HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-09-21, Page 4Holidays Are Over Fresh from a brief holiday, singing star Tommy Hunter is ready to join the group around the microphones for his Monday to Friday program, The Tommy Hunter Show. Heard on CBC radio's Trans-Canada network the show also features Inc Rhythm Pals, Wally Traugott and Al Harris. Guest stars are also part of the musical format of this popular daytime program. Clinton Memorial Shop 1'. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-9421 At other times contact Local Representative—Tom Steep—HU 2-3869 24tfb WESTINGHOUSE - Dryer . Air-fluff setting—tum- bles and freshens clothes in cool air. . Door safety - switch — operation stops when door is opened during cycle. DIRECT AIR FLOW AUTOMATIC DRYER . 3 temperature settings for all types of fabrics . Fast direct air flow dries clothes faster, fluffier — saves electricity ..Big 20 lb. load capacity for big family wash . Convenient loading door with look-in window . Top mounted lint collector . Flush-to-wall installation Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor HU 2-6646 Clinton "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" only 7 minutes from downtown via the Lakeshore Road visiting Toronto? be our honoured guest 'TV in every MOM *overlooking Lake Ontario 'betel facilities Mentertainntent nightly at the fabulous free parting Inen RO 6-4392 at the door for reservation* —NOTICE -- Due to regulations of the Industrial Standards Act CLINTON BARBERS Will not be open Thursday evenings after 6 o'clock; effective immediately. WHEN YOU CAN'T FIND THE CASH, FIND HFC It's easy to find HFC—thanks to our 257 offices located where they can best serve Canadian families. Come in and arrange a special HFC loan for shopping ... paying bills reducing monthly Instalment payments...taking a trip redecorating, re- modeling or re- furnishing your home. Get the cash you need, yet have only one low monthly payment to HFC. Life Insurance available at low group rate. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE G. N. Crawford, Manager 38A West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERICH AMOUNT or LOAN MONTHLY 12 months 20 months PAYMENT 30 months PLANS 36 months $100 $ 9.46 $ 6.12 $..... $ 500 46.73 30.01 ..... 750 69.21 44.13 31.65 1000 91.56 58.11 41.45 1600 146.52 94.11 68.81 2200 201.46 129.41 94.62 83.71 2500 228.93 147.05 107.52 95,12 Above syments include prInclpa and Interest, and are baled a prompt repayateut, but do not Include the colt of We love cue. Fnr A Safe Journey USE CLINTON CAB COMPLETE TAXI SERVICE DAY or NIGHT Phone HU 2-9012 George McGee, Prop. CLINTON MEAT MARKET Fe Quality Meats Jackpot Special For This Weekend SMOKED PICNICS 43c lb. Phone HU 2-3834 Art Colson — Grant Irwin KING STREET F. B. PENNEBAKER FITZSIMONS FOOD FAR MOTHER PARKER'S COFFEE I0 oz. jar—$1 .1 5 BONELESS VEAL LEG ROLLS lb. 69c ' FREE DELIVERY SPORT SHIRT CLEARANCE 1/4 off Phone HU 2-9412 Aiken's FOOTWEAR & LUGGAGE ROY MANN'S Supertest Service Station Supertest Products 115 CAR WASHING • LUBRICATION • GENERAL REPAIRS USED CARS VICTORIA STREET 13ehind Clinton Post Office PHONE HU 2-9079 GASOLINE POWERED CEMENT MIXER For Rent I. W. Counter BUILDERS' SUPPLIES HU 2-9612 — Albert St. Modern Gas and Oil Furnace Sales and Service , Chuter Heating and Electric TOM CHUTER, br JOE WILD, HU 2-7652 HILI 2.9519 Mrs, Nellie Edward Ehuneral service WEI,Sloonfluct- ed on Thursday„ September 14, at the Ball and Mach funeral home, 153 High Street !Mai:- ton, for Mrs, Nellie Viola Rd- ward who passed away on Mon- day evening, The Rev, D, J, Lane, St, An- draw's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, officiated and inter- ment VV4,5', in Colborne Town- ship Cemetery. Pail'-bearers were R, W. Gibbings, Clinton; Kenneth . Mel..ean, William Westlake, Bert McCabe, Gor- don !Bradshaw and Harry Jenk- ins, ail of Goderich.. Flower-, bearers were Kenneth Steep, Howard, Fred and' William Ed- ward, Patrick Shannahan, Mrs. Edward was barn on September 25, 3039, in Essex, the daughter of Mr. .and Mrs, William Lippett. She came to Colborne Township as a young girl, and in 1910 married How- ard Joseph Edward who pre- deceased her in 1924. Mrs. Ed- ward .had lived in Clinton for the past, 29 years, She had been in failing health for a ntlinher of years, and death came in, St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London., SurviVing ' are three sons, Ernmerson and James, Clinton; Benson, Exeter; one daughter, Annie, Mrs. William Steep, Clinton; 17 grandchildren aria seven great grandchildren, Attending the funeral were persons from -,Goderich .and Glencoe as well as locally, Mrs. George Scott In Walkerton en Thursday,. September 14 there occurred the sudden death