HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-10-12, Page 5Written for and about CDCI—by the Press Club Clinton end District COI,ituaries Samuel McDonald Funeral service was conduct- ed on Welnesday, October 4, for Samuel McDonald, 137 Mary Street, Clinton, who pas. Sod away on October 3 in Clin- ton Public Hospital. A. W. Joyce, Willowdale, officiated, in the Ball and Mulch funeral home, 153 High Street. Pall-bearers were Harry Cochrane, Stewart Sutherland, Lloyd McDonald, Robert Fuller, Stanley Purdy and Bari Raw- lings. Interment was in. Clin- ton Cemetery. Mr. McDonald was barn on July 26, 1893 at Thamesford, and he married Nellie Eliza- beth McDonald on June 7, 1924, He lived in London for a while, but was manager of Clinton branch of the Canadian Oil Companies, Ltd., for 37 years. McDonald was we'll known and respected in this area, The Joseph Street Gos- pel Hall near his home, was his particular interest. He suffer- ed a stroke about four years ago, Su r; wing besides his wife are three sons, Douglas, Bruce and Glen and two brothers, Stanley and William G. Mc- Donald. Attending the funeral were persons from London, Toronto, Gravenhurst, Forest, St. Thom- as, Windsor and Goderich, as well as, locally. Mrs, H, S. Turner Funeral service was: conduct- ed on Saturday afternoon, North Street United Church, Goderich,. for Mrs. Harold S. Turner, who passed away on Thursday, October 5 in Clinton Public Hospital, following a lengthy illness, She was in her 55th year, The Rev, W, J. tan Heaven conducted the service, and in- torment was in Clinton Cem- etery ! Born Linnie I. Neoligeri at Clinton on October 3, 1907, a daughter of William John Ned- iger and Margaret Waugh, she attended Clinton Public School and Collegiate Institute and St- ratford Teachers College. She married Harold S. Turner on September 27, 1933, and they lived in Clinton for two years before going to Goderich where they resided at 72 Montreal S treet, Mrs, Turner was a member of North Street Lnited Church and a life member of the Wo- man's Missionary Society, Surviving besides her hus- band are two sons, Ted, Lon- don; Brian 'at home and one. daughter, Marilyn, Toronto; three sisters, Mrs. Cliff (Le- ana) Holland, Goderich; Mrs. Norman ('Daisy) Holland, Cl- inton 'and Mrs. Gordon (Helen) Rathwell, Bayfield; two broth- ers, John and Matt, both of Clinton. Goipel Hall Wedding MR. AND MRS. HORST RILLING were mar- ried in Maple Street Gospel Hall, Clinton, on Sat- urday afternoon, September 30, by Mr. John M. Martin, Hawkesville. The bride is Mae Garrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. Garrett, Clinton and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rifling, Scarboro. The newlyweds will live at Golden Lake, Ontario. (R. J. Nephew Photo) FRIENDSHIP CLUB TO MEET OCTOBER 18 The next regular meeting of St. Paul's Friendship Club will be held on October 18 at 8.15 in the Parish Hall. The date of the Christmas' bazaar is set for Wednesday afternoon, No- vember 22 and the members are •asked to make and' bring some article for the gift booth. VARNA (Correspondent, Fred MeClymont Phone HU 2-3214) Lee and Danny Talbot, Lon- don, are staying this week at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell. Rally Day Service will be held in the United Church next Sunday, October 15 at 10,15 a.m. Rev. T. J. Pitt is in charge. The ladies of the United Church are holding a ham and turkey supper on Wednesday, October 18. Mrs. A. Willis was able to leave Clinton Public Hospital last week and is now staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wet. