HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-08-17, Page 5Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING LIONEL THORNTON ANP H1$ Casa Royal Orchestra EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVERY WEDNESDAY JIVE NIGHT with "THE STRATO-TONES" The Editor, The News -Record, Ont. Dear Si': Captain Peterson has inform- ed us of the sueeess of the Red Shield Appeal. in Goderich and district. We, therefore, write to ex- press to you the warm thanks of Salvation Amy Headquart- ers for your newspaper's' en- dersaition and support, which helped to bring the Appeal to successful co clu conclusion', With kind regards and all good wishes, Yours sincerely, L. Bursey Lieut. -Colonel National Campaign Pireetor August 2, 1961. ATTENTION C.D.C.I. STUDENTS Complete book lists are now available at the school office. All text books will be on sale at the school from August 24 to September 1 between the hours of 9:30 - 11:30 and 1:30 - 3:30. NOTE; Typing will NQT be offered in Grade 12 of the General Course as previously announced, BUY EARLY AND AVOID THE TAX Support Your Students' Council 33-4b fN?ix.:?::'is Then Bring Them To Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners Ltd. for that just -like -new appearance. PROMPT PICK-UP AND .DELIVERY SERVICE THIS WEEK iS 1416 LUCKY NUMBER Check Your Calendar. if the numbers match take the calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. Campbell -Keyes In Varna United Chureh the wedding took puce July 29 of Jessie Jean Keyes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock Keyes of Varna, and George Douglas Campbell, London, son of Mrs. W, Mueller and the late S. M. Campbell, London, Rev. W, C, Smith officiated, The bride given in marriage by her father wore a floor - length gown of nylon net and lace over satin and appliqued insets trimmed the skirt, Neck- line and fitted bodice with lily - point sleeves were trimmed with sequins and pearls, a half- moon alfmoon tiara of seed pearls held her silk illusion veil. She car- ried a gardenia and vwhite Bib- le. The bridesmaid was Miss Laura Jefferson, London. She wore ice blue organza over taffeta, waltz length and car- ried carnations. The flower girls were nieces of the bride, Sandra Keyes, Point Edward; laatrieie Malloch, Baden. Their costumes were matehing gowns of pink and yellow silk over taffeta with lace trim and matching head bands. They carried nose gays of sweefpeas and baby's breath. Groomsman was William Hig- gins, London, Ushers were Wil- liam Dick and George Keyes. The organist was Mrs, Robert Stirling, RR 3, Clinton. Solo- ist, the brid'e's aunt, Mrs. E. A, Keyes, Varna wore a cor- sage of Queen Elizabeth roses. She sang "Co Perfect Love" and "The Wedding Prayer". The bride's mother wore a blue and white flowered silk dress with pink accessories: and a corsage of pink carnations. The wedding breakfast took place in the church parlour, which was decorated with sweet peas and baby's breath. The 'honeymoon was spent in Northern Ontario. The bride travelled in a green linen dress with white accessories. On their return they will reside in Lon- don. Guests at the wedding were from Sarnia, London, Windsor, Toronto, Stratford, Seaforth, Science Hill and Bayfield, New Minister at Hensall Church (Hensall Correspondent) Rev. D. Ross MacDonald an- swering a call to Henson Pres- byterian Church arrived there Saturday, August 5. Mrs. Mac- Donald (nee Nancy Seaton) is a graduate nurse of Brockville General Hospital. They have two children, Ruth Anne, 21/2 years old and David Allan 13 months. After completing high school Mr. MacDonald attended Pro- vincial Normal College in Truro, N.S. and taught school for three years. He graduated in Arts (B.A.) from Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. and in Theology from Presbyterian College, Montreal. He was min- ister of St. David's Presbyter- ian Church, Springhill, N.S. since 1958 and was there dur- ing the mine disaster in which 75 men were killed. Mr. MacDonald will spend a week or two in Brockville at his wife's home. On September 8 the Huron -Maitland Presby- tery will induct Mr. MacDon- ald into Carmel Presbyterian Church. He will begin his ser- vices on September 10. Summer PYREX Sale 4 and 6 Cup Sizes PYREX COFFEE PERCOLATORS 4 CUP Reg. Price $4.75 MID-SUMMER I1 Es P CES $349 6 CUP Reg, Price $5,95 MID -SUMMER -- $469 SALE PRICE CASSEROLE With Cradle Warmer Reg, Price $7.95 MID -SUMMER $6.75 ALE PRICE ,.-.