HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-08-31, Page 7LAST DAY to Purchase FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES Without Paying 3% Tax BUY TO-DAY at GINGERICH'S Sales & Services ZURICH SEAFORTH Clinton Representative:- GEORGE RUMBALL WATCH OUT FOR CASES WATER HEMLOCK POISON Water hemlock poisoning is fatal to livestock in nearly all cases, says Dr. D. C. Blood, of the OVC Farm Service. The animal may live only 2 or 3 hours but if it lives beyond a day or two you can expect complete recovery. The symp- toms are frothing at the mouth and pain; the pupils of the eye dilate and the animal groans and grates its teeth. There may be rapid kicking and rigid ex- tension of the legs. Bloating frequently occurs. There is no effective treatment. But you can prevent it by fencing off wet areas containing water hemlock. Lakeview Casino Grand Bend DANCING Friday -- Saturday Sunday Midnite with LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra Who's Bragging? (The following article was clipped from the August 26 issue of the Farmer's Advocate, and mailed to us from Bayfield, The writer is the women's editor of that farm journal.) On behalf of Huron County Council may we extend to you an invitation to join us at the Official Opening of the New Wing to Huronview This ceremony will Nike place. of the Home located one mile south of Clinton on Highway 4, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th, 1961 at 2:30 The Hon. Louis P. Cecile, Q.C. will officiate. The general public is cordially invited to attend. MR. J. ROY ADAIR, MR. IVAN FORSYTH, Chairman Warden SPECIAL THIS WEEK 70 ALBERT STREET CLINTON AMSING'S IMPORTED F F. B. PENNEBAKER AGENT FOR NOWntree'S Chocolates & Nansens Dorothy Gray and Du Barry Coirnetki Everything in Baby Needs Veterinary Supplies HU 2-6626trtbreeert CLiNtoN —cioainest Burning —Automatic Delivery wWe gpecia20,8 in Fuel Oil" A, G. 'GRIGG and SON PHONE HLI 2-9411 CLINTON —Insured by PrOdentlal of England far Safety ANSTETT DIAMONDS WATCHES GIFTS , Phone 11U 2-9525 JEWELLERS EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS Albert St., Clinton For BOYS and MEN Aiken's Footwear & Clothing GASOLINE POWERED CEMENT MIXER For Rent 4 J. W, Counter BUILDERS' SUPPLIES HU 2-9612 Albert St. Phone HU 2-9412 FREE DELIVERY ROY MANN'S Supertest Service Station Superteit Products • ;AR , WASH ING • LOBRICATION • GENERAL REPAIRS USED CAR$ VICTORIA STREET Behind Clinton Post .Office PHONE 11U 24079 We also have a rather baf- fling tendency to lower the liv- ing standard as a deliberate policy. That is, we take some lovely natural resource and ruin it so that no one can enjoy it any longer. •I cite you the case of the Bayfield. River. Readers in other areas can all supply the name of their par- ticular ruined river, Twenty years, ago, that was a lovely little river. It had no economic value, except for watering farmers' - cattle; but in entertainment and aesthetic values it was inexhaustible. We caught fish in it, swam in it, picnicked beside it, skated on it. We rafted dawn it, feeling like Huck Finn. When, the ice broke up, we ,assisted by push- ing the big cakes off into the current, patriotically decorated with flags.. No matter what the season, the river had some- thing lovely and exciting to after, Well, you can't get away with that kind of thing! So when the enlightened burghers of the nearby towns installed sewage systems, they incon- tinently dumped the sewage in- to the river. Now it isn't a river, it's a sewer. It smells. The high fertility of the sewage has caused enormous growth, and the banks are choked with rank weeds. No one will ever picnic on its grassy edge again; no child will learn to swim in it; no one 'in his right mind would eat a fish caught in it. In the name of decency, can't , we find some better way to dispose of sewerage? Here in Ontario we have the most mar- vellous system of fresh-water lakes and rivers in the world, and they're all so full of sew- age that we have nowhere to swim. If this is an instance of our high standard of living, it's time we stopped patting our- selves on the back, and got our heads examined instead. Miles downstream from the last town, the river flows ;through a farm; I asked the 'farmer if it was clean enough to swim in, by the time it had travelled all those miles. Eloquently, he held his nose, "You couldn't even drown in it," he said, "You'd be poisoned first." personally, I don't want to hear 'another word' about the high standard of living in this country until a great batch of scholarships have been endow, ed to set large crews of stud- ents at work to find some sane method of sewage disposal. Every time I have to cross that river (no one goes near it deliberately any 'longer) I get a whiff of a stench proclaiming that this country still needs a lot of educating before it has enough sense of values to dis- tinguish a high standard of liv- ing from a shocking one, —VICKI FREMLIN. 