HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-10-12, Page 7:Silver Wedding Surprise For Jamieson Couple Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Jarnie- san, Hullett Township, were pleasantly surprised on Sun- d'ay, September 24 when, the relatives 'and their immediate fainiliea gathered to 'help them celebrate the occasion .of their 25th wedding anniversary. During the afternoon an ad- dress was read by Miss Edna• .Jaxri;ieson and gifts including a trilight lamp, two bedroom lamps, gifts .of silver and art electric clock were presented by .Lewis Bolton and Douglas Jarnieson. Irene and Arnold. •expressed their thanks and. ap- preciation in a few well-ch- osen words, Pictures were taken and a "bountitful luneh brought to a close the happy occasion. On Saturday evening, Sept- ember 30 the friends and nei- ghbours gathered at their hpme to help celebrate their 25th wedding 'anniversary: The evM awing was slant Playing cards.. An .address .of presentation in poetry was read by Robert B, McMillan.. A beautiful table lamp and a step -end table were presented by Kenneth Williams and Hugh. Ball, Arnold and Irne voiced their .appreciation ,and 'amities for the lovely gifts. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies. Cosa will Go To Woodham Birthday Party The Clinton LORA met Tues- day •everting, October 10 with a ;good attendance. Woodham lodge has invited them to .help celebrate their birthday on Oc- tober 12 at 8,30 p.m. Any member wishing 'to go please contact Mrs. T, O'Connell. A bazaar is .planned for Novem- ber 18 and a pard Party on Ootaber 17. Plans are already made for a very busy fall, Attend Your Church This Sunday All Services Daylight Saving Time -- Peons-Piths--Aolncesniile Pnitekr ellurrlies REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister Sunday, October 15 Theme: "The Wider Work of the Church at Home and Abroad" WESLEY-WILLIS 11.00 ant -INFANT BAPTISM The New M. & M. Flip -Chart (by Beecher Menzies) 12.00 noon -Sunday School HOLMESV I LLE 9.45 a.m.--Morning Worship 10.45 a.m.-Sunday School St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. LANE, B.A., D.D„ Minister Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, October 15 10.00 a.rn.--,Church School 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Guest speaker: Rev. Ross McDonald, B.A., Hensall and Bayfield Churches. Special anniversary offer- ing will be received. Spec- ial music will be rendered. .ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US Anglican Church . of Canada St.•,Paul's.. Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh. Rector Charles Merrill, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, October 15 TRINITY XX 8.30 a.m.Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer 7.30 pun - Evening Service (AYPA) CANVASS TONIGHT (Thursday, October 12) Sat., Oct. 14 -Go -Getters Sale Tues., Oct. 17 -St. Paul's WA will meet with Ontario St WMS in United Church parlour at 2.30 p.m, Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, October 15 10.00 a.m.-Service in Dutch 2.30 em. -Service in English EVERYONE WELCOME Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, October 15 9.45 a.m.-Worshin Service 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School Guest Speaker: Mr. David M. Martin, Elmira. 7.30 p.m. -Gospel Service Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Prayer & Bible study. All Welcome BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV. I. BODENHAM Sunday, October 15 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "Miss'Bessie 'Byers, 1Vlission- ary to The Jews, guest speaker. 7.30 p.m. Evening Service. Mr. 'Reg. Miller, RCAF Station Centralia, guest speaker. Wed., 8 p.m. -Prayer Meeting. You are cordially invited to these services. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11.90 a.m.--Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m. --Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m. -Wednesday -Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a,m.-Sunday School 11,00 a,m.