Clinton News-Record, 1961-08-17, Page 7A:UCTiON SAME
,:Of• Household Effects from 128
Townsend Street, •CIinton, ,On
Wednesday, August 23
at 1.30 p.m. the following;
1.1ousehold Effects; Chester-
field bed; 2 walnut .occasional
chairs; walnut upholstered eh,
air; Duncan Fife coffee table;
studio couch; Westinghouse 21
inch TV; mahogany small table;
several small tables; 2 beds;
.springs and inner spring mat-
tresses; 2 dressers; 2 wash
Stands; 4 walnut chairs; dins
ing room suite; chest of draw-
ers; 2 tri -lights; table lamps;
bedroom lamps; shower ring;
hall reels; Leonard refrigerator;
Acme electric stove; kitchen.
.cabinet; kitchen table and 4
chairs; laundry tit) and stand;
clothes .hamper; hassock; elec-
tric iron; electric kettle, 2 lawn
.mowers; .gardext tools; step lad,
der; automatic toaster; dishes;
cooking utensils and numeroue
other articles.
Norman Fitzsimons, Proprietor
Edward W..Elliott, Auctioneer
Classified Rates
For Sale, etc., Cards of
Thanks, In Memoriams,
Engagements, 3o a word;
Minimum 75c.
20 a word; Minimum 50o.
14 Off if paid by Saturday
following last insertion.
10c added on second bill.
Births, Marriages, Deaths,
12 o'clock noon, Wednesday
DIAL HU 2.3443
BOLDING In Clinton Public
8 01961 to'/Q nand Mrs.
James Bolding, Clinton, .a
DENQ1VIM1 .--- In Clinton Pubs
lac Hospital on Monday,
August -7, 1961, to Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Denomme, Zurich,
a son,
DY.)- In Clinton Public HeSpi..
tai on Saturday, August 5,
1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Hank
Dyk, RR 3, Walton, a son,
FISHER--- In Clinton Public
Hospital on Wednesday, Aug-
ust 9, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs.
Jim Fisher, RR 4, Goderich,
a daughter (Sharon -Heather).
HOOEY In South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter, on Monday,
August 7, 1961, to Mr. and
Mrs, Russell Hooey, (nee
Marion .Pepper), RR 1, Hen•,
4011, a son,
QREIDANUS—In Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital on Tuesday, Aug-
ust 8, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs.
John Greidanus, Londesboro,
a son.
JOHNSON—In Mount Hamil-
ton Hospital, on Friday,
August 4, 1961, to Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Johnson (nee
Ilene Hesselwood), Stoney
Creek, a daughter (Susan
JOHNSTON In Clinton Public
Hospital on Wednesday, Aug-
ust 16, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs.
Ervin Johnston, Auburn, a
MoCALLUM — In Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital on Saturday,
August 5, 1961, to Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur McCallum (nee
Joan Kohler, Hensall) Russel -
dale, a son (Barmy Arthur,
brother for Larry).
McGUIRE—In Clinton Public
Hospital our Thursday, August
3, 1961, to Corporal and Mrs.
J. McGuire, Clinton, a daugh-
PROCTOR —In Clinton Public
Hospital on Friday, August
11, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs.
Cain Proctor, Clinton, a son.
REID In Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Friday, August 4,
1961, to Mr. and Mrs. David
Reid, Clinton, a daughter
(Sandra Elizabeth).
RILEY—In Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Monday, August 7,
1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Bev
Riley, RR 2, Blyth, a son,
Attend Your Church
This Sunday
— All Services Daylight Saving 'Time —
illis-- ljalinesuille Imteb (Iilirrcliee
Both Church and Sunday School will be withdrawn
at Wesley -Willis and Holmesville, and our people
will worship at Ontario Street United Church,
Sunday, August 20
10.00 a.m.--Sunday School
11.00 a.m,—Morning Worship
"The World's Blackest
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service.
"Christ, the Final Answer"
Wed„ 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting.
You are cordially invited to
these services.
Christian Reformed
Sunday, August 20
10,00 am. --Service in English
2.30 p.m.—Service in Dutch
8,00 p.m.—Drive-In Service
Joseph Street
Christians gathered in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt.