0 Lobb Picnic . On Saturday, August 19, the Bert Lobb family held their third, annual picnic at the park in Bayfield. The picnic supper was served as a smorgasbord to the 51 members present. The president, Harold Lobb conducted a short business per- iod. Gordon MacFarlane was elected the president for 1962. A sports program was con- ducted by Barbara Docking, Phyllis Lobb, Murray Lobb and Mrs. Howard Pym and the winners of the races were as follows: Running races, children five years and under, Roy Docking and Ernie Labb;, 6, 7 and 8 years, girls, Eleanor Labb; boys, Ron Lobb and Joe Lobb; 9, 10 and 11 years, girls, Shir- ley Docking and Bernice Lobb; boys, Jerry Lobb and Leonard Lobb; 12, 13 and 14 years, girls, Marie Lobb and Marion Docking; young women, Jan- ette Johnston and Barbara Docking; young men, Bruce Lobb and Don Lobb. Youngest present, Sharon Docking; oldest member pres- ent, Bert Lobb; bean guessing contest, Leonard Lobb; most buttons contest, Bert Lobb and Joan Lobb; name contest, Mrs. Mervyn Lobb; driving the nail, Barbara 'Docking; guess the lucky number, Mrs. Alvin Lobb; peanut scramble for all the children. Huron County Sheep Winners at CNE' Best sheep at the .Canadian National Exhibition continue to be those from Huron ..County, and winners at Clinton Spring Show, Ephriann Snell showed the Leicester ,grand champion ewe and ram, with Emke Bros, of Elmwood showing the reserve F•rnhe Bros. also took top prizes in the Oxford breeds, The P. E. Dearing and Son farm, Exeter, walked off with the major prizes for Dorset Horned Sheep, Recently a fluid milk pro- ducer came to the Federation of Agriculture Office to obtain some information on the mark- eting agency plan for fluid milk. Unfortunately informa- tion is not available. At present a petition is be- ing circulated among the fluid milk shippers requesting a vote on a marketing agency plan. Since they are given no indica- tion as 'to how their milk will be marketed, this petition can only indicate the degree of dis- satisfaction with their present marketing methods. If sufficient farmers sign a petition the Whole Milk Pro- ducers League will draw up a detailed plan for the marketing of fluid milk, Since the producer of fluid milk is only receiving 12% cents . per quart for his milk that retails from 22 cents up and since custom pasturiziog and bottling has been recently done for 3 cents per quart for one of our smaller villages it would seem that producers are well justified in trying to im- prove the marketing of their product. Further there is a great deal of over-lapping in the transpor- tation of milk. Here again producers could effect real sav- ings through co-ordination of trucking services. Also, the producers of milk for cheese, butter and all other manufactured milk products are working on marketing ag- ency plans. If these two efforts can be united I can see the opportunity for great benefits. If they can not be united I fear that a division will take place that will be detrimental to the whole industry. The basic problem in the milk industry apparently, is the unavoidable . small -surplus pro- duction.-The cheese producers for many years have been con- tributing 'to an export fund to remove their surplus to main- :Gain a reasonable price at home only to find surpluses from other 'producers and even from Quebec reap equal benefits without contributing to the ex- REAR THE .LABELS SIMMS VAN POISON Read and heed the warning label on barn spray containers, cautions Dr, Howard Neely, ex- tension veterinarian at OW, Barn sprays .aren't meant to be. applied directly to cattle; it will make them sick and they could die, An affected animal will usually slobber and the eyes become swollen, Fre- quently the tongue hangs out of the mouth and the animal may shiver. .(101.1 -your veter- inarian immediately — he can give an effective antidote, port fund. At times this .has rendered the Ontario Cheese producers' efforts almost use- less., An aver-all milk marketing plan could take care of this average 2 percent surplus, Whether two separate Market- ing agencies can succeed re- mains to be seen, In closing just a few com- ments: I have been hearing rather too many complaints about Ca Ops. I don't mind discussing these problems but I feel that the place for discussion of these complaints is at the annual Applications for the position of Local Director of the Huron County Children's Aid Society will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, September 30, 1961. State Age, Experience, Marit- al Status, Qualifications should be in accordance with the Child Welfare Act or equivalent. Salary $7,000 per annum, plus employee benefits. Applications must be sub- mitted in envelopes supplied by the Secretary. Address all enquiries to the Secretary. JOHN G. BERRY, Secretary, Huron County Children's Aid Society, Box 640, Goderlch, Ontario. 