HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-07-27, Page 11News of I.ondesboro 00rlce0pondent: -- MR$, Awn' 'tumor (hone 8tyth 3/14, 5 Miss Gwen Fowuer, x ondeS- bcro has joined the staff of the Royal Bank, London!, Mrs. Mabel Soft is spending a week in, Niagara Falls with her son and family, James McCool lies been in Toronto for the past week with his brother, Wellington, Ma's. Alan Shaddick and Miss Ruth Shaddick are way to 'the East Coast !afor their vacation, Little Ricky Dalrymple, Eg* mondville spent a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt. Mrs, Ruth Myers, Simcoe and Mists jean Richards, Sirncoe, spent Sunday with Mrs, Jennie Lyon. Mrs, E, G. Zinn and Mrs. Warren Zinn and Dianne vis- ited Mr, end Mrs. E. Gaunt Sunday evening. Little Joan Howatt is spend- ing a week with her grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt, Miss Georgina McDonald, Montreal, is visiting with her niece and family, Mrs. H. A. Runge of the parsonage. Miss Margaret Morrow, Owen Sound, and Kenneth Gaunt, Lions Mead, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gaunt, Robert Shaddick went to Ch- ac'ago with. the Dodds family when they returned' Thome last Friday, Miss Ann Fahs.ervice, Detroit is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rdb- ert p'airsei vice, Miss Carol. Bloor, London sp- ent last week holidaying. with Miss Eonnie Kennedy, Lan'd'es- bar o. Mrs. Lily Webster spent the weekend with her nephews; the .Webster brothers at their cot- tage on the lake, Mrs. $temler and daughter, Pilot Mound, Man., are visiting at present. with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Sbobbrook and other rel- ative$. Mrs. Thomas Fairservice is spending a week with her dau- ghter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Willison Bagaent near Inger- solL Flight Lieutenant and Mrs. Glen Robinson, Layne and Don - Quick Sale ON FARM EQUIPMENT On the lot of Stewart Johnston's .at Blyth, the following: 1---MILDMAY THRESHER, nearly new, shredder, 28 inch cylinder. 10 ft. Self-propelled M -H COMBINE, with new motor M -H CLIPPER COMBINE, 6 ft. JOHN DEERE TRACTOR, Model A -R, with power take off. M -H 101 JUNIOR TRACTOR, M -H TRACTOR 81. 3—Used 2 -furrow PLOWS. 7 ft. TANDEM DISC. 1960 FORD TRUCK, like new. 1956 PLYMOUTH COACH. Phone or See LLOYD WALDEN BLYTH 35-6 TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED 30-1b 23Sludoo our' ger 46 41.'1')• 23 Weilich Tricycles Sizes 12 - 16 and 20 inch if'n your Young -un is Need'n a New -un Just Skeedaddle down to Our Store and Pick Up One of these Beauties. At 15% Discount LIMITED TIME OFFER AUTO SUPPLY C404.,0. 670taru'e Huron County Forming Report (8y Tl. H• 1V111et1/2 agricuitupti representative ler Miran County) Thundershowers crud heavy rain are severely hannperingg faxen operations, Some haying still remiss to be dome. A. large nu umber of wheat and sp- ring grain fields are flat and will have to be combined direct one way'. The flattening of grain will likely reduce yields, Some wheat will be cult at the end of this week or early next week. old, Mont Apica, (Ruebec, are on vacation and visiting with their parents, Mr, and Mrs.. Emerson Resit. The August meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at 8 .p.m. August 2. An im- portant •feature .of the program will be an address on swhxinri,ing instruction, tips on •safety ,ar- ound the water anid a demon- stration, of artificial respiration by two Lady instructors. BRUCEFIELD tMrs, H. F. Berry, Correspondent, Phone '1U 2-7572) Mrs. Gus Voth, 'Detroit, spent Saturday with her aunt, Mrs. M. Vaire. Mrs. Alice HohneT visited in Exeter with her sister, M. William Smith for a few .clays. Mrs, AIfred Ings left on Sun- day to visit with her niece at Granton for a week. Mrs, Max Tully, Pelterboro, is visiting with her listens, Mrs. Gregor McGregor and Mrs. Charles Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and son, Prescott, visited with their sonl-in-law and daughter, Fly- ing Officer and Mrs. Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson and ,family are spending their holidays with the lady's mother Mrs. G. Graham, Mrs. William Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. L. Eyre were on a motor !trip through northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Batt, Slt- ouffville, spent the weekend with relatives and visited Mrs. Ball's mother, Mrs. McGowan in the 'Clinton Hospital. Mrs,. W. L. Smith, Seattle, is visiting with her sister-iniaw Mrs. H. Berry and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Munn and family, Richard, Karen, Mar- garet and Julia, Kitchener, holi- dayed on Sunday with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Dinnin, and enjoyed a picnic at Clan Gregor Square, Bayfield and swimming in Lake Huron south of the village. - o MIDDLETON Mr. and Mrs. Graham holi- dayed the previous week at Arran Lake, Muskoka. Master. Eric _Gahwier spent his four day leave -from Ipper- wash Cadet Camp with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gahw.iler. The Rev. and Mas. John Gra- ham, Wallacetown, spent last weekend! with Mr. a n d Mrs. Sttewart Middleton .and attend- ed the Shakespearean Festival play "Love's Labours Lost" on Monday evening. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton was the scene of a happy family gathering on Sunday, July 23. A picnic supper was served on the :lawn' with 19 children and 17 adults present. Mr. and Mrs. Andre v Grind- iay and dauf^.hiter Carol, Los Angeles, California, were the only members of their family unable to attend. Miss Agnes Middleton, God- erich and Mr. Richard Esdale, Noranda, were .among those present. Following supper, the youngest generation! presented their or- iginal playlet"Animal Circus" complete with large posters, which was most entertaining. The players were Misses Nancy and 1Vlarnie Middleton; Claire and Jean Mullen; mas- ters Robbie, Tommy and Danny Campbell; Dennis Middleton, Jim and Paul Middleton and David Counter. Gingerich`s Frigidaire News "Why Not Beat The Sales Tax, Buy Now" —GEORGE RUMBALL SPECIAL DEALS ON •FRIGIDAiRE WE NEED APPLIANCES DURING JULY and AUGUST TRADE-INS GEORGE RUMBALL has been appeInted as our Salesman in the Clinton area. PHONE HIM AT HU 27059 rk+ ZURICH-, Sales and Service Ltd. e 39„ SiAi00.TM, Phone 585 Kippen Man New District Lodge Head New officers for Huron District No. 8, IOOF, were installed at Hensall, with members of Brucefield Lodge tendering a reception afterward for their new District Deputy Grand Master, William Caldwell, Kippen, a member of Bruce - field Lodge. From the left above are Charles Hutcheson, London, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ontario; Gerald McFalls, Exeter, who was instal- ling nstarling marshal); Allan Campbell, Seaforth, new District Deputy Grand Warden; Bill Taylor, Brucefield, new District Secretary; R. K. Williamson, London, Past _ Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Ontario, who was installing officer; and William Caldwell, incoming District Deputy. (Hensall Observer Photo) Meredith Young is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital fol- lowing a heart attack last Wed- nesday. Many friends here wish him speedy recoverey. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finnigan and Mrs. Donald Fowler enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phil- lips, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura Phil- lips, on Friday evening when a lovely chicken dinner was enjoyed on the occasion of Mrs. Finnigan's birthday and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston's 25th anniversary. Gifts were pres- ented and a very enjoyable social time marked these two occasions. Sliver anniversary Tiger Dunlop Inn was the pl- ace chosen for a 25th Annivers- ary Dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Johnston, Auburn, on Sunday, July 23. Immediate relatives were present and the guests were presented with on electric grill and a cuckoo clock. The wedding cake on -a ham- mered aluminum server was the gift of Mr. and Mrs, For- dyce . Clark and family. Beauti- ful flowers were received from many friends, as well as gifts of silver and beautiful cards. WI Children's Day Annual children's day was observed by the Auburn Wo- men's Institute when they met far their July meeting in the Orange Hall. The president, Mrs, Ed. Davies welcomed the children and friends to the meeting and it was opened in the usual way. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt read the minutes and also gave the financial state- ment. Pictures of the sunshine banquet were distributed and on motion of Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor and Mrs. A. J. Phillips it was carried that a large pic- ture be purchased for the Tweedsmuir history book. Plans were made to visit Huronview on August 16 for the annual birthday party pro.- gram ro.gram and Lunch. Mrs. Davies and Mrs, Haggitt were appoint- ed to arrange this visit. The Auburn branch was ask- ed to bring a musical number to the 60th anniversary of West Huron District at Harbour Park, Goderich on August 3. Each member is requested to take a picnic lunch and bring her own cutlery. Mrs. Keith. Machan and Mrs. Ed. Davies were appointed leaders for the fall project, "Featuring Fruit". They will at- tend the leaders' training school on September 6 and 7. Mrs. George Millian reported for the hall committee and stat- ed that it was hoped to be ready to open around September 1. Mrs, Andrew Kirkconnell gave the report of -the card commit - Mrs. Keith Machan, convener of th program for the children presided: piano solo, Laura Daer; sword dance, Connie Young; piano solo, Keith Scott; Highland Fling, Gail Seers; solo, "How Great Thou Art", Nancy Anderson; piano solo, Carole Brown. Contest, six and under, birth- day nearest the date, Marie Plunkett; biggest band aid, Evelyn Haggitt; ten year and over, most embarrassing time the past year, Dianne Kirkcon- nel,1. Mrs. William Straughan was the winner of the bean guessing contest. Roll call was answered by donating a bowl to the kitchen of the new hall. The hostesses were Mrs. Keith Machan, Mrs. Gordon Dobie, Mrs. Leonard Archambault, Mrs. John Daer. Ladd Reunion (Auburn Correspondent) The Ladd reunion of the de- scendants of the late John and Elizabeth Ladd was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ladd at Blyth. Those attend- ing were Mr. and Mrs. George Lawlor, Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawlor, RR 5, Gode- rich; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ladd and Patty, Goderich; Mr. anld Mrs, Wiflliam Park, Valerie, Vickie, Stephen and Tommy, Mrs. Verna Culbert, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Park, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shultz, Brenda, Bon- nie and. Debby, all of Dungan- nonl and Torn H,ailani, Luck - now. The day began with dinner followed by games and contests, Winners were: nail -driving con- test, Mrs. Jack Ladd; wheel- barrow heeI- bar r ow race, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Park; birthday closest, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor; balloon on plate, Mrs. William Park; shortest thumb, Brenda Shultz; guessing marbles, Jimmy Law- lor; pie -eating contest, Tom Hallam; . clothes elimination, Mrs. Tam Lawlor, Patty Ladd. :Balloons, -.:and suckers were presented to all the children. Th was decided that the reunion next year will be held at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Tom Park, Dungannon. The after- noon ended with a picnic lunch. VARNA The services in the United Church will be withdrawn inert Sunday, July 30. Targe crowds of spectators watched the local ball games in the village and cheer the bays an to victory. Miss Ruth Barker, King City has returned home after spend- ing the past month alt the home orf her grandparents. Miss Joan McClymont is vis- iting relatives at King City and Tordrnto. Modern Bungalow Design Provides Convenient Living Accommodation 111111111111 111111111111 1 111 11111111 1111111,0111 r Qe. cel r r • ar,. •' t+ ms•&`. i.3 ." 