HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-06-29, Page 11M. and 1V . Fred 'Hill, Pont
Credit silent last weekeund with
Mr, and Mrs. William L. Craig
awl family,
•Mr, and Mrs, Harald Asquith
Toronto, visited oil Sunday with
his mother, Mrs, Charles As-
Mrs, Gordon Hesk, Terry and
Judy of Strati -gni erre visiting
her parents, Mr and Mrs. Rob-
ert Turney and family this
Mr. and Mrs, Guy Cunning»
ham, RR 1, Auburn have puroh-
ased the home of Miss Sadie
Carter and will 'get possession
-the first of September
The Monck family reunion
was held last Sundiay at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dev-
ies with over 40 present from
Detroit, London, Belmont, Gu-
elph and Brantford,
Sixteen .boys of the Chieftain.
Sunday 'School o'lass with their
teacher, William L. Craig en-
joyed a day at Port Albert last
Saturday. After a hike they
held a weiner roast.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed Davies at-
tended the 90th anniversary of
St. George's Anglican Church
at Belmont last Sunday. Mrs.
Davies had 'served this congreg
ation ,as people's warden for
40 years.
Mr, and 1VLris. James Jackson
have sold 'their farm home to
Mr. and Mrs.' Eldon Hendry,
Nashville and they will take
possession shortly. Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson :and Miss Margaret A.
Jackson will be moving to their
home in *the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk-
connell, Diane and his sister,
Mrs. Charles Snelling, Bruce-
field :attended the funeral of
their aunt, Mrs. Thomas Kirk-
cannell at Shepherd, Michigan
bast weekend. The late M.
Kirkconnelll was the former.Jos-
ephine Love and lived for many
years in Morris Township. She
was an her 94th year.
Golden Wedding
Miss Margaret R, Jackson,
Miss Josephine McAllister, Dav-
id McAllister, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Bennletrt and family, Port
Albert; Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Nicholson, Seaforth and Mr.
and Mrs. W. Bradnock were gu-
ests at the golden wedding an-
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sh-
earer Wilson, London lest Sun-
day. Mr. Wilson was a former
resident of this community and
attended school at USS No. 5
Memorial Pay
The 35th annual memorial
service of Ball's Cemetery will
be held on Sunday, Tiny 2nd
at 3,30 p,ln. The service will be
fru charge of the Baptist Church
with the Pastor R. C. Peters
in Charge,
Sports Car Races
Gordon R, Taylor and his iron,
in -Law, Ronald RathweU, Owen
Sound attended the first inter-
national sport's car races held
in Canada last Saturday at
Orono where over 31A00 peap-
Ie saw 'Stirling .Moses, England
de 200 miles in two hours, 15
minutes and 54,6 seconds,
Farewell Party
Mrs, William Sears entertain-
ed in honour of Mrs. Jahn
Maize prior to her departure
to their farm home neat Drum-
gannon. Over 20 friends and
neighbours were present and
enjoyed an evening of bingo
conducted by Mrs. Alvin Plun-
kett and Mrs. Sears.
Contests were conducted by
Mrs. Robert Gardiner with the
prize winners: Mrs. Howard
Tait and Mrs. W. Bradnock,
Lunch was served by the host-
ess :assisted by Mrs,. Keith.
Meehan, Mrs. A. Plunkett and
Mrs. B. Gardiner
During the evening Mrs. A.
Plunkett read 'an .address •avid
Gail Seers presented Mrs Maize
with an electric tea -kettle and
two cups and saucers.
Mrs. Gordon Miller is a pat-
ient in Clinton Public Hospit-
al, Her many friends wish her
a speedy recovery.
Last Service
Rev. R. M. Sweeney preached
his farewell service at Knox.
United Church last Sunday. He
is going to Selby :in the Bay
of Quinte Presbytery
The choir honoured Mr. Sw-
eeney at their chair practice
last Saturday evening when Mr.
Elliatt•Lapp presented him with
abook. A social hour followed.
This event was held art the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Anderson and :family.
The Session of this three -
congregation charge met rec-
ently for a social time with
Rev. and Mrs. Sweeney and
family. Corning here two years
ago from the Maritime provin-
ces he has been minister of Au=
burn, Westfield and Donny-
brook United Churches.