-Guest speaker: Rev. H. Funge, Londesboro Turner's Church 2.00 p.m. -ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 7.30 p.m. -ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Guest speaker: Rev John Vardy, EgmondviIle CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Craig Peters, Pastor Sunday: 10.00 a.m.-Church Scholl 11.15 a.m.--Canadian Baptist Men's Sunday Laymen will conduct the service. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Your HEADQUARTERS for CHILDREN'S WEAR GIRLS ... Cradle to College BOYS ... to 14 Years ..11, "T. MARTINS DEPT, STORE Farmers Union Executive for 'Huron, 1962 Huron County Farmers Union met here last Thursday for their annual meeting, and selected officers for the coming year. From the left stand, ing, Orval Storey, RR 1, Seaforth, Edgar Rathwell, RR 2, Bayfield, both sub directors; Ray Hanna, county director; John Semple, RR 2, Bayfield, sub director .and Carl Govier, secretary. (George Campbell the fourth sub -director was not present) . Seated, Mrs. Cart Dalton, treasurer; Mrs. T. Goven- lock, RR 5, Seaforth, lady director; Mrs. Orval Storey and Mrs, Bob Taylor, RR 3, Clinton, lady sub directors. (News -Record Photo) Birthday Party For Lady On Reaching 80 Years On Sunday, October 8, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Percy Gibbings, a surprise 'birthday dinner was given to Mrs. John Shobbrook in honour of her 80th birthday. Twenty - four members of 'the family sat dawn to a fowl dinner. The table was centered with a birth- day cake made and decorated as a gift by Mrs. David' Ander- son, Landesbora. After the blowing out of the candles, Mrs. Shobbrook open- ed her gifts. The afternoon was spent in a social time. St. Andrew's Regular Meeting The October meeting of the Madeleine Lane •Auxiliary was held on Tuesday evening, Oc- tober 10 'in the Sunday School room of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church. A visitor, Mrs. James Edwards was welcomed to the club. Mrs. William Cook presided. Mrs. Clarence Neil- ans gave the scripture reading after which Mrs. Jessie Mc- Kenzie led in prayer. Mrs, Frank Mutch read the various reports and a motion was made that a substantial sum from the treasury be giv- en to the anniversary offering. A letter was received from the Cancer Society informing the club that educational films concerning cancer are available for use at club meetings. It was decided that the club would .try to obtain one of th- ese films for their November meeting. Mrs. Royce Macaulay was asked to attend to this matter. A portion from the' study book entitled "Joy" was read by Mrs. Muteh. Atter much discussion it was decided that the club would hold their tea and bake sale at the church on Saturday afternoon, November 4 from 3 to 6 p.m. At the close of the meeting a draw was made for a cushion donated by Miss Beatrice Gib- son, the lucky winner ,being Mrs. Allan Graham. Hostesses for the lunch were Mrs. Harry Weymouth, Mrs. W. Orland Johnston, Mrs. Dorothy Hym- ens. Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, to Memoriams, 'Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS 20 a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS-- Y3 Off if paid by Saturday following Last insertion, BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE-' Births, Marriages, Deaths, DEADLINE - 12 o'ctcck noon, Wednesday DIAL HU 2.3443 1 Sunday Bowling Ban Requested By Clinton's Ministerial Group (continued from page 1) There are six other religious groups in Clinton; S't. Joseph's Ronan Catholic Church; the Pentecostal Tabernacle; Maple Street Gospel Hall, Joseph Street Gospel Hall; Christian Reformed Church and the Je- hovah Witnesses congregation, as well as a. Roman Catholic congregation at RCAF Station Clinton. Signed by D. J. Lane, D.D„ secretary of the Ministerial As- sociation, the communication to council was as follows: "To the Mayor and Members of theClinton Town Council. Dear Fellow Citizens: "The members .of Clinton Ministerial Association, antici- pating that there might be a possible attempt at the opera- tion of the new Bowling Alleys on Sunday, which operation might lead to further commer- cializing of The Lord's Day 'by similar businesses in Clinton, desire you as the governing body of our municipality