18: 20) meeting in the aboVe
hall invite you to come and hear
the Gospel, the old, old story of
Jesus and His Love.
Order of meetings on Lord's
Day as follows;
11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread
3.00 p.m. --Sunday School
7.00 pm. --Preaching the Gospel
8.00 p.m,—Wednesday—Prayer
Meeting and Bible Reading.
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
Rev. D. J. LANE, B.A., D.D.,
Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist
and Choir Leader
Anglican Church
of Canada
St. Paul's -- Clinton
Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh,
Charles Merrill, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, August 20
8,30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11.00 a.m.---Mornng Prayer
On Sunday, August 27, Rev.
R. W. Foster, of St. John's Ch-
urch, Niagara Peninsula, a Bon-
in -law of Bishop W. A. Town-
shend, will be at both services,
8.30 and 11 a.m.
Maple Street
Sunday, August 20
9.45 a.m.—Worship Serviee
11.00 a.m.—Sunday School
7.30 p.m. --Gospel Service
Guest Speaker: Mr.
John Rae, Kitchener
Tuesday, 8 p.m. ---Prayer & Bible
All Welcome
(Baptist Federation of Canada)
Craig Peters, Pastor
10.00 a.m.--Sunday School
11.15 a.m:---Family Worship --•"Fail Change -over"
Ontario Street United Church
"TliE r13.11;ffbLY CHURCH"
Pastor: REV. GRANT MiLLS, B.A.
9.45'Srni.—Sunday School
11.00 ant. -.--Church Service
8.00 pan- .DriVe-Yxi Divine SerViee
Turner's Church
9.45 a.rn.—Church Service
10.45 eat.—Sunday School
Sunday Evening Divine Services
Brownie's Drlve-ln Theafre
Sunday, August 20 --Rev. L. 5lofsfra
8:00 P.M.
Sunday, August 2O -Rev. L Slofstra
SMILLiE -.itn Wngharn Gener-
al Hospital,. on Thursday,.
August '3, 1961, to Dr. and.
Mrs. Howard. Srtllie, RCAF
Station Clinton, a daughter.
cox-nockm) — In Exeter
United :Church on Saturday,
August 12, 1961. by the Rev.
R, S. Hiltz, Exeter, Isabel
Luella, daughter of Herbert
Oakes, Clinton, and the late.
Lily Elizabeth Oakes, to Earl
George Cox, son of Mrs,
Blanche Cox, Goderich Towns
ship, and the late Wilfred
James Cox.
United Church, on Saturday
afternoon, August 12, 1961, by
the Rev. Arthur Jackson, At-
wood, Patricia Jean, daugh
ter of Mr, and Mrs. Glen
Rathwell, RR 2, Brussels, to
Robert Allan Mann, Clinton,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Mann, RR 1, West Monkton.
Bany Howard Road 'United
Church, on Saturday, August
5, 1961, by the Rev. F, G.
Risclon, Mary Louise, daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs, Ross
Campbell, Northwood, to
John Gerald Moffatt, Kippen,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Alfred
Moffatt, Kippen.
side United Church parson-
age, Seaforth, on Saturday,
July 29, 1961, by the Rev. J.
C. Britton, Helen Marie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Pryce, Seaforth, to Ro-
bert Jacob Parsons, RR 1,
Cromarty, on of Mr. and
Mrs. William R. Parsons, RR
1, Cromarty.
ley -Willis United Church, on
Saturday, August 5, 1961, by
the Rev, Grant Mills, Clinton,
assisted by Canon R. T. Ap-
pleyard, Preston, Shirley Ger-
trude, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John A. Sutter, Clin-
ton, to Robert Pollock, Pres-
ton, son of the late Mr, and
Mrs, Pollock formerly of
Belfast, Ireland.
BENDER—In Kitchener -Water-
loo Hospital on Thursday,
August 10, 1961, Noah S.
