HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-08-31, Page 10tone 10,clinton News,Record,4burs,, Aug, 31, 1961
Bantams 'Thrn :Medford
In Two Game Series
Clinton Fish and Game •Club.
Bartans. 1,001s. .anether round in
QBA, Bantam playneWns
lat week, beating Meatird twe
First Game
Clinton ecared 17 runs in a
seven-inineg game lest Thurs.,
day In lVleaford, while Clare
Magee was Ihnitilig Meeferd to
five hits for only tow rain He
gave. up one hit in the firat,
three in the second for two
runs, .and a :single in the Sixth.
Clinton's heavy .hitters were
Laurie nniquhoun, a, homer,
double and single;.John Coop-
er, a double and single; Philip
White, two singles, ad b.
Pearson, a double. Bob 'Baton,
aim Livermore and Clare Ma-
gee banged out singles. Liver-
more was Clinton's eateher,
Clinton 143 023 4-17 11 1
Ineaford ,. 020 no 4 5 5
Second Game
Back in Clinton on Saturday
afternoon, Clinton•again won,
this time 3-0.
This game gave two other
Clinton 'pitchers a chance
play in -playoff ball, Doug Me -
Pherson pitched the first four
innings, giving up singles in
the second and third. Then
Bob Betide, whohad shown
promise in two previous ptith-
hg went in and
only allowed :four singles, two
in each of the sixth and eighth
innings. .McPherson and Bat -
Inn each etenek .ont Aix boys.
Clinton .didn't fare too well
In the hitting .departraent. joie
Cooper and Laurie Colellhottn.
bit successive singles in the
first inning; Cooper :scorips, In
the third Cooper int his generd.
single, scoring Batln wile bad
walked, That ended Clinton's
batting, From then on :only 17
:players. faced adeaforcl pitcher
Murdock in the five noninge.
The only two to get on base
were Magee who wanted in the
fifth, and Batkin got on on an
error in the eighth, stole a base
and scored ona ground -out,
r c
Clinton 101 000 01x-3 3 1
Meaford .. 000 000 000-0 6 2
Mr. and Mrs, A. .T. Mustard
and family left last week en •a
trip through Eastern Ontario.
Mrs, A. Ings, Brucefield, vis-
ited friends in the village over
the weekend.
IVIm Alice Webster had .a
very successful sale on Satur-
day last.
Donald Taylor as returned
hone after attending the boys'
camp at the Goderich Summer
Miss jean McClymont re-
turned home last week after
spending the past month with
relatives at King City and To-
,en E.— •
• CABINET by DEILCRAFT — fine furniture division of
Electrohoine. Faehioned in selected hardwood solids and ven-
eers, the Milano is en out -standing example of imaginative
design and unhurried craftsmanship. And now, with mar -
resistant Dueadeil finish, you can enjoy all the beauties of
genuine wood with never a care to minor scratches, spilled
drinks or even household solvents.
. MATCHER SPEAKER SYSTEM — Two big 10" PM woofers
with built-in high frequency tweeters faithfully reproduce all
of the music — from rich, full bass to brilliant highs — with
the depth and clarity of the original performance.
• 360° SATELLITE SOUND* Now you can enjoy the stirring
full -dimensional effect of stereo anywhere in the room. Speak-.
ers in Electrohome's srnall, eompact Satellite Systems face
upward to produce a fountain of sound , . . sound which
radiates in a full circle so that no matter where you place the
Satellites, you hear stereo es it was meant to be heard.
*(360° Satellite Systems. areoptional. But be sure to hear
them. The .enjoyment of living stereo will make the small
added investment more than worthwhile).
home engineers selected the Garrard "210" automatic 4 -speed
changer for its combination of smooth, precise and dependable
operation. And new "user designed" controls make operating
simple and pleasant.
• HANDCRAFTED CHASSIS— The precisicm engineered trans-
former powered stereo amplifier faithfully reproduces the full
audible range with reserve power to assure clean response at
all home entertainment listening levels, The powerful 8 tube
AM/'M tuner, with temperature compensated components,
equals or betters many deluxe custom tuners in sensitivity,
limiting, quieting and drift -free performance.
. 12 MONTH WARRANTY — All parts except stylus, are
guaranteed by Electrohome for one full year.
• AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF — Changer and amplifier shut-off
automatically after last record.
• NEW CIRCUIT GUARD — A pushbutton reset circuit break-
er replaces old-fashioned fuse.