- 4 -Piece Pyrex MIXING BOWL Set Reg, Price $7.95 S EP ES.01)./U R SUTTERP. a Quality Hardware and Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies Clinton H1 2X7O2 Posted to Ottawa FLIGIT LIEUTENANT C. A. McLAREN Padre Charles McLaren has been posted to RCAF Station Upland's, Ontario, effective August 4. F/L McLaren re- ceived his Bachelor of Amts degree from Queen's Theolog- ical College, Kingston, Ont, and before enlisting in the RCAF he served as the min- ister at churches in Toronto, Weston, and Wolfe Island. During the Second World War, F/ LMcLaren served as chaplain in the RCAF and re-enlisted in July 1951. Prior to coming to RCAF Station Clinton (where he spent the last four years) he was sta- tioned at St. Johns, Quebec, At Clinton, F/L McLaren gained many friends through his friendly and congenial manner. He was a member of Muton Lions Club and president of the Clinton Min- isterial Association, He is well known throughout the entire area for his work with local welfare and civic groups. Charles will be sincerely mis- sed as he willingly gave much of his time to organizing children's a n d 'teenager's events. (RCAF Photo) a BLUE WATER HIGHWAY (By Mrs. F. Wallis) (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner and family, Kitchener spent the long weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred War- ner. Master Terry Warner stayed for an extended holiday with his grandparents. Silver Birch Cabins A wiener roast and sing song was held at Hazelwood's Cabins last Friday for departing gu- ests. About 35 adults and 20 children attended. Music was supplied with guitar and piano accordian, harmonica and tam- bourine by camp talent. New guests arriving this week were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sim and family from St. Th- omas for one week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nesbit, Corunna; Mrs. Ben White, Miss Carole White. London; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfe and mother of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brandeau, daughter Sharon; Mr. and Mrs, Goodwin and ch- ildren; Mr. and Mrs. Jagger, RCAF Stouffville and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith, all for one week. Mrs, G, M. Paul and young daughter, Galt, decided to ex- tend c -tend their stay for another week. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cor- bett and four children from Fergus are here for one week. Staying for shorter periods are L. G. Bradley and fam- ily, Guelph; Mr, and Mrs. Roan and son, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Height, Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Willy Dietz and daughter, Niagara Falls; Earl Barton and family Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. Carl Pfleuver and children and the lady's mother, Toronto. Overnight guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hewey, Ham- ilton; Henry Boering and fam- ily, Chatham; Mr. and Mrs, John May, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. B. Reinniwicit, Tor- onto; Albert Geffory and fam- ily, Tillsonburg; C. Kolhberger and party, Brantford; A. J. Deacon and family, Port Cred- it; Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Bell, Damp Borden; Mr, and Mrs. Alex Rae, Guelph; Louis -Pan- loff, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krnaebel, Toronto; L, G. Bradley and party, Scar- boro. Lane O'Pines Beach Mrs. George Woods spent a few days at her cottage en route to St. Thomas from there she and Mrs. Roy Millar will travel for the week to Peter's Lake in the Algonquin Park Area for this week. Miss Mary Ann Thomas, Chatham is spending a few days with her grandparent's, Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dun- bar, Lambeth, are spending August at their cottage at this beach, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brodie, .Ron and Nancy, Lambeth, sp- ent Monday with the lady's p arein't,s, Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wang, Miss Cathryn, Wallis spent the weekend in Port Hunan and Algomae, Mich, HOLMESVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb Sp- ent several days Mk week with their daughter and son-in-1aW, Mr. and Mrs, I-10ward Pym, ETiznvilte. SCRATCH PADS At News.ltecord NEWS OF BRUC[FIELD Gorresppndent: MRS, FI, BgRRY Phones: Oiinton HfJ- 2,7572; .Seaforth 641412 Mrs. Alice Ham is visiting her son in Chatham.. Mrs, E. Forest visited last week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. Sellers, Wellesley.. Visitors with Miss Margaret McQueen are Mrs, Russell Ford Stratford and Miss K, payne, Landon. Miss Mary Swan has gone on a motor trip through North- ern Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kov- acs, Sandra and Canals Martin, Port Colborne spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Shower at Exeter For Miss Jarrott (Illensali Correspondent) Mrs. Lloyd Jones and Mrs. Almer Passmore, Exeter, were hostesses at a miscelleanous sh- ower at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Jones, Exeter, an August 4 to honor Miss Ruth Jarrobt, bride - elect of Saturday, August. 