HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-08-03, Page 9LAKEVIEW CASINO. GRAND BEND DANCING 0 0 0 LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra Every Friday, Saturday Midnite Dance This Week-end Jive Night Every Wednesday BUDDY CARLTON and the "Strata-Tones" SPECIAL 0 O 0 Wednesday, Aug. 9 Teen Sensational! Bobby Curtola CANADA'S OWN SINGING STAR TARTAN RECORD "Hand in Hand With You" "Ever Near You" 17 years old--and he "sends them!' with "THE COUNT VICTORS" Laurie Recording Stars also BUDDY CARLTON and the "Strata-Tones" 9 12:30 Admission: $1.25 1957 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR, very clean, excellent condition Only $795.00 1955 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, automatic transmission, low mileage, one-owner car Only $895.00 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN, automatic transmission, sharp car! Only $595.00 J. & T. Murphy Ltd. Huron Street Clinton if 1, Quick Sale ON FARM EQUIPMENT On the lot of Stewart Johnston's at Blyth, the following: 1—MILDMAY THRESHER, nearly new, shredder, 28 inch cylinder. 10 ft. Self-propelled M-fl, COMBINE, with new motor M-H CLIPPER COMBINE, 6 ft. JOHN DEERE TRACTOR, Model A-R, with power take off. M-H 101 JUNIOR TRACTOR. M-H TRACTOR 81. 3—Used 2-furrow PLOWS. 7 ft. TANDEM DISC. 1960 FORD TRUCK, like new. 1956 PLYMOUTH COACH. Phone or See LLOYD WALDEN BLYTH 35-6 TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED 30-1b Thurs,, August 3, 1961 Clinton News-Rogord Page 9 relatives and old acquarntances. in the village, Mr. and Mrs, R. A Funge and family of the parsonage motored tom. Montreal on Mon- day morning to spend their vac- ation with the letter's Aunts, Miss Georgina McDonald, Who 'spent the past two weeks here returned to her home with them. Lyon Reunion The Lyon family reunion was- held at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Bert, Lyon on the 13th Concession of Hullett on Sun- day. About .0 relatives attend- ed from Chatham, Dresden, Tharnesville, Exeter, Goderich Township and Manitoba. Announcement I have leased the SUNOCO S ERVICE STATION at 192 Huron Street from RCM Scott Ltd. ( former- ly operated by Ray Hoggarth). Holland Tire Service will con.. tinkle to provide the accustomed good service on Princess Street East. There will be no change in the opera- tion of that business. Just phone HU 2-9559. —Wes Holland 31-b Clinton Lions Club SUMMER CARNIVAL MAIN STREET Wednesday, Aug., 16 CLINTON COMMUNITY CONCERT BAND BAND CONCERT beginning at 7 p.m. CARNIVAL GAMES and CASH BINGO PONY RIDES REFRESHMENTS SPECIAL TREATS FOR THE CHILDREN — Bigger And Better Than Ever , .... [DRAW for 14 BIG (ASH PRIZES Tickets: 25c each or 5 for $1.00 from Lions Club Members e Proceeds for Lions Welfare Work in Clinton & Community Appreciation Prizes at Wes Holland has purchased my service station business effective Aug. 1, 1961. and I wish him all the success and hap- piness that 1 have enjoyed during the past two years and two months. Free Cokes This Weekend Ray's Sunoco Station To show my appreciation for the busi- ness that I have had in the past I am providing several prizes for customers: FIRST—Transistor Radio SECOND 100 Gallons Gasoline, 10 prizes of 10 gallons each. THIRD-50 feet Garden Hose. DRAW TICKETS WITH EVERY $2.00 SALE OF GASOLINE DRAW TO Be MADE SATURDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 12, 1961 at the former Ray's Sunoco Station 192 HURON STREET —CLINTON” 41111111111111111•1111111 Air lemossimmessimiximisto. We're looking forward to serving you 1, FILL UP. AT SUNOCO'S NEW MIRACLE CUSTOM OLPIPING PUMP Is pleased to announce that Wes Holland is now lessee of Ray's Sunoco Service Sta- tion on Huron Street. Stop in soon and sample our friendly, courteous service and top-quality BLUE SUNOCO PRODUCTS. From gasolines to grease jobs . . . from tires to tune-ups ... you get the best of everything for modern motoring at Holland's. 4,44) • • Jack Stanley, licensed Class A Mechanic, will will continue working with the new lessee. • • Expert service all the time. • • To both old customers and new, we extend a friendly invitation to stop by and visit us soon. — Wes Holland for the finest in gasoline values — COME IN, and SEE! th Y; •ii've.P045i0..,:g • 7 Holland's Sunoco Station 192 HURON STREET — CLINTON Highway 8 Phone HU 2-6661 Miss Brigetta Sehlichting is , week, Mr, and Mrs. Warren, visiting With friends in '<itch- Frank, Bobby, Potty and Billie, ener this week, Detroit: Mr. and. Mrs, Melvin Miss Carol Canter, Port Elgin visited last week with Miss Nancy Anderson, Mr, and Mrs, C. Clubb, Lon- don, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Scott, Mr., and Mrs. Grant McDon- ald are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown and family. