HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-08-03, Page 4Page 4--Ciintgn News,-Record-Thurs., August 3, 1961 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM, 4 room apart- ment, unfurnished, heated. AP - ply McEwan's Store. 28tfh SELF-CONTAINED apartment for rent, unfurnished. Phone HU 2-9928. 28tfb FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. Apply 93 Huron Street, Clinton, 23-4p-tfb 2 APARTMENTS — One bed- room, unfurnished; one bed- room, furnished, Apply .Ceriel VanDamme, HU 2-6685, 29tfb APARTMENT FURNISHED and heated with large frig, all conveniences, immediate pos- session. 73 East Street, phone HU 2-9536. 30tfb ONE 4 -ROOM apartment, gas Treated and furnished; also one apartment, unfurnished, one bedroom. Phone HU 2-9928. 3ltfb 3 ROOM APARTMENT, furn- ished or unfurnished, available now. Apply Jack Elliott, 105 Rattenbury Street, Clinton, HU 2-9332. 30-1b UNFURNISHED — 3 -ROOM heated apartment, private bath, Centrally Tocated. Available now. Call HU 2-9498 after 5.30 week days or all day Saturday. 29-p-tfb LARGE AND MODERN TWO bedroom apartment, use of laundry room equipped with washer and dryer. Available August 15. Apply Old School of Commerce or phone HU 2- 9227. 29tfb APARTMENT, heated and fur- nished, 4 rooms, livingroom, kit- chen downstairs; bedroom and bath up. Separate entrance. Apply in person, evenings and weekends, Mrs. Marion. L. See- ley, 110 Huron Street, Clinton. 30p -31b A'ITH.ACTIVE 2 - bedroom ap- artment, large living room, kit- chen with eating area, 'bath- ro'om, large closet space. Use of laundry room equipped with washer and dryer. Apply Mac- kay Apt., 201 King Street, Apt. 1. or phone HU 2-9227. 3ltfb UNFURNISHED 2 - bedroom apartment, newly re -wired, pri- vate bath, modern kitchen, heavy duty range if desired, central location. Apply Mrs. P. Atkinson, RR 9, London, or phone London GL 5-2298. 31db ACCOMMODATION WANTED UNFURNISHED house wanted by .adults, in Clinton. Box 283, • Clinton News -Record. 30-1p TWO BEDROOM apartment, furnished, wanted .by August 31 or before. Apply Box 312, Clin- ton News.Record. 31b TWO BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, duplex or ground floor for two adults, possession August 15. Phone HU 2-7502. 31b ARTICLES FOR SALE ALUMINUM DOORS and Win- dows. Don C. Colquhoun, RR 5, Clinton. Dial HU 2-3297. 1-tfb EGG -GRADING EQUIPMENT for sale. Grader, candler, six - case electric cooler, scales, Chore Time washer; also sev- eral wooden cases. J. W. Van- Egmond, RR 1, Clinton. 29tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE Carefree Heating — Champion Fuel Gil, Phone HU 2-9411, A. G, Grigg and Son. 38tfb CHESTERFIELD and two ch- airs; 2 Wilton rugs 74 x 9'; 3 pair drapes. Phone HU 2-3488. 31p UPRIGHT PIANO in good play- ing condition. Must be sold im- mediately. First $50 takes it. Phone Bayfield 74 r 4, 31p WEDDING DRESS, floor length, size 14, complete with headdress, veil and hoop, price $50. Write to Box 31,0, Clinton News -Record. 31b KITTEN SWEATERS, Koret cotton knit ensembles. Aljean fine wool ladies wear. Benmil- ler blankets. Bayfield Woollen Shop. 28tfb USED two-piece school desks, could easily be converted to children's furniture, for outdoor use. Contact William Riehl, property chairman, Clinton Public School Board, phone HU 2-9001, .after 6 p.m. 31b ELECTROLUX Canada Limited Sales &. Service CLEANERS and POLISHERS Phone HU 2-9119 or 7302 Reconditioned Electrolux $24.50 to $44.50 3],tfb SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an evening appointment. HU 2- 9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53-tfb LARGE BABY CRIB, with mat- tress, cheap. Can be seen at 62 Orange Street. 31b 20 FT. CABIN TRAILER, Ing- lis Shults, $800. Ken Morris, RR 4, Goderich, phone Carlow 2909. 31p CLEARANCE SALE of foot- wear and drygoods will be con- ducted in store at 55 Albert Street, opposite News -Record Opening date August 17. The Clifford Lobb Store. 31-b AGAIN THIS YEAR outside white paint, $2.99 a gallon. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Bruce - field, phone HU 2-3232, open evenings till 9 p.m. 18tfb NOTICE APPLIANCE SALE IN HENSALL We have purchased the stock of FRIGIDAIRE Ap- pliances from SNELGROVE ELECTRIC in Exeter, who have given up their Fran- chise. We are clearing these units out at prices that are so good we are not permitted to print them. Come in and see the complete line: Wash- ers - Dryers - Ranges - Re- frigerators. The prices will surprise you. Buy now and BEAT THE TAX. All units fully guaranteed and deliver- ed, Terms available. Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL Ontario Bakery Specia FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEK -END - s Our Friday Special FROM OUR STORE ONLY BANANA LAYER CAKE Reg. 49c Special FRUIT BAR COOKIES Reg. 3Oc doz, Special 24c doz. Our Saturday Special FROM OUR STORE ONLY CINNAMON PECAN LOAF Reg, 35c Special 29c each STRAWBERRY CHIFFON PIE Reg, 55c ...., Special 4gc each ♦����.wr�i���i��,r'�iY�i�itti�'�Y�I��i�i� 'ice', +'��i Bartliffs Bakery ICU 2.9127 Limited CLINTON akery and Rast0ur'oint ARTICLES FOR SALE COMPLETELY FURNISHED 52' x 10' mobile home, 3 months old, 6' x 12' extended living- room. Will accept small .down payment or good fgrnituxe, take over payments, $1,000 re- duction, RCAF Clinton, Trail- er Park, 27p-28tfb Al TOPSOIL delivery Saturdays L. G. WINTER REAL ESTATE Phone HU 2-6692 23-tfb CLOTHES DRYERS Beat the Sales Tax effective September 1 CHOOSE FROM INGLIS - RCA WHIRLPOOL DOMINION - PHILCO and THOR Open each evening till 9 p.m. T. A. Dutton APPLIANCES Brucefield -- HU 2-3232 NURSERY STOCK EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES and SMALL FRUITS Cedar Gardens R.R. 2, Brussels Phone Brussels 466 J 5 located 1% miles north of Walton 31-2-4p VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb REFRIGERATION Equipment: Used welkin box, 6'x8'x6' with the unit and blower coil instal- led, price $,450; 8' frozen food case, price $350; 10' meat case; 6' meat case with unit, price $275; Tyler store equipment; Scotchnban ice cube machines and flaking machines; Domestic Refrigerators, $159 and up, Across -the -top freezers, Five- year warranty. BRUCE RE- FRIGERATION, Box 178, Grand Bend, phone 224. 29-tfb FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r2 29 to 39p tfb TYPEWRITER, portable. Im- ported Optima. 88 character keyboard, silent carriage re- turn, solid construction, keyset tabulator. Only $89.95. Clinton News -Record, 56 Albert Street. Clinton. 15tfb 1961 CUSTOM WASHER Big Washer Performance at LOW COST • Durability • Fiil Skirt • g lb. Capacity • Automatic Pump • Safety Wringer The ingliS Custom Washer with RERCULES Mechanism (guaranteed for 5 years), is your answer to efficient washing at ait 50 oozy oatprice 51 z7 Sutter -Perdue Ltd. Quality hardware & I-lousewares Eleetriea1 Appliances & Supplies CLINTON HU 24023 ARTICLES FOR SALE BABY BUGGY, Thistle, yellow - white, in good condition, 60 Walker Street, Phone HU 2- 9777, 31b 4 -MONTH-OLD Detroiter Span- o wide mobile home, 10 x 51. Completely furnished in Early American, Owner must sell, $1,500.00 reduGtior, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton Trailer Park, 31tfb 2 SINGLE STEEL BEDS; RCA Victor TV; 15 cu. ft. upright freezer; kitchen cup- board; Brownie uniform, size 10; 2 budgies and cages; space heater; oval wood heater; 4 - burner electric stove, Phone HU 2-9138. 31p BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION for room- ers, breakfast nptional, Phone HU 2-6664. 31b AUTOS FOR SALE 1952 CHEVROLET; two -door coach, motor in excellent condi- tion, body fair. Phone HU 2- 3355, call after 7 pm. 31b 1956 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, light blue, dark blue leather interior. No rust. Very clean. $695. Phone HU 2-9647. 31b CUSTOM WORK AIR COMPRESSOR EQUIP- ment with jack hammer, mud spade and drill. Floor sanding, Cala Doucette builder. Phone HU 2-3348, CHAIN SAWING. Mel Reid, phone Bayfield 56 r 2. 30-1p FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2- 9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2tfb DIAMONDS CLEANED and checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb MINOR REPAIRS in plaster- ing, cement work, painting. Contact John East, 59 Walker Street. 30-1p ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS in- stalled, estimates gladly given. Back -Hoe work on excavations, drains, trenches, etc. Phone Henry Young, 63 North Street, HU 2-9496. 29-tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used, all work guaranteed, wrote or ph- one Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus- sels, phone 442w 6 Brussels. 10-35p MOTORS AND PORTABLE POWER TOOLS REWOUND and repaired. Parts for all pop- ular makes, single or three phase. Reasonable prices, Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street. Phone HU 2-6640. 35tfb GAS & ELECTRIC WELDING —general repair—mower kniv- es sharpened and sections re- placed — ornamental railings. John R. Hamilton, 293 Albert Street, Clinton. 