HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-09-07, Page 3SUNSET DRIVE-IN MOVIES G'oderich Highway &-hast of Town WEA. THUR. - FRI. September 0.7-8 Brett Halsey, Joyce Meadow" FFTHE GiRL IN („OVERS' (.ANE" Adult Entertainment alsto; "THE SWORD AND THE DRAGQN" SAT, - MON, - TUES, September 9-11-12 Suzy Parker, Brad Dillman "[,!ROLE, OF DECEPTION" Sterling Hayden and • Colleen Gray "ARROW IN THE DUST" WED. THUR, - FRI. September 18-14-15 Michael Gough and June Cunningham "HORRORS OF THE BLACK MUSEUM" June Ashley, Jody Fair "HOTROD GANG" 35th Anniversary Celebrated The new home of 1VIr, and Mrs Jahn Manning, Blyth, was the setting for a surprise party on Sunday afternoon, for the latter's parents, Mr,, and Mrs. Bert Rowd'erl, 97 Joseph St- reet, Clinton, who on Friday, September 1, celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary.. Forty relatives sat down to a stunptuous turkey dinner pre- pared by their two daughters, Muriel (Mrs. J. Manning) .e d Lois (Mrs. E, Wise), Mr. and Mrs. Bowden were the recipients of many lovely gifts and the afternoon was spent in social oonversation and renewing ,acquaintances. Relatives attending were from. Royal Oak, Mich„ Part Dover, Guelph, London, Mark - dale, Porter's Hill and Clinton, CLINTON TOO>F' MEETING Clinton Lodge TOOF No. 83 will meet on Monday, Septem- ber 11 at 8.30 p.m. As nom- ination of officers for the 'corn- ing term will be ,held at this meeting members are urged to be present. The Air Conditioned PARKEntertainmet nt` GODERICH THUR. - FRI. - SAT. - September 7-8-9 Danny Kaye and 44 Dana Wynter ON THE DOUBLE" also: "VALLEY OF THE SUN" "SPORTSMAN'S HOLIDAY" and a Cartoon A full and entertaining Technicolor program. MON. - TUES. - WED. --- September 11-12-13 Bill Travers -- Nancy Walters -- Ed. Begley In a swift -moving race track yarn "THE GREEN HELMET" also: "WINTER WONDERLAND" and a Cartoon THUR. - FRi. - SAT. --- September 14-15-16 - DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - Tina Louise and Kerwin Matthews "The Warrior Empress" --In Color also: Ken Curtis in "MY DOG BUDDY" Coming ----- Gina Loilobrigida in "Go Naked In The World" -Adult Entertainment WHEN YOU CAN'T FIND THE CASH, FIND HFC it's easy to find HFC -thanks to our 257 offices located where they can best serve Canadian families, Come in and arrange a special HFC loan for shopping... paying bills ... reducing monthly instalment payments... taking a trip ... redecorating, re- modeling or re- furnishing your home. Get the cash you need, yet have only one low monthly payment.to HFC. Life insurance available of tow group rate. AMOUNT! or LOAN MONTHLY months PAYMENT months PLANS mointths mo0 nths $100 $ 9.46 $ 6.12 $..... $..... 500 46.73 30,01 ..... 750 69.21 44.13 31.65 ..... 1000 91.56 58.11 41.45 . , .. . 1600 146.52 94.11 68.81 2200 201.46 129,41 94.62 83.71 2500 228.93 147.05 107.52 95.12 Above payments Include prancipa and Interest and are based an prompt repayment, but do not Inciuda the cost of life Maurine* HOUSEHOLD FINANCE G. N. Crawford, Manager 35A West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERICH HullandRlones A wedding of much interest took dace on Saturday, Aug- ust 26 at Five Oaks United Church lay training ce'nt're, Paris, when Miss Janet Jones became the bride of Lloyd land. Rev, Beverly Oaten, B.A., D.U., performed; the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Edward Jones, Ottawa and the •groom' is the son of Mrs. Holland and the 'late Norman Holland, Clinton. The bride wore a street length dress of dotted white nylon, • cut on simple lines, with full skirt and scooped neckline. Her finger-tip veil washeld in place by a pearl coronet. She carried a white satin -covered hymn book with .a corsage of small white 'mums and pink roses . attached. The three - strand necklace of pearls worn by the bride were the ones, worn by her mother •at ber wedding. • Miss Irene White and Miss Anna. Lau Peever, the bride's