. FM MULTIPLEX FACILITY— With a knowing eye to future
stereo developments, provision is made for "plug-in" FM
Multiplex conversion.
HU 2-3841
Peewees Advance
In WOAA Playoffs
Clinton Kinsmen peewee
baseball team eliminated God-
erich in WOAA piaydowns
Monday night by a close 6.5
score„ Lis -towel had: previously
beaten Clinton in a piayoff
series for the right to go on in
ORA playdownS, Now a win-
ner must be declared for the
WOAA _championship,
Leading. the Clinton hitters
WAS Pickett with two singles,
and MacKay with a double.
Collecting singles were Turner,
Rockey and Irwin,
Clinton line-up: George El-
liott lf, Len Turner 2b, Larry
Pickett p, -Charles Rockey c,
Ricky Feernlin rf, .Allen 13ow-
es Rodney Daum cf, john
Irwin cf, BUlie Mackay ss, Don
Bartliff 3b, Cam Colquhoun
Royal Life Saving.
Tests Held Here
At Swim Pool
Examinations in the Royal
Life Saving Society were car-
ried out by G. L. "Bud" Hay-
ter at the Clinton Community
Swimming Pool on August 12.
Passing the Royal Life In,
struotor was Kenneth Engel-
stad; four awards of merit
were made to Ken 'Engelstad,
Diane Campbell, Jobn Slavin
and Don Scruton; five earned
their Bronze Medallion, Alan
Lowe, Linda Smith, Wendy
McGee, Tony deCoo and Nor-
man Amy and there was ane
intermediate certificate earned
by Grace McAdam.
Other examinations for the
Society will be carried out ;this
Special Day Al
Swim Pool
This Saturday
To end the season at Clinton
Community Swimming Pool, a
water safety day is being plan-
ned for Saturday afternoon
and evening at the pool. Ken-
neth Engelstad, instructor, re-
ports there will be races
throughout the .afternoon for
all age groups from six years
and up. Those washing to par-
ticipate should register at the
pool. There will be no public
swimming on Saturday.
Ribbons will be presented to
the winners by J. D. Thorn-
dike, and another member of
the Park Board that evening.
Also, on Saturday night a
show will be put on by stu-
dents in each of the water
safety classes, showing what
has been leanie,c1 in each course.
This will reach from the "learn
to swim" classes to those tak-
ing the Bronze- Medallion
course in the Royal Life Sav-
ing Society.
The public is invited, and
bleachers will be ,available for
seats during the show. It is
possible, though not certain,
that a display of SCUBA div-
ing will be included.
Varna Loses Two
Games hi Past Week
(Varna Correspondent)
Varna dropped two games
during the past week, in the
Huron Central Softball Lea-
gue, to remain tied for fourth
On Wednesday, August 23
they lost 4-2 to Hohnesville in
a well -played game.
Holrnesville, Bill Harris and
Len Wilson; Varna, Barry Tay-
lor and Eric Chuter.
On Tuesday, August 29, Kip -
pen edged Varna by 12-11 ixz a
game called after five innings
because of darkness.
Varna has one game left to
play on Saturday, Sept. 2 in
Varna against J3rucefield which
could decide fourth place.
4 4
• ' ' ....
, ' " ' ' •..Sfiiin
4 v•-• 41 .4
017 I r I
'Mt a Z.44441Mw,
ZIPPER CASES in leather and plastic, assorted colors ..„.. ........ $4.50 to $10.95
BRIEF CASES in tan, brown, black $3.75 to $10.95
3 RING BINDERS in paper, Cloth & plastic binding & 1" & 1" rings 59c to $3.50
SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS for all. grades
PEN and PENCIL SETS $1.95 & Up
Ff2.8E NAMES t:n All Pens $1.95 and up soki in our store to September 2.
FREE INITIALS on Binders and Brief Cases sold at our Store to September 2,
One Chance for every 0,00 of School Supplies
bought in our Store to September 2nd
Clinton Ontario •
Your .Herietrivarters far Selina :SniNaliati
Successful In
Red Cross Swim
The August tests in Red
Coos .water safety .classes.
have been completed at
ton Corritriurrity Swimming
Pool, and the following lists
are released by Kenneth Eng;
elatad, instructor at the pool,
Beginners,. David Lee, Bev -
mien Lee, Sharon L4tte, Linda
Graham Yeats, Derwin
Carter, _Paul Crittenden, Betty
Lou Carter, Owen Yenta, Ken
Farquhar,Kon Colson, arace
Craig, Grace, vanLoo, Patsy
priestap, Judy Carter,
junior, (-)liarlea Whittingharn,
John Gautreau, Gary benne,
John Cox, David Parker, Lorry
May, Swan Baingen, Marie
Cudmore, Barbara Bell.