Bender, New Hamburg (clear
father of Elton Bender,
Varna) in his 81st year. Ser-
vice from the Steinman Am-
ish Mennonite Church, Wil-
mot Township, on Saturday,
August 12, to the church
BUCHANAN-In Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital, on Tuesday, Aug-
ust 8, 1961, William Buchan-
an, Hensel], widower of the
late Ethel Fulton, in his 83rd
year. Service from the Bon-
thron funeral chapel, to Hen -
sail Union Cemetery on
Thursday afternoon, August
10, by the Rev. Currie Win -
DATE—In a fire in Hotel
Queen Alexandra, . Prescott,
Ont., on Sunday, August 6,
1961, Harry S. (Bud) Date,
former immigration officer
at Goderich, beloved husband
of Katherine Date, in .his 39th
year. Service on Wednesday,
August 9, at Sarnia, and in-
terment in Lakeview ceme-
DUPUIS -- At Dewson Private
Hospital, . Toronto, on Tues.
day, August 1, 1961, Eliza-
beth W. Dupuis, late of Bay-
field, sister of Dan, London,
and aunt of several nieces
and nephews. Private service
on Thursday, August 3, from
the A. Roy Miller funeral
chapel, 1695 St. Clair Ave.
W., Toronto, to Sanctuary
MARTIN — In Clinton Public
Hospital on Friday, July 28,
1961, Miss Thelma Mae Mar-
tin, daughter :of John Martin,
Listowel, and the late Edith
Moore Martin.
HOGARTH — In Newmarket
General Hospital on Satur-
day, August 12, 1961, Vera
Murdoch, Oakville, widow of
the late C. Arthur Hogarth,
in her 77th year. Service
from the Bonthron funeral
chapel, Hensel], on August 15
by the Rev. Currie Winlaw
and interment in Hensall
Union Cemetery.
NEPHEW — In Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital,
Goderich, on Sunday, August
18, 1961, John Joseph
Nephew, beloved husband of
Clara Graham, (and dear
father of Robert Nephew,
Goderioh) in his 7211d year.
Service from the Stiles funer-
al home, Goderich, to Mait-
land Cemetery on Wednesday
afternoon, August 16.
PECKIn Stanley Township,
on Friday, August 11, 1961,
Wesley Ives Peck, beloved
son of the late Henry and
Emily Peck,. In his 79th year.
Service front the Bali and
Mutch funeral home, 153
High Street, Clinton, to Bay-
field Cemetery, on Sunday
•afternoon, August 13.
STEELS — In Clinton Public
.Hospital on Thursday, August
10, 1961, Mrs, Alenia Eliza-
beth Steels, daughter of Mrs.
Grace Munro, Clinton, in her
21st year. Service from the
StileS funeral home, Gode-
rich, on Saturday afternoon,
August 1Z by the Rev. W. J.
ter/Hoene/1, Goderioh, and in-
terment in Maittlandbank
Cemetery, Seaforth,
WALMARK--- At his ,home in
Goderich on Friday might,
August 11, 1961, Harold Paul
Waimark, beloved husband of
KathIeen, (and dear father
of Mrs. Malcolm 'Davidson,
Brucefield) hi his 53rd year.
Service front St, George's
Anglican Church, Goderich,
on Monday eftteidiooii, ,Aug-
est 14, With crenrlati.on to fola
low at Toronto.
WATSON--Ira ,Seat Memorial
Hospital, Seaforth, on Tuess
day eventing, August 1,1961,
Robert P. Watson, Th'uefield,
widower of the late Janet
Burdge, hi ,his 78th year. Ser-
ervice from the Brucefieid Un-
ited 'Church, ort Friday after.
noon, August 4, by the Rev.
A. IL. Johnston, tb .Bayfield
Mr. end Mrs.. Gordon
Turner,. 31. Mill Street, :Ci-
inton, wish to announce the
engagement •af their third
youngest daughter, June
Margaret Turner, to Mr.
John MacLellan of Toron-
to, the wedding to take
place in September at To-
ronto, 33b
Mr. and Mrs, John Me -
Gregor, Stanley Tawnzbip
annnounce the engagement
of their elder daughter;
Jean Ann to Murrey O.
Twitchell, son a Mr, and
Mns, Orville TwitcltelI,
Hensall. The marriage will
take place early in Septem-
ber at 13rucefield, 38p
1VIr, and Mrs. Edward
Grigg wish to announce
the engagement of their
daughter, Ila Marlene, to
Thomas J, Cunningham, std.
of Mr. and Mrs, Guy Cur,
ningham, Auburn. The
wedding will take place in
Holrnesville United Church
at 3.00 p.m. Saturday, Sep-
tember 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Easoan
announce the engagement
of their younger daughter,
Marlene Grace, to Ronald
George Baer, younger son
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Baer, Colborne Township.
