HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-09-14, Page 11Mrs. Lou Simpson who has been a patient in Clinton hos- pital, has returned home, George Beer has returned from South Huron Hospital where he was a patient. Miss jean Henderson left Monday to attend Teachers' College, London. Mrs. Lou Simpson has re- turned home from Clinton Pub - lie Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. T, Kyle, Jr., and family have moved into the Harburn residence on Brock Street. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hort- on, Ewald and Donald, Mont- real, have returned home after visiting with the former's mo- ther, Mrs. Jarvis Horton. Dr, and Mrs. Harry Joynt and Judith, Toronto, visited with the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt, on Tuesday, on their return home from vaca- tioning around Lake Superior. Mrs, Eric Mansfield returned home on Thursday from South Huron Hospital where she had been a patient suffering injur- ier from a recent motor acci- dent. A reception and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moffat, recent bridal couple, will be held Saturday, September 16 in Zurich Community Centre, Desjardine orchestra. Ken Parker has been engag- ed as arena manager by the Hensall Community Park Board, duties to commence %4 YOUiZ `��� SATISFACTiON 3 PSA Musr! MERRILL TV " SERVICE 215 VICTORIA STREET Phone HU 2-7021 Monday, October 1G, Mr, and Mrs, Tony Gelder- land, Ridgebown; 1Vir. and Mrs, Don Dodds and Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Dodds, Seaforth, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Sim Rooboi, United Church Teachers and officers of the Sunday School met in (the ch- urch Thursday evening to dis- cuss the new curriculum whith. will begin the first Sunday of October, and to lay plans for the coming year which will in - elude a course of instruction for the teachers of the church. The initial meeting of those Young People interested in pre- paring for church membership was held Wednesday afternoon, September 13. Bible Fellowship began again Wednesday, September 13, at 8.30 p.m. ;and meets every Wed- nesday evening. Sunday School rally day, September 24; World Wide Communion Sunday, Oct- ober 1; Thanksgiving Sunday, October 8; Sacrament of Infant Baptism, October 15. At Sunday morning service a pleasing trio "Seek Ye The Lord" was sung by Mrs. Currie Winlaw, Mrs. George Hess and Mrs. T. C. Coates, Rev. Cur- rie Winlaw delivered a chal- lenging message, and Miss Gre- ta Lammie presided at the ch- urch organ. WMS and WA The September combined meeting of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society and Woman's Association of Chiselhurst Unit- ed Church was held September 5 with president Mrs. Russell Brock presiding. Worship was conducted by Mrs. Jack Brint- nell, and a poem contributed by Mrs. Percy Harris. The first chapter of the new study book "Signals For The Sixties" was reviewed by Mrs. T. Brintnell. Mrs. R. Boyce gave the report of the school for leaders et Al- ma College which the attended. A brief meeting of the WA followed, 'presided over by Mrs. A. Ross. New Sunday School The congregation of Hensall United Church voted in favor of a $45,000 Sunday School ad- dition at a special meeting held Wednesday night, Septem- ber 6. The Rev. Currie Win - law was chairman. The build- ing committee of the church will further discuss plans for the addition before tenders are called. Legion Auxiliary The September meeting of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary was held Tuesday evening. Mrs. Harold Campbell and Mrs. Gordon Munn were elected sports officers for 1961-62. The auxiliary will have a birthday BUILDING and. REMODELLING REFERENCE LIST • PAINTING and DECORATING D. A. Kay & Son FLOORS SANDED VENETIAN BLINDS PAINTS and WALLPAPERS Clinton -- Phone HU 2-9542 GRANT RATH PAINTER and DECORATOR Huron Street --Phone HU 2-7040 Clinton • BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Ball -Macaulay Ltd. Phone Hunter 2-9514 