Clinton News-Record, 1961-12-14, Page 1be lira Column= (On W. D. inn LAM NV= WE PONDERED the diffinaltiee , of candidates running an elention in the *ace of one week < . and wondered if the time could not be extended . could! This is being done We read iri Renfrew the natninetions were held on Therscian, November 30 . the Tuesday ' 'follow- ing, the Junior Chamber of Commerce had a "Town Hall Night" when eaele candidate for the election had a place ftt the panel discussion, When matters of interest to the town and in the election were discussed. , Then on Thursday the weekly paper came out, with reports of :the nomination al-leen1'q1 and of the town hall night, along with election envertising on the pant -of Athe nandidates . . and election was rot clue to be held until to -day, December 14 — two full Weene after ncennen tio0*. Mid ill 414 town, on1y the reeve renelVed can neciania- 'nen There is even a con- test for public school Wand; for separate •Seheel beard and for the public . , There's a town whose people are en, terested Titere's 4 town - that is probebly getting better than average notneeMent • * .111147#1/00 TOE MAYOR MAY' suggest 15 aninnte 'Parking,. make. enetern ere the answer After all . We note neat a .1elebienite in Hanover this Itionth .resalted in a vote of 538 people in feVour of Instal- img little Inoenentaetehers and only $89 votere againnt it — Of coerse, back *1959 the meters were voted ;tint, by a 888-540 vote.. What has influenced the change, we know net • * * WE RECEIVED OUR, FIRST copy of the Bothwell Tunes last week • end Must report that Frank and Murray Mc:- Bwan and then! good wives are doing a tine job of renovating one of the more primitive lodk- ing small weeklies in The pro- vince . , , Good luck to them. WE'VE MENTIONED Clinton Christams lighting before . . but it really deserves anther bit of Wane . . The merchants committee is doing a com- mendable job at adding the yulenkle look . . and in their own stores they are doing just. as well . ; Suddenly the stores have last ;their customary bus- , inessnineneienteented nrry- ndof ..Colour and unexpected ithing. On the shelves . . EMO Co-ordinator Is Available for Speaking Chores Deputy Reeve M. 'J. Agnew, who is chairman of the Huron County Emergency Measures Organization committee, on Monday night reported to coun- cil here that he was much im- pressed by the EMO Co-ordin- ator Murray McDonald, who has taken over his duties in the county building at Goder- ich. "Mr. oDonald is available as speaker for any organization which wishes hie services," re- pcntee Mr. Agnew. "This is a serious Matter, and may mean the difference of living or not Further information will soon be available from the EMO co-. ordinator. Winners At LOL Card Party Event Winners of the Card Party held by the Murphy Loyal Or- ange Lodge No. 710 Orr Satur- day night were: ladies high, Mrs. Harry nrovvre low, Mrs. DeuglaeFreeman* lone hands, Mrs, Frank Cumiming; meets high, Harry Brewn; lone hands, Clayton Hodgin,s; low, Jack Henderson Mrs, Tern Deeves Watt a draw for a box of choco- lates. 1962 officers and Executives An impressive joint installation ceremony took place MondaY night at Clinton Legion Hall when, a- team of past presidentS of Clinton Branch 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion installed the officers and executives of the local. Legion, Front XV0v, George Mothers, exeCutive; James .Grahani, Past President; R, D. "Dick" Fremlin, secretarY; Harold McPherson, first vice-president; 3, Douglas Thorn- dike, president; Mrs. William Watkins, president; Mrs. of Clinton Legion and Ladies Auxiliary Installed by Past Presidents Installation Team Robert Burke, first vice-president; Mrs, William Cham- bers, paStVesident; Mrs. Stewart Dick, secretary. Centre row, Rev, D,,3. Lane, chaplain; Rev. P. L. Dymond, assist- ant chaplain; K. W. Colquhoun, second vice-president; Mrs, Douglas Andrews, second vice-president; Mrs. Ro- bert Hicks, ,treasurer; Mrs, Harold Hartley, executive; Mrs. Hatad Fremlin, executive; Mrs. Don McLean, exec- utive; Mrs, William Burdge, executive; Mrs. Stewart • Broadfoot, sergeant -at -arms, Back row, J. W. Counter, executive; Howard Tait, executive; Stewart Freeman, executive; Art Mountford, executive; A, L. Colquhoun, executive; Robert Hicks, treasUrer; Ed. Porter, executive; George Campbell, sergeant -at -arms; and Percy Brown, executive. Absent, Mrs, Herb Fairservice, executive. (Photo