Intermediate, Charles And -
rem, Gregory Crowe, Davin
Graham, Lynda Cooke, gen
Currie, Ken Hamilton Elaine
Kennedy and James Cooper,
Senior, 'Sandra. Switzer, Ric-
ky Finch, Glenda Mero, Elwin
Kingswell and Keith Burton„
Al swimmers receive a pre-
test by their instruetor. Of
those Mr. Erigelstal recorre
mended, 100 percent were suc-
ceSSINI when .examined by Don,
ad Hickey, Clinton. Tbere was
100 percent success on. the July
tests, too.
This morning tests were be-
ing :conducted in Royal Life
Saving • Society,
Fish and Game .Picnic
The annual picnic of the Hu-
ron Piet ,and -Game Conserve,
non Assoeiation was ;held at
the „club's, farm on Sunday,
August 20, and was well at-
tended. A. peanut scramble for
the children introduced the
sports program,
Winners for races were: girls,
2-5 years, ,Geraldine Streng,
Peggy Switzer, Pam Peterson;
boys, 3-5 years, Jimmy Swit-
zer, Ross Saunders, Donald
Peterson; 8-10 years, boys,
Jeff Falconer, Stephen Swit-
zer, Jiimmy Medd; girls, Grace
Strong, Joan IVIarie Switzer,
and Judy Finley,
10-12 years, -girls, Judy Fin-
ley, Joan Switzer, Linda Swit-
zer, Linda Finley; boys, Ken-
ny Strong, Gary Elliott; aver
12 years, Barry Glazier, Randy
Glew, Bill .Strong.
Bubble gum contest, 8-19
years, girls, Linda, Switzer,
Joan Switzer, Judy Finley;
boys, Bill Strang, Randy Glew,
Gary Elliott; adults baby bot-
tle race, Don and Phyllis 'St-
rong, Marie and Don Jefferson,
Betty and Don Switzer;
Boys toy race, Jeff Falconer,
Jimmy Medd, Jammy Switzer;
boys shoe scramble, Barry Gl-
azier, Randy :GIew, Brucenlehrn
son; ladies kicnethenelipper,
Phyllis Strong, Joan - 'Switzer,
Helen Fairservice; boys wheel-
barrow,Bill Strong and Char
les Switzer, Randy Glew and
B:arry Glazier, David Medd and
Bruce Johnston; horseback :ride,
Don Jefferson, Don Switzer,
Randy Glew,
Boys backward race, Step-
hen 'Switzer, .Teff Falconer,
Jimmy Medd; boys marshmal-
low and balloon race, Bill St-
rong and Charlie Switzer;
Randy .Glew and Barry Glaz-
ier, David Medd and Bruce
Men's dressing race, Donald
Jefferson and Don Strong; Malt
Falconer end Don Switzer;
Jack Medd .and Frank Dixon..
A delicious lunch was enjoyed
by all with free pop and ice
cream for the children.
The first meeting of the
London Road Club this fall
will be held at the home of
Mrs. Managhan on September
21. Roll call will be answered
by naming a famous man and
what made him famous. In
charge of lunch will be Mrs.
Bennett and Mrs. Crich.
Goderich 1wp. South
Mr. and Mrs, Goorge Robin.:
SQ, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Stew..
Art Ana familY, Kinloss. were
visiting with Mrs, Eleanor Pi-
cot and Mr. and Mrs. IN/Terrill
Switzer on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton BelloY.
Amber.stburg, called on Sunday
at thehome of his grandmoth-
er, Mrs, J, IL Stirling, and
other Wends.
Mrs, Alda Gray returned
home from Clinton Public
Hospital last week where she
has been a patient 'for tie last
few weeks,
Roy Leggete, Pittsburgh,
Penn., called on Mr, and Mrs,
John Torrance and other
friends this week.
Mrs, Tom Storey spent a few
days visiting her brother, Geo.
rge and WS, .Hudie.
