HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-07-27, Page 1010,-clinton New;-11.card thurldoYf Ji4y 41,1861 Wonderful 'Garden Paths In Summer Farmer Led Down a Few, Too $ Of Kippto (Correspondent, MRS., N. LONG, Phone Hensait 274-W-1) HAVE YOUR CAR SAFE NOW! A SAFE CAR BELONGS AT THE TOP OF YOUR VACATION LIST! ONE- STOP SAFETY SERVICE When you check off your vacation list, be sure that a SAFE car is No. 1 on it. Let our expert mechanics give your car a thorough safety check Motor tune-up ... brakes . , . lights, etc. Wells Auto Electric ORIGINAL "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Phone HU 2-3851 KING STREET CLINTON moismfammoommisommm AUTO.LITE MUM lower your ...operating costs Esso Gasoline gives you maximum power, maximum work per dollar Here's a gasoline that meets the demands of tractor engines . . and gives quick starts, fast warm-up, power and economy; And for diesel poweredunits,EssoDicset Fuel has been proven over and over again to give peak performance, Harold M. Black HU 2-3873 • CLINTON ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST • Don't get soaked like two of our salesmen ! Our two Exeter salesmen, Lou Bailey and Bill Belling were caught by The Exeter Times-Advocate photographer shortly after their sail boat capsized on Lake Huron, But don't you get soaked by putting off your car purchase. See the Car King this week! The Car King Still Has 9 New Pontiacs 1 New Buick 1 New Tempest 2 New GMC's 3 New Vauxhalls 5 Demonstrators Pearson 4ices . '59 GMC FIrEETSIDE PICKUP SOLD NEW BY US, ONLY $1195 '58 FORD FAIRLANE Le ew $ i 695 CONVERTIOLE Every ik Acc N essory '50 DELUXE SEDAN 6 Complete with MAO. Only 18,000 1 575 oiriginel Miles. Owned by John Dunbar. '56 CADILLAC 62 SEDAN Driven only 84,000 miles by Mr. Ken MoOrogar, every possible accessary Al A LOW, LOW, LOW, P RICE tI ! t t ' ' ' ' ' 1 i wioui••••••., REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY FROM THE CAR KING DURING THE NEXT 30 BUSINESS DAYS! 1. 3% Sales Tax becomes effective September 1 Note: This tax is out of your pocket. It will not help your trade-in value. 2. 71/2% Federal Excise Tax has just been taken off 3. New cars will not be available until late fall 4. 1962 Models will be up in price and options a maximum of 3% 5. The Car King has the biggest stock of used Cars and Trucks in this part of Ontario. ALWAYS 100 TO CHOOSE FROM 6. See the prices listed at left. NO ONE CAN SELL YOU FOR LESS I Only 10% Down I PEARSON PHONE MOTORS LTD. TE G op 6 "H 08 EXETER HURO CA N COUNTY" PHONE 8 ZURICH OPEN EVERY NIGHT *TU. 9 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE UNTIL SEPT, I (By J. CARL MUMWAY) At this thrie of year "Garden Patil.4" are a thing of beauty, These of yon who have visited Niagara, Ottawa, or the garci ens at Hainilton will realize the thrill; of °Garden Paths", Many farm and flower gardens as well as *Urban homes Are Worthy of sub Speed-limit driv- Yet I4 doubt that any of these Can compare with the beautiful "Garden Paths" down which farmers have been lead period- imlly over the past several Vertical integration was one of these, lroller growers' Per- liaPS accepted this advice more readily than any other group. But 13, 14 or 15-cent broilers has shown that this path cap lead 'to a dead end. Then we were told that farms were too small and production too low and inefficient. We must correct all of these, Hog producers took the bait, and suffered' accordingly but they did smarten up quite quickly and their 'industry is again com- paratively satisfactory. Perhaps their organization can be given Hullett Couple Celebrates 50th Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams, formerly of Hulett Township, now residing on North Main Street, Searforth, observed their golden wedding day on Friday, July 21. A family dinner was. .served at five o'clock in the Orange Hall, Seaforth, followed by a reception in the evening, when more than 100 guests gathered. A feature of the ev- ening was an address to the couple by Dr. F. S. Harburn, Mr. and Mrs. Adams - were married in the then Seaforth Methodist Church (since Con- stance Church was undergoing repairs and was not available). The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. Ostehout, of the Lorideshoro 'circuit, Mrs, Adams is the former Margaret MacDonald', a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDonald, Staff a, While the bridegroom 'of fifty years ago is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. N. T, Adams; Hullett. Guests present for the anni- versary included' two who had attended the wedding, the bridegroom's brother, Thomas J,, Adams, Elgruondville, and Mrs. Herbert Henderson, Mit- chel. Other guests present were from Winnipeg, Stratford, Ex- eter, Clinton, Londesboro, Blyth and Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Adams have a family of two; Kelso, stationed at Stevenson Field RCAF Sta- tion, Winnipeg, and Don- elda, who is a teacher on the staff of ;the 3. A. McCurdy School, RCAF Station Central- ia. There are 'two grandchildren, Gerald and Michael. Mr and Mrs. Adams were active members of Constance United Church where Mr. Ad- ams served several years on the board of stewards. Mrs. Adams took a keen interest in the Sunday School, Woman's .Association and also was a life member of the WMS. Congratulations were receiv- ed from Governor-General Geo- rge P. Vanier 'and Mme. Van- ier, Premier Leslie Frost, Charles MacNaughton, MPP and Mrs. MaeNaughton, as well as friends and relatives. Mr. MacNaughton, presented Mr. and Mrs. Adams with a framed certificate, signed by the Prov- incial secretary and bearing the coat of 'ants for the Province of Ontario, and a Message of congratulations and best wish- es for good health and happi- ness. Rev, 3, C. Britton was chair- men for as short prograin. credit for this since they can and OP give detailed and accur- ate information on ra4r1W00,14. Inlarkettng$ gf their