HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-07-13, Page 5WESTINGHOUSE • Fluorescent platform Iight AUTOMATIC 30 -INCH ROTISSERIE RANGE • Rotisserie that barbecues to perfection • Miracle sealed oven and spread -even oven heaters for perfect baking results every time ✓♦ New simplified timing centre with easy -to -read electric clock, minute minder, automatic oven timer ,plus appliance out- let • Full - vision look -in win- dow and peek switch • Lift-off door and tilt -out surface elements for eas- lest cleaning SUMMER SALE PRICE $229 9$ Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor HU 2-6646 Clinton "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" Shopping Begins in the Pages Of This Newspaper Special.Prices are being offered at Beattie Furniture on Bedroom and Chrome Kitchen Suites It will pay you big dividends by getting our prices before you buy. •SPECIAL ON Plastic Upholstered Arm Chairs Spring Seats, Four Colors—Turquoise, Tan, Beige, Coral. Regular price $24.75 each SPECIAL PRICE is On Pairs Only at $32.95 per pair These are proven "Hot" Numbers Get yours today. 3—Used Chesterfield Suites Now in Stock AS LOW AS per set of 3 pieces Odd Chesterfield Chairs ... , $10.00 each $25oO Beattie Furniture HU 2-9521 CLINTON BLUE WATER HIGHWAY (B' Mrs. F, Waffle) Miss Margaret Wallis who has summer employment in London, spent bhe weekend at her home. On her return to the city she was accompanied by her sister Ruth fora few days. Mr, and Mrs, James Mason and family, Blyth, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wallis, the lady's aunt, ' Sunset Lane Mr. and Mrs. J. Cramer and daughters Joan and Judy, Buf- falo, are spending July in Miss Alma Barnes' cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J, Prater, Lan- don, spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson and three children, London, spent the week vacationing at the L. Bufien cottage, Lane q' Pines Mr. and Mrs, D. D. Purvis, Maidstone, Ontario, spent a vacation at their summer home here, Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes have returned to spend some time at their cottage here. Mrs. Barnes having spent a few days in Victoria Hospital. 0— BRUCEFIELD Mrs. H. F. Berry, Correspondent, Phone HU 2-7572) Mrs, Jean Bean is a patient in the Clinton Public Hospital where she underwent surgery. Peter Douglass, Harris, Sask., and Mr. Ford Sparks, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lind- say Eyre. Mrs. A. Ho'hner spent a few days with her grandson,. Mr. Douglas Hohner and family in London. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Milton, formerly of Brucefield, visited with Mrs. W. Haugh and family last week, Guests with Mrs. Alice Ham and Mrs. Mary Swan last week was their sister-in-law, Mrs. William Swan, Hamilton. Miss Grace Applegate and Mrs. A. Myres, Muskegon Heights, Mich., were visitors over the weekend with Mrs. Douglass and Mrs. Harvey. Mrs. Melvin Rodvdld, North Dakota and Mrs. Berry visited 'heir cousin, Lawrence Smiley and Mrs. Smiley, Erin, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Bur - ate, Sharron, Ricky and Dar- lene are spending two weeks holidays in Kirkland Lake with the former's brother, James Burdge and Mrs. Burdge. Mrs. Alex Paterson has mov- ed her grocery business across the highway into new quarters in the Brucefield Odd'fellows Lodge building. Harry Dinnin, Petrolia, on course at Wolsley Barracks, London, for cadet instruction in high schools, visited his, par- ents. Mr. and Mns. W. Dinnin on Sunday evening, and again on Tuesday night. He flew his own Apache four -seater plane from .London .airport to, a hand- ily smooth mowed field on the Glen Swan farm, just north of the village. 0 Goderich Township South (By Mrs. J. R. Stirling) Miss Brenda Stirling has been visiting at tihe . home of her uncle, Ernie Crich. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Cooksville were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stirling and Mrs. J. R. Stirling on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Vroomian and daughter, Patsy, of Port Alberni, B.C., are visiting the latter's brother, Bill Stirling, and friends. Mrs. Pearl Hinman, Florida, and Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Mc- Dougall, Goderich, were visiting friends here last week. Mr, and Mrs. William Stir- ling, Dakota., and Mrs. Annie Morgan, Kincardine, were cal- ling on friends last week. Mrs. Wilmer Desjardine and two daughters were visiting her sister, Mrs. Bert Schilbe and other friends on Sunday. 