of Elizabeth Tanner, widow of the late Geo- rge Scott. Mrs. Scott was well known in Clinton, having on many occasions visited here at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Har- ry Johnson — Mrs. Scott was a sister of Mrs. Johnson: — She leaves to mourn her loss one son and, three daughters, three brothers and three sisters. Mrs. A, G. DOIPICette After lengthy illness, at the Thamer Nursing Home ,at• Seaforth, Dora. Blanche Poue- nephew of the groom, ilderton, ebte (nee Cook), passed Away, on Monday, September 1$, in her 75th year. The late Mrs, Doucette was born at Knows-. June 20, 1887,, and was the eldest daughter of the late Mr ,and Mrs, 'Charles Cook. On June 20, 1906 she was married to Jacob Guy Doucette and four years, later in 1910 they moved to Windthorst Sank„ where they took up farming South of the village. In 1949 they moved to Clin- ton where they took up. resi- dence in a new home built by their son Earl at 13,11. 5, ton, just south of the town, where they _celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on June 20, 1956, In February 1957 she was predeceased by her husband Jacob Guy Doucette, and in August 1957 while visiting her danghter in London was strik- en with a cerebral hemmorhage Which left her an invalid. She was then moved to the Than= Nursing Home in Seaforth where .she remained a bed pat- ient until her passing. The late Mrs. Doucette is survived by one sister, Mrs. Osbert Whitehouse, Hartland, N.B., and one daughter, Ruth (Mrs. Grant Lindsay), London; five sons, Donald', lerucefield', Aubrey, Seattle, Wash.; Earl, Clinton; Ira and Stanley, Wind- thorst, Sask, She also has one grand-daughter and six grand- sons. She was predeceased by her husband, two sisters and one brother. The late Mrs. Doucette rest- ed at the Ball and Mitch fun- eral home until Wednesday, September 20, where the ser- vice was conducted by the Rev, D. J. Lane. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. OUR HAPPY PHILOSOPHER BY "TED`t RYDER C)012 HAPPY POILOSOPHER THE QUICKEST WAY FOR A YOUNG MAN TO GET BACK ON HIS FEET IS: HISS A PAYMENT ON HIS CAR cif; 0.1 (0••••yl & a a:J*4 a:1;4 "F ATURING THE WORLD FINEST TELEVISION" "TED" RYDER QPEN TILL 10P.M. 142.9320 CLINTON THEN YOU ARE LIKELY TO BE the athletic type! Strong, self-confident, loving outdoor sports—writing from an African safari you would naturally include: • Your correspondent's full'and correct postal ad- dress • Your own name and return address in upper left corner • AND THE CORRECT POSTAL ZONE NUMBER IF YOU ARE WRITING TO QUEBEC, MONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORONTO, WINNIPEG,- O R VANCOUVER. Help usto speed yourmail— check the yellow pages of your Telephone Directory for full postal information. P0•0141C Good Will Club First Meeting Of Autumn Season The first meeting of the Wesley-Willis Good Will Club for the autumn season was held in the lecture room on September 12. Mrs, H. G. Man- ning presided and Mrs. Hearn was pianist. Mrs. A. Adams read the Scripture lesson, fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The usual reports were read and Mrs. L. Ball acted as treas- urer in the absence of Miss L. Walkinshaw. Contributions were received for the U,S.C. bale and Mrs. L. Jervis displayed some of the contents previously contributed. A committee was formed to arrange for a make-believe tea. Miss E. Jamieson introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Smith, Brantford. Beautiful colored slides of her trip to Hawaii were shown. Her interesting, descriptive commentary, inter- spersed with humour, was ex- cellent. Mrs. Hodges expressed thanks for her splendid travel- ogue. After the Mizpah benedic- tion, lunch was served by group 2, with Mrs. Rodges and Mrs. E. H. Epps as conveners. COIN 4 4,4 0 T E (.6y JACK Q. DIETRICH) It is my Intention to write a series of !articles dealing with the hobby of nurnistmatics. There are many rumors and mistaken ideas -about the value of coins and if anything, I hope that 'the following series of articles will increase your Imowledge about coins as a hobby. X will welcome any questions that you might have concern- ing coins. Just send yew in- quiries to Box 25, Clinton in care of myself. Up until 'a few years ago Philately (stamp collecting) reigned as 'the favorite hobby, but in the last few years, coin collecting has mushroomed a- mong the population, and to- day I'm sure it is running a close second to stamps, With the increasing interest it may even exceed 'them in popularity. If you are interested in, col-. leeting, start with the Canad- ian small penny series from 1920 to date. You will find your biggest difficulty in eating the following dates, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, and even the 1930 