to know the mind of the Associa- tion and to this end, passed the following a-esalution et a meet- ing held on . Wednesday, Seps tember 13, instant. "That the Clinton Ministerial Association inform the Clinton Council that it is concerned a- bout the proposed Sunday op- eration of the new bowling al- leys and that we respectfully submit that such commercializ- ed encroaclunent upon the tra- ditional character of Sunday as a day of rest and worship is not in the best interest of our citi- zens and would also deny to the attendants at the alleys their right tofreedom from un- necessary toil on the Lord's Day and further we submit that the operation of the Bowl- ing Alleys for gain on Sunday with the usual charge for par- ticipation' in the games is illegal in Clinton and cannot be made legal without a vote of the people requesting the authoriza- tion of commercial sport on The Lord's Day. "And in virture of the fore- going considerations we urge the council to maintain the law, and prohibit the operation of the Bowling Alleys for gain on Sunday. Respectfully submitted by or- der of the Ministerial Associa- tion of Clinton. Yours most sincerely, D. J. Lane, D.D., Sec- retary of the Association." The Rev. Dr, D. J. Lane spoke to council furthering the intent of the letter noting that the Association is made up of a group of interested and dedi- cated men looking for the best for the community in .a moral way, "We 'are concerned mor- ally," said Mr. Lane, "for the best interests of our young peo- ple who will be future citizens and leaders of our town." He noted particularly the idea of having money the twain aur and urged council to main- tain the ,law, "We believe that town council is the leader of the moral life of our town," said Mr. Lane, "You are responsible for the preservation of .a day of rest for our town. We are surprised you did not take tae= tion before We had to remind you. You are the ruling body of the town, and as long as you operate within the higher law, then you should be able to deal with 4hi&." Does Your Insurance Include Chiropractic Care ? Clerk John A, Livermore re- ported on a telephone call he had rnade to the office of At- torney General Kelso Roberts, when he received word that this complaint would have to come under the Lord's Day Act. Under this, bowling is not con- sidered a sport, and the town could not have a vote on it. It would be up to an individual to lay a complaint and take it to court. "Then," said Mr. Lane, "the association would like .the coun- cil to go on record as private citizens, as to their opinion on this .matter, so that I can take this back to the ministerial as- sociation. I believe we have a right to ask you that. We have, as citizens, elected you to a position of leadership." Mr. Lane commented upon the difference between golf on Sunday, and bowling on Sun- day. He said, "Golf is an in- dividual matter - a man goes golfing for his own personal enjoyment and pleasure. But bowling is another matter. It is meant strictly to allure peo- ple there to bowl for gain." Councillor H Bridle said he enjoyed'Sunttay gidif. He work- ed every day of the week, then worked as superintendent of •a Sunday School and attended church, but he enjoyed a Sun- day game of golf. "In winter, when golf is not available, then X think I should be permitted to go bowling, and take my family if I wish. Though it is the duty of council to uphold the laws, I believe that no com- plaint to the Lord's Day Al- liance should come from coun- cil. The complaint should prob- ably go from the Ministerial Association." Mr. Lane pointed out that they were only six men, and were not representing the town. They were only private citi- zens, although they were mem- bers of the Ministerial Assoc- iation. He asked for support of the resolution. Mayor W. J. Miller suggest- ed that the resolution should be forwarded to the Lord's Day Alliance. Mr. Lane repeated his stand that council should sup- port the resolution. Deputy Reeve Morgan J. Ag- new supported it strongly. He said that although the Attorney General's office said the town could not legislate against Sun- day bowling, "that office can't