G. Morley; Hurondale, Mrs. A. Moir, Mrs. Garnet Hicks; Kip - pen, Mrs. M. McGregor, Mrs. R. Caldwell; Tiger Dunlop (Goderich), Mrs. E. Hunter, Mrs, R. Bean. G)rI Guides Hold gaining Course On Saturday, December' 6, a Patrol Leader and Guides Train- ing session took place from 10.30 ,a.m. to 3 p.m. at Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Karen Schefter, from Clinton, registered a17 who came and found that approximately 70 Guides and Guiders from all over Huron County were reg- istered. The First Clinton Guides in training were: Karen Schefter, Nina MacDonald, Grace Mc- Adam, Barbara Irwin and Cathy Draper. During the morning and afternoon ses- sions they were instructed on how to be good patrol leaders and the obligations they would be expected to fulfill. They also received a demonstration on flags and how the color party is formed and the duties they perform. Several games were played which helped the Guides to understand their tests better. The lunch was served by Guides who are earning their hostess badges: Marie Lobb, Carol Kempston, Mary Ellen And- rews, Glenda Mero1 Diane •Cur- rie and Cathy Deluxe, all from First Clinton Company!. Philishave SPEEDSNAVER $19.95 Philishave SPEED FLEX $27.95 ANSTETT Jewellers HU 2-9525 Clinton Joint Installation Of Legion and f AuxiliaryOfficers e r Q � s (Continued from page one) man, Ed. Porter, George Math ers, Art Mountford and Howard 'gait, Installation The joint installation was carried out in the following order: Sertgearvts,-at-arms George Campbell and Mrs, Stewart Broadfoot were installed by Iden C. Cooke; Secretaries R. D, Frenniin and Mrs, Stewart Dick, installed by Robert N. Irwin; Treasurers Robert and Mrs. Hicks, by Wilfred Denomme, now o Ga ef d rich; , Chaplain Rev, D. 3. Lane and assistant chaplain, Rev. P, L. Dymond were instructed in their duties by Alex Haddy. Cameron Proctor was instal- led as service bureau officer by 3, K. Cornish. The eight -man Legion exec- utive and the five auxiliary members were installed by Hugh R. Hawkins. Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary exec- utive are Mrs. Harold Hartley, Mrs.. • Herb Fairservice, Mrs. Don McLean, Mrs, William Burdge and Mrs. Herold Frem- lin, The four vice-presidents, Harold McPherson and K. W. Colquhoun of the Legion, and Mrs, Robert Burke and Mrs. Douglas Andrews of the Aux- iliary, were installed by 3, Ed- ward Dale, Past presidents James Gra- ham and Mrs, William Chamb- ers were instructed in their duties by George Wilson. The 1962 presidents, J. Doug- las Thorndike and Mrs, William Watkins were installed by Cameron Proctor, At this time in the meeting, Mrs. Chambers read the auxil- iary's financial report for the year and presented •a cheque for $800 to president Graham to be used for Legion work. Mr. Graham thanked the Legion for the past year's suc- cess, saying that it had been "a rewarding experience" to him. The new president announc- edthat 1962 would be a big year for Clinton branch with the ed that '62 would be a big year and that Clinton branch was sponsoring the 1962 district golf tournament next summer. Business Meeting A motion was passed to have the branch bylaws amended to include the new office of dues secretary. Gordon Herman takes on this office for 1962. Arrangements for Saturday's Santa Claus parade and distri- bution of treats was completed. Chairman is K. W. Colquhoun. Santa arrives at the town hall at 1.30, followed by a free show at Clinton public school audit- orium and free skating at the Clinton Lions Arena, both start- ing immediately after the dist- ribution of treats. The Legion is arranging all details for this year's Santa Claus visit. $10 was given to the Muscul- ar Dystrophy furls drive which is sponsored in Clinton, as across the entire country, by the volunteer fire departments. Harold Glazier was not pres- ent when his name was drawn for the $20 attendance prize. This makes January's draw worth $5 more. The regular monthly draw was won by Robert Hicks, and a. special draw was won by G. M. Counter. The Branch Christmas Tree for members and their families will be held on Sunday, Decem- ber 17. Santa will call with treats for all children. A film will be shown. This event is, in charge of Ed. Porter, Harold Black and William Harris. HEARTHSIDE CLUB PARTY ON DECEMBER 14 A Christmas party will be held for members and friends of the Hearthside Club of On- tario Street United Church on December 14 at 8.30 pm. Please bring a white gift to be sent to the Fred Victor Mission. Please note change of time due to the Public School concert. Thurs.' Dec, 14. 1941-- niton N tws-Recpr4'—i'Po9 Does Your insurance Include Chiropractic Care Christmas Gift Ideas MERRILL TV SERVICE 215 Victoria Street -- Clinton V A BRAND NEW PHILIPS TV Stereo or Hi Fi Set for the whole family. ✓ RADIOS—Take Your Pick! ELECTRIC RADIOS CLOCK RADIOS TRANSISTOR PORTABLES TRANSISTOR HOME RADIOS AUTOMOBILE RADIOS i/ TAPE RECORDERS ----Transistor and Electric ...-• from $144.95 V RECORD PLAYERS .. $29.95 to 64.95 I/ HAMILTON BEACH MIXETTES reduced for Christmas. GIFT BUYS hipice Believe CHOCOLATES by Smiles 'n Chuckles and Jenny Lind $1.00 to $5.00 CIGARETTES Alt Brands 50's -- 90c CIGARS 25's and 50's $2.50 to $5.00 MATCH YOUR BRAND LIGHTERS with 40 Cigarettes $1.79 MiSS PIXIE TOILET SETS for Little Girls 89c to $1.49 FLASH BULBS FILMS Slack & White and Color Camera Accessories Houbigant PERFUMES $5.50 Kodak MOVIE CAMERA Reg. $34.95 for $25.00 a!; LI DE Auto,oti V/E1,,�,ER c $29.95 GADGET BAG for the Camera Hobbyist Genuine Leather $5.95 ;lair iI .r' Y'Zkr;4;\* YARDLEY 4,Sto $10.04 MEWS WALLET$ owl., 3.95 S.. Our S.l.ct- len .f leautlfut GIFT WRAPPINS$ and TIES at Popular Prices GENUINE NRIAR PIPES From 195 Many styles tp Shoos. Front Ir TREE LIQIITS slrtno of a 69 NEW[DMOE Pharmacy '.HONE HU 2.9511 CLINT0t, This Christmas .... Give JEWEjjy FROM Anstett Jeweliers Free Gift Wrapping Service - - Easy Credit Terms Complete Line of Gifts for All Members of the Family .. for Baby, 'Teen-agers and Parents . Also Gifts for the Home, DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING WHERE YOU ARE ASSURED OF PERSONALIZED SERVICE ANSTETT JEWELLERS Main' Street LINTON HU 2-0525