Full Range of Builders' Supplies COAL—LIME—CEMENT King Street, Clinton J. W. Counter BUILDERS' SUPPLY "Everything for the Builder" Clinton -- Phone HU 2-9612 Fred J. Hudie BUILDERS" SUPPLY and Sawmill Where your building dollar goes farther CLINTON -- HU 2-6655 • GENERAL CONTRACTING M. McADAM Clinton --- Phone HU 2-7070 GENERAL CONTRACTING Industrial -- Commercial Cement Work CALF DOUCETTE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor Sanding Clinton -- Phone HU 2-3348 • HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Irwin's LADIES' WEAR Draperies Curtains • — Blinds Curtain Rode — Drapery Track E`stiinates Free .. Clinton -- Phone HU 2-6623 McEWAN'S CURTAIN RODS WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN IlLINOtt Clinton = Phone HO12.9i66 • PLASTERING CONTRACTOR Carman F. Garrow PLASTERING CONTRACTOR and General Repair Estimates Gladly Given 139 Queen Street, Clinton Phone HU 2-7008 • HEAT, LIGHT and PLUMBING Cities Service 011 Co. Ltd. Jack Scruton, Distributor HEATING FUELS Clinton -- Phone HU 2-9653 Clinton Electric Shop For ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and WIRING Clinton -- Phone HU 2-6646 GINGERICH'S SALES and SERVICE Seaforth Zurich Phone 644W1 Phone 34 Electrical and Gas Appliances Gas and Oil Heating, Plumbing Electrical Installation & Repairs Motor Rewinding k F. Scotchmer ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Domestic -- Commercial Industrial BAYPIELD -- Phone 16 . .m.: n........r.,...*.... .- Harry Williams HEATING FUELS White ROse Petroleum Products RR Z CLINTON Dal HU 2-6633 WISE PLUMBING_ and HEATING Harold Wise, e, Prop. Clinton — Dial HU 27062 Plumbing -- Heating and Electrical Services 411 CONCRETE HENRY YOUNG CONTRACTOR Asphalt Driveways Excavating r--- Cement Work and 'fop Soil 4LtN1`ON Phone HU 2.9496 Pretty Holmesville Wedding MR. AND MRS. ROBERT SHEPHERD LAWSON, RR 5, Clinton, were Married in Holmesville United Church on Saturday, September 9, by the Rev. Clifford G, Park, Clinton. The bride is Margaret Anne, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Farquhar, RR 2, Clinton and the groom's parents are Mrs. Les- lie Lawson and the late L. Lawson. (Jervis Studio) Fuel Contracts Let For County BuildiIngs Contracts for supplying fuel to county buildings have been awarded as follows: coal to the jail, $22.50 per ton, Over- holt coal company; fuel oil to the Courthouse, Ross Scott Limited, Brucefieid, 14.1. cents per gallon; fuel ail to the county home, Fuel Oil Corpor- ation, Breslau, 9.9 cents. In both cases contract was award- ed warded to the lowest tender re- ceived. Lack of space in the county court house has led to moving the office of the probation of- ficer into rented quarters in the Masonic Temple Building so that the newly appointed Emergency Measures Co-ordin- ator may use the vacated of- fice. party October 6 and invite Leg- ion members. The group will send cigarettes to the auxiliary veterans in Westminster Hospi- tal. Rebekahs Meet The first meeting of the fall season of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held Wednesday, September 6 for which Mrs. Ernest Chipchase, Noble Grand, presided, Mrs. R. A. Orr re- ported for the visiting commit- tee; Mrs. Glenn Bell, Jr. PNG, reported for the finance com- mittee. Mrs. Eva Parker, secretary - treasurer of the CPT Fund committee, submitted a report of their sale of tickets on chair and toaster. The financial re- port was given by Mrs. Archie MacGregor. Mrs. John Ingram, recording secretary, read sev- eral thank you notes. An invitation was received to attend the international day in Point Edward arena, Octob- er 16. Arrangements were made to present the "Travel- ling Gavel" to Goderich Lodge, Tuesday, September 19. The Noble Grand conducted nominations and Mrs. Leona Parke presented a report of the inaugural in :Clinton. A pot luck lunch and social hour was held in the lower hall. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick was lunch con- vener. LONDESBORO (Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan Phone Bbtth 37 r 5) Miss Beth Thompson left on Monday evening for the term at Teachers' College, Stratford. Ken Gaunt and lady friend, Miss Margaret Morrow, Lions Head were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt. Mrs. Harold Dalrymple, Eg- rnondville and children also vis- ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt. Mr. Mason and Mr. Clunis, R klgetown were visitors with .the Robert Fairservices last week. They were former trus- tees of Mrs. Fairservice's in days gone by. Mrs. Jennie Lyon who was a patient in the Clinton Public Hospital for •a few days was taken to her daughter's home in Hamilton on Sunday. Mrs. Morosso, Hamilton spent Sun- day in the village. Mrs. Ruth Meyers, Simcoe also visited with her mother, Mrs. Lyon last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs, Glen Carter and family attended service in St. John's Church, Stratford, a week ago Sunday when William Jeffery, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Armstrong, was bap- tised. Farmers Enjoy Good Weather For Harvest Time A week of excellent weather has aided the farmers to har- vest a great deal of their grain. There is' yet at least 25 per cent of the crop to harvest and combine. Considerable harvesting of beans has taken place with yields of "not worth harvest- ing" to "35 ;bushel crop" re- ported — quality is reported good. Turnip men are report- ing "cracks" from too fast a growth. Heavy movement of steers Fruit Project Is Begun by 4-11 Homemakers Local 4-H Homemaking Club Leaders from the south west- ern section of Huron County met in Clinton recently for a two day training school for the forthcoming project "Featuring Fruit", reports Isabelle Gil- christ, home economist for Huron County. This project is designed pri- marily to point up the value of fruit, encouraging particularly the use of Ontario fruit, and also to give instruction in the choice, preparation and use of fruit. Members will, in the course of eight meetings, study fruit in such uses as table ar- rangements, garnishing various parts of the meal and in all three meals of the day. This is one of the newest projects available and one which we are sure will be en- joyed by all who participate. Leaders attending the train- ing school were as follows: Mrs, E. Hunter, Carlow; Mrs, A. B. Straughan, Goderich: Mrs. G. E. Papple, Seaforth; Mrs. L. Hodge, Crediton; Mrs. A. Machan, Auburn; Mrs. W. McHinney, Port Albert; Mrs. Humphries, Walton; Mrs. A. Moir, Exeter; Mrs. R. Bean, Carlow; Mrs. G. Morley, Gode- rich; Mrs. R. M. Scott, Sea - forth;. Mrs. R. Krieger, Credi- ton; Mrs. A. Davies, Auburn; Mrs. C. Blake, Dungannon; Mrs. N. Reid, Walton; Mrs. G. Hicks, Exeter. Clinton leaders are Mrs. R. MacDonald and Mrs. H. Man- aghan. They attended the school at Hensall out and into the area is taking place. Sileage and grain corn are maturing fast and it won't be long before the job of filling silos will be upon the farmers. Modern Bungalow Design offers Living Wing Overlooking Garden Architect L. 0. Metter. el Vett. tower, has designed this three-bed- room bungalow with a living wing" featuring, spacious windows over- looking the back garden to provide. an abundance of natural Iyht as wdl u privacy. TM L -+shaped . an also ensures good separation Of the living and sleeping areas. There is ample cupboard and shelf space in the convect kitchen. which has ready access to both the dining area of the living room and the family room. Provision has beets trade for the installation of s wisher and a dryer et one end of the f#mil► Loom. The basement extends oily under the living ares of the house& ; the ground beneath the bedroom wing ie unexcavated. Total floor srea h. lac Auer* end the exterior dimensions ere 3S feet, four inches. by 45 Beet. font Inches, Working drawings for thlt Iiouse. known at Design 2'76, are • 'available from Central Mortita*e and Housin4 Omporttion at miaimea* 4 (Woe NAIL. baptist Church 94th Anniversary Held