25tfb KITCHENER UPHOLS'1'rttY— Expert re - upholstering, re- finishing and repairing of all types of furniture. Full range of materials. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Call Groves Electric, HU 2-9414, Clinton 8 tfb HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS FOR FULL TIME employment. Apply in person to Bartliffs Bakery Limited, Clin- ton. 31b GIRLS WANTED for full time employment, Apply in person Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners Ltd. 31b GIRL WANTED as cashier and grocery store work. Full time employment. Apply H. F. Swan Supermarket, Victoria Street, Clinton. 31p HOUSEKEEPER (about 35 to 45 years) for widower in rural home. Good cook required. Write to Box No. 30, Clinton News -Record. 30-1-2p ATTENTION! Do you have an Avon Representative calling on you? If you don't perhaps it is an open territory, which could offer you a good earning opportunity. If you would like to sell AVON, please write, Mrs. E. Bell, 84B Albert St., Waterloo. 28and3lb Classified Rates For Sale, etc,, Cards of Thanks, in Memortams, Engagements, 3o a word; Minimum 150. REPEATS - 2o a word; Minimum 50o. CASH' DISCOUNTS-- Va Off If pald by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE-, 100 added en second bill. FREE -- Births, Marriages, Death% DEADLINE-.. 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday DIAL. HU 2.344$ EMPLOYMENT WANTED EKPEFlIENCED bookkeeper typist requires full or part - titre position immediately. Re- ply to Box No. 312, .Clinton News -Record, 31.p HELP WANTED MALE GARDENER to work pne day weekly, trinxm.ing shrubs, etc. Must have car. Clinton HU 2- 3841, 3l -2-.4p WANTED — Man for steady travel among Consumers in Huron County. Permanent con- nection With large manufactur- er. Only reliable hustler con- sidered. Write today, Raw- leigh's, Dept. H-169-131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 31b MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store, 20tfb WELL DRILLING --Don't put it off any longer . , . do it now! Efficient service and experience. Durham Drillers, Box 299, Dur- ham, Ont., phone collect 6-R-5, Allan Park. 28tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured --don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re stringing. W. N. Counter. 20-tfb Do -It -Yourself RENT These Machines ✓ Floor Polisher ✓ Floor Sander and Edger ✓ Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum ✓ Hand Electric Sander ✓ Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb LOST AND FOUND FOUND—HEREFORD STEER between 700 to 800 lbs., on right side marks No. XI, own- er may claim same by iden- tifying and paying expenses. George Greydanus, HU 2-3335. 31b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 17to2Lp ttb REAL ESTATE SPECIAL SIZE LOT for sale, 100 ft. frontage, spacious and private. Phone HU 2-9768. 29tfb BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu -Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan, Phone HU 2- 6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. 23tfb TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- vice, 32 Wellington St., Strat- ford. For all airlines, steam- ships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaids arranged for relatives visiting from over- seas, Call 271-5710. 31b Notice To Creditors in the Estate of MARGARET ROSAMOND SNOWDEN, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, spinster, deceased. All persons claiming against the above estate are required to forward full particulars to the undersigned .by the 17th day of August, 1961, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY, DONNELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate Notice To Creditors and Others In the Estate of MARKUS FEINGOLD, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Markus Feingold, late of the Town of Clinttln, in the County of Huron, Storekeeper, Who died on or about the 21st day of April, 1960 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under signed on or before the 18th day of August, 1961, after which date the estate Will be distribut- ed With regard to only the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notite and the under- signed Will not be liable to any person of Whose claim it shall not then have notice, DATED at Toronto this 14th day of July, 1981. By Cohen, Carr, Case And Fine, Barristers and Solicitors, 138 Richmend. Street,West, Toronto 1, Ontario. 