HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-10-12, Page 4Married Here at St Andrew's MR. AND MRS. CHARLES EDWARD MATHERS, Goderich, were married in St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church, Clinton, on Friday afternoon, Septem- ber 30, by the Rev. Dr. D. J. Lane, minister of the church. The bride is Lorna Jane, daughter of Mrs. Alma Boyce, Goderich and her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mathers, RR 2, Clinton. The young couple will live in Goderich. (Haddon Studios) SS 4 Club (1.1.y DIM's. I. Mortal) SS 4 Goderich -Township Community Club met at the home of president, Mrs. William Labb for the Septem- ber meeting, Roll call was re- sponded to by 13. members and there was one visitor present, A quilt was 'tied, and it was decided to pack a bale at the next meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. .,'-Kees Lobb assisting Mrs W. Labb, The October meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Carman Tebbutt on October 24. (Note change of date). The roll call is to be answered by presenting articles for the bale. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY ti )1If T",-• Albums of Choice Design Portraits, Commercial Photography, etc. Jervis Studio 130 Isaac St, HU 2-7006 26to30b "•DsK.V.VOMOS0.0.::i0K:ia Ikiamsi:0; A10310k03iMs*1110***Mi? CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' Lists for 1961 Municipality of the Town of Clinton County of ,Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the VOTERS' LISTS ACT, and I have posted up in my office at Clinton, the 4th day of October, 1961, the list of all persons entiled to vote in said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day of appeal being the 18th day of October, 1961, Dated at Clinton this 4th day of October, 1961. JOHN LIVERMORE, Clerk of the Town of Clinton. 1 I I DO Uys YOU CANADA SAVINGS BOND AT m my HANH" TO 2 MILLION CANAVIANS frrMif IMMAI BUY YOURS FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTS DOWN PAYMENT OF 5%— $2.50 FOR A $50 BOND, $5 FOR A $100 BOND, ETC. BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR BANK OF MONTREAL 64,44d4 9aa Ea/.4 WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 Sutter-Perdue Ltd. are participating in the Ontario Hydra "Sunshine" Appliance promotion. FREE ( ELECTRIC. BLANKET ( FOR ELECTRIC CLOTHES DKR BUYERS With every Dryer purchased between October 14 and November 30 you receive an Electric Blanket FREE Come in and le+ us demonstrate the advantages of having an Inglis Dryer in your home Choose from four models ROYAL $399.00 CITATION $339.00 SUPERB $244.00 LIBERATOR $259.00 Sutter-Perdue Ltd. Ouality Hardware and Housewares Etectrital Appliances and Supplies PHONE HU 2,7023 NTON Choose from any of these famous makes of electric dryers: BEATTY G.M. FRIGIDAIRE MOFFAT BELWOOD INGLIS PHILCO.BENDIX COFFIELD.HAMILTON KELVINATOR RCA WHIRLPOOL, CONNOR LEONARD SIMPLICITY DOMINION MAYTAG THOR GENERAL ELECTRIC McCLARY.EASY WESTINGHOUSE AND OTHER FINE MAKES • Full double bed size • Full 2-year guarantee • A top quality blanket made by Canada's largest electric blanket maker • Can be washed and dried automatically • Offer good from Oct. 14th— Nov. 30th 1901 ;;•iees.:peeKeeeeeSeeeekeseeSii:"Sie A $.9,95 VALUE This offer good at the stores disolaying this symbol E BP:riER LIPM/17,441Y HYDR° 14 * is our* 44 $A444,t,„ Clinton and District Wtddings Saturday, October 14 THE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Page 4 Clinton News-Record Thors,, Oct, Vir 1961 Shirley Bean Busby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E. Busby, (formerly Myrtle Lawson/ and Harry Warren Hannah, son of Mr, and. Mrs. F,. W, Hannah, Leamington. Rev, R. D. Hors- burgh performed the ceremony in Park Street United Church, Chatham, 'Organist Mrs, .Arthur Lavery accompanied the soloist, Don Wellestein, St. Catherines, Escorted up the aisle by her father, the bride wore a white corde taffeta gown fashioned with a fitted bodice, sabrina neckline scalloped with lace .ap, plique re-embroidered with pearls, sequins, and long taper- ed sleeves. The bouffant skirt featuring a large taffeta rose at back of waistline, was em- broidered down the sides and around the chapel train, A sequin and pear/ crown held her hand-rolled fingertip veil of French illusion, She carried a garland of white butterfly roses, stephanotis and French ivy- trails. Mrs. Melvin Hall, Burling- . ton, was matron of honour and bridesmaids were Mrs, Harold Rathwell and Miss Frances Schram, They wore frocks of violet peau de sole with mat- thing headdresses and carried posy type bouquets of rnagen- Make every day a drying day ELECTRICALLY ...costs less than 5$ a load to operate •FLAMELESS • ODOURLES • SAFER•FULLY AUTOMATIC *ECONOMICAL Wedding vows were spoken, eh, Clinton was the scene on before