HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-12-07, Page 3irt,up!..f .PAPp, 70 196 -Pint,* .14ewf-Rocord,,--Poso 3 ley :and family, Brantford:, .Anglican chwoh choir led on relatives over the week- put On a good -concert in the end, township hall last Friday night The minstrel show from the to a :nil capacity crowd, Clinton Memorial Shop T. MIA and SON CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-9421 At other times conflict Local Representative-Tom Steep-HU 2-3869 24tfb ,aotviromm• Lyric Theatre - Exeter TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY -- 7.30 and 9.30 THURSDAY FRIDAY - SATURDAY December 7 - 8 9 - Double Bill "VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED" starring GEORGE SANDERS -- BARBARA SHELLY - PLUS - "HIGH SCHOOL BIG SHOT" starring TOM PITMAN VIRGINNIA ELG MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY December 11 12 - 13 "ADA" Color Sco pe starring SUSAN HAYWARD -- DEAN MARTIN before: they SIA0C0444 re§ening 474 ,ClrotelletY Ctoce.d11.0", ---Suzanne 12 years, Grade 7, Clinton Public School, WORT XiIIKIP VALCON Author; PltiliP Ifarkins. This hook tells of a great athlete and high school gradu- ate who receives a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford Univer- sity after attending an Air Force Academy, -Brian lVfarroen, 16 years, Grade 8, Clinton Public School SECRET WORLD or eo Author; Pierre Berton The Secret World tif Og, is true life story with imagine- YAMA (0.9. rirOOP,MACAtt Er p.4 Alq4muot. POMO AU :4444 Kr, and Mrs. Cordon Cole- man and faitiily, Walkerton, visited with relatives op .Stm, day last, Mr. and Mrs, Berne 1VicKin, tion in which are the children of Pierre Berton, I like this story because it makes you feel You are really at the place whe.'e it took place, and you can see it has imagination used in it, -Ruth Anne Brown, 11 years, Grade 6, Clinton Public School, T PARK Theatre Goderich The Now - Dec. 7-8-9 - Twin Bill "Battle of Bloody Beach., with Audie Murphy and Dolores Michaels - ALSO - "The Silent Coll" MON. - TUES. - WED. - December 11-12-13 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ROSALIND RUSSELL and FORREST TUCKER Presenting one of the most uproarious comedies ever filmed "AUNTIE MAME" In Technicolor THUR. FRI. - 14-15-16-Double Bill Errol Flynn Joanne Dru in Plus -- "MAN IN THE MOON" with Shirley Ann Field and Kenneth Mare "THE WARRIORS" in Color Looking for BABY GIFTS? Check our selection first. Young' Canada Boot' Week was glVerVed a few' weeks 4g1.3t, and Clinton wanted to join the other librarleS. in pro- moting this, Cirearnatallees made it impossible, a% the book traveller was seven weeks late in his visit to Clinton. Only a portion of the order of new books arrived and the children had very little choice books'. suitable for their age and interests, however, they have now Arrived and the librarian (Miss- Evelyn Hall) would like to acknowledge her appreciation , for their co-operation in preparing the following book reports. DEPEND ON KATIE JOHN Young Canada Book Week Author; Mary Calhoun Katie john was a girl who was almost 11. years old and in Grade 5. To meet expenses so they could stay in their house they loved, the Tuckers rented their extra rooms to boarders. Katie John sometimes got her, self in very embarrassing situa- tions, like when she .came to school with hot potatoes all over her, or like when Edwin Jones fought for her against Howard, the big bully. -Linda Nip, 11 years, Grade 6, Clinton Public School. DEC. 17 LAST DAY TO POST YOUR CHRISTMAS MAIL FOR LOCAL DELIVERY Post out-of-town mail on time too. This year-send It FIRST, CLASS MAIL... gets prefer- ential, red-carpet treatment right up to the front door. Consult your Post Office leaflet for mailing deadlines. Christmas wishes mean so much more when they arrive-before Chfistmasi P041-2013 LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS '1992 Check Your COlendar. if the numbers match take the calendar to our office and claim your $3,00 credit TEEN-AGE TREASURY OP OUR SCIENCE WORLD Authors; Sean Manley and. Goyo Lewis Upon reading this hook discovered that it was not the drab seientific experiments I had anticipated. Instead it is a collection of stories, such as The Voyage of the -Nautilus and The Wayward .Cravat. Nferlicine, navigation a n d nature are among the categor, ies covered' in this interesting and educational book. 