4 IMMINIMMIONFONSII 011/.1. j 13,L The living and sleeping areas of this three-bedroom design by arch- itect Alan Hanna, of Winnipeg, are separated by a central core. Lighted by a cletestorey, the Bore consists Of the entrance hail. tuvb bath' Weans and the basement stairway. The targe living -dining area and the kitchen extend across the full width of the house. The kitchen has a convenient Work area as well as a dining Section. A private bath- -twin Is a feature of, the master bedroom whichalso has a large clothes closet and stotage shelves. The total. tioorarea is 1,221 squsre feet and the exterior dimensions are 36 feet, four Inches, by 33 feet, eight inches excluding the porches- Working . drawings for this house, known a5. Design 281, may be obtained from. Central Mortgage "#hair COrtsOrtttioit at nits- ittlUnt 001+ y ' L0/1144.004044 CtOOM ,s: c'. 24' r' HMI $TOR-� rarj.lsr�w cr CSL •. b 1!i sw /:M 4:4-.ker It'Kii Thursday, July 27,1961-- .Clinton Howe -Record -409e 11 Family Security $25000 LIFE INSURANCE. (20 -year reducing convertible term insurance) ANNUAL PREMIUMS Age"2:510,00 0$59,95 Age 40$111.23Age 79,10 Age 45 173.2$ OCCIDENTAL LIFE "Term insuranoe on the wv u/ Best Terms", WC.Foster `"More .Per PremiumPeace of DoMindllar" 92 Huron St. E., Exeter Phone 317 V, CORNING WARE Saucepan Set $11.95 COMPLETE Have everything you need to be a perfect hostess —convenience in the kitchen, beauty on the table FOR GRACIOUS LiVING . . FOR SHOWER AND WEDDING GIFTS .., • 3 Covered Sauce- • Interchangeable, 0 Gleaming brass. pans—. detachable handle plated cradle holds qt. sizes 32-48-56 oz. fits all Threat all threat Be a guest at your own dinners, glamorous buffet suppers —cook and serve in the same dish. Take from freezer to flame or heat ... New Corning Ware is guaranteed not to crack from quick temperature change. BUY NEW CORNING WARE TODAY FOR EASY LIVING -- GRACIOUS LIVING Sutter -Perdue Ltd. Quality Hardware and Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies PHONE HU 2-7023 CLINTON BUILDING and REMODELLING REFERENCE LiST • PAINTING and DECORATING D. A. Kay & Son FLOORS SANDED VENETIAN BLINDS PAINTS and WALLPAPERS Clinton -- Phone HU 2-9542 GRANT RATA PAINTER and DECORATOR Huron Street—Phone HU 2-7040 Clinton • BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Ball -Macaulay Ltd. Phone HUnter 2-9514 Full Range of Builders' Supplies COAL--LIME--CEMENT King Street, Clinton , J. W. Counter BUILDERS' SUPPLY "Everything for the Builder" Clinton -- Phone HU 2-9612 Fred J. Hudie BUILDERS' SUPPLY and Sawmill Where your building dollar goes farther CLINTON HU 2-6655 • GENERAL CONTRACTING M. McADAM Clinton --- Phone HU 2-7070 GENERAL CONTRACTING Industrial - Commercial Cement Work CALE DOUCETTE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floer Sanding Clinton -- Phone HU 2-3348 misowierienumesimioneiremeeetesameesimeelesser al• HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Irwin's LADIES" WEAR Draperies --- Curtains Blinds Curtain Reds — Drapery Traok E3' tiro tes roe -- Clinton Phone HU 2.6623 McEWAN'S 4`U WINDOW S$4A0k6 VENE"TiAN BLINDS trlinten *-'+ 'Phone HUJ d•9166 • PLASTERING CONTRACTOR Carman F. Garrow PLASTERING CONTRACTOR and General Repair Estimates Gladly Given 139 Queen Street, Clinton Phone HU 2-7008 • HEAT, LIGHT and PLUMBING Cities Service 011 Co. Ltd. Jack Scruton, Distributor HEATING FUELS • Clinton --- Phone HU 2-9653 Clinton Electric Shop For ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and WIRING Clinton -- Phone HU 2-6646 GINGERICH'S SALES and SERVICE Seaforth Zurich Phone 644W1 Phone 34 Etectricai and Gas Appliances Gas and Oil Heating, Plumbing Electrical Installation & Repairs Motor Rewinding A. F. Scotchmer ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Domestic Commercial industrial 8AYFIELD .-- Phone 16 Harry Williams HEATING FUELS White Rose Petroleum Products RFI 2, CLINTON Dial HU 2.6633 WISE PLUMING and HEATING marcid Wise, Prep. Clinton •--- Dial HU 2.7062 Plumbing -- Heating and Electrical Services • CONCRETE HENRY YOUNG CONTRACTOR Asphalt Driveways Bxeavating Cer"nsht Work and `rip Soli CLINTON -I. Phone HU 2.9496