HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-08-31, Page 9Miss' E+lma Mitch returned fon a vacation spent in• Tor-. onto or - onto lest. Sunday, Mrs. Albert Lovett, St. Cath- e+rines, visited last week with Mass Margaret le, Jeekson,. Miss Mary Asquith, Cooks- villeent last weekend. with her mother,. Cha Mrs. les Aee r oiuith. Mrs. Catherine DaiMe an d Mrs, Jim. Johnlston visited` last Saturday with Miss Margaret R. Jackson. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Chem- ney, Larry and Paul, spent a few days holidays last week in Northern Ontario, Mrs.. William Sutton and family. Camp Borden, is visit- ing With Mr, and Mrs. John Sprung and family. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Ander- son, Lucknow visited last Thursday with Mr. arid Mrs, Oliver Anderson and flannily, Mr. 'and Mrs. Larry Glasgow Allan 'and Dennis, Bears'ville called on friends in the vil- lage last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Ban- croft of Swan River, Manitoba visited last week with Mrs. John Graham.. Mrs. Margurite Chopin vis- ,irted over the weekend• with relatives at Galt and New Dun- dee. The book committee of the Auburn Public Library has re- centlypurchased a number o pu be ! new books' and they are now available to the members. Mrs. Durnin Phillips, Mrs. Al- fred Tebbutt, Mrs. F. Henry end Miss Helen Harper, Dun- gannon' visited on Tuesday ev- ening of Iasrt week 'a't the Johnston and Phillips' home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weston, Toronto spent last week visit - big with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson and br- other, Murray Rollinson. Recent guests with Mrs. Ed- gar Lawson were, Miss Vera Sclater, St. Marys; Miss Mary Noifhgraves, St. Marys and Mrs. Richard Taylor, Chatham. Congraulaitions are extended to Miss Margo Grange who was successful in her Grade 13 pap- ers and win be continuing her studies at the Stratford Teach- ers'- • ,College in September, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kai have returned from their wed- ding trip and are vis'it'ing with her patents, Mr. arid Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs, Charles Straughan is visiting in Seafontrh this week with her neice, Mrs. Harold Ni- cholson, Mr, Nicholson and Gary. Master Bob Weir returned to has home 'in London rafter spending last week with his cousin Johnny Mackay. Dr. B. C. Weir returned with him for avisit with his son, John Mrs. Weir and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Deer - sett and three 'children, Galant! Rapids, Michigan, have been holidaying with Mrs. Stanley Johnston. Their son, William, and Watson Chin have been spending several weeks with Mrs.. Johnston, Misses Diane Kirkconnell and her neice, Maryanne Blake, Brussels returned from a coup- le of weeks visit with the for, mer's brother, Mr. Harold Kirkcaane+ll, Mrs. Kirkcennell and family of Benrnill'er. The Mitchell park was the scene of a happy celebration last Sunday when the birlthd'ays of Andrew Kirkcouv'nell, Har- old Kirkeonnell, Benmiller, and little Sharon Jackson, leach - ell a Tam,:el'1 were close ed with ily 'gathering. It was also the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. John Daer's wedding anniversary. YPU Meets The .Anglican Young People's Union of St. Mark's Church held a special .summer meeting last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Godeerich. The president, Miss Shirley Brown was in ohaege of the meeting. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Norman McC1inchey fol- lowed by prayers by Miss Car- ole Brown. The rector, Rev. Robert F. Meally gave an in- teresting address when he took the letters of "work" and sp- oke on what they could mean in the Christian life, W, will- irugly; a, obediently; r, relia- Miller Motors Your Rawdlet Dealer, Seaforth 1960 Morris :Oxford 1957 Pontiac 4 -door 1957 Morris Minor Miller Motors Phone 149 Seaforth OLD DAD'S HAPPY, MOM iS GAV - OUR ELECTRICAL HAS SAVED TiIE DA WIZEN IT CONES TO PLUMBING. BEAR IN MIND: WE ARE PLUMBERS OF THE BETTER KIND (p rer5 • ILEXE ': PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL SERVICE bilis,; and ;resignation ofthe pres- The ;resign Wank Miss Shirley Brown was accepted with regret, Miss Carolyn Clark, first vice-pres'lr der* was elected to succeed her, Mr. .Meally spoke a few words to Miss Brown and pres- ented her, with .a gift from the A box of fruit was presented to Philip Clark by Mrs, Nor- Man MoClinchey, He is recov er,a?g from. a recent accident, Having the cast removed' 'last week from his leg, Miss Shirley Brown pres., tin ted Mr, Meally with en en- graved peri from the Society to mark his recent success on his degree course. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs, Clark and !ass'iated- by her daughter, Miss Margaret, Youngbiut Reunion More than 85 were present at the annual Youngblut re- union held recently at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Shultz, north of Auburn with relatives Present P from God`erich, Port Albert, Dungannon, London.. Port Stanley, Tillsonburg and the surrounding district, Wilfred Spivey,, Port Edward Wee an charge of sports. events. Races: preschool children, Al- vin Shutt ; eight • end under, boys, Gary Fielder; girls, Lin- da Shultz; 12 and under, boys, Carman Fielder; girls, Linda Shultz; 1,4 rand under, James Fielder; young men, Bob Mach- en; young ladies, Shirley Mach- an. Kick -the -slipper, ladies, Bar - beta Fielder; xnen, Bruee Wal- ker; oldest .lady present was Mrs. Barbara Dennis, Blyth; oldest inalnl, Mr. George James', Goderich; honeymoon race, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Tait, Aub- urn. Assisting with the sports were Mrs. Ezra Shultz, White- church and Mrs. Clayton Sh- tiltz, Goderich. The lunch com- mittee was composed of Mrs. Irene Rdbinsrin, Port Stanley; Mrs. John Fielder, Port Al- bert; Mrs. Percy Youngblut, and Mils'. Charles Machan, both of RR 1. Aubuain;. • Following the supper hour, the election of officers was held for the coming year. The 1962 officers are president, Mrs', Howard Tait, Auburn; secre- tary -treasurer, Wilfred Spivey, Paint Edward; the sports coin- mittee will be Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walker, Brucefield. It was .decided to bold the reun- ion next year an the first Sun- day in August at the same place. Honour Bride Baskets of gladioli, pink and white streamers hung from a silver wedding ring set and a flower -decorated chair formed a picturesque setting when fr- iends and neighbours of Mrs. Donald Kai gathered in Knox United Church to honour her on her recent marriage. Mrs. Leonard' Archambault presided for the program and Miss Mar- go Grange accompanied on the piano. Mrs. George 1VIillian led in a lively sing -song of motion and rounds songs. Two readings were given by, Wayne Sprung. A solo was sung by Betty Youngblut, "I 'wish I was single again". Margaret Sanderson gave a reading, "Marjery de your praotusing." Misses Jayne and Betty Snell sang a duet, "A Swiss Toy Girl", +accomp- anied by Miss Barbara Snell. A pi'an'o duet was played by Bambara MacKay and Carole Brown. An interesting skit, "What?", was given, with Mrs. Elliott Lapp as commentator. Those taking 'pant were, Mrs. Ernest Durnin, Mrs, George Schneider, Mrs. Arthur Grange, Mrs. Stanley Ball, Mrs. Joe Verwey, Mrs. Alvin Plunkett, Nancy .Anderson, Nancy Lapp, Keith Scott and Robbie Snell. Mrs. Keith Machan and Mrs. Rod Singh pinned corsages on the bride and her mother and escorted them to the platform. Mrs, Norman Wightnan read 'an address of congratulations and the many gifts were pre- sented by Sharon Ball, Ruth Schneider and Marilyn Deer. Master Wayne Sprung read an address to Mrs. Kai and Larry Snell presented her with a table lamp on behalf of the USS 10, Hullett and Goderich Township school pupils, where she had been the musical in- structor. Miss Barbara MacKay read an address and Miss Bernice McDougall presented a bridge lamp on behalf of the music pupils. Mrs, Kai thanked her friends and pupils for rthe gifts and invited alt to visit her in her new home at Oakville. 