penny is he- corning quite elusive. About three years ago, you could be quite sure of getting two or three George V small pennies out of each roll that you went through, but toelay you can consider yourself lucky if you get one out of two rolls, If you are so lucky as to know someone that has been saving coins in a piggy bank or some such container over a period of years, ask and find out if you can go through them. One important thing to remember is condition. Most coins which have no numis- matte value in worn condition, ADD NITROGEN AS YOU PLOW CROP DOWN it's a good idea to add some nitrogen to crop refuse if you- 're plowing it under this fall, says Professor Ted Heeg, OAC soil scientist. This will prevent a nitrogen' deficiency in your soil next year, and still let you keep up the level of soil or- ganic matter with crop resi- dues. If you're plowing down straw from small grains, put on 11/2 bags of ammonium nit- rate or 1 bag of urea per acre. Apply 2 bags of ammonium nit- rate or 114 bags of urea per acre if corn stalks are plowed down. maY !be uvui tin Gzxtdxiiih ill 40# circulated condition, nor ex.! !ample a 1940 cent Jan brilliant uncirculated condition catal- ogues !at $2.00 and $1,25, in un- circulated condition, Rut in very good or fine condition they are Very common and worth only face value, GOOD HUNTING and lots of luck. MOILIIIERS SlintiDY DIROWO TO MEI( .111g$.104V The Mothers Study Group of Wesley-Willis Vnited Church, will meet Tuesday evening, September 20, at the home of Mrs. Howard. Currie. Joseph Street. Mrs. Donald Jefferson will be in charge. Mrs. Wilfred Jervis and Mrs. Currie will be hostesses, Please bring any sewing that is out. Pogo 4,--41Intort Nolo-Record, Thurs., Sept. 21, 1961 Clinton and District Obituaries Experienced Carpenter Available For All Types of Carpentry Work SpecializingIn: KITCHEN CUPBOARDS -- CHINA CABINETS, Etc. REMODELLING and REFINISHING Phone HUnter 2-7726 KEN McNAIRN 34p Shop at these Clinton "Jackpot" stores!! W m WEEKLY PRIZE — $5.00 CASH. Draws made Tuesday N TWO GRAND MONTHLY PRIZES $115 & $50 at Newast-R6ecp.m. ord Office RULES OF NEWS-RECORD "JACKPOT" 1. Every purchase or payment on account at any of the participating firms advertising in the "Jackpot" entitles you to an opportunity to win the weekly and monthly Jackpot Prizes. 2. Each Tuesday evening the $5 weekly prize will be drawn by a member of the News-Record staff. 3. On the third Tuesday of each month, draws will be made by a guest for the Grand Monthly Prizes of $15 and $50 each. Winners of weekly prizes are also eligible for these prizes. 4. Employees and immediate families of the co- operating firms, and of the Clinton News-Record are not eligible to enter this Jackpot event. 5. Winners names will be announced in the News- Record each Thursday. Be Sure to Ask for your "Jackpot" Coupons and Deposit in "Jackpot" Draw Box in News-Record Lobby. SPECIALISTS in Automatic Transmissions All Makes and Models Harold's White Rose Garage Victoria Street HU 2-6626 IN` .ON ON CENTRAL CITIES SERVICE Cities Service--..- CAS—OILS 0 Cat Washing GREASES ants elm A Specialty Pull Line of Firestone Auto Accessories Corner of King and Mary Streets — Near IGA PHONE HU 2-9032 - - CLINTON ANSTETT JEWELLERS Special . . . Dunlop Gold Seal 750 x 14 Tubeless Reg. List $32.15 SALE ,,,,,,,,,, $19 • 95 with trade CLAYT DIXON'S AUTO SUPPLY HU 2-7034 - •Rattenbury Street "CHAMPION" FouitL *-Cleanest Burning —.Insured by Prudential of ,—Automatle Delivery England for Safety "'We Specialize in Puel Oil" A. G. GRIGG and SON PHONE HU 2-9411 CLINTON Lee's Your Style Centre in Clinton For Ladies', Men's & Boys' Wear OPEN A REVOLVING CHARGE ACCOUNT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY'S NEEDS ART GROVES It SON "The House of Admiral Store" Jackpot Special 1962 Admiral TV Push, Pull On and Off Twin Speakers I3ig 23" Screen 5-year Guarantee Reg. $369.95 Only $239.95 with trade HURON ST. - CLINTON PHONE HU 2-9414 AMSING'S IMPORTED FOODS 55 ALBERT STREET` LADIES' SLIPPERS .—$2.98 - $2.70 CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS —$2.25 MEN'S SLIPPERS —$2.95 Herb's h4F aorok d et JACKPOT SPECIALS Effective Sept. 21-27 incl. Burn's CANNED HAMS 11/2 lb. tin $1.49 Weston's CHOCOLATE VIENNA WAPERS pkg. 25c Monarch Pamily Size CAKE MIX pkg. 31c (White or Chocolate) Robin Hood White ANGEL CAKE MIX pkg. 39c PREE DELIVERY — Phone HU 2-3445 Save Black Diamond Stamps CARPET STROLLERS FOLDING CHAIRS This Week's Specials at BEATTIE FURNITURE AGENT FOR Rowntree's Chocolates & Nellsons Dorothy Gray and Du Barry Cosmetics Everything in Baby Needs Veterinary Supplies Clinton HU 2-9023 DIAMONDS WATCHES GIFTS Phone HU 2-9525 EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS Albert St., Clinton