tell me what to think," said Mr. Agnew. He recalled a say- itvg of M. T. Corless, former clerk of the 'town, "If a man can't make •a living in six days he should be ashamed of him- self for trying to make it up on the seventh." In fact, end- ed the deputy reeve, "If we don't get action on this, I don't need to go home." (Mr. Agnew operates a pool room near the main intersec- tion.) Councillor N. Livermore com- mented that it should save 'him money if the lanes Were closed on Sunday, since he and his family rive so handy to them. The Rev. D. 3. Lane com- mented that the Association was not against the bowling lanes, just against them operat- ing ori Sunday, CounciTlbr Donald Symons re- called that when the building permit was passed, council had been aware that the lanes were to be open on Sunday. Deputy Reeve Agnew Was quick to record that council hadn't committed themselves. "We Were railroaded into this thing," he said. A vote was held (but not a recorded o+ne). At least tWo councillors did not register an affirmative vote. 'I''he motion passed as .follows: "That Ckirt- ton Town Coattail go en record in support of the Clinton Min- isterial Association and that we forward this letter to the Lord's Day Alliance asking for an im- mediate investigation and at, tion be taken ferrtis+tvottll.'' ILEARTHSIDE CLUB WILL MEET ON OCTOBER 12 The Hearthsid'e Club of On- tario Street United Church will meet Thursday evening, October 12 at 8 pan. in the church parlour. Miss Wilma Dinnin, editor of the Clinton News -Record, will be guest sp- eaker. Group 2 will be in ch- arge. Kinette • Club Will Organize March of Dimes The Kinette Club met in the board room of Clinton Town Hall on October 10, and presi- dent Mrs. Clarence Denomme introduced two guests, Mrs. William Fink and Mrs. Bob Welsh. The Kinettes are planning to organize "The March of Dienes" campaign again, early in 1962. The annual court whist party will be held in the legion hall, with tickets available from any Kinette. During the evening the lad- ies enjoyed a most interesting demonstration of hat making given by Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, Delicious Lunch was served by Mrs. Jack Clegg. RCAF CWL WILL HOLD FOUNDING MEETING The Catholic Women's Lea- gue of RCAF Station Clinton is holding their founding meet_ ing at 8.30 p.m. Monday, Oc- tober 16 in the Ritchie Build- ing, RCAF Station Clinton. All interested ladies are welcom- ed. Junior Farmers Church Service The annual church service held by Huron County Junior Farmers and Junior Institutes will be held on Sunday even- ing, October 15 in Hensall Presbyterian Church at 8 ,p.m, Speaker is the Rev. D. J. Lane, BA, DD, Clinton and special music will be provided by the Junior Farmer Choir. A fireside service will follow in the church basement. All Junior Farmer and Junior In- stitute members are invited, as well as their parents and fr- iends. -a - NUMBERS NOT CLAIMED IN SUTTER-PERDUE DRAW A $3.00 credit note for the holders of tickets No. 1879 (drawn last week) and No. 1925 (drawn Tuesday) awaits two lucky people, in Sutter -Perdue Ltd. merchandising draw. Call the store as soon as you can, Clinton 4-H Girls Practice At Making Pudding The third meeting of the Cl- inton Fruit Lassies was held at the home of Mrs, Hartley Managhan, Victoria Street .on Tuesday, October 10 with 11 metnbers present and one new one joined. The president, Lyn- da MacDonald opened the meeting by leading the mem- bers in repeating the 4-H pl- edge in unison. Roll call was answered by the members with "My Favor- ite Variety of Apple and Why." Dianne Switzer and IV[ary Ann Hymers read the minutes of the second meeting, Mrs. Man- aghan ,and the girlsr made oven- -steamed fruit pudding and Sauce, The leaders and the girls took tarns reading from the leader's pamphlet "Fruits All Year Around", 'rhe' no,d meet- ing will be held at the home of 1Vlfrs, 1 ii 1Vfae1 naltl, East Street, on Ttlesclass October 17 at 6.30 p.an, Roll call will be ,answered t.1,y stttitig "Fruits We l r'eeze, tett, br Dry at /Tome., State of ahy of these are gredth your own *$Illy" Thurs., Oct. 12 1961-C1ist,, N.ws .cord -Po 7 Phone HU 2.3443 