0 There is nothing faster on a take -off than a bus you've just missed. Women like to look into a mirror except when pulling away from a parking place. 1 Araroarrarawarammimirmisr DON'S RED it WHITE FOOD MARKET KAM — 12 oz. fin 2 for 85c ROSE MARGARINE REG. --- 1 ib. pkg. 4 for 95c WAGSTAFFE STRAWBERRY JAM — 24 oz. i a r, 3c off ... , 43c MAPLE LEAF CANNED HAMS 11/2 Ib. $1.39 YORK STEWS—Beef or Irish 15 oz. tins 3 for 79c STUART HOUSE FOIL WRAP -- 25 ft. roll, 5c off .•.. 4 for $1 LUSCIOUS RED CARDINAL 'HOMEGROWN NEW GRAPES 1 lb. '25c POTATOES 10 ib. 49c SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS — CRYOVAC Ws Ib. 49c DEVON RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON ,..... Ib. 59c LEAN BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST Ib. 69c NEWS OF HOLME$YILLE Correspondent ,,. MPS. P'. AicgULlI,.OUC o MrS. Harry Williams is a Pa.. tient in Clinton Public Hespita1. M. G, A. Spence, Mn'nicet and; forn1erly of Holmesvi'lle, spent laat we with 1Vfrs, 13. MacM>ath, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hoskin, Muss Beverly Hoskin and .Jos- eph Vowles, London, were guests, en Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steepe. Wilbur Johnson, has returned to his home .from Clinton Pub- lic Hospital where he has been a patient for several weeks, Mr, and Mrs. GordonMac- Farlane and son Bob, St Thom- as, visited with the Latter'$, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb last week. WMS Meets The Woman's Missionary So- ciety of Holmesville United Church met in the Sunday School room on Tuesday, July 11, with Mrs. John; Grigg in charge of the program. Call to worship was given by Mrs. John Grigg and the hymn "0 Lord and Master of Us All" was sung. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. William Yeo, and Mrs, John Huller Ied in prayer, The business was conducted by 'the president, Mrs, Leslie Jervis. Minutes of the June meeting were read by the sec- retary, Mrs. Harry Cudmore. Mrs, William Yeo reported on the bale that had been sent to Furst United Church, Vancouv- er, and Mrs. Cudmore read a letter of thanks from Miss Bel- va Howatt, WMS social worker at that church. It was d'ecid'ed that every member would save her pennies through August, to help the group reach their 1961 alloca- tion. An article on Christian Stewardship was read by Mrs. Barrie • Walter. Letters from Africa, written by Rev. Garth W. Legge, were read by Mrs. Kenneth Trewartha and Mrs. Carman Tebbutt. A true story, W. Caldwell Is New DDGM of Huron 1.0.01. William Caldwell, a member of Brucefield IOOF Lodge, was installed as new District Dep- uty Grand Master of Huron District No. 8, at a colourful ceremony held in Hermall Odd- fellorws Hall. Conducting the installation were two past rnrasters of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, R. K. Williamson and Charles Hutch- eson, both of London, assisted by Gerald .IVficFalls, Exeter, a Grand Lodge officer for the current term, who acted as in- stalling marshall, In addition to the installation of the new district deputy, the presiding officers also installed Allan Campbell, Seaforth as District Deputy GrandWarden'' and Bill Taylor, Brucefield' as district secretary. On hand to turn over the emblem of office was Percy Campbell of Hensall Lodge, who retired as district deputy. Dur- ing the evening, the installing officers and lodge members paid tribute to Mr. Campbell for his efforts on behalf of the Odd - fellowship during the term just concluded. Mr, Williamson, who was the Grand Master in 1955, told members present that Oddfel- lowship and Rebekah Od'dfel- lowshitp were on the increase throughout the jurisdiction, and that Huron district had always been a stronghold for the or- der. Borth he and Mr, Hutch- eson gave brief reports on the Grand Lodge convocation held recently in Toronto. Following the ceremonies, a reception was held in the lower hall, under the convenership od the Brucefield' Lodge. Visitors were present from a number of area lodges. • "The Lord's Teacrhee was read by Mrs. Harry Cudmore, .and Mrs, John Grigg read the pray- er of a young servant girl, in her kitchen. The meeting closed with the hymn "0 Jesus T Have Promised" 'and Prayer by Mrs, John Grigg. V'A, Meets The Woman's Association meeting followed, withthe president, Mrs. Ninlan Heard an the chair, Scripture was read by Mrs, Heard and the eonimentts on it were given by Mrs, Jack Yeo, The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. William Norman. An invitation to attend) the picnic of Zion Woman's Assoc- iation, at Harbour Park, Gode- rich, on August 2, was 'accept- ed. Mrs, John Grigg will be in Charge of a game or cornest at the pio:iic. It was decided to cater to two weddings in Sep- tember. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Frank Mc- Cullough. Mrs. Harry Cudmore read the List of names of helpers for the bazaar to be held on July 22, and on October 7, Mrs. Carman Tebbutt reported for the manse committee, .and for the buying committee. It was decided to purchase a new stove for the church kitch- en, the executive and buying committee' of the WA to have power to decide on kind and size. The meeting closed with the hymn "Go Labor On" and prayer by Rev. C. Park. Host- esses for the day were Mrs. Fred Mulboiland, Mrs. William Yeo and Mrs, Eldon. Yeo, a VARNA (Correspondent, Fred McClymont Phone 11U 2-3214) Sunday School Anniversary A good congregation attend- ed the Sunday School anniv- versary in the United Church Last Sunday morning. The Rev. T. J. Pitt was assisted by Aldie Mustard and William, McAsh. Anson McKinley, Zurich, gave a fine address stressing the ABC's of Christianity. During the service Robert Raikes certi- ficates and second and third year seals were presented. Those receiving certificates for the first time were Wendy Mustard, Janet Taylor, Cheryl Webster, Charlene Reid, Carol Hill, Margaret Aldington, Joan Rathwell, Dale Stirling, Doug- las Reid; second sear seals, Donna Taylor, David Mustard, Joyce Hayter; third year seals, Brian McAsh, Don Taylor, San- dy Mustard, Steve Clarke, Glen Hayter, Bonnie Stirling, Shirley Mustard, Carol Taylor, Nancy Mustard, Peggy McAsh, Karen Webster, Janis Clarke, Joyce Taylor, Lynn Taylor, Darlene Hayter, Shirley Johnston. Next Sunday, July 16, Sam Scott, Seaforth, will have ch- arge of the service in the Varna and . Goshen. United churches.. Rev. T. J. Pitt left on Monday for a holiday at St. John's Newfoundland. Glorious 12th Members of •Local Orange Lodge and their families cele- brated the 12th in Milverton on Saturday last, In the morn- ing there was the traditional parade through the village ac- companied by the skirl of the bagpipes and drum. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Schell, Detroit, visited with relatives over the weekend. Mrs, A. Ings, Brucefield, vis- ited with friends in the village on Sunday. The Mission Band of the United Church are holding their picnic on Friday afternoon of this week at Clan Gregor Square in Bayfield, Closing exercises of the Vaca- tion Bible School was held on Friday when each class contri- buted an item for the program. Mrs. Charles Pilgrim is a patient in Clinton Public Hospi- tal. 0 Throttle and bottle make a deadly mixture, the Ontario Safety League reminds, holiday drivers. Quality Economy FEATURE VALUE ! INSULATED PLAID PICNIC BAG REG....1.69 $1.09 "WEAR -EVER" ALUMINUM 2-for-1 SALE 3 pt. Open Sauce Pan $1.95 61/2 pt. Covered Sauce Pan 3.95 Regular Price $5.90 2-FOR-1 SALE PRICE .... $3,95 SLEEPING BAGS 100% water repeilent nylon, red flannel lining, rubberized ground cloth. KC.eps contents hot or told for 25" x 72" (ono p.roid: +. +"fiboolass'• lnsulatfon Covered inside and Reg• $12.95 but *Oh washable plastic,. Bright, colorful plaid design. All around :leper. Size 17" x 11" x 6". Bali & $9.95 iHA HARDWARE 69 ALBERT STREET HU 2.9505 SS 1 Picnic In Stanley Township A school picnic was held on the school grounds of 88 1 Stanley with ;a goad attendance from the section on June 28. Mrs. Jean fir, teacher con- ducted the sports events. Win- ners were: Races, pre-school, Danny Col- quhoura Albert Krumbout, Bill Cantelon; siX to seven years, Wayne Cantelon, Bibby Layton, Morris' Krumhout; 8-9 years, Sam Mosselnion, Jean Glenn, Paul Fliniay; 10-11 years, girls, Henriette Mossehnan, Linda Hicks, Sarah • Hussey; boys, Gordon Glenn, Cameron Colqu- houn, Bill McGregor; 12-14 years, girls, Dianne Verhoef, Katy Hussey; boys, Jackie Col- quhoun, Fred Zwaan, Bryan Lighrtfoot; young ladies, Nellie Verhoef; married ladies, Mrs. George Canitelon; •free for kali, Cameron Colquhoun, 