Rev. Charles Lewis, Windsor
has been called' to this charge
Wednesday Thursday Friday
August 9 10 11
CLASSES: Under 21 --- Over 21
First six entries in each class accepted.
$400.00 IN PRIZES
PRELIMINARIES—Wednesday, Thursday
FINALS --Friday
Entries will be informed of Hour and Date
TWO CHANGES -- Supply Own Caller
Music Supplied
Grade Three from A/V/M Visits Shop
End of school means tour -time for many students.
Visiting the Clinton News -Record shop on Monday
was this Grade 3 Class from A/V/M Hugh Camp-
bell Public School, along with their teacher, Miss
Edythe Beacom, Londesboro. Also on their visiting
list was Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. (News -Record Photo)
and ithe service of Induction
will be held at Knox United
Chureh an July 28. Rev, Mr.
Lewis was ordained at the rec-
ent session of the London Con-
Trousseau Tea
Mrs. Roy Daer, RR 1, Au-
burn entertained .m honour of
her daughter, Shirley Marie at
a trousseau tea at her home
on the 13th concession of Hal-
lett Township Last Saturday.
Miss Joyce Brodhagen •attend-
ed the door .in the afternoon
and was in charge of the guest
book, Receiving with Mrs. Doer
and her daughter was Mrs.
Grant Rolston, mother of the
The tea :table was covered
with a white linen damask cl-
oth centered with a bouquet of
white and red roses and (Rank-
ed by long white tapers, Mrs.
Robert Deer, Goderich, aunt of
the bride, poured tea in the
afternoon and serving, the gu-
ests were Miss Norma Daer,
Blyth and Mass Marjorie Leaf-
stedt, London.
The :gifts and The 'trousseau
were displayed by Mrs. Ronald
Dewar and Miss Marilyn Daer,
sisters of the bride and Miss
Shirley Brodhagen.
In the evening, Miss Sharon
.Bali„ attended rthe doer. and 'tea,.
was poured hy Mrs, Caroline
Brodhagen, Bornholm., grand-
mother of the bride, and Mrs.
Alfred Cross, Cairo, aunt of the
groom. Serving were :Mr's. Paul
Hutchins, -Goderich and Mrs.
Robert Weit2L1, • Brodhagen.
Muss Deer was honoured by
fellow workers on the staff of
Co-operative Insurance Associa-
tion, London? when Mrs. D,
Delaney was ,hostess and girl
friend's held a shower at the
home of Mrs. Fred Lasenby,
975 Elias Street, London.
Huron County
Farming Report
(By D. IL Miles, agricultural
representative for Huron)
Most farmers have start-
ed haying—some fields are
producing a light crop, oth-
ers average. Curing hay is
difficult due to cool weath-
er and intermittent show-
er's, This cool weather does
not encourage good growth
of corn. Other crops are
growing satisfactorily.
Auburn WI To
Stage August
Huronview Party
(Auburn Correspondent)
The June meeting of the Au-
burn Women's Institute was
held in the Orange Hall with
the president, Mrs, Ed Davies,
presiding. The minutes were
read by Mrs. Thomas Haggiitt
Plans were made to make a
visit to the County Home in
August for the monthly birth-
day party. It was decided to
have a shower of bowls for the
new hall at the next meeting.
A piano solo was played by
Bernice McDougall, The meet-
ing was in the charge of the
convener of the standing com-
mittee on .health, Mrs. William
J. Craig, who introduced Miss
Dorothy Marquis, Reg. N., Cl-
inton, who spoke on mental
She stressed that we should
have good physical health to
begin with and learn to de
something useful, She told the
ladies to have faith in some-
thing "beyond what you can
see, have friends, recreation rand
hobbies," She urged'"the& td'
teach their children responsibil-
ity and take part in their ch-
urch and ,(immunity activities.
She concluded her interesting
message with an account of her
trip by jet to Victoria, B.C.
Mrs. John Daer and Mrs,
Andrew Kirkeonnell sang a du-
et and Mrs. Donald Haines
gave the report of the district
aim a1 at Wingham. Mrs. Geo-
rge Millian, district director re-
ported on the plans for the
district picnic at Harbour Park,
Goderich on August 3, to ob-
serve the 60th anniversary.