19, Many friend's and relatives spent a pleasant evening, Con- tests conducted by Mrs. Em- mery Fiahner and a poem read by Mrs. Bill Triebner was very interesting. The address was read by Mrs. Rimer Passmore. Useful and lovely gifts were presented by Linda Jones, Janice and Brenda Hoist, and Darlene Passmore, and Ruth Ann made a suitable reply while a dainty lunch was served familiar songs were pl- ayed by a relative, Mrs. E. Palmer. Hensall family Tours Canada On Holidays (Ifensall Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle, Bob and Ann, returned home early in August after a four and a half weeks motor trip through the West. They left home June 29 and drove through the States as far as Glacier National Parts where they spent three days and then on up to Calgary, sp- ending four days taking in the Calgary Stampede, touring the city 'and visiting relatives. They saw the parade and chuck wagon races the opening day of the Stampede. Banff was their next stop, then on to Lake Louise and Field, B,C. They returned to Lake Louise and drove from there to Jasper. On their way to Jasper they stopped at the famous Columbia Ice Fields, They spent three days in Ed- monton and two in Brandon, load' -toured' these cities and also went through Regina, Sas- katoon, Winnipeg and on to Fort William and Port Arthur. From there they drove ar- ound the Northern shore of Lake Superior and Sault Ste. Marie, then went on to Espan- ola and down into Manitoulin Island where they spent three days at Little Current, touring the island and fishing. They crossed over to Tobermory by boat from South Baymouth. They had visited relatives in Pincher Creek, Calgary, Edrnon- ton and Vermillion in Alberta, also an aunt and two cousins in Brandon and an aunt and several cousins and their fam- ilies in Pilot Mound and Snow- flake in Manitoba. It was the first time Mr. and Mrs. Mickle had ever been west and report a marvellous' trip, beautiful scenery and excellent highways nearly all the way. 0 British Mortgage Open Office In Hanover A new branch office of Brit- ish Mortgage and Trust Comp- alnCy was opened this week in Hanover, Ontario. Located in the Schlegel block, this office will provide temporary quart- ers until the new British Mort- gage building is erected one half -block west of the Post Of- fice. Pians for this building are in progress, and it is expected that tender's will be called for early in September. A full range of financial turd trust services will be available, including mortgage loans on first-class residential, commerc- ial and farm properties; trust and agency services, estate pl- anning; British Moritgage and' Trust retirement saving plan; Guaranteed Investment Certif- icates and a savings depart- ment. Founded in 1877, British Mortgage has assets of over $47,000,000, with paid-up capi. tal of $1,058,400, and general reserves of $1,700,000. Shead Office of British Mortgage is located in Stratford. A branch office will also be opened shortly in Listowel. In opening the Ranover ai`- fife, Wilfriid P. Gregory, Q.C., executive vice-president t and managing director, said that the branch would enable the Company to provide better ser- vices to the rapidly increasing number of British Mtsrtgage erzstarners in the, Grey -Bruce area, "We look forward", Mr. Gregory said, 'rto serving the people in that arca and tl tak- hiattr patio in the connnuirity Snelling. Church service for the next two Sundays will be held in Brucefield, with the Kipper congregation coming here. Sun- day school is at 10 a,rn, with church at 11 am. The Rev, E. J. Rolston, Exeter, will pr- each, Silver Wedding Qn Saturday, August 12 St- uart Boyce and his sisters Misses Ellen and Melva enter- tained their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Boyce to a dinner in honour of their 25th wedding anniversary, The setting was at the Tiger Dunlop Inn, Gorier- ich. The head table was dee- orated by a three -tiered cake Bayfield Visitor Helped wild Harmsworth Boat (Bayfield Correspondent) Mx. and Mrs. Ben Saulrtier who moved this summer from Lunen to Acton