Themarriage will take
place in Knox United Ch-
urch, Auburn, September 9
at 2,30 p.m 331a
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd,
R R 2, Walton wish to are
nounce the engagement of
their daughter, Margaret
Isabel to Gordon Howard
Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Dale, RR. 4, Clin-
ton. The marriage will take
.place Saturday, September
2nd, at 2.30 p.m. at Cavan
United Church, Winthrop.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Farquhar, RR 2, Clinton
wishto announce the en-
gagement of their only dau;
ghter, Margaret Anne to
Mr. Robert Shepherd Law-
son, RR 5, Clinton, son of
Mrs. Leslie Lawson and the
late Mr. Leslie Lawson.
The wedding to take place
on Saturday, September 9
irn Holmesville United Ch-
urch. 33p
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilts,
RR 1, Londesboro, Ontario,
wish to announce the en-
gagement of their daughter,
Sieka to Mr. Teus Vain
Steeg, son of Mr. and Mrs:
B. H. Van Steeg, the'
Exeter, Ontario, the wead
ding to take place on Fri-
day, September 15, . 1961,
sit 7.30 p.m. in the Christ-
ian Reformed Church, Clin-
ton, Ontario. 33b
I would like to thank those
who sent cards and flowers
while I was a patient in Clin-
ton Hospital. Special thanks to
Dr. Street, Dr. Oakes and the
nursing staff. —MRS. HERB
I wish to thank all .. my
friends, relatives and neigh-
bours for cards, flowers and
visits while I was in the hospi-
tal. Thanks to Dr, Oakes, nurs-
es and any who ,helped in. other
ways. —FRANK LAYTON. 33b
We wish to sincerely thank
all who helped plan the sur-
prise party for our 25th wed-
ding anniversary and all who
came and made it such a pleas-
ant and memorable occasion.
Also thanks to those who sent
DALE. 33p
The family of the late Robert
P. Watson wish to thank their
friends, neighbours and rela-
tives, and all who helped in any
way during their recent be-
reavement. A special word of
thanks to the doctors and nurs-
es of Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, and the McDonald Nursing
Home. 33p
Mrs, Grace Munro a n d
family wish to express sincere
thanks to all the friends who
loaned cars or sent flowers,
gifts and cards during their re-
cent bereavement, Special th-
anks to Goderich neighbours
and to the friends and fellow -
workers in Clinton, and
especially. to Mr. Stiles for his
understanding and kindness.3p
In loving memory of our dear
parents, William McClinchey,
who passed away June 21,
1957, and Emma McClinchey,
who passed away August 12,
1960. --Ever remembered �byy
the family,
Ma0LEOD—In loving Mem-
ory of the late LeWis H, Mac-
Leod, who passed away one
year ago, bn August 13, 1960:
"And the stately ships go on
To the haven tinder the hill
But oh, for the touch of 'a
vanisehed hand
And the Bound of a Voice
that is Still."
—Mrs. L. H. MacLeod and
family. 3311
Classified Ads
Bring Quick
Mrs. Shobbrook
Hostess dor
Trousseau Tea
Mrs, l7ervt Shobbrook, Con-
cession 13, Hullett Township,
entertained on Saturday, Aug-
ust .5 at a trousseau tea to
honor of her daughter Muriel,
whose marriage took place on
August 12 in Londesboro Un-
ited Church.
Guests were welcomed at the
door by Mrs. Shobbrook, Muriel,
Miss Millson, another of the gr-
oom and Mrs, Pollard, grand-
nxotber pi' the groom,.
Displaying the trousseau
gifts in the :afternoon were
Mrs, Thelma Garrow, sister of
the bride, Barbara Jewitt, G1-
oria Allen, Darlene Shobbrook
and Nancy Pepper and in the
evening, Mas. Gamow, Miss
Pepper, Margaret Anderson,
Genevieve Allen, Phyllis Hugill
and Gloria, Allen.