At Auburn (Auburn Correspondent) Large baskets of colored gladioli, asters and roses deo- orated Auburn Baptist Church Church for the 94th enniver- •sary se'vices last Sunday.. Guest speaker was Professor Ivan Morgan of Divinity' Col-, lege :of McMaster University, Hamilton. He chose for his subject, "Consider what God has done" for his afternoon's message. The guest soloist was Mrs. John Ostrom, Wingham, who sang "Why I Serve Jesus" and a duet with her niece, Miss Linda Perigoe, Toronto, "1 Am Not Worthy." Following the service a lun- cheon was served in the Sun- day School room of the church to the visiting friends from Goderich and Clinton and other points, among 'them being 91 - year -old George Raithby, who is now a resident of Huron view. At the evening service, Craig Peters, the minister, was again in charge of the service, assist- ed by Rev. E, Von Keitz, Gode- rich and again the service of song was in charge of the ch- urch organist, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. A choir of former members led in the singing. Mrs. John Ostrom sang a solo, "Hear us as we Pray" and she and Miss Perigoe sang the duet, "The Love of the Sav- iour." Professor Morgan chose for his evening service, "The Gos- pel is Good News." Rev. Chas. Lewis pronounced the benedic- tion. Books for Bannerman Books and more books are one of the sources that James Bannerman uses to keep informed for his intro- duotians to the radio pro- gram, CBC Wednesday Night. Bannerman has been performing introductions to this Trans - Canada network series for 11 years. An avid reader, he also has been a navy intelligence officer, boxer and playwright. PORTER'S HILL MRS. DONALD HARRIS Phone HU 2-3362 T h e Woman's Association of Grace United Church will meet on Wednesday, September 20 at the home of Mrs. John McCowan. Service at Grace United Ch- urch on Sunday last was in the charge of the Young People's Union with Miss C. McGowan as guest speaker. Ted Dunn, Bayfield, was in charge of the service while Janet Harris led in the responsive reading and John Harris read the scripture lesson, There will be no service or Sunday School at Grace Ch- urch on Sunday, September 17. Huron Junior Farmer On Ontario Soils Tour Murray Mulvey, RR 1, Wrox- eter, is attending the Ontario Junior Farmers soils tour this week representing Huron Co- unty. The tour is open to one young farm person from each county in the province and this year, delegates will visit farms in York, Ontario end Simcoe counties. The tour stresses soil conservation, land use, crop and livestock production and gen- eral farm management. Mr. Mulvey is second vice- president of the Huron CoUntiy Junior Forams' Association and a leader of the Turnberiy 4-H Dairy Calf Club. County Estirnate5 $25,000 Surplus :According to reports et the county council meeting in late August, Hunan County should have a, surplus of nearly $25,- 600. Aecon di.ng to elerk{tt'ea, urea' John G. Berry, some sa,v- iugS ,have been made in the budget of ;the highways account aid the library, Tough circa of operating the Children's Aid Soddy Wast abut $17,006 more* than esti- for the county home, for the county health . olein have *tuft to be .fairly ateurate. Thurs., Sept, 14,196'1 Clinton News-:R*cord-A-Page 11 NEWS QF KIPPEN (Correspondent, MRS. N. LQNQ, Phone Hensall 278-W1) Rev. D, A, MacMillan, Ilder- ton, called on friends Saturday,. Mrs. Fisher and daughter, Galt, spent the weekend with Mrs, Robert J. Elgie. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rick- ert visited Sunday afternoon with relatives at Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes and Larry, London, visited Sunday with the latter's father, Robert Thomson, The flowers at the church Sunday were placed by rela- tives of the late William Ivison. Sympathy of the community is extended Miss Jean Ivison and Mrs. R. Torrance hi the passing of their uncle, the late William' Ivison. Shower Held Mrs. Lloyd Cooper held a miscellaneous shower on Sep- tember 9 for Miss Lorene Cald- well, Clinton, whose marriage to Lorne Love, Zurich, takes place September 30 in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Contests and games were en - Huron Showmen With Live Stock At Western Fair Dick Bradshaw, Brussels brought home •a number of prizes from Western Fair, for showings of geese and ducks. Berkshire pigs shown by Ross L. Cottle, RR 1, Kirkton, earned two firsts, one second, two thirds and five fourth priz- es, as well as second place for reserve senior champion boar and reserve grand champion boar, Fred McClymont, Varna, up- held Huron County in the gar- den vegetables section, earn- ing three seconds for white Dush marrow and trailing veg- etable marrow and red cab- bage; a third for yellow dancer onions and fourth for golden hubbard .squash. Though there were 14 ex- hibitors from Huron County in the Holstein Friesian competi- tion at Western Fair, they found tough opposition from the rest of the 112 exhibitors in the class. The Huron County Home earned sixth place in the classfor cow five years old and over, dry, while William J. Storey, Seaforth, placed sixth in the same class. The Huron County Home herd placed tenth for county herd competition and Reginald McKiel, Clinton placed nth for heifer, two years old and under three, dry. VARNA (Correspondent, Fred McClymont Phone inn 2-3214) Mr. and Mrs. Watson, Det- roit, visited friends over the weekend. A number of relatives at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Lizzie Alton, Lucknow, on Monday last. A large crowd of softball fans followed the team to Hen - sell on Monday evening of this week and cheered the boys to a win of 21-8 over the Bayfield team. This game is the first of the play-offs. Others will be played on Wednesday and Friday evenings of this week. The Royal Black Perceptery met in the Orange hall on Mon- day evening, September 11, when Lindsay Smith and Wil- liam Parker were advanced to the fifth degree. A lively dis- cussion followed and lunch was served. joyed by all, Mrs. Doug Jon- es read an address to Lorene and she received many beauti- ful gifts, Her co-workers pre- sented her with two table lamps. Lorene thanked everyone for their thoughtfulness. A dainty lunch was served by the hos- tess and Mrs, Doug Jones, Thrifty Kippenettes The Thrifty Kippenettes held their first meeting on Septem- ber ' 2 at the home of their leader Mrs, H, Caldwell, Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs, A. McGreg- or are leaders for this club, "Featuring Fruit". Officers elected were; president, Dian Finlayson; secretary, Jullie Chapple; press reporter, Kath- erine McGregor; pianist, Pat Harris. There is a membership of 20 girls in the club. Mrs. Caldwell outlined the project and told of the uses of dried fruits and their food value. Mrs. McGregor gave the home assignment and roll call for the next meeting, Septemb- er 16, at nine o'clock, at Mrs. Caldwell's home. Roll call for next meeting is "two reasons Why I eat fruit". Mrs, McGregor showed the proper way to measure flour by cup and sifting, then the relation between teaspoon, tablespoon and cup. The colours for the club books were chosen, red with white lettering. Since it was a hot day, cold drinks were served. with a fuel -saving SIEGLER GAS HOME HEATER enjoy the comfort of SUPER FLOOR HEAT SIEGLER PAYS FOR ITSELF WITH THE FUEL IT SAVES. see it soon at WISE PLUMBING & HEATING 262 Bayfield Road CLINTON -- HU 2-7062 Sales -- Service --- Repairs TIE BY STUDEBAKER Bunt in Canada by Canadians 1961 Studebaker Lark 4 -Door Executive Car 1959 Studebaker Lark STATION WAGON --overdrive and reclining seats 1958 Studebaker V8 4 -Door overdrive, 2 tone paint 1956 Studebaker Station Wagon 6 Cylinder with Overdrive 1957 Plymouth V8 4 -Door 1957 Studebaker 9 -Door 1956 Ford 6 Cyl. 4.DoorWlth 1956 Nash Statesman 4.Door radio with Radio dnd Reclining Seats 1953 Buick 4 -Door V8 Moto! W. N. Dalrymple & Son STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE BRUCEFIELD PHONE HU 2-9211