Contributions Always Welcome Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Flugill left Sunday for a two weeks trip to the coast, .Art Hoggarth, class A mech- anic, Goderich, has begun work at Roy Mann's Supertest ser- vice station, Reg Cook, Westminister itary Hospital, London spent the weekend with friends in town. Mr, and Mrs, Ahrier Pass- more and family, Woodham, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and MrS. Ross Merrill and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter, Elwin Merrill and Neal Eadie, Win'gham spent the holiday weekend with M. and Mrs. Kenneth Welch, Tobermory. Sergeant R. C. Biggart and two boys from Ottawa spent the Thanksgiving weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biggest, Mr. and Mrs, D. John Coch- rane and children spent Th- anksgiving weekend with Mr, Cochrane's mother in Brock- ville, James Thompson, Midland, former Police Chief of Clinton has been visiting in town with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. (Dick) Els wood, Princess Street. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smoke, Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with Mrs, Frank Lobb. Mrs. Alex Wilson, Napanee is spending this week with Mrs. Lobb. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Meti- moyle, Belleville and Mrs. Fr- ances Scovell, Toronto spent Thanksgiving weekendwith Mr, and Mrs, Fred Anderson Sr., and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dale, Sea - forth spent the Thanksgiving weekend visiting with the lat- her's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dale, Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bryden, and three children, and H. Williams, 'Kingston spent the weekend' with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, Mul- holland, and Mr, and Mrs. R. Beyers. Mrs. George Campbell has returned from her summer home at Inverhurpn Beach and will now spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. D. John Cochrane -and Mr. Cochrane, Shipley Street, Miss Barbara, Oliver, Edmon- ton, tarn, Alberta flew by jet on Saturday to spend the Thanks- giving weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oliver and Lynne Shipley, She attend- ed ed the Rodges-Finley wedding in Wesley -Willis United Church on Saturday afternoon. 1VIr. and Mrs. J. L. Osborne and Mrs. L. B, Powers, St. Thomas, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Colclough. Another guest was a nephew, Private R, A. Loat, Victoria, B.C., who is at present taking a four month course at Wol- seley Barracks, London. Guides Attend Pioneer Camp Guides Karen Schefter, Hea- ther Winter, Barbara Irwin and Linda Nicholson attended the Pioneer Camp at the Hen - sail Park on Thanksgiving weekend, under the supervision of Mrs. Thomas Lavender, Div- ision Camp Adviser. Thirteen Girl Guides from Huron Division were working for their Pioneer Badge. Karen and Heather tried and passed' this test. while Barbara and Linda were being instructed and will try for the badge at a later date. Clinton Brownie Guiders are Mrs. George Wonch, Brown Owl; Mrs. Douglas Ball, Taw- ny Owl; while the Girl Guide Guiders are Mrs. Jack Irwin, Captain; Mrs. Al May and Mrs. Larry Kain, Lieutenants. ONE CENT LEONE CENT 6 big day Starts Next Mon. Morning AND CONTINUES ALL WEEK MORE THAN 350 ITEMS ON SALE including: MEDICINES -- COSMETICS -- FIRST AID SUPPLIES BABY NEEDS VITAMINS - SHAVING NEEDS NYLONS -- DENTAL NEEDS - STATIONERY CHRISTMAS CARDS --CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAP WALLETS - BATHROOM SCALES ELECTRIC HAIR DRYERS - STEAM IRONS HAIR CLIPPER SET ,--- HEATING PADS PORTABLE MIXERS - HOT WATER BOTTLES And Many More Items All On Display At Our Store Now. BUY ALL NEXT WEEK AND SAVE PICK UP YOUR ADVANCE ORDER FORM NOW. Watch For Your Hand Bill in The Mail NEWCOMBE Pharmacy PHONE HU 2.9511 rZ'L I NTC Shorty's B\A Service ' •'''4'l l i11IIii;41111 We have now installed a New Automatic Tire Breaker to handle the installing of your Show Tres without delay .. . While You Wait 215 Victoria Street Clinton HU 24661 OPEN DAILY 7 Days a Week - 6 arm. to. 12 p.m. If Scrvlce Isn't Good I+ Ithif Service