26th Anniversary Miss Laura Phillips, Mrs. Marguerite Chopin, Miss Marg - SCHOOL LUNCH KITS From $1.$0 up May be purchaSed with or Without Vacuum Bottles Last Week's $3.00 Credit Nota No, was 1311 This Weeks $3,00 Credit Note No. is 1417 BICYCLE LOCKS 89c MASTER COMBINATION LOCKS $1.90 Sutter -Perdue Ltd. Quality Hardware and H•ausewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies` PHONE HU 2-7013 CLINTON Auburn Club picnic at gall '$ (Auburn Correspondent) The Waikerburn Club picnic at Ball's Grove on the banks of the Maitland River had a good attendance, Piaiis were made for the next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Jack Hallam, The program will be in charge of Mrs, Herbert Duizer and Mrs. Elliott Lapp. The lunch committee will be Mrs, Stewart ' Anent, Mrs, Leonard Archambault, Mrs, CunningStanley 1113a ml and Mrs. Walter am The program of sports was in charge of Mrs, Joseph Vere- wey and Mrs, Ariel Duizer, The winners were: pre-school chil- dren, Rickey Archambault, Arve Ball; 6 to 9, girls, Kathy Schneider; boys, Bobby Sch- neider, Daryk Bali; 10 to 13, girls, Brenda Ball, Nan Lapp; boys, Bill Lapp, Douglas Ar- chambault; 14 and over, girls, Audrey Duizer, Ruth Schneid- er; boys, Bill Lapp, Douglas Archambault. Three-legged race, Sharon Ball and Ruth Schneider, Bren- da Ball and Wendy Schneider; wheel -barrow race, Brenda Ar- chambault and Wendy Schnei- der, Douglas Archambault and $ill Lapp; kicking -the -slipper, Mrs. Garth McClinchey, Mrs. Stanley Ball; throwing ball in pail, Mrs. Fred. Cook; measur- ing waist, Mrs. Coby Grum- mett, Anna Marie Schneider; surprise box, Mrs. John Sny- ders; guessing beans, Mrs. Coby Schneider, Kathleen An- drews. A picnic lunch was served, convened by Mrs. George Soh- neider, Mrs, Worthy Young, Mrs. Joseph Verewey, and Mrs. John Snyders. aret R, Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradnock attended the sil- ver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston at Bluevale on Sunday, August 20. Mrs. Johnston was the for- mer Anna Dobie and lived in this district for many years. Over 40 relatives gave a sur- prise dinner to Mr. and Mrs. Johnston to mark their 25th anniversary, along with a three tiered wedding cake. During the evening many friends and neighbours called to congratu- late them. Among the guests were her mother, Mrs. Catherine Dobie and her brother, Mr. Eugene Dobie, Mrs. Dobie and daugh- ter, Jane, Toronto. Recently Mr. and Mrs. Johnston enjoyed a trip to the West coast where they visited with her uncle Frank Dobie, a former resident of this community. Receives Degree Congratulations are extended to Rev. Robert F. Meally, rec- tor of Auburn St, Mark's Ch- urch who received his degree this summer. He is a graduate of Seager Hall affiliated with Huron College. After obtaining his Biblical diploma at the Uni- versity of Dublin he came to Canada, and again continued his studies where he has now obtained his S.T.H. (Scholar of Theology) degree, He was or- dained Deacon in May 1958 and was ,appointed rector of this three point charge. The following year he was priested and now he has received his degree. Family Picnic A family picnic was held August 20 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson, Sr., Sault Ste. Marie, who are holi- daying at their farm near Dun- gannon. The occasion as well as being a family reunion, marked