Tea was poured in the after-
noon by Mrs, Sohn Shobbrook,
grandmother of the bride and
Mrs, Charlotte Lindsay, Sea-
forth, aunt of thegroom; at
night by Mrs. John Shobbrook,
grandmother; Mrs. Percy Gib-
:binggs and Mrs. Fred Vodden,
aunts of the bride.
Waitresses were Karen Allen,
Nellie Westerhout, Marguerite
Lyon, Norma Vodden, Beverly
Wright, Marjorie Hunking, Val-
erie and Vicki Garrow.
In the kitchen. helpers were
Mrs. Joe Shaddiick, Mrs. Roy
Vodden, Mrs, Leonard Vodden,
Mrs. Laura Lyon, Mrs. Tom
Hunking, Mrs, Arthur Clarke,
Mrs. Fred Vodden and Mrs.
Percy Gibbings.
Ontario St. W,M.S.
Meeting Held on
VanEgmond Lawns
An outdoor meeting of the
WMS of the Ontario Street
United Church was held on Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Van Egmond"s
Dawns on Tuesday, August 15
with the president, Mrs. W. B.
Olde presiding. Mrs. W. Van-
Egmond accompanied the sing-
inging with the piano accordion.
Mrs. Olde opened the meet-
ing with the poem 'Open House'
and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs.
3. Radford otiose her scripture
reading from the 6th Chapter
of Isaiah. Mrs. E. Radford
used as her theme for medi-
tation, "Workers With God".
Mrs. Effie Cornish closed the
devotional period with prayer.
Reports were heard and a let-
ter was read from Mrs. J. H.
Anderson, Belgrave accepting
the invitation to speak at the
fall thank offering. The WMS
of the Clinton churches will be
invited as guests.
Mrs. W. S. R. Holnxes pres-
ented thoughts on Christian
stewardship using the readings.
"Helping Our Missionaries",
"Duty Of Self Development",
"Stewardship Of The Family"
The roll call "sing, say, play or
Pay" brought many interesting
and amusing numbers. Contests
conducted' by Mrs. M. Wilttse
and Miss R. Piumstteel were en-
joyed, followed by a picnic lun-
PM Club Has
Outdoor Event
Mrs. Tom Deeves was host-
ess for the Past Mistresses
Club of the LOBA on Monday
evening, August 14, at a picnic
in Harbour Park, Goderich with
a full attendance. At the bus-
iness session the ladies decided
to purchase dishes for the lodge
as so many more will be needed
this fall.
Mrs. Sioman and Miss Clara
Harrison were appointed com-
mittee to look after this pur-
-chase. They hope to match the
dishes already in the hall rath-
er than start another set. After
the business session was over a
bountiful supper was provided
by the hostess.
The remaining part of the
evening was spent in a social
game of cards. The next meet-
ing to be held in the same
place with Miss Clara Harrison
as hostess.
Picnic Planned by
Ontario St. Group
The Ontario Street United
Church Sunday School Execu-
tive meeting Was held on Thurs-
day, August 10 i' the church
parlours. Robert Elliott, super-
intendent opening the meeting
with prayer.
The annual Sunday School
picnic was discussed and plans
were made to hold it at Jaw-
etit's Grove, Bayfield on August
23. George Levis and Robert
Elliott to be in charge of ob-
taining the grounds for the
Seven committees were for-
med to carry out the plans for
entertainment, etc, Transporta-
tion will be by oar and every-
one going should be at the
tentrbh by 2.30.
After the meeting lunch was
served by Mrs, Emily Elliott,
Murray Crioh, Cameron Prod=
for and Mrs. Rooeareond 'Garrett.
Pink and white gladioli with
ferns and white candelabra
formed the setting in Union
United Church, for the marri-
age of Patricia Jean Rathwell
and Robert Allan Mann, who
exchanged vows before Rev,
Arthur Jackson, Atwood, on
Saturday, August 12.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Rothwell,
RR 2, Brussels and the bride-
groom, who is joining the
CDCI staff, this fall, is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mann,
RR 1, West Monkton,
Mrs, Leslie Lake played the
organ, and Mr, Robert Smith,
Hanover, cousin of the bride-
groom sang, His selections were
"The Wedding Prayer" and "0
Promise Me".
