HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-07-27, Page 4go .4»« -Clinton News -Record -,-Thursday, July 27, 1961 Crick Reunion The ail Crich 'reunion was 1ze1d; in Harbour Park, Goderiolr on Wednesday, July 19 with. 103 present, Clifford Pepper, president, was in Cit, arge, Winners of races were: six and imd'er; girls, Jean Falconer, Jackie Brown; boys, Douglas Shelby, Bob Riehl; eight and under, girls, Grisorz Cook, June Falconer; boys, Garry Cum- mings, Eric Shelby; 'Con and under, girls, Marie Tre"wartha, Brenda Stirling; boys, Fred Tr ewartlra, Garry Cummings; 14 and under, girls, Diane Douglas, Brenda Stirling; boys, George Townsend, Harry Cum mimlgs, Young 'ladies, Marie Elliott, Jeanette Falconer; young men, Bruce Whitmore, George Town- send; married women, Anna Stirling, Helen Trewartiha; or- ange relay race, Anna Stirling's team; lucky spot, Mrs. Roy Pepper; elimination race, Mrs. Frank Cummings; nail race, Gatmge Townsend, All enjoyed a substantial ,real, 0 New Librarian For County Mobile Library John Berry, clerk -Creast ver of Huron County, announces the !appointoment of Miss, Mary Lou Stirling as Huron County librarian, Mrs. Nora Harlin will be assistant county librar., Both appointments are effee- tive August 1. Miss Stirling has been associate with the county library board for the past two years. • 5 ome folk; like Fred are carelessl A dvice they will ignore. F red was warned to fix his ladder; E very day, it cracked some morel T he day the ladder broke was sure no. jokel Y .au should have heard the yell when Freddie fell! F tom fop to bottom, down he went, 1 n almost nothing flat! R esult ... four cuts, ten scratches, S ix bruises, one squashed hat! T he next time, Fred may be alert and make repairs so he won't get hurtl Every year, over 2,000 Ontario farm people are hurt in fails! Remember to be careful, won't you? Canadian Farm Safety Week July 23 to 29 C IA Co-operators Insurance Association The CIA Agent in Clinton area is... Pete Roy AUTO -- FIRE -- CASUALTY -- LIFE Dial HU 2-9357 .parish Picnic At the combined parish picnic of St. Joseph's,. Clinton and St, Michael's, 131ytb, held in Jow: ett'.s Grove, 13syfield, there were 260 !attending. The Cath- olic Women's League planned. the affair, There was ideal weather, and the largest crowd ever to at- tend this parish picnic, The ex cellent food, good organization of +tjhe CWT, and the capable supervision of gtames by Ser- geant Frank Burns all herd to make in a memorable and thoroughly enjoyable afternoon, Winners of races and con- t'ests were: girls, five years and under, Francine Rousseau, Beth Feeney; boys, David An-. $teibt, Ray Burns; seven years and under, girls, Colleen Kelly, Monica Flynn; boys, •Gary Cummings, Paul Anstett; ten years and under, girls, Linda k`ly^nn, Emma Van Larnrneran; boys, John Anstett, John Goldds- wox~thy; 12 years and under, girls, Ji11 Goldsworthy, Alfriedla Goldsworthy; boys, Reg, Var- ga, Phil Burns; young ladies, Ruth Go1d>slwortly, Kay Sharp; young mens Pat Broman, Rich- ard LeBeaiu; married ladies, Mrs. Tony Midd'egaal, Mrs, Theo Flynn; married men, Pat Bronsan, J. J. Rousseau. • Kick -the -slipper, ladies, Mrs. Pat Broman, Mrs. Donald She- ehan; youngest present, Chris- topher Braman; coming ,the far- thest were Mr, and Mrs. Earl Phelan, Cincinnati, Ohio. Birthday on or nearest the BOSTON, LOS ANGELES LONDON THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPgR Interesting Accurate Complete International News Coverage The Christian. Science •Monitor One .Norway St., Boston T5, Mass. .Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my .check or money order. D 1 year $22. p 6 months $11 C 3 months 5530 Name Address City State 29-35p PP -1i A Visitor From Over 'Ohne Sam Pollock scans a map to get his bearings dur- ing a recent visit to Canada from his native Britain. Pollock, former soldier, civil servant, school mast- er and welfare worker, has been a broadcaster since 1943. This year he marks his tenth anniver- sary as commentator on Postmark: U.K., heard Sun- days on CBC radio's Trans -Canada network, picnic clay, Karen Shanahan; wedding a'nnivemsarry on or nearesit picnic day, Mr. and Mrs. D. Varga; oldest lady pre- sent, Mrs. Thomas E. Kelly; Oldest man present, Leo Kelly; newest married couple present, Mr. and ,Mrs. G. Brand; long- est married couple present, Mr, and Mrs. James Phelan;; larg- est family present, Mr. and Mrs. Saunders and their nine children, A tug of war between the men of Blyth and Clinton, after a titanic struggle, ended in a tie. A softball game between the girls and old men versus the boys, was decisively won by the boys. The ehildren's softball game was an enjoyable added feature. VARNA Fred McClymont Phone MT 2-32141 Miss Florence Pollock, Toron- to is spending her summer hol- idays with her brother, Ernest Pollock, Varna. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Albums of Choke Design Portraits, Commercial Photography, etc. Jervis Studio 130 Isaac St. HU 2-7006 26to30b St. Andrew's WMS Regular Meeting T he Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presby- terian •Church, Clinton, met in the school room on Tuesday, July 18. Mrs. Makins Was in charge of the meeting. Luke 5: 1-26 was read by Mrs. Cook. Mrs, Shaddick followed with prayer. Current events were taken by Mrs. Dunbar who read two let- ters from Ruth Merkley, Strat- ford, who is on the Mission field' in) Ethiopia, The story of Mary and Mar- tha, women of the Bible, was taken by Mrs. Scott. The ram-. Utes of last meeting were read and roll pall answered with a verse containing the word "Ser- vice". The study book "Together We Provide Education and New Party Club At Exeter Has Clinton President An application for a New Party Club was forwarded to the national committee :far the New Pasty as a result of the meeting held in Exetertown hall, Friday night, July 14, Applications were 'received from Clinton which inclicaied'. that a Club )oould be started in that area as welt, George Richer, the organ, izer ifrom the Ontario com- mittee Tor the New Party tall those present that he would be spending a lot of time in the area. He said that he found Ithe turners very interested in the new • polirUeal movement. "The New Party will be wlhat you make it," he said. "Not even the name is known at present If you do not be- lieve that either of the Old patties can do the job 'then you should be represented at the founding convention. Through your delegates, your voice can be heard in. Ottawa in the for- mation of a party in Canadian Medical Services" was read by Mrs, afakins. A dainty lunab was served by Mrs. Blacker, hostess of the meeting and a social time spent. Chapman's BARBER & BEAUTY SHOP 38 ONTARIO STREET Will Close for Holidays Monday, July 31 and re -open on Monday, August 14 For pre -holiday appointments Phone HU 2-7082 Selling Out Sale Bob Phillips' General Store AUBURN will continue until everything is sold. Work Boots and Winter Footwear for the whole family at BARGAIN PRICES polities that has been three years in the making." "Have you ever .heard of a more democratic way of start - Mg g a Party? he asked, "I am not here to sell you some- thing, I am here to ask you to become a. part in malting this country the best in the world, It e'en only become that by having the kind of demoeratie government that takes care of its own people first." elected acting president of the Exeter e!lttb although he wilt probably transfer to the Clin- ton group when it is formed. Alvin Guilford, Exeter,. was named acting secretary, Directors include J. E. Co- wan, M. L. McIntyre, C, W Down, of the Exeter area; W,. Van der Wier, RR 1, Wood, ham;Mrs. Fred Johnston,l Clint and Robert Jo I, Clinton. About 30 persons attended Wilf Glazier, Canton, was the meeting. Have more family fun in '61 . With an HFC Traveloan This year, have the time of your lives with enough cash to cover travel, motels and hotels, sightseeing, dining— to do i;T the things you've wanted to do for a long tim°. You'll travel carefree, knowing that you have enough money .. and that your loan is with folks you trust: HFC. Drop in or phone for courteous, reliable service. Borrow up to $2,500 with up to 36 months to repay. Life insurance available at low group rate HOUSEHOLD FINANCE G. N. Crawford, Manager 35A West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GOD1:RICH BEATON HITS HOME TODAY IN THE TELEGRAM BEATON CARTOONS Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Calgary and Vancouver. Bata, uymlieated iertoone have appeared