an altar adorned with Saturday, September 30 of the white gladioli and burning tap- wedding of Verna Lorene Cold— ers on Saturday atternoor4 by' well, daughter of Mr, anti Mrs, Robert Buschmeyer, Thames- ville attended as groomsman. Ushering were Bruce Busby and Philip Chapman, both of Toronto, A reception in Wesley Hall followed the ceremony. For the wedding trip the bride donned a green french wool suit with brown and green accessories and corsage of orange delight roses, The newlyweds wilt make their home in Hanover, Ontario, The bride is well known in this community. o Finley-Rodges Tall white tapers in wrought iron candelabra and chrysan- themurns in autumn shades formed the setting in Wesley- Willis United Church,' Clinton, on Saturday, October 7, of Elizabeth Anne Frances Rodges and William Edward Finley. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. A. L. Hodges, Clinton and the groom is the son ..of Mr, and Mrs. Clark Finley, Wind, sir. The Rev. Clifford Park was the officiating clergyman, assisted by Dr. D, J. Lane, St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church. The bride, who was given in marriage by Cyril Proctor, Goderich, wore a floor-length gown of white silk organza with chantilly lace bodice. The scalloped neckline was embroid- ered with pearls and rhine- stones. The skirt was trimmed with fan-shaped panels of chantilly lace, extending from the hemline 'to the waist where they were caught with rosettes of white organza. Her finger- tip veil was' held by a tiara- of pearls and crystal and she car- ried a white Bible crested with talisman' roses. The matron of honour was Mrs. D. B, Palmer, Clinton, who wore a dress of white and gold brocade with a white head- dress of tiny feathers and veil- ing and carried a nosegay of talisman roses. The 'bridesmaid was Miss Susan Finley, sister of the groom, Windsor and the junior bridesmaid was Miss Sharon Palmer, Clinton. They were identically gowned in dresses of autumn gold brocade with headdresses of :tiny gold feeth- ers and veiling and carried nosegays of talisman roses. Dr. D, B, Palmer, Clinton, attended the groom and guests were ushered by Eric Finley, Toronto and Robert Taler, De- troit, the brother and brother- in-law of the groom. The soaaist, Mrs. W. Hearn, Clinton, 'was accompanied at the organ by Mrs, S. Rennie, as she sang the Wedding Pray- er, the Lord's Prayer and "Be- cause." Following the recemony a re- ception was held in the church parlours. Receiving the guests, the bride's mother wore a navy sheath with dusky pink acces- sories and a corsage of pink carnations. The groom's moth- er wore a turquoise sheath with white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Out-of- town guests were from Edmon- ton, Detroit, Toronto, Strat- ford, Owen Sound, Goderich, Kincardine, Windsor 'and Ayl- mer, For travelling the bride wore a luggage tan suit and stole with matching accessories ,and a corsage of talisman roses. The young couple will reside in London. Dawson, Varna, 'For the reception which fol- lowed the bride's mother wore deep turquoise brocaded satin with matching hat and Week accessories. The groom's mo- ther wore nevy blue with bei- ge accessories. Each ware a cor- sage of white carnations. Leaving on a wedding trip to Mexico, the bride donned a green knitted suit with brown accessories, Rilling-Garrett Bronze and yellow 'mums were used in decorating the Maple Street Gospel Hall, Cl- inton for the Saturday, Sep- tember 30 wedding of Mae Gar- rett and Horst Rifling. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. A. Garrett, Clinton and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rifling, Scar- bore. Mr. John M. Martin, Hawk- esville, officiated. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in floor-length white lace over McBrien-Hunter At a quiet ceremony in the chapel of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goclerich on Saturday morning, September 30, Marg- aret Hunter, daughter of Mr. John Pride, Elma Township, be- came the bride of E. Secord McBrien, 1-lullett Township, son of W. J. McBrien, Hallett Township, The Rev. G. L. Royal of- ficiated The bride wore a figured sheath dress of brown and bei- ge wool jersey with brown and beige accessories and. a corsage of yellow roses, For a wedding trip to paints north, she donned a suit of mag- enta wool, with black accessor- ies and ,a corsage of yellow roses. Upon their return they will live at Seaforth. satin, styled with fitted bod- ice and lilypoint sleeves. She carried a bouquet of talisman roses. Miss Jean Hull, Brussels, was bridesmaid in light green flocked nylon over taffeta and she carried talisman roses. Miss Nancy Brubacher, Clinton was flowergirl in light flocked ny- lon over taffeta, Otto Lemke, Eganville was groomsman and ushers were Ernest and Dennis