attendants were. pretty in full skirted street length dresses, fashioned in printed nylon, Minx White's was yellow and white and Mass Peever's was a soft blue and white, They carried cascade bouquets to match,. Miss Barbara Jones, niece of the bride, made a dainty flow- er girl in her dress of yellow nylon and she carried a basket of yellow and white baby 'mums. Master Tommy Laird, nep- hew of ,the groom was page boy .and carried the rings on a white satin cushion. Mrs. Jones, the bride's moth- er,* wore a dress of lilac silk shantung with black accessor- ies and Mrs. Holland's gown was of Navy blue lace with ac- cessories of rose pink. Donald Dodds, Seaforth at- tended the groom .and ushers were Peter Janes, Wrightviile, Que., brother of the bride, and Ralph Holland, brother of the groom. The bride entered 'the chapel on the arm of her father as the organist, Mrs. Beverly Oa- ten played "Praise my Soul the King of Heaven". Mr. Jones gave his daughter in marriage. The soloist, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because" and the guests joined in singing "Love Divine, All Love's Excelling." Following a reception at Five Oaks, Mr. and Mrs, Holland left on a wedding •trip in northern Ontario. The bride wore a pale blue two piece suit with. beige accessories. They are living at Clinton. A MOSQUITO • NEVER GETS AGOOD PAT ON THE BACK, : 'UNTIL HE STARTS TO WORK I" : • • • • • • • ••O ••4000•• ••• ••••••••• "YOUR ARS BES FRIEN ' HAROLD'S WHITE ROSE GLA R A GE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS GENERAL - REPAIRS 11V,1.013 2: r ISTNOTON S1 lilek7 PLASTIC PAILS Reg. 89c --- for 67c Plastic Oval LAUNDRY BASKETS Reg. 2.79 - for 1.57 PUSH BROOM Special 14" Reg, 1.89 - for 1,57 Brilliant Blue ENAMEL ROASTER Reg. 2.19 for 1,87 BICYCLE BASKET Reg. 2,49 -for 1.77 7 -Cup Aluminum PERCOLATOR Reg. 2.69 -J-r- for 2.17 Stanley 16 -oz. HAMMER Reg. 1.79 -- for 1.47 Many More IHA Lucky 7" Specials oh display it our Hardware W'lndow Bali and Mutch ,phone..,CUNTOH Hunter x45O5 Flowers on Exhibit in Town Hall The rose show held earlier this summer brought out a marvelous display of blooms from the .early varieties, However, this year's show had its share of roses, too, A record exhibit for recent years, there were 368 items on dis- play. (News-Reeord Photo) Goshen Couple Celebrates 40th Anniversary (Varna,. Correspondent) - Mr, and Mrs, Elgin McKin- ley of the Goshen Line, Stanley Township, celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary last Friday, September 1 when 75 of their family .and relatives gathered .and enjoyed a del- icious barbecue chicken sup- per. After supper Anson Coleman, brother of Mrs•. McKinley, read an appropriate address. Mrs. Robert McKinley and Mrs. An- son McKinley presented them with sa 'beautiful china cabinet on behalf of all present, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley both thank- ed all (for the present. During the remainder of the evening musical .numbers were given by Mrs. Berne McKinley on the marimba .and Bert Pep- per on the electric guitar; bat- on twirling by Miss Raba Doig; a quartette by Karen, Dianne, John and Larry McKinsey. A mock wedding was staged with Mrs. Ross Chapman as groom and Robert Doig as br- idesmaid. Mrs. Berne McKinley led in a sing song accompanied by Bert Pepper on the guitar. George Levis, Clinton showed interesting pictures on his trips around Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. McKinley were married on September 1, 1921 at the home of the' late Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman on the Parr Line, Stanley Town- ship by the late Rev. George MoKinley, London. They spent their honeymoon at Toronto and Niagara Falls. They settled on their present farm and shortly afterwards started the (McKin- ley Hatchery which, with the help of their family, developed' into the present large business of the McKinley Farms' and Hatchery Ltd. , ., Mr. and Mrs, McKinely have