'strongly recommend it to anyone seek- ing knowledge and pleasure. -Kenneth K. Hamilton, 12 years, Grade 8, Clinton Public School, CE.CELIA'S LOCKET Author: Rita Shields Cecelia's mother's golden locket will .he hers when her father thinks she has earned it. First she must get along with her stepmother Doris and the family in the flat down- stairs, She earned the locket with love. Because it showed how people can face their pro- blems in life. I liked this book. -Mary Ferguson, 15 years, Grade 8, Clinton Public School. PRO HOCKEY COMEBACK Author: C. plant Jackson Professional hockey is -a rough, tough sport as Marty Burk found out when he join- ed the Falcons. From a college hockey team be went up to professional hockey, Unfortun- ately he fell back because of injuries. The owner of the Falcons saw him playing and immediately wanted him -back. Marty finally made it all the way back and is now a pro- fessional again. -Gary Deline, Grade 6, Clinton Public School, THE CALLAHAN GIRLS Author: Carole Bolton With an attractive sister like Peggy, Kate Callahan was not an individual. She wore Peg- gy's clothes and copied her manners, so everyone regarded her as Peggy's younger sister. This is a heartwarming story of Kate and her struggle for individuality. It tells of family life in New York City when one by one the members break away to get married, I recom- mend this book to all girls for enjoyable 'reading. ' -Theresa Zablocki, 13 years, Grade 8, Clinton Public School: CRAZY LEGS MACBAIN Author: Joe Archibald Here is a book with excite- ment and 'adventure throughout its 187 pages. The story is about a tall boy named Hal Macbain who always dreams he is a great .footballer until one day he "sticks his neck out" es the book puts it and soon is awarded the Kingsbury Trophy which is given for outstanding performance 'in football. But he does not think he earned it, and much to the disgust of his uncle he gives the trophy to a lineman named Frank Elher- field. The only objection I have against this book is that the beginning is rather boring com- pared with the remainder of the book. ' -Graham Yeats, Grade 7, Clinton Public School. ROCKET RICHARD • Author: Andy O'Brien The book I chose for my book report is called "Rocket Rich- ard". it is A very interesting story and I think a Grade 6, 7 or 8 pupil who likes hockey would enjoy it. The story starts in from when he just started to play . NI-14 He played for the Cana-. diens for 18 seasons, He retir- ed in the 1.59-60 season and his name appeared after 16 records. Re was the first play- er to get 50 goals in 50 schedul- ed games., The Rocket was seldom out of the nation's headlines, throughout his 18 seasons with Montreal, Burns, Grade 8, St. Joseph's Separate .School. PIM GREEN LINNET Author: qwyneth Weller Olwen had received a green linnet from her father just be- fore he died. She treasured this small bird and would not let any harm come to it. One day a woman came to the door. The woman was in- terested in the little bird and When She heard it sing she im- mediately wanted it for her own. When Olwen refused to sellthe bird, the woman plan- ned to steal it while Olwen was an an errand. Olwen travelled a long way across the Blue Mountain to recover her precious linnet, She met manly kind peOpie who .helped her get her bid 'heck This book is well illustrated by Viotor, Ambries. -Michelle Jennings, 11 years, Grade 6, St. Joseph's Separate School, nAlgigAI.