are at their little summer camp just north of the bridge which they lease from Alf Scotchmer, Mrs. Saulnier injured her back the day they moved to Acton and has been in bed ever since. They were delighted when she got permission from the doctor to come to "El Rancho Notso Grande" away from the annoying odors of the tannery in Acton. At their camp here Mr, Saulnier has constructed an old trailer into a cabin, arranged cedar boughs to give things a rustic appearance, a corral fox the dog, etc, in keeping with the name. They were quite disturbed on Monday evening, August 7 when their transistor radio failed to give them a full des- cription of the finals in the Harmsworth Trophy race in the Bay of Quinrte, Mr. Saulnier is employed by a pipe organ firm of Luean, but he has a special interest in the winning boat, "Miss Supentest III" since he helped to build her in 1958-59. Work- men were Bob Baker and Geo- rge Ross Construction, super- vised by Bob Hayward. She is equipped with a 2000 H.P. Rolls-Royce Griffin motor and a 13 inch propeller. Maximum speed is 170 m.p.h. 0 Spring is Here? Wisteria Once Again in Bloom (Bayfield Correspondent) Mare signs of spring in this topsy turvey old world! Mrs. Fred Fraser reports that a Wis- teria bloomed again about two weeks ago in her garden. Despite the fall like weather a pair of cedar wax wings worked diligently to undo some cord fastening a rambler to a trellis, six feet from a bedroom window at "The Hut", early in August. They did manage to ravel the stout_ cord more than a robin who gave up the struggle after vain attempts in the sp- ring. But in the end the cedar wax wings settled for some strips of bark off a cedar pole for their nest. Could it be that we are due to have summer weather in the fall? Thurs., Aug, 17, l961----Chnfan News-Reeor4'Page 5 made and deeo:ated by Mrs. Leonard Boyce, The master of ceremonies was Leonard Boyce assisted by Grant Snell, Mrs. Barry Lang - maid and Miss Beth Whetstone. The bride .and groom. of 25 years were the recipients of giiCS o sliver. Among the honoured gueslts was the groom's mother, Mzs. James Boyce, Goderieh. Other guests were present from Cl- inton, Dungannon, Toronto, Caml'achie, Londesboro, and Windsor. QPENINC MONDAY, AUGUST 2 I , 1961 !firhe Pixie" Beauty Satan. 68 Albert Street -- Clinton Phone HU 2.939Q. "Tinting a Specialty" OPENING SPECIAL FOR 1 WEEK PERMS -Reg. $ 15.00 for $8.00 (Virgin or Tinted Hair) SHAMPOO and SET with a Conditioner Treatment -- $1,25 SPECIAL PERMS FOR STUDENTS --- before returning to school --- $6.50 FREE DRAWS will be made on SATURDAY, AUG. 26 lst-FREE PERM 2nd --SHAMPOO and SET 3rd -FACIAL and MAKE UP 4th-RESDAN or SCALP TREATMENT Trouble Finding Us ? _last use this Map Big Savings Other Bargains This Weekend 6 QUART BASKETS BEETS 35c POTATOES 45c CARROTS 50c Large CUCUMBERS 50c YELLOW BEANS 50c TOMATOES CORN 50c doz. CABBAGE 15c COOKING ONIONS 2 for 15c CARROTS 2 bunches 15c CUCUMBERS ....5c SUMMER SQUASH .... 10c SWEET GREEN PEPPERS 5c CUT FLOWERS --'Mums Dahlias - Zinnias and Glads CLINTON MARKET GARDEN 182 Church Street JOHN STEELE SMiTH, Proprietor Phone HU 2-7168 14* New &s? Finance yours with a low-cost life -insured loan Jami y Finance Plan HOUSE OF BARGAINS LTD. FFP26R CLINTON, ONTARIO ACROSS FROM BANK OF MONTREAL SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE. PHONE HU 2-7735 LADIES' SKIRTS Reg. $2,98 Sale Price $1.98 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Short Sleeve Reg. 1.98 to 2.49 -Sale 1.49 MEN'S NYLON SOCKS Reg. 75e ---Sale 590 -2 pair $1.15 Viscose with Cotton Socks Nylon Reinforced.. Subs 490 pair - 2 for 95c We Carry ..; BOYS' HUSKY CORDED JEANS ATI Sizes Priced $3.98 BOYS' CORDED JEANS Reg. $2,98 -- Sale $2,75 and Subs at. $2.49 priced $5.75 'tb $7,95 GIRLS' DRESSES Reg, 3.98 to 4.98 Sate $3,09 - $4.09 NYLON DRESSES Reg. 36.95 --. Sale $5.95 WABASSO SHEETS 72x100 or 81X100 Reg, $5,95 Sale $4.95 WABASSO PiLLOW SLIPS Reg. $1.25 •-- Sale $7,09 MEN'S RUBBER ROOTS Reg. $4.25 Sale $3.49 MEN'S WORK SHOES and MEN'S DRESS LOAFERS LADIES' DRESSES ALL SIZES GREATLY REDUCED LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES Reg. $2.98 --- Sale $1.99 LADIES' BULKY KNIT CARDIGANS 100% ORLON Priced from $4.50 to $7.95 LADIES' CAR COATS Length Reg. $15.95 - Sale $8.95 Ladies' Dusters and All- Weather 'Coats Reg. $1$.90 --- Sale $12.90 Ladies' Seam -Free NYLONS First Quality Microtrle5h Reg. 98e Sale 69c 2 pair $7.35 COME AND CHECK OUR SPECIAL TABLES ---Values 98c -$1.98 ---To dear 25c -69a COWIt IN AND BR0WSt AriOut4b - NO OBLIGATION