by Jervis Studio) THE NEW ERA — 96th YEAR No. 50 — The Home Paper with the News News -Record THE HURON RECORD 80th YEAR CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1961 $3.00 Per Year -10c Per Copy— 12 Pages Brucefield Man Killed wo Trucks Collide On Stanley Concession A tragic death occurred on Tuesday morning (Be Concession 2, Stanley Township as the re- sult of a two -trunk collision at 13an'd's School corner. Walter C. C. Moffat, RR 1, Brucefield, was inetantly killed. eAleeaneiden*: oCennenneebeset, 1et;30.'ean. eintereeetion ofthe sideroad, Whend it eros- ses Concession 2 at SS 1 school- house. Mrs. Arnold Taylor, teacher at the school, discover- ed the three persons involved, She sent some of the older students to a neighbour's to Clinton Has Two Representatives On CDCI Board Due to the increased popula- tion in Clinton, of over 3,000 people the town will have two representatives oa the Clinton' District Collegiate Institute Board in 1962. By-law 22 - 1961. was passed at Monday night'a council meet- ing to re -appoint Ken McRae to another two year term. The new appointee is Walter C, Newcombe for a one year term. These appointments take effect with the start of 1962. Eight municipalities foran, the collegiate district: Clinton, Bly- th, Townships! of Steriley, God- erich, Hullett, Tuckersrnith, East Wawanesh, Morris. Be- sides the single representatives from each of these, the Clinton Public School Board appoints a representative and Huron County Council names twn Tr- aditionally one of these comes from Stanley Township, the largest rural contributor, the thew from Clinton, Mr, lVfcRae is also chairman of the tewly formed Advisory Vocational Committee, 1Vir. Newcombe is leaving council. telephone for an ambulance and for the pence. Ithe school was closed for the rest of the day, The ,Moffat half -ton truck was driven by John nniffat, 26 -year-old son of the Victim. The other trtien • panel deliv Itiwnarby `Wfilitinie ery, Clinton) was deiVern by Dwight Williams, 17, Clinton. John Moffat suffered shock and a knee injury. He is a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Dwight Williams was treated for lacerations and then was released from hospital. Constable 13, A, Bowering, OPP, Seaforth, investigated. Dr. Fred G. Thompson, Clin- ton, coroner in the county, will conduct an inquest in Clinton, for which date and time have yet to be set. Born! in Stanley Township, the son of the late john Alex- ander Moffat and Christina Campbell, Mr, Moffat had far- med there all his life. He was a member and elder of the Brucefield United Church. Mr. Moffat was also a member of the Brucefield IOOF. Surviving is his wife, the former Anna Fisher; one son John, ,at home; one daughter, Mrs. James (Lois) Streifler, Downie, Calif.,and one grand- daughter. Mr. Moffat is resting at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153 High Street, Clinton, where service will be held tonnorrow, Friday, December 15, at 2 o'clock, with the Rev, A. H. Johnston, Brucefield United Church offineting. Interment will be in Baird's Cemetery. Orange Lodge to Hold Election Tonight The Murphy Loyal Orange Lodge No. 710 it! holding the election suid installation of of- ficers on December 14 at 8 p.ni. All members are urged to attend. Santa 'Claus...keoming. Saturday! Free.mOies# School Auditorium Santa Claue will Visit Cline ton an Saturday, Dee eniben 16, with treats for all the children at ,the Town Hall, His visit is speesored jointly by the Legion, the Liens, Kinsnien, and Fish .and Game Club, along with the Town of Clieton. The' Concent Band will :play, it weather is suitable. Then at 2.30 p.m. theinn il: be a ,free motion pictuene e e. 4:1 in tbe auditorium of ton Public School for all chil- dren. The show is "Heidi and Peter" with a comedy cartoon entitled, "Under the Big Top". This is a change fromplans announced last week. The show was to have been in the Legion Hall, but that hall is being used by employees of the Ontario Hydro in the area for their ehildren's Christmas Santa is teeing a busy season. Ottawa Approves First Plans For Vocational School Building Members of the Advisory, Vocational Committee of CDCI Board were advised on Monday that approval of the prelimen ary sketch plans for the new vocational addition had been received ,from the Government at Ottawa. The Dominion Gov- ernMent will pay 75 percent of the cost of this addition. Word of this