'Mrs. Violet MacDonald,
Goclerich, and Mrs, Art Cocks
and sister and two children,
Chathare, visited with Mr, and
Mrs.. Grant Stirling on Tues-
McClure Reunion
The McClure Reunion was
held at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Garnet Taylor, Staffa, on
Sunday, August 13 with approx-
imately 50 persons present.
The various races and' gam-
es resulted as follows% children
6 and under ,all received a
Prize; 6-8 girls, Janice McClure,
Barbara 1VIoOlure; boys, Jim
Anderson, Ken Andersons 8-10,
ghee, Blanche Dalton, Janice
lVfeClure; boys, Bruce McClure,
Harvey Bernard; 10-12, girls,
Elaine Dale; boys, Laverne Mc-
Clure; young ladles, Elaine
Clure; married! ladies, Mrs, Gill
Taylor; married; men, Don Mo-
Kick -the -slipper, lady, Elaine
Dale; men, Ken lVfeClure; kick
the slipper through hoola boots,
Ken McClure and Mrs. Bill
Taylor, tied; wheelbarrow race,
girls, Elaine McClure and Blan-
che Dalton; boys, Bob McClure
and Con McClure; 3 -legged
race, girls, Mrs. Eric Ander-
son and Mrs. Percy Dalton;
boys, Bob McClure and Con
McClure; rubber boot relay,
Bob McCluren team; shoe
scramble, Harvey McClure's
team; orange relay, Bob Law -
son's team
Oldest lady present, Miss
Belle McClure; oldest man
present, Mr, W. J. McCauley;
youngest person present, Dav-
id Smith; lucky chair, Harvey
Bernard; persons corning tire
farthest, Mr. and 1VIrs. W. J.
After a game of ball every-
one sat down to a very enjoy-
able supper.
The election of officers for
1962: president, 1VIrs. Alice
Lawson, Clinton.; secretary',
Mrs. Herb Finnigan, Dungan-
non; sports, IVIr. and Mrs. Wal-
ter McClure, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Taylor and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill McClure; drinks, Mrs. Bob
McClure, Mrs. Grant Smith and
Mrs. Bill Taylor.
Shower Held
For Edna Bali
Mrs. George Wright and Mrs.
Norman Wright were hostes-
ses at a miscellaneous shower
at Mrs. Wright's home for
their niece Miss Edna Ball,
London, on Saturday night,
August 26. About 30 friends
and relatives spent a pleasant
Contests were conducted by
Mrs. Donald McGregor and
Janice Wright and a poem was
read by Beverley Wright. Bren-
da Ball and Betty Josling
then brought in a pretty dec-
orated basket of gifts.
Lunch was served by the
In last week's report of the
vacation Bible Schaal •at Ont-
ario Street United Church the
names of two teachers were
left out. We hope that Mrs.
Amthur Colson and Mrs. Roy
Wheeler, who were teachers'
the beginners section, will ac-
ent our aPoElionnn
B. Gibbings Sells Stapleton Farm
And Herd of 70 Purebred Guernseys
Known in this area as Steps Gradually the original hold-
Ieton, the 320 Acres owned by angs of 3,000 aeree was reduced
Bert Gibbings on the Tucker- to 500 acres, plus, as Mr, Gib -
smith side of Highway 8, just bings puts it, an ,additional
east of Clinton, has been sold, 1,000 acres further over in Hul-
effeotive today. lett Township, mainly swamp-
land, and used for pasture.
The new owner is 11/Lanford
Thompson, Watford. He and
his wife and family of six, four
boys and two girls, have par-,
chased the entire farm and
dairy herd operation,
ing over 70 head of purebred
Guernseys, and the dairy coin
tract from Mr. Gibbings,
There are two houses tel the
fahn. Terre:61.4mile' Mr, Gibb -
nine end his son-in-law and
Mr, and, Mrs. alit
Larldsliareugh, will continue to
live in the older of these, They
have riot made definite plans
he property is rich in hist-
ory. Settled first by Henry
Bamford atid his family, it w
purchased from the Ceriada
Canpany in 1832,- and remain-
ed in the Ransforcl hoarse for
100 years,tt was pant of 3,000
earee in Ittillett, stretching out
to Turner's Church and the
present Howatd o1uzsfarnn
for which Henry Ransford mede
a deal in York (now Toronto)
with a representative of the
Canada, CoMpany.
At tine time then) Were 120
Men working at Stinnett isti
the sat wellaro which opera.
tion ceased quite a muter of
years 00,
The First Column
(Contintled from Page One)
Night and Liberty by a Cana-
dian firm is good news . .