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Eve, Leaside, visited last week with Mrs. Herbert (vier, Miss Mary Asquith, Cooks- ville, visited with her mother, Mrs. Charles Asquith. Dr. Helen Marsh, New York, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ryan and family, London visited last Sun- day Wirth Mrs. Charles Straugh- an, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Tall and' family, Hamilton visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.• Fred Toll. Masters Keith and Erie Scott are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Aitcheson, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gillen, Highland Grove and Mrs. Walt- er MacLennan and Susan, Gu- elph visited last Saturday with Mtss Margaret R. Jackson. Miss Sadie Carter, Mrs. Nel- son Hill accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill, London to Tob- errnory for a few days last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Arthur and their four sons, John, Ron, Wayne and Philip are holiday- ing at Mud Lake near Orillia for 'two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Mun- ro left Marlton by air for Cal- gary where they will visit with Mr. Glen Youngblut and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- Dowell and Mr, arid Mrs. Alva McDowell, Westfield returned last weekend after a holiday spent in Northern. Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk- cannell and Diane attended the funeral of his cousin, Rob- ert Douglas, 'at Gorrie last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Knee- shaw, IVIeaford visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Powell and family and Miss• Rose Marie Haggitt. Recent visitors with Mrs. Ar- thur Grange and family were Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Singh, London, Benson Walters and Frank Walters, Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shep- pard, David, Brian and Denise, Sarnia, visited' with Miss Laura Phillips. and other friends in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Robert- son, Douglas and Karen, Copper Cliff, are visiting with Mr. •and Mrs. William Straughan and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. William Medd, Goderich, and Mrs, William Ferguson, Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson. and Murray Rollinson. Revent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Houston were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Armstrong, Detroit and William S. Weig- and, Doudman, Wisconsin, Mrs. Caroline Seers, Mitchell, is visiting with her son, Fred Seers and John, .and Mr. and Mrs. William Seers, Gail and Faye. Miss' Bonnie Jardin, Wing- ham, is visiting with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Straugh an. Mrs. Herbert Mogridge re- turned home last Snday after a few weeks visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gormerly Thompsen, Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies have had •as guests during the past Hunter, Lambeth; Mr. and Mrs. Colin Berry and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Jenkins and family, all of Belmont, and Mrs, John Hunter and daughter Jean, London. The annual picnic of Knox Presbyterian Church and St, AnckeW's, Blyth, was held at Blyth Friday evening of last week. The supper was ser- ved in the Sunday School room of the church. Races and con- tests were in charge of the Rev. D, J, Lane assisted by Sunday school teachers of both Auburn and Blyth, Mrs. j A. Slaughter Friends of 'the late Mrs. Jos- eph A, Slaughter were shacked to hear last week of her sud- den death at her home in Lon- don. She was the former Marj- orie Walden, the daughter of Jesse Walden who lived here with his brother, Percy Walden until recently. She was in her 56th year and besides, her fath- er she is survived by one son and two daughters; and her brother, Clarence, Seaforth and a sister, Mrs. Cecil (Edna) Lockman, London. Friends and relatives from this community attended the funeral last week in London, Cemetery Meeting Due to the resignation of Robert Arthur, chairman of Ball's Cemetery Board, a plot- holder's meeting was held in the Orange Hall on Thursday evening of last week. Trustee Frank Raithby was chairman for the meeting and Mrs, Gor- don R. Taylor was •secretary. William Wagner was named the new trustee to replace Rob- ert Arthur who had served for four years. Norman McDowell was appointed the chairman. The Board reported that un- der the cemetery act the Board has transferred their bonds to the Stirling Trust Corporation. The interest of these bonds will be used for the maintenance of the church and the cemetery