2940.1•b BIRTHS BAKER In Clinton Pnblle Hospital on Friday, July 28, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker, Hensall, a daughter. COLEMAN—In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, July 30, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs.. Wil- liam Coleman, Kipper, a son, JOHNSON -- In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, JuJy 27, 1961, to Flight Sergeant and Mrs. James Johnson, RCAF Station Clinton, a son, MERNER -- In 'Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, July 31, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Merrier, RR 3, Clinton, " a daughter. PARK—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Sunday, July 30, 1961, to Sergeant and Mrs, J. A. Park, Seaforth, a daughter. MARRIAGES DIEHL-COOK — In Ontario Street United Church, Clin- ton, on Saturday, July 29, 1961, Sharon Louise, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Clinton, to Donald John Diehl, son of Mr, and Mrs, John Diehl, Mitchell. CHANGED DATE ;FOR ONTARIO ST. WDM PICNIC Th e Woman's Missionary Society of Ontario Street Unit- ed Church will meet on Tues- day afternoon, August 15 at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. Willis Van. Egmond. Members of the Woman's Association are invit- ed as guests of this meeting, There will be a picnic luneh, Please take your own dishes and cutlery, also your awn folding chairs. Those wishing transportation contact Mrs. Ray Fear or Mrs. Milton! Wilste. IN MEMORIAM KING — In fond and loving memory of a dear husband and father, Harold K, King, who passed away, August 6, 1959; "Two years have passed since that sad day. When one we loved was called away. God called him home, it was his will, But in our hearts he lived' still." Always remembered by his wife Louise, Harold, Marie and Timmie. 31-b ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE 1949 FORD TRACTOR, in good condition, reasonable. Ph- one HU 2-7428. 31b 200 HY-LINE started pullets, 20 weeks old; and 800, 16 weeks old. Bruce Roy, Londesboro, phone Blyth 28 R 6. 31p BARN TIMBER, joists, roof stripping, sheeting, etc., at saw- mill, Staffa, phone Dublin 11 r 3. 26 -7 -8 -9 -30 -lb CASE A6 COMBINE, in good condition, engine driven, pick- up and scour kleen,' Apply Bill Kyle, Kippen. 31b eREE HAY — 12 acres, front level field near Varna for cut- ting and removing soon. Phone collect mornings, London, GE 2-7633, 30-1-2b JOHN DEERE E COMBINE, en- gine drive. In good working order. Don Bruinsma, RR 1, Bayfield, phone JA 4-8033, Goderich. 30-1p 6 FT. MASSEY-HARRIS Clip- per combine, in good condition, new canvas, driven by Wiscon- sin engine. Phone HU 2-3306. 30-1-b 6 FT. CASE COMBINE with motor and clover attachment; 8 ft. Case binder, power driven, suitable for swathing. Phone Roy Scotchrner, 58 r 24, Bay- field. 31b FORD BEAN PULL1!:kt; also one Eventide 1% hp outboard motor; and soft coal stoker, All in good condition, priced for quick sale, J. P. Johnston, Varna. Phone HU 2-9863 on weekend. 30x -1-2b GEORGE WHITE 15" mouth cutting box and one McCormick Deering corn binder with load- er. Just the outfit for anyone putting corn in themselves. Could easily pay for itself in one year, Jonathan Hugill, ph - ane HU 2-9822. 31-2b ALLIS CFLALMERS TRACTOR with 13 x 26" tires on rear, 16.50x16 on front, in running order. Price $150. One Allis Chalmers round baler, in good order, $400; Half -ton bulk mix- ing feed bin with auger, like new cost new $200, priced $85; 2 sets of 12 roll away hen nests, cost new $78, priced $26 pr. Jonathan Hugill, phone HU 2- 9822. 31-2b LIVE STOCK FOR SALE DUAL PURPOSE Shorthorn bull, 15 months, from accredit- ed herd, blood tested and on R.O.P. Apply Filmer Chappel, Cromarty, Ont. Phone 44R12 Dublin: 30-1b REGISTERED Holstein cow, WCBA Stock, fresh two weeks; bull calf, two weeks old from above cow, artificial breeding, suitable for herd sire; grade Holstein cow, bred Holstein by WCBA, due July 28; brindle eow fresh four Weeks With Polled Shorthorn calf, would sell with or without calf, priced to sell. E. L. Bender, phone Hensall 699 r 12. 31p Clinton Community Auction Sates EVERY FRIDAY at $00 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager tittAt lVfeNAlit, Auctioneer W. C(JLQUHOUN, Clerkk, CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM COMBINING and. Swathing. Lyle Montgomery, HU 2-7231. 29-30-1-p CUSTOM COMBINING. SeIf- propelled 1,2 -foot combine, new. Apply to Gordon Jewell and Sons, phone 30-r-4 Carlow. 29-30-1-p WANTED WANTED TO BUY, Massey - Harris 8 ft. No. 4 Binder. Ph- one 91 r 8, Zurich. 31p WANTED — Live Turkeys, and hens. Top prices guaranteed. In Varna and Zu- rich district contact Mervyn Hayter, East Huron Produce, Brussels. 