When jack Kent Cooke, ,for-
mer owner, became a citizen
of the United States . it
did net Seem tight, nor prac-
tical, that he should continue
to own these two . . . Of
course Liberty be a great de-
gree spends space publicizing
US movie stars and GOrden
Sinclair . . but the Saturday
Night magatitie has a terrific
retold of trickling the Ca-
dian Of informatiOrtto
produce by good writing an
elithtitiaetie feeling for Cana-
& among its Many renders
* *
like to start a news stand in
the Ilews-Ttecord lobby which
would sell only Canadian pub.
lications .W get very tired
of having to seareh through
the go perteat thdted States
mags, of which a good many
bre strictly tmsh . to reach
the etre or tvlre inadable Cann
dian ileitis bit sale
slitivienites :Stop Ingersoll
In Two Straight Games
-Clinton made short work of
Ingersoll hi first round OBA
Juvenile .playdowns last
weekend, winning at home on
Thursday 54 .and -on. Sunday
in Ingersoll by a .64 scOre,
Play Tonight ,g nye
Clinton now advance into
second round :0)3A. playdewes
against Hager,sville with the
ftmt game, here this .afternoon
at five. Wieloek.
Masse ntars
The big feature of Clinton's
two wins... over Ingersoll was
the superb pitching of south-
paw, John Masse. He allowed
only four hits in 18 Melees.
The only extra. base bit in the
series was Bruce Cooper's tr-
iine in the seventh inning a
the first :game. Ron Livermore
at short for Clinton played his
beat game of the season in In-
gersoll, both in the field and
at bet when he collected three
singles, all of which drove in
First Game
(at Clinton.)
R. Henderson,
O'Neil, rf •
1VIeLeod, cf
J. Henderson, c
McIntosh, If
Panting, 3b
ab r
ss 3 0
Ball Reunion
Descendants of William and
Ann Ball enjoyed' the Ban fam-
ily picnic at Lions Park, Sea -
forth on Saturday, August 26,
when 79 attended. In charge
were president Harry Ball, Cl-
inton; secretary -treasurer, Mrs.
H. L. Sturdy, Godeeich; table
convener, Mrs. James Lovett,
Clinton; sports comanittee,
Douglas McLean, St. Cater-
anes and Royce Macaulay, Cl-
inton.; invitation committee,
Mrs. Margaret Farquhar, and
Mrs. Ross Lovett, Clinton; reg-
istration, Harry L. Sturdy,
Results of race: five years
and under, Douglas Ferran,
Cathy Johnson, Tedtly Frew;
seven to ten years, girls, Heath-
er Ko,sovven, Janet Williams,
Sandra, Jean Campbell; boys,
Scott Macaulay, Gregory Ball,
Clayton Kosowan.
A milk bottle contest was
held between the ladies and,
gentlemen and the ladies won,
'Three winners of a contest for
dropping 'a quarter into a milk
bottle were Jay Ball, Dorothy
Ball and Clara Macaulay. A
delicious lunch was served.
During the business meeting
a lovely corsage was presented
to the oldest and only remain-
ing member of the family, Mrs.
Edith Sturdy, Goderich. Reg.
Ball read the address and Mrs.
Belle Holmes pinned the cor-
New officers for 1962 are,
president, Al Dowson, London;
vice-president, Douglas Ball,
Clinton; secretary - treasurer,
Mrs. Harry L. Sturdy, Goder-
ich; lunch convener, .Mrs. Roy-
ce Macaulay, Clinton; sports
committee, Douglas McLean,
St. Cathednes, Royce Macaul-
ay, Clinton;invitations,. Mrs.
Fannie Lobb, Clinton, regis-
tration, James Lovett, Clinton.