Brubacher. Miss Lucinda Weber, Water- loo sang "The Wedding Pray- er", accompanied by Miss Rose Brubacher at the piano. The reception followed in the Ontario Street United Church hall, where the bride's mother received in blue taffeta with white duco dots and pink ac- cessories. The groom's mother wore a white.and blue flowered dress with winter white acces- sories. Each wore a white cor- sage. Guests attended from De- troit, Elmira,, Hawkesville, Kit- chener, Strathroy, Eganville, Weston and Waterloo, as well as Scarboro and Toronto. For travelling the bride don- ned a royll blue suit with mat-: ching accessories and a pink corsage. Following a wedding trip through the Thousand Is- lands, the young couple will live at Golden Lake, Ontario (south of Pembroke), Amsinga— Bruinsma Baskets of white gladioliand mauve 'mtura decorated the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, on Friday evening, September '22, when Greta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D. Bruinsma, Goderich Township, became +the bride of Henry Amsinga, Exeter, son of Mr, and Mrs, K. Amsinga, Goderich Township, The Rev. L. Slofetra, Clin- ton, performed the ceremenY and music was provided by J. Hoorcla, Sr., Clinton, Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a full length gown of nylon or, ganza over net and taffeta, featuring short sleeves, bateau neckline with appliqued motifs of lace and irridescent sequins on the full skirt. A large bow accented the waist at the back, Her elbow-length veil was held by a headdress of dainty flow- ers, and she carried a crescent of white 'mums. Miss Irene Bruinsma, sister of the bride was junior brides- maid dressed in street length pale lime organza with lace bodice, matching headdress and carrying mauve 'mums. Miss Irene de Boer, Lucknow, was flower-girl in street length dress of yellow nylon with matching headdress, She car- ried a nosegay of mauve 'rnurns. Groomsman was Elts'o Am, siriga, Goderich Township and ushers were Cecil Bruinsma, Goderich Township; John Am- singa, Smithville and Thys Bruinsma, Goderich Township. After a reception in the church hall the young couple left on a wedding trip •to Nor- thern Ontario. Attending the reception were guests from Lucknow, Smith- vile, Strathroy, Listowel, Kit- chener, London and Grand Rapids, Mich. If You're TIRED Now and then everybody gots a "tired-out" feeling and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, Just a tempor- ary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Oetkre Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause backache and tired feeling. Then you feel batter, rest better, work bettor. 81 TRY SOME CROUTONS IN ANY CREAM SOUP A few croutons floating on any cream soup are as good tasting as they are good look- ing, according to the Food and Nutrition Department of Mac- donald Institute, Guelph. William Caldwell, Clinton, to Lorne Harold Love, Zurich, son of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Love, Zurich. The Rev. Grant Mills officiated, Given in marriage by her father the bride was lovely in silk ,organza over taffeta with three-quarter length sleeve's, a scalloped neckline re-em- broidered with guipure lace and sees pearls and a chapel trained skirt with side panels of the same lace and. a crown of pearls and crystal beads holding the fingertip veil of white tulle. She carried a mau- ve orchid on white bible. Miss Norma Love, Zurich, was maid of honour and br- idesmaids. were Miss Lois Fal- coner, Stratford and Mrs. Ken Caldwell, Clinton, They were mauve brocaded satin dresses, with white pillbox hats and car- ried white baby 'mums in wicker baskets. The flowergiel, Miss Cheryl Webster, Varna, wore a white brocaded satin dress with mau- ve sash and headpiece of mauve and white flowers and a wick- er basket with white baby 'mums. Ring bearer was Glenn Dickson, Kitchener. The male attendants all wore charcoal suits; Jack Me, Gregor, Clinton was grooms- man and ushers were Ken Caldwell, Clinton and Bill Hannah,Busby Love -Caldwell to miniature carnations, white star 'mums arid periwink trails, le Ontario Sticeet United Ohur-, South Huron Youth For Christ SACRED MUSICALE Clinton District Collegiate Institute Auditorium THE SALTON BROTHERS TRIO London-Sarnia Recording Artists ADMISSION: $1.00 A 7k • SOC Tickets Available . CLINTON -'-Reuben Brubacher Bob Von Loo SEAFORTH—Johnny Blue BLYTH —Doug Campbell GODERICH—Murray Riordan BAYFIELD —Ann Westlake Louisa Talbot Gordon Westlake ZURICH —Earl Oesch Outstanding Gospel Instrumental Quartet from Guelph FMNSALL —Edgar Cudmore at 8:00 p.m. Featuring: The Gospel Messengers (at botom The Salton Bros. Trio ( at right) The Langolf Bros. Quartette one of the leading quartettes from Michigan. The Isaac Sisters Trio --- Canadian Trio Champions, and third place winners for North America.