Mrs, Keith Machan gave a
paper on the motto, "Kindness
is the oil that keeps the hinges
of our lives from rusting," Roll
call was answered by each
member telling the best pre-
vention from the common; cold.
Contests were conducted by
Mrs. Clifford Brown :'and Mrs.
Gordon Chamney and as host-
esses they also served the
Nobody ever gets anything
for nothing, but a lot of people
keep trying.
A person can get just as
drunk on water as on land.
At The
Commercial Hotel
Your Dining Spot
Whether Planning a
or planning a treat
for the family ..
Visit our
Dining Room!
You'll enjoy your meal twice as much when you
eat in our pleasant atmosphere. Host and hostess
can have fun too! Bring your guests here and
enjoy superbly cooked food. Plan your next event
at the .
,n.merci Hotel, e foro. p s
gr iuof up to rib guests
Phone 227 ,Fully Licenced
(MRS. CLARE McBRIDE Correspondent)
Mrs. Donald James and Julie
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Clare McBride and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson,
Byron, spent Sunday, June 18
with Mr. and Mrs. Richard
WMS Meets
Goshen Woman's Missionary
Society met at the home of
Mrs. Anson McKinley on
Thursday evening, June 22 with
23 members and five visitors
Mrs. Allan Armstrong was in
charge of the devotional per-
iod assisted by Mrs. Elgin Mc-
Kinley, Mrs, Bruce Keys, Mas,
Keith McBride and Mrs. Elmer
Walkerburn Club
Holds 43rd
Annual Meeting
(Auburn Correspondent)
The annual meeting of the
43 -year-old Walkerburn Club
was held at the home of Mrs.
Wortley Young with a good at-
tendance. The president, Mrs.
George Schneider was in ch-
arge. Mrs. James Jackson was
A reading was given by Mrs.
Larne Honking. Roll call was
answered by the 25 members
paying fees. The draw prize
donated rby Mrs. Percy Vincent
was won by Mrs. Bert Hunking.
Plans were made for the pic-
nic to be held next month at
the home of Mrs, Stanley Ball.
The sports committee of Mrs.
Joe Verwey and Mrs. Ariel Dui-
zer will :plan the program and
the lunch committee will be
Mrs. George Schneider, Mrs. 3.
Verwey, Mrs, Worthy Young
and Mas. John Snyders.
Mrs. Carman Gross showed
interesting pictures of Niagara
Fails and local scenes Each
member revealed the .name of
the secret sister they had dur-
ing the past year and pres-
ented each with a gift. A fare-
well gift was presented to Mrs.
James Jackson who had been
pianist of :the Club far 37 years.
Mrs. Elliott Lapp spoke a few
words 'to Mrs. J'aekson and Mrs.
Stanley Ball presented her
with a gift.
The new officers are: presi-
dent, Mrs. Leonard Archaxn-
bault; vice-president, Mrs, Joe
Verewey; secretary -treasurer,
Mrs. Lorne Hunking; treasurer,
Mrs. Stanley Ball; •assistant sec-
retary -treasurer, Mrs. Stuart
Ament; pianist, Mrs. Lloyd Mc-
Clinehey; assistant, Mrs. James
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Elliott .'Capp, Mrs. Garth, Mc-
Clinchey, Mrs. Lloyd McClixe
ehey and Mrs, Nellie McDou-
Miss Minnie Collinson
(Auburn Correspondent)
Burial service was held last
Friday .at Ball's +cemetery ilii
Miss Minnie Collinson who pas-
sed away .at Coburg in her 85th
year, Rev, Robert Meaiiriy, rec-
ecfor of St, Mark's Anglican Oh-
tirch officiated and pallbear-
ers were George Hallam, Wel-
lington Good, Orval McPhee,
Robert 'turner, 'Wilfred Cdlline
see 'and Ed Stiles,
A. rresident of Aubttirnr for
Many years until she went to
live with her neice near Co-'
bung, Miss Collinson Was bourn
at Whitby .aatd later moved to
Scotia before she came here.
Many' years ago, She was a
faithful nnenruber of St. Mark's
Anglican church,
The fithen+al service was held
at Pori Hope and then ship-
ment was made by train to
G,derich where funeral ar-
rangements were in the charge
of Ed, Stiles,
She is survived: by -several
nteees and a nephews, with Wil-
fred Collinants Attburh and
Frank Sloraclr, Blyth beingith6.
oiler rending ani this :dietrcet.