the first wedding anni- versary of Mn and Mrs. Doug- las Pearce (nee Wanita Young) of Willowdale, and the birth- day of Mrs. Marjorie Ohlis, Willowdale. Most of •the guests were children and grandchildren of the late Mrs. Ida Young. .Am- ong those present were Mr. and Mrs. James McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Barwick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barwick and family, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. D. Pearce and Mrs. Marj- orie OhIis, Willowdale; Mrs, Myrtle McDonald and family, Winnipeg; Mn and Mrs. Earl Young and Robert, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp and family, Blyth; Donald Young, Barry Young, Bill Young, Miss Marie Black, Miss Betty Dur- nin, Mr. and Mrs. Worthy Young and Mr. George Wilson, all of Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Young, Miss Joan Young, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Patterson and David, all of Goderich. St. Mark's Guild The Anglican Guild of St. Mark's Church held their August meeting et the home of Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor with a good attendance. The hostess presided, Prayers were led by Mrs. Clifford Brown. Scripture lesson from St. Luke 10 was read by Mrs. Ed. Davies. Mrs. Robert Meally gave an inspiring message (in "Who is my Neighbour?" A duet, "Jes- us Keep me Near the Cross" TING 0IL5'GASOUNe MOTOR Oft,S a a*EASEs /111.23873 796 1f1/771 S 5,1 11111,11 was sung by Mrs, Andrew Kirkeonneli and Mrs. John Dam Mrs, Ed, Davies gave a reading, "My Neighbour", President, Mrs, Thomas Hag- gitt took charge of the busk ness part of the meeting. Sec- retary,, Mrs. Ed. Davies read the minutes and the financial statement was given by Mrs. G. Taylor. Roll call was an- swered by each member tell- ing, "A 'neighbourly act I have had done for me" A penny was paid for every inch around the ankle by the members and this was pint into the travelling apron, Rev. iVteaily announced that the Harvest Home services will be held on September 17, Plans were discussed for meetings this fall, A successful auction was held with the Rev, R. Meally as auctioneer, assisted by Mrs, Ed. Davies. Lunch was served by Mrs. Taylor assisted by Mrs, Clifford Brown. WI Entertains 4-H Members of the 4-H clubs were guests last week at the August meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute in the Or- ange Hall with the president, Mrs. Ed, Davies in charge and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips at the piano. The minutes were read by the secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Thomas Haggitt. The members decided to sp- onsor the senior fall project, "Focus on Finishes" and Mrs. Donald Haines was appointed leader with Mrs. Wes Brad - nock as assistant. These clas- ses will be conducted later on this fall and will consist of four lessons. A discussion followed on the equipment for the new hall kitchen and it was decided to give the balance of the kitchen fund to the hall committee to purchase more items for the kitchen, The meeting was in charge of the convener for home ec- onomics, Mrs. William Strau- ghan, She had Miss Bernice McDougall give the comments on the 4-H Club exhibit, "A Table set for Two" which they had studied in the "Club Girl Entertains". Five girls from the club, "Cottons may be Smart" gave a fashion show on the dresses they had made, with Jannett Dobie as com- mentator, The new home economist, Miss Isabelle Gilchrist was in- troduced by the president and spoke on the new project, "Featuring Fruit". Mrs. Keith Machan and Mrs. Ed. Davies were appointed leaders for this fall project. An Interesting paper on cur- rent events was given by Mrs. Oliver Anderson who told ab- out fall -out shelters and the need for them. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor sang her newly com- posed Institute song and ac- companied herself on the ac- cordion. The proper way of making a salad was demonstrated by Mrs. Gordon Dobie and Mrs. Thomas Lawlor. "Where and when to wear gloves" was an interesting paper given by Mrs. George Milian. An auction was held at the close of the meeting and lunch was served by Mrs. Harry Watson and Mid '"William "Straiighan. Honour Resident A resident of the Auburn community all her life was honoured August 18 when the Sunday School auditorium of Knox United Church was filled to capacity to honour Miss Sadie Carter who was soon to leave the village to make her home in Goderich. The guest of honour was escorted in by her friends, Miss Margaret R. Jackson and Mrs. John Hous- ton. Rev, Lewis presided for the program which began with a sing -song led by Oliver Ander- son, accompanied by Miss Mar- garet A. Jackson on the piano. William Straughan read an ad- dress to Miss Carter and a corsage was pinned on Miss Carter by Mrs. Robert J. Phil- lips. Mrs, J, Houston and Miss Margaret R. Jackson presented the guest of honour with an electric blanket, jewel case, pearl necklace and earring set and other gifts on behalf of the friends and neighbours who gathered to honour her. Miss Carter expressed thanks and the following program was pre- sented: A piano duet by Misses Barbara Mackay and Carole Brown; Mrs, Edna Cook, mouth - organ selections and Raymond. Redmond delighted everyone by playing old-time tunes on his violin. Mrs. R. J. Phillips accompanied for these numbers on the piano. A solo was sung by Elliott Lapp ac- companied by Miss M. A. Jack- son. George Milian and Oliver Anderson dressed as an old- time couple sang, "Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet" a n d "What's the Matter With Fa- ther", accompanied by Mrs. G. Million. This created much merriment when actions were carried out during the two numbers. A quartette composed of Mrs. Gordon McClinehey, Mrs. Norman McClinchey, Mrs. Geo- rge 74iillian and Mrs. Duncan Mackay sang to Scottish songs, "Ye Batiks and Braes" and "My Bonnie Lassie", Follow- ing the program lunch was served by friends and a social hour enjoyed. Miss Carter will niove next week to Goderich where she will make her home with her sister, Mrs. Nelson Hill, on Picton Street. Miss Carter has been active in community ac- tivities and church life and Will be missed when he leavr, es this village. Following in, the footsteps of her mother, Miss Sadie was a practical nurse working with Dr. B, C, Weir for many years and also sang in the choir for 60 years. She is a member of the WMS and WA of Ktnox ttn- ited Church and was a charter member of the Auburn Wo- men's Institute. It is the wish of her marry friends in the Auburn district that She may for many years enjoy her hobbies of crocheting, quilting and making gnats hi her stew hdrie ifs Goderich, Auburn Store Modernised, Has New Front (Auburn• Correspondent) The store at the eastern end of Auburn village, owned and operated by Ralph D. Munro has had its face-lifting c'om+ple- ted, It is the first store in this village to have the New Leak", The spacious size feet .by nine feet windows on each side'of the new door gives a new ap- pearance to the store and the modern slant canopy provides shade from the hat afternoon's sun,- This ten;Tihis store has been in the Munro name since 1888. 