46-tfb WANTED — Farms with milk contracts, have buyers waiting. John Bosveld, Realtor, 40 Wel- lesley Street, Goderich, phone JA 4-8762. . Salesman C. Bur- uma, Clinton, phone HU 2-3287: 30 -lb SERVICES Whitewashing Barns and Poultry Houses cleaned, disinfected and white- washed. Carbola sprayed if desired. For prices phone J, M. Baeker, 95 coIiect or Box 138 Brussels. 30-40b ATTENTION FARMERS! Call promptly. $1.00 per 100 lbs. paid for dead or dis- abled animals 500 lbs. or over, according to condition. All other stock picked up free of charge. Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 66 C 61. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 863W1, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 19tfb ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE pays $1.00 per 100 pounds plus Bonus for dead, old or disabled horses or cattle. Please phone promptly to At- wood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) or Atwood 356-2622 collect. Seven day service. Lic- ense No. 103061. 20tfb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service $1.00 per 100 lbs. Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs, More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses according to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels PHONE 133 24 HOUR SERVICE LICENCE No. 88-C-61, 54-R.P.-61 l3tfb CARDS OF THANKS I would like to express sin- cere thanks for .cards, flowers and visits while in hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and Dr, Thompson, nurses and staff, —MRS, HAROLD EAST. 31p Mr. and Mrs. Bert Giiddon, Peter Ryan and family wish to sinoerely thank their friends and neighbours for kindness and sympathy shown us in our recent sad bereavement. 31b Our sincere thanks to all who remembered our daughter Pat- ti -Lynn while a patient in Clin- ton hospital; also the staff, special nurse Mrs. Hugh Ball and Dr. Oakes; and friends who helped in various ways. —MR. AND MRS. BERT GREER..31b President Fred Arkeli, and the Parade Committee, Walt Pearson, Mac McFaddin, and Adam Flowers, wish to thank all those who either helped, or participated in the Lions Club Parade at Bayfield, July 26, and made it such a success. No matter how hard a committee works, if they do not have the help of the people and com- munity, it is not often a suc- cess, Our only ,regret is that we did not allow enough funds for prizes, to cover the tremen- dous response to our request for costumes, floats, and dec- orated bicycles. However, this is one thing we can improve on next year, when we hope to be back with a bigger and better parade than ever. Again thank- ing one and all. —THE BAY- kT LD LIONS CLUB. 31b ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ball. of Clinton, Ontario, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Edna Mae to Mr. Lloyd George Pfaff, son of Mr. George Pfaff, London, and the late Mrs. Pfaff. The wedding will take place in September. 31p Mr. and Mrs. Alex Strat- ton, Winnipeg announce the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Margaret Joyce Louise to William Charles Morrison, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrison, Clinton. The wed- ding to . take place at Sit. Andrew's Chapel, Winnipeg on Saturday, August 12, 1961. 31p Mr. and. Mrs. Jake Red- er, RR 1, Bayfield, Ontario wish to announce the en- gagement of their oldest daughter, Janet Ileen to Francis Murray McEwan son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank MeEwan, Clinton, Ontario, the wedding to take place in St 'Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, Ontario, September 2, 1961. 31x Mr. and Mrs. George Granger announce the en- gagement of their younger daughter, Ann Marie, to Mr, John David Herbert, younger son of Mrs. F. H. Herbert (nee Elsie Hib- bert), 3907 Blenkensop Rd., Victoria, B.C., and the late F. H. Herbert. The wedding will take place in Knox United Church, Vancouv- er, on August 19 at 2.30, The Rev. E. A. Whitehouse officiating. The reception will be held at the new Faculty club rooms at U.B.C. The young couple will live in Vancouver where Mr. Herbert will complete his studies at U.B.C. 31b Classified Ads Bring Quick Results ON MEN'S SUMMER APPAREL Special Rack of Seasonal Summer Merchandise Sport Shirts, T -Shirts, Hats, Barbecue Sets, Boys' White Shirts, Swim Suits Our Price $1.95 per item. BANLON short sleeve PANTS 28 to 36 waist Reg. to $9.95 Reduced to clear $5.95 & $695 from $5.00 up Picket & Campbell Limited Main Street -- Clinton Phone HU 2.9732