HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-08-24, Page 5Executor's AUCTiQN SALE Of Properties and Household Effects including. Antiques and Primitive Furniture of the Estate of the late Miss Margaret Hese- mond Snowden from Highway 21, 5 miles south on Bayfield on Wednesday, August 30 at 1 p.m. the following; Household Effects: Mahogeny parlor suite; square piano and stool; Edison Amberola grarna- phone with a large number of cylinder records; electric man- tel radio; Governor Winthrop desk (cherry); Grandfather's clock case (cherry); iron clock case; Maple platform rocker; walnut chest of drawers; wal- nut what -not; 6 wooden beds; dressers; wash stands; feather ticks; 3 rope beds; 2 yarn spin- ners; 2 spinning wheels; 4 wal- nut parlor chairs; arrow back rocking chair; oak dining room table an dehairs; pine cupboard; 2 pine harvest tables; bar room chair; kitchen chairs; dry sink; 2 lounges; invalid's chair; din- ner bell; Frigidaire refrigera. tor; 2 Quebec heaters; kitchen range; several blanket cheets; bedding; trunks; sleigh seat; 2 Delco plants; child's cradle; 2 toilet sets; set of English dish- es; other dishes and glassware including antiques. Properties — At 3 p.m. the following properties will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid: Parcel 1: Lots 13 and 14 Lakeroad West on No. 21 High- way, Stanley Township, 5 miles south of Bayfield, consisting of 253 acres of choice clay loan, lakefront property on which is situated a 2 storey brick house, a 1% storey brick house, a barn 36'x56' and an L -barn 70'x60' and 40'x36'; a driving shed 56'x28'. Parcel 2: Lot 16, concession 12, Brunson Line, of 100 acres of land being 75 acres of bush ;and balance in pasture. Terms on Properties — 10% down on date of sale and bal- ance due in 60 days. Proper- ties sold subject to existing ren- tal agreements. Full partic- ulars on sale date. Terms on Household Effects: Cash. Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, Executor of the Estate Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 33-4b Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Implements and Household Effects from lot 14, concession 1, Hullett Township, on Highway 8, 3 mites east of Clinton on Saturday, Sept. 2, 1961 implements: 1952 Case D tractor; Graham spring tooth plow with hydraulic lift; rub- ber tire light wagon; steel tire wagon; 2 -wheel trailer with stock rack; 2,000 lb. beam scale; cannister weed sprayer; 2 power lawn mowers; steel box rubber tire wheel barrow; wheel -barrow;, step ladder; ex- tension ladder; antique cutter; 2 milk cans; 2 tarpaulins; quantity of eavetroughing; qu- antity of nails and carpenter's tools; garden tools; 2 rolls of fence wire; quantity of shing- les; colony house; 2 range shel- ters. Household Effects: 3 chests of drawers (antique) ; double bed, springs and mattress; 2 single beds, springs and mat- tresses; hall rack (antique); studio couch; oak desk; wal- nut table; Singer drop -head sewing machine; rocking chair; 2 coal and wood enamel rang- es; Findlay coal and wood hea- ter; kitchen cupboard; Astral refrigerator; fireplace stove; annex heater; Moffat electric plate; cedar wardrobe; leath- er goods; ladies' club bag; books; sap buckets; 20 gallon stone crock; dishes and cook- ing utensils, and numerous other articles. TERMS: CASH Mrs. Catherine M. Billings, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 34-5-b i BIRTHS BAILLARGEON In Clinton a 1 Public Hospital r 1 H al i i on 7, ursda August 17,p to Corporal ,and Mrs, Adrien Baillargeon, Br- uceflelcL a son. STEWART In South Hur.. on Iospital, Exeter, on Monday, August 21, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stewart (nee Erlene Gingerich) Hen- son, a daughter. GRAY --In Clinton Public Hos. pital on Thursday, August 17, 1961, to LAC and Mrs. R. A. Gray, RCAF Station Clinton, a .daughter , HEYKOOP—In Clinton. Public Hospital on Saturday, Aug. uat 19, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas Heykoop, RR 3, Cl- inton, •a daughter, Clearing AUCTiON SALE Of Household Effects, in the Village of Auburn, lot 83, on Saturday, August 