The bride wore a white full
length gown of organza and
chantilly Tate over taffeta and
net. The bodice of the dress
featured vertical lace motifs
in 'a floral design andthe
scoop neckline and short set in
sleeves, with mits to match,
were .edged with .a cut out lace
rose motif, The same motif en-
circled the fitted waistline and
the full bouffant skirt which
was worn over a crinoline. Her
fingertip veil of bridal illusion,
adorned with lace sequined flor-
ets, was held by a tiara of se-
quins, seed pearls and rhine-
stones. She carried a cascade
of pink roses and white carnal
Miss Mary Mitchell, RR 1,
Listowel, was maid of honour,
Mrs. Harold Roberts, Listowel,
sister of the bridegroom, was
bridesmaid, and Miss Linda Mc-
Lean, Port Hope, cousin of the
bride, was the junior brides-
They wore identical ballerina
length gowns of silk organza in
lilac shade, fashioned with fit-
ted bodice, portrait neckline,
shirred brief sleeves with mat-
ching gloves. The front of their
gowns featured full length shir-
red panels, and the full boa -
font skirts were worm over Say-
ers of tulle and taffeta. Scallop-
ed mohair crowns enhanced
with pearls and face veils com-
pleted their costumes. They
carried cascades of white and
yellow 'mums.
Mr. Wiliam Mann, RR 1,
Monkton, was his brother's best
man, while Mr. Douglas Rath -
well, RR 2, Brussels, brother
of the bride, and Mr. Harold
Roberts, Listowel, were ushers.
At the reception held in the
Cranbrook Community Centre
the bride's mother received in
a two piece pink ensemble of
pure silk with white accessor-
ies. The bridegroom's mother
chose a blue dress of silk or-
ganza over taffeta with pink
A cablegram from Spain was
received from two university
classmates, Charles Black and
Bob Johnston, who are present-
ly touring the continent.
For a wedding trip to Quebec
and eastern United States, the
bride changed to a two piece
suit of pink linen with white
accessories and a corsage of
white ponzpbins.
The young couple will reside
in Clinton where Mr. Mann is
on the staff of the Clinton Dis-
trict Collegiate Institute,
The bridegroom is a graduate
of the University of Western
Ontario and the Ontario College
of Education, Toronto.
— o
CWL Lays Plans
For Rectory Tea
Mrs. Arnold Dale, president
of the Catholic Women's Lea-
gue of St. Joseph's Church, Cl-
inton, presided for the August
meeting in the parish hall on
August 8. Plans were discussed
for the third annual rectory
tea, scheduled for Wednesday,
September 27 with Mrs. David
Kay and Mrs. C. Trott as con-
The annual bazaar is slated
to be held in the parish hall
on October 28. A letter of ap-
preciation was received from
Mrs. Roy for allowing her the
opportunity of seeing Sgt.
Burns slides on the Congo.
Appointed to the visiting
committee were Mrs. Parker,
Mrs. Varga and Mrs. Earl Rey-
nolds and to the social com-
mittee, Lucy Levi, Florence Ev.,
ons and Mrs. Feeney.
Mrs. Mac LeBeau was the
winner of the mystery prize.
The meeting closed with the
League prayer alter which Mrs.
Varga showed slides of the par-
ish picnic held on July 23.
K. C. Cooke,
Dial HU 240121f Clinton
Family Security
(20 -year reducing -Convertible
terra insurance)
ANNUAL PREMIUMS , ... 111,23
Age 30 $59.95 Age 40 ...... ,
Age 35 79.1 0 Age 4S 17323
OCCIDENTAL LIPS "Terri) insurance on the
Best Terrtis"�
"Mbre Poacb of Mind.
We C. Poster Per Prer'nium Ofooliar'
92 Huron St, II:., Exeter Phone 317
Thor 1i.4, Au
V, 1961
lin on News*Record—+-Paso 7
Phone HU 2-3443
Contributions Always Welcome
Barbara Symons spent two
weeks recently at Camp Mabee
at Coburg.
Miss Ruth Ann Lewis, Lon,
don visited last week with Miss
Elaine Brown, 201. Albert St-
reet, Clinton.