i• major a,ewspapen across Canada. Now, these provocative Bestow Cartoons are exclusive in Th. Telegram. on Canada's Most Quoted Editorial Page DAILY IN THE TELEGRAM Lee's Your Style Centre in Clinton For Ladies', Men's & Boys' Wear. OPEN A REVOLVING CHARGE ACCOUNT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY'S NEEDS CLINTON MEAT MARKET For Quality Meats Jackpot Special For This Weekend Round Steak 75c per !b. BAR -B- UE CHICKENS Phone HU 2-3834 Art Colson -- Grant Irwin KING STREET SHORT SLEEVE SUMMER SHIRTS $1.95 MEN'S SPORT SHORTS (2 lengths) ,... $2.95 MEN'S HOBBY JEANS (Broken Lines) $2.35 & $2.95 Aiken's Footwear & Clothing Shop at these Clinton "Jackpot" stores!! ILT WEEKLY PRIZE—$5.00 CASH Draws made Tuesday TWO GRAND MONTHLY PRIZES $115 & $50dt News -Record o d Office ART GROVES & SON "The House of Admiral Store" Deluxe 30" Admiral Range with Meat Thermometer, largest Picture Window, with new 1~ 'lex-o-heat Elements Reg. $419 $298 while NOW L they last HURON ST.- - CLINTON PHONE HU 2-9414 HERB'S FOOD MARKET JACKPOT SPECIALS Effective July 27 to August 2 Inclusive Allen's PINEAPPLE GRAPE- FRUIT DRINK 48 -oz. tin 29c York PEANUT BUTTER 11/2 -lb, large Mason jar 59c New No. 1 ONTARIO POTATOES 10 lbs. 39c Delmonte CATSUP 11 -oz. bottle 19c FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES Arriving Daily SAVE BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS -- FREE DELIVERY -- Phone HU 2-3445 Modern Gas and Oil Furnace Sales and Service Chafer Heating and Electric TOM CHUTER, or JOE WiLD HU 24652 • HU 2-9519 Black & Decker Power Tools For Rent SAW - SANDER DRILL - SABRE SAW J. W. Counter BUiUDERS' SUPPLIES HU 2-9612 -- Albert St. RULES OF NEWS -RECORD "JACKPOT" 1. Every purchase or payment on account at any of the participating firms advertising in the "Jackpot" entitles you to an opportunity to win the weekly and monthly Jackpot Prizes. 2. Each Tuesday evening the $5 weekly prize will be drawn by a member of the News -Record staff. 3. On the third Tuesday of each month, draws will be made by a guest for the Grand Monthly Prizes of $15 and $50 each. Winners of weekly prizes are also eligible for these prizes. 4. Employees and immediate families of the co- operating firms, and of the Clinton News -Record are not eligible to enter this Jackpot event. 5. Winners names will be anhounced in the News - Record each Thursday. Be Sure to Ask for your "Jackpot" Coupons and Deposit in "Jackpot" Draw Box in News -Record Lobby. Imnionmormmirirminmori Summer Clearance of Baby Strollers 4 Only Gendron adjustable backs Reg. $9.95 $8,50 4 Only Gendron large wheels, shopping bags. Reg. $10.50 .,$9.25 Special Clearance on Some Buggy Lines also For Special Prices on Buggies and Strollers inquire at ANSTETT JEWELLERS �"✓ EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS DIAMONDS WATCHES GI FTS Phone HU 2-9525 Albert St., Clinton Special .. Dunlop Gold Seal 750 x 14 Tubeless Reg. List $32.15 $19.95 SALE with trade CLAYT DIXON'S AUTO SUPPLY HU 2-7034 - - Rattenbury Street BEATTIE FURNITURE ROY MANN'S Supertest Service Station FITZSIMONS FOOD FAIR Tip -Top -20 oz. tins Pork & Beans, 6 for $1 Barbecue Chickens ........ Ib, 55c Schneider's Loaf Cheese, 2 Ib. 98c Phone HU 2-9412 FREE DELIVERY For A Safe Journey USE CLINTON CAB COMPLETE TAXI SERVICE DAY or NIGHT Phone HU 29012 George McGee, Prop. Supertest Products • CAR WASHING • LUBRICATION • GENERAL REPAIRS USED CARS VICTORIA STREET Behind Clinton Post office PHONE HU 2-9079 F. B. PENNEBAKER AGENT FOR R4wntree's Chocolates & Nelleons Dorothy Gray and Du Barry Cosmetics Everything in Baby Needs Veterinary Supplies HU 2.6626 Street CLINTON SPECIALISTS in Automatic Transmissions All Makes and Models Harold's White Rose Garage Victoria Street Clinton HU 2-9023 "CHAMPION" LT- -Cleanest Burning —Insured by Prudential of ---Automatic Delivery England for Safety ``T `e Specialize in Fuel, Oil" A. G. GRIG and SON PHONE HU 2-9411 CLINTON CENTRAL CITIES SERVICE Cities Service-- e. GAS — OiLS V Car Washing GREASES r • Sfi11i[ A Specialty Full Lift of Firestone Auto Aoces5ories Corner of King and Mary Streets Near IGA PHONE HU 2µ9O32 - CLINTON AMSING'S IMPORTED FOODS SPECIAL THIS WEEK I HONEY CAKE Reg. 35c for 29c See Our Nice Collection of Woof 10 ALBERT STREET CLINTON