26 at 1 p.m. Chesterfield and chair;. rug 9'42'; cabinet radio; livingroom table; rug 9'x7'; desk; bridge lamp; 2 table lamps; 3 bed lamps; floor lamp; combina- tion hall rack and mirror; mir- ror 15"x24"; magazine rack; Jardiniere stand; 4 double beds, springs and mattresses; single bed; 5 dressers; day bed; 4 toi- let sets; feather mattress; 6 rocking chairs; 5 cane bottom chairs; Brunswick Victrola with records; Beach coal or wood range with reservoir and warm- ing closet; Fess oil burner with pipes; dining room table and 6 matching chairs; Corando re- frigerator; 4 kitchen chairs; 3 - burner coal oil stove; bar room chair; 2 -burner electric hot plate; kitchen cabinet; china cabinet; glass cupboard; wood- en cupboard; 2 kitchen tables; set curtain stretchers; electric kettle; electric toaster; 4 coal oil lamps; quilting frames stands; hammock complete with hooks; 2 ladders; lawn mower; clothes .hamper; bedding; quart and pint sealers; Pyrex ware; 2 antique moustache cups; dishes. Other articles too num- erous to mention. No reserve, property sold. TERMS: CASH Miss Sadie Carter, Proprietress Harold Jackson, Auctioneer George Powell, Clerk 33-4b AUCTION SALE For the Estate of the late Mrs. Carrie Haggitt, located on the Walton Road in the Village of Blyth, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 at 1:30 p,m. 17" Motorola TV; Easy elec- tric washing machine; Viking refrigerator; electric rangette; new hot plate; electric iron; Northern Electric radio; elec- tric lamps; two kitchen ranges; 4tables; diningroom table and chairs; kitchen cabinet; 3 rock- ing chairs; 3 kitchen . chairs; bedroom chair; china cabinet; sewing machine; 8 day clock; kitchen couch; 2 bedsteads with springs and mattresses; chest of drawers; large quan- tities of pillows and bedding, also quilt tops and fancy qu- ilts, fancy pillow slips, doilies; Lace luncheon cloth; crochet chesterfield set; fancy cushions and cushion tops; number of hooked mats; 2 trunks; set of dinner dishes; antique dishes; silverware; earthen crocks; sea- lers; step ladder; garden tools; forks; shovels and other art- icles too numerous to mention. Property: At the same time and place the property will be offered for sale, consisting of one acre of land more or less, on which is situated one frame 5 -room dwelling with town water. One barn 16' x 35', in good state of repair. Subject to reserve bid. Terms on Property: 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. Terms on Chattels: Cash. George Haggitt, Executor George Nesbit, Auctioneer 34b Ask George Rumba!! at Gingerichs about SPECIAL PRICES Now in Effect Buy Now and Save the Tax! MARRIAGES AXTMANN-HEMINGWAY — InBrussels B sell United Church on Saturday, August 19, 1961, by the Rev. Kenneth Griffith, R u,t h Eleanor, daughter of Jr.Vland Mrs, J, Carl ;Hemingway, RR 3, Brussels, to James L. Axt- mann, son of Mr. and Mrs, Herman Axtman, RR 2, Walton, FLEISCHAUER - PARKER — In Central Baptist Church, London, on Friday evening, August 18, 1961, by the Rev. R. Robinson, Barbara Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, Exeter and William Douglas Fleischauer, son of Mr. and Mrs, William Fleischauer, Clinton. HAIST-JARROTI'--In St. An- drew's United Church, Kip - pen, on Saturday, August 19, 1961, by the Rev. Harold ,Tohnston, Brucefield, Ruth Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, RR 2, Hensall, to Maurice Welling- ton Heist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Heist, RR 2, Centralia. JAMIESON - JENKIN — In North Street United Church, Goderich, on Saturday, July 29, 1961, by the Rev. W. J. ten Hooper, Margaret Ra- mona, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jenkin, Goderich, to James Murray Jamieson, Goderich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jam- ieson, Londesboro. KAI -JACKSON — In Blyth United Church on Saturday, August 19, 1961, by the Rev. R. Evan McLagan, Margaret Annette, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson, .Auburn, to Donald M. Kai, son of Mrs. M. Kai, Toronto, and the late Mr. Kai. MARRIAGES PENFOUND - POTTER, - In o Stet United Ontario .t • e Ch- urch, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, August 19, 1961,. by the Rev, Grant L, Mills, Clinton, Marilyn Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Potter, RR 3, Clin- ton, to Mervyn Bruce Pen - found, Embro, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Penfound, RR 1, Londesboro. VAN VLIET - CUNNINGHAM In Knox United Church, Auburn, on Saturday, Aug- ust 12, 1961, by the Rev, C. W. Lewis, Lois Evelyn, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Vere D. Cunningham, RR 5, Goderich, to Cornelis van Vliet, Blyth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit van Vliet, Nieu- werkerk aid Ysel, Holland. DEATHS LAWRASON -- In Haney Br- itish Columbia, on Sunday, August 20, 1961, George Al- fred Lawrason, beloved son of Mrs. Norman Sly, Clinton, in his 47th year. Also sur- vived by his wife and five children, Robert, Edmonton; Pratt, Judy Arm;, Patricia and Jeoffrey, at home and two sisters, Nellie Nurse, Cl- inton and Joyce Powell, Br- ampton. Interment in Haney Cemetery, B.C. WHEELER—In Victoria Hos- pital, London, on Monday, August 21, 1961, Eva Steph- enson, London (native of Varna), widow of the late Douglas Wheeler, Service from •the Needham funeral home, Dundas Street, Lon- don, on Wednesday after- noon, August 23 by the Rev. G. G. Burton, formerly of Clinton and Brucefield. Attend Your Church This Sunday All Services Daylight Saving Time esleg-ills--Acrinteeisille pttiteir �lluxtlles REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister DURING AUGUST Both Church and Sunday School will be withdrawn at Wesley -Willis and Holmesville, and our people will worship at Ontario Street United Church. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV. I. BODENHAM Sunday, August 27 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship "Prepare to Meet Thy.God" 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service. "He Stirs Up the People" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. You are cordially invited to these services. Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, August 27 10.00 a.m.—Service in Dutch 2.30 p.m.—Service in English EVERYONE WELCOME Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Wednesday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. LANE, B.A., D.D„ Minister Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader NO SERVICE DURING AUGUST Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's -- Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh. Rector Charles Merrill, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, August 27 TRINITY XIII On Sunday, August 27, Rev. R. W. Foster, of St. John's Ch- urch, Niagara Peninsula, a son- in-law of Bishop W. A, Town- shend, will be at both services, 8.30 and 11 a.m. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, August 27 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Guest Speaker: Mr. John Aiken, Shelburne Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer & Bible study. Ail Welcome CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Craig Peters, Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.15 a.m.—Family Worship WELCOME TO A FRIENDLY CHURCH! AUL Frigidaire ..,..rnn, „mnn• GINGERI(H'S Sales St Services ZURICH SEAFORTH Phone 34 Phone 585 Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A, 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Church Service Turner's Church 9.45 a.m.—Church Service 10.45 a.m.--Sunday School Clinton Branch No. 140, Canadian Legion Invites Organizations and Citizens of Clinton and District to Participate In a ,. Decoration Service at CLINTON CEMETERY on Sunday Evening, August 27 at 7:30 a'Iock CLINTON CONCERT BAND IN ATTENDANCE PLEASE HAVE GRAVES DECORATED PRIOR TO THE HOUR OF SERVICE Wreath -Laying Ceremony Sit Veterans' Plat in Cemetery after the Public Service, by Clinton Legion Eli,1141 Phone HU 2-3443 Contributions Always Welcome W. T. Colclough and two Sons, Bill and Bob, Brantord, visited a few days last week With their aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Colclough. Rev. and Mrs. Will Reid, Sherbrooke, Quebec, acompan- ied by Miss Mary Currie; the Nile, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb on Monday, Morton Elliott, Meaford, spent a few days with his niece, Miss Beatrice Gibson and Edgar Gibson, 23 Kirk Street. Mr. and Mrs. W, J, Crooks, Vancouver are visiting Ws sis- ter, Mrs. W. M. Aiken, 108 Rattenbury Street Mr. and Mrs, R, W. Bous- kill, Toronto visited with Mrs. Wilmer Wallis and Mr. and Mrs.. Ed. Jenkins during the past week. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends, relatives and neigh- bours for Bards, flowers, visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. —MRS, DAISY CHURCHILL. 34p My sincere thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, birthday gifts, flowers and visits, while a patient in Clinton hospital. Special th- anks to the nursing staff, Dr. Addison, Dr. Oakes, Dr. Sta- pleton. —GARY CANTELON. 34b Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner and family wish to express sin- cere thanks to aII who sent cards and gifts to Ted while he was in hospital and recup- erating at home; to the teach- ers and pupils of Bayfield School for remembrances to Barbara and Bradley; and also those who entertained for and gave them going away gifts, 34b I wish to express my sincere thanks to my many friends for gifts, cards and cheery visits when I was a patient in both Clinton Public Hospital and St. Joseph's Hospital, London. I extend my grateful thanks to the nursing staffs of both hos- pitals and also to Dr. W. A. Oakes, Clinton and Drs. Grace and Walden, London. —MRS. J. D. THORNDIKE. 34b Clinton Court (continued from page 1) isitrate said, "Yes 'they have. They can sell their cars and walk. I see boys walking in from the station quite often. I've walked farther than from the station into town when I was; in service." He also told the boys to make restitution for the gasoline to Mr. Grigg. Charges of overload and the driver failing to produce lic- encesagainst Snider Transport Ltd., Baden, were dismissed. Delton Snider, president of .the company explained a transfer of .trailer's, and transfer of licences, which accounted for the appeauiance of overload, and noted that the licences at the time of the offence were in Toronto for purpose of re- cording a change of name. Magistrate Hays indicated that he would expect truckers to carry photostats of the licence in the truck inl case of this type of emergency. Roger Hlerox was fined $10 and costs for failing to report damage to property in an ac- cident on the highway west of Brucefield on August 2. Magi- strate Hays noted that failing to report indicated a poor at- titude. "You are a citizen of the country. The police are charged with caring for the property of the citizenry. The police are deputies of the citi- zenry. You put them to extra trouble investigating this ac- cident, and thus are costing the whole citizenry trouble and money." FRESH CUT FLOWERS GLADS -- 'MUMS DAHLIAS -- ZINNIAS BASKETS OF: BEETS TOMATOES CARROTS BEANS and CUCUMBERS ALSO: SUMMER SQUASH SWEET PEPPERS COOKING ONIONS CORN and WAX BEANS CLINTON MARKET GARDEN JOHN S'TEELE SMITH, prop, 182 Church Street 68 HO �2- 1Plosimismilmosimus. mmolimmol Mr, 'and Mrs. Weldon Tynd- all, Londesboro, Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Colson, Ken and Nan- cy spent part of last week in the Muskoka District. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Shots - brook have returned to their home in Toronto after visiting their mother, Mrs. J, W. Shah. brook after two weeks, Mrs. J. D, Thorndike came home Monday from St. Joseph's Hospital, London where she had ibeen a patient for two weeks. Master Ere Glazier return- ed Sunday to Oshawa with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1Vfervin Glazier after spending a week with Iris grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Glazier. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Laidler, and daughter Ard'yth left on Sun- day for home in Winnipeg, Man!., after visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Ball last week. Dennis Shipp, RR 3, Clinton returned home on Saturday, August 19 after spending sev- en weeks training at Camp Ip- perwash. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Cooper, Toronto; Mrs Lawrence Haugh- ton, Terry and Wayne, Coiiing- wood, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Bond, East Street. Miss, Helen Stewart, 203 Pr- incess Street, left on Friday by air for Whitehorse, Yukon Territory where she will join a friend for a tour of Alaska. Hal Hartley returned recent- ly from a fishing and sight- seeing trip through Northern Ontario, in the Lake Superior and Lake Nipagon area, with Jack Wells and son, Richard, London. Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane returned on Friday, August 18 from four days in Kingston, where Mr. Cochrane attended the third annual summer con- ference of Ontario Secondary School Headmasters Associat- ion, at Queen's University. Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Hal Hartley at their cottage, were the fornier's un- cle, Mr. G. Macdonald, daugh- ters Ruth and Jean (Mrs. Alf Ashdown) , Alf Ashdown sand three sons, .all of St. Cather - Ines, Ont. Mrs. Ernest E. Hall, Miss Eva Gowan, Mrs. Ed. Water- son, Mrs. Herb Helston, Mrs. Robert Boyd, Mrs. George Banks, Mrs. Dorothy Mackie, Toronto; Mrs. Harvey Wilkin, Miss Olive Wilkin, Little Cur- rent; Mrs. Lee Gowan, Mrs. Neil Gowan, Mrs. Willis Gowan, Mrs. Cecil Buckton, and Mrs. T. J. Fenton, Allenford were recent guests of Miss Evelyn Hall while they attended three productions at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival. Mr. sand Mrs. Callander, from Ohio, visited in Clinton briefly last Thursday afiternoon, 36 years since Mr. Callender had been here. At that time he vis- ited his uncle and aunit, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tyndall. He was particularly interested in the Norvnan Tyndall property where his grandfather Fred Runnball had a carriage shop, where the Tyndall garden now is located, :and' took pictures of the area to show his fam- ily. 0 Happy Workers Regular Meeting Mrs. Kenneth Williams was hostess for the Happy Workers Club on August 10 with nine members ;and one visitor pres- ent. Roll call was answered by stating "where you would like to go on a bus trip". The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ken- neth Johnston in the evening, and .roll ball will be answered by stating "where you met the person sitting on your right." Thurs., Aug, 24, 1961—Clinton News-Record----Po9e 5 DOES YOUR INSURANCE COVER CHIROPRACTIC CARE ? 3 RING FILLER 25c y., Sheaffer Lever -Fill Feathertouch FOUNTAIN PENS $1.95 Sheaffer CARTRIDGE PENS with 2 Free Cartridges $1.49 Mathematical Instruments 7Sc 3 -Hole BINDER REFILLS Bundle of 5 Assorted Colours Reg. 150 each 69c RULED PAD .15 MUCILAGE .25 STENO BOOK .25 SPIRAL NOTE BOOKS .25 PLASTIC RULER .10 ERASER .5 NEWCOMBE Phar,naq torri 2HONE HU 2.9511 CLINT0% 7 ---MONAV to 23 Gibbings Street (corner of Rattenbury Street East) Opening Tuesday, Aug. 29 Daily Tuesday to Saturday 8.30 to 6 p.m. Evening—Tuesday and Thursday CLOSED EVERY MONDAY We've a New Name, Too Edith Anne Hair Fashions Mrs. Edith Johnston, Prop. 23 Gibbings Street CLINTON HU 2-7697 Specializing in Colouring, Permanent Waving, Hair Styling Make SUTTER-PERDUE Ltd. your Melmac D Headquarters in Clinton BREAK -RESISTANT --Let children wash Melmac. it resists chipping and cracking. LASTING BEAUTY—Colour is molded in. Standard household soaps or detergents can't wash colour off, won't fade or harm the surface. EASY CARE—Just wash Melmac with standard household soap or detergents. Don't scour with powder, pads or abrasives, Most Standard Patterns carried We carry hi stock a full line of in stock, including: Companion Pieces in a full range CANADIAN DOGWOOD of colours, such as: HARVEST WHEAT WATER PITCHERS, TUMBLERS, VIOLETS BUTTER DISHES, SALT and TALISMAN RASE . ' '''.4ia' I PEPPERS, VEGETABLE BOWLS, Any other pattern or colour picked PLATTERS, CREAM and from our Melmac Samples, cars SUGAR SETS, be secured in a few days. BUTTER PERDUE LTD. Quality Hardware anti Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplier Clinton HU 2-7023