60 -second walk, children, Bill McGregor, ,and Sharon Brown; ladies, Mrs. Glen Layton;; kick - the -Slipper, girls, Sharon Br- own; boys, Bryan Lightfoot; shoe scramble, ladies, Mrs. George Cantelon; girls, Katy Hussey; boys, Jackie Colqu- houn, Baseball throw, Gordon Glen; ladies, Mrs. Glenn Layton; call- ing husbands to supper, Mrs. John McGregor; the clothespin and balloon relays were won by Cameron Colquhoun's team; the obstacle relay by Bryan Lightfoot's team. Three-legged race, .girls, Dianne Verhoef and Sarah Hussey; boys, Fred Zwa- an and Gordon Glenn; sack race, senior boys, Fred Zwaan; junior boys, Salm Mosselman; girls, Sharon Brown; wheelbar- row race, Fred Zwaan and Gor- don Glenn, Billy McGregor •and Sam Mosselman. Birthday closest to picnic date, Mrs. Percy Brown; wed- ding anniversary in June, Mrs. John McGregor; oldest person, Mrs. Jahn McGregor; balancing the bat, boys, Jackie Colquh- oun; girls, Linda Hicks; guess- ing beans in the jar, Bonnie Layton; guessing what was in a can, Bonnie Layton, Katy Hussey, Mrs. Glenn, Jean Col- quhoun. Holland Family Reunion Held At Harbour Park The Holland family reunion picnic was held in Harbour Park, Goderich, on July 1, with 63 in 'attendance. During the afternoon games and .conttstswere enjoyed by both young and old. A well-planned picnic supper was partaken of, and during the supper hour Mrs. C. Nel- son presided for a short bus, iness meeting. The committee in charge of the picnic for 1962 will be Mrs. Wesley Hol- land, Lloyd Holland, Mrs. Charles Ne'lson, in Harbour Park, Goderich, on July 2. Relatives were present from Wallaceburg, Woodstock, Strat- ford, Thedford, Seaforth, Dun- gannon, LucknovV, London amid Clinton. Nutlet Township Council Awards Drain Contracts The Township of Hullettt has let the contracts for two mun- icipal drains, to be completed in the township this year. The tender of George Radford Construction Ltd., Blyth, for $2,150 was accepted' for the Daer Municipal Drain. Frank Kistner, Dublin, was successful in his bid for the Bryant Municipal Drain at a price of $1,650. The awarding of these con- tracts took place at the regu- lar meeting of the Township Council in the Community Hall, Londesboro, on July 4. Other business dealt with was the raising of fire protection on the Community Hall at Londes'- boro from the previous $26,000 coverage to $30,000 with the Howick Mutual Insuranlce Co. Joseph Shaddick, RR 1, Lond- esboro, agent. Vinton Neweod--Page Tim!, July 13, ����1 ts-Rr .... .• PETER'S Modern MEAT Market HU 2-9731 "The Home of Quality Meats" OVEN READY FRESH 5-7lbs. (apOn Chickens 49( Ib. PEAMEAL Back Bacon 69c Ib. WHYTE'S Pastry19CIb. Buy 4 lbs. of SAUSAGE for 51.00 Get 4 lbs. FREE!! Classified Ads Bring Results Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service Special Values and Reminders This Week Tooth Paste SPECIALS COLGATE 35c tube 29c 98c tube 79c Trial Softasilk Free with 63c tube PEPSODENT GLEEM 63c tube 49c 1.29 Aerosol 99c 63c tube 49c 98c tube 69c 1PANA 63c tube 2 FOR 99c 73c tube 59c 63c tube 49c 98c tube 78c MACLEAN BRISK KOLYNOS STRIPE S 63c tube 2 FOR 89c 98c tube 78c LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE—Reg 65c2 FOR 79c Replace Your Family's Worn Out Tooth Brushes LACTONA 30c, 40c, 50c, 60c, 85c ORAL "B" Child's 50c, Adults 75c PY-CO-PAY Junior 50c, Adults 75c PRO-PHY-LAC-TIC 89c Special!Dr. West's Nylon Regularly 29c 2 for 49c Refreshing ! invigorating ! 1 Ib. I.D.A. BRAND ENGLISH STYLE Health Salts -- 69c Stationery Specials! 10c Note Size WRITING PAD 8c 2 for 15c Packet of 20 ENVELOPES 8c 2 for 15c Save 40c NESTLE SPRAZE REG. or SOFT Regularly 1.39 99c FREE FACE CLOTH with MENNEN BABY MAGIC $1.00 Hu Fe B. PENNEBAKER Photo 2-6626 Service DRUGGIST Clinton — Ontario Come SUMMER ANL SALE in and Check Quality and Compare Prices LADIES' and GIRLS` Bathing Suits Shorts and Jamaicas ALL AT ' R Jerseys and Cotton Tops PRIcEsD Slacks & Peddie Pushers MEN'S and BOYS Swim Trunks Swim Boxer 'type Shorts Cotton & Jersey Shirts ALL AT REDUCED PRICES LADIES' and GiRLS' DRESSES ALL REDUCED Come and Check our 50c and 99c TABLE UPTTbs$2 0 VALue Extra Special - Wabasso Sheet -- keg. $7.95 Sale $4.95 Extra Special -- Wabasso Pillow Slips — keg. J $1,49 Sake 99c SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WiLL HOLD ANY ARTICLE HOUSE OF BARGAINS LTD. Phone HU 24735 Across from Bank of Montreal