She was the last sttrVlvthg
menthes of herr family df titre
slaters Arid itiwo braharia,
Rev. T. 3, Pitt played a rec-
ord "A new Look" which told
in conversation form of the
new may of women's organiza-
tions for next year. Appointed
•to the Provisional Committee
were Mrs. Bruce Keys, Mrs.
Robert Peck, Mas. Anson Cole-
man, . Mrs. Arnold Keys, Mrs.
Roy McBride and Mrs. Ken-
neth Parke.
Cards were received from
Mrs. Kenneth Parke and Mrs.
Elizabeth Lu'bick. The next
meeting will be a picnic at the
church on July 20. Mrs. Anson
McKinley and group will be in
charge of sports. The Sectional
meeting will be held at Goshen
on October 25.
Mission Band
Goshen Mission Band met on
Sunday morning with Mrs. Ar-
nold Keys and Mrs. Jack Eckel
in charge, Jacqueline Peck pre-
sided over the meeting with
the theme "Christ is for All".
Donna Peck presided at the pi-
ano for the hymns.
Debbie McKinley and Marilyn
Keys had the worship. Those
having birthdays were Bob Hay-
ter and Debbie McKinley.
Mrs. Keys read the story,
"The Little House". The meet -
Mg closed with the Mission
Band Purpose.
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Rowcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Rawcliffe, Mr. 'and Mrs. Elgin
Rowcli':ffe attended the 'gradua-
tion of Ronald Elgin Rawcliffe
at Osgoode Hall Law School,
Toronto, on Thursday, June 22.
Ronald is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Elgin Rawcliffe, •
Barbara Haven, five, twin
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Haven, who underwent surgery
on' her nose and ear in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, Fri-
day last is home again.
Don Koehler was adir ittted to
South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
suffering severe facial lacera-
tions requiring numerous: stit-
ches when he lost his balance
on a trampoline at Grand Bend
Sunday night and fell, striking
his face on the springs.
Bus Trip
Monday, June 26, 150 stud-
ents ,from Hay Township
Schools, some parents and rep-
resentatives of the school boards
enjoved a trip in three buses
to Detroit inhere they visited
Greenfield Village, Ford Mus-
eum, and a zoo.
Bible Quiz Champs
Hosts For Fine
Barbecue Supper
(Hensall Correspondent)
High School Bible Chula Quiz
tenets and their coaches held
a successful chicken :barbeque
an the lawn at the home of
Mir. and Mrs, Edgar Cudmore
on Saturday night, June 24.
School clubs were represented
front Winghaan, Clinton, God-
erich, and' the championship
tera n from Exeter was host.
The championship •team re.
wives a ten day trip to the
Glen Reeks Youth For Ohriat
Camp in August,
The ,devotional part was ta-
ken by Loran Stuckey, Wing -
harm, coach of the Winghare
team, and Alvin Cudinore, dir-
ester of ithe South Huron Youth'
rot' Christ,
Classified Ads
Bring Quick
Thurs., June 29, 1961 ---Clinton News -Record, --Page 11
News of Londesboro
Correspondent M1{.S. APR 414041`i
Phgite Blyth 37 r4
Mrs, Walter McGill spent the
forepart of the week With her
sister in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross',
Seafox1th, Galled on frills in
the village on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Therm -
awl and daughters visited fr-
fends in lVLoorefield on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. George Gibson
and fancily, Wroxeter visited
with Bert Aliens an Friday
Mrs. John Gibson and Mrs.
Thomas Burke, Wroxeter palled
on the Bert Aliens. en .Sunday
At the Sunday morning chur-
ch service a Memorial Beak
was dedicated in remembrance
of deceased :members of the
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs,
Nelsen Lear over the weekend
were Mr, and Ma's, Stan, Craw-
ford and children, Toronto and
Miss Doris Lear, Hamilton
Harvey Hunking was expec't-
ed home Tuesday from Victoria
Hospital, London, where he 'has
been a patient for the past few
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear
attended a birthday party in
honour of Thomas Johnston,
who celebrated his 80th :birth-
day on June 25. The family
Chicory a Weed?