Miss Mary Silcoel , Ottawa,
visited last week with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Silcock,
40 Joseph Street,
Misses Marion and Shirley
Docking, Staffa are visiting
with their grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs. Bert Lobb, Holmes -
Wile this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper
and Mrs. Mary Maleolm, Mit-
chell, were Sunday visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton,
120 Frederick Street.
Mrs, Wilmer McManus, Wind-
sor, spent the past two weeks
holidaying with her parents,.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. "Cap" Cook,
in Clinton, and also visited in
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trewar-
tha and family, Cardinal, East-
ern Ontario, have been holiday-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Trewarttiha and mother Mrs. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill
and family have returned from
a motor trip to Belleville, King-
ston and Cornwall and a week
at the family Damp at Five
Oaks, Paris, Ont.
Miss Patricia Gorman, a high
school teacher from Liverpool,
England, is visiting with her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
James Corrin and family, Hu-
ron Street, Clinton.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. M. T. Corless, were Miss
Jean Morrison, Guelph; Mrs.
Nona Wilson, Detroit; Mrs.
Harry Pelletier, Toronto; Nor-
man Vans Dyke, Richmond Hill.
Mrs. John MacKinnon and
Miss Frances Hawkins, Hamil-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. John Dennie,
Dundas, visited Mrs. W. T.
Hawkins and all spent a week
on Manitoulin Island and Sud-
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill
and family spent part of their
vacation on a tour of the Sea-
way. Mrs. Ira Merrill accomp-
anied them to Belleville where
she visited relatives,
Visitors, at the home of Mr.
The Clinton Women's linens
tide will meet on Thursday,
August 24 in Clinton Commun-
ity Park at 2.30 p.m. The local
grandmothers will be entertain-
ed. Programme is in. the charge
of Mrs. L. Cummings, S. Mood-
ie, N. Tyndal, E. Trick, W.
Ross. Hostesses are members
of the social committee.
end Mrs. Howard Currie, 103
Joseph. Street over the weekend
were Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth
Currie, Walkerton; Mrs,. .Jean
Cairns, Seaforth and Mrs, Hugh
McLachlan, ]i gnaondville,
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Perdue included
Mr. and Mrs, Alan Moon,
Laura. and John 1V1aon, Inger-
soil; Mrs. Don Perdue, Donald
Jr., Michael and Kevin Perdue,
Fort Henry ')eights, Ontario.
Mr: and Mrs. Ernie Huller,
Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
ter Huller and two children,
Whitby, visited last week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Oliver and Lynne Shipley, 172
Isaac Street, Clinton,
Miss Dianne Elizabeth Sel-
ker, Seattle, Wash., is the guest
of Miss Betty Jo Deeves, Miss
Selker is now a sophomiore at
Garfield. High School in Seat-
tle. A few years ago she lived
in Clinton with her grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Max-
well, on Joseph Street,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas H.
Colquhoun and son Tom, visit-
ed last week with Mr. Colqu-
hour's brother-in-law and sis-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. George Hep-
burn and family in Toronto.
The Hepburn family had visited
the week before with the lady's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. W.
During the News -Record
holidays last week, publisher
A. Laurie Colquhoun, and edi-
tor Miss Wilma Dinnin, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin and
son Billy, Zurich, at their is-
land cottage off Bayfield Warf
in Georgian Bay District, and
with Mr. and Mrs. George Hep..
burn in Toronto.
Miss Linda Jervis left by
plane on Sunday, August 13,
from London via Edmonton,
Alberta, to her position at the
United Church Missionary Hos-
pital at Bonnyvdlle, about 30
miles from RCAF Station Cold
Lake. Miss Jervis has gradu-
ated as a certified Nursing As-
sistant following a one year
course at St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal, Brantford.
Last week Mr. and Mrs. John
E. Cunninglhame and family of
Syracuse, N.Y., recently of Col -
pay's Bay, paid a farewell visit
to the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordan Cunnirighame at
their lakeside home in Bay-
field before leaving, on: a. trip
to Europe. During their ab-
sence Master Craig, their
small son, will remain with his
grandparents in Bayfield; Miss
Kip will visit her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson in God-
erich and little Misses Kristin
and Karen will be with their
aunt, Mrs. William Telford in
Owen Sound.
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Flower Show
Sponsored by
Clinton Cititensr Horticultural Society
Afternoon and Evening
2:30 to 9:30