ground's. Robert Turner is the superintendent and Mrs. Gor- don Taylor is the secretary- treasurer. Hope Memorial The memorial service was held last Sunday afternoon at Hope Chapel cemetery, Hullett Township with Rev. D. J. Lane, P.D., officiating. Service of song was Jed by Mrs Robert J. Phillips• who accompanied on the harp. There was 'a choir or ladies from the district. Dr. Lane chose for his text, "We will remember them", and a moment of silence was ob- served to honour departed fr- iends. The graves were beauti- fully decorated with flowers and special mention was made for the boys who had made the supreme sacrifice and these graves were decorated with small flags. The service was planned by the members of the cemetery board: William Hunting, chair- man; James Raberton, Fred Pickett, Harvey Flunking, Har- ry Webster and Henry Hunk- ing, secretary-treasurer. Bible School The closing program of the 1961 Daily Vacation Bible School wag held last Sunday evening with a large attend- ance of parents and friends in Knox United Church with the Baptist Church student minist- er, Craig Peters presiding. Miss Bernice McDougall was at the piano. Rev. R. Meally of St. Mark's Anglican Church assist- ed'. Groups with their leaders supplied the program of verses and songs' they had learned during the school. The offering was received by four senior girls', Margaret. Sanderson, Laura Daer, Carole Brown and Marjorie Youngblut, The evening program was concluded with a pantomine on the story of the Good Samari- tan with Margaret Sanderson commentator, and the group singing "How Great Thou Art" with Laura Daer taking the solo part. Carole Brown ac- companied on the piano for this group. Induct Minister Knox United Church, Auburn was filled to capacity last Fri- da yevening when Rev. C. E. Lewis, B.A„ B,D., was inducted into the Auburn Charge of Knox United, Westfield and Donny- brook churches. The induction service was conducted by Rev. H. A. Johnston, Brucefiel& as- sisted by the Rev. C. G. Park, Clinton, who addressed t h e minister .and the congregation During this impressive serv- ice Elliott Lapp sang "Beside Still Waters", accompanied by the church organist, Miss Mar- go Grange. Norman McDowell, recording secretary fir the charge escort- ed Mr. Lewis to the front and he was inducted into his first Charge. At the conclusion of the service, William Straughan Bert Thompson and Alvin Mc- Dowell, representing elders of the three churches introduced the members to their new min- ister. Following the service a ree- ePtion• took place in the Sunday School room of the church wh- ere the ladies of the WA serv- ed a delicious lunch, Words of Welcome were given by John Purloin representing the past- oral coimnitteel Lyle Smith, for the Y.P,S.. Mrs, James Leddy for 'the WIVIS and WA of Dort. nybrook. Greetings were also brought front 1nok Presbyterian Chur- ch by the Rev, Dr. ID, J. Lane arid St, Mark's Anglican Chur- ch by Rev. R Meally, The Baptist minister, Craig Peters was unable to be present. RV,- and Mrs, Lewis and daughter Catherine have taken up residence its the Auburn manse, Mr, and Mrs. George Scofield, Detroit visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen, Mrs. Robert Watson and Miss Viola Stafford spent Tuesday wi th Mrs, Maud 'Leming and Mrs. Mary Mowbray, Walton. Ben Lyon, who has been vis- iting relatives here, left on Monday to return to his home Huron County Farming Report (By D. H. Miles, agricultural representative , for Huron County) Continued rain is still hamp- ering farm operations, Some wheat has been combined and some •spring grain has been cut and stooked. Pastures are good and milk production is holding up very well. Corn has been making excellent growth des- pite •cold nights. VARNA Don Taylor is spending this week with his uncle and. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bishop and Jacqueline at their cottage at Geneva Park on Lake Cou- chiching. in Binscairet, Manitoba, There ,will only be one -church service during the. month of August. On, August 20 the Bible Society speaker will fill the pulpit. Miss Viola Stafford, St. Marys. visited over the week., end with Mr, and Mrs, Robert Watson also spending a few days in Goderich with her aunt, Mrs. Hoy and several cousins. Mr. and Mrs. James Walker and their two sons of London, and Mr, Walker, Sr., Dundas, visited with Me, and Mrs, Rob- ert Watson on Thursday af- ternoon. Mr, and Mrs. George Paisley, Chernain, B,C., formerly Mrs. George McCall, have been vis- iting during the past week with ASSOCIATED PAINTERS PAINTING DECORATING SIGN-PAINTING COMMERCIAL ART Phone HU 2-7261 or HU 24041 21p-tfb News of Londesboro Corrosnorident .4X4.4.kW phone Blytb. A'.