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Don Barker and 'family, King City, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Robinson, To- ronto, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClymont. Huron County Farming Report (By b. G. Miles, agricultural representative for Huron) Good weather is •allowing farmers to catch up on the farm work, Most harvest is complete with the eX. Ception of sugar beets, grain corn and late •ttirnips. Grain corn is maturing re- rnarkably well and sonic of it is new being picked. Pas- tures remain hi fairly good supply and'livestock is do, ing quite well ort fall pas- tures. Item from a US safety Obit- Cation, quoted' the Ontario Saf. ety League. "Wisdomin State Mice refer to a driver who Operates With one amt 'around • lady cemPariion us a 'two- 'beaded driver'. Recently, n tr- ooper ,tidVised a gentleman coniponent to 'Use both handf. The terly Was that he needed one hand with Which to drive." Winter Coats Plain and Fur Trimmed We were lucky enough to procure a Manufacturer's Clearance of Winter Coats— Values from $39.95 to $95.00 This Week Only SPECIAL 25% Off LADIES' WEAR and DRY GOODS Budd Bayes' was awarded the senior boys' championship tr- ophy end Beverly Beck was presented with the junior girls' championship trophy, Budd, in winning the trophy, pole-vault- ed rte an all-time height record at Perthex of 11 feet, 2 inches, leaving the other competitors far behind. Altogether the team (boys and girls) brought home a truly outstanding set of rib- bons (first, seconds and thirds). Firsts; senior, Budd Bayes, pole vault, 11 ft. 2 in, (new rec- ord); high jump, 5 ft. 5 in.; hop, step and jump, 39 ft. 71/2 in, Intermediate, John Carew, high jump, 5' 4"; Ernie Bru- bacher, discus, 103' 8"; Sharon Gray, standing broad jump, 7' 71/4 ". Junior, Bev. Beck, running broad jump, 14' 61/2 " (a new record). Seconds, Budd Bayes, runn- ing broad jump, 18' 91/2 "; Ern- ie Brubacher, shot put, 35' 61/2 " John Carew, hop, step and jump, 36' 6"; Brian Levis, 880 yard dash; Bev. Beck, high jump, 4' 4"; Wendy McGee, hop, step and jump, 34' 3". Thirds, Mike Scotchmer, 100 yard dash; Doug Darnsborough, discus, 95'; Lloy Ann Ruther- ford, 100 yard' dash; Lloy Ann Rutherford, running broad jump, 14' 3/2,".; Intermediate relay team, girls. This Saturday, the team goes to the WOSSA meet at J. W. Little Memorial Stadium, Uni- versity of Western Ontario, London, Let's hope everyone does as well as and even ,bet- ter than at this one. New Teacher At CDC, With Junior Classes ROBERT ALLAN MANN, B.A. One of the four new teachers at CDCI this year is Robert Allan Mann. A native of List- owel, he attended high school there before going to the Uni- versity of Western' Ontario. Last spring Mr. Mann grad- ipyz//,27, Money-Saving SPECIALS! BRAND MILK 14XbilErA0 Tablets 77c iM ANtRrAt I OIL 16 ounce, Reg. 65c 2 for 88c I.D.A. SACCHARIN TABLETS 59c 79c BRAND-16 ounce—Reg. 50c MILK of MAGNESIA 2 for 77c D eeTee t A.S.A. .Ar TABLETS 500's 77c "Economy" Bath §A E 5 pound bag 33c Dr. West's Ny BRUSHES reg 29c 2 for 49c BABY'S OWN SOAP Reg. 16c ea.-3 for 48c 4 for 48c J & J Chest Rub Stick reg 98e with $1.65 size J & J Children's Cough Medicine $1.65 ISDTAOR1-1Bel3644$6E9R 79c, $1.98 I.D .A. AD HEALTH SALTS reg. 69c 2 for 69c I.D.A. Brand Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Capsules 1D AVITES 100's—Reg. $6.00 $4.95 Brand—Reg. $1.15, $2.29 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 88c, 1.88 I.D.A. Brand-100's—Reg. 98c Cod Liver Oil Capsules 77c METRECAL LIQUID-8-oz. ..... 29c, 6 for $1.69, 48 for $13.25 POWDER-8-oz, 99c, 12 for $11.75 POWDER-8%2 lb. $5.69, 6 for $32.95 BRANb QUELLIDA Quick-Acting COUGH SYRUP Pleasant Tasting — Soothing COntrol of Coughs, Bronchitis and Hay Fever 4-oz. Bottle $1.50 F B HU PENNEBAKER Ugir 2-6626 Smite DRUGGIST Omar' 00104 Special Values and Reminders 'This Week 14 grain 100's—Reg. 79c grain 1000's—Reg. 98c Thurs, Oct. 12, 1%1 Chintan News-Record-,-:Page 5 Legion Auxiliary Plan For Annivprs..ary The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Clinton Branch 1.40, Royal Can- adian Legion met in the Legion Hall on Monday, with a poor attendance. Mrs, D, C. -Colqu- boon was initiated, with the president and second vice-presi- dent assisting. The Clinton Auxiliary birth- day party will be held on No- vember 8, and four auxiliaries from the north will be invited. Invitations were accepted to the Exeter birthday party on Monday, October 16, and to a bowling tournament in that town on November 1, Winners at the Wingharo bowling day were announced. Mrs. William Harris won the high single. Mrs. K, W. Col,. quhoun won the second prize for novice, and one Clinton team came fifth, The annual banquet of the Legion will be held on Monday, October 23, Plans have been London Road Club Hears of Two Vacation Trips Members of the London Road Club met in September at the home of Mrs. Wilf Monaghan with seven members present. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $40.62. Funds raised by "day to remember" Was 70 cents; collection was $1.20, Mrs. Garnet Harland and Mrs, Clare Magee told of their vacations this summer to El- liott Lake and Wawa, and to Trenton and into Hastings County, Mrs, Fred Anderson, Sr., will be hostess for the October 19 meeting, when roll call will be answered by showing a "Pic- ture when you were a child" also baking or produce for sale. Mrs. Harry Plemsteel will assist Mrs. Anderson, made to sell poppies at RCAF Station Clinton on November 3. The attendance draw was won by Mrs. D, Andrews. Merchants Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thurs. Oct. 19 8 pm STORE HOUR DISCUSSION ALL MERCHANTS WELCON1E CLINTON RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE R. B. Campbell 41-2b 1141.11.1.01•Mk Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service DRUG STORES NO DEALERS PLEASE-2c OFF PACK KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES Re490.0'1 pPkOgsPAIL NO DEALERS PLEASE—Regular 2 for 29c TENDER GREEN PEAS NO DEALERS PLEASE!—Regular 2 for 37c WAX or GREEN BEANS NO DEALERS PLEASE!—Regular 21c—HALVES CHOICE GOLDEN PEACHES NO DEALERS PLEASE!—Regular 2 for 31c KRAFT READY DINNERS SAVE CASH 4 FOR $I SAVE CASH 8 FOR $1 SAVE CASH 6 FOR $1 SAVE CASH 6 FOR $1 SAVE CASH 8 FOR $1 KOUNTY KIST 15 oz. Tins KING'S CHOICE 20 oz. This 15 oz. Tins FOR QUICK MEALS Money Saving Bonus Bargain! FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER 2 lb. 99c With Every Order of $15.00 or over THIS COUPON 1 OC ON THE IS WORTH PURCHASE OF GRANULATED S UGAR 10 lb. 79c (with coupon) BEST BUY!—$100 A Day Contest!—SAVE MONARCH MARGARINE BEST BUY!--SAVE 10c KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE BEST BUY!—SAVE 26c—Made from Vine E. D. SMITH'S KETCHUP BEST BUY—SAVE 7c-2c OFF PACK JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH 13c 'I lb. PACKAGES 1 lb. PACKAGE Ripened Tomatoes 11 oz. BOTTLES 32 oz. BOTTLES 3 FOR19c 53c 6 FOR $1 2 FOR 43c —MEAT FEATURE— EXTRA LEAN SMOKED PICNICS lb. 39c CRISP; JUICY MacINTOSH APPLES 6 FANCY GRADE QUART BASKET 59c Don's Red & White FOOD QUEEN STREET — CLINTON PLENTY OP "THE STORE WITH THE FLAGS" FREE PARKING WE SELL FOR, LESS Two Championships Won at Perthex In CDCI Students First Appearance uated from the Ontario College of Education in Toronto. This year he teaches geography and English to grade 9 and 10 classes. After school his activities range from music to sports. He Plays the guitar, saxophone, and violin arid this past sum- mer was on the Monkton base- ball team. Mr. Mann says that his proudest possession is his '48 Ford, called "The Luxury Lin- er" which vaguely resembles a hot rod. He now lives at RR 5, Clin- ton with his wife, the former Pat Rathwell, Brussels. They were married this summer. When the CDCI track and field team was invited to par- ticipate for the first time in the Perthex meet held at Mit- chell District High School an October 4, the team came home with considerable success, Two individual championships were recorded for the 'CDCI contest- ants in spite of heavy comp- etition. Redmen Lose Second Game As Seaforth Win 1.6 Last Thursday the Redman were beaten by a heavier Sea- forth football team as they went down to :their second loss in two games. A last-minute touchdown in the fourth quar- ter revived the CDCI hopes for a tie but the Redmen failed to convert 'to tie the game, Final score; Golden Bears 7, Redmen 6. This week, the Redmen are host to the Goderich team, who like Clinton, are still winless. Let's go, .Recbneni Clinton Hospital Auxiliary Annual Monster PENNY SALE 45 ALBERT STREET (formerly Sangster Store) DRAWS ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 at 4 p.m. TV SWIVEL CHAIR V KENWOOD BLANKET 3 TABLE LAMP V PAJAMA DOLL V TOASTER V CAMERA 3 ARCHERY SET V END TABLE 60 Prizes — For All Ages TICKETS: Card of 25 for 25c on sale at store Proceeds for furnishings of Proposed New Wing