Members were present from
London, Toronto, St. Cather-
ines, Montreal, Stratford, God-
erich, Clinton and Ottawa. The
picnic finished up with a ball
game, enjoyed by young and
Exam Results At
Town of Goderich
Business College
Diplomas have been approved
by the Business Educators' As-
sociation of Canada to the fol-
lowing students who attended
Goderich Business College dur-
ing the past year. (H indicates
June Baechler iT, Dianne
Bannister H, Gorden Baxter H,
Douglas Bock, William Bow-
ler, Dorothy Brindley, Sandra
Bushie H. Nancy Lee Campbell
H, Sharon Campbell H, Sher-
rill Carr, Anne Chapman, May
Curran, Dennis Doll, Susan
Enzensberger, Mary Godcla,rd,
Kathleen Hackett II, Dianne
Harris H, Judith Love H, Roan
Lane H, Albert Martin H, June
McLachlan H, Kathryn Moses,
Janet Better H, Patricia Ritch-
ie Ruthann Scortchmer H,
Lois Stanbury H, Bruce Vin-,
cent, Mary Warner H, Elaine
Weston H, Ronald Alain H,
Donna Gardner H, Eleanor Pi-
cot It
Students aniay call at the
school for their diplomas in ten
Connor, lb 3
Peach, gb • 4
Fuller, p 4
Clinton ab
Pickett, 3b 4
Jacob, c 2
R. Livermore, sa .. 4
Eartliff, If 4
Masse, p 3
Lockhart, rf 4
B. Livermore, 2b 3
Cooper, Ib 4
Engelstad, lb 4 0
32 5
r li e
Ingersol 000 000 001 1 1 3
Clinton 010 000 40x 0 7 4
Strunk out, by Masse 14, by
Fuller 5; walks, off Masse 6,
off Fuller 3, .
Second Game
(at Ingersoll)
r h
1 1
Pickett, 3b
Jacob, c
R. Livermore, ss
13artliff, if
Engelstad, ib (9)
Masse, p
Lockhart, rf
B, Livermore, 2b
Cooper, cf
Cummings, Ib
ab r h
4 3 2
4 0 0
5 0 3
5 01
0 0 0
5 0 2
4 0 0
5 1 1
5 1 0
2 1 0
39 6 9
ab h
4 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 0
4 0 0
3 0 0
3 0 1
2 1 0
3 0 1
I ngersol I
Hogg, , 2b
McLeod, cf
J. °gligeaneclb' s
ersosn, o
O'Neil, rf
Bowman, if
Fewster, if (4)
Thompson, 3b
13 ib
Clinton 100 300 020 6 9 2
Ingersoll ., 000 000 010 1 3 4
Struck out, by Fuller 10, by
Masse 12; .walks, off Fuller 5,
off Masse 2.
Wednesday Noon — Last
Chance to place advertisements
in this column. Phone before
12.30 p.m.
Thurs., Aug. 31 — BINGO
in Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk
Street at 8.30 p.m, 15 regular
games for $5; 1 game for $25;
3 Share - the Wealth games;
Jackpot $55 in 55 numbers,
Three door prizes, $2.50 each,
Admission 50c. 19tfb
Tues., Sept. 6—Huron Fish
and Game Bingo. Jackpot $55
in 55 numbers. 3 door prizes
Thursday and Friday
August September
Double Feature —
"Please Turn
(Comedy) Adult Entertainment
Ted,. Ray — Jean .Kent
.Iu Flames"
(Colot.r) (Scope)
Anne Heywood -- Jose Saurez
(One Cartoon)
— Double Feature —
"Visit To A
Small Planet"
"No Time
To Be Young"
Adult Entertainment
Robert Vaughan, Merry Anders
(One Cartoon)
Sunday Midnite and
Monday September 3-4
— Double Feature —
"High School
Big Shot"
Tem Pittman - Virginia Aldrige
"T -Bird Gang"
Ed Nelson -- Pat George
(One Cartoon)
Tuesday and Wednesday
September 5-6
"Carry On
Kenneth Connor -- Joan Sims
(One Cartoon)
Next Show: "THE ALAMO"
In Colour, starring John Wayne
Laurence Harvey and
Richard Widmark
Have you noticed a weaving feeling,or that "pull"
to one side while driving? Chances
are your car needs our check.
We have added the latest in test equipment:
It operates on the precision light -beam system.
Assures you of perfect alignment readings.
Lorne Brown. Motors Ltd.
Did You fife
Know'P?? ?
Are Obtainable at Low Interest — upto $500.00
each year of your course — with onlyinterest pay-
able until course is completed and borrower is
Additional InformationMay Be Secured At
Can You Save Money?
You cart'if you buy now — and BIG money too!
By speCial arrangement, we can
really whittle down the price —
but only for a limited time on
(MK ail Models available)
'Caine in soon and diSOMSS your needs.
Our time it yours.
Lorne Brown Motors Ltd.
CLINTONi ONTARIO Phone HUntcr 2•9321