product Again, how often have we been told' that if only farmers would accept production con- trols their prices -would crease and all would be well? Of course the experts all agreed that this was impossible with farmers. But the Almighty has very effectively controlled pro- duction. With what results? According to the Louden Free Press of July 19, the OFA called as ,meetitng of experts to consider what it termed "a looming crisis" of increased Prices for farm _products, The recommendations were as follows; retain Ontario winter wheat for feed, (what happens next year if we force our ex- port customers to learn to get along Without our Ontario wheat?) ; ask the federal gov- ernMent to issue import per- mits for US grain; and all this for the purpose of preventing an increase in the price of cattle, 'hogs and poultry pro, ducts. The only redeeming feature, in the 'article is the statement that these recommendations are not official policy decisions of the OFA. Along side this article is 'a statement that the federal gov- ernment is making every effort to supply fodder to western livestock producers in order that the cattle' market will be depressed as little 'as possible. Just below this item is a headline "Massey-Ferguson To Cut Production". We can only conclude that this is being done to maintain prices, Perhaps a more practical "Garden Path" could be found in a statement made by one of our county beef producers when he said, "I think • I will only produce those products that are sold through marketing boards (wheat, beans and hogs)". The alternative of course, is that producers market all their pro- ducts. Blyth Man Is Killed In Car Accident Sunday Roland Vincent, 76, Blyth, was instantly killed Sunday night in a two-car collision, three miles north and one mile east of Blyth. His wife was seriously in- jured 'and five other persons were hurt in the Morris Town- ship crash. Mrs. Vincent received' a hip injury and is in Winghem Gen- eral Hospital. Other passengers in Mr. Vincent's car, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook, Blyth, and their ten-year-old .grandahild, Susan Wardley, Brantford, re- ceived injuries and were treat- ed at Wingham hospital. Driver of 'the other car was Mervyn McCauley, 48, Brussels', who received a knee injury. His wife, Dorothy, received facial ocuI Mgt /ppm! polio* Cont To-day. Kenneth H Sta01; Clinton, will appear pollee 'court at Gode.doh today, 3uly 27 to be 4011r*VO4. On 4 break and enter charge for which he was placed on 04:VP4c.10 .sentence lust August, Steep was Arrested after he had violated the terms of the suspended sentence. He was convicted on breaking, entering. _acid theft from. -linekins Bait House, August 1.7 last year, Lloyd Patrick .Keating, 18, RCAF Station Clinton, pleaded. guilty to theft of a car from • Pearson Motors Limited, at Zarieb,. JIttlY 16, and was placed on suspended sentence for two years, In assessing the penalty, an Goderich COttrt on July '20, magistrate Glen Hays remark- ed "Yon have a criminal record for the rest of your life," Cecil Pepper, 25, Hetsall. pleaded guilty to failing to give 'the right of way in an inter-section _collision in Goderich and was fined $20 and costs, or three days in jail. Mn, and Mrs. Grant Love, Cam, Mich., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride and other relatives. Miss Margaret MacKay, who has been a patent in St, Jo-seph's Hospital, London, is re-ported to be improving. Misses Marian and Cathy Ro- berts are spending the week with Rea Essery in Ridgetown. Mr. and Mrs, James Crosby and three children of St. Cath-arines, visited Ilast week with the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs, James Drummond, Brian returned With them for a vacation, Master James Roberts is vacationing with his grandmoth-er Mrs. K. Roberts in London. Mr, and Mrs. P. SProule, Seaforth, visited Saturday eve-ning with Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Mellis and on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bourke, Wroxe, ter. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long visit, ed the Rev, and Mrs. D. A, Mac-, Milian, Ilderton, on Wednesday afternoon. Kenneth and Grant Jones were successful in winning third prize for their vocal duet on the amateur show at Kirkton garden party on July U, There were 18 entrants in all. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McLel- lan end Jill, and Mr, and Mrs, N. Dickert visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Anson Wolfe, Melbourne, A bounteous picnic supper bO•d.,51104Yr on the lawn at the - tOree'ef VW, Harold Jones was gi00)Td by 30 membevs of the families of Mr.. and Mrs, Roy McBride end Mrs, Pearl Love, • Guests were present from Lon, don, Zurich and. V4414. Sunday evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harold !Tones • and boys included Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner and Blva, Credit-on gaoki Mrs. Albin Faw, sett, Brantford. Prof. George Swinton Prof. George Swinton of the University of Mani- toba's School of Art is the expert teacher on CBC- TV's summer series, Art in Action. Seen every Sun- day, the series is designed to show the nature, the scope and meaning of landscape painting, both tra- ditional and abstract. The Winnipeg artist, who studied in Vienna, paints and sculptures on camera, showing what art is and how it was changed over the centuries. cuts, Both are in satisfactory condition. Mr. Vincent was born in East Wavvanosh Township, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs, IVIerno Vincent. He was a member of Blyth United Church, and a di- rector of the -Myth Horticultur- al Society for many years. Surviving are two children, Ray Vincent, Blyth, and Mrs, Harvey (Doreen) McCallum., Elmira. RASPBERRIES Raspberries by the,Box or Crate available after July 20th. ORDERS TAKEN NOW MOORE POULTRY FARM—Seaforth Phone 600 r 31 28-tfla toliS"HOUSE OF lesv ADMIRAL' I 1