Yes, But Also
Used in Coffee
Chicory, sometimes called
wild succory or blue -sailors, is
a serious weed in Ontario,
However, in European coun-
tries, it is ,actually grown as
a crop, and the 'blanched leav-
es used in a salad called "Bathe
du Caplets".
Chicory leaves are sometimes
sold in American markets, al -
,though the closely related en-
dive is more popular. Ground
,and roasted chicory roots are
often added to coffee, and ac-
cording to some authorities,
coffee containing chicory is
more palatable than the pure
Chicory is a very showy weed
with branched stems and bright
blue flowers. The stems often
reach a height of 4 feet, are
,almost leafless, and 'arise .frown
a group of d'andeliianeshaped
leaves spread out on the
ground. The long tap root of
thisperrenniai makes it difficult
to control by cultivalticn or
According to the Field Crops
Branch, Ontario Department of
Agriculture, chicory may be
controlled by a short crop ro-
tation coupled with timely
2, 4-D spraying. In cora or cer-
eal grains, net seeded down to
clovers or alfalfa, use 8 ounces
of 2, 4-D amine acid per acre,
when the crop is 6 inches high.
In new seedings and mature
stands of clovers or alfalfa ap-
ply 24 ounces of 2, 4 -DB acid
per acre.
For further information, fol-
low the malnufacturer's instruc-
tions and refer to Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture Pub-
lication 75, "1961 Chemical
Weed Control Guide", available
from the county :agricultural
gathering was held at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Reid
in Walton, About 60 relatives
were present, coming from
Michigan, Niagara, Hamilton,
Toronto, London and Wingharn,
Seheol Sleek
School Section No. 8 held
their picnic on 'the school 'gr-.
ounds on Monday, June 26. Stip-
per was served' at seven o'clock.
The chi.ldran took part in games
and contests were conducted
by the trustees and their wives.
The teacher, •Mrs, Shaddiek,
was presented with a set of
TV :tables by Catherine Funge
and Beverley Lee, The address
was read by Norma McDougal.
Mrs. Shaddick has taken• a
teaching position in Goderich
for the next term,
Summerhill Club
Regular Meeting
The Summerhill Ladies' Club
held their regular meeting at
the home of Mrs. Peter Wester-
hout on June 14. Mrs. George
Wright presided, and opened the
meeting by reading a poem
"June Thoughts." 23 members
and one visitor were present.
The ;treasurer's: report showed
a balance of $29.23.
Thank -you notes were read
from Mrs, Dennis Penfound,
Robert McLean and Mrs. Nor-
man Ball.
Mrs. tames Snell conducted a
contest won by Mrs. Clark Ball.
Mrs. Fred Vodden had a gues-
sing con:test won by Mrs. John
Murch. The raffle was won by
Mrs. George Celclough.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Clark Ball
on July 12. Roll call will be
answered by paying fees.
Those to provide lunch will
be Mrs, Ivan Hoggart, Mrs.
Doald McLean, Mrs. Allan Neal,
Mrs. Fred Vodden. Those on
the program will be Mrs. Ross
Lovett, Mrs. Lloyd Stewart,
MIS. Norman Wright and Mrs.
George Wright.
Miller Motors
Your Ramiden Dealer,
1960 Morris Oxford
1959 Morris Minor 2 -door
1954 Chevrolet
1954 Pontiac Sedan
1952 Hillman Convertible
Miller Motors
Phone 149 --'- Seaforth
Weekend Specials
Gold Seal SOCKEYE SALMON 48/7 oz, ,,., 2 for $1
Raymond MIXED VEGETABLES 24/20 ,... 6 for $1
Stokely HONEY POD PEAS 24/15 6 for $1
Stokely CREAM CORN 24/15 6 for $1
Stokely Van Camp BEANS T.S. 24/15 y for $1
Chocolate, White, Banana
3 for $1
4 for $1
4 for $1
Mount Royal PEACHES 24/20 ................ 4 for $1
NEW POTATOES 1011, 49c
LETTUCE HEAD 2 for 29c
thank End 43e lb.
Butt End 49c Ib.
Centre Cut 63c Ib,
Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLLS SSc lb.