approval came Jackpot Entering Its Last Week; Deposit All Tickets Ilene Laytoe, RR. 5, Clinton, is the lucky winner of a five dollar bill offered in this week'e jackpot draw. Her fortunate purchase was made in Groves Electric Shop, This is the last week for the Jackpot event. Final draws will be held in the News -Rec- ord office next Tuesday night, December 19. There will be a cash draw for $5 and credit note draws for $15 and $50. These credit notes may be tp- ent in any one of the jackpot stores. Make sure all on your News - Record jackpot tickets are in the container in the News -Rec- ord lobby by six o'clock next Tuesday night. Mayor V. J, M�Ier Suqqests 15 -Minute Parking at Post Orrice As employees of the Clinton Post Office settle down to their &West two weeks of the year iticramped quartera, Mayor W, J. Miller oe: Monday night sug-, gested to Clinton council that a ineteratte parking ;plats in the post office Area Would be a good thing. Ile had asked Wet The Week's Weather 1061 1960 High LOW HighLow Dee, 7 84 26 41 27 8 80 22 3 10 0 28 18 21 0 10 85 26 81 8 11 34 28 15 -8 12 44 23 13 3 13 28 20 19 4 .10.1ns, $nowt 81 Sheen 10 inn H. R. Thempton to help regtt- late and sleet down traffic at The pent Office, Councillor Donald Symons stated that he was in favour, "tut, Where are the tate to park?" 1Vkayor 1VIiller's concern was for tbose that parked all day. CeMicillor Symons noted that tiiik tieleading on the high- way did cause some confusion., and suggested that .they should Use the Vete, at the beek Of the Motet. peeve Crich observed that most people teldeg their ears to get the mail, were facing tovVard London. "Well, if they darn peek next to the Pest °fete, they'll go on, and around the Mock to find een Other plat etk" ;Councillor asktious stotee1 that nog of the traffic came from the Station at about five delotk, "Oh, well," said the reeve, "they generally double park." Councillor tturnbali suggested that people, "If they are coit- scientious about parking, can turn up Cutter Street, and park on the King Street side of the post office," C,outicillor! Symons reiterked, "net,ati they have aetep street, !corning back orate the highway, With how long to wait bereft they den enter! the etrearn of traffic agM2),/" Councillor bridle suggested that "Yea teuld enive the Peet Office," Couneill�r SyMons said, "That would solve it" Councillor NI, tivermore felt that 15 -Minute !nettle Would not solve anything, but were Mist a waste of time. Councillor tlric116 suggested that since the hotel was there, possibly the town toUld tet tx ten minute parking lot the Post office, and five Minutes( for the hotel. Mayor IV'filler noted that in Winglyun the limit had been tee minutes for some time. Clerk John Livermore noted that the trouble Started before five O'clock. Mayer )tiller said, "Yes, at the end of the week, but its all eleaned out by 5.20 Pan." Councillor Livermore ecnomented that if the cofigee- tine was (War M such a. short tine, then 15-ennute parking linut Would not be much good, Councillor trial& Mack a motion that the 1962 council give earnest eration to limiting parking to no more than tei . minutes. through the Ontario Depart- ment of Education last week!. Kenneth B. McRae, Clinton, chairman of the committee, re- ports that the architects, Page and Steele, Toronto, will now proceed to prepare detailed blueprints, and when approval of these is obtained from the Ontario Department of Educa- tion, then tenders may be cal- led, and the contract awarded. T h e Ontario Government pays 25 percent of the cost of the addition Total cost is estimated new at about $1,500,000, including architect's fee, furniture and equipment. It will house an additional 550 students, The CDCI Board received word of the approval last night at the regular meeting of that body, 0 Horticulture Group Sponsoring Photo Picture Contest The Clinton Citizens' Horti- cultural Society, who are the sponsors of a photographic competition, wish to remind ell those interested, that the slidee for the 196], competition must be submitted to Charles Bnittowt Luclenow, before the middle of January, 1962. Mr. Eristow, who succeeded C. N. Epps, Clinton, ae distriot director, hat adviten the secre- tary that all entries must be judged, for the district before being forwarded by him to the provincial competition, For your Eisen -twice, please heed the following partioulins for the 1961 photographic cern- petition (2"k2" coloured ee); Seetion 1. Entry shall con- sist of one slide of garden view, showleg front of harm. SectiOn 2. Entry hall consist of one elide (time up) of a single bloom, Or plant, Section 3. Want shall consist f one slide of at Ohtario eeerie. Loa - tin of seene to be shown On slide mount, Section 4, Entry hallconsist f ne elide of front entrance of home shov- ing Christmas lighting. For farther leformation eh! nut rides, etc, may be Obtained from the seeratarY) Mre. Stew. art MiddletOri, Clinton, herate weetinWhile Merie WY Prize§ fer the Wirinete, Joint Installation Hell Legion and Auxiliary Annual An installation team compos- ed of past presidents of Clinton Branch 140 of the Royal Can- adian Legion, installed the 1962 officers and executives of the branch and Ladies' Auxiliary on Monday evening. The Ladies' Auxiliary had a pot -luck supper meeting down - eta* m the ehall and later jobied• the Legibie fee nee le- stallation after the Legion's election for four offices. The installing team was in charge of Cameron Proctor and included Ken C. Cooke, Wilfred Denomme, J. K. Cornish, J. E. Dale, George Wilson, Hugh R. Hawkins, Alex Haddy and Ro- bert N. Irwin. Zone Command - Nomination Held In Tuckersnuth For Two Men At the second nomination held in Tuckersmith Township last Thursday, five nominations were received for the two seats available. For the one seat on council, Andrew Crozier, Frank Falcon- er and Alec D. McGregor were mailed. Mr. McGregor was the only one to qualify!. For the school area board, George Lovell and Mervyn Fal- coner were named and Mr. Lo- vell qualified, The second nomination was made necessary when not a sufficient number of men quali- fied to serve on these positions at the regular nomination date, er Douglas Andrews acted as installing sergeant -at -arms. As each set of officers was called to be officially installed, they Huron Lions Finish P. Speakers Since the beginning of a huge project to raise funds for pillow speakers for the. resi- dents of Huronview (Huron's home for the aged), .the Lions Club of the county have rais- ed a total af $3,360. During the eonstruction of the new wing of the home it was necessary to trim costs to come within the amount of money available for the build- ing. When it was found that the pillow -speakers had to be left out, an appeal was made to the Lions Clubs for help. As ott other occasions for wor- thy projects, the Lions of Hu- ron came through handsomely, pledging themselves to the task of raising enough money to in- stall these speakers, The pillow speaker is avail- able to bed -fast patients, and they can listen in to church services in the chapel at Huron - view, to entertainments in the recreation room, and generally keep themselves in touch evith the activities' in the home. The final payment of $1,076.- 99 from the county clubs was made on December 5, through Dr. R. M. Aldis, treasurer for the project. were piped to the front by piper Hec Kingswell. The standard [bearers were Mrs. Hanly and Mrs, Ken C. Cooke, and Les Nice and SamSpencer. In the Legion election, KW. Colquhoun won over Stewart Freeman, as Second vice-presi- dent; George Campbell was elected sergeant -at -Arms over teenen '4,Ern, and Robert 'Ayers evanegented colon serg- eant over Sohn T. 1VInCabe. Elected to the executive com- mittee for 1962 were J. Wil- liam Coanter, A. L. Colquhoun, Percy Brown, Stewart Free - (Continued on Page Seven) Rabies Serious! May Have To Pen Up Dogs Mayor W. J. Miller noted with concern, at council meet- ing on Monday, that there had been a serious outbreak of rabies on a farm near Auburn. Commenting that Harriston council had passed a by-law to have all dogs penned up, he suggested to Clinton council that they be prepared to take immediate action to control dogs, if necessary!. Reeve M. Crich reported the continued interest of Coun- ty Council and the intention to continue to compensate fer- nier% for losses in cattle, due to to rabies. Deputy Reeve M. J. Agnew affirmed this, noting that the most deaths seemed to be in cattle, New Brownies Under the tree Eleven new Brownies pose under the Christmas tree in the Legion Hall. Just recently joining the ?lilt Clinton Pack, they are, from the left, seated, Wendy Holmes, Laverne tezzo, Dm Andrews, Lynn l3oyce, Janet Arnston; back row, Shirley Dupee, Pamela White, Diane Matthews, Peggy Bartliff, Susan Palmer and Patsy Priestap. (Notog.geoord Photo)