always been and are still 'active members of the Goshen United Church and in all of its ,ac- tivities. They have one daugh- ter, and three sons, (Jean, Mrs. Ken Fanson, Fullerton; Anson, and Robert, Stanley Township; Berne, Brantford and 15 grand- children) . Guests were present from Brantford, Clinton, Dublin, Kip - pen, Bayfield, Zurich and Var- na. 0 KIPPEN Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG Phone Hensail 278 W1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mac- Kay have taken up residence in Seaforth, Miss Marguerite McDonald, Toronto, was the weekend guest of her friend Miss Kath- leen Elliott, Brucefield, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, To- ronto, visited over the holiday weekend with her brother, W. R, Cooper. Mrs. R. J. Elgie returned home since visiting a few days in Guelph at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKnight and family, The Misses Shirley and San- dra Reid and Miss Sharon Mc- Bride returned home from sp- ending the summer at Bigwin Inn, Lake of Bays, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Wod- burn, Greenway; Dawson Wod- burn, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Trousseau Tea For Bride,Elect On Saturday, August 26, Mrs. John Bayd entertained at a trousseau tea in honour of her daughter, Margaret, prior to her marriage on Saturday, Sep- tember 2, lin Cavan United Ch- urch, Winthrop. Guests were received by Mrs. John Boyd, mother of the br- ide -elect, and Mrs, Stewart Dale, mother of the groom-ito be. Baskets of summer flowers were arranged throughout the house. The white linen tea table was centred with pink and white snapdragons and pink candles in silver holders. The buffet was centred with a three -tiered wedding cake, Miss Suzanne Dale was in charge of the guest book. Pour- ing tea in the afternoon were Mrs. Isabella Boyd and Mrs. Howard Armstrong, and in the evening, Mrs. William Boyd and Mrs. Agnes Dale. Guests' were served by Misses Smith and Margaret Hfilen, and in the ev-. ening Mrs. Lloyd Cooper and Misses Gloria Boyd and Lois Godkin. Displaying the trousseau was Miss Marjorie Boyd, sister of the bride -elect; shower gifts, Misses Gloria Boyd and Marion Dale; china, crystal and bed- ding, Mrs. Neil Hopper; linens, and fancy work, Miss Edith Boyd. Displaying the wedding gifts was Miss Joan Boyd. Miss Jean Hi11en directed 'the guests and assisted at the door. 0 VARNA (Correspondent, Fred McClymont Phone HU 2-3214) David Mustard is at present a patient in the Clinton Public Hospital. George Coleman, Cobourg, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Reid and family have returned to their home in Wallaceburg after spending the summer at their farm here, Miss Lola Chuter, Brantford, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chuter over the weekend. A large crowd of softball fans watched the game Satur- day night when the home boys won out over Brucefield by a score of 9 to 8. Mr. and Mrs. Derek Lowder and sons Brian and David left Sunday by air from London to Calgary, Alberta, after spend- ing two weeks with the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. AIlistair Murray and Garry. Mr. and Mrs. Alistair Mur- ray entertained on their lawn on Saturday night as a going away party for their son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Derek Lowder and family, of Calgary, Alberta, About 30 friends and relatives attended and enjoyed a wiener roast. The service in the United Church will be withdrawn next Sunday, September 10 because of the anniversary services in the Goshen United Church where the Rev. Hugh Wilson, Thames Road, will have charge of services morning and even- ing. Herb Mousseau, Zurich, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Eizar Mousseau, We wish to welcome Mr. and Mrs, M. Lynch and children, Toronto, to Kippen area. Mr. Lynch recently purchased Ch- arles MacKay's farm. WESTINGHOUSE 4 r2 ___. :'�2^:::?::i:', til•;; • Air