$ Author: Pr. Maurice Burton, ID,Se, Pr, Burton must have loved animals' to write the book just read. I do not think Dr, Burton could have improved on his description and pictures of the animals, He told where the animal was from, the colour and the food it ate, I was am- azed when I came to some ani- mals thought never existed and the strange things they did. I have read many animal books, but none as good as the book that Dr. Maurice Burton wrote. -Scott Macaulay, 11 years Clinton Public School, TOE _CROTCHnIfY CROCODILE Author: Hans Baumann Uncle Thnsach's stone croco- dile had been shut up in the Cairo museum for many years, He and Ali, his great great nephew had planned to rescue it as soon as they could, They had many thrilling adventures ti Yr Save Tempers! Save Time! Make sure your Holiday finery is ready for the season. Press 25 as gifts ... or for CADBURY'S MILK TRAY CHOCOLATES The sweetest gift of all! Assorted delicious centres with extra-thick coating of famous Cadbury chocolate Family Security $2 LIFE INSURANCE 5,000 (20-year reducing convertible term insurance) ANNUAL PREMIUMS Age 30 $59,95 Age 40 $111,23 Age 35 79,10 Age 45 „,..„,„.. 173.23 OCCIDENTAL LIFE "Term insurance on the Best Terms" W. C. Foster "o Peace of Mind Pe M re r Premium Dollar" 304 Andrews St., Exeter Phone 317 STARFLASH OUTFIT Everything needed for taking good pictures, PHOTOGRAPHIC GIFTS OF EVERY KIND Colour Film, Movie cameras, Projectors, etc. Capture the wonders of Christmas with SYLVANIA FLASHBULBS With even xi simple box camera and Sylvania M-2 flashbulbs you'll get memor- able Christmas snapshots.- These miniature-size bulbs are Ideal for close-up portraits and are fully colour-corrected for use with indoor-type colour film, Be sure you have plenty of fiIM and Sylvania M-2 flashbulbs on hand for the holidays, M-2's are made and guaranteed by Sylvania .. , Ufa leading light to better photography. Give cartons of 12 Sylvania your Own tabiel 1/2 pound I pound 80c 1.50 for Smokers Popular brands of CIGARETTES, CIGARS and TOBACCOS are always welcomed. Come in to place your order now. FISHER LIGHTER ie the hew Easy- Grip shape $1,98 ZIPPO Storm Lighter $3.95 RONSON VatafIcurke lighters $9.95 $14.95 Typhoon ..... $2x95 Pioneer . . ... $4.95 PIPES Medico Filter . .. $1.95 Dr, Plumb $3.95 KayWoodie $7.00 181111. 41111111111, 'Yt Coming - "Where the Hot Wind Blows Gina Lollobrigida - Adult Entertainment "1.110111.1•11110111=11/00100 LEATHER BILLFOLDS $1.79 to $10.00 After Shave Lotion - refreshing, stimulating $1.00, $1.50, $2.25 Pro-Electric Shave $1.25 Shaving Mug with Soap $1450 Super Smooth Shove lather cream in a 61/4 ounce pressure can. $1.25 $3.00 SET Gift-boxed Shaving Mug and After Shave Lotion. $2.25 SET Lather Shaving Cream and After Shave Lotion in gift box, OTHER SETS $1.50 to $6.75 PHILISHAVE SPEEDSHAVER - SpeCial $19.95 PHILISHAVE SPEED-FLEX - Special $27.95 SCHICK "COMPACT" SHAVER ' with removable head $12.95 MAGNI.LITE MIRROR $5.95 HAIR BRUSHES Keystone Military Brush $1.49 Keystone Club Brushes with genuine boar bristles $4.95 $5.95 ADDIS TRAVEL, SET $1.59 GILLETTE GIFTS 195 Adjustable Razor and 6 Super Blue Blades in conven- ient case $1.95 New FOAMY Shave Cream 79c SUPER BLUE BLADES Gift carton of two dispensers of 15 blades each „ $2.00 G31201!0 /957 9.y..t.sk A beautiful dresser set will make a treasured gift for a lady. See our fine selection from $4.98 to $19.95 ROSE BUD nap, DRUGGIST UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE Clinton,Ontario (A) Desert Flower Toilet Water with smartly-styled Atomizer $3.00 (B) Friendship Garden Charmer Set - miniatures of toilet water, talcum, body sachet and bubble bath $2.00 Tweed Cologne - 3, 6 oz. ,..„ .... , $2.00, $3.00 Rosebud Soap - box of 3 cakes 69c Portable Electric Hair Dryer - the fast, convenient way to dry her hair. Large hood, long hose; quiet operation just $14.95 (F) Cufex Manicure Set $2.00 (0) Guerlain Set containing Shalimar Perfume and Cologne $5.00 (H) Lady Schick Patrician Shaver safe, smooth. White only $7.95 We lust couldn't show all our lovely gifts, Please drop in . . we'll be glad to help you with your selection. (C) (D) (E) Smart, compact design. • • Loads like a rifle with cartridges of Skrip ink. • In gift box with 2 cartridges. just $2.95 SHEAFFER Pen & Pend( hi gift box $4.95 .41,40.60..s. Paper-Mafe Pens Skip-Free 33 $1.29 CAPRIHolid 1 a y11 . $$2.1.4995 LADY CAPRI .....4., $2.95 CAPRI MARK III huntricius gold•colOsst (F) $3.50 Box of 54 SLIMS $1,19 CARTRIDGE FOUNTAIN PEN Coming Soon - "GIDGET GOES HAWAIIAN" Illmeseessommsommuni F. B, PENNEBAKER DWI HU 24626