35b meeting or Board of Directors meetings of your Co-Op. I can only repeat that there is noth- ing wrong with your Co-Op that the members aren't res- ponsible for or can't correct: On a news broadcast, Agri- cultural Minister Hamilton st- ated that imports of US oats lowered the price 3 cents per bushel. Does this make you h appy? Thurs., Aug, 31, 1961----Clinton News-Recont Page 7 Beautiful But Is Bayfield River Smelly? Beautiful Bayfield River has provided drainage for much of Huron County's richest farm lands for many years. Also, the amount of fun which the youth of Clinton and Bayfield, and vacationing families by the hundreds over the years cannot be measured. The accompanying article by Vi Fremlin, native of Clinton, in the Farmer's Advocate, should make us ponder how much will be gotten from the Bayfield River in the future. (News-Record Photo) One of the things we're in- elbed to go on about, in this country, is our high standard of :living. When it comes to cars, television sets, and overeating, we rate with the best. In other respects, we're downright un- derprivileged. Consider education; in Rus- sia, 20 people out of every 1;000 attend a ,university, In, the US, it's 15 out of 1,000. But in the land of the free and the home, of the brave? Five per thou- sand. Experienced Carpenter_ Available For All Types of Carpentry Work Specializing In: KITCHEN CUPBOARDS -- CHINA CABINETS, Etc. REMODELLING and REFINISHING Phone HUnter 2-7726 KEN McNAIRN 34p HURON ST. -CLINTON PHONE HU 2-9414 Shop at these Clinton "Jackpot" stores!! WIN WEEKLY PRIZE —$5.00 CASH Draws made Tuesday in TWO GRAND MONTHLY PRIZES New $15 & $50 at at 6 p.m. News-Record Office RULES OF NEWS-RECORD "JACKPOT" 1. Every purchase or payment on account at any of the participating firms advertisitvi in the "Jackpot" entitles you to an opportunity to win the weekly and monthly Jackpot Prizes. 2. Each Tuesday evening the $5 weekly prize will be drawn by a member of the News-Record staff. 3. On the third Tuesday of each month, draws will be made by a guest for the Grand Monthly Prizes of $15 and $50 each. Winners of weekly prizes are also eligible for these prizes. 4. Employees and immediate families of the co- operating firms, and of the Clinton News4Record are not eligible to enter this Jackpot event. 5. Winners names will be announced In the News- Record each Thursday. Be Sure to Ask for your "Jackpot" Coupons and Deposit in "Jackpot" Draw Box in News-Record Lobby. ASSORTED Cold Meats 4 6 oz, pkgs. 85c Wieners — lb. 45c FITZSIMONS FOOD FAIR SPECIALISTS in Automatic Transmissions All Makes and Models Harold's White Rose Garage Victoria strut Clinton HU 2.9023 CENTRAL CITIES SERVICE Cities Service— GAS OILS Car Washing GREASES ••(1 A Specialty Fat Line of F'irestane Auto Acoessoriet Corner of King and Mary Streets Near IGA PHONE HU 2-9032 • dassinnen CLINTOswN MOdern Gas and Oil Furnace Sales and Service Chuter Heating and Electri TOM CHUltit, or JOE HU 24652 HU, 24519 For A Safe JOurney USE CLINTON CAB ..CLINTON MEAT MARKET For Quality Meats Jackpot. Special For This Weekend S P Cottage Roll 59c lb. Phone HU 2-3834 Art Colson — Grant Irwin KING STREET DAY or NIGHT Phone HU 2-9012 George McGee, Prop. ART GROVES & SON "The House of Admiral Store" Jackpot Special 1962 Admiral TV Push, Pull On and Off Twin Speakers • Big 23" Screen 5-year Guarantee Reg. $369.95 Only $239,95 with trade ee s Your Style Centre in Clinton For Ladies', Men's & Boys' Wear OPEN A REVOLVING CHARGE ACCOUNT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY'S NEEDS Food Herb s Market JACKPOT SPECIALS Effective Aug. 31, to Sept. 6 inclusive Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE 6-Oz. jar. Only 95c jar Robin Hood ANGEL CAKE MIX White r Orange -Lemon Only 39c pkg. Foie Pickling. White or Cider VINEGAR In your container-65o gal. FREE DELIVERY --- Phony Kr 2-3445 SAVE BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS Special . . Dunlop Gold Seal 750 X 114 Tubeless SALE $19 95 wI th trade • Reg. List S32.15 CLAYT DIXON'S AUTO SUPPLY 1111 24034 Rattenbury Street "CHAMPION" FUEL OIL ABOUT.ONE MORE WEEK WILL WIND UP THE Sealy Special Mattress Promotion $39.88 No better mattress at 09.50 BEATTIE FURNITURE