'The late D. E, Munro father of the present 'owner, carne to Auburn about 1884. He ,bought a store from a Mr. Caldwell at the bottom of the village hill. Then azi evaporator was built there after rthe store was demolished by fire. The store also con- tained the post office for the village (ithen known as Man- chester), In 1888 he ,bought the pres- ent tstare frown William Downs, who had remodelled` the build- ing and used part of it as a dveel15•ng. This had been the seemed store in the village, built in 1865, by James Suther- land. A few years later he sold this store and business to Jos- eph Habkirk, who later sold to Mr, Downs. After D. E. Munro passed away, his wife carried on the business and post 'office until her death in 1928, and the post office was moved to its present location. Her son, Ralph, .took over the business modernizing and enlarging the store space, by using the dwel- ling attached. This project is another step in adding more beauty to "Sw- eet Auburn, loviiest village of the plain", now a blaze of col- our 'from the many flower -beds planted by the Auburn Horti- cultural Society. 0 Blyth Fan Fair Announces Oat Competition Winners Plans for the annual fall fair at Blyth have been completed. The fair will be held Sep- tember 19 and 20 with tickets to be dMawn on a registered Yorkshire gilt at the dance fol- lowing the Mair. The prize is a gift from Albert Bacon, presi- d'ent. A •list of top competitors and' their points in the field crop competition in oats, sponsored' by the society, are: Robert Carter, RR 3, Blyth, 91; Wil- liam Gow, RR 2, Auburn, 84; Samuel Pietch, Belgrave, 86; Walter Scott, Belgrave, 85; Albert Bacon, . Belgrave, 84; Simon Hailahan, Belgrave, 83. To complete the cmmpetitioln 'the grains must be exhibited at the fair, Ten points will be deducted from any competitor failing to exhibit his grain. Blyth Agricultural Society also sponsored a field crop com- petition in ensilage corn wh- ich will be judged later. OUR HAPPY PHILOSOPHER BY "TED'' RYDER MARRY A POOR GIRL IF YOU WANT 10 SETTLE DOWN, OR A RICH GIRL, IF YOU WANT' T. SETTLE UP FEATURING THE WORLD FINEST TELEVISION" "TED" RYDER I'(I T. V.— RADIO ALES - SERVICE OPEN ,Ti L 10 .M. HI12.9310 CLINTON Thurs., Aug..31, 1961• Eight Attending CNE For The Junior Judging Clinton .News-,eeoird---Page 9 all; Robert Fotheringbam, RR 3, :Seaforth; Lorne Hern, RR 1, W.00dharn; Ivan Howatt, RR 1, Belgrave; Rodger Kieffer; RR 1, Wingham; Doe. McKercher, RR 1, Dublin; Ken Popple, RR 5, Seaforth, As an award for long term• anticipation in 4-171 Agrieul- ur l +Clubs eight members. of Huron 'County 4-11 Clubs will visit ,the Canadian National Ex- h ibition, Torou to on Friday', S eptenyber 1, Included in The group are; Don •Orozier, RR 2, Seaforth; Bill Dtheringiton, RR 1, Hens - The group will be travelling to Toronto on Thursday, Aug- ust 31. and return home on Sart urday, September 2, While at the CNF they will stake part in the Junior Judging Compe» tition in 'the morning, be free to visit the various exhibits in the afternoon and see the gr* =distend Show in the evening. , D The group will be accompanied . y Miles, .agr.c'ul. ur.a representative, to 23 Gibbings Street (corner of Rattenbury Street East) Open Daily Y Tuesday to Saturday 8.30 to 6 p.m. Evening Tuesday and Thursday CLOSED EVERY MONDAY We've a New Name, Too EdithAnne Hair Fashions Mrs, Edith Johnston, Prop. 23 Gibbings Street • CLINTON HU 2-7697 Specializing in Colouring, Permanent Waving, Hair Styling School Doys Ahead! Time To Buy Your Boy's SCHOOL CLOTHES at HERMAN'S AB Sizes 8 to 18 A Complete Range of Boys' • SLACKS • 'T' SHIRTS • JEANS • UNDERWEAR • SHIRTS ' HOSIERY m LEAN LEGGERS SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING DIFFERENT in Students' Slacks. Available in waist size 26 to 32 • CONTINENTAL WAiST BAND PRICED AT ONLY $1.95 pr. Special This Thursday, Friday, Saturday BOYS' TAM O'SHANTER "T" Shirts Size 10 to 18 --- REG. $2.95 ea. A BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL $ 95 ONLY ■ GUARANTEED A NEW SHRINKS OUTN ENF IF Herman's Men's Wear HU 2-9351 (Open Friday Evening) CLINTON You are invited to make Mart'in's your one Headquarters for ail your Back to School Clothing Needs. Girls Clothing — all ages Bays Clothing to 14 years stop • MARTIN'S Dept. Store