fluff . setting tum- b l e s and freshens clothes in cool air • Door 'safety - switeh operation stops when door IS opened during cycle, Dryer DIRECT AIR FLOW AUTOMATIC DRYER • 3 temperature settings Dar all types of fabrics • Fast direet air flow dries clothes faster, fluffier --- saves electricity • Big 20 ib. load capacity for big family wash ▪ Convenient loading door with look -oat window • Top mounted lint collector Flush -to -wall installation Clinton Electro Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor HU 24646 Minton "YOUR WE$'rlhtkHbUsE DEALER" rti Important Event At Lucknow For Flower Fans ns The annual meeting of Dist- rict No. 8 of the Ontario Horti- cultural Association will be held in the Legion Hall, Luck - now, on Friday, September 22 and will take the form of a banquet, Registration will be from 5 to 6 p,m, The members of the Clinton Citizens Horticultural Society are invited to attend. Those members wishing to at- tend, please contact the presi- dent, Miss Luella Johnston by Saturday of this week. 0 GOOD WILL CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY EVENING The Wesley - Willis United Church Good Will Club will meet in the church parlour on Tuesday evening, September 12 at 8 p.m. An interesting pro- gram is being prepared. Con- tributions to the U,S.C. bale should be ibrought in at this meeting. Group 2 is in charge. 0 PM Club Has Harbour Park Picnic Meeting Miss Clara Harrison was hostess for the September meeting of the Past Mistresses Club of the LOBA which was held on Tuesday, September 5 in Goderich. After a delicious chicken dinner at the Lakeview Restaurant, the business ses- sion followed in Harbour Park. The committee reported the dishes had been purchased and plans were made for a busy fall. Mrs, Wilfred Colclough will be the hostess for the Oc- tober meeting. A card party will be held in .the Orange Hall on October 21. More particul- ars later on card party. A game of cards resulted in: bigb, Mrs. Wilfred Glazier, and low, Mrs. T. Deeves. ST. ANDREW'S AUXILIARY WILL MEET SEPTEMBER 12 The September .meeting of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be held in the Sun- day School rooms of the chur- ch on Tuesday evening, Sep- tember 12 at 8.15 p.m. BRUCEFIELD tMrs. H. F. Berry, Correspondent, Miss Winnifred Lipscombe, London, spent the weekend with Miss Margaret McQueen and Mrs. E. Forrest. Mrs. M. Kruger is staying with her sister, Mrs. A. Ings, at present. Mr, and Mrs. William Simp- son, Detroit, visited with his aunt, Mrs. M. Vaire and also visited his mother, Mrs. L. Simpson in Clinton Public Hos- pital over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott left last week for Western Canada, to visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rushcall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Trieb- ner, Guelph, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. David Triebner. Mr. ,and Mrs. George Grif- fith, Danny and Tim visited over the holiday with relatives in the village, Mrs. Alf Ings and her sis- ter, Mrs. M. Krugar, spent a few days with friends at Zurich. Whitney Ca Stone Whitney Charles Stone, aged 56 years, late of Port Credit, died suddenly from a coronary, early Wednesday mourning, August 30, at .a cottage at Iler Beach, on. Lake Erie. Deceased, who was on holi- days, had attended the 'Detroit- Chicago night game, Tuesday evening, He was born in, Essex a sen of the late, Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Stone; had lived in Port Credit the past eight years, where he was assistant traffic manager for Arcnerican 1Vrotors, of BraMpton; and had lived in Tilbury for over 20 years, prior to moving to Port Credit, 117r. Stoneattended the Seh- ool of Commerce here yedm ago. Surviving are his widow, nee Ruby- Kennedy; two daughrs, Joy and Becky Sue; Whitney; .6.1.10 a: brother, 'VViI- mot, aLondon and a sister, Alena, Clinton Pummel services Were held from the Stewart L. Kennedy Funeral Refine, on Saturday, September 2, with burial in Greenhill Cemetery, Rev, D. Brute Suitor offieiating. Thursday, Sept. 7, 1901 Cunnin• gham Gri gg Hgirxiesville United Church was decorated with white and blue gladiolus and shining can- delabra on Saturday afternoon, September 2, for the wedding of Tia M, Grigg, and TheYnas J. Cunningham. The Rev, Clif- ford G. Park, Clinton, officiat- ed at the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grigg, R.R. 3, Clinton, and has been on the staff of the Royal Bank of Canada, Clinton Branch, The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cunningham, RR 1, Auburn, and has a farm in, that area, Given in marriage by her farther, the bride was lovely in a floor length gown of pure silk organza over taffeta, accented with appliques of genuine gui- pure lace sprinkled with pearls and irridescent sequins. The bodice was fashioned with a bateau neckline and lily paint sleeves. The bouffant skirt swept to a (brush train. She wore a crown of pearls and crystals 'which held a shoulder length double Frennh illusion veil and she carried a crescent of white sweeheart roses and stephanotis. Miss N. Dawn Grigg, Clinton was her sister's only attendant, and wore a :ballerina length gown of aqua irridescent lustre satin with matching headdress and shoes. She carried a cres- cent of baby white carnations. Groomsman was Walter H. linten News -Record - -Page 3 Cunningham, RR 1, Auburn, and ushers were Bob Grigg, brother of the bride and Bert Clifford, Clinton, Mrs, Nelson Frown (nee Ell- een Glidd'on) wa. a organist .and accompanied Mrs. Lance (Pam- ela) Saddler, soloist, who sang, "0 Perfect Love" and "Wedd- ing Prayer," For the 'reception which fol- lowed in the church school- room, amid: decorations of wh- ite and blue gladiolus and wh- ite candles, the bride's another received) in moss green brocad- ed taffeta with brown acces- sories and a corsage of yellow roses. The groom's another wore a magenta suit dress with black accessories and a pink carna- tion corsage. Following the wedding trip to northern and eastern Canada the young couple will take up residence on the groom's farm at RR 1, Auburn.. LADIES LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET ON MONDAY The Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Clinn ton Branch 140, is ;holding the first fail meeting in the Leg- ion Hall on Monday, Septem- ber 11 at 8.15 pan. BACKAcHE Whoa kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache -tired feeling-- disturbed eeling-disturbed rest often may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pi11s stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You fool better, sloop better, work better, 85 I.D.A. SPECIALS as Sept, - 9th lDAVlTES-Reg, $6,40 $4.95 THEATRICAL COLD CREAM -1 Ib, ..•. 69c A.S.A. TABLETS -Sao s 88c GOLF BALLS 3 for $1.45 BOOK REST or STUDY STAND 88c COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 35c for 29c 98c for 79c $1.19 for 99c HALO -GIANT 69c for 59c ! PANA TOOTH PASTE -Reg. 63c 2 for 99c KAPOK THROW CUSHIONS 98c RUBBER GLOVES (seconds) .... 49c 2 for 88c LANOLIN PLUS HAiR SPRAY 14 oz, - $1.39 SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO Reg, $1.29 --- 98c IVORY SOAP -s for 49c with Free Wash Cloth NOXZEMA-10 oz. $1.35 Dorothy Gray CREAM DEODORANT Reg. $1.25 -- 75c Hip F. Bn PENNEBAKER Unique Photo 2-6626 Service DRUGGIST Clinton - Ontario Classified Ads Bring Results Let Us Do Alt Your... DRY-CLEANING AND LAUNDRY During These Busy Back -to -School , Days TAKE ADVANTAGE of the Drop -In Box at our plant on Beech Street, for next -day service . make sure your name and address is on the bundle,- LUCKY undle. LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1611 Chock Your Calendar: It the numbers 'notch take the Calendar to our, office and claim your 43.00 credit. PRE PICKAtvichp LAUNDRY cc_CLEANERS %,,C CP/